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Digest - 11 Feb 2000 to 12 Feb 2000 (#2000-43)

Sat, 12 Feb 2000
There are 23 messages totalling 606 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. night vision
  2. LaCroix in Space...sorry, Lexx  Re: The Other Dead Guy
  3. OT:  looking for someone
  4. New list member (4)
  5. Vampire sight (5)
  6. Nigel in Hamlet (2)
  7. FK reruns (2)
  8. Greenish Caddy (was 'Vampire Sight")
  9. Looking for someone (2)
 10. Which Crusade?
 11. Wondering about Nick's family
 12. Just curious (2)


Date:    Fri, 11 Feb 2000 17:05:32 -0600
From:    "B. Stone" <STONEB@g.......>
Subject: night vision

It was recently determined that cats, unlike dogs, can see colors.  The
problem had been that previously designed experiments to test cats'
ability to see color had not been sufficiently interesting/profitable
to the cats for them to deign to participate.  Whether they see
colors in exactly the same way we do is something else again.

How was "Nick Vision" produced?  Did they just turn on one of those red lights
photographers use in their darkrooms?
        B. Stone


Date:    Fri, 11 Feb 2000 19:45:15 EST
From:    WRDRR@a.......
Subject: Re: LaCroix in Space...sorry, Lexx  Re: The Other Dead Guy

In a message dated 2/7/00 9:39:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,
Tracy.Gooding@n....... writes:

<< NB had a pretty big role in last night's Lexx on Sci-Fi UK, >>

I can't believe I sat through that silly show on 3 other nights and missed
last night's episode with NB.  Man oh man oh man.  I think I watch it bcoz of
The Dead Guy on it.  I guess just about any Dead Guy will do for me these
days post FK, even if it isn't The Right Guy (you know, The Other Guy - TOG).

Casting T. F. Stone  Caddywhacked  BTW- Angel does not count as a watchable
Dead Guy


Date:    Fri, 11 Feb 2000 20:41:37 EST
From:    BMTHESPIAN@a.......
Subject: OT:  looking for someone

I was making season 2 tapes for someone in Germay.  I beive their name is
Namuela but the font of the letter makes it hard to tell.  I can't locate
your email address.  Please contact me off line at BMTHESPIAN@a.......



Date:    Fri, 11 Feb 2000 19:56:39 -0700
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: New list member

Sorry for being slow to respond; I should have mentioned that I'm on the
digest version of the list, so I'm going to be permanently out of synch.

The uppity Americans I was referring to were the ones who had the nerve to
burn the Canadian capital,York (later Toronto) in the (North American) War
of 1812; of course, the Canadians who had the gall to torch Washington in
the same war were equally uppity. ;-)

And I'm fairly sure that Nick & crew qualify as all-Canadian-- under the
"Canadian content" rules established by the Canadian Radio-Television
Commission (CRTC)!   :-)    For which I am very grateful, or I might not be
getting the chance to see FK in reruns. In Canada, a certain minimum
percentage of all broadcasts must be "Canadian content" or the station risks
losing its licence.

I dislike emoticons :-( but I guess that sometimes they have their uses. ;-}

Your humbled yet obedient servant,


Date:    Fri, 11 Feb 2000 22:17:35 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: New list member

In a message dated 2/11/00 9:00:11 PM Central Standard Time,
agottfre@t....... writes:

> Sorry for being slow to respond; I should have mentioned that I'm on the
>  digest version of the list, so I'm going to be permanently out of synch.
Oh, kinda like Nick's DIGESTion since he insists on consuming moo juice of a
read type-o-variety???

"Not tonight, Janette, I'm on digest...."

(Well, all the wee lil' ratsies h'are laughin'!)

>  The uppity Americans I was referring to were the ones who had the nerve to
>  burn the Canadian capital,York (later Toronto) in the (North American) War
>  of 1812; of course, the Canadians who had the gall to torch Washington in
>  the same war were equally uppity. ;-)
Something just popped into me noggin and it wuzn't a blood vessel... When us
Americans travel up to Toronto, does that make us UPpity?  If a Toronto
resident went into nothern Ontario, would that person be UPpity?

When a vampire takes to flight, does that make him or her UPpity?

X<:8(         )-----------


Date:    Fri, 11 Feb 2000 23:18:04 EST
From:    teri delong <darius4evr@h.......>
Subject: Re: New list member

>From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>

>  For which I am very grateful, or I might not be
>getting the chance to see FK in reruns.
Wait.......Y'all still HAVE FK reruns playing up there???? That's it!!! I'm
moving to Canada!

 >>I can never remember if I'm the good twin or the evil twin....<<


Date:    Fri, 11 Feb 2000 22:21:05 -0600
From:    treeleaf@i.......
Subject: Re: Vampire sight

At 08:24 AM 2/11/00 -0700, Kyer wrote:

>Nuts.  I was looking to give Nick an excuse for choosing that Caddy color.
>Say!  Maybe he chose it while using his vampire vision and didn't realize
>what he was picking.  And then had too much pride to go and have it

Actually, having the caddy in that color is part of Nick's penance.

Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
Kickstart the Knight!: http://jessica.simplenet.com/ktk


Date:    Fri, 11 Feb 2000 23:47:18 EST
From:    MadiHolmes@a.......
Subject: Re: Vampire sight

In a message dated 02/11/00 9:25:20 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
treeleaf@i....... writes:

 Actually, having the caddy in that color is part of Nick's penance.

Don't diss the Caddy color.

Cousine Formidabble/GSS


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 01:33:24 -0400
From:    Robert Gillis <ap840@c.......>
Subject: Nigel in Hamlet

Hi, folks! I just came back from the second performance of "Hamlet," which
was even better than the first. Afterwards there was a reception where I
was able to hang out with other fans, and Nigel was very kind about
spending time with us. A great time was had by all, and it was amazing to
see how vibrant Nigel is on the stage.

I will write more later.

Heather-Anne :) :) :)


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 16:23:34 +0000
From:    jennii <jennii@c.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire sight

 < Actually, having the caddy in that color is part of Nick's

     Now why didn't we think of that  :)

Dark Knightie and UFfer


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 01:20:27 EST
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: New list member


Welcome!  It certainly sounds like you'll be a lively addition to the family.

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 02:41:03 EST
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Vampire sight

In a message dated 00-02-11 23:25:19 EST, you write:

> Actually, having the caddy in that color is part of Nick's penance.
Now, Now... we don't flame anyone[thing] on the list.  There wa a specfic
reson for the color.  Mr. Nicholas Grey told me at LCA that the color was
chosen because black didn't show up on the filming.  The green {actually San
Ramone Turquoise] was used as it photo/filmed better, and there was now glare
on the production tapes from the color.  So it was a color to BENIFIT the
good looks of our favoruite vamp....Nick.  Make him look real good behind the
car with the sexy fins.  Remember Vachon said it first.

Knight Witch ;-]]]]]]]]=
A CaddyWhacker, Die Hard


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 02:44:21 EST
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Vampire sight

In a message dated 00-02-12 00:59:54 EST, you write:

>   < Actually, having the caddy in that color is part of Nick's
>  penance.>
>       Now why didn't we think of that  :)
Careful...you're going to get us CaddyWhackers teed off.  The car is the main
prop used in the show.  It's gets our 'guy' from crime scenes and the morgue.
Remember...us CaddyWhackers have the third highest number of letters written
to TPTB.  Ask Rae.....And you do want us to keep writing those letters.  So
be nice.
KnightWitch ;-]========


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 02:56:46 EST
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: Nigel in Hamlet

In a message dated 02/11/2000 10:34:58 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
ap840@c....... writes:

<< and it was amazing to
 see how vibrant Nigel is on the stage. >>

I'm not at all surpised, and very jealous. ;-)

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 01:22:04 -0800
From:    Rayne <rayne_koest@y.......>
Subject: FK reruns

 Wait.......Y'all still HAVE FK reruns playing up
> there???? That's it!!! I'm
> moving to Canada!

FK is on 7 days a week in Vancouver :) Not the best hours
but heck it's better than none.



Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 01:35:08 -0800
From:    "Laura K. Griffin" <miltonsfire@p.......>
Subject: Greenish Caddy (was 'Vampire Sight")

'twas written:

<< Actually, having the caddy in that color is part of Nick's

LOL! No offense intended toward the CaddyWhackers or anyone else for that
matter, but that line just cracked me up!

Funny thing is, I used to hate that weird color or anything like it when it
came to vehicles (seafoam green was a popular Ford color for awhile there).
When I first saw Nick's caddy, I hated it. I hated the fact that it was as
big as boat, and I found the color nauseating. But as time went on, I began
to like the "Batmobile-like" monstrosity...in spite of its color! The Caddy
is almost a character in the show, and I love all the characters...so
becoming fond of the Caddy was pretty easy. Now....I find myself searching
the highways and byways for a glimpse of greenish '62 caddies. I've stopped
people in parking lots who drive rag top Cadillacs that range in years from
'59 - '63. I even convinced one older lady to open her truck (she drove a
1963 blood red Caddy with a white rag top)...just to see the truck space.
And no...I wasn't looking for vampires. It was the middle of the day, and
I'd have been so ashamed if I had inadvertently fried a vamp out of
curiosity. (And yes...I do know the difference between real and fantasy.
Even my psychologist says so! <g>)

Oh...and Vachon was right: Fins on cars are sexy!

Cousin Laura - Dark CERK Perk Addict / Order of the White Rose
"Even though you're refracted,
you're still you." - 'Picasso at the Lapin Agile'


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 06:53:16 CST
From:    Silver Wolf <silver_wolff@h.......>
Subject: Looking for someone

Hey all--

I'm looking for Jill Kirby the author of _Honor the Heart_ a FK Highlander

My mail delivery subsystem can't deliver the message to the address from the
fanfiction which was jtkirby@m.......

If any one can tell me how to reach I would appreasiate it.  I want to add
something from the story to my Nightcrawler quotes page at

Please respond off list at either silver_wolff@h....... or

Thank you everyone for your time.

McLisa and Don if I must be no posted or no mailed for this I understand

Kathryn Dexter
Mortal Sibling~Unofficial Celtic Glow Worm~Unoffilcial FK Pagan


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 11:01:00 EST
From:    teri delong <darius4evr@h.......>
Subject: Re: FK reruns

>From: Rayne <rayne_koest@y.......>

>FK is on 7 days a week in Vancouver :) Not the best hours
>but heck it's better than none.

OH! That's it! Just rub it in!!  >:-\   You gots a mean streak, ya do!

Hmmmmm......Vancouver, eh? You even have fairly decent winter weather in
Vancouver, don't you?  I mean , not tons of snow like some of us mistakenly
believed of all Canada?

Hello? Hello......? "Two Men and a Truck Movers" .....?

 >>I can never remember if I'm the good twin or the evil twin....<<


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 09:02:50 MST
From:    Meg Anderson <meganderson@h.......>
Subject: Re: Looking for someone

>I'm looking for Jill Kirby the author of _Honor the Heart_ a FK
>Highlander xover.

I did this.



Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 11:56:04 -0500
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Which Crusade?

Simone Nicole Dornecker wrote:
> Has anybody out there an idea which crusade Nick was on?
> I alwasy thiught it was the sixth (well he could has joined them, only not
> as a mortal) but it obviously wasn't. He wasn't on the fourth
> because he would have been too young. Well the fifth was 1227/1228 A.D. a

The fifth Crusade (our numbers, not theirs) was called by Pope Innocent
in 1215. The first large part of the army arrived in Acre in the spring
of 1218. They took the city of Damietta -- a great triumph. A second big
wave of men arrived in 1221. Nick could have been part of the second
wave or he could have been among the individuals and smaller bands of
crusaders that continuously made their way east.

I like the idea that Nick came out as part of the group in 1218, because
then he would have experienced the triumph of the taking of Damietta, as
well as what happened later.... But if JP says 1220, then Nick only
heard stories of that victory from his fellow crusaders.

In July 1221, some 5,000 knights and 40,000 foot soldiers (not counting
unarmed pilgrims) met the Muslim force. In the ensuing months, a number
of factors, ranging from sheer stupidity to the inexorable seasonal
floods of the Nile led to the surrender of Damietta and the end of the
Fifth Crusade. The Sultan generously fed the Christian army after he
lifted the siege. He also agreed to return the "True Cross" -- but in
the end he didn't, because no one could find it. (Hmmmm. LaCroix' work?)

That doesn't mean that Nick would necessarily have headed back to Europe
that year.  Christians held land in the east, so it wasn't as if he
would have spent almost 10 years sitting under a rock somewhere. And we
need that long span of time to cover Nicholas' aging from de la Barre's
aide-de-camp to the thirty-something crusader whom LaCroix brings

During those years, Frederick II kept promising to come out to liberate
Jerusalem -- and not coming. Pope Gregory IX finally excommunicated him
-- twice! In fact, we might imagine that one reason Nick decided to
return to Europe in 1228 was that he was fed up with the whole mess. In
the end, the Sixth Crusade was actually settled by diplomacy, not
fighting. This may add a certain amount of irony to the "Victory" toasts
he and his companions are drinking in Paris.

BTW, in no case would Nick have ever actually set foot in Jerusalem as a
mortal. The sultan did extend that privilege to one fortunate Christian:
the monk, Francis of Assisi.

mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 12:10:12 -0500
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Wondering about Nick's family

Nancy Kaminski wrote:
> I postulated that Nick had an older brother who was to inherit the estate,
> which was why Nick became a knight, and that he died young. But that's all
> guesswork on my part.

Another possibility is that Nick and Fleur are children of their
father's second marriage, and that Nick is the eldest son and therefore
his mother's heir. Even though TPTB couldn't afford to pay for household
retainers and servants in the flashbacks <gr> it's clear that the family
is supposed to be very highly placed. So Nick's mother may have
possessed substantial property in her own right. In addition, she would
have been entitled to a third of her husband's estate, as his widow.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 13:57:44 EST
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Just curious

In recent weeks I've had two FK-related dreams.  I was wondering how many
other people have had FK permeate even to their dreamlife.

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2000 14:53:10 EST
From:    teri delong <darius4evr@h.......>
Subject: Re: Just curious

>From: Laudon1965@a.......

  I was wondering how many
>other people have had FK permeate even to their dreamlife.
>Laurie of the Isles

It's not at all unusual for me. I often have trouble winding down at the end
of the day, and nothing seems to relax me better than sticking in an FK tape
and letting some of my favorite eps lull me to sleep. If you've watched them
often enough, they're old friends and you know what happens next, so it's
not like you're on the edge of your seat with anticipation.....it's just a
comfortable place to be, dozing off with the sound of familiar voices in
your ears, giving you that warm fuzzy feeling......but it certainly does
have interesting repercussions in the subconscious!

Just the other day I dreamed I was Nick, caught in an intense fight with the
Hunger. I don't know who I/he was struggling not to bite but I woke up with
the Bloodlust roaring in my ears, and if I had fangs, they would have been
fully extended! It was so weird, because it was one of those times that
you're only partly awake, you KNOW you're sleeping, you KNOW you're dreaming
and you can't shake it off and actually wake up. I couldn't move, couldn't
speak, although my eyes were open (I swear they were!) I couldn't see
anything but a red haze, and through the roaring in my ears all I could hear
was my own heartbeat.  Too freaky!  And when I finally did fully return to
RL, I actually wiped my forehead to see if I was sweating blood!!

Luckily, my honey had already gone off to work for the day, not sure WHAT
his reaction would have been! I just remember he wasn't any too thrilled to
come home a few months ago and find me sobbing uncontrollably over Ashes to
Ashes!!!    :::heavy sigh::: they just don't understand.

 >>I can never remember if I'm the good twin or the evil twin....<<


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 11 Feb 2000 to 12 Feb 2000 (#2000-43)

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