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FORKNI-L Digest - 18 Sep 2000 to 19 Sep 2000 (#2000-292)

Tue, 19 Sep 2000
There are 20 messages totalling 513 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. FODs and Beta Readers -- oh, my!
  2. LaCroix question (9)
  3. Also looking for a story (3)
  4. Where Oh Where is My E-Mail From? (Was: Also looking for a story)
  6. Looking for....
  7. quick question (3)


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 14:26:30 -0700
From:    Bonnie <callalily@l.......>
Subject: Re: FODs and Beta Readers -- oh, my!

Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......> wrote:
>Dear Bonnie,
>I wrote to you off list, volunteering my skills as a beta reader, but your
>link at the bottom of your posting didn't work.  The email came back
>undeliverable.  Please let my know how to send you the information.

Ah ... the e-mail addy should be working.  Maybe a typo?  Please try again:


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 18:08:14 -0400
From:    "Susan M. Garrett" <susanmgarrett@e.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

Gladys Bears <rockiebears@n.......> asks:
Subject: LaCroix question

 >Did we see him hurting someone without any "pedagogical"
ulterior motive in the series?>

Yes - the murder of the man Janette tells Lacroix looks like his
father.  It is murder for the sheer pleasure of the act.

susanmgarrett@e.......  -- http://home.earthlink.net/~susanmgarrett/
EVER Faithful Ravenette. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/2167/fiction.htm
"Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies."


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 16:00:12 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Also looking for a story

> > Obviously, I do not possess a vampiric memory.
>         The real question is do you drive as badly as Nick does when
> remembering things?  Good thing he is immortal or he would have
> killed himself years ago.
>                 Tim
>  Tim Phillips
>  timp@d.......

Oh, its worse than that.
I'm late thirties and don't even have a license.  So I probably would make
Nick look like an exceptional driver.



Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 16:14:07 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

> Yes [LC acting evil for evil's sake]- the murder of the man Janette tells
Lacroix looks like his> father.  It is murder for the sheer pleasure of the

But how did 1000 A.D. Janette know what 79 A.D LaCroix's dad looked like in
order to make a comparison?  Where would she have picked up that Kodak
moment?  (Assuming, as I believe, that sharing blood only transfers emotions
and not images.)  I hardly think that LaCroix carries around a plaster bust
of the guy.  Maybe a mosaic 8x10 glossy? <eg>

Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 16:21:23 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Also looking for a story

Oh, Shitzu puppies and pasture paddies!  I did it again.
Can't we have our posts go out with a huge front banner that proclaims:
GO THERE!'  Some of us are extremely nearsighted and this darn print is
(I'd give more excuses, but I don't want to run out of options before 2001.)

Kyer, kyer@p.......
I refuse to act my age until at least my second childhood.


Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2000 00:32:02 GMT
From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

<<Okaaay...But how did 1000 A.D. Janette know what 79 A.D LaCroix's dad
looked like in order to make a comparison?  <snip> I hardly think that
LaCroix carries around a plaster bust of the guy.  Maybe a mosaic 8x10
glossy? <eg>
Kyer, kyer@p.......>>

Hehehe!  I love it... nice picture that, he just whips out a small mosaic
image of the old bastard from his back pocket... or did those robes even
have pockets?

I figure that the only way Janette could "know" that this poor sucker
resembled his mortal father, was if he had killed lots of mortals for their
resemblance...  She would actually be thinking that he looked like all the
other victims LaCroix had tormented in similar fashion.  Otherwise, it was
just a blooper by the script writers. <G>.


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 18:00:07 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

Lorelei wrote:
> Hehehe!  I love it... nice picture that, he just whips out a small mosaic
> image of the old bastard from his back pocket... or did those robes even
> have pockets?

Of course they had pockets.  Where else to keep his MasterVamp card?

> I figure that the only way Janette could "know" that this poor sucker
> resembled his mortal father, was if he had killed lots of mortals for their
> resemblance...

Possible.  I even recall reading a similar idea in fanfic that had LC going
after people who looked like Nick (a UF story set after a dismal prognosis
for Last Knight).

Kyer,  kyer@p.......


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 22:03:01 -0400
From:    Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

I've wondered that myself -- that flashback messes up a lot of things.
Additionally, LaCroix calling the guy "Oedipus" suggests things that just
don't fit with later revelations.  But I think that is the answer -- they
hadn't really worked out LaCroix' history when writing this scene.  But to
rationalize it, maybe we could say that the guy resembled LaCroix' father
in character/personality (something perhaps LaCroix had been open with
Janette about), and it was to that resemblance that Janette was referring?
The "Oedipus" line...well, I'll just have to keep working on that one....


At 04:14 PM 9/18/00 -0700, you wrote:
>But how did 1000 A.D. Janette know what 79 A.D LaCroix's dad looked like in
>order to make a comparison?
>Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 22:16:55 +0600
From:    Don Fasig <phase3@g.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

On 18 Sep 00,  Kyer wrote:
> But how did 1000 A.D. Janette know what 79 A.D LaCroix's dad looked like in
> order to make a comparison?

Wasn't there a bust or portrait of LaCroix's father?  Or am I remembering
something from FanFic?


Don  ----,-'<@
Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands. - Seneca


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 22:16:58 +0600
From:    Don Fasig <phase3@g.......>
Subject: Where Oh Where is My E-Mail From? (Was: Also looking for a story)

On 18 Sep 00,  Kyer wrote:
> Can't we have our posts go out with a huge front banner that proclaims:

Believe it or not you can!  There is an option with Listserv to include a
tag in the subject line of each message so it's easy to see it's from the

Just send the following command:


to the listserver at:


It will work as well for any list run on Listserver, just substitute the
appropriate listname and address in the instructions above.

Have Fun!

Don Fasig, FK List Gardener
Argent@e.......    ---,-<@
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fkgarden.htm - FK Page
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fk-lists.htm - Subscription Help


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:32:59 -0700
From:    Night Angel <n9qqq@j.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

<Kyer snip>
> But how did 1000 A.D. Janette know what 79 A.D LaCroix's dad looked
> like in order to make a comparison?  Where would she have picked up that
> Kodak moment?  (Assuming, as I believe, that sharing blood only transfers
> emotions and not images.)

But IIRC, in LK when Nick finally sinks fangs in Nat, she is overcome by
the killing images from Nick's past.  I always thought that images were
tranferred as well as emotions in the blood.  But hey, this is my 2

NightAngel - "I Don't Do Dayshift."
"Even endless night can be very pleasant when you don't have to
   deal with telemarketers." - NightAngel after a good day's sleep. <G>


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 19:55:50 -0500
From:    Monica Thadine Rodriguez <mrodri14@u.......>
Subject: TBWDNH

News from the fanzine fairy...

It's your last chance to lay hands on a copy of ON HOLY GROUND: The FK
novel TBTB don't want you to read!  After these are gone, the book will be
out of print forever.

The Fanzine Fairy has exactly 13 copies to give away -- to the first 13
people who solve the riddles at:
http://members.aol.com/brabant1228/howto.htm  and pledge any amount they
choose to charity.

Don't be left out!  Get yours now!
the fanzine fairy


luscious lucius lover
"When you have a friend in the Nightcrawler, who needs enemies?"  LaCroix


Date:    Mon, 18 Sep 2000 20:38:16 -0700
From:    Bonnie <callalily@l.......>
Subject: Looking for....

Hey all.  I'm looking for Dawn Steele!  Certainly some of you remember her!

Any info on a current e-mail would be appreciated.  Please contact me off-list.



Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:28:49 +0000
From:    "A." <fictionbyA@p.......>
Subject: quick question

What was the name of the man that Janette had fallen in love with and
was later killed, as shown in "The Human Factor"?

gratias ago,



Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2000 15:16:56 +0000
From:    jennii <jennii@c.......>
Subject: Re: quick question

> Date:          Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:28:49 +0000
> Reply-to:      Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......>
> From:          "A." <fictionbyA@p.......>
> Subject:       quick question
> To:            FORKNI-L@l.......

> What was the name of the man that Janette had fallen in love with and
> was later killed, as shown in "The Human Factor"?
> gratias ago,
> Andrea

     Robert is all I remember

Dark Knightie and UFfer


Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2000 20:48:52 +1200
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: quick question

> > What was the name of the man that Janette had fallen in love with and
> > was later killed, as shown in "The Human Factor"?
> > gratias ago,
> > Andrea
 Robert is all I remember
>      Dot

Um...MacDonald? Just guessing here probably completely wrong....and his son
was Patrick.

knightraven@c.......  ICQ# 79163147,  AOL & Yahoo - Knightravenz


Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2000 22:50:39 +1200
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>

With permission from McLisa, the Cobra and Cousin Lee...
List moderators, please feel free to pass this notice on.

Hi all!

Yes it's me again, here to bug you about the up and coming Raven Awards
Writing Competition!

This is a Forever Knight competition, which is judged, as opposed to voted
upon, by a group of 3 judges.
The competition is especially geared up to encourage NEW writers to have a
There are four categories to enter your work into:

Primus - this is open to everyone and anyone with PG13 fiction.

Adultus - as the name suggests, this is open to R18 fiction...(you must be
17 to enter this category.) This fiction may contain graphic sex, language,
violence, or a bloody combination of them all.<eg>

Novus - Now this category is for NEW writers only. If you have never posted,
or even written, a story before you may enter this category. So if you feel
nervous about competing against the 'big guns' in the Primus category, this
is designed just for you!

Adultus Novus - this follows the basic rules as the Novus category but is
for R18 fiction. The only difference here is that, it is open to anyone who
has never written R18 fiction before, regardless of whether you have written
and posted stories anywhere else before. So if you have never had the guts
to write that steamy before, but have always wanted to, then perhaps this
category will inspire you to give it a go!<eg>

The major rule in the Raven Awards, is that all entries must be a new piece
of fiction...in other words basically written for the awards. It can not
have been posted anywhere else until it has been posted onto the Raven
Awards Judges list @ Egroups.

If you are interested and would like to see more about the Competition, go
to the Raven Awards Website and have a look!

If you have any questions, I am always happy to serve.

knightraven@c.......  ICQ# 79163147,  AOL & Yahoo - Knightravenz
FK clothing available here! Look what's NEW...Beanies!!


Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2000 12:01:43 -0400
From:    Diane Harris <diharris@v.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

Well, I dunno if this counts, but I just sent out a story in August (Rage)
that dealt with LaCroix as somewhat of a sadist, although it was a bit more
complicated than that, and the prequel (Do Not Go Gentle) was certainly not
LaCroix having 'anxiety for Nicholas' as you put it...  I've found though,
that LaCroix is a super complex character and there's not a whole lot of
agreement on his motivations and whatnot, it seems almost everyone has a
different interpretation on some level.

Diane Harris (diharris@v.......)
Proud NNPacker, Knightie, FoDs,  CoTK, and glutton for any and all feedback.

> be justified with his anxiety for Nicholas. Do you know fictions with LaCroix
> beeing cruel, tormenting Nick or hurting others without having this
> justification?


Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2000 15:01:02 EDT
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: Also looking for a story

In a message dated 9/18/00 4:10:01 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
kyer@p....... writes:

<< I'm late thirties and don't even have a license.  So I probably would make
 Nick look like an exceptional driver. >>

He's a fantastic driver when he's concentrating on it, those vampiric
reflexes you know.  Remember the ep with the actress riding along with him
and Schanke to meet with the gang kids?  Nick drove like a demon (no puns
intended) when that meeting went sour.

Laurie of the Isles
UF/FKPagan/LaCroix'Forum/Rainbow Knight
What if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about?


Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2000 15:02:24 EDT
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: LaCroix question

In a message dated 9/18/00 4:15:06 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
kyer@p....... writes:

<< But how did 1000 A.D. Janette know what 79 A.D LaCroix's dad looked like in
 order to make a comparison?  Where would she have picked up that Kodak
 moment?  (Assuming, as I believe, that sharing blood only transfers emotions
 and not images.)  >>

Natalie got images when Nick was drinking from her in Last Knight, and that
wasn't even an exchange, just a "withdrawal" <g>

Laurie of the Isles


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 18 Sep 2000 to 19 Sep 2000 (#2000-292)

Previous digest Back to September's list Next digest

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