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FORKNI-L Digest - 12 May 2003 to 13 May 2003 (#2003-139)

Tue, 13 May 2003

There are 9 messages totalling 215 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. FK LC Buffy question
  2. FORKNI-L Digest - 11 May 2003 to 12 May 2003 (#2003-138)
  3. Nick's Loft (2)
  4. Fic Question
  5. YKYBWTMFKW.....
  6. Site update
  7. Admin: All opinions are equal here (2)


Date:    Mon, 12 May 2003 14:56:39 -0700
From:    "Brooks, Julia A." <jabrooks@n.......>
Subject: Re: FK LC Buffy question

>  From: Libratsie
>  Angel is a Champion, a superhero of shorts.

You mean he wears Hanes underwear so he can "be like Mike"?

Sorry !!!  <ducking and running>

Brooksie (aka Julia B.) and Allie's Brook
Forever Knightie Crusader; Les Chevaliers de la Nuit
"And a screamin' fine ride [he] is, too!"


Date:    Mon, 12 May 2003 18:02:59 -0400
From:    LYN PALMER <wizkid2u@c.....>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 11 May 2003 to 12 May 2003 (#2003-138)

"just to set the record straight, Nick's loft definitely could not have
been on levels 6 or 7, because the existing building has only 5 floors.
Six and 7 will be added to the building when it is renovated and will be
almost entirely glass-walled"

Aha!  It was a trick question!  Change my guess to the same units---on
the FIFTH floor!

"If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trapdoor."


Date:    Mon, 12 May 2003 19:30:36 -0400
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's Loft

It's a good thing the police  only searched his appartment  in  Killer
Instinct and not the whole building or Nick    would have had a lot more to
explain than  just  the presence of cow blood in his refrigerator .

Debbie Clarke

>From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@A.......>

>But Nick owned the whole building, not just a tiny apartment! He could
>spread out his stuff as he pleased.
>I always figured the rest of the warehouse was filled with boxes of
>all the stuff he's been dragging around with him for centuries, a sort
>of Antiques Roadshow dreamworld. <g>


Date:    Mon, 12 May 2003 16:50:32 -0700
From:    Knight Ranger <knightranger1228@y......>
Subject: Re: Fic Question

--- Amanda Berendt <debrabant_foundation@y......>

<...in the ep Unreality TV flashback, is Nick's rank
mentioned?  I am thinking Captain, but I'm not sure.>

He is a Major.

Knight Ranger

e-mail:  KnightRanger1228@y......  - or -  KnightRanger4ver@y......
Geraint Wyn Davies Fan for Life!  (GWDFC/GWDN)
Dark Knightie/Nick & Nat Packer/Caddy Whack/FOREVER KNIGHT Die Hard
BLACK HARBOUR Lobster Yacht Lot/Harbour Light  ** -- GAIRWOLFpack -- **


Date:    Mon, 12 May 2003 17:21:19 -0700
From:    Amanda Berendt <debrabant_foundation@y......>
Subject: YKYBWTMFKW.....

I have had this one for a while, but I forget about it by they time I
get to my computer....
 At one of the local movie theaters they show slide ads for local
businesses before the show starts (ie between shows) and one of them
is for a local church it says "You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll live
forever."  All I could think of (sorry if this comes off as
sacriligous or something) 'gee... vampires are advertising now.'

Also, I just recently got the cd 'Fallen' by Evanescence and the
music is very FK-ish, (like stuff that would be heard in the Raven)
or at least dark, gothic and vampirish.  I REALLY like the song 'My
Immortal' which gave me a mental picture that I'm turning into a fic.


"Give me your soul and your heart will take flight
Forevermore in the night, Forever MINE in the night"


Date:    Mon, 12 May 2003 22:51:23 -0400
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's Loft

Lyn wrote:
>Well, since the sunrise was always streaming
>into the loft in the morning,
>I'd say that he'd have to have had an eastern view,

I think Nick's loft must have had a southern exposure (in the show), so he
could see the sun rise from the third week in March through most of
September and see the sun set the rest of the year.

mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Tue, 13 May 2003 11:45:27 -0400
From:    clarkcindy <clarkcindy@.......>
Subject: Re: Site update

I don't know, but Natbear should have reddish brown fur if possible and wear
scrubs and a labcoat.

We actually have bears dressed like this in our hospital gift shop.  They're
really cute.


Date:    Tue, 13 May 2003 15:18:33 -0500
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@M.......>
Subject: Admin: All opinions are equal here

I'm concerned about what seems to be an unintentional attitude toward new or
different opinions on Forkni-l.  Everyone here, whether an old mossback like me
or our newest subscribers has opinions on Forkni-l. Sometimes these are
different from those of other fans.  That's as it should be.

I know we all feel like we own the show and the characters -- including me <g>
-- but the fact is, _all_ fan views are equally valid. Several years ago I was
shocked and embarrassed to discover that a casual response which I didn't even
remember making had abashed a new member out of posting for a long time
afterwards. Fortunately she recovered and became a vocal poster and good friend
of mine. I still wonder who else I may have unintentionally discouraged.

Let's please remember to show respect for other opinions, no matter how opposite
from our own. Unless there's a matter of fact to be gently corrected, we need to
be open and welcoming. All of us were new here once and all of us have had
differences of opinion. Let's all be friends.

I have no authority over offlist notes to each other, but I do know about
receiving the less than pleasant kind. Please, let's remember that honey catches
more flies than vinegar. (My late mother was always quoting that at me when I
lost my temper and wanted to tell someone off.)

While I'm at it, thank you, Forkni-lers, for being a joy to belong to and a
pleasure to help over the years.

Lisa McDavid
aka McLisa, listowner of Forkni-l


Date:    Tue, 13 May 2003 15:38:58 -0400
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Admin: All opinions are equal here

In a message dated 5/13/2003 3:18:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,
mclisa@M....... writes:

> Sometimes these are different from those of other fans.

Well, except for the universally known and accept fact that Screed loves his
Natsie Ratsie (I almost typed that as Nasty Ratsie... So I guess Nasty
Natsie???) and Nasty Natsie Ratsy luvs 'er Screedypoo.

Yep. Somethings ARE just unni-versal, eh?


ouch *whimper*



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 12 May 2003 to 13 May 2003 (#2003-139)

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