FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Sep 2000 to 1 Oct 2000 (#2000-305)
Sun, 1 Oct 2000
There are 24 messages totalling 791 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Languages...Used to be:Re: Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger (3)
2. Musings on Nick's nature (was Re: Nick and Crosses)
3. Holy ground (5)
4. The 6th KtK Internet Auction announced (3)
5. Memories
6. FK Fanfiction Web Ring
7. [Re: [FORKNI-L] Holy ground] (3)
8. Nick Questions
9. The Raven Awards!
10. FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Sep 2000 (#2000-302) (3)
11. Quick German check
12. FK ALUMNI - VCR alert!!
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 07:57:24 +0100
From: Jackie Brown <jaxuk1996@h.......>
Subject: Re: Languages...Used to be:Re: Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger
Most people in Wales (nearly 100%) speak English. Otherwise, they speak
Welsh, an exceedingly difficult language to learn if you have not grown up
speaking it. Welsh has only recently come back into widespread use, and as
GWD is from the south of Wales (Swansea), I suspect that he did not grow up
speaking it (it is more prevalent in the central and northern parts of
Wales). Most of the recently-elected Welsh Assembly do not speak Welsh (I
think only about 40% do).
If you want to know more about Welsh, or see what it looks like, go to Welsh is only
spoken/used in three places that I know of: Wales, southeastern
Pennsylvania, and Argentina. I grew up in southeastern PA and now live in
Bristol, England, just across the river from Newport, Wales. The company I
work for has offices in Wales and there is an active program to resurrect
the language (company documents must be written in English and Welsh), so I
am learning it bit by bit. It is an interesting hybrid of words -- the
occasional French or English word crops up, just spelled a bit differently.
> OK. He speaks English and French fluently, a bit of Spanish...What
> language do they speak in Wales? That would be his birth language.
> Does he know Gaelic?
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 18:50:31 EDT
From: Enid Rodriguez <LadyEnid512@a.......>
Subject: Re: Languages...Used to be:Re: Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger
I know only one word in welsh.
Enid is the welsh word for "soul" or "life," depending on the usage.
But that's all I know. <g>
-Enid Rodriguez
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 19:44:07 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Musings on Nick's nature (was Re: Nick and Crosses)
David J. Duncan wrote:
> True, he might have gone on his own
> in any event. But, we will never know... (What does everyone else think?)
I think that Nick would not have gone to the Crusades on his own. He seems
pretty taken aback by the order when he gets it. Not like a man who had
thought about going and now - even for the wrong reason - ahs a chance to do
so. I think he would have returned home and cared for his father's
property, which would have become his (he was the oldest son, right?).
I don't see him as interested in fighting except as part of his duty to Lord
De la Barre. And even then he was more interested in finding a peaceful way
to "convert" the Welsh.
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 20:33:55 -0400
From: Valerie Kessler <valerie@w.......>
Subject: Re: Languages...Used to be:Re: Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger
Just to pick an even nittier nit (or is that nit a pickier nit?), Welsh,
while a Celtic language and therefore related to Gaelic, isn't Gaelic.
Scots Gaelic, Irish Gaelic and Manx are the living languages of the
Goidelic or "Q-Celtic" branch of the Celtic family. Welsh and Breton
are the living languages of the Brythonic or "P-Celtic" branch. Cornish
is also a Brythonic language; it ceased to be spoken sometime in the
17th century, but there is a movement to revive it.
The P and Q terms are preferred in contemporary linguistics circles,
even though I can never keep them straight--always have to look up which
is which--and the explanation for them is a bit technical and outside
the scope of this list. Then again, that's probably *why* they're
preferred. *snerk* Which tells you what I think of academic politics
in linguistics, and why I didn't go to grad school...
There are certain similarities, but they're not as close to mutually
intelligible as, say, two Romance languages. F'rinstance, when I was
still working at BalletMet, I once translated a choreographer's bio from
Portuguese for a grant application that had to be faxed by the end of
the day, using my fluent French and one year of Italian. Surreal
experience. You couldn't do that with Gaelic and Welsh.
At the first GWDFC weekend, I gave Ger a T-shirt that says "Rydw'yn pa
beth rydw'yn, a dydw'yn credu mae'r Betty Ford yn derbyn sungwyr gwaed."
(I'm sure you can all guess the translation. *wink*) After spending
half an hour with my dictionary and grammar book, I was too embarrassed
by my paltry Welsh to attempt to say it aloud when people asked what it
said. (I'll sing at a gymanfa, but there are other people to follow!
And yes, it probably does tell you a great deal about me that I consider
an afternoon spent sight-reading in my fifth language to be *fun*...)
But by the time he'd slogged through it I realised I oughtn't have
worried. :-) He did know what it meant, tho he hadn't run across the
term for "vampire" (literally "blood sucker") before. Shook his head at
me and laughed when I said it's the first word I learned in several
languages. (Not to mention the only one I know in several
more...writer's research, y'know. *g*)
*looks around* I think I've officially forfeited my lurker status, huh?
Valerie Meachum Kessler
valerie@w....... ~
"It's not nice to taunt Chaos when she's missing
Buffy! You never know what kind of cause-and-effect
storm you might end up with on your doorstep!" -- Chaos
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 20:25:46 CDT
From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Holy ground
Are there any examples in the FK series (not fanfic) where vampires react to
holy ground itself? In "For I Have Sinned," I don't remember Nick having any
visible reaction outside the church at all, it's when he get inside and sees
the crosses and starts having Joan of Arc flashbacks. Do any of the
characters ever mention it?
If Nick went inside a church but was in the basement instead of the chapel, do
you think he could stay there for any length of time? Like, say, all night if
there were no crosses, bibles, etc. in the room? Assuming the church is still
in use for normal purposes upstairs.
Thanks in advance.
Visit my homepage at
ICQ#: 73113057
FK Affiliation: Undecided.
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 21:29:27 EDT
From: Knightwave@a.......
Subject: The 6th KtK Internet Auction announced
Greetings FK fans. The Kickstart The Knight group is preparing to
launch its 6th internet auction. The generosity of devoted fans has
contributed to the KtK acquiring quite an assortment of items for you to
bid on.
Our goal is to place an ad in the Hollywood Reporter. The ad will cost us
$1,630.00 for a half page or $2, 695.00 for a full page (our goal). You
will determine which ad we can accomplish by your generous bidding. If
you wish to contribute without bidding or add more to your winning bid,
we would thankfully accept and appreciate your generosity. To assist
those who don’t have the extra cash on hand, we are going to set up a
web page where fans can bid using their credit cards through Paypal.
Bids will be accepted beginning at noon EST on Sunday, October 1,
2000, through 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, October 8, 2000. Send your
bids to me via e-mail at Knightwave@a....... Please be sure to include
the item name and # you’re bidding on, how much you wish to bid, and
your e-mail address. The auction web page is located at Becky has worked
diligently to prepare the page with pictures of the items offered. Please
take this into account as the jpgs will slow the loading time of the
We hope everyone will find something of interest in our gathering of
goodies. There are shirts, pics, scripts, autographed items, a one of a
kind 2001 calendar loaded with Ger pics, and even a prop or two from
the show just to name a few of the items. A complete listing is available
on the web page ( )
Please pass this message along to any loop that might appreciate the news.
Hope everyone has a great time. <G>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 20:50:20 -0500
From: CLone Star Software <cstar@a.......>
Subject: Re: Holy ground
At 08:25 PM 9/30/2000 CDT, you wrote:
>Are there any examples in the FK series (not fanfic) where vampires react to
>holy ground itself?
I don't recall any problem with holy ground. He didn't seem to have any
difficulty at Schanke's grave and cemetaries are usually considered to be
consecrated ground.
>If Nick went inside a church but was in the basement instead of the chapel, do
>you think he could stay there for any length of time?'
In Capital Offense Nick, and LaCroix, spent the day in the basement of a
convent, which would most certainly have had a chapel. He didn't seem to be
discomforted in any manner.
Marci C (aka Nightlady) G4 & G5 Attendee;Proud Survivor of Wars 8,9&10;
N&NP;ForverKnick; NH; MadNat; Sr Delight -DSS Convent; KHS; V4S;
email: cstar@a......., forevrnite@u.......
Web page:
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 18:56:43 -0700
From: Liz the Lucky <luckyliz@m.......>
Subject: Re: Holy ground
Emily asked:
> If Nick went inside a church but was in the basement instead of the
> chapel, do you think he could stay there for any length of time?
He stayed all day in the basement of that convent in Capitol Offense.
Wouldn't that be pretty much the same thing? Or are some parts of convents
holy ground and others aren't?
Hugs and Kisses,
Liz the Lucky FoD
luckyliz@m....... Merc Nothers
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 22:15:29 -0400
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Holy ground
Okay, here comes a paltry attempt. Can't remember the ep title, and don't
know much about nuns, catholism, etc., but in the ep where the little nun
sheltered Nick from the mob (or whatever) that was after him, where exactly
*was* she sheltering him? In the basement of the abbey or something? You
know the ep Imean -- the one where LaCroix lounged out on the table and
then had a little nun snack...
At 08:25 PM 9/30/00 CDT, you wrote:
>If Nick went inside a church but was in the basement instead of the chapel, do
>you think he could stay there for any length of time?
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 22:33:22 -0400
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Holy ground
Man, that *was* a paltry attempt! Liz et al smoked me. "g"
"Capitol Offense" -- hopefully won't forget it now...
At 10:15 PM 9/30/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Okay, here comes a paltry attempt.
>At 08:25 PM 9/30/00 CDT, you wrote:
>>If Nick went inside a church but was in the basement instead of the chapel,
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 22:40:23 -0400
From: "Brooks, Julia A." <BROOKJU@m.......>
Subject: Re: Memories
>From: Doña Angel
><snip> ...when I saw LK, I had just assumed that the things we were
>seeing were things from Nick's life that HE was remembering --
Actually I had a very different take on the whole images/memories thing.
When Nick starts to feed from Natalie, I assumed the images were to suggest
to the audience that Nick's vampire nature, so long denied, along with his
love for Nat, were combining into one lethal force. And that as he drank,
the images got more violent indicating that he had lost his control, and was
lost (so to speak) in the moment. I did not think that either Nick or Nat
was mentally seeing the images. I figured it was a matter of imagery to
further the story along.
Just my 2 cents, YMMV
Julia B. (aka: Brooksie) and Allie's Brook
forever Knightie crusader, Les Chevaliers de la Nuit
"And a screaming fine ride [he] is, too."
with Ginger (Woofpack) and Dusty (FOSiL)
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 21:09:54 -0500
From: Jill Kirby <kirby@e.......>
Subject: FK Fanfiction Web Ring
Hello, all; sorry for this interruption to normal FK talk. :)
I've been the ring manager for the FK fanfiction web ring for several years
now. Yahoo has now acquired WebRing, and with that acquisition comes
Yahoo's "perpetual ownership" terms of service which I (and many writers)
are extremely uncomfortable with. I won't let my work be subject to those
conditions, and I know a lot of other people feel the same way.
So as of Sunday, October 8, the existing FK fanfiction webring is going
away. If you have the ring coding on your page, you'll want to delete it--
because it won't work as of the above date.
If anyone wants to start another ring, feel free (but be aware that a good
percentage of the existing webring authors have already contacted me to
inform me they have no wish to be part of Yahoo, so another ring provider
might be preferable).
An e-mail has been sent to the last known e-mail address of the current
ring authors. There were lots of bounces, though, which is why this
message is going out to Forkni as well.
Thanks for listening. If anyone has any questions, just let me know.
Big is the magic we look for first, but grace
is what makes things work out against all odds.
--Anne Lamott
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 21:50:18 CDT
From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Holy ground]
Actually, I didn't see that ep. Thanks all, that answers my question.
Now I have another question: Do priests themselves have any effect on
vampires? I mean, just by virtue of being a priest? If Nick was in the same
room with a priest for a length of time, and the priest in question didn't
hold up any crosses or anything like that, would our blonde vamp feel ill?
Portia 1 <portia1@m.......> wrote:
Man, that *was* a paltry attempt! Liz et al smoked me. "g"
"Capitol Offense" -- hopefully won't forget it now...
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 20:21:25 -0700
From: Liz the Lucky <luckyliz@m.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Holy ground]
Emily then asked:
> Now I have another question: Do priests themselves have any effect on
> vampires? I mean, just by virtue of being a priest?
There was that priest in For I Have Sinned, that answered questions at the
precinct. Nick didn't seem to have any problems grilling him. Quite the
opposite, even.
Hugs and Kisses,
Lady Liz the Lucky luckyliz@m.......
Doyenne of Duct Tape
8 on even days and 7 on odd. :-)
"It seems I've lost my shirt and somehow gotten my wrists wedged into
these straps." -- TNot Cadre
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 23:08:59 -0500
From: treeleaf@i.......
Subject: Re: Nick Questions
At 05:58 PM 9/26/00 EDT, DanaKnight@a....... wrote:
>Remember, Lacroix NEVER taught Nick how to properly bring someone across.
(Coming out of the limbo between the old computer and the new computer
to respond to this)
I don't think we have any evidence that LC never taught Nick how to
properly bring someone across. All we have, I think, is a scene from
Dead of Knight that was left on the cutting room floor, and, IMO, that
doesn't count.
Even if we accept the left-out scene from Dead of Knight, though, all it
indicates, it seems to me, is that LC didn't feel that Nick was ready to
be a Master at that time. I think the events of Fever imply that at some
point, LC did teach Nick how to bring someone across. In Fever, LC seems
to be encouraging Nick to bring across the doctor.
Teaching Nick to bring someone across and teaching Nick to be a parent,
though, are not necessarily the same thing. Perhaps LC never saw any need
to teach Nick how to be a parent and just assumed Nick would follow LC's
own example of staying with the new vampire and teaching him the need for
>I think Nick just didn't know any better. ... He truly thought Richard was
>a decent and honorable man, and that he could control the urge to kill. I
>guess he forgot that sometimes even the good and honorable do loose track of
>the right/wrong line when they have so much power.
Yes, I think this has a lot to do with it. LaCroix brought people across
expecting that they would enjoy being vampires and feeling that he was
giving them a great gift. He expected them to enjoy killing and therefore
understood that he had to teach them discretion and control.
Nick, on the other hand, brought people across expecting them to be more
like himself. He thought the doctor would be selfless, and he didn't expect
Elizabeth to use her new powers for revenge. By the time he brought Richard
across, he knew that anyone he brought across would have the urge to kill,
but he didn't expect someone like Richard to give in to that urge. He
thought Richard would want to fight it. Towards the end of "I Will Repay",
he says to Richard something like, "It can be controlled," but Richard
replies, "Why would I want to do that?"
Serena was different from the others, though, because all she wanted was to
have a child. Serena, like other vampires, had the urge to kill, but, like
Nick, she was appalled at that urge and at the things she did. She did kill,
I think, but I don't think she ever went on a rampage.
Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
CotK site --
Kickstart the Knight!:
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 17:17:59 +1300
From: Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: The Raven Awards!
Hey y'all! Feel free to pass this on!
Just a reminder that the Raven Awards start tomorrow!
Which is in approximately 45mins for many USA fans!
You may join and post your stories anytime during the period
between the 1st of October and the 1st of February!
Want to know more? Visit the RA website:
Join the RA list! You must join this list to enter your story.(this is the
judges list)
Love to see you all there!
FK clothing available here! Look what's NEW...Winter Apparel!!
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 21:36:32 -0700
From: mpv <nnpacker@y.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Sep 2000 (#2000-302)
> From: Pat Casey <magicpac@t.......>
> Subject: Videos
> I haven't heard anything for awhile. Did the possiblity of videos or DVDs
> go out the window? Does anyone know?
The subject of videos and DVDs got me thinking (dangerous pasttime,
that)...I wonder if anyone (maybe from TPTB or whoever's got the
copyright whatchamcallit) has thought of doing FK in comic book form
(or graphics novel type). Just yesterday, in a bookstore, i saw am
multitude of TV series-based comics like Xena, the X-philes, Buffy
and Angel (Why Angel seems so so popular and FK is not i can hardly
Just a thought. Now returning to my regularly scheduled lurking,
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 00:48:22 EDT
From: Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Sep 2000 (#2000-302)
In a message dated 9/30/00 11:37:08 PM Central Daylight Time,
nnpacker@y....... writes:
> .I wonder if anyone (maybe from TPTB or whoever's got the
> copyright whatchamcallit) has thought of doing FK in comic book form
> (or graphics novel type)
Right now, doing a comic book on FK would probably be cost prohibited. Almost
all print comic books suffered a BIG crash a few years ago. Many companies
went under. Right now it would cost so much to get the license then actually
PRINT the comic that although it might be considered, I doubt it'd be done by
any company with the pull to make it successful. Buffy is still on the air so
that makes a difference.
Even my publisher says he's not printing anymore paper issues unless the
market improves. He's going digital with on-line "publishing" and a CDROM in
the works.
The idea of a FK comic book HAS been brought up here before, and I'd like to
see it done, but right now I'd recommend waiting until the comic book market
improves - which I think it will due to the success of the X-Men movies and
others on down the line. If released right now, it'd have to immediately be a
hot seller or we'd see its cancellation very quickly, I'm afraid.
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 01:02:36 EDT
From: BJDFKFan@a.......
Subject: Re: The 6th KtK Internet Auction announced
I just wanted to amend April's announcement for the 6th Kickstart the Knight
auction with a little new info.
The auction may now be accessed through the KtK website, which may be
accessed through *any* of the following urls:
We have also just added one more item, and posted better pics of a couple of
Happy bidding!
Becky -- DFKS, DK, IB, DT, UF, Ravenette, Cousin, FOD,
We're cut adrift, but still floating. I'm only hanging on to watch you go love. (Bono, U2)
The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night she passed on.
(paraphrased from Ray Bradbury's F. 451, in memory of Libby M.)
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 01:08:40 EDT
From: BJDFKFan@a.......
Subject: Re: The 6th KtK Internet Auction announced
::::sigh:::: I said: <<<<< The auction may now be accessed through the
KtK website, which may be accessed through *any* of the following urls: >>>>>
Moving a bit too fast there, wasn't I? <G> That middle one *should've* been:
Becky -- DFKS, DK, IB, DT, UF, Ravenette, Cousin, FOD,
We're cut adrift, but still floating. I'm only hanging on to watch you go love. (Bono, U2)
The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night she passed on.
(paraphrased from Ray Bradbury's F. 451, in memory of Libby M.)
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 01:40:40 -0400
From: Diane Harris <diharris@v.......>
Subject: Quick German check
All right, last minute check for a story. I know that Mr. in German is
Herr. But what is Miss? From Alta Vista's nifty little translator, I got
Fräulein. Is this correct, or is there a better term?
Diane Harris (diharris@v.......)
Proud NNPacker, Knightie, FoDs, CoTK, and glutton for any and all feedback.
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 04:02:26 EDT
From: KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Sep 2000 (#2000-302)
In a message dated 10/1/00 12:37:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
nnpacker@y....... writes:
<< (Why Angel seems so so popular and FK is not i can hardly
One word: EXPOSURE.
Angel is advertised right after Buffy along with being a major character in
the Buffy series. Both shows are in prime time. FK spent 2/3's it's life on
independent networks being view anywhere from 11:30 PM to 3:30 am. It spent
only 12 weeks on CBS Crime Time After Prime time. This was also after 1:30 am.
USA for a short time had the show on in prime time. Same for Scifi Channel.
So I believe it had a lot to do with the shows air time. Most new fans were
picked up in the last year of SFC re-airing. Given a better time slot, the
series would have had a great audience.
KnightWitch ;-]=
'That's just my opinion,...I could be wrong" Dennis Miller.
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 14:05:36 GMT
From: Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Holy ground]
In SoB, didn't the excommunicated priest hold out a hand for LaCroix to
shake, and LaCroix ignored it? I could be imaging it... I didn't get the
sense that LaCroix was physically affected by the priest, only by the
crosses and the words of prayer.
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 22:57:21 +0800
From: Cheryl Hoffman <hoffman@p.......>
Subject: FK ALUMNI - VCR alert!!
Hi all-
Short list so far this month. The guide hasn't arrived yet, so this is
just what I've found on the internet. And since I'm headed to Shanghai for
4 days, this will have to do till I get back and hopefully have the guide.
I've done this kinda in a hurry, so if you're interested in any of these,
check your local listings well ahead of time, sometimes shows are early
morning/late night, and if you wait till that day, you may miss it.
Darkman 3 Action Max 1,18,20,23
Cinemax 5,9,14,26,30
Madonna, Innocence Lost Fox Movies 14,26,27
PSI Factor TNT 2
Sanctuary Thriller Max 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24
Lexx Sci Fi Fridays/Sundays
Dancing in the Dark Lifetime Movies 26,27
Other Women's Children Lifetime Movies 14
A Cool, Dry Place Cinemax 2 13,29
The Craft USA 22,27,28
Deep End of the Ocean HBO Family 3,9,15,17,26
HBO Plus 3,11,15,23,24
Roxanne Encore 7
Plex 8
For Love of Aaron Lifetime Movies 16,17
Late Shift HBO Signature 8,13,18,19,28
Nothing in Common TBS 22
The Shadow USA 4
Blackheart TMC 5,16
ThrillerMax 7,19,28
Cinemax 13
Andromeda --- new series, starting this month, check your local listings
Kung Fu:TLC - Dark Vision TNT 2
- The First Temple TNT 22
- Circle of Light TNT 27
City of Angels CBS 1
Hostile Waters TBS 5
Well, that's all for now. Don't forget to check Nigel's Fan Club website at for his current TV schedule, the October list just
wasn't up yet when I sent this out.
Hopefully more to come later in the week.
Cheryl Hoffman, NA (& I ain't changin' it), Cousin, NBN, GWDFC, G4
"My, my... we are in a mood tonight.." -LaCroix
hoffman@p....... dayabaygal@y.......
Dapeng, Shenzhen, CHINA AIM: DayaBayGal ICQ: 30464256
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Sep 2000 to 1 Oct 2000 (#2000-305)
Parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at