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FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Nov 2001 to 5 Nov 2001 (#2001-335)

Mon, 5 Nov 2001

There are 34 messages totalling 892 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. question of the week (11)
  2. Medical help
  3. unknown song (3)
  4. Birthdays This Week, Nov. 5-11, 2001
  5. Song title request
  6. Secrete Santa
  7. Geraint Wyn Davies and Adrian Paul in TRACKER Premiere Problem (Help?) (2)
  8. poetic vision and Forever Knight (3)
  9. Question of the week (6)
 10. nomail
 11. What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know! (3)
 12. Secret Santas


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 12:05:50 +1300
From:    Tracey Rayner <trayner@p.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

DOH *slaps forehead* sorry all, am not quite with it (exams make me silly).
this weeks question is

Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight if someone other than
Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight? Why/Why not?

The URL for the question page is

The URL for my main page is in my sig below :)
*Trace goes to crawl back under her notes*

"I am what I am, and I don't think Betty Ford takes Forever Knight addicts"


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 12:51:27 +1300
From:    Kylie <kiwisun@i.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

> Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight if someone other than
> Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight? Why/Why not?

I have to say...Actually yes i would.

I think Ger has aged a little too much to pull off being immortal. In fact i
think Nigel may be the only one who could move into the next series now for
any length of time.
I realise I have just been speared to death by all the Gerfan daggers, but
is me 2cents worth anyways. <g>

But i also have to add that any replacement, would have to be of the same
type as Ger...as I do think he was a wonderful choice. Most likely British
or of that calibar/type of actor...someone who can carry himself as an
age-old gentleman. I think many modern actors are too pretty and dont have
the classical training background that is needed to pull off this character.
So he would have to be chosen carefully.
Okay I done ..<g> ....Kylie openly displays bullseye on chest.



Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 16:58:29 -0600
From:    Nichole A Knight <cdisiere@j.......>
Subject: Medical help

Hi Everyone,

It's me again.  This time I don't need any names for a park, but names
for a drug. The description is as follows:  Clear liquid and knocks the
person unconscious when injected into the blood stream.  If there is no
known drug with those characteristics, then please name and describe a
drug that 'knocks a person unconscious when injected into the blood


"I am what I am, and I don't think Betty Ford takes vampires."
               ~Detective Nick Knight/Nicholas de Brabant "Forever Knight"


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 17:05:48 -0600
From:    Nichole A Knight <cdisiere@j.......>
Subject: Re: unknown song

Do you know what type of station you were listening to at the time?  I
don't think this is alternative rock, but I can't be too sure.  If it
was, I could ask someone who is not a list member for help.


On Sun, 4 Nov 2001 12:25:01 -0700 Megan Hull <mistryder@h.......>
> Hi!  McLisa said that since I want to use this in fic, I can post it.  I
> heard a snippet of song on the radio and want to use it, but I don't know
> who wrote it, what's it's called, or all the words.  Anyone
> recognise it?
> When the dream disolves I open up my eyes,
> I realize that
> Everything is endless seas.
> Weightlessness is passing over me....
> I feel so light
> This is all I want to feel tonight.
> I feel so light,
> tonight and the rest of my who life.
>                   Thanx!  Megan
> "Eternal nights too short,
> How quickly melt away,
> With all the love we shared once,
> Forever in a day."

"I am what I am, and I don't think Betty Ford takes vampires."
               ~Detective Nick Knight/Nicholas de Brabant "Forever Knight"


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 20:07:46 -0500
From:    Lisa Williams <mystykblue@e.......>
Subject: Re: unknown song

The song is Tonight and the rest of my life, by Nina Gordon. Contact me at
Mystykblue@e....... and i'll send you the lyrics too.

Lisa Williams


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 19:34:36 -0600
From:    eowyn3@j.......
Subject: Birthdays This Week, Nov. 5-11, 2001

Hi Y'all!

Having a birthday this week is:

Wednesday, Nov. 7
Kristin                         kris1228@s.......
Cindy    (married to Robin)     niteluvr@s.......
Robin (married to Cindy)        mfaut@s.......

Please send birthday wishes to Kristin, Cindy and Robin at the above
addresses and not to the list.

Anyone who wants their birthday announced can send their birthdate (no
year), their name and their e-mail address to me at eowyn3@j....... and I
will be glad to add you to the list.

eowyn3@j......., eowyn@w.......
GWDFC, G-IV Attendee, Knighties Listowner, TKD,
FK X-Stitcher, Proud Survivor of Fk-fic  Wars 8-11,
Keeper of the FK Birthday List
She can be taught!  But only in little bytes!


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 18:40:20 -0500
From:    LeeAnn Pultz <leeann@d.......>
Subject: Song title request

Argh, I'm too quick on the delete key.

The song is called - "Tonight and the rest of my life" and it's by Nina Gordon.

Sorry for not taking this offlist - but I lost the original poster's message.

LeeAnn Pultz
Sesame Technology

----- End forwarded message -----

LeeAnn Pultz
Sesame Technology


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 13:19:02 EST
From:    Rexjdk@a.......
Subject: Secrete Santa

Hi my name is Jennifer and I am posting this message to you writers and
readers alike with the kind permision of Don and Mclissa.

I would like to know if anyone would be interested in joining a Secrete Santa
list that I am hoping to create.  It worked really well last year for me when
I participated in the Young Riders Secrete Santa list .

If interested could you please email (Rexjdk@a.......) me these things:  By
November 13th

Address (Real and Email)
A list of things taht your secrete santa can choose from ( limit $15.00 )
A number so it will be easier for me to match up the participators.

*  If you would like to join, with the gift you send you could send a story
about why you and your favorite Forever Knight character chose the gift that
you did.  But if you do not want to write a letter you could just send a card
or a note with it.


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 22:24:31 -0500
From:    Portia <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

The only missile I'm gonna send is a <<<<HUG>>>>>>

Good to see ya on the list, oh Scribe-a-riffic!! :o)

who kinda has to agree with Kylie....

----- Original Message -----
> Okay I done ..<g> ....Kylie openly displays bullseye on chest.
> Kylie.


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 20:08:55 -0800
From:    phylis sullivan <phylis_s_2000_2001@y.......>
Subject: Re: unknown song

> When the dream disolves I open up my eyes,
> I realize that
> Everything is endless seas.
> Weightlessness is passing over me....
> I feel so light
> This is all I want to feel tonight.
> I feel so light,
> tonight and the rest of my who life.
>                   Thanx!  Megan
  The song is "Tonight and the rest of my life."
It is my Nina Gordan and is from her cd of the same
name.  If you need all of the lyrics I can send them
to you off list.  Phylis


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 20:23:52 -0800
From:    phylis sullivan <phylis_s_2000_2001@y.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

--- Tracey Rayner <trayner@p.......> wrote:
> > Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight
> if someone other than
> Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight?
> Why/Why not?
 Right now I couldn't accept any one else.
Everything that Geraint put into Nick, his facial
expressions, his movements are all Nick in my mind.
"Maybe" sometime in the future I could, but not now.  Phylis


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 21:51:24 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

Much as I love Ger's acting, I can accept another *qualified* actor in the
part.  If I couldn't, then I'd never accepted Ger and would have stuck with
Rick Springfield.

Oh, god--the DB's won!  I wonder what Colangelo is going to demand of us
Phoenicians now? *sigh*  At least there's no rioting in the streets.


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 00:13:17 EST
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <Gersknightlady@c.......>
Subject: Re: Geraint Wyn Davies and Adrian Paul in TRACKER Premiere Problem

Billie Lee can I beg copies of todays Tracker and Relic Hunyter off of you?
the World Series screwed everything up.  They are playing the Simpsons right
now in stead of RH.  No idea if Tracker will be on later.  Was Ger in much of
the episode?  I do have pretty good copies of the Premier if you need me to
copy that for you....or any FK...etc just ask I have tons of stuff.



Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 00:55:22 EST
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <Gersknightlady@c.......>
Subject: Re: Geraint Wyn Davies and Adrian Paul in TRACKER Premiere Problem

opps thought I did that privately... sorry Jeannie


Date:    Sun, 4 Nov 2001 22:41:56 -0800
From:    Klytaimnestra <klytaimnestra@s.......>
Subject: poetic vision and Forever Knight

Now that Showtime and VTV have stopped showing Forever Knight I find that
I've achieved some distance from the show, and can see the whole series as a
single work, with a beginning and end.  I saw a reference to the original
"Forever Knight" movie a couple of weeks back on this list, that apparently
Alyce Hunter is the love interest whom Nick drains of blood (?) - or does
LaCroix drain her of blood? - and Nick kills LaCroix and stands over Alyce'
body as the credits roll up.

But whoever killed Alyce, and you can tell from my synopsis that I haven't
seen the movie, the last scene of "Nick Knight" and the last scene of
"Forever Knight" have some obvious points in common.  A dead woman and a
dead vampire, and one vampire left standing. Of course I know that Sony
wouldn't allow Parriot/Borchiver/whoever to make it as clear as they wanted
to make it that Nick & Nat were dead as doornails, so we are free to believe
that they aren't quite dead yet, and I do.

But now that I grasp that that's how Parriott ended the movie, it makes
perfect sense to me that that's how he wanted to end the series.  As far as
he was concerned, the story was, vampires and mortals don't mix, vampires
can only bring disaster to mortals, even nice vampires who want to be cured,
and too close contact between vampires and mortals will result, one way or
another, in dead mortals certainly, and dead vampires possibly.  As far as
Parriott was concerned, the series NATURALLY ended with the death of Natalie
and Nick; that was the way his vision of the FK universe worked.

As a corollary, all the guilt Nick feels about people who die because they
get too close to him, that we (and Natalie) think is completely misplaced,
perhaps Parriott didn't think it was misplaced.  Nick was right.  Anyone who
gets too close to him dies, because vampires are inherently dangerous to
humans, period.

So all of the reassurance Nick gets in the show that he's not dangerous,
really, is misplaced.  He was wrong and Lacroix was right.  The best thing
he could have done was leave town a lot sooner than he did.

I'm not saying I agree with this, but is it an acceptable reading of the
whole series?  Was Parriott in fact a lot more negative, all along, than I
would have guessed when I was watching it episode by episode?

Klytaimnestra         klytaimnestra@s.......
Fanfiction at http://www.klytaimnestra.com


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 07:26:52 -0500
From:    Portia <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: poetic vision and Forever Knight

 Klytaimnestra, you make some valid points, and I can see how you might be
right, but....I don't wanna encourage that way of thinking 'cause I don't
know how it will affect your story! "g"  I love poor Nick and think he is
actually a pretty wonderful guy, and I hate how so much fic puts him down as
the selfish, clueless dweeb who brings nothing but frustration and misery to
those around him.  I see him more in the "heroic mold," which is why I
enjoyed the series so much, and love to see *that* guy portrayed in stories!

Seriously, though, I think you are right in saying that knowing Nick (or any
vampire) is inherently dangerous.  I personally think it is the innate
nature of vampires to be ultimately selfish and predatory -- which reflects
one of the more heroic aspects of Nick's nature -- his struggle to care
about others more than himself, his struggle to be more than that to which
nature has "limited" him.  And I agree that there was little likelihood that
the story could end any way other than tragically -- unless a cure could be
discovered and some means of preventing retribution from those who resented
its discovery.

Sooo...how your theory will affect the outcome of your story, I don't know.
I know I've been hoping that Nick and Nat could at least truly be friends --
now that Nick has decided to accept his condition, and they've both agreed
that they maintain some level of "distance" (emotional, physical?), some set
of boundaries between them.  But I already know, from what I've already
read, that whatever direction you decide to take "Five Years Later" will be
just as enthralling as it already has been.  Anyway, when are you gonna get
poor Nick up off the ground and back in one piece???? "g"

Portia, impatient for the next part


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 23:26:58 +0000
From:    jennii35 <jennii35@i.......>
Subject: Re: poetic vision and Forever Knight

just as enthralling as it already has been.  Anyway, when are you gonna get
poor Nick up off the ground and back in one piece???? "g"
Portia, impatient for the next part.

    Klytaimnestra, please.

    Oh  yes he can't stay there
    very soon I hope to reas more

Dark Knightie and UFer


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 05:55:43 -0800
From:    Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

Yes.  Ger is a great actor, and from what I've heard, a wonderful
person as well, but if our only chance to see FK again is with
different actors, other than re-runs, I'll take what I can get.


--- Tracey Rayner <trayner@p.......> wrote:
> Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight if someone other
> than Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight? Why/Why not?


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:01:21 -0500
From:    Patty Costantino <psmoot43@h.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

Phylis wrote:

>Right now I couldn't accept any one else.
>Everything that Geraint put into Nick, his facial
>expressions, his movements are all Nick in my mind.

I couldn't agree more. GWD's brooding, angsting looks and empathic gazes are
perfect for the character of Nick and I love his deep, emotional voice.
Besides, he plays the piano so beautifully. :)) With today's choice of
actors, I couldn't imagine anyone else filling the part.

Patty (N&N packer, Knightie with Dark Tendencies, Light Cousin if he



Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:11:41 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: question of the week

In a message dated 11/5/01 7:56:14 AM Central Standard Time,
emilymhanson@y....... writes:

<< Yes.  Ger is a great actor, and from what I've heard, a wonderful
 person as well, but if our only chance to see FK again is with
 different actors, other than re-runs, I'll take what I can get.
Although I'd MUCH prefer the original actors, it could be a situation where
they are not available... I think right now they could all still play their
characters without explanation of a few years extra age, but eventually that
won't be the case.

I'd give another actor a chance before passing judgment as I love FK for a
variety of reasons: good writing, the actors, etc.



Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:49:28 -0500
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Re: Question of the week

I honestly am not sure. It would largely depend on who the replacements were.
If this happened, I'd want them to bring back Janette, return to the original
tension on Nick between Janette (his vampire side) and Natalie (humanity.)
Nick's struggle to regain his mortality should also be brought back and they
should stop writing Natalie as a shrew. I'd also want to go back to a LaCroix
who was ambiguous, which I think means I'm saying I'd want them to go back to
the first two seasons.  This doesn't mean we couldn't have Tracy, Vachon and
Screed but ...

Let's see.  At one time they were going to promote Schanke to Captain, figuring
that his and Nick's new interaction would be interesting. That allows Tracy to
come in as Nick's partner (only, this time, she should figure out that he's a
vampire. In the show as it stood, she simply looked stupid, which she wasn't,
for not figuring it out. At least Schanke had the excuse that he didn't know
vampires existed.) Vachon could simply drift in, just as he did, which allows
for Screed.

Note that while I'm open to recasting Tracy and maybe Vachon (Lisa Ryder and Ben
Bass are still young enough not to be a problem), I am not prepared to accept
anyone but Greg Kramer as Screed.



Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 11:07:27 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Question of the week

In a message dated 11/5/01 9:50:03 AM Central Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:

<< I am not prepared to accept anyone but Greg Kramer as Screed.
This is the one I'm not really sure about. Greg still looks basically the
same and Screed doesn't really need to be a certain age.  I can think of a
number of actors I think would make good Screeds, though, but Greg would
probably be the best in my book. But I'm biased. hahaha. I'd probably give
another actor a chance, but only if I was sure it was because Greg
couldn't/wouldn't do the role for a reason.



Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 03:15:01 +1000
From:    Taliesyn <taliesyn@c.......>
Subject: Re: Question of the week

    With Ger I would have thought he could still be used as he would
    as a vampire would use makeup to show he's aging so to stay in the
    current location so not to cause suspicion so Ger aging may not
    be a problem.
    This could apply to any of the other actors who show any aging.

Alexander J Braun - Taliesyn@c....... - ICQ # 12610993
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I
thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the
terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?
So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of
the universe". Marcus, B5


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 13:24:33 -0500
From:    Portia Eins <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Question of the week

Yeah, but how would they then handle the flashbacks -- and I sooo LOVE my
flashbacks!!! "g"

BTW, I think that word ("flashback") should be used VERY SPARINGLY (if at all)
to describe Nick's reminiscence in fic.  I think it gets overused and isn't the
best term anyway.  I can't really explain it, I just think it is a jarring term,
and isn't perhaps completely accurate, or something?  Help!  Anyone know what
I'm trying to say??  Maybe because it is slang (?) and shouldn't be used in a
formal story??  Also, doesn't it indicate an involuntary state -- sort of an
altered mind state -- like one that is induced by past drug use or a traumatic
experience?  When we see Nick caught up in his memories, is it truly a
psychological, involuntary experience, or is he just remembering, if you can see
the distinction I'm trying to make?

I understand that this term has become a part of fanon, but that probably
shouldn't excuse...um...lazy? word choice.  Of course, this could just be my
pet-peeve, and I am completely off-base...but maybe I'm not....


Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......> wrote:
>     With Ger I would have thought he could still be used as he would
    as a vampire would use makeup to show he's aging so to stay in the
    current location so not to cause suspicion so Ger aging may not
    be a problem.
    This could apply to any of the other actors who show any aging.


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 14:18:14 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Question of the week

In a message dated 11/5/01 12:47:17 PM Central Standard Time,
portia1@m....... writes:

<< I understand that this term has become a part of fanon, but that probably
shouldn't excuse...um...lazy? word choice.  Of course, this could just be my
pet-peeve, and I am completely off-base...but maybe I'm not.... >>
Although I don't have an FK script handy to look, I know the term "flashback"
is used in some scripts as a sort of "professional" term. It is in general
writing. I used it in writing classes long before I saw FK. Thus the word may
not just be part of fandom, but rather the entertainment industry as a whole.



Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 20:48:12 +0100
From:    Cloudrider <cloudrider@a.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

>> Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight if someone other than
Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight? Why/Why not? <<

FK became my once-in-a-lifetime show after the first eps mainly for the
PLOT, the stories and the characters, months before I learned more about
Ger and realized that this gift came as a double pack <g>
Basically FK and GWD are two different fandoms for me, both magical, but
put the two together and it's just to die for!!!

So yes, I will always watch FK, it's a great show in it's own right. Even with
other actors, provided it stays the same otherwise. I just couldn't LOVE it as
much, not go crazy for it anymore, because I'd keep missing the original
actors so badly.

Phylis wrote: >> Everything that Geraint put into Nick, his facial expressions,
his movements are all Nick in my mind.<<

Absolutely!!! They were all so perfect, and they have become part of the family.
No other actors can ever really replace them. But I realize they have aged too
much to play immortals, so, while grumbling and aching, I would still watch it,
for the great show. Not love it, but watch it. Yeah, and cursing TPTB that they
refused to continue it when it was still time!!!

The only thought that once still got me grinning, was to picture Ger's son as
the new Nick, they look SO similar... <g>


PS: Good luck for your exams, Tracey!!!


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 14:56:29 -0500
From:    Amanda Berendt <debrabant@h.......>
Subject: Re: Question of the week

         Ok, going out on a really big limb here (get the safety cables)
         Maybe.... they could say that the character of Nick is aging a
         little bit because of his quest to become human. In Father Figure,
         Natalie mentions that his having a reflection is something new, so
         maybe he is aging slighty.     Hey it could work!
         "Peace over anger. Honor over hate. Strength over fear."

         > With Ger I would have thought he could still be used as he would


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 14:04:39 -0800
From:    Eric McCann <egmccann@t.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

At 12:51 PM 11/5/01 +1300, you wrote:
> > Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight if someone other than
> > Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight? Why/Why not?

And why just him?

I haven't seen Ger lately, so I can't say how much he's changed. It's been
several years, though, so it might be quite a trick to make him appear...
er, un-aged.  I'll agree Nigel Bennet could pull it off. So could Lisa
Ryder... (It was only a flesh wound, no, really...)
As for the rest... would you bring back the "major" cast, or just have Nick
and LC suddenly be... elsewhere?  That, I don't think I could put up with,
regardless.  They'd be starting from scratch, basically, and would throw a
fourth season even more out of joint.

At this point, I don't think a fourth season would be workable - there
would have to be too many changes and (worse) too many cast replacements -
and it takes time for that chemistry to build.

Just MHO, of course.



Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 15:13:59 -0500
From:    sue wadsworth-ladkin <sue_wadsworth@h.......>
Subject: nomail



Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 15:24:46 -0500
From:    knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

<snip> I'm not a Nunkie's
> girl, no, but I am a Cousin <snip> >
> McL

Please don't shoot the ignorant........but, what's the exact differnece or
distinction between these two factions?



Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 16:03:03 -0500
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

> I'm not a Nunkie's  girl, no, but I am a Cousin  >
> McL

>Please don't shoot the ignorant........but, what's the exact
>differnece or distinction between these two factions?

Nope, no shooting. The only way to know is to ask.

The Cousins are LC's followers in general. Nunkies (from the slang "nunk" for
uncle, of course) like to kid about their er, worship of LC. They have a shrine,
allow LC to order them around in a way Cousins don't, and so on.

Without trying to start a war :), it looks from my viewpoint as though they
relate to  LC as if they were dogs -- or at least at his orders -- whereas
Cousins are more like cats. Especially when it comes to trying to get us to do
anything together. <g>

It's perfectly possible to be in both factions. In wars, we generally play

And for the record, I do have a dog as well as 7 cats.



Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 13:28:13 -0800
From:    fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: What's in a name -- that's what I wanna know!

Difference between Nunkies and Cousins.

<<McLisa wrote --  The Cousins are LC's followers in general. Nunkies
worship of LC. They have a shrine, allow LC to order them around ...
Without trying to start a war :), it looks from my viewpoint as though
they relate to  LC as if they were dogs -- or at least at his orders --
whereas Cousins are more like cats. >>

Ok McLisa gets 20 lashes with a wet noodle.
To tell the truth I never thought of it this way, but it fits.

So, I guess all of us independent cat lovers are Cousins and all of the
Dog lovers are Nunkies, haha.

Fess-up which are you McL???




Date:    Tue, 6 Nov 2001 16:33:15 -0500
From:    knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Re: question of the week

> --- Tracey Rayner <trayner@p.......> wrote:
> > > Would you accept a fourth season of Forever Knight
> > if someone other than
> > Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Nick Knight?
> > Why/Why not?

I'm caught somewhere in between yes and no.  Even though I've seen the original
pilot with Rick Springfield and thought it was great, I'm now so used to Ger I
don't want anyone else to play the role, but I'm so starved for FK, I think I'd
take it anyway I could possibly get it.

If they put it back on the air with another actor, would I watch it?  You bet!
Would it bother me that it wasn't Ger?  Of course.  Does this really answer the
question?  I don't know.  lol

aka knightfangs


Date:    Mon, 5 Nov 2001 17:40:04 -0400
From:    Heather-Anne Gillis <ba115@c.......>
Subject: Secret Santas

Hi, folks! Could the lady doing the FK Secret Santas this year please
contact me off-list? I seem to have deleted your original message. Thanks!



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Nov 2001 to 5 Nov 2001 (#2001-335)

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