File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605D" Part 14 TOPICS: a Comment on Weight (2) Animal actors (3) !#@%$#^$^ VCR!!! %^&^*(&( SFC!!! (2) Address Those 3 Little Words (3) Fred's FK Soundtrack Mediawest Report Part III Hey, Tippi! "Baby, Baby" Verse Another YKYB... BMV or get me rewrite! Nick & Janettemarried? Beyond Reality - Fred's music (5) The List you asked for Fan Q Congratulations!! Producer's wife NetRatings Musings.... Our Friend the Sci-Fi Channel FK Sites listed in new NET GUIDE fk_sites i know, i know_ (2) Going Nomail (2) Help!!! (2) Nick/Lacroix YKYBWTFK Blu M. on TV now! Forever Knight Who? Tape available FK on SFC ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 10:38:18 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: a Comment on Weight Mei Wa Kwong noted: >3) And for all those people out there who said CD is heavy, well she >looks normal to me. I thought she looked too thin in Season 1 and the >added weight suited her features much better. Now if only they dressed >the poor girl properly. I have to agree. I also like the idea that Nick would be interested in a more "medievally" built woman. And it's *so* nice to see (as confused as their relationship *is*) that one need not be Baywatch material to be "worthy" of a relationship. I'm sure TPTB didn't intend it that way, but I'm glad of it nonetheless. As for CD, I think she is probably one of the most romantically beautiful women on TV today. YOU GO, GIRL! As a larger person all my life (small for me was 145#, with ribs and hip bones showing -- and a size 12 nonetheless), it has always been a less-than-subtle dig at me the way "fat" people are portrayed on TV and movies. My kingdom for a zaftig, intelligent, active, romantically-involved heroine! Sigh. Back to my own fiction, I guess, where (except for Vachon and his long-legged blond), *some* people actually *like* women of "substance"! Storm (Vaquera, Scrapper, Gangrel) wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 10:38:20 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: Animal actors Barkeep! Another two drachmas worth over here! Nick: Percheron (medieval war horse) Nat: Palfrey (lady's horse -- smart, pretty, medium build) Janette: Black panther LaCroix: Bengal tiger Vachon: Black Jaguar Screed: No, not a rat. A monkey. Boing, boing, chatter, chatter. Stonetree: American Grizzly (sorry, too obvious) Cohen: Black Persian w/an attitude Schanke: Chimpanzee (smarter than he looks) Reese: Elephant (smart enough, but not necessarily quick) Tracy: Thoroughbred, or maybe a good Palamino working horse. Storm (Vaquera, Scrapper, Gangrel) wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 08:47:37 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: Re: !#@%$#^$^ VCR!!! %^&^*(&( SFC!!! Margie wrote: re: SCI showing FK on tues... >Everyone who writes about television says one of the best ways to kill a >show is to move its time slot around. So, I have a question. Since >Sci-Fi has now given us the first clue that they're not serious about >Forever Knight? This has probably been answered, but just in case.. No, no mad plot here... SciFi adjusted it's WHOLE DAY's schedule to do a Memorial Day moviethon or some such. I didn't get to see B&theB or Dark Shadows at their regular times this morning, either, etc. In fact, it's VERY NICE of Sci FI to give us FK on Tues. They're not doing that for all the other Monday shows, now are they. Sounds like a good excuse to write to SciFi & thank them for supporting FK in yet another way! I know we're angst-ridden & sleep deprived, from replaying all our tapes & staying up late for these lists, etc. SciFi is our best friend right now. Have faith & enjoy FK on a Tuesday! Leslie ***FOREVER MEANS...FOREVER!!!*** N&NPacker/Knightie...Wildly Romantic & Fiercely Optimisic An FK Movie(s) sort of gal...who reads the whole week's TV guide to find FK. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 10:52:02 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <carriek@e.......> Subject: Address Hi all, I am at a new email address. I found that I needed unlimited access to the net and email, soo, thanks to a neat friend, I downloaded earthlink off the net and am now up and running on it. We'll see how it goes over here. :) New addy: carriek@e....... See ya Carrie ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 12:36:40 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Those 3 Little Words Amy wrote: Nick said in DoN: >Nick (to Alyssa's body): Sleep, my love. > >Nick (to Alyssa's ghost): I did love you very much. Yeah, but the poor woman had to wait till after she was dead to hear the word "love" in both cases! Kind of like finding out you've won the lottery -- after you've been buried. ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 14:04:18 -0400 From: Becky Thomson <b.thomson5@g.......> Subject: Fred's FK Soundtrack This is probably a topic that has been addressed before, but I'm new to this list, so please be patient and forgive me. I would very much like to have the lyrics to all of the vocals on the Forever Knight Soundtrack CD. I love singing along with all of them, especially "The Hunger" and "Black Rose," but it is difficult to discern all the words. Is there a file, web site or other reference that could help me out? QL Becky (b.thomson5@g.......) Vaquera and Ravenette, with Cousinly Tendencies Gleeful Member of the Unnamed Faction "Ours is a very...special...relationship." (LaCroix to Nicholas) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 14:27:24 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <SusanG2522@a.......> Subject: Mediawest Report Part III Okay, it's Monday afternoon. The con is closing down and there are a handful of FK fans (if you count on both hands) watching Babylon 5. (Jennie says Hi!) Babylon 5 hasn't been cancelled yet. The NatPack last night presented me with a Janette doll. She has historical removable hair extensions and is wearing the red velvet dress from FWTD, with a mid-17th century dress for flashbacks (with a low neckline). She has become a permanent member of the entourage. Regards susang@v....... No SIG on AOL. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 14:52:27 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Hey, Tippi! You've really taken a lot the words right out of our mouths. We'd like to get a committee together to help with this, and we'd like for you to be on it. Unlike others on the list, we believe that you CAN be serious. Interested? ==== TJ and Sorcha ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 12:13:43 -0700 From: Amy R. <akr@n.......> Subject: "Baby, Baby" Verse Does anyone have a copy of the rhyme from "Baby, Baby" near to hand? I think it is relevant to a piece of fanfic, but I've never seen the episode -- yet. I'd like to see the rhyme, and I'd also like to know if Janette was much in that episode -- in other words, did she know about the cure Serena was seeking, and does she know that rhyme? Also, regarding PotM, which I have seen several times, I was speaking to someone who was under the impression that Nick and Janette were married. That was a shock. I know that Janette says they have been together "longer than any mortal marriage," but I never saw a reason to think that the two of them were married; in addition, Nick could hardly marry Alyssa in DoN if he was still married to Janette! Is the person I was speaking to confused from C&C, or am I missing something? *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (akr@n.......) *** "A man's spirit may be superior not only to his fate but even to his own acts." -- Robert Ornstein ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 15:35:41 -0400 From: "Lisa P." <LadysAVamp@a.......> Subject: Another YKYB... YKYBWTMFKW Your listening to the radio and "Brick in the Wall" by Pink Floyd is playing and your immediate thought is "Oh, is Nick in the room?" <ducking and running> Lisa P. ****************************************************************************** ************* In this ever changing world, only one thing is truly permanent...Forever Knight A Cousinly Knightie with NatPacker tendencies <I do so hate to limit myself> LadysAVamp@a....... -- "Hey, who you calling a lady!?!" oboyyme@t....... -- <Lacroix's unheard thoughts at end of LK> ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 11:46:52 -0800 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: BMV or get me rewrite! Can anyone confirm that BMV was the episode to which NB was referring when he said an episode was a "stinker"? Frankly, I like BMV--its that heavy N&N action at the end. Barbara ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 15:48:10 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Nick & Janettemarried? This came up at Crescent City last year in a q&a session. Deborah Duchene, speaking of Nick and Janette's past, said something about being the characters' being married. Several people questioned this, because all the scene actually said was that bit about "longer than most mortal marriages," and apparently most of us thought that simply meant they'd been living together and giving out that they were married for some ninety years. Deb dropped into Janette's voice and said firmly, "I was married." Then she continued answering the question. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 12:01:47 -0800 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: Beyond Reality - Fred's music I did not see the episode to which you refer, however, given your description of the nature of the episode and the music it may have been an episode of "Friday the 13th, The Series." Barbara ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 16:04:45 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: The List you asked for > >Is there a full list of titles for all episodes of Forever Knight? > > > >If so, could someone please post it? > > > Here is the list you asked for. A seem to remember that a lot of the second season was aired OUT OF PRODUCTION order....Does anyone have a listing of how it was shown, rather than the production listing? //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 16:23:02 -0500 From: MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR <VQRW76A@p.......> Subject: Fan Q Congratulations!! Yaaaaay, Susan! Way to go! Congrats on best novel and best 'zine! Pass my congratulations along to Anne Larimer too, she certainly deserves it.:) I'm soooo envious of all of you at MediaWest; I would love to have seen the Fister-Liltz artwork before it got sold, and seen the Natpacker's performance of the blooper script. When the heck are we having something in Denver.... gotta invite you all out here.... Christina, glad the voters have the brains to vote for the best vqrw76a@p....... Merc FoFoD Cleopatra Drive-time DJ, CERK-TO "Chocolate, Freedom, Mayhem for Profit" ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 16:53:21 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Re: Producer's wife In a message dated 96-05-27 16:02:07 EDT, D020214@u....... (Lisa McDavid) writes: >Diane Carey, who is JP's wife, also wrote this season's Let No Man >Tear Asunder as well as BMV in the second season. > >In the first season, she was the psychiatrist in Dead Air. Wasn't she also the head of the women's shelter in 'Avenging Angel?' Tigon the Bouncing Tigger and Lone Woof at Large Woofpack w/ strong Knightie, N&N, and FoSiL tendencies "What time is it? What day is it? What century is it?" TeigrLlew@a....... (Tigon Diana Hooker) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 14:07:55 -0700 From: Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> Subject: Re: !#@%$#^$^ VCR!!! %^&^*(&( SFC!!! About SciFi moving FK to Tuesday: Marge, This is typical program moving that ALL networks do on holidays. If this weren't a holiday, I would worry but I think most people realize that things are changed on holidays because there are people viewing who normally wouldn't be home. I'm just thankful that they didn't miss a week. By moving FK to Tuesday, it shows that the SciFi channel finds Forever Knight valuable. That means that another show was pushed out from its time schedule to accomodate our favorite vampires. :) So, I say to TPTB who may be lurking on this list, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. You're the greatest!! May the Knight live on. Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> Janette on the SKL list From the Desk of: Sectuib SaySha ambrov Tien Sime/Gen Member: Cold Shower Sisterhood It's a sad day in hell when you discover that... what you believed in......was truly dead. (CLM after watching LK) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:16:26 -0300 From: Stapleton <d7ux@u.......> Subject: Re: Beyond Reality - Fred's music On Mon, 27 May 1996, Muldy Sculler wrote: > I did not see the episode to which you refer, however, given your > description of the nature of the episode and the music it may have been > an episode of "Friday the 13th, The Series." > Barbara Actually Fred did do the musical scoring for Beyond Reality. He won a Gemini Award for it several years back in the category "Best Music in a Series". FMI, I will be uploading a phone interview I did with him last week (as per his support) sometime the beginning of June - probably the first weekend. It's long so it will be posted in parts, that is if Jaye and Jamie don't mind. Lynn Stapleton d7ux@u....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 16:38:12 -0600 From: Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......> Subject: Re: NetRatings Musings.... >9.35 313 Fever >9.15 219 Curiouser and Curiouser >9.30 310 Night in Question >9.09 118 Feeding the Beast >9.22 320 Ashes to Ashes >8.95 223 Be My Valentine >9.22 311 Sons of Belial >8.88 116 Only the Lonely >9.22 218 The Fix >8.74 314 Dead of Night > I've often tried to sense the common threads here. Obviously, having vampirism as the main issue endears an episode to us all. These episodes all deal with relationships, as well. >Of the top five ranked, four are from the third season. ....... I would >say that the third season is just full of wonderfulness by this list. IMHO, people were so happy to *finally* get to episode 10 this season, past the USA-influenced era, that when they (we) finally got our characters back we gave intensely high netRatings to all of the epsiodes that were accceptable. This is just my take on it, but I think if the poll were taken when we could objectively consider all the episodes, it might turn out slightly different. Oh, and I don't think any of us are in a objective mood right now. Probably by mid or end-summer we'll be thinking clearly again. I know that my ratings for season one and two were probably more consistent with each other than my ratings for season three, which were done periodically during this past year. Seemed hard to be objective when I didn't have the full picture.....Some episodes really improve with age; some are great first showing and remain wonderful. That's it. Regards. ----Sharon SJoy@u....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 17:58:41 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Our Friend the Sci-Fi Channel > From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> > > Margie wrote: re: SCI showing FK on tues... > >Everyone who writes about television says one of the best ways to kill a > >show is to move its time slot around. So, I have a question. Since > >Sci-Fi has now given us the first clue that they're not serious about > >Forever Knight? > In fact, it's VERY NICE of Sci FI to give us FK on Tues. They're not > doing that for all the other Monday shows, now are they. Sounds like > a good excuse to write to SciFi & thank them for supporting FK in yet > another way! > I know we're angst-ridden & sleep deprived, from replaying all our tapes > & staying up late for these lists, etc. SciFi is our best friend right > now. Have faith & enjoy FK on a Tuesday! I agree! In fact, I recently posted a message to Sci-Fi thanking them for taking the time to re-schedule the episode for Tuesday. Most stations wouldn't do this(or would only do it for their most popular shows). Right now, I think we should give Sci-Fi as much positive feedback as possible. //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:49:21 -0400 From: cyndi knecht <cknecht@s.......> Subject: FK Sites listed in new NET GUIDE Just thought I'd pass this the library where I work, we received the new "Net Guide" published by Random House. Checked for FK references, and lo and behold - on page 33, it lists Forkni-l, the Forever Knight home page, Compuserve's list and the Usenet Plus a picture of Nick fanged out, with Sony's URL. Also a mention on page 58 (along with Highlander). That cheered me up - FK is slowly but surely becoming more and more of a presence. Cyndi ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:52:23 -0400 From: Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......> Subject: Re: Animal actors Storm wrote; >>Janette: Black panther LaCroix: Bengal tiger Vachon: Black Jaguar<< Mmmm, good choices, but how about a white Siberian Tiger for first season LaCroix? :) --Cousin Di Eternal Seducer/possible Unnamed in the Closet ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:16:39 -0500 From: Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......> Subject: fk_sites did NOT account for parallel links or intralinking [same links in other links]_ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >ht.html > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >rever_Knight/ > > > > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:22:07 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: Animal actors I suggested a Bengal Tiger for LaCroix -- Cousin Di came back with: >Mmmm, good choices, but how about a white Siberian Tiger for first season >LaCroix? :) Uh, I haven't actually *seen* much in the way of 1st season *anybody* quite frankly, however, to re-use (yet again <G>) my quickly-becoming-favorite line: "I'll buy that!" Storm (Vaquera, Scrapper, Gangrel) wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:30:54 -0500 From: Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......> Subject: i know, i know_ who brick?? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 19:42:08 -0400 From: Nancy McCaskey <mccaskn@p.......> Subject: Going Nomail I'll be going nomail for awhile while I study for the Comps in July. If anyone needs to reach me, they can send e-mail. Wish me luck! ================================================================= Nancy McCaskey mccaskn@p....... Merc, will work for chocolate. ================================================================= ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:45:15 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: i know, i know_ At 06:30 PM 05/27/1996 -0500, Madhatter wrote: >who brick?? No, no, dear -- that's *who brickS*?? Ducking and running for the Church.... Storm (Vaquera, Scrapper, Gangrel) wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 19:47:20 -0400 From: Vampire Junction <vampires@a.......> Subject: Help!!! Could somebody please send me the list of the titles of the all the shows for all three seasons with the order that they were filmes and aired. I know someone has it 'cause i've seen it posted before. I would really appreciate it. --Candy "The walls of my castle are cracked, the shadows many. But come in. Feel yourself at home. ---Carlos Villarias: Spanish version of DRACULA ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 19:20:05 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <carriek@e.......> Subject: Re: Going Nomail Nancy McCaskey wrote: > > I'll be going nomail for awhile while I study for the Comps in July. > > If anyone needs to reach me, they can send e-mail. > > Wish me luck! > > ================================================================= > Nancy McCaskey mccaskn@p....... > Merc, will work for chocolate. > ================================================================= LUCK!!!! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 21:10:59 -0500 From: "Stephanie S. Babbitt" <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: Re: Nick/Lacroix Apache wrote: > Re: this erotic/non-erotic debate-- GWD himself answered in the >affirmative <in an interview--snip> He said they played the scene to put >that little extra suggestive spin in the Nick/LC relationship... WHAT interview? Where? TV? Print? How can inquiring minds get it? I'm probably not the only obsessed FK lister that wants to know (at least, I hope not--I'd hate to be the only one without a life!). Stephanie Babbitt ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 21:24:57 -0400 From: June Williams <cousin@w.......> Subject: Re: Help!!! At 07:47 PM 5/27/96 -0400, you wrote: >Could somebody please send me the list of the titles of the all the shows >for all three seasons with the order that they were filmes and aired. Once more with feeling, the address where this and many other wonderful FK related information can be found is, ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 20:19:36 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: a Comment on Weight >Mei Wa Kwong noted: >>3) And for all those people out there who said CD is heavy, well she >>looks normal to me. Stormsinger/J.S. Levin wrote: >And it's *so* nice to see that one need not be Baywatch material to be >"worthy" of a relationship. I agree with this, and it's also one of the many things I like about FK. One of my fears is that in some future FK movie, the monied Powers That Be will insist on replacing Natalie with some typical Hollywood face and typical Hollywood body. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 22:06:28 EST From: Rebecca Burns <rburns@a.......> Subject: Re: Beyond Reality - Fred's music On Mon 27-May-1996 7:49p, Muldy Sculler wrote: MS> I did not see the episode to which you refer, however, given your MS> description of the nature of the episode and the music it may have been MS> an episode of "Friday the 13th, The Series." Actually, I have seen several eps of Beyond Reality and the style of music is unmistakable...The music is composed & performed by our favorite FK music magician, Fred Mollin. Bouncin' Cousin Becky rburns@a....... OR BeckyInVB@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 21:46:36 -0400 From: esalmas <esalmas@g.......> Subject: Re: Those 3 Little Words >Yeah, but the poor woman had to wait till after she was dead to hear the >word "love" in both cases! Kind of like finding out you've won the lottery >-- after you've been buried. ;) Just because WE didn't hear him say it doesn't mean it wasn't said. He could have told her he loved her when he was courting Alyssa, when he proposed to her -- during the parts of the wedding night we didn't see -- etc. Just playing the devil's advocate. Eileen Salmas esalmas@g....... "The truth is out there. It's just not in my jurisdiction." ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 20:48:43 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: Beyond Reality - Fred's music "Bouncin' Cousin Becky" (burns@a....... OR BeckyInVB@a.......) notes: > Actually, I have seen several eps of Beyond Reality and the style of music >is unmistakable...The music is composed & performed by our favorite FK music >magician, Fred Mollin. OOOHHHH! Is there a CD/tape for that, too??? Storm (Vaquera, Scrapper, Gangrel) wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 09:42:21 +1000 From: MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......> Subject: YKYBWTFK Well heres my 2 cents YKYBWTMFK when you look on the net for interview with the vampire piccys and you end up thinking how much like Nick Lestat looks when his hair is messy. Also when you are looking for new fangs in a novelty shop and on the radio a song is playing "I want to drain you" And finally when you are sitting up late at night doing a very boring nursing assignment and a song on the radio has the first line going like this "Life is a vampire its set to drain and destroy us" sound familiar???!!!! anyhow gotta fly (pardon the pun) from Janettes Fangs :) Mary Ravenette 4 eva, Immortal Beloved, Dark Knightie, Closet Natpacker. md.young@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 22:28:04 EST From: Rebecca Burns <rburns@a.......> Subject: Re: Beyond Reality - Fred's music On Mon 27-May-1996 10:23p, Stormsinger/J.S. Levin wrote: SL> OOOHHHH! Is there a CD/tape for that, too??? I don't know...Fred? If you're lurking out there, could you tell us? Bouncin' Cousin Becky rburns@a....... OR BeckyInVB@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:59:53 -0700 From: Bonnie F Rutledge <br1035@i.......> Subject: Blu M. on TV now! Hey you Reese's pieces! Blu M. is on Cinemax right now (9:30-11) in "Breaking Point". It looks like he's playing a police captain here too. ********************************************************************* Bon Rutledge br1035@i....... Thinks Thong Throng is a better name than Uncle's Jockey Jamboree! ********************************************************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 21:42:43 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Those 3 Little Words Eileen wrote: >Just because WE didn't hear him say it doesn't mean it wasn't said. He could >have told her he loved her when he was courting Alyssa, when he proposed to >her -- during the parts of the wedding night we didn't see -- etc. Just >playing the devil's advocate. I know, I know. I see your point, really. But canon is what we *see* not what we speculate. ;) He could've broke out into a tapdance rendition of "Ave Maria". He could've hang-glided into her boudoir with a diamond ring and a banner proposing marriage. He could've been on Jeopardy and whammied Alex Trebek... Or I *could* be a smart ass. ;) Devil's advocate? Hell, I'm the devil! I never was any good at being good. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 18:35:52 PST From: June Russell <Kat@g.......> Subject: Re: Forever Knight Who? Robbi Egersdorf wrote: :I have heard a lot of people on this list lately lament on how many people :have not seen or heard of FK. Isn't this the truth, though. I just got back from Costume Con 14. It's a convention for people who like to make a wear costumes. Often these costumes are from TV shows (Babylon 5, X-files and Klingons were all in evidence.) I would have thought at least a few of them would have been interested in Forever Knight. However, other than my friends (who *of course* have heard of it to the point where they say "please don't get her started"), I only found one person who knew of the show other than the name. In most cases it was "Forever what?" The marketing for the show was the worst, of course it ended up cancelled! If even the costumers (who are well known for liking unusual shows and having the tvs going late into the night as they sew just "a little more") don't hear about it, how on earth is it going to keep going. Let's just hope that the exposure on the Sci Fi channel helps a little. (But you Seattlites out there are just going to have to bug TCI until they get it!) Kat Kat ( June Russell )!grendal!kat kat@g....... Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 23:15:16 -0400 From: Siona <siona@n.......> Subject: Tape available I have 2 tapes available for the first person to respond. All I ask is $6.50 per tape ($3 tape, $3 postage, .50 mailer). One tape has Jane Doe and Francesca and the other had Last Knight. Both were taped SP direct from the SciFi channel. These are not copies. Otherwise I'll tape over them and I almost hate to do that. Siona@n....... Dark Knightie! and proud member of the Unnamed Faction Help save Forever Knight! see Watch Forever Knight - SciFi Channel Mon. at 8PM and Tue. 12AM EST. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 22:14:25 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <carriek@e.......> Subject: FK on SFC Hey guys, I sent a thank you note to the SFC for carrying FK in a primetime slot. Since I have a new email address I figured another note to them couldn't hurt. :)= Anyhoo, they sent me back this reply: >Thanks. I hope you're aware that we'll be carrying all 3 seasons of >Forever Knight, beginning in 1997. .... >Thanks for the feedback. Kewl, huh? Well, I thought so. They also mentioned two other shows that they thought I might like, being in the same genre and all...NOT! <g> I'm encouraged. If we can increase the audience for FK surely only good things can come of it. Surely. <clapping hands> "I believe. I believe." :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie =========================================================================
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