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FORKNI-L Digest - 9 Sep 2001 to 10 Sep 2001 (#2001-273)

Mon, 10 Sep 2001

There are 12 messages totalling 363 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Tracker site up
  2. request for info
  3. ADMIN: Rule Time
  4. Status on "ECLIPSE PT. II" - posted with permission
  5. Question about pre vamp Nick... (2)
  6. Tracker? (2)
  7. new video (2)
  8. Close call
  9. KtK Bamboo Project Update


Date:    Sun, 9 Sep 2001 14:32:26 -0700
From:    Ith <ithildin@o.......>
Subject: Tracker site up

The Tracker site is back up.


There's a list of what stations are playing it.

  -=- Denise = ithildin@o....... = http://ondragonswing.com
  -=- Vampires, Floth demons.... Do you know what is
  -=- really, really evil? Tequila. ~ Cordelia ~ 'Angel'
  -=- Dragon's Hoard Fic Archive http://www.ondragonswing.com/vortex
  -=- Star Trek:The First Generation http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ST_FirstGen


Date:    Sun, 9 Sep 2001 18:31:53 EDT
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <Gersknightlady@c.......>
Subject: Re: request for info

phylis_s_2000_2001@y....... writes:

>   The magazine is: Starlog Science-Fiction Explorer.
>  June 1995 #7.  Phylis
Thanks Phylis



Date:    Sun, 9 Sep 2001 22:03:21 -0400
From:    Don Fasig <phase3@g.......>
Subject: ADMIN: Rule Time

And now a message from your List Gardener...

If you need a hand or have any questions please don't hesitate to
contact me "Don Fasig" <Argent@e.......> or "Lisa McDavid"

For tips on managing your Forever Knight  subscriptions please visit my
help page at: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fk-lists.htm

List digests are archived at: https://knightwind1228.tripod.com/forkni.htm



2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in replying.  If
you have more than one point to answer, then you may quote the relevant
four lines for that point also.

3. Limit sigs to 6 lines.  This includes all information, decoration quotations
and blank lines.  Your name and address count as part of the six. If you sign
your name on a separate line above the body of text, your name and the
blank line or lines between count as part of the six line limit. If you have one
of those services that insists on putting an advertising tag on the end of
posts, don't worry. We realize you can't control that and it doesn't count as
part of your sig.

4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to the person
who  wrote  the post you are answering.

5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the
listowners, Lisa McDavid,  <mclisa@m.......> or Don Fasig,
<Argent@e.......> for permission.

6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight. Cast, crew, staff and
producers in connection with what they're doing now or have done in the past
are ok. Vampires in general are _NOT_ ok except in relation to Forever

7. Off-topic posts are not allowed, no matter what they are about or how
urgent the warning may appear. If you have an off-topic post which you think
should appear on the list, ask one of the owners for permission.

8. The private lives of the cast are not a discussion topic. Occasionally one
of the fan club presidents will make an announcement, but other than that,
we leave the cast their privacy.

9. Con announcements must come from con officials or a designated liaison
and must be kept brief.  Cons are only announced on list if there is a
connection to FK.

10. Only fan club presidents or other designated spokespeople may make
announcements of future projects for FK cast, crew and staff, before said
projects have been released or written about in the media.

11. No role-playing on Forkni-l. This includes no character names as
pseudonyms or posing as a character.

12. Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on Forkni-l.


Date:    Sun, 9 Sep 2001 19:45:30 -0700
From:    Steve Hood <nexus_dragon@y.......>
Subject: Status on "ECLIPSE PT. II" - posted with permission

My apologies for writing this to the list, but there’s about fifty of you that
have dropped me emails since the end of June regarding the status of “Eclipse”,
and that’s way too damn many emails to cut and paste for an off-list response.
So I asked Lisa for permission here to answer to all of you to make it much

First off I must apologize to those who did email me. My professional life
requires me to be away for any given duration of three to twelve weeks at a
time. I had to pack rather hastily at the beginning of June, so I’ve been away
for a good long time now and unfortunately for the FK writing, I must again
leave soon for another project. But I did want to make sure that the questions
regarding the status of “Eclipse Part II” did get answered, since there were so
many of them. Thank you for such an overwhelming response! I don’t think I’ve
ever seen that many emails over any of the previous FK work I’ve done.

Regarding Part II: I have not had the time to write it except for its beginning,
which is to say it may take some time before the entire story sees its
conclusion. The original plan was to redo Part I since there was a technical
flaw that underminded an arc that I wouldn’t have known, living in the United
States. To those who caught it, my sincerest apologies. However, since I no
longer have that kind of time, Part I will have to stand as is and judging by
these emails, it seems to do well enough. I do give you all my word that Part II
will come. As to when that will happen, it’s anyone’s guess. It may be in
between my assignments, depending on how long it takes to write it. I don’t have
a laptop so accessing email is very difficult when I’m away, and most of my
creative energies are needed for the projects at hand. However, I will do my
best to get the rest of it out before 2001 ends.

I think that should about do it. Hello to all of my friends and fellow FK
conspirators- hugs to everyone around. A well wish of success to G - please do
send me a copy when it’s completed. And isn't there a ten year anniversary
coming up here for the FK Community?? (*wink*).

Okay then.

fino più tardi


Date:    Mon, 10 Sep 2001 02:00:27 -0400
From:    Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: Question about pre vamp Nick...

The twisted world of fanfic and the show has my memory boggled....

And I dont have tapes I can go rewatch. Darnit!
So can someone refresh my memory...\
Was it stated that Nick was a virgin (or even implied) when Janette seduced
him that fateful night?

Or was it mentioned at all (his experience level)?  I remember seeing the
episode, but cant remember if the parts I remember are from that or fanfic
Ive read.  Its so frustrating!  ;-)

Thanks... Cecilia


Date:    Mon, 10 Sep 2001 08:31:48 -0400
From:    Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: Re: Question about pre vamp Nick...

Thanks all for the quick replies...
I knew the realm of fanfic had snuck its way in! ;-)
I just wanted to be sure


Date:    Mon, 10 Sep 2001 06:39:19 -0700
From:    Lisa McDavid <cecily1349@y.......>
Subject: Tracker?

I thought Ger was in this, but he's not in the cast list. Is he
a one-shot?



Date:    Sat, 8 Sep 2001 01:49:55 -0500
From:    Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: new video

BIG thank yous to Tracy for generously hosting my "Building a Mystery" video
on her site, since mine won't allow people to download (wicked, wicked
Angelfire! bah!)

The video is now available at


Please write privately and let me know what you think. :)

The opinions contained herein are mine, not those of the University of
Manitoba. It is the opinion of the University of Manitoba that I should be
writing my thesis.


Date:    Sat, 8 Sep 2001 00:51:58 -0700
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Close call

> StormBorn <smolly4@q.......> wrote:
> The loss of Schanke was a great blow to the series, I
> feel.
I second that, but I'm glad they only killed him and didn't
do something more horrible to him like they did with

<currently in the lurking mode, school has taken my life
away, sigh!>

Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
"What time is it, what day is it, what century is it?"


Date:    Mon, 10 Sep 2001 10:10:45 EDT
From:    SField8067@a.......
Subject: Re: Tracker?

>>>I thought Ger was in this, but he's not in the cast list. Is he
a one-shot?


Ger is a recurring villian in this named ZIN,he is scheduled to appear in
eight episodes for this seasons worth.
Hugs, susan


Date:    Mon, 10 Sep 2001 10:28:43 -0400
From:    "Anita K. Blake" <AKBlake@l.......>
Subject: Re: new video

I know how horrible Angelfire can be! So I kinda got an account with
20megsfree for any FK fans who have either large files, or stuff to
download. If you would like to use my space (that's all it's there for, no
web page, just file hosting) email whatever you want hosted to me and I'll
put it up there and email you the link!


"These days my life is a cross between a preternatural soap opera and
an action-adventure movie. Sort of As the Casket Turns meets Rambo"

Anita Blake- The Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton

Owner of the X-Men Fanfic archive,
Co-owner of the Unofficial Hugh Jackman Fan Club (the UHJFC)
and the new FKFanfic2 archive,
and member #13 of the Lisa Ryder FC!

AKBlake@l.......  ~  http://x-menfanfic.50megs.com  ~
http://uhjfc.50megs.com  ~  http://fkfanfic2.50megs.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Forever Knight TV show [mailto:FORKNI-L@l.......]On Behalf Of
Eve Dutton
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 2:50 AM
To: FORKNI-L@l.......
Subject: new video

BIG thank yous to Tracy for generously hosting my "Building a Mystery" video
on her site, since mine won't allow people to download (wicked, wicked
Angelfire! bah!)

The video is now available at


Please write privately and let me know what you think. :)

The opinions contained herein are mine, not those of the University of
Manitoba. It is the opinion of the University of Manitoba that I should be
writing my thesis.


Date:    Mon, 10 Sep 2001 10:45:47 EDT
From:    SField8067@a.......
Subject: KtK Bamboo Project Update

Hi Everyone :0
This is just to let you know that the Bamboo Plant is on the Way to Bonnie
Hammer at The Sci-fi channel along with all the wonderful Emails you all sent
in to me to go along with it.
This week is the best time to send lots of emails over to Sci-Fi and
Call/fax,write.. etc. to them to ask for the return of our fave show to the
line-up as soon as possible.
Hopefully the plant/Emails included and all our efforts online and off
combined will do the trick.
The Plant can be viewed for now on Kristins website:
with another pic of it all wrapped being added shortly..
Its bigger than appears in the pic :)
all TPTB address/email #'s can be found on Kristins site and the KtK sites:
I will have my KtK address update posted sometime this week with added info
on other things as well.
All the best,
susanEllen field
KtK Fearless Leader


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 9 Sep 2001 to 10 Sep 2001 (#2001-273)

Previous digest Back to September's list Next digest

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