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FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Dec 2001 to 2 Dec 2001 (#2001-361)

Sun, 2 Dec 2001

There are 17 messages totalling 584 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Nigel
  2. Um..... (3)
  3. Announcing the first annual Shipper Dream awards <New!> (2)
  4. Janettes and the Raven/ettes (2)
  5. FK Irony ;-)
  6. Finals (4)
  7. countessa2000@y.......
  8. Ooops!
  9. Nick Knight DVD finding....
 10. Best wishes with finals


Date:    Sat, 1 Dec 2001 20:40:38 EST
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <Gersknightlady@c.......>
Subject: Re: Nigel

Maybe I missed this announcement on this list, but I just bought a Star Log
and it has quite a nice article on Nigel and his work.  It's a Lexx article
but also features pictures from FK. It's the December #293 issue with
Monsters Inc, and Harry Potter on the cover. 4 pages of Nigel as Prince of



Date:    Sat, 1 Dec 2001 22:42:54 -0500
From:    Portia <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Um.....

I probably should be embarrassed to admit this, but I am in the mood for a
"fledgling Nicholas in Peril" story.  I don't want him to be a wimpy baby
(over-emotionally adolescent in behavior), 'cause I don't think he was, even
when he was a fledgling, but I want a story where he's in over his head,
through no fault of his own (it's a big, bad world out there -- especially
in the vampire community!), and Daddy (and maybe big Sis) have to rescue

Anyone know of such a story?  Anyone want to *write* such a story??

Guess I'm in the mood for a bit of melodrama.... <blush> "g"



Date:    Sat, 1 Dec 2001 22:20:44 -0600
From:    "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Um.....

Portia wrote:

> I probably should be embarrassed to admit this, but I am in
> the mood for a "fledgling Nicholas in Peril" story.  I don't want him to be
> a wimpy baby (over-emotionally adolescent in behavior), 'cause I don't
> think he was, even when he was a fledgling, but I want a story where he's in

How about the recently-posted "Candle in the Shadow of Time" by Mary
Chamberlain? Or "Castle Keep" by Jean Graham? Those two stories immediately
popped into my mind. I think they fit your requirements quite well.

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 01:44:52 -0500
From:    Gabrielle White <singtoangels@h.......>
Subject: Announcing the first annual Shipper Dream awards <New!>

Hi guys! Long time no write! :)I am here to proudly announce the first
annual Shipper Dream Awards! Hosted at my own website, Shipper Dreams <duh!
  This contest is open for everyone, from either FK or Buffy. Go here to
read the rules
Nominations start December 5th, 2001 and end January 5th, 2002
  I am also looking for new fiction to add to my archives, so even if you
don't want to enter, please give me some new fiction to archive... the FK
section is sorely needing fresh blood. Anyway, take a look around guys, tell
me what you think, and I'll see you all later!
        Much love,
      Sing to Angels

  *****(N&Npacker, Secret Valentine, Detester of Perkiness, Grey Cousin
(lover of Uncle in all his guises), Vaquero)*****

   "Look for more than the human eye can see, and sing the grief you find to
the angels above."

    Member of the BtVS Writer's Guild: Where fanfiction makes anything

  Sing to Angels' Shipper Dreams


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 01:30:54 -0800
From:    Bonnie <callalily@l.......>
Subject: Janettes and the Raven/ettes

Is there a website dedicated to Janette AND her faction?

The only factional site I can find is the one listing the participants of
the last war, and some of their war posts -- was looking for more general
factional type stuff.

The classic "Our Dark Lady Of The Knight" site seems to have gone the way of
the dodo.



Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 13:51:40 EST
From:    BJDFKFan@a.......
Subject: FK Irony ;-)

Granted I'm a bit odd, but I thought this was rather funny.  I just logged on
to the official DK fanfic archive that I administer, which as of recently is
on Tripod, which means there is a small ad at the top.

The randomly generated ad that appeared when I logged on said in big letters
"GET BEEF"!  It's an ad for mail order steaks, but still, somehow I think
Nick would approve.  Seems just a bit out of place on a DK site though,
considering the DK credo! ;-)

Becky -- DFKS, DK, IB, DT, UF, Ravenette, Cousin, FOD
http://members.aol.com/BJDFKFan, http://DKfanfic.tripod.com
We're cut adrift, but still floating.  I'm only hanging on to watch you go
down...my love.  (Bono, U2)
The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night she passed on.
 (paraphrased from Ray Bradbury's F. 451, in memory of Libby M.)


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 11:55:01 -0800
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Finals

Hi guys!

It’s me de-lurking again. As the semester draws to an end,
finals are just around the corner and I thought, before the
students among us have to take the plunge, I might cheer
you all up with a little joke about how FK characters would
react on the night before an exam. I hope you like it and
would add to it if you have any more great ideas.

My own finals are next week, and as I understand the
stress, I wish all the students who are on the list a lot
of good luck on their finals and many many good grades.

Cheers and love to all

FK characters on the night before their finals

Lacroix-- He would write no exam; he would simply march
into the instructor’s office and *demand* a passing grade.
If the instructor refuses, he will either whammy or drain

Nick-- He’ll spend the entire day (and night) at the loft,
drinking cow swill, and angsting about having a final. I
can see him walking around with a bottle in one hand and
his textbook in the other, constantly voicing complaints
like: “If I hadn’t taken the course, I wouldn’t have to
write this exam, if I wouldn’t have to write this exam I
wouldn’t have to stay home and study tonight, if I…”

Natalie-- As she’s the best student in class, she won’t
need to study on the night before the final. She’ll spend
the entire night helping others do so.

Janette-- She wouldn’t have to worry about the test either.
She will merely flirt with the prof and charm him into
giving her an A.

Schanke-- He’ll complain and complain but study hard while
Myra serves him orange juice and sandwiches to keep his
brain going.

Tracy-- She will spend the whole night at a neighborhood
Starbucks, hunched over a cup of coffee and her textbook,
and chewing on her nails because in all likelihood, she
never intended to have this course in the first place but
her dad talked her into taking it.

Vachon-- Vachon wouldn’t have to care about this subject at
all since all I can imagine him taking at a university are
some specialty fine art courses which don’t have any

Screed-- He’ll undeniably cheat. I can just picture him
smuggling answers into the exam room stuffed inside a rat
fur that he had for lunch an hour ago.

Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk

"Trudging through enternity, hauling my homemade horrors, do you think THAT was
my dream when I was young and evil?"

                           -Mommy Fortuna, The last Unicorn


Date:    Mon, 3 Dec 2001 09:15:16 +1300
From:    Knightraven <kiwisun@i.......>
Subject: Re: Announcing the first annual Shipper Dream awards <New!>

Hi StA,

You can link to any of my stories from your site if you would like.
Good luck. Buffy and Angel rock btw.<g>


> Hi guys! Long time no write! :)I am here to proudly announce the first
> annual Shipper Dream Awards! Hosted at my own website, Shipper Dreams <duh!
> :)>
>   This contest is open for everyone, from either FK or Buffy. Go here to
> read the rules
> https://www.angelfire.com/tv2/singtoangels/awards.html
> Nominations start December 5th, 2001 and end January 5th, 2002
>   I am also looking for new fiction to add to my archives, so even if you
> don't want to enter, please give me some new fiction to archive... the FK
> section is sorely needing fresh blood. Anyway, take a look around guys, tell
> me what you think, and I'll see you all later!
>         Much love,
>       Sing to Angels
>   *****(N&Npacker, Secret Valentine, Detester of Perkiness, Grey Cousin
> (lover of Uncle in all his guises), Vaquero)*****
>    "Look for more than the human eye can see, and sing the grief you find to
> the angels above."
>     Member of the BtVS Writer's Guild: Where fanfiction makes anything
> possible!
>   Sing to Angels' Shipper Dreams
> https://www.angelfire.com/tv2/singtoangels


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 15:14:06 -0500
From:    Anne Terrien <aterrien@g.......>
Subject: Re: Finals

Hehehehe, thanks Sunny that was great!  Mine start next Friday
<winces>.   I can just see Lacroix raising an eyebrow "statistics?"
and then moving on to something FAR more important/interesting.

Perhaps: "Even etneral life is too short to bother with ________ (<--
insert most dreaded subject matter here)."

Good luck everyone!

>  thought, before the students among us have to take the plunge, I might cheer
>you all up with a little joke about how FK characters would
>react on the night before an exam.
Now online @ http://max_the_lizard.tripod.com


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 12:42:42 -0800
From:    "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Re: Um.....

Hi Everyone:

Question: How many years does it take a vampire
to get beyond "fledgling" status? If it's more
than 60 years, then you might want to check out
the flashback in my latest story "Considerations"
where Nick tries to give some advice to a few
villagers in the 1280s....<g>

OK, it's not a full story, but it is a small




Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 12:52:19 -0800
From:    Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: countessa2000@y.......

One of the perks of being a computer programming student is, multiple
choice tests are rare...but we have to work on projects.  I just
finished a huge one.  Class was cancelled last week due to instructor
illness, so I don't know what the final project will be yet.  Also,
trying to find an entry-level job in IT is much more difficult than
my classes.  I wish you the best of luck.


--- Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......> wrote:
> Hi guys!
> It’s me de-lurking again. As the semester draws to an end,
> finals are just around the corner and I thought, before the
> students among us have to take the plunge, I might cheer
> you all up with a little joke about how FK characters would
> react on the night before an exam. I hope you like it and
> would add to it if you have any more great ideas.
> My own finals are next week, and as I understand the
> stress, I wish all the students who are on the list a lot
> of good luck on their finals and many many good grades.
> Cheers and love to all
> Sunny
> ********************************
> FK characters on the night before their finals
> Lacroix-- He would write no exam; he would simply march
> into the instructor’s office and *demand* a passing grade.
> If the instructor refuses, he will either whammy or drain
> him.
> Nick-- He’ll spend the entire day (and night) at the loft,
> drinking cow swill, and angsting about having a final. I
> can see him walking around with a bottle in one hand and
> his textbook in the other, constantly voicing complaints
> like: “If I hadn’t taken the course, I wouldn’t have to
> write this exam, if I wouldn’t have to write this exam I
> wouldn’t have to stay home and study tonight, if I…”
> Natalie-- As she’s the best student in class, she won’t
> need to study on the night before the final. She’ll spend
> the entire night helping others do so.
> Janette-- She wouldn’t have to worry about the test either.
> She will merely flirt with the prof and charm him into
> giving her an A.
> Schanke-- He’ll complain and complain but study hard while
> Myra serves him orange juice and sandwiches to keep his
> brain going.
> Tracy-- She will spend the whole night at a neighborhood
> Starbucks, hunched over a cup of coffee and her textbook,
> and chewing on her nails because in all likelihood, she
> never intended to have this course in the first place but
> her dad talked her into taking it.
> Vachon-- Vachon wouldn’t have to care about this subject at
> all since all I can imagine him taking at a university are
> some specialty fine art courses which don’t have any
> finals.
> Screed-- He’ll undeniably cheat. I can just picture him
> smuggling answers into the exam room stuffed inside a rat
> fur that he had for lunch an hour ago.
> =====
> Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
> "Trudging through enternity, hauling my homemade horrors, do you
> think THAT was my dream when I was young and evil?"
>                            -Mommy Fortuna, The last Unicorn


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 12:53:38 -0800
From:    Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Ooops!

I seem to have pasted the e-mail addy into the wrong field in that
last one.  Sorry about that.

Emily M. Hanson
Home page - http://www.starbase-eprime.com
Web Graphics - http://www.galaxyofimages.com


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 15:52:59 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Nick Knight DVD finding....

I was just in an Central Arkansas Big Lots and found *one* copy of the NICK
KNIGHT DVD! Has anyone else found any in stores within the USA? Big Lots is a
"remainder" store where you never know what you'll find. This one was in with
a small number of kung fu type movies so I'm glad I made the effort to thumb

I only found ONE copy and I'm not giving it up, but others might check stores
such as this in their areas.



Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 15:54:55 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Finals

In a message dated 12/2/01 1:55:38 PM Central Standard Time,
countessa2000@y....... writes:

 Screed-- He’ll undeniably cheat. I can just picture him
 smuggling answers into the exam room stuffed inside a rat
 fur that he had for lunch an hour ago. >>
I'm not so sure Screed can even read very well. Chances are, he never learned
in his mortal life, and I can't invision him sitting still long enough for
Vachon or someone to teach him. Talk about ADD... He may know a few words,
such as his own name.

I think he'd just whammy someone into giving him THEIR completed test, then
he'd change the name on it<g>



Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 14:12:31 -0700
From:    Michelle <mlp9@d.......>
Subject: Re: Finals

>Vachon-- Vachon wouldn’t have to care about this subject at
>all since all I can imagine him taking at a university are
>some specialty fine art courses which don’t have any

Actually I see Vachon just not bothering to study. He probably ditched half of
the semester anyway and is confident in his ability to wing the final.

~Cousin Michelle


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 13:43:32 -0800
From:    StormBorn <stormborne@e.......>
Subject: Re: Janettes and the Raven/ettes

I don't have a Ravenettes site, but back when we were doing webpages for FK
characters (that is, as written by FK characters), I did one for Janette and
one for LaCroix (Vampwrtr graciously wrote the text for the Nightcrawler).
Go to http://stormborn.tripod.com/ and from the index select the "Seducers"
option.  Once at that page, click on the pics for the character pages.

Abnormally fond of dead guys
stormborne@e....... - http://stormborn.tripod.com/
LEXXfic - read "Once a Slave" at www.angelfire/goth/cryopod/


Date:    Sun, 2 Dec 2001 13:48:33 -0800
From:    "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Best wishes with finals

Hi Everyone:

Just taking a break from helping students prepare
for their exams here in my neck of the woods to
say good luck with their exams.

BTW: That was a great character description of FK
folks and finals.  If I can just keep LC away
from the reference desk, I'll be doing okay. <g>

Thanks and good luck everyone!




End of FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Dec 2001 to 2 Dec 2001 (#2001-361)

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