FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Mar 2002 to 31 Mar 2002 (#2002-94)
Sun, 31 Mar 2002
There are 11 messages totalling 358 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Help (Other side of the Road)
2. <No subject given>
3. FK Marathon
4. Last Call - Is anyone interested in an I-95 Corridor Get-Together for the
5. KtK script auction update - Saturday
6. My sister--update!
7. My Own Promos for FK
8. FK Marathon -- Once More around the Block (4)
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 14:24:48 -0800
From: Cheryl Hoffman <dayabaygal@y.......>
Subject: Re: Help (Other side of the Road)
At 04:43 PM 3/30/2002 -0500, Marge wrote:
>By no means. In fact, from a per capita standpoint, the majority of the
>world's population drives on the left side of the road. Britain, China,
>Japan, India, Australia, to name just a few of the larger countries.
Having just spent 2 1/2 years in China, I can comment on this.
Including China is "kinda" correct. Drivers in Hong Kong, which is now
officially part of China, drive on the left side of the road, and have the
steering wheel on the right), but in China itself, they drive on the right,
and the wheel is on the left. Makes for an interesting changeover when
you cross the border. Somewhat easier in that ...very few... cars from China
are allowed to come into Hong Kong, while people and cars in Hong Kong
come into China on a regular basis.
It is a bit hairy on the China side, with the bus driver on the right,
trying to see around traffic, to pull out and pass on the left. Add to that
the unbelievable lack of driving common sense in China...... well,
after a day in Hong Kong, lets just say that a tall, cold alcoholic
beverage was the usual remedy....
But, all that said, I loved it there, and will go back tomorrow if they asked.
Cheryl Hoffman, NA (& I ain't changin' it), Cousin, NBN, G4, Bridging
"My, my... we are in a mood tonight.." -LaCroix
dayabaygal@y....... Richland, WA
AIM/Yahoo: DayaBayGal ICQ: 30464256
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 17:40:29 -0600
From: Stephen Fellows <stevef@l.......>
Subject: <No subject given>
On Friday, Julia B. asked
>>I am sorry that they decided that Capt Stonetree had to go - or was it Gary
Farmer that got other committments between filming season one and season two? <<
If I recall correctly, back when season 2 was airing, someone on this list (or
some other online FK group) ran into Mr. Farmer at some sort of Native American
function and asked him about this.
As I recall, his answer was reportedly that he would have been interested in
coming back for season 2, but TPTB never contacted him about it. :-(
Steve F.
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 19:31:00 -0800
From: Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
My satellite dish (directv) runs SciFi on the Eastern time zone, so it is
8 o'clock for me! It's a good thing I have to be up early to take my
kids to spring break camp, or I *might* just miss the first few
episodes... Of course, Shana wouldn't stand for that! She's so excited
about SciFi airing FK again, she went out and bought a whole bunch of
tapes to record every single episode aired, so she doesn't have to keep
borrowing my tapes! Since I'm the only one that get SciFi... >G<
KC Smith
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 02:07:30 -0500
From: Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject: Last Call - Is anyone interested in an I-95 Corridor Get-Together for
the Marathon?
A few weeks ago, I put out the following suggestion for fans in the
"Mid-Atlantic I-95 Corridor" (Philadelphia to Baltimore/Washington): Let's
have a "Meet-And-Greet" during the April Fool's FK Marathon on SciFi.
I actually did get one response (amazing! :-) ), but because I didn't get
any more responses, I wasn't able to firm any more of the details. (This is
to say: If there were more responses, and they were predominantly from one
area over another, I'd suggest having it there).
However, since I don't have a predominance of responses from any one
particular idea, I'm going to propose my own humble residence. I'll need to
discuss this with my wife and I'll let you know later on during the day. I
live basically half way between Philadelphia and Baltimore, so I'm close to
both. (For the record: I live in xxxxxxx, Delaware, about 10 miles from
Wilmington and 5 miles from Elkton, Maryland).
I'm actually fairly experienced with house parties; I still remember
organising various house parties for Toronto fans over the years, and we
always had a lot of fun. I might even pick up some popcorn, which would be
totally great if SciFi plays "Be My Valentine" (I recall seeing a list, but
I don't recall if that episode is on it :-( ).
If you're interested, let me know!
P.S. : As much as I like this area (its weather, anyway), it doesn't really
hold a candle to Toronto. :-(
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 03:26:17 EST
From: Knightwave@a.......
Subject: KtK script auction update - Saturday
Same rules as with the last auction. Please send me your bids, not the list.
Tell me what you're bidding on and how much, and please give me some kind
of ID if you don't want your name listed.
Because we're really pushing the time envelope here, those who win, please be
prepared to respond quickly with your payments. Because of growing costs,
the KtK has to ask for a separate check/money order for shipping in the
amount of $3.50. If you pay with PayPal, you can just add the extra into
Web site is on: Kickstart the Knight (( )) Send
bids to
knightwave@a....... Auction ends midnight EST on March 31. Hope
everyone has fun. <g>
Saturday, March 30, 2002
#1 $10.00 Mom-Ra Dying For Fame {Blue (7/24/92)}
#2 $10.00 Karen Love You To Death {Pink Shooting Draft (10/8/92)}
#3 $10.00 Emily Father Figure {Blue (7/3/92)}
new #4 $10.00 Lor False Witness {Ivory (5/14/92)}
#5 $20.00 Karen Dance By the Light of the Moon {Green (4/28/92)}
#6 $35.00 NdB Curiouser & Curiouser{Goldenrod (9/30/94)}
new #7 $20.00 Cloud Trophy Girl {Green (9/11/95)}
#8 $10.00 Cloud Blackwing {Shooting Draft (7/26/95)}
#9 $20.00 Megan Son of Belial {Green (10/16/95)}
new #10 $15.00 Lor Father's Day {Green (6/10/94)}
new #11 $40.00 Grandma The Fix {Green (9/14/94)}
new #12 $35.00 Karen Last Knight {Yellow (2/19/96)} & parody
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 01:32:20 -0800
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: My sister--update!
I think the powers above heard the plea in my last email.
Tonight, my sister called me from wherever she was and
told me that she was again going to be late and
apologized for leaving me alone, again. But then she said
something strange. She said: "Why don't you get one of
them tapes from your vampire show so that when I come
home, we can both watch it." I paused for a sec to verify
if I had heard her right. I had.
I was so excited I didn't know which ep to chose. Finally
I remembered that she has never seen "Dark Knight I" so I
picked it. The quality wasn't that great but she didn't
mind. Guys, wish me luck, I think I am converting her.
Hope it works out :)
Sunny-- who is very happy but dizzy from sleep now
Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
"Trudging through enternity, hauling my homemade horrors, do you think THAT was
my dream when I was young and evil?"
-Mommy Fortuna, The last Unicorn
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 09:19:22 -0600
From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: My Own Promos for FK
Hi everyone!
Happy Easter to you all! I hope your holiday is a great one...
I have a special update for today. After seeing Sci-fi's FK commercial for
April 1st, I felt compelled to make my own promos for FK. Therefore, I added
2 special movies to the Bloopers/Misc section (page 3). These could be used
as commercials or intros to the series.
Hope you like them!
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 14:05:37 -0500
From: Portia <portia1@m.......>
Subject: FK Marathon -- Once More around the Block
Boy, I can't wait 'til tomorrow! <bg>
Huh, do you think this time around the series will turn out different?
<somewhat cheeky, somewhat wistful smile>
BTW, anyone else finding it impossible to get on the sci fi page?
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 13:14:24 -0600
From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon -- Once More around the Block
So far, today I have not been able to access the Sci-fi site. I keep getting
Socket Errors.
What do you mean by the series turning out different? For your perspective?
Sci-fi's airing it, after the marathon, in the same exact order as before
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
> Boy, I can't wait 'til tomorrow! <bg>
> Huh, do you think this time around the series will turn out different?
> <somewhat cheeky, somewhat wistful smile>
> BTW, anyone else finding it impossible to get on the sci fi page?
> Portia
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 13:23:34 -0600
From: CLone Star Software <cstar@a.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon -- Once More around the Block
I'm fairly sure this was just Portia being funny and not meant to be taken
seriously. I know I smiled and chuckled when I read it while thinking 'if
At 01:14 PM 3/31/2002 -0600, you wrote in response to Portia's :
>> Huh, do you think this time around the series will turn out different?
> <somewhat cheeky, somewhat wistful smile>
>What do you mean by the series turning out different? For your perspective?
Marci C.
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 15:43:56 -0500
From: Portia <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon -- Once More around the Block
The below is correct -- I glad you followed me! As I said before, this
marathon is making me feel very nostalgic and making me think of the
"might-have-beens." I mean, I *loved* Schanke (member of the FoDs), but
what would it have been like to have never known Vachon, and Tracy, and the
rest of the crew?? Yet, in what directions would another season have taken
things if Schanke and Nick had remained partners? What if Vachon hadn't
died (though I would have hated to miss out on the insights Divia gave us on
LaCroix)? Wouldn't it have been cool to learn more of Screed's origins?
What if we could have had Janette (the oh so sublime) back? What if we had
been given another season, and another?
I'm so glad the show will be back on TV, and to get a trip once again back
into that place I was when it was first airing....Wow, to think how many
years it's been! <shakes head>
----- Original Message -----
From: "CLone Star Software" <cstar@a.......>
> I'm fairly sure this was just Portia being funny and not meant to be taken
> seriously. I know I smiled and chuckled when I read it while thinking 'if
> only!'.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Mar 2002 to 31 Mar 2002 (#2002-94)
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