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FORKNI-L Digest - 7 Mar 2002 to 8 Mar 2002 (#2002-71)

Fri, 8 Mar 2002

There are 32 messages totalling 877 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. YKYBWTMFK (2)
  2. Screed, the fax repairman
  3. HELP!!  Technical question (5)
  4. Differences between Angel & FK (3)
  5. Technical question (3)
  6. A not-so-accidental tourist in need of assistance, please. (2)
  7. Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis) (8)
  8. Old Favorites (2)
  9. So, how should we now respond to Big Bird?
 10. LC in yellow (2)
 11. Nick and religious items
 12. SLC and religious items
 13. vampires and religious items...


Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 15:03:47 -0700
From:    Megan Hull <mistryder@h.......>

You know you've been watching too much FK when you are reading a short story
that mentions a rash of cows dying in Texas and think, "Gee, so that's where
Nick spent his vacation!"  (The scary thing is, the thought came forcefully
and with absolutly no encouragement on my part.)

ps-- I was intending to get into a religious discussion with someone on this
list over the subject of marriage, but I've lost the addy.  Can that person
please contact me off-list?


Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 17:10:34 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Screed, the fax repairman

The office fax was on the fritz yesterday, so I met the repairman at the
elevator. To my surprise, he bore a stricking resemblence to Greg "Screed"
Kramer and was even the same height and build... Just with more hair than Greg
would ever have unless forced (and the guy had very short hair - LOL)

Anyway, it isn't unusually to see someone who looks like someone else, but the
fun really started when we got to the fax machine. The guy wasn't much like
Greg, he was VERY much like SCREED without the accent.

"This thingee is broken n' jammed right there. Put your eyes on it! hahaha. Have
you ever Put in a new drum - this thingee here?"

By that time, I'm having a very hard time not laughing or slipping into my
version of Screedspeak. He was a very happy, friendly guy.

Definitely a "I hope to be watching too much Forever Knight as soon as it is
back on Sci Fi Channel" moment!



Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 14:15:42 -0800
From:    Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: HELP!!  Technical question

Okay... KC had a lot of her stories on a floppy disk (Most of the sequel
to 'Pipe Dreams', all of 'When Darkness Falls', and several other FK
stories she has been working on).  Anyway, she put the disk into the
computer, double clicked on 'my computer', then on Floppy Drive A. Then
the nightmare began: A message comes up that says: 'This disk is not
formatted. Do you want to format it now?'
Of course she clicked 'NO'
Problem?  EVERY computer we've tried it on has the same thing!  She's in
hysterics!!  Anyone know how to retrieve that data that seems to be gone?




Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 18:57:57 -0500
From:    Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: HELP!!  Technical question

I hate to tell you, but it's is gone.  I know it is too late now, but NEVER
store the only copy you have on a floppy.  They can go bad pretty quick.  Only
use a floppy to move it from one computer to another.  If you have to save to a
floppy save it to more than one floppy.  Test both copies to make sure they work
then put one away for safe keeping.



Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 16:42:29 -0800
From:    Viv <viv11374@y.......>
Subject: Re: Differences between Angel & FK

--- MadiHolmes@a....... wrote:

>  I'm sure there's  some overlap  here, but other things differ
> like the whole "invitation" thing wouldn't have done well in
> policework. Although Nick was always asking "Can  we come in?"

I wonder if a warrant counts as an invitation? (VBG)

Actually, that's probably so someone couldn't accuse them of
illegally searching their home.  In other words, it's a cop
thing, not a vampire thing.


Don't annoy the crazy person

Life's a witch and then you fly


Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 16:56:40 -0800
From:    Viv <viv11374@y.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFK

--- Megan Hull <mistryder@h.......> wrote:
> You know you've been watching too much FK when you are reading
> a short story that mentions a rash of cows dying in Texas and
> think, "Gee, so that's where Nick spent his vacation!" (The
> scary thing is, the thought came forcefully  and with absolutly
no encouragement on my part.)
>                           -Megan

The same thing happens to me every time I see that anti-smoking
commercial with the guy in the rat costume. I automatically think
"Too bad they don't film those at night. I bet screed would love
to get his fangs into a feast like that."


Don't annoy the crazy person

Life's a witch and then you fly


Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 17:45:40 -0800
From:    Lady Ariake <lady_ariake@y.......>
Subject: Re: HELP!!  Technical question

--- Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......> wrote:
> I hate to tell you, but it's is gone.  I know it is
> too late now, but NEVER
> store the only copy you have on a floppy.

The inverse of this is never have your only copy of
something on the hard drive, either.  You may think
you'll always be able to salvage something from the
hard drive, but believe the painful voice of
experience when I say that sometimes you can't.  I
once lost everything on my machine because of a virus.
 Hard drive, two floppies, with occasional backups to
a W-CD-ROM if you have one.  If you're running Windows
it's really easy to go to My Computer and make direct
copies of entire floppies.

What really annoyed me about that virus was I lost a
whole slew of AIM RP sessions I did.  Crossed over
Highlander with FK. (Hah!  On-topic!)  It was fun.
And all the logs were gone.  I now back up ANYTHING I
might want to a floppy.  Then I copy it to a CD if I
REALLY want it.

"If you're going to have delusions of grandeur, go for the really satisfying
ones."  (Marcus Cole, Anla'shok, or my life motto.)

"...In all things trust the Weyrfolk, for their cause is just and true."



Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 19:18:52 -0800
From:    Victor Roscetti <dragonslair_08060@y.......>
Subject: Technical question

Now I read two reports that your stories are lost.
They probably are NOT!  I've had this happen too many
times to discount that they are still there.

   The best thing I can tell you is find a friend with
a really older version of whatever system it was
originally written on.

   I've had this happen with some old DOS floppies. I
had an entire book on 6 old 5 1/4" disks (Wow that was
a long time ago) now they all fit on one 3 1/2" disk.
Anyway, The old stuff was still there I just needed an
old computer with my original word prosessor in it,
then change it all over to "ascii" which will allow
Microsoft windows to read it as a text file.

    I hope that helps. I'm not a computer whiz but
it's happened to me several times and it works for me.

        Vic Roscetti

Dragon's Lair Studios has new recordings on CD and Cassette! Visit at
http://www.dragonsroar.com/index.htm  for updates and product info.We specialize
in Forever Knight Dramas and Parodies, also Star Trek - all profits go to
Charity! Dragon's Lair Studios supports Children's Hospital. We now accept
credit card payments!


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 13:49:32 +0000
From:    jennii35 <jennii35@i.......>
Subject: Re: A not-so-accidental tourist in need of assistance, please.

      Hi Carrie,

      Nice to hear from you again

       Stay a while !!


Dark Knightie and UFer


Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 22:24:57 EST
From:    Meliss9900@a.......
Subject: Re: Technical question

In a message dated 03/07/2002 9:19:03 PM Central Standard Time,
dragonslair_08060@y....... writes:

> Now I read two reports that your stories are lost.
> They probably are NOT!  I've had this happen too many
> times to discount that they are still there.

As long as KC didn't click "yes" to the Format question the stories are
probably still there.   I'm checking with a techie friend of mine in the mean
time you might want to try right clicking on Start then Find.

Select the floppy icon from the drop down screen and then click Find.
it should give you a list of the files.  You can select one from there.

That's worked for me in the past.



Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 21:43:38 -0600
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: Technical question

Victor wrote:
> Now I read two reports that your stories are lost.
> They probably are NOT!  I've had this happen too many
> times to discount that they are still there.

The files are most likely on the diskette; the problem is that the file that
tells the PC how to read the diskette has become corrupted. At least that's
what's happened to me. Fortunately I never save anything on diskettes so it was
no big deal (zip disks, CDs, and a backup on the LAN in my personal directory at
work is my safeguard system.)

You might try Norton Utilities or another diagnostic program (I use Ontrack
Fixit Utilities 2000) to fix the diskette or at least recover the files and move
them to a safer location.

Nancy Kaminski
nancykam@a....... <---new email address!


Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 23:30:30 -0500
From:    Arletta Asbury <g4akl@c.......>
Subject: Re: HELP!!  Technical question

At 02:15 PM 3/7/02 -0800, you wrote:
>EVERY computer we've tried it on has the same thing!  She's in

Did you try the ORIGINAL computer that created the diskette (ie. the
same diskette drive)?  I had this sort of thing happen when something
about the diskette/drive was slightly "off" so all other computers and
diskette drives couldn't read the data while the original still could.



Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2002 21:33:17 -0800
From:    Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: HELP!!  Technical question

 THANK YOU!! to everyone that replied, both on and off list.
 The bad news is: Everything on the disk is gone!  The good news is: KC
has a wonderful friend onlist (waves to Jeannie!!) that has a couple of
her stories that she was 'previewing', and sent them to her!
 If anyone has copies of the following titles, PLEASE send them!!!
Halloween Hokum, Halloween Reflections, Children, Guardian Angel (An
FK/Buffy/Angel Xover), Homecoming (the Nick/Nat/LC story we did
together), or Surround Me With Love.  Even if you only have bits and
pieces of these stories, it would help.
 I think KC's husband deleted the disk.  They have been fighting, and he
REALLY hates her writing FK stories, so he just may have done it to get
back at her.  I don't know that for sure, but it seems like something
he'd do (trust me).
 Again, THANK YOU ALL!!!



Date:    Wed, 6 Mar 2002 23:36:53 -0800
From:    Chris Rosmini <chrismin@e.......>
Subject: Re: A not-so-accidental tourist in need of assistance, please.

Hi Carrie,
I'm a long time fan of your stories and if you aren't already deluged with
offers, I'd love to Beta one of your tales.  Nick and Nat I presume?

Chris Rosmini

At 11:10 AM 3/7/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi there all,
>Okay, I'm willing to bet that there are a great many of you on the list
>these days who have no idea who I am. That's fine. I'm still going to
>ask for some help.
>Once upon a time and in a land long, long ago (non-sense, my speciality)
>I wrote some fanfic for this show and I'm about to be at it again. That
>means I need beta readers. Here's the catch. I write LONG stories so I
>need some folk with staying power. I also need pretty fast turn around
>times. If anyone is interested and want to know what flavor of author I
>am, just take a stroll through some of my ancient stuff on fkfanfic.com.
>You'll find me under the Author K's.
>Carrie Krumtum, that's me.
>Anyone interested in a new trot through some fanfic please email OFF
>list. I'll need at least three folk. Hope to be hearing from some of
>Oh yeah, there's chocolate in the bargain for anyone who makes it all
>the way to the end. I've some old beta readers who can vouch for that.
>"For some must watch while some must sleep. Thus runs the world away." -
>The Bard, Hamlet III.II.273-4


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 05:44:21 -0500
From:    "S. Babbitt" <sbabbitt@b.......>
Subject: Re: Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis)

CD wrote:
>It's not about dye jobs and moping. Many, but *not* all of us have a
>love of vampires in general and Forever Knight in particular.

I was once in the #foreverknight chat room, and we got into a hilarious
discussion of "the goth look," especially as it is stereotyped. Naturally,
we had both practitioners and detractors. One pro-gother--some folks here
will remember "Sushi"--made the following tongue-in-cheek observence:

"The more you resemble a thing risen from the grave drained of all
blood but not yet entered into putrescence, the better."

I've never been able to think of the goth look in *quite* the same way
since. :-)

Stephanie Babbitt (sbabbitt@b.......), Atlanta, GA
Vaquera (Because I Can), MadNatter, N&NPacker
Nobody Dies. Nobody Ever Died.


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:43:19 -0500
From:    Bonnie Rutledge <llamababe@c.......>
Subject: Re: Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis)

Stephanie B. wrote:

<snip>I was once in the #foreverknight chat room, and we got into a hilarious
discussion of "the goth look," especially as it is stereotyped.<snip>

I love the writings of Sarah Vowell, and she did a piece a few years ago called
'American Goth' which can be found in her book 'Take the Cannoli.'  My favorite
passage is where she stumbles upon 'the pink of goth,' proving that black is
not the only color that can exude gloom and doom. I can never read this essay
without thinking of the Dark Perks and, of course, Evil Pink. (I heard a
description recently of that same shade as 'lurid pink,' which I think deeply
appropriate as well.)

This also makes me wonder - if pink can be Goth, Winnie the Pooh can be Zen,
and Disney can be a project in Species Empowerment (Rah Mickey!), what will be
left for the cute people??

And on those days when LaCroix is feeling especially dark and sarcastic over
the state of the world, would he don an Armani in an alarming shade of
daffodil?? 'Cause I'm thinking society should be afraid of that. I, for one,
would be terrified.


Bonnie Rutledge<-------------------------------Omnifemale Llama!
The Touch The Feel Of Cotton!... llamababe@c.......
  "If you don't look like hell, you aren't trying hard enough."


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:54:08 -0500
From:    Portia Eins <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Old Favorites

Hey all!  Finished reading "Deja Vu," and then moved on to Kerr's "Ransom the
Knight I&II."  Now I'm reading Liz Andrews' "King's Pawn."  All very good!  Oh,
and in response to Carrie's post, went back and read her "Breaking Dawn."
Strange cadence she has in that story, to evoke the characters'
disassociativeness due to the crisis?  I love her take on Nick -- she makes him
ever the noble knight at heart! "g"

Been a while since I last went back through Mel's old archive, and am enjoying
find so many "old friends."  Wish the archive could be updated, but I'd hate to
lose that old awards link page. Even though many of the links are no longer
valid, most of my favorites still are and it's a good place to find those links
quickly when you're away from home and your bookmarks! "g"

Anway, there are a LOT of titles there -- how's about helping me out.  I'd
appreciate any titles/authors of great fic to help me winnow through the old
archive (long may it last!).



Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:40:24 -0500
From:    Portia Eins <portia1@m.......>
Subject: So, how should we now respond to Big Bird?

Yes, Bonnie, that image came very vividly to mind and it did run very cold
chills up and down my spine.  More grist for the nightmares -- thanks a lot! "g"


Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......> wrote:

And on those days when LaCroix is feeling especially dark and sarcastic over the
state of the world, would he don an Armani in an alarming shade of daffodil??
'Cause I'm thinking society should be afraid of that. I, for one,would be
Bonnie Rutledge


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 15:45:22 +0000
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis)

Bonnie Rutledge wrote:

> This also makes me wonder - if pink can be Goth,
> Winnie the Pooh can be Zen, and Disney can be a
> project in Species Empowerment (Rah Mickey!), what
> will be left for the cute people??


> And on those days when LaCroix is feeling especially
> dark and sarcastic over the state of the world, would
> he don an Armani in an alarming shade of
> daffodil??

Oh, lord, thanks for that image, Bonnie. I'm picturing a
really tall, menacing Truman Capote now...let's not
forget the snappy fedora and polkadot cravat for the
ensemble -- all of Toronto cowers before him!

I'm not sure even Lacroix could be that evil, not to
resort to Daffodil. Perhaps a soft, seafoam green...

Nancy Kaminski
nancykam@a....... <---note new email address!


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:56:21 EST
From:    Evelyn Duncan <BrandyKitt@a.......>
Subject: Re: Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis)

In a message dated 03/08/2002 8:51:27 AM Central Standard Time,
llamababe@c....... writes:

This also makes me wonder - if pink can be Goth, Winnie the Pooh can be Zen,
and Disney can be a project in Species Empowerment (Rah Mickey!), what will be
left for the cute people??

Dragonball; little Goku is awfully cute.  Then there's Hello, Kitty and

Evelyn Duncan
Save Nightline and Politically Incorrect!


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 11:14:57 -0500
From:    Portia Eins <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis)

"Hello, Kitty" is ob the Debil!

From what I understand, that nefarious enterprise is secretly owned by LaCroix
Industries...where portraits of the President -- a spiky haired gentleman in a
butter yellow evening suit with tangerine accents -- grace every wall.  Brrrr!

Not Portia

Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......> wrote:

Dragonball; little Goku is awfully cute.  Then there's Hello, Kitty and Pikachu.

Evelyn Duncan


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 11:25:51 -0500
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: LC in yellow

Bonnie/Llamababe asked:

>And on those days when LaCroix is feeling especially dark and
>sarcastic over the state of the world, would he don an Armani in an
>alarming shade of daffodil??

Actually I've done that and worse to him. When I was at Crescent City Con in
1995, there was a contest. Alas, I have forgotten Renata's last name, but I mean
the one who among other things wrote hilarious LaCroix humorous fan fiction,
illustrated by Jayne L'Argent. This one was a coloring book in which LC adopts a
dog. The contest was for the best coloring job. In my entry, LC's clothes got
louder and louder ("loud" was the word Nigel used when he saw the first one I
colored). Finally, at the end, I wrote in a short scene on the back page. In it
we discovered through overhearing a conversation at the Raven between Miklos and
Feliks (yes, it's spelled that way in the script) Twist that Janette had always
bought LC's clothes and laid them out for him. LC was totally colorblind, so
without Janette, and with LC's never admitting mistakes, his own choices got
more and more bizarre and clashing.

I even think in one of my colorings, he was wearing two loud shades of yellow.

Btw, I won the contest for coloring, although not the one for naming the puppy.

McLisa, who would appreciate someone's posting Renata's last name and the title
of the book


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 12:50:43 EST
From:    Evelyn Duncan <BrandyKitt@a.......>
Subject: Re: Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis)

In a message dated 03/08/2002 10:15:12 AM Central Standard Time,
portia1@m....... writes:

From what I understand, that nefarious enterprise is secretly owned by
LaCroix Industries...where portraits of the President -- a spiky haired
gentleman in a butter yellow evening suit with tangerine accents -- grace
every wall.  Brrrr!

Yes, one day, when LaCroix was visiting Japan, he saw the first Hello,
Kitty illustration and decided that he would purchase the rights.  Every
twenty years or so he rekindles the popularity of the little white kitten
with the flower on her head.

Evelyn Duncan
Save Nightline and Politically Incorrect!


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 12:51:36 EST
From:    MadiHolmes@a.......
Subject: Re: Nick and religious items

In a message dated 03/07/02 1:08:20 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
sbabbitt@b....... writes:

> Given that he never had formal "vampire training" from
> his Master, he either must have taught himself some specialized coping
> tricks; or he must have picked them up from someone exceptionally learned.

This might be a reason why some things don't affect him as much. We really
don't know what is cultural <ie transmitted from master to protege> and is
actual vampire physiology. It would be very interesting to see what is
taught. After all, the older vampires aren't totally immune to human culture.
"Why do we not do <insert vampire-y thing>?" "Just because"

Humans have some strange ways of doing things <at least from my
uber-subjective point of view>. Vampires aren't all that different when you
get right down to it.



Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 12:55:29 EST
From:    MadiHolmes@a.......
Subject: Re: Differences between Angel & FK

In a message dated 03/07/02 5:42:29 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
viv11374@y....... writes:

> I wonder if a warrant counts as an invitation? (VBG)
> Actually, that's probably so someone couldn't accuse them of
> illegally searching their home.  In other words, it's a cop

That was a joke more than anything.


Of course, this is also Canada we're talking about. Canada with vampires,
mind you, but it's still Canada. I don't know how different their laws and
rules are compared to America

Madi"Not so Ugly American"Holmes


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 13:34:07 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis)

In a message dated Fri, 8 Mar 2002 12:51:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, Evelyn
Duncan <BrandyKitt@a.......> writes:

> >
> twenty years or so he (LaCroix) rekindles the popularity of the little white
> kitten with the flower on her head.
Because he starts smirking everytime he thinks of Nick wearing those Hello Kitty
jammies.  (Which isn't as bad as Screed's "black market" pin-ups of Hello Kitty
in questionable poses with rats)



Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 13:37:21 -0500
From:    Portia Eins <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Goth Commentary (was Re: Thesis)

And every Christmas, LaCroix presents Janette with a siiiimmmmply aaadooorable
Hello, Kitty plastic purse -- pink, and oh so sweet....

(Oh my!  I *will* be sleeping uneasily tonight!)

Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......> wrote:
Because he starts smirking everytime he thinks of Nick wearing those Hello Kitty
jammies.  (Which isn't as bad as Screed's "black market" pin-ups of Hello Kitty
in questionable poses with rats)



Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:50:50 -0800
From:    chris thatcher <mb_the_spy@y.......>
Subject: SLC and religious items

Whew!  tha's what you get for ignoring your mailbox
for several weeks!  (oh, I'll get to it later...)
someone said something about our favorite characters
being in Salt Lake City during the Olympics, and i
thought, Why didn't anybody tell me?!? <g>  and then
the discussion turned to religious icons, and i got to
thinking that any of them ought probably to steer
right clear of the center of town (LDS "Temple
Square").  again, <g>  I had the idea to write a
humorous little fic-let about it, but it would only be
really amusing to people who know the area, and
knowing me, i prob'ly won't ever get around to it.

chris ;?  who will hopefully be spending most of 4/1
at the home of a friend who has cable.

I'm not a fatalist, but even if I were, what could I do about it?
    ~Emo Phillips


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:58:07 -0800
From:    Red <red@s.......>
Subject: Re: LC in yellow

Ok McLisa, what was the name of the puppy?  Fluffy? Snuggles? Pochacco?

- Amy

> Btw, I won the contest for coloring, although not the one for naming the
> puppy.

I started the ark in the dark.
My father was parking the shark.
-Dennis Lee


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 11:58:11 -0800
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Differences between Angel & FK

--- MadiHolmes@a....... wrote:

> Of course, this is also Canada we're talking about.
> Canada with vampires, mind you, but it's still
> Canada.

I don't know if Madi thought about it or not, but that
line just made me grin ear to ear. You don't know how
much meaning there is in that one simple statement for
someone who has lived in Canada even for a few years.
I'm asking the author's permission to use it as a sig
line in one of my email accounts.

And yes, things ARE different here :)


Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk

"Trudging through enternity, hauling my homemade horrors, do you think THAT was
my dream when I was young and evil?"

                           -Mommy Fortuna, The last Unicorn


Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 15:37:13 EST
From:    MadiHolmes@a.......
Subject: vampires and religious items...

Okay, I know this has been done to death but...

We keep going off of what affects Nick as the template for vampirism, but is
that right? He's not exactly "Joe Blow the Vampire" here. I'm willing to bet
dollars for pints that Nick is the LAST person who we should consider normal.
Anyway, to get to my point.

Now, what this has to do with religious items is that we've always assumed
most if not all religious items affect vampires in just about the same way,
but we've seen that this isn't true. However, we've always seen this as
"aberent" because of the Nick template <who is pretty much affected the same
way by everything.>

My hypothesis is that NICK is the one who's allowing all religious artifacts
to affect him in one way or another, and that it's completely variable from
vampire to vampire <consciously or subconsciously>. This is why Vachon can
live in a church, and OTHER vampires have or do not have these problems <and
other things besides religious items>, and it's ALSO why we've seen vampires
survive things like stakings, beheadings, and other things.

It's all relative, and culturally based.

And we should no longer base our conclusions off Nick, because he's a bad



Date:    Fri, 8 Mar 2002 16:10:32 EST
From:    Judith Lieberman <JudithL21@a.......>
Subject: Re: Old Favorites

I did enjoy Carrie's Rage trilogy.  Rage,To be free, and If ever.  To me it
was a satisfying ending.   JudyL


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 7 Mar 2002 to 8 Mar 2002 (#2002-71)

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