FORKNI-L Digest - 10 Sep 2001 to 11 Sep 2001 (#2001-274)
Tue, 11 Sep 2001
There are 22 messages totalling 575 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Nat a vampire?! (Not Nick's fledgling!!!) (2)
2. Close call (5)
3. When Darkness Falls
4. Caddy Observation
5. Checking in...
6. Admin: US SItuation loosens topicality
7. Is everybody okay? (2)
8. NY listmembers
9. DC reporting in
10. Tragedy (3)
11. US Situation
12. Red Cross donations
13. Giving blood, was Re: Checking in...
14. FK Fans Hug & Today's USA Tragedies
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 16:08:28 -0500
From: Nichole A Knight <cdisiere@j.......>
Subject: Nat a vampire?! (Not Nick's fledgling!!!)
Does anyone know the name and/or author of the story where Natalie
becomes a vampire as an old argument between Nick and his vampiric
sibling, Paul? (With Paul as Nat's master.)
"I am what I am, and I don't think Betty Ford takes vampires!"
~Detective Nick Knight/Nicholas de Brabant "Forever
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 18:23:47 -0500
From: Roman Gheesling <moonmage@e.......>
Subject: Re: Close call
> I'm glad they only killed [Schanke] and didn't
> do something more horrible to him like they did with
> Janette.
> Sunny LaCountess
Aw c'mon. . . Janette's return to humanity and subsequent death was *great*
story telling; And, in a bit of cruel irony, Janette gained something by
accident that Nick has been striving to get for centuries.
Ultimately, FK is a show about guilt, remorse, the cruelties of fate, and
suffering; And, from Nick's perspective, the Janette story was a great
example of it.
"Happy vampires ? No way. . . ."
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 19:15:16 -0500
From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: Close call
You have to admit though, she did seem out of character. The Janette in
Season 1, especially, would not have ended up like that. Season 2 she did
soften some, but still not *that* much. I enjoyed seeing her come back, but
they did ruin the dark seductress in her. She had always loved what she was
and lived up to it in both looks and attitude. That was definately lost in
"Human Factor."
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
> Aw c'mon. . . Janette's return to humanity and subsequent death was *great*
> story telling; And, in a bit of cruel irony, Janette gained something by
> accident that Nick has been striving to get for centuries.
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 22:11:52 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: Close call
In a message dated 9/10/01 5:41:51 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
moonmage@e....... writes:
<< Aw c'mon. . . Janette's return to humanity and subsequent death was *great*
story telling; >>
She didn't die, although I thought she did too. Apparently we were
supposed to glean from the rather murky ending that Nick brought
her back across. IIRC, somebody said something on list at one
point about the production folk (director? Ger?) being surprised it
wasn't obvious to people that Janette was brought back across.
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 23:29:20 -0400
From: knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Re: Close call
> You have to admit though, she did seem out of character. The Janette in
> Season 1, especially, would not have ended up like that. Season 2 she did
> soften some, but still not *that* much. I enjoyed seeing her come back, but
> they did ruin the dark seductress in her. She had always loved what she was
> and lived up to it in both looks and attitude. That was definately lost in
> "Human Factor."
> Kristin
Wasn't that sort of the whole point though? It showed just how much she changed
and how much closer to Nick's way of thinking she has come. Another ironic
thing about that story was the fact that she left because she was starting to
think too much about Nick and his views (if memory serves). And then she winds
up falling in love with, and becoming, a mortal. At that point she was more
like Nick than she had ever been, and finally understood what he was all about!
Survivor War XI ** Wolfville 2001
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 20:56:33 -0700
From: "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: When Darkness Falls
I sent out parts 18c, 18d and 19, but they haven't dropped into my
inbox. Has anyone received them, yet? It usually doesn't take this
I had my first chemo treatment Thursday. I was sicker than a dog
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I'm still very tired and weak, but at
least I'm no longer losing everything I put into my stomach. I go for
the second one on the 20th.
I will continue to post when I feel up to it.
Thank you all, for your emails of love and support. I really appreciate
them all.
KC Smith
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 22:55:04 -0500
From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Caddy Observation
While perusing the Car Talk site ( I came across a secion
devoted to what are the ultimate gay or lesbian cars. Tom and Ray asked their
listeners to write in and give their opinions (they also have a section devoted
to the ultimate guy or chick cars---I'm thinking about new cars, so I wanted to
make sure my choice is appropriate <g>). Anyway, I came across this letter from
a gay guy named Alex:
"The ultimate gay guy car is not one particular model but a type: any grossly
oversized 60s’ convertible. Pure camp, pure gay."
I wonder if Lisa had glimpsed the Caddy when she asked Nick if he was straight?
<g> Whacha think, you Caddywhackers?
chuckling, Nancy
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 08:03:29 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Close call
Knightfangs wrote (about Janette in Human Factor)
> Wasn't that sort of the whole point though? It showed just how
> much she changed and how much closer to Nick's way of thinking
> she has come. <snip> And then she winds up falling in love <snip>
> and finally understood what he was all about!
Yes, and the Human Factor Janette was not at all out of character from
Janette as we was (and as we saw her) before she became a vampire.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
"RL=Real Life. It's that stuff that keeps happening that gets in the way of
that other stuff."--Sue Clark
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 08:19:07 -0500
From: Nichole A Knight <cdisiere@j.......>
Subject: Re: Nat a vampire?! (Not Nick's fledgling!!!)
I'm sorry everyone. The subject line of this message should have read
"Nat a vampire?! (Not as Nick's fledgling!!!)". Once again, I'm very
sorry for the inconvenience.
On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 16:08:28 -0500 Nichole A Knight <cdisiere@j.......>
> Does anyone know the name and/or author of the story where Natalie
> becomes a vampire as an old argument between Nick and his vampiric
> sibling, Paul? (With Paul as Nat's master.)
> Thanks,
> Nichole
> "I am what I am, and I don't think Betty Ford takes vampires!"
> ~Detective Nick Knight/Nicholas de Brabant "Forever
> Knight"
"I am what I am, and I don't think Betty Ford takes vampires!"
~Detective Nick Knight/Nicholas de Brabant "Forever
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:29:55 -0400
From: Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Checking in...
I'm OK here in Queens, NY.
Please hope, pray, whatever for those tens of thousands here and throughout
our country, who aren't.
Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project
Gerthering 3 Photos:
Visit the Fiendish Glow at
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:53:51 -0400
From: Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Admin: US SItuation loosens topicality
I'm just making sure we all know this is not the time for me to get after you
about topicality. As long as a post has anything to do with one of us or any
other FK fan, or people connected with FK, it's topical. Let's try to keep
personal replies offlist, but I will understand if anyone makes a mistake. No
need to tell us if you do. I'm so rattled that this is my second try. The first
came back because I typed the address wrong.
listowner, Forkni-l
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:26:25 -0400
From: Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject: Is everybody okay?
I woke up to the terrible news of what happened in New York City,
Washington, and southwestern Pennsylvania. My heart goes out to everyone in
our community who has been touched by this terrible act of war.
Four years ago, I visited New York City and had dinner with about ten local
list members and their friends. I know some of their phone numbers, but
since civilian phone calls to New York City are being discouraged, I'm
hoping that those of you from NYC and other affected areas will report in
and let us know you're okay.
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:40:46 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: Is everybody okay?
Will wrote:
>>I'm hoping that those of you from NYC and other affected areas will report
in and let us know you're okay.<<
Yes, please do check in when you can to let us know if you and your
family/friends are safe and unharmed.
Cousin, Ravenette, Seducer, Dark Trinity, FKPagan
Abnormally fond of dead guys
smolly4@q....... or stormborn@l.......
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:09:54 -0500
From: "Monica T. Rodriguez" <mrodri14@u.......>
Subject: NY listmembers
I'm on digest so i don't know if this has been posted, but i wanted to
check on the well-being of NY area listmembers. Hope all are safe and
sound. Please let us know!
My family is far enough north, in a suburb of NYC to all be accounted for.
A friend's brother works in the Federal Building across the street from
World Trade Center, but as luck would have it (or whatever you want to call
it) he's vacationing in Seattle this week.
hope all listmembers are safe and sound, and my thoughts are with all the
victims and their families,
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:07:33 -0700
From: Lady Ariake <lady_ariake@y.......>
Subject: DC reporting in
I'm across the freeway from the Pentagon, and so far,
all right. The fire is still burning, but they
haven't evacuated other buildings yet. The military
is all over the place above us, fighters and choppers,
but no one's given any evacuation orders yet. I don't
think there'd be any place to go.
I'd like to echo the plea--if anyone can give blood,
please! I can't, I'm a transfusion recipient, and
i've never regretted it so much. They're going to
need it in NY.
"If you're going to have delusions of grandeur, go for the really satisfying
ones." (Marcus Cole, Anla'shok, or my life motto.)
"...In all things trust the Weyrfolk, for their cause is just and true."
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:04:25 -0400
From: knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Tragedy
I can't believe how many stories I'm hearing of people that didn't go into work
today, that work in or around the WTC. My cousin's husband didn't go in (at my
cousin's request. He works in a building next to the towers.) so that they
could go for a family portrait. My other cousin said her sister-in-law's
sister-in-law didn't go to work today (at the WTC) because she went out
drinking last night with some friends. And I heard from two different people
that they each had a friend that overslept and didn't go in.
Then my next door neighbor said her friend had a meeting there this morning,
but got a phone call that it was postponed to 10:30. She never even got in her
car to go.
Unfortunately for all of those people, there were plenty more who were at
work/in the buildings today.
I've received quite a few phone calls asking me if my husband is alright (he
works Midtown). My answer is that he's fine. He was at Midway Airport in
Chicago when this all ocurred. Thank God he's fine and is now in a hotel. We
have no idea when he'll be home, but at least he wasn't in the City when this
all happened.
My prayers to everyone - the victims, their families and friends and anyone
else who's suffered from this tragedy....the whole country, I guess.
aka Knightfangs
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:12:51 -0400
From: Judy Cataldo <judycat@p.......>
Subject: Re: US Situation
Posted with McLisa's permission
Many of us want to do something about the situation in NYC and DC as well as
other areas of the country. We do have a special list for such things
FKFansHug on Yahoogroups This list
is for Forever Knight fans who want to help others through prayers,
meditation, candle lighting, or even just sending "good vibes." The list
is for *ALL* religions and faiths, and even atheists are more than welcome.
The list has been around since December 1999. It is a really incredible
group in which people from very different religious backgrounds all come
together to support each other.
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:27:34 -0400
From: Quinn <quinn@g.......>
Subject: Red Cross donations
We have a link for the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund on our opening
page at .
The Red Cross web site is overloaded today so please be patient --
you may have to try several times before getting through.
GWDFC officer quinn@g....... ocaoin@e.......
Send a GWD e-card at
Official GWD Fan Club --> ,
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:17:35 -0700
From: "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: Tragedy
I've heard that there was a daycare center on the terrace at the WTC.
Does anyone know if this is true? Please reply offlist.
I've been trying to get info from the news chats from the different news
channels websites, but the only people on there are acting like obnoxious
KC Smith
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:25:37 -0300
From: T Floyd <tfloyd@n.......>
Subject: Giving blood, was Re: Checking in...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brenda Bell" <webwarren@e.......>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 12:29 PM
: I'm OK here in Queens, NY.
I'm so glad to hear that you're ok, Brenda. I have a suggestion for those
of us who are upset and wanting to do something--and it's topical! If you
can, this would be a very good time to give blood wherever you are, imho.
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 15:26:40 EDT
From: Libratsie@a.......
Subject: FK Fans Hug & Today's USA Tragedies
There's a rush of people signing up for a list I think others might be
interested in due to today's tragedies - FK Fans Hug.
This is a prayer list. But unlike other prayer lists, you do not have to be of
any given religion as long as you respect ALL religions as well as those who do
not have a religion. Yes, even athiests who simply want to keep people in their
thoughts may join. Christian, Wiccan, Moslem, Jewish, it doesn't matter. Great
things happen when people pull together.
Absolutely NO flames are allowed. Religous tolerance and love are ENCOURAGED!
It *normally* is a very quiet list. We pray and meditate for fans in need, and
even on larger world matters when needed - like we are doing today.
For more info go to:
Even if you don't join the list, please keep those affected by these attacks in
your prayers, meditations and thoughts.
Is there anyone here who knows of fans directly affected? If so, please let us
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:40:39 -0400
From: Bonnie Rutledge <llamababe@c.......>
Subject: Re: Tragedy
I found out about this around 9:15 am, my mom calling me screaming on the cell
phone because she was terrified Dave had been killed. My stepfather is the
chairman of USMX, formerly on the 20th floor of 2 WTC. He should have been
there this morning for a meeting, except his flight out of Charlotte was
canceled last night, and he had to take one this morning. We had bad time until
about 11:30 because we didn't know where he was - still on a plane, if it was
one that had been hijacked, if he was in the office or just Lower Manhattan. It
turned out his flight ran late out of Charlotte, so he was over Philadelphia
when the first crash happened. His flight turned around, and he's been home
safe in Charlotte since noon.
One thing that my stepfather pointed out once I got to talk to him was that
when everything started, 8:45, people would have been still arriving at work.
My cousin Stephanie worked on the 50th but ran late this morning (we're kindred
spirits), so she was thankfully not in the building at the time but on her way
We haven't been able to locate everyone yet because of the phone issues, etc,
but have heard that several friends got out ok. Let's just say watching the
towers collapse on tv, knowing people I love or play phone tag with every week
could be inside, not knowing if anyone was safe at that point, where they were,
I don't want to ever feel like I did at 10:30 again. This is so eerie and numb
not knowing everyone's okay, yet, still waiting to hear about some more people.
God, I can see our freaking apartment building 3 blocks away amidst the smoke
when CNN shows the footage from the south.
Everyone in Manhattan, everyone with loved ones on flights this morning, I'm
thinking of you, and wishing those near and dear, as well as far away, safe and
Bonnie Rutledge
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 10 Sep 2001 to 11 Sep 2001 (#2001-274)
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