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FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Nov 2001 to 6 Nov 2001 (#2001-336)

Tue, 6 Nov 2001

There are 25 messages totalling 812 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know! (8)
  2. Getting Forever Knight on DVD
  3. Question of the week (2)
  4. question of the week (5)
  5. g6 report
  6. Another KtK site update
  7. Derivation of Uncle (2)
  8. Babylon 5 (Re: Pop Goes the Vampire) (2)
  9. Andre is Anakin Skywalker??? (3)


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 18:12:40 -0500
From:    mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

Desiree asked
> So, I guess all of us independent cat lovers are Cousins and all of the
> Dog lovers are Nunkies, haha.
> Fess-up which are you McL???

Oh, I'm definitely a crazy cat lady, all round hopeless cat person!   If I
have to make a choice, I prefer cats.

But I do love dogs, had dogs and cats growing up, and one of the reasons I
chose my present house was because it had a fenced yard for a dog.

McLisa (Lisa McDavid)
"That will be trouble".
Listowner, Forkni-l and Fkfic-l


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 18:33:52 EST
From:    Brianna Alicia Becerra <EchoTiarra@a.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

In a message dated 11/5/01 3:10:13 PM Pacific Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:

> Desiree asked
> > So, I guess all of us independent cat lovers are Cousins and all of the
> > Dog lovers are Nunkies, haha.
> >
> > Fess-up which are you McL???

:Once again Delurks: I have to say im MUCH more of a cat person..which fits
in cause I am a cousin and have been since the last war..pity the war seemed
to be over so soon.


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 17:52:13 -0600
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Getting Forever Knight on DVD


It looks like many of you have e-mailed Columbia DVD, asking for FK to be
released on DVD. Most responses from them appeared to be some what automatic
though, even with different people replying. What we need to go for this
month, when e-mailing them, is to ask "What is the response from the
department, regarding Forever Knight on DVD?" This is the basic question to

If you have not e-mailed them before or want to add more, feel free.

Remember they do *read* these e-mails. *If* sufficient interest can be found
to add a new series, their marketing and other departments become involved.
So, we have to show them we *are* a big following of fans that want *this*
show on DVD!

E-mail this address and ask them for Forever Knight on DVD:


~May the Knight go to DVD and live on *Forever*~
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 18:04:47 -0600
From:    eowyn3@j.......
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

Hi Y'all!

McLisa wrote:
>Nunkies (from the slang "nunk" for uncle, of course) like to kid about
their er, worship of LC. They have a shrine, <

Ummm, technically the Nunkies don't have a shrine anymore.  It was blown
to bits in the last war <G>

eowyn3@j......., eowyn@w.......
GWDFC, G-IV & V Attendee, Knighties Listowner, TKD, FK X-Stitcher,
Proud Survivor of Fk-fic  Wars 8-11, Keeper of the FK Birthday List
She can be taught!  But only in little bytes!


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 17:34:42 -0500
From:    knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Re: Question of the week

> Let's see.  At one time they were going to promote Schanke to Captain,
> figuring that his and Nick's new interaction would be interesting. That
> allows Tracy to come in as Nick's partner (only, this time, she should figure
> out that he's a vampire. In the show as it stood, she simply looked stupid,
> which she wasn't, for not figuring it out. At least Schanke had the excuse
> that he didn't know vampires existed.) Vachon could simply drift in, just
> as he did, which allows for Screed.
> Note that while I'm open to recasting Tracy and maybe Vachon (Lisa Ryder and
> Ben Bass are still young enough not to be a problem), I am not prepared to
> accept anyone but Greg Kramer as Screed.
> McLisa
> mclisa@m.......

Hmmm....this sounds like another fanfic in the making.  Is it?

aka knightfangs


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 20:49:42 -0700
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

>Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight
>  if someone other than
>Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight?
>Why/Why not?

Heck, right now I'll take any well-written show that's set in the FK
universe, with or without the original actors in the original roles. Vachon
gets his own show, set in, hmm, Cowtown? Urs in Vancouver, with cameos from
Nigel? I'll take it. Just write me something worth watching, with actors
who can do the job well.

Your humble & obedient servant,


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 23:01:58 -0500
From:    knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

> The Cousins are LC's followers in general. Nunkies (from the slang "nunk" for
> uncle, of course) like to kid about their er, worship of LC. They have a
> shrine, allow LC to order them around in a way Cousins don't, and so on.

Thanks for the information.  I think I finally have it straight now.

> It's perfectly possible to be in both factions. In wars, we generally play
> together.

I've noticed, but still wasn't 100% sure of the distinction.

> And for the record, I do have a dog as well as 7 cats.
> McL

It's hard to pick between dog and cats when you own both, isn't it?  <G>
I have an almost five month old pup and three cats.

aka knightfangs


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 23:18:22 EST
From:    Susankenn@a.......
Subject: g6 report

Hi All

Back from G6. I am always so high when I came back from one of these events.

I am not much of a writer so I will give a brief report and hope others will
fill in.

Anyway, Due to some post production work in LA on one of his films Ger did
not arrive until 7:30 PM on Sat.

We filled our Sat with videos and various games. A few auction items were
done then also.

Ger came in at 7.30. God he looks fabulous. His hair is longer than in
Tracker and he looks fit . ( I had the distinct pleasure of being in the
first row) .  He did a Q& A for about 1/2 hours and then an the auction. The
auction ended at 1 am. He made had a great time feeding the bidding frenzy
between the last 2 bidders on an item. He would look at you and ask for that
extra 5 or so and by the time you realized you could not say no you spend a
lot more than you had anticipated. ( I know I outbid someone just because of
his looks to me). ALso the auction Kiss couldn't hurt.

He signed all the auction items and then we all broke for a quick nap before

Breakfast started at 8:30 and Ger came down around 9. Around 9.30 he went to
each table and we were asked to limit his signing to 2 items. We then all got
to have our pictures taken with him and hopefully get another kiss and hug
(successful on both for me).

We didn't get a chance to have the autograph session on Sat but considering
that he came in late and had to fly back to LA on Sunday the energy he gave
was considerable.

No one was disappointed.

BTW, Ger looked so good he could fulfill his FK shoes in a moment in answer
to the question of the week.

He left around 11:30. A bunch of us got together after to Ger decompress and
I left to Drive home to NY around 2pm.



Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 23:35:03 -0500
From:    knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

> Ummm, technically the Nunkies don't have a shrine anymore.  It was blown
> to bits in the last war <G>

The Big, Bad, Old, Dead Guy if I remember correctly.  Qu'Ra (sp?)?

aka knightfangs


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 00:19:26 EST
From:    BJDFKFan@a.......
Subject: Another KtK site update

Have you been dying to read the back issues of the Crusader (okay, you
haven't, but humor me <G>), but don't like the boring plain text versions on
the KtK site?  Can't read our jpg versions?  Yeah, neither can we.  Well,
your prayers have been answered.  We now have Adobe Acrobat Reader (pdf)
versions of almost all of the back issues up on the website.  There are a few
pages that I couldn't find the original files for, and 4 issues were done
before I started doing them, so those are still in just jpg or text.  Also I
should point out that some of the fonts I used for headlines etc. are no
longer on my computer so some of the headlines no longer look exactly as
intended, but you'll get the idea. <G>

Anyway, the beauty of this is that the Acrobat files are nice and small, load
quick, and are mostly crystal clear.  So, if you'd like read the back issues
while you wait for the long-anticipated next new issue to come out, or even
if you wouldn't like to, please take pity on me...this was a big
project...please visit the KtK site at:
(our redirect service appears to be down once again tonight, but if it comes
up again soon the alternate shorter url is http://www.ktk.op.nu )

Becky -- DFKS, DK, IB, DT, UF, Ravenette, Cousin, FOD
http://members.aol.com/BJDFKFan, http://members.aol.com/DKfanfic
We're cut adrift, but still floating.  I'm only hanging on to watch you go
down...my love.  (Bono, U2)
The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night she passed on.
 (paraphrased from Ray Bradbury's F. 451, in memory of Libby M.)


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 00:26:16 -0500
From:    Lisa Williams <mystykblue@e.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

<Without trying to start a war :), it looks from my viewpoint as though they
relate to  LC as if they were dogs -- or at least at his orders -- whereas
Cousins are more like cats. Especially when it comes to trying to get us to
do anything together. <g> >

Oh...really. I am a Cousin and a member of NA. I am owned by 3 cats and have
been known to drool over Nunkies. However, to my knowledge,I have never
slobbered. I am no one's dog. <G>

<So, I guess all of us independent cat lovers are Cousins and all of the
Dog lovers are Nunkies, haha.>

Again...I have 3 cats. No Dogs. Not that I wouldn't want to have a dog. I
love all animals. Even Nunkies haters.

<<Ummm, technically the Nunkies don't have a shrine anymore.  It was blown
to bits in the last war <G>>>>

Ummmm, technically the shrine is in my heart therefore you can never destroy
it .<G>

Lisa Williams
proud to be "owned" by Nunkies


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 00:58:32 -0500
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

At 02:04 PM 11/5/2001 -0800, Eric wrote:

>As for the rest... would you bring back the "major" cast, or just have Nick
>and LC suddenly be... elsewhere?  That, I don't think I could put up with,
>regardless.  They'd be starting from scratch, basically, and would throw a
>fourth season even more out of joint.

Actually... while it wouldn't be "FK as we know it", one could work a
spin-off show (though I don't think it would last more than a single
season, if that) where Reese tries to investigate "What happened to Nick
and Natalie?" or even more broadly, "What happened on the night Tracy was
killed?" As he searches for answers, he ends up drawn into the web of the
vampire Community (probably without even knowing it); meanwhile, Lacroix
thinks up methods to throw him off the track. In another variation of the
theme, Reese starts investigating, ends up finding Stonetree, and the two
of them start investigating (or trying to not investigate) the situation(s)...

The "end" of the series (presuming it lasted long enough to have a defined
ending) would have to end up with them either realizing it's a lost
cause/some things are better left unknown, finding Lacroix and being either
debriefed or desanguinated (exsanguinated), or finding themselves drawn so
deeply into the vampire Community that they either are offered vampirism
(with or without full advance disclosure), or they must choose between it
and death, or they start having to outrun the Enforcers (eventually
spawning a third series/thread/spinoff).

>At this point, I don't think a fourth season would be workable - there
>would have to be too many changes and (worse) too many cast replacements -
>and it takes time for that chemistry to build.

A fourth series could work, if it were given time, and if we had not
already had the debacle of the third series. Another show I follow,
Ballykissangel, worked reasonably for series 4 and 5 with a lot of cast
changes (sorry, Peter&Assumpta fans!), primarily because they gave each
character room to grow and change, and had a continuing story arc. The show
failed in the middle of its sixth series, in part due to a number of series
six cast changes that might have better not been made, and to the real-life
deaths of two actors (Birdy Sweeney and Tony Doyle) who played
key/supporting roles in the series.

However, given that FK had already undergone the destabilizing third
series, the second set of changes might be too much.

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
         UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 01:00:09 -0500
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

At 04:03 PM 11/5/2001 -0500, McLisa wrote:

>The Cousins are LC's followers in general. Nunkies (from the slang "nunk"
>for uncle, of course) like to kid about their er, worship of LC. They have
>a shrine, allow LC to order them around in a way Cousins don't, and so on.

Umm... I thought "Nunkies" *was* "Uncle", and the, umm,
slavishly-infatuated followers called the faction, Nunkies Anonymous, and
themselves, Nunkies Addicts.

>Without trying to start a war :), it looks from my viewpoint as though
>they relate to  LC as if they were dogs -- or at least at his orders --
>whereas Cousins are more like cats. Especially when it comes to trying to
>get us to do anything together. <g>

Hm. From what I've read, I got the impression that NA are
slavishly-infatuated fans (see the drool cups) who also kind of girl-bond
with each other (down to, and including, the pub crawls and catfights),
while the Cousins sound more like the admirers who are a bit in awe of
Lacroix and who might secretly want to be more like him...

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
         UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 16:38:26 +0000
From:    jennii35 <jennii35@i.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

     Hi Brenda,

season, if that) where Reese tries to investigate "What happened to Nick
and Natalie?" or even more broadly, "What happened on the night Tracy was
killed?" As he searches for answers, he ends up drawn into the web of the
vampire Community (probably without even knowing it); meanwhile, Lacroix

        this has been written about by Dorothy Elggren a really
        great story "All the Rest is Silence" also very sad.

Lover of all things Nigel
Dark Knightie and UFer


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 01:25:26 -0500
From:    Lisa Williams <mystykblue@e.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

>slavishly-infatuated fans (see the drool cups) who also kind of girl-bond
with each other (down to, and including, the pub crawls and catfights...<

OK so what does that mean girlie? Do I have to throw you into Nick's pit of
condemned bimbos and jello wrestle you for beer? Oh wait...Nunkies beckons
drool,drool...NOT! Slam dunk into jello pit! Woohooo.
Lisa sings ala Grease..."Slavishly devoted to you". <WEG>

Cousin, NA!!!, Dark Knight, Natpacker, Val


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 01:20:45 -0500
From:    "S. Babbitt" <sbabbitt@b.......>
Subject: Re: Question of the week

McLisa wrote:
>Note that while I'm open to recasting Tracy and maybe Vachon...

(the sound you heard was all the Vaqs screaming in unison...)

To me, only Ben can be Vachon, because of those EYES. They can cut the
hair, shave him, pluck his eyebrows, and make him wear three-piece suits,
and we'll accept it somehow, but it's just not Vachon without the eyes.
(The voice is a very close second.) :-)

Whenever I think about recasting FK, I get scary visions of the actor who
portrayed (using the term loosely) LaCroix in "Nick Knight." To me, it's
almost painful to watch--it's like seeing Tom Cruise's love child with Jack
Nicholson, which is a distressing enough concept in itself. :-)  The
potential of seriously botching the characters we've come to know and love
is just so high with recasting that I don't think I'd want to go there,
even if it meant new FK. Y'all just *know* that they'd get some anorexic
18-year-old supermodel with no brain to play Janette, for example, and
they'd probably do even worse by Natalie. I have this awful mental image of
a "Sex in the City" clone being presented to us as FK... (shudder)

Ger himself changed pretty drastically from first season to third, and the
fandom managed to cope. I mean, seriously--in some of the first season eps,
he looks about 22 years old. That's part of what makes good actors
GOOD--they can make you *believe* they're any age.

So give us the original cast, or give us death. Or something like that. ;-)

Stephanie Babbitt (sbabbitt@b.......), Atlanta, GA
Vaquera (Because I Can), MadNatter, N&NPacker
Nobody Dies. Nobody Ever Died.


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 07:27:10 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <TIMP@d.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

> Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight if someone other than
> Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight? Why/Why not?

        Rather than make a fourth season, I would think it would be
better if something like the StarTrek phenomena was done.
        You make a derivative series utilizing the same universe and
much of the same tone, but with differences to permit you to
explore new story ideas.
        Call it Endless Nights.
        Assemble a new group of vampires and humans.
        The characters of LaCroix and Janette could definitely guest-
start on occasion as they were the only assured survivors of the
last few episodes.

        A literal "remake" (an attempt to make a 4th season), while it
has a sentimental attraction, would probably not really fly in the
real-world.  I have trouble believing that a network would revive a
series that hasn't been produced in so long and attempt to create a
4th season for it, since People would have to see the first 3
seasons to understand what is going on.
        Far more likely that the networks would see the popularity of
vampire fiction and the wisdom of reviving a known and established
series with new faces.
        I've played with the question of whether or not Angel is helping
or hurting the chances for a FK revival.  On one hand, the networks
seem to like derivatives of currently succesful shows as they feel
their chances of success are greater on the other hand, I don't
think I am alone in giving little attention to shows that I consider to
be "brainless knock-offs" of current shows.  I would know better
abot a FK spinoff, but would the rest of the viewing community?
        The fact that Buffy and Angel have been so popular for so long
without competition makes me think that the networks don't see a
potential for a similiar show  at this time.

 Tim Phillips


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 08:36:46 -0500
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Derivation of Uncle

In case anyone wondered, here's why Uncle for LaCroix, and Cousins for the
original LaCroix faction.

Back when the list was under 100 subscribers, Knightie Sharon Scott made the
mistake of admitting to a dislike of frogs. Some time afterwards, a trio of
LaCroixettes sent her a box of chocolates which were shaped like frogs.

Sharon told them onlist that they were so mean, they must be related. :) They
decided that they were cousins, so LC must be their uncle. Hence the new faction
name and Uncle for LC.

The Nunkies came along later.



Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 09:56:26 -0500
From:    teri delong <darius4evr@h.......>
Subject: Re: Derivation of Uncle

>From: Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>

>In case anyone wondered, here's why Uncle for LaCroix, and Cousins for the
>original LaCroix faction.<snip>

Silly me! And here I thought it was because in several flashbacks, LaCroix
introduces Nick and Janette as his "cousins". It made perfect sense to me!!


Check him out!... http://www.benbassfanclub.com/
Proud Vaquera/Vachon's vassal/Defender of Brown-eyed Vamps
V-loop/Vaqdreams/T+V/ BenBassfanclub /Fanatic Castle Listmom #2
DP/FoRP/GKfc/and OFFICIAL Lisa Ryder Fan Club Member #5!!:o)


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:32:04 -0500
From:    Emma <elighton@b.......>
Subject: Babylon 5 (Re: Pop Goes the Vampire)

>Hey, you asked for cheesy rationalizations. <g> Wouldn't it be wonderful if
>every show had a thorough show bible? And stuck to it? I'm in awe of
>"Babylon 5"--there were some minor goofs (usually due to filming/editing)
>but JMS kept everything straight for five seasons. Wow.

I think B5's main advantage in continuity was that JMS wrote most of
the episodes.

Although, he managed a couple of REALLY major goofs at the end of season 4.

1. Marcus, from a ship near Mars, could get access to the B5
computers, but Franklin, going after him to stop him couldn't get a
message through the jammers.

2. Either Marcus had a very long lead, they were very powerful
jammers, or JMS forgot that the trip from B5 to Jupiter took 3 days.
Vaquera * DPheretic * T+Vpack * FKMac-er Head mouse clicker
Survivor of Wars 9-11
"Ecce Macdonaldus Senex, qui fundum habet. E-I-E-I-O."-Grunt


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 11:43:31 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: Babylon 5 (Re: Pop Goes the Vampire)

> >Hey, you asked for cheesy rationalizations. <g> Wouldn't it be wonderful if
> >every show had a thorough show bible? And stuck to it? I'm in awe of
> >"Babylon 5"--there were some minor goofs (usually due to filming/editing)
> >but JMS kept everything straight for five seasons. Wow.

        Babylon 5 and X-Files were two shows that appeared at about
the same time and broke new ground for having a continuous story-
arc that implied continuity.   The networks were uncomfortable with
this idea, as it meant that an occasional viewer might find
themselves wondering what was happening and be turned off by the
show.  I think that the continuous story-lines added a lot.  Watch
the last 2-3 episodes of FK.  Knowing that they were on their last
legs, they wrapped up loose-ends and went out with some class.
        They couldn't have done all that they did in a single episode.

        Today, I think a lot more attention is paid to consistent writing.
        I know that JMS has commented that the active internet
community made his people conscious of the need to be
consistent - since the second an evening's show finished
broadcasting, the nitpickers would be all-over it.
        I like to think that if a FK sequel is ever done, the first step will
be a comprehensive show bible to support a sweeping story-arc
that crosses generations and decades as it leads us through the
evolving lives of the characters.  Now, there is an interesting idea...
        Why limit a sequal to now + flashbacks?
        Why not have entire shows that are flashbacks...
        Follow a small crew of vampires across 20-30 years of their
lives.  Each season, they are in some new circumstances with a
new collection of friends - and perhaps a reintroduction to some old
        If you viewed the story-lines as change and character
development, it would be like Babylon 5, you might moarn a
character's departure, but there would be another interesting
character just the other side of the commercial break to provide
new and interesting interactions to the "main characters".


 Tim Phillips


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 11:45:53 -0800
From:    "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

I wouldn't accept anyone other than the original cast, for the main
characters.  Even if they pulled a thing where Nick became mortal for
awhile and then either reverted, or was brought back across. The
chemistry between him and Catherine was extraordinary.
I think that fans are extremely forgiving and would easily accept Ger,
even a bit older.  Besides, I've been watching Tracker... if he lost the
beard (which looks to be graying), he would be just fine!

KC Smith
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 12:05:57 -0800
From:    "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Andre is Anakin Skywalker???

My husband went to the website for the Star Wars: Episode II and it says
that Hayden Christensen plays Anakin Skywalker... isn't he the one that
played Andre in 'Fallen Idol'?

KC Smith
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."


Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 15:13:31 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Andre is Anakin Skywalker???

In a message dated 11/6/01 1:58:03 PM Central Standard Time,
tigrlady2u@j....... writes:

<< My husband went to the website for the Star Wars: Episode II and it says
 that Hayden Christensen plays Anakin Skywalker... isn't he the one that
 played Andre in 'Fallen Idol'? >>
Yep. I believe so! We talked about it here when he was first cast ages ago.
Small world even on the big screen, isn't it? hhaha



Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 12:22:00 -0800
From:    Lady Ariake <lady_ariake@y.......>
Subject: Re: Andre is Anakin Skywalker???

--- "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......> wrote:
> My husband went to the website for the Star Wars:
> Episode II and it says
> that Hayden Christensen plays Anakin Skywalker...
> isn't he the one that
> played Andre in 'Fallen Idol'?

Lol...I came at it from the other perspective.  I was
wandering through FK episode listings, spotted Hayden
Christensen's name and said "Hey, that's Anakin!  He
was on Forever Knight?"  'Fallen Idol' is one of the
episodes I haven't seen.  And (I'm a moderator at the
starwars.com message boards) yes, it's true, Hayden
Christensen will be playing Anakin Skywalker, becoming
the fifth actor to take on the role on film, the
others being Jake Lloyd (The Phantom Menace) Sebastian
Shaw (Return of the Jedi), James Earl Jones (voice;
Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the
Jedi) and David Prowse (Star Wars, The Empire Strikes
Back, Return of The Jedi.)  He's sixth if you include
sword-fighting stand-in Bob Anderson.

By the way (read no further if you are costume-spoiler
free for Star Wars: Episode II) I saw the Star Wars
Connections presentation at GenCon.....

Let me just say, the boy looks goooood in black leather.

"If you're going to have delusions of grandeur, go for the really satisfying
ones."  (Marcus Cole, Anla'shok, or my life motto.)

"...In all things trust the Weyrfolk, for their cause is just and true."



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Nov 2001 to 6 Nov 2001 (#2001-336)

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