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FORKNI-L Digest - 2 May 2001 to 3 May 2001 (#2001-143)

Thu, 3 May 2001
There are 19 messages totalling 609 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Woo-hoo!
  2. music video - Players etc.
  3. music video (7)
  4. Vachon's name (4)
  5. Canadian Versions (was Vachon's Identity)
  6. Wednesday night's KtK auction update
  7. FK alumni
  8. music video **able to transer over net via AOL __TO__ AOL**
  9. A different journalistic / fanfic at play
 10. Thursday's KtK auction update


Date:    Wed, 2 May 2001 14:08:44 -0700
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Woo-hoo!

--- StormBorn <smolly4@q.......> wrote:
> I just received notice that my FK site, "A Little Forever Knight Fan
> Fiction," (http://stormborn.tripod.com/ ) has been added to The Dark
> Side of the Net (www.darklinks.com ).  This is quite an honor, as this
>site is a virtual web encyclopedia of gothic/dark sites.  I'm thrilled!

Congratulations Molly! It looks like keeping the Inn wasn't a bad idea
after all.

Would this encourage you to expand the site, add more stories, etc?


Countess -- Twilight Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies


Date:    Wed, 2 May 2001 23:48:38 +0200
From:    Cloudrider <cloudrider@a.......>
Subject: Re: music video - Players etc.

Emma wrote:
> Could people advertising their programs/videos/and such please include a
>mention of platform limitations in the future? Some of us out here don't do

There are also free players available for Mac, Solaris, NT etc.:

tigrlady2u@j....... wrote:
>   Now, I click on the link and a Lycos page opens and says the page I'm
>  searching for no longer exists!!

Could it be the files have been deleted from the server? I tried this morning
and now, with both browsers, and - nothing.
Saturday it worked. (Just wanted to check that weird Netscape thing now!!) The
working addy was

Marel wrote:
> Is it worth my while persevering, as I only have Media Player 6.4
> -- the most-up-date that the update page will let me download ?

It sure is! (Must have watched it about 20 times by now, it's the addictive
kind <g>) An older player is no problem, it's even an advantage, since they
say Media Player 7 is full of bugs. I'm using Media Player 6.01 from '99, and
the video works fine, even when a double-click produced an error first, unknown
new file extension. So I tried opening *first* the player and then the file.
The player said it needed to download a new CODEC from Microsoft, and after
allowing it the clip started playing. Whew! The required codec seems to be
wmvds32.ax in the windows/system folder, dated 2000-04-28

I would like to use that wmv-format for compressing my own avi-clips (it's 3
times smaller!!) so I'm really curious about hearing how those problems can be
fixed, if anyone finds a trick please let me know!
The clip's size is 10.620 KB, and the properties after a right click show 10.3
MB (10.874.799 Byte) (10.878.976 used??)
If you have the same size it should be complete, and the ending must be renamed
to either .wmv or .asf
After doing quite some research on the net, it looks like streaming wmv-files
live (left click) seems a problem sometimes, especially with Netscape, but it's
not supposed to have anything to do with playing downloaded files
(right click/save as) from the harddisk! It's too weird!
KC, just curious, did the emailed clip work better??

An FAQ-page on media player and some problems, like other browsers, can be
found here
A help page for that buggy WMP7 with lots of technical info and links:
Not sure if it makes sense, but here's the wmv7-codec alone without the player



Date:    Wed, 2 May 2001 18:11:13 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: music video

In a message dated 5/2/01 3:57:13 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
dreamerextrodanar@h....... writes:

> KC said: Can someone just *email* me the video??  Please??

I am not sure yet, but I **think** I sent it to KC, I have not heard back yet
whether it worked or not, the first time I sent it, the mail server sent it
back to me and told me KC did not exist (I beg to differ <G>!!).

Then Rose said

>  Me too!  THe darn thing won't play!
>                    'Rose

I am trying to send it to Rose in a minute here......

And then Brenda said:

> And me, please.  Carpe Noctem,

OK, I am trying to send it to Brenda, too.

I just hope the danged thing works once it gets there <g>!!

Forever Yours,



Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 01:43:51 +0000
From:    "A." <fictionbyA@p.......>
Subject: Re: Vachon's name

Libratsie@a....... wrote:

> Pull out the cheese as it could very well be that both Tracy and Urs were
>pronouncing his names using variations Screed might use. He'd known Vachon the
>longest and probably used several variations depending on his mood just as he
>sometimes used "V-man" or "Vachonetti."

isn't that the name of an ice cream dessert? :-)=



Date:    Wed, 2 May 2001 18:39:06 -0500
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: music video

I tryed sending it to them both, but I their servers wouldn't take it. Their
e-mail servers must have a limit on file size.

"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."


Date:    Wed, 2 May 2001 18:46:29 -0700
From:    Cloud <clouddancer@h.......>
Subject: Canadian Versions (was Vachon's Identity)

> Bonnie Rutledge wrote:
> ...there were only Canadian versions of 1st season.

I had thought what made an episode a "Canadian version" was that it ran
longer because of fewer commercials. Hence, more episode footage. How
*do* the Canadian versions differ from what we saw in the States?



Date:    Wed, 2 May 2001 21:05:39 -0500
From:    Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Re: music video

I just want to thank Billie-Lee and Kristin and everyone else who's been
working to create method from my madness. I wish I could be of more help,
but unfortunately my e-mail server won't let me mail the blasted thing. I've
made a smaller (although of lesser quality) version that I'm still trying to
stick online, so those of you who are unable to download it, don't lose
hope. ;)

Eve Dutton


Date:    Wed, 2 May 2001 23:36:53 -0400
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: Vachon's name

At 02:20 PM 5/2/2001 -0400, Melissa responded to McLisa's comment:

><< Now, if we could explain why Tracy insisted on using
>  the Spanish h-sound for the J, but pronouncing the
>  second syllable as if "Javier" was a French name ... >>
>Was that Tracy? I thought Urs used that particular pronunciation.

Yup. That was Urs... which fits in nicely with the proposal *someone* here
once made that Urs's mortal flashbacks were in New Orleans...

>Tracy, as I recall, almost invariably called him  "Vachon".  The one time I
>can remember her using Javier (Trophy Girl) she used a hard "r".  Ha-vee-are.

Or more likely (I don't have the tapes at hand), "HAH vee air".

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
         UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 00:03:57 EDT
From:    Knightwave@a.......
Subject: Wednesday night's KtK auction update

Here's Wednesday's auction update.  The web sites with the
items listed are http://members.aol.com/ktkpage,
http://members.fortunecity.com/ktknight/auction.html, or you can link from
our main page http://www.ktk.op.nu/

Wednesday, midnight, May 2, 2001

new # 1    $ 40.00    Taliesyn   Dance by the Light of the Moon script
    # 2    $ 10.00    Lorin      False Witness script

    # 4    $ 10.00    Karen      Dying For Fame script
    # 6    $ 30.00    Kathy      I Will Repay script
    # 7    $ 10.00    Lorin      Curiouser & Curiouser script
    # 8    $ 30.00    Lucifra    The Fix script

    #10    $ 20.00    Susan      Sentinel script "Blind Man's Bluff"
    #11    $ 20.00    Susan      Sentinel script "Cypher"
new #12    $120.00    Taliesyn   Prop -- Raven matchbook
new #13    $ 10.00    Emily      FoD's cookbook
    #14    $ 40.00    Cloud      Vachon T-shirt
    #15    $ 10.00    Desiree    FK music CD

    #20    $100.00    Lucifya    Prop - SoB cross
    #21    $  5.00    Desiree    Autographed Program book from play 'Art'

    #25    $ 70.00    Mary       Prop - Abarat Page

    #28    $ 25.00    Barb       Poster, Nigel's play 'Art'

    #30    $ 30.00    Lucifyra   Autographed Playbill on 'Art'
    #31    $ 10.00    Liz        Kung Fu book
    #32    $ 10.00    Liz        Dark Shadows book

    #36    $ 10.00    Lucifyra   KtK grab bag

If you see any mistakes, please let me know.  I'm sure I'll make at least one
before this auction is over.  <g>  We appreciate everyone participating in
our little auction.  You determine if we are able to meet our goal.  Thanks.



Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 00:31:39 EDT
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: FK alumni

I saw an advertisement trailer for ER this week that has Amanda Cohen
appearing as a court judge.  The show aires this Thurs night in NY.


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 09:21:33 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: music video **able to transer over net via AOL __TO__ AOL**

In a message dated 5/3/01 2:08:47 AM !!!First Boot!!!,
umdutto3@c....... writes:

> I just want to thank Billie-Lee and Kristin and everyone else who's been
>  working to create method from my madness.

You are very welcome, Eve <waves and grins at Kristin> it is a wonderful
video and I really wanted to have those folks see it!!

> I wish I could be of more help,
>  but unfortunately my e-mail server won't let me mail the blasted thing.

**NEWSFLASH** <g> it **can** be emailed from one AOL account to another....I
was able to get it to KC that way. So Brenda and Rose, if you have AOL
accounts <ggg>, please let me know and I can get it to you that way (hey
**borrow** one from someone for a while <LOL>, this video is really awesome!!)

>  I've made a smaller (although of lesser quality) version that I'm still
>  trying to stick online, so those of you who are unable to download it,
>  don't lose hope. ;)

That's neat, Eve, looking forward to it, and how nice of you to do so
thinking of the folks who are having trouble with the larger one, thank you!!

Have a great day all!!

Forever Yours,

Billie-Lee (who thinks maybe she oughta transfer that video to CD before
something happens to it <g>)


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 07:08:04 -0700
From:    "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: music video

 Sorry to post this to the list, but I can't find Eve's email addy
 The video is AWESOME!!!!!
 I got so excited after I saw it... I couldn't wind down enough to go to
sleep!  :)  Well, not for awhile, anyway.  I did eventually fall asleep,
but I had pleasant dreams of Nick and Nat. ;-)
 THANK YOU to Eve for creating it, and to Billie-Lee for perservering and
getting it to me!  HUGS and virtual chocolate to you both!
 Okay... I'm done now.

KC Smith
Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies.
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."
"Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell."


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 11:20:40 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: music video

>  Sorry to post this to the list, but I can't find Eve's email addy
> anywhere...  The video is AWESOME!!!!!
>  I got so excited after I saw it... I couldn't wind down enough to go to
> sleep!  :)

<Setting the Scene>The Blues Brothers. Jake Blues is down on
his knees in the mud, hands clasped, begging that Carrie Fisher
not blast him into the next incarnation.<\Setting The Scene>

Would some infinitely kind and beautiful soul, possessed of only
the most gentle of kindnesses please perserver and e-mail me the
video in question.  I have belaboured the weblinks with IE5 and
Netscape 4.7 for two days without ability to ever capture a glimpse.

There is a professionally managed e-mail server at this end that
shouldn't have trouble with the attachment and I promise to attempt
to forward it along to anyone requesting it (making use of the
hardware I've got backing me here to make it easy).

<Total Desperation.  Removing glasses and lifting eyebrows in the
hopes that someone out there melts at the soul-stirring emotion of
it all>


 Tim Phillips


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 11:51:52 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: music video

In a message dated 5/3/01 3:21:56 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
Timp@d....... writes:

> Would some infinitely kind and beautiful soul, possessed of only
>  the most gentle of kindnesses please perserver and e-mail me the
>  video in question.  I have belaboured the weblinks with IE5 and
>  Netscape 4.7 for two days without ability to ever capture a glimpse.

I will try sending the video to Tim and to the folks who have asked me off
list before I leave for the office today....I am not leaving for a while yet,
and remember, with my 56K modem it takes about an hour and a half for it to

(Fingers and toes crossed for Tim and others <g>)

Forever Yours,

Billie-Lee (who does not see herself as the kind of person Tim described, but
is going to give it a whack anyhoooo, <G> and who is pleased to announce that
Syndey is no longer hiding and is really becoming part of the family here


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 12:26:15 EDT
From:    WRDRR@a.......
Subject: Re: A different journalistic / fanfic at play

Great article.  Additionally, my husband had a moment of epiphany one night
when I was jumping up and down in front of my computer after writing what I
thought was a particularly exhuberant scene.  he said, "Oh, it's like a
god-game.  ;-)"  God-games are games like Civilization or Sim City where the
player has god-like powers over everyone and everything in the game.  I said,
yes!  I get to kill, torture, resurrect anybody and everything.  That's what
is so fun about fanfic.  You take the pieces (the charactors and set) and
*play*.  No rules.  No holds barred.  All holds allowed if you're writing
adult.  ;-)
And isn't this the reason we launch wars?  In a war, we use the factions and
ourselves as playing pieces too!

Casting T.F. Stone
see my stories at FTP   Thanks Steph


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 07:30:01 -0600
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: Vachon's name

McLisa wrote:
>Now, if we could explain why Tracy insisted on using
>the Spanish h-sound for the J, but pronouncing the
>second syllable as if "Javier" was a French name ...

Give me a hard one! Tracy (or Urs, as the case may be) speaks French, but
knows Vachon is Spanish. Even people who *don't* speak Spanish know that
"j" is pronounced "h". But "ier" is *obviously* pronounced "ee-ay". If it's
Urs who says this, it just proves that "Javier Vachon" isn't his real name,
or she'd know how to pronounce it correctly after 100 years.

I'm learning Spanish after study French for a long time, and this is just
the sort of thing which would trip me up.

Your humble & obedient servant,


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 13:01:24 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: music video

KC got me a copy of the video.

Eve, it is beautiful.  Thank you for sharing this with us.

If folks still need a copy, contact me off-list and I will send a copy

 Tim Phillips


Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 14:28:04 EDT
From:    Meliss9900@a.......
Subject: Re: Vachon's name

In a message dated 5/3/01 11:59:41 AM Central Daylight Time,
agottfre@t....... writes:

<< Give me a hard one! Tracy (or Urs, as the case may be) speaks French, but
 knows Vachon is Spanish. Even people who *don't* speak Spanish know that
 "j" is pronounced "h". But "ier" is *obviously* pronounced "ee-ay">>.

I don't believe that it was ever established that Tracy does speak, in fact I
was left with the distinct impression that she doesn't.  And not every one
knows that about the Spanish J/H pronunciation.

<<If it's Urs who says this, it just proves that "Javier Vachon" isn't his
real name, or she'd know how to pronounce it correctly after 100 years.>>>

I really can't see how that proves it isn't his real name.  Maybe she just
likes her way of pronouncing it better.  I know people like that .. My mother
for one . . I've been  married 16 years and she still pronounces my married
name wrong. Its not a difficult last name, she just likes her way better.
And after a century of it, Vachon's probably either (1) gotten used to it and
now considers it one of her charms (2) considers it his penance for bringing
her across or (3) after 100 years he's just  gotten tired of correcting her
all the time.

Anyway IMO the fact that the Inca refers to him as Javier Vachon, carries a
bit of  weight.  With their blood link he should know his 'brother's' name.



Date:    Thu, 3 May 2001 14:31:55 EDT
From:    Knightwave@a.......
Subject: Thursday's KtK auction update

Here's Wednesday's auction update.  The web sites with the
items listed are http://members.aol.com/ktkpage,
http://members.fortunecity.com/ktknight/auction.html, or you can link from
our main page http://www.ktk.op.nu/

Item #6 has been pulled temporarily until a snafu has been worked out.  I'm
hopeful everything will be straightened out by tonight's update.

Thursday, 1pm, May 3, 2001

    # 1    $ 40.00    Taliesyn   Dance by the Light of the Moon script
    # 2    $ 10.00    Lorin      False Witness script
new # 3    $ 10.00    Karen      Father Figure script
    # 4    $ 10.00    Karen      Dying For Fame script
    # 6
    # 7    $ 10.00    Lorin      Curiouser & Curiouser script
new # 8    $ 35.00    Tracy      The Fix script
new # 9    $ 10.00    Tracy      Trophy Girl script
    #10    $ 20.00    Susan      Sentinel script "Blind Man's Bluff"
    #11    $ 20.00    Susan      Sentinel script "Cypher"
new #12    $130.00    Sunny      Prop -- Raven matchbook
    #13    $ 10.00    Emily      FoD's cookbook
    #14    $ 40.00    Cloud      Vachon T-shirt
    #15    $ 10.00    Desiree    FK music CD

new #20    $150.00    John       Prop - SoB cross
    #21    $  5.00    Desiree    Autographed Program book from play 'Art'

    #25    $ 70.00    Mary       Prop - Abarat Page

    #28    $ 25.00    Barb       Poster, Nigel's play 'Art'

    #30    $ 30.00    Lucifyra   Autographed Playbill on 'Art'
    #31    $ 10.00    Liz        Kung Fu book
    #32    $ 10.00    Liz        Dark Shadows book

    #36    $ 10.00    Lucifyra   KtK grab bag

If you see any mistakes, please let me know.  I'm sure I'll make at least one
before this auction is over.  <g>  We appreciate everyone participating in
our little auction.  You determine if we are able to meet our goal.  Thanks.



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 2 May 2001 to 3 May 2001 (#2001-143)

Previous digest Back to May's list Next digest

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