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Logfile LOG9606C Part 6

June 15-June 16, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9606C" Part 6

	Trivial pursuit (FK related of course)  (2)
	Loop Info
	Nick and Horses  (2)
	LIST: Spoiler Policy & Mispost Hell
	Oh God -- I've made an awful mistake!
	Syndication Schedule
	Rabbit conspiracies; the Caddies
	In The Immortal Words Of LaCroix  (4)
	Joining the UF loop
	List Rules, and why my "Apology in Advance" was NOT okay.
	Sci-Fi  Channel FK schedule, June & July
	We're not the only ones  (3)
	Another one of April's FK Rambles
	working on FK /Red Dwarf crossover..need advice  (2)
	A Question about Natalie
	The San Francisco Con/Auction
	(no subject)
	Guess what...YKYB...
	Lacroix's wealth (Was: Nick and Horses)
	Vachon and Japanimation
	Little bit of hope
	%@#$!# sports!!!  (2)
	Question of the Week
	*Black Buddha*

Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 18:30:54 -0500
From:         Carrie Krumtum <carriek@e.......>
Subject:      Re: Trivial pursuit (FK related of course)

Chana Rossman wrote:

> 1.  On what night of the week did Last Knight take place?

Isn't this in spoiler protection?
> 2.  Is Sydney, the cat, a he or a she?  (The same might
>         be asked of CousinSJS...?  :^)  )
> "For HE'S  a jolly good fellow, for HE'S a jolly good fellow...." I'd
have to say that Sydney is a he.

> 3.  How quickly do vampire bites heal in victims who wind up
>     neither dead nor a vampire?

The only such vamp-me-not in the FK universe is Liam O'Neal of Bad
Blood. We are never told how long it took the original bite to heal. He
still has scars on his neck in middle age (he was a boy when he was
Carrie, Proud Knightie
The Nurse is a hampster
I finally had some sense knocked into me
and I have the bump to prove it!
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 19:23:51 -0400
From:         Chana Rossman <bonney@i.......>
Subject:      Loop Info

On 6/13/96, Abby wrote:
>>The only chat loop I know of is the Vaqueras, and I'm not one, so I'm not
>>on. Oh, and there's SKL which you can join by asking a member (I think).

To which Marcia reponded:
>The Unnamed Loop is a nice group where we mainly discuss the intricacies of
>Nick and LaCroix's relationship throughout the ages/series/fanfic, etc.

Don't forget the Nick&Natpackers!  We have a loop all our own.
Our primary function is, obviously, to discuss the relationship
between Nick and Nat.  And we have a great bit of fun in the
process.  Anyone interested can contact Soulseeker (soulseek@s.......)
to ask to join or you can email me at bonney@i....... if you
want some more info.

Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 18:37:23 -0500
From:         Carrie Krumtum <carriek@e.......>
Subject:      Re: Nick and Horses

TippiNB wrote:

> Elmo?  Elmo?!  Who the heck is Elmo?  The only Elmo I know is on EEK!

Elmo from Seasame Street. You know the show Tip, the one with the
vampire who counts...

Now if LaCroix were the vampire on Seasame Street, all the little kids
would learn subtraction and backward counting. "10, take one away via
exsanguination and you get 9. 9, take one away via...." Kinda Mr.
LaCroix's Neighborhood meets Big Bird. Or was Big Bird the first one to
Carrie, Proud Knightie
The Nurse is a hampster
I finally had some sense knocked into me
and I have the bump to prove it!
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 19:34:58 -0400
From:         Chana Rossman <bonney@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Trivial pursuit (FK related of course)

Chana Rossman wrote:
>> 1.  On what night of the week did Last Knight take place?
>  Isn't this in spoiler protection?

Hmmm.  I'll admit I didn't even think much about that.
All I was expecting was an an answer like Wednesday (or whatever)
and that wouldm't be much of a "giveaway".  However, I now realize my
question could lead to "bad" things.  Thus, I apoligize for asking a
question about a show still under the spoiler protection rule.  <hanging
head in utter shame.>  Since I can't ask it on FKSPOILR <sniffle, sniffle>,
I'll ask that any responses be sent privately to Chana at

>> 3.  How quickly do vampire bites heal in victims who wind up
>>     neither dead nor a vampire?
>The only such vamp-me-not in the FK universe is Liam O'Neal of Bad

Well actually, oh heck -- before I do it again -- is Human Factor
still under spoiler protection?  Ugh.  This gets complicated sometimes!
Never mind...  <Heavy sigh>

Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 23:46:50 GMT
From:         "Jamie M.R." <immajer@n.......>
Subject:      LIST: Spoiler Policy & Mispost Hell

Since people are wondering, I will now invent a spoiler policy.

Apparently, there are eight episodes still under spoiler protection?  They
will be discussed in the following manner:

1) Subject line of SPOILER: Episode Title
2) Ten lines of spoiler space

...until they get rerun, or until the syndie deal goes bye-bye in
September; whichever comes first.

Does that suit? :-)

On other matters:  I have noticed that FORKNI-L seems to have slipped into
the section of the Twilight Zone colloquially known as "Mispost Hell".  I
am currently deciding whether to chalk it all up to sunspots, or whether to
take it as a personal affront and set the whole bloody list to nomail in a
fit of unseemly pique.  When I figure it out, I'll let you know.

When sending e-mail, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check your "To", "CC" and "BCC"
boxes verrrrry carefully.  If you can't see the entire e-mail address,
scroll to the end to make CERTAIN that the message is going where you want
it to go.  This is an excellent habit to get into, no matter where you're

Take it from someone who knows. <g>

Jamie M.R. <immajer@p.......>
Asst. Listowner, Webgoddess, Natpacker, MercMIA,
Keeper of Warm Fuzzies, and as always, Illustrated.
The Truth Is Out There.  It's Just Been Posted To The Wrong List.
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 19:41:35 -0400
From:         Chana Rossman <bonney@i.......>
Subject:      Oh God -- I've made an awful mistake!

Dear folks on the Mailing List --

I just realized I made a very bad mistake by including a statement
in a message that is very definately a violation of the spoiler
rule. (It was posted about four hours ago.)

The statement is in a message with the title LISTSERVE INFO AND OBFK.
Please, if you don't want to be spoiled don't read it.  (I know --
it is probably too late!)

I feel terrible about the mistake.  I am unsubscribing myself from
the list as soon as the message goes out.

You can send hate mail to bonney@i........

I am truely sorry.

Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 20:08:04 -0400
From:         Tammy Stephanie Davis <tsd@u.......>
Subject:      Syndication Schedule

Anyone has the schedule for FK in syndication?  Please either post
it here or send it to me e-mail.  Thanks.

Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 20:25:07 -0400
From:         Allison Percy <percy91@w.......>
Subject:      Rabbit conspiracies; the Caddies

You know, I've never been much of a believer that there is some Hidden
Meaning behind Forever Knight that we can somehow discern if we only study
each episode in close enough detail.  (See the end of this post for
more about this.)  But now I think Amy R. might be winning me over.

Amy said about Uncle Wiggley's appearance in the gag LK script:
> I took the reference as a direct one to the famous Uncle Wiggley of
> children's literature: a large, kindly, talking rabbit,
> The McGregor possibilities of this are truly staggering.... <g>

Oh... my... God...

It's not aardvarks after all.  Not even ham(p)sters.  Or kangaroos.  The
*rabbits* are behind the scenes, controlling Forever Knight, the cast
(hey, Peter Rabbit was *Nigel's* idea to begin with), the writers (well,
the writers of the gag script, anyway)...

Well, what do you expect.  Of course rabbits are everywhere!  They breed
like, well, *rabbits*!!  (There are already 17 members of the
McGregors/Bunnies clan...)

Is this thread off-topic?  I have absolutely no idea.  Uncle Wiggley
*does* make an appearance in the LK blooper script...  ;^)

BTW, TJ asked whatever happened to the FK caddies.  According to a post
on alt.tv.forever-knight back in March, one of the caddies (the pristine
one used for close-ups) was purchased by R. Scott Hedrick.  There was
also a backup Caddy that started out as a rusted wreck but was restored
for the show (I think this one also sold at auction) and a stunt caddy
(I don't know what happened to this one; it wasn't put up for auction).

I believe that there is no truth to the rumor that Susan Garrett bought
one of the Caddies just so she could smash it into itty-bitty puke-green
bits. <bg>

Final note:  while I said earlier that I don't believe there is any one,
all-encompassing Hidden Meaning behind FK that can be ascertained if we
simply watch each episode closely enough, I do tend to watch the episodes
pretty darn closely.  For example, I watched a certain scene in Ashes to
Ashes (no real spoilers here) about a dozen times just to figure out what
the graffiti on Vachon's wall says.  (It says "LEROY," in case you were

I'll send virtual chocolate or dedicate a special Really Bad Limerick to
the first person who can tell me which of the last few episodes had a
bottle of Ribena appear on screen, and in what scene it appeared.  (No
fair participating, Quinn, I told you where to look!)  Warning:  you have
to have pretty good vision and/or a reasonably large TV to see this. :^)

Allison Percy, Knightie & Chief Bunny        percy91@w.......
    __o     Pedal for Forever Knight!  Support the charity bike tour!
  _`\<,_    E-mail me to find out how to donate and/or join the ride.
 (*)/ (*)     http://assets.wharton.upenn.edu/~percy91/FKtour.html
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 20:44:21 -0400
From:         Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......>
Subject:      In The Immortal Words Of LaCroix

Hey, Hey All :)

In the immortal words of LaCroix -- "Neat."

<insert amazing array of very Un-Cousin-like dancing around,
bouncing, and squealing>


As of this day, June 15, 1996, the Friends of Forever Knight
charity drive for the Pediatric AIDS Foundation has surpassed the
$10,000 mark.

                        $10,003 to be exact

Oh, happy day.  Break out the virtual champagne and chocolate.

Grab your partner, doe-see-doe, throw your hands in the air, and
wav'em like you just don't care.  Oh, yeah, we bad. Um-hm, A-hah.

Oppps.  Sorry, I'm a wee bit excited.  Cousinly demeanor back on.

Later all,
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 21:15:35 -0500
From:         Carrie Krumtum <carriek@e.......>
Subject:      Re: In The Immortal Words Of LaCroix

Lisa Prince wrote:

> Oh, happy day.  Break out the virtual champagne and chocolate.
> Grab your partner, doe-see-doe, throw your hands in the air, and
> wav'em like you just don't care.  Oh, yeah, we bad. Um-hm, A-hah.
> Oppps.  Sorry, I'm a wee bit excited.  Cousinly demeanor back on.


For this one instance I look at you not as a Cousin, not as a
non-Knightie, not as a potential adversary in war, no, for this instance
I look at you as a mere friend. Experience your glee in whatever way you
feel is appropriate and let you heart sing. For this instance there are
no Cousins, no Vaqueras, no Knighties, there are only very generous and
amazing people.

Come to think of it, my heart is singing now.

Wooohooo. Way to go everybody.

Oh, and Lisa? Thanks bunches, girl, for all the work you do in keeping
track of the funds.

Man oh man oh man oh man. I can't wait to brag about all ya'll to
everybody else I know.
Carrie, Proud Knightie
The Nurse is a hampster
I finally had some sense knocked into me
and I have the bump to prove it!
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 21:32:14 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Joining the UF loop

Just a quick addendum to the post earlier today about joing the UF loop...

When sending me a request to join the loop, please enclose an age statement.
This is an 18+ loop and because of the nature of *some* of our discussions,
we need to make sure everyone is of legal age. ;)

The Unnamed Faction is approaching 50 in number now!

Fluffy Twinkie Tippi: The Cousin Formerly Known as Wicked!
*Purveyor of aardvarks and novelty items*Tourguide to the
Nether Regions*Shower-singing, soap-slinging CS Sister!*
"If you lick something, let it go.  If it wants to be licked again,
it will come back for more." -- Pseudo-LC
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 22:26:50 -0400
From:         Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject:      List Rules, and why my "Apology in Advance" was NOT okay.

Everyone  (and especially newbies!) -

I owe you all somewhat of an apology.  When I posted my "Tempest in a Teapot"
message, I "apologised in advance" for possibly having broken the four-line
quoting rule.

My "motive" for saying this, was because I was concerned about possibly taking
the original writers out of context.  This is one of those net.etiquette rules
that most people tend to learn the hard way.  However, this doesn't make it
"okay" for me to have simply acted as though I was waving aside the list rule.

Now, if you don't know why we have this rule, it's this - many listmembers pay
_per line of text_, so excessive quoting can be _very_ costly.

In other words : JUST SAY NO to excessive quoting.

Time for fifty more lashes with that garlic-dipped spaghetti, I'd venture...


Will Steeves, B.Sc. (Toronto, 1991), goid@i....... - "Neil Hull is GOiD"
Publisher & Managing Editor, The New Edition (U of T); Nu '96, Psi Upsilon
Ontario Area Coordinator, FREE (http://www.vix.com/free)

If possession is 9/10 of the law, what's the other 1/10? - Steeves' Laws Vol. I
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 21:31:11 -0500
From:         Laura Ruggiero <larug@s.......>
Subject:      Sci-Fi  Channel FK schedule, June & July

The sci-fi channel has finally posted the July schedule (well, most of it
anyway) on their web page (http://www.scifi.com).  So here's the schedule
for the next several weeks:

Times: Mondays 8 pm and 12 am (Though your VCR would call this Tuesday, 12
am) (Eastern Time)
6/17  Blackwing (304)
6/24  Games Vampires Play (315)
7/01  Human Factor (316)
7/08  Avenging Angel (317)
7/15  Fallen Idol (318)
7/22  Jane Doe (319)
7/29  TBD (to be determined)  [could we hope the pattern holds and it will
be Francesca?]

Note: Syndi stations show an ep at sometime during the week <before> the
above dates.

Laura Ruggiero (larug@s.......)
Temporary Die-Hard Coordinator (not the leader)
Die-Hards email me if you want to be in the war, which starts on July 13.
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 22:30:35 -0400
From:         esalmas <esalmas@g.......>
Subject:      We're not the only ones

This little story ran in today's LA Times.

"It appears that someone with clout at the White House is an avid science
fiction fan. A vice president at USA Networks got a call Friday from Tom
Smiley, the White House's branch chief of communications for Camp David, to
ascertain how both the White House and Camp David could get access to the
SciFi Channel, which carries such program as "The Twilight Zone,"
"Sightings" and "V." Smiley was assured that Washington's Distict
Cablevision, which serves the White House, would begin carriage later this
month. But Camp David, which is not wired for cable, was a different matter.
So, USA chairwoman, Kay Koplivitz, agreed to unscramble SciFi's signal,
allowing officials at Camp David to begin watching other-worldly fare as
early as Monday. Will a presidential visit to Nevada's mysterious Area 51 be

Maybe our approach has been wrong. What we really have to do is write our
congressional represenatives (just joking).

Eileen Salmas
Unnamed Faction and Dark Knightie
"The truth is out there. It's just not in my jurisdiction."
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 22:12:12 -0500
From:         Cousin April <aruskin@e.......>
Subject:      Another one of April's FK Rambles

I'm just posting a bit of everything here, so I don't waste your
time with a bunch of little messages...

1) Fred Mollin: The CD is WONDERFUL!!!

2) E-mail loops: as queen of the e-mail loops, I can tell you that
there are a lot of them. Let's see... The FK related loops I know
about are: SKL, Unnamed Faction, Vachon, LaCroix, the
N&Npack, Knighties... can't think of others...

3) Well, the end is nigh... The end is tomorrow... 'End of what'
you say? The end of my FK tapes (NO SPOILERS!!)...
Tomorrow is when I'll get to LK... <Sigh>

4) I remember a while back, someone posted a list of the episode
titles and their abbreviations. Could someone send this to me?
Privately? Addy in sig. Thanks!

Well, enough of my wasting your time! Back to your regularly
scheduled list!

April Ruskin -- Clumsy Ninja * aruskin@e.......
Official Big Mouth * Follower of bad boys * *Owner of
the undead fanfiction * Member of the'POST IT!!' faction
"I am Bugs Bunny of the Clan Bunny! There can be only one!"
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 23:12:44 -0400
From:         Mary Davis <Spirit3679@a.......>
Subject:      Re: We're not the only ones

In a message dated 96-06-15 22:37:48 EDT, the LA Times wrote:

>"It appears that someone with clout at the White House is an avid science
>fiction fan., USA chairwoman, Kay Koplivitz, agreed to unscramble SciFi's
>signal, allowing officials at Camp David to begin watching other-worldly fare
>as early as Monday.

Maybe we should email the White House and recommend that they watch Forever
Knight since they will be getting it the Sci-Fi Channel on Monday. hehehe.

Mary Davis
Hey a White House Decree saved Nixon and he had more than Nick to feel guilty
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 23:35:10 -0500
From:         Crystal Guffey <guffeyc@c.......>
Subject:      working on FK /Red Dwarf crossover..need advice

Do you know Red Dwarf??? If so, I need some advice about some FK crossover
and would appreciate any help...Thanks!!!

Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 23:38:50 -0400
From:         Felicia Bollin <AriCon@a.......>
Subject:      Subject: A Question about Natalie

Arletta asks:

>Does anyone know if there is 'canon' about whether or not Natalie speaks
>French and if she does, then how well?

IMO, *I* would say that Nat speaks zero French.  Just because a.)  we've
never heard word one from her,  b.)  she never spoke it, for example, to her
brother;  and the only time we heard from another family member (Gran, in
"Dead of Night"), Gran called her "Natasha", which is Slavic, not French,
 and c.)  I always assumed that if she spoke French, she would occasionally
have the wits to use it to talk to Nick in necessary situations, esp. when
there were other people around like Schanke (no one can make me believe that
Schanke knows any great amount of French, despite "cherchez la femme").

Also, since the only people we ever _see_ speaking French to each other are
Nick, LaCroix, and Janette;  one could also assume (as I did), that it
(fluency in French) was a handy dramatic device used by TPTB to separate out
"the vamps and the non-vamps".  I know, I know, you would _think_ with the
name "Lambert", she would know some French, but whatever empirical evidence
we've seen, all speaks to the contrary.  I have a friend who is Greek, for
example, and she doesn't know word one of Greek.  I'm sure many of you can
cite similar ethnic-sounding names of friends and acquaintances who do not,
in fact, speak that language.

Felicia Bollin
Ravenette*Immortal Beloved*MBDtK
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 23:52:07 -0400
From:         Anne Kohler <CousinAnne@a.......>
Subject:      The San Francisco Con/Auction

I am wondering if anyone knows if there are still spots available for the
Con/Auction in October that Nigel is going to be hosting.  If anyone has any
information, can they e-mail me privately?  Please?

Cousin Anne
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 23:52:51 -0400
From:         Anne Kohler <CousinAnne@a.......>
Subject:      Trying...

Okay, I am sorry to take up space on the list for this, but I have been
trying to get a hold of Darkangel to try to get a resending of the FKFIC CD
update that I got a while ago, but every time I send mail to Darkangel's
address, it bounces and comes back.

Darkangel, could you email me offlist so I can get a mailing address for you

Many thanks

Cousin Anne
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 20:48:35 -0700
From:         Fundenberger <fundy@t.......>
Subject:      Horses

        I was just talking with my sister about her science project which
included an flashing set of lights that looked like the front of the black
car in Knight Rider.  Immediately I thought of all the discussion about Nick
Knight riding a horse.  So if TPTB ever thought of making an show about Nick
on a horse, they can't use that name.
        Julie Fundenberger
        Scrapper, Knightie, SKLer

Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 00:26:16 -0500
From:         Carrie Krumtum <carriek@e.......>
Subject:      (no subject)

Will the person who asked me about the research I did on Knight
Confessions please contact me again, I can't find your message.
Carrie, Proud Knightie
Apologizing for wasting bandwidth.
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 01:40:26 -0400
From:         "Lisa P." <LadysAVamp@a.......>
Subject:      Guess what...YKYB...

Alright.  It's 1:30 am and before I went to bed I had to sit at my laptop and
type this.  YKYBWTMFKW you go to the movies with your boyfriend and you're
sitting thru a half dozen coming previews.  There is one, called The Fan,
where they're talking about unseen people with unknown names, blah blah blah,
that are... forever loyal.  And both you and your boyfriend turn to look at
each other at the exact same moment and say..."Forever Knight".  And we're
both laughing out loud because he isn't even a fan of the show, but tolerates
my obsessiveness.  Ain't love grand!

Knighty Knight,

Lisa P.

Only one thing is truly permanent...Forever Knight
Cousinly Knightie w/NatPacker tendencies  <I do so hate to limit myself>
LadysAVamp@a.......  -- "Hey, who you calling a lady!?!"
oboyyme@t.......  -- <Lacroix's unheard thoughts at end of LK>
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 01:41:20 -0400
From:         Siona <siona@n.......>
Subject:      Re: working on FK /Red Dwarf crossover..need advice

On Sat, 15 Jun 1996, Crystal Guffey wrote:

> Do you know Red Dwarf??? If so, I need some advice about some FK crossover
> and would appreciate any help...Thanks!!!

I'm laughing just thinking of the possibilities.  3 million years in the
future and Starbug spots a UFO and it's LC looking for his first real meal
in years and he first tries Rimmer....

(From the title I wasn't sure if this was the FK or RD mail list!)

Dark Knightie! and proud member of the Unnamed Faction
Watch Forever Knight - SciFi Channel Mon. at 8PM and Tue. 12AM EST.
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 01:46:25 -0400
From:         Felicia Bollin <AriCon@a.......>
Subject:      Nick and Horses

I believe that the writer who committed to paper the script that had the
horse shy away from Nick (sorry, brain drain blanking on the name here) might
have gotten a little bit of what would be strictly non-FK-canon folklore
thrown into the mix.  For example:  there's an old wives' tale that says that
horses are angered by and will try to run down *a witch*.  To the best of my
knowledge, it says nothing about vampires.  In Real Life, however, it's a
fairly accepted fact that horses *never* step on another living thing unless
it is completely unavoidable, witch or no :) .

Felicia Bollin
Ravenette*Immortal Beloved*MBDtK
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 02:39:18 -0400
From:         Heather Poinsett <104753.2325@c.......>
Subject:      Help!

I got kicked off the computer system at school and finally got an account
on compuserve.  I want to get back on the unknown loop.  Sorry for waste of
bandwith, but I've also lost all the email addresses I had.

Heather Poinsett *formerly hep2708@a.......*
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 02:46:11 -0400
From:         dotti rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject:      Re: In The Immortal Words Of LaCroix

At 09:15 PM 6/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Lisa Prince wrote:
>> Oh, happy day.  Break out the virtual champagne and chocolate.
>> Grab your partner, doe-see-doe, throw your hands in the air, and
>> wav'em like you just don't care.  Oh, yeah, we bad. Um-hm, A-hah.
>> Oppps.  Sorry, I'm a wee bit excited.  Cousinly demeanor back on.
Awesome!! You do us proud.....Congratulations and a hearty "well done" to
you and all those who contributed.

Knightie 4-EVer
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 02:54:03 -0400
From:         Deborah Sandine <DebSandine@a.......>
Subject:      Lacroix's wealth (Was: Nick and Horses)

Someone commented in the horses thread that "Lacroix could have a stable of
horses if he wanted to; he's certainly rich enough." (I'm paraphrasing
because I unfortunately deleted the post in question.)

Are we sure Lacroix is that rich?

In "Blood Money", Lacroix gave Nick a hard time about the evils of greed. He
said "Material wealth is a burden, Nicholas..." and more that I can't
remember now. Nick has tons of money because he stole a fortune and then let
it compound. Although Lacroix apparently has _enough_ money for his needs (at
least, he never seems to lack money), I'm not sure he has the fortune Nick
has. It seems unlikely to me that he would have acquired a fortune, since he
was criticizing Nick's desire for one.

Lacroix has many negative traits, but I don't see hypocrisy as one of them.

(Still unaffiliated)
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 03:08:06 -0400
From:         Felicia Bollin <AriCon@a.......>
Subject:      Re: We're not the only ones

Eileen Salmas wrote:

>Maybe our approach has been wrong. What we really have to do is write our
>congressional represenatives (just joking).

Welll, *actually*... <G>

Didn't Bjo Trimble say she *did* do that, when it was Star Trek?  Who's got
the original post?  Someone got a response from her that said that, I know
they did.  Fess up... <G>

Felicia Bollin
Ravenette*Immortal Beloved*MBDtK
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 23:21:13 -0800
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      Vachon and Japanimation

This explains all--Vachon is the product of Japanimation.  Long flowing
hair and unnaturally round eyes--need I say more?
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 23:30:26 -0800
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      Re: In The Immortal Words Of LaCroix

When does the work on the second $10,000 start?
Running for cover,
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 15:43:04 -0400
From:         Frederic Ferland <mrhappy@m.......>
Subject:      Little bit of hope


I don't know if it has already been mentioned on the list before, but if
you've seen Last Knight, check out this page:


Now, let's hope for a fourth season...  :)  By the way, did anything
official confirm that there won't be a fourth season?

Frederic Ferland                              |
mrhappy@m.......                               |    Error, no keyboard
http://www.mtl.net/solidarite/mrhappy/fk.htm  |   press F1 to continue.
NatPacker & Perkulator (!)                    |
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 16:03:04 -0400
From:         Frederic Ferland <mrhappy@m.......>
Subject:      %@#$!# sports!!!


Mr. Happy's not happy!  I recently wrote to CJOH TV, the TV station that
aired Forever Knight here.  I wanted to know the reason why they stopped
airing Forever Knight two or three episodes before Human Factor (That's
right!  Isn't that cruel?!?  I had to get the remaining episodes on tape.
Thanks Nancy!)  Anyway, want to know what they told me?

>The problem Baton encounters with scheduling it on a regular basis stems
>from CTV's NBA commitment and Baton's commitment to Blue Jays baseball.
>Scheduling of these sports events during Spring and Summer directly affect
>series, such as Forever Knight.

Now can anyone tell me why sports always get the priority?!?  I don't
understand why people watch sports on TV.  Don't get me wrong, I have
nothing against sports, as long as it doesn't replace something else (like
Forever Knight).  That's quite frustrating!

There, now I feel better. :)

Frederic Ferland                              |
mrhappy@m.......                               |      Very funny, Scotty.
http://www.mtl.net/solidarite/mrhappy/fk.htm  |   Now beam down my clothes!
Natpacker & Perkulator (!)                    |
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 01:13:33 -0700
From:         Wendy Marie Christensen <wendy@i.......>
Subject:      Re: %@#$!# sports!!!

I called my station to ask them what the future of Fk will be... the are
unsure at this point but will show it in it's 9:00 pm sat slot for a
while untill something better comes along. I then asked if they were
going to take it off that slot if they would move it to a later time
slot. They said the would concider it. So if you are no longer getting FK
cause of sports and such... ask for it later at night.. after all that is
what the VCR's are for isn't it?

-Wendy Marie-   \|/              Unnamed Faction*Cousin
               |o o|             "We *are* each other.  You will always
     -------ooO~(_)~Ooo------    be mine, eternally." LC to Nick
Date:         Sat, 15 Jun 1996 16:39:36 -0400
From:         Frederic Ferland <mrhappy@m.......>
Subject:      Question of the Week

Hi!  (This is my last post for today.  I promise! :)

Well well well...  Looks like Tia 'stole' my idea. :)  I'm a little late on
the list and I just saw her two questions.  Fortunately, I don't bite, so
Tia, you can sleep without worrying about that. :)

Anyway, since she got her idea from me, I might as well post my 'Question of
the Week' too.  I'll probably get more answers than I currently get from my
Web page alone.  So the question I'm asking this week is:

 ** Tracy comes to you and asks you to give her a new look.  What do you do? **

I'm sure you people can come up with quite creative (and funny) answers. :)
The deadline for this question is June 21.  All answers will be available on
my Forever Knight page (http://www.mtl.net/solidarite/mrhappy/fk.htm) or via
e-mail if you don't have access to the Web.  The Web page is usually updated
daily.  E-mail will obviously have to wait until the end of the week.
Please send your answers *privately*, otherwise I might not see them.  And
let me know if you have ideas for questions I could ask.  I'll put your
questions in my "question database" for future use.  (Hey!  I'll get out of
questions one day!...)

Thanks!  (Going to bed now.  It's 4:30 am!!! :)

Frederic Ferland                              |
mrhappy@m.......                               |    Error, no keyboard
http://www.mtl.net/solidarite/mrhappy/fk.htm  |   press F1 to continue.
NatPacker & Perkulator (!)                    |
Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 05:20:32 -0500
From:         Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......>
Subject:      *Black Buddha*

Kat wrote a little while back:
>Speaking of her asking Nick about how he would feel with all those deaths on
>his conscious, isn't that a rather odd question since as far as she knows
>vampires drink human's blood and kill to do it? Or does she think they just

Well, she did have evidence that Nick could sip (from him sipping from
her wrist), so she might have thought that that was possible.  But it's
also possible that she intended to try to feed on the "dregs" of society
(the low lifes, criminals, etc.) as her normal prey, something that she
may have felt her conscience could handle.  But all the innocent people
dying from the Titanic sinking she may have viewed as something else
again (some of them might have been friends and acquaintances).

--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie

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Knight graphics and parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at http://historymedren.about.com/