FORKNI-L Digest - 29 Mar 2002 to 30 Mar 2002 - Special issue (#2002-93)
Sat, 30 Mar 2002
There are 37 messages totalling 1022 lines in this issue.
Topics in this special issue:
1. KtK script update - Friday
2. My Fanlistings / Reminder
3. Relationships (2)
4. Help! (2)
5. Help (8)
6. YKYBR/WTMFKW... (2)
7. FK Sched (4)
8. FK Ads on Sci-Fi Channel (2)
9. FK Marathon (10)
10. Admin: Rules -- Holiday Special (2)
11. Admin: Happy Easter
12. The series is back TOO!
13. Pookouche?<g> (was Re Admin: Rules -- Holiday Special)
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 17:12:49 EST
From: Knightwave@a.......
Subject: KtK script update - Friday
Sorry no one received an update yesterday. My phone lines were out for most
of the day. I had hoped to find quite a few bids waiting for me when I was
able to get back on and check in with AOL. Unfortunately, there was only
two. We need more response than that, I'm afraid.
There have been a couple of bidders asking about cover colors and dates. I'm
going to add this information onto the list below. Remember, even though all
these are actual scripts from the show, they're all photocopies. <g>
Web site is on: Kickstart the Knight (( )) Send
bids to
knightwave@a....... Auction ends midnight EST on March 31. Any bids
received before midnight will be counted. <g> Hope everyone has fun. <g>
Friday, March 29, 2002
#1 $10.00 Mom-Ra Dying For Fame {Blue (7/24/92)}
#2 $10.00 Karen Love You To Death {Pink Shooting Draft (10/8/92)}
#3 $10.00 Emily Father Figure {Blue (7/3/92)}
#4 $ . False Witness {Ivory (5/14/92)}
#5 $20.00 Karen Dance By the Light of the Moon {Green (4/28/92)}
new #6 $35.00 NdB Curiouser & Curiouser {Goldenrod (9/30/94)}
new #7 $15.00 Brandon Trophy Girl {Green (9/11/95)}
#8 $10.00 Cloud Blackwing {Shooting Draft (7/26/95)}
#9 $20.00 Megan Son of Belial {Green (10/16/95)}
#10 $10.00 Emily Father's Day {Green (6/10/94)}
#11 $30.00 Amanda The Fix {Green (9/14/94)}
#12 $25.00 Doreen Last Knight {Yellow (2/19/96)} & parody
#12 $25.00 Karen " " " " " "
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 14:47:36 -0800
From: Knight Ranger <knightranger1228@y.......>
Subject: Re: My Fanlistings / Reminder
Still didn't work. I guess I'm outta luck.
--- Red <red@s.......> wrote:
> Try going here (avoids the frames):
> Amy
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 16:04:30 -0700
From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: Relationships
> Would Nat see Nick's actions as a betrayal or would she be more resolved
> than ever to help him?
Nat would realize, in hindsight, that in her grief and emotional turmoil
she had put Nick into an impossible position, with fairly predictable
results. She would feel very guilty for that, and ready to forgive.
After all, she loves the guy, right?
> Would Nick be so consumed with guilt that he would
> sever all contact with her?
For a while. But he'd find it impossible to stay away for more than,
say, five years...
> Or would he be relieved that the worst had
> happened and he hadn't killed Nat that he would become more comfortable with
> his "dark side"?
No, he wouldn't be more comfortable with his "dark side", but he _might_
begin to believe that he actually has a "light side".
> > How would LaCroix react to Nick's confession about seeing him as his
> (Nick's) best friend? How would Nick react?
It would be a "home truth" that would reduce the friction between the
two. Slightly. (Old habits die hard.)
> And, finally, how would the wild card of Janette affect everyone when she
> returned?
Janette will never voluntarily return to Toronto while Nick and/or
Lacroix are there. If they want to see her, they can go to Paris, or New
Orleans, or Quebec City, or wherever she's relocated to. If she really
wants to hide, she'll move to St. Boniface (a large, old francophone
district in Winnipeg. :-).
Your humble & obedient servant,
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 16:04:30 -0700
From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: Help!
> If you've watched any of FK, you will know that we Canadians drive on
> the same side of the road as you do.
But Marg, that's _television_!! If you believed everything you saw on
FK, then.... wait a minute...
Your humble & obedient servant,
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 19:33:18 -0600
From: Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Re: Relationships
Ligeia wrote:
> If she really
> wants to hide, she'll move to St. Boniface (a large, old francophone
> district in Winnipeg. :-).
No, I doubt she'd care for St. Boniface... you see, there's a smell.
Impossible to describe unless you've been there, but pervasive nonetheless.
The unfortunate combination of a mushroom farm, grain factory, and meat
processing plant, all within a fairly short distance of each other.
Although I'm sure there are those out there who could make it into a very
amusing fanfic...
Eve, who kind of likes historic St. B. in spite of the smell ;)
"Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself."
--Rita Mae Brown
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 19:19:17 -0800
From: Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Help!
My sister is an idiot! >G< She can't remember which fics she posted
last year. Can you help?
Here's the list I have as being posted (or having been finished posting
in 2001): Pipe Dreams, Surprises, More Surprises, Halloween Reflections,
Homecoming, Ponderings and She Misses Him.
If anyone knows whether or not some of these were posted earlier than
2001, or if I missed any that were posted in 2001, could you let me know?
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 23:23:49 -0500
From: janette 1228 <janette1228@h.......>
Subject: Re: Help
The first line of that reply sounded a little ...hateful :(
Anyway...isn't the UK the only country that drives on the other side of the
road?? *looks curious*
Also..did anyone ever find out if the FK marthon is going to be hosted? i
remember someone asked that but i haven't seen a reply.
>Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 12:43:22 -0500
>From: >Subject: Re: Help!
marg <mytoronto@r.......> wrote:
>If you've watched any of FK, ...
Jeannie Ecklund wrote:
> > I have a question. I'm coming to Toronto and want to know if
> > Canadians drive on the same side of the road that we do in the US.
> > I don't know whether to rent a car or try the bus system while I'm
> > there.
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 20:27:34 -0800
From: Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: YKYBR/WTMFKW...
You know you're been reading/watching too much FK when you go into Walmart,
happen to notice some discount hair colors (of many unusual shades), and you
have flashbacks to the last FK war where your hair was colored. <eg>
Emily M. Hanson
Home page -
Web Graphics -
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 20:39:23 -0800
From: fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: Help
<<did anyone ever find out if the FK marathon is going to be hosted?>>
I don't think so. The commercials are calling it a chain reaction.
Nothing is mentioned about a host.
If you have not seen the commercial, Kristin has posted it on her website:
the last clip on the page.
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 20:57:58 -0800
From: Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Help
It's also possible that she hasn't seen FK in a while. I went several years
without seeing any episodes because I had no tapes until I found this mailing
list, and I didn't have cable TV for several years after college until I moved
a few months ago.
> marg <mytoronto@r.......> wrote:
> If you've watched any of FK, ...
(in response to Jeannie's e-mail about which side of the road to drive on)
Emily M. Hanson
Home page -
Web Graphics -
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 20:53:08 -0800
From: Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBR/WTMFKW...
P.S. You also YKBR/WTMFK when you seriously consider buying the hair dye for
about 10 seconds, just to see what you'd look like with purple hair like in the
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 16:41:04 +1200
From: Knightraven <kiwisun@i.......>
Subject: Re: Help
> Anyway...isn't the UK the only country that drives on the other side of the
> road?? *looks curious*
Nope. New Zealand And Aussie do too...and most other commonwealth countries
too i think.
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 00:59:46 -0500
From: marg <mytoronto@r.......>
Subject: Re: Help
janette 1228 wrote:
> The first line of that reply sounded a little ...hateful :(
It certainly wasn't meant to be. Maybe i should have put in more <g>s.
> Anyway...isn't the UK the only country that drives on the other side of the
> road?? *looks curious*
By no means. In fact, from a per capita standpoint, the majority of the
world's population drives on the left side of the road. Britain, China,
Japan, India, Australia, to name just a few of the larger countries.
Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@r.......>
In Toronto, where everyone but Nick drives on the "right" side of the road.
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 00:53:14 -0500
From: Bean <tina.bean@w.......>
Subject: FK Sched
Anyone know what episodes they are airing on monday or where I could find
the sched? Couldn't find it at
Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never
forgotten this.
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 00:22:15 -0600
From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: FK Sched
April 1st From
Dark Knight, Pt. 1
Dark Knight, Pt. 2
Be My Valentine
The Fix
Sons of Belial
Night in Question
A More Permanent Hell
Stranger Than Fiction
Curiouser and Curiouser
Close Call
Ashes to Ashes
Those are for the marathon, in that order.
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
> Anyone know what episodes they are airing on monday or where I could find
> the sched? Couldn't find it at
> CousinBean
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 01:08:48 -0800
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: FK Ads on Sci-Fi Channel
--- WRDRR@a....... wrote:
> If it gets people to tune
> in - great. We all
> know how easily people get hooked on the show! One
> episode may be all it
> takes!
Sunny, who is wondering what is keeping her sister from
becoming a fan after watching more than a few episodes.
And thinking about how things would have been nicer for
her if her sister were a fan. <sigh>
Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
"Trudging through enternity, hauling my homemade horrors, do you think THAT was
my dream when I was young and evil?"
-Mommy Fortuna, The last Unicorn
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 22:49:31 -0600
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: Help
> janette 1228 wrote:
> The first line of that reply sounded a little ...hateful :(
I think that was a cry of anguish from a Canadian when faced with the average
American's ignorance of their northern neighbor.
> Anyway...isn't the UK the only country that drives on the
> other side of the
> road?? *looks curious*
Nope. I think Australia does, as well as other countries in the Far East --
perhaps those that were in the former British Empire?
Marg's advice about driving for the first time in downtown Toronto is very good.
The first time I did I got stuck in the one-way street vortex---I could see my
destination but could never end up on the right street going the right way to
get there! It took me a half hour of confused circling.
I'm much better at it now, though. I just took a couple more trips--and avoiding
rush hour traffic. <g>
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 22:43:44 +1030
From: jennii35 <jennii35@i.......>
Subject: Re: FK Ads on Sci-Fi Channel
Know the feeling, no one here watches FK
I don't know of more than a couple of fans
here in Australia, none of my family are
interested...How dense can they
Dark Knightie and UFer
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 15:07:13 +0100
From: Lorin <vachesang@1.......>
Subject: FK Marathon
Help! I deleted all the posts about the Marathon, as there was no way I
could watch it here in Germany - and now I've got a friend over in the
US (non-fan but I'm hoping to convert him!) who's volunteered to tape it
for me - he needs to know which TV channel and what time the marathon is
on. I remember it being 11am-11pm, but I can't remember which time
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 15:16:06 +0100
From: Cloudrider Siri <cloudrider@a.......>
Subject: Re: Help
> Also..did anyone ever find out if the FK marthon is going to be hosted? i
> remember someone asked that but i haven't seen a reply.
Or perhaps they are simply going to repeat the last marathon, incl. Ger's
moderation from years ago???
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 06:39:04 -0800
From: Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
I have a direct link to the Sci Fi Schedule bot date of April 1st on my FK fan
fiction page.
--- Lorin <vachesang@1.......> wrote:
> Help! I deleted all the posts about the Marathon, as there was no way I
> could watch it here in Germany - and now I've got a friend over in the
> US (non-fan but I'm hoping to convert him!) who's volunteered to tape it
> for me .... (snip)
Emily M. Hanson
Home page -
Web Graphics -
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 10:44:42 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Help
> > Anyway...isn't the UK the only country that drives on the other side of
> > the road??
The also drive on the left in St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. Don't
know why - probably a holdover from their past as a different country's
colonial territory.
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 12:18:46 -0500
From: mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Admin: Rules -- Holiday Special
Because tomorrow is Easter, I'm sending the rules out a day early.
-- McLisa, who has a sudden vision of a problem with Easter basket
deliveries because Screed decided that if mortals celebrate with chocolate
rabbits, the big white bunny with the basket that just hopped past should be
just right for a carouche ... yes, I _do_ need a vacation. Why do you ask?
If you need a hand or have any questions please don't hesitate to
contact Don Fasig <Argent@e.......> or Lisa McDavid
For tips on managing your Forever Knight subscriptions please visit
Don's page at:
List digests are archived at:
2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in
replying. If you have more than one point to answer, then you may
quote the relevant four lines for that point also.
3. Limit sigs to 6 lines. This includes all information, decoration
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the six. If you sign your name on a separate line above the body of
text, your name and the blank line or lines between count as part of
the six line limit. If you have one of those services that insists on
putting an advertising tag on the end of posts, don't worry. We
realize you can't control that and it doesn't count as part of your
4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to
the person who wrote the post you are answering.
5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the
listowners, Lisa McDavid, <mclisa@m.......> or Don Fasig,
<Argent@e.......f> or permission.
6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight. Cast, crew,
staff and producers in connection with what they're doing now or have
done in the past are ok. So are list members' FK- fannish activities
and arrangements to meet. Cons should only be announced on Forkni-l
if someone from the show is appearing, or if you're going to be
there. Non-FK vampires, or vampires in general, are _NOT_ ok.
Vampyres@t....... does that. McLisa can tell you how to
subscribe. . 7. Off-topic posts are _NOT_ allowed, no matter what
they are about or how urgent the warning may appear. If you have an
off-topic post which you think should appear on the list, ask one of
the owners for permission.
8. The private lives of the cast are not a discussion topic.
Occasionally one of the fan club presidents will make an
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9. Only fan club presidents or other designated spokespeople may make
announcements of future projects for FK cast, crew and staff, before
said projects have been released or written about in the media.
10. No role-playing on Forkni-l. This includes no character names as
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11. Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on Forkni-l.
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 12:20:52 -0500
From: mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Admin: Happy Easter
Happy Easter from Don and McLisa.
McLisa (Lisa McDavid)
"That will be trouble".
Listowner, Forkni-l and Fkfic-l
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 12:21:32 EST
From: Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Admin: Rules -- Holiday Special
In a message dated 3/30/02 11:14:46 AM Central Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:
<< Screed decided that if mortals celebrate with chocolate
rabbits, the big white bunny with the basket that just hopped past should be
just right for a carouche ... yes, I _do_ need a vacation. Why do you ask?
:) >>
There actually is such a fan fic and it is in the recommended stories for
February/March at:
It is "Screed's Easter Adventure."
You know, I think I just realized why the h'Easter 'Are 'asn't vistited me
h'in years!
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 09:51:08 -0800
From: fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: FK Marathon
This is an emergency update to the FK Marathon.
According to the SCIFI Channel's updated schedule:
The Marathon will now be Monday from 10am - 10pm....
not, 11-11.
NEW TIME FOR THE FK MARATHON !!!!!!!! 10AM - 10PM.....
It will be in the Monday to Friday 10am time slot.
On your mark, get set record..............
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 11:58:38 -0600
From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
That depends on your time zone. The times for the marathon have *not*
changed. It's 11:00am, if you are Eastern and 10:00 am *only* if you are
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
> This is an emergency update to the FK Marathon.
> According to the SCIFI Channel's updated schedule:
> The Marathon will now be Monday from 10am - 10pm....
> not, 11-11.
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 10:15:28 -0800
From: fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
<Kristin <kris1228@s.......> wrote:
> That depends on your time zone. The times for the marathon have *not*
>changed. It's 11:00am, if you are Eastern and 10:00 am *only* if you are
Kristin is right!!! Please disregard my previous email.
Some how, I got sent to the wrong SCIFI Channel schedule.
<sticks head in sand>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 02:23:33 -0800
From: Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: FK Sched
Anyone know what the episode schedule is Tuesday through Friday? I
looked in the new TV guide, and it doesn't say.
KC Smith
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 10:27:26 -0800
From: Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
> That depends on your time zone. The times for the marathon have *not*
> changed. It's 11:00am, if you are Eastern and 10:00 am *only* if you are
> central.
So those of us here in the Pacific time zone have to be up at *eight* in
order to catch it!
KC Smith
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 12:36:34 -0600
From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: FK Sched
It's the same as Sci-fi aired them before, except they are skipping Dark
Knight Part 1, after the marathon. So, this is how it follows:
Tues: Dark Knight Part 2
Wed: For I Have Sinned
Thurs: Last Act
Fri: Dance by the Light of the Moon
...and so on the next week. If you need a list of the order Sci-fi airs the
episodes in, just visit my Image Archives. I have them all listed by season
in Sci-fi's airing order.
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
> Anyone know what the episode schedule is Tuesday through Friday? I
> looked in the new TV guide, and it doesn't say.
> KC Smith
> tigrlady2u@j.......
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 15:17:13 -0500
From: Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: The series is back TOO!
According to my dish and satellite listings, SCI FI is running them everyday
after that at 11 AM
Tuesday is Dark KNight.
Wed is For I have sinned
Thurs is Last Act
Friday is Dance by the Light of the Moon
Thats all I have so far. Ill keep you updated
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 13:33:16 -0700
From: Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Pookouche?<g> (was Re Admin: Rules -- Holiday Special)
> -- McLisa, who has a sudden vision of a problem with Easter basket
> deliveries because Screed decided that if mortals celebrate with chocolate
> rabbits, the big white bunny with the basket that just hopped past should be
> just right for a carouche
Now *I'm* having visions of a vamped out Harvey
the Rabbit. And Elwood's family was frightened
by his "hallucinations" *before* <g>
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 14:14:10 -0700
From: Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
That depends on which Sci Fi feed your cable company
carries. Sci Fi has a Pacific coast feed that would play
FK at 11:00am PST. If your cable carries the Eastern
feed, you're right, it would be 8:00am.
Laurie of the Isles
From: "Kelly C Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
> So those of us here in the Pacific time zone have to be up at *eight* in
> order to catch it!
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 16:12:28 EST
From: Judith Lieberman <JudithL21@a.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
Is that Eastern standard time or central. JudyL
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 13:39:30 -0800
From: Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
You can tell by closely looking at the URL for the schedule bot that was posted
in one of the previous e-mails. At the end, it says US: Central. It would
probably change depending on your selections for other time zones.
--- Judith Lieberman <JudithL21@a.......> wrote:
> Is that Eastern standard time or central. JudyL
Emily M. Hanson
Home page -
Web Graphics -
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 13:43:07 -0800
From: Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: FK Marathon
It's odd that it says Sci Fi East on top of the schedule bot screen, but that
is the Central Time Zone link. I double-checked. If you want a different time
zone, be sure to scroll all the way down and change it (the time zone links are
in the bottom right of the schedule bot screen).
--- fkforever <fkforever@y.......> wrote:
> This is an emergency update to the FK Marathon.
> According to the SCIFI Channel's updated schedule:
Emily M. Hanson
Home page -
Web Graphics -
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 29 Mar 2002 to 30 Mar 2002 - Special issue (#2002-93)
Parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at