File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605D" Part 13 TOPICS: Factions Fractioned Forgive me! MediaWest Con-Sunday Report BMV or get me rewrite! Fiction, Rules, & Bad Poetry Rewatching List of FK eps YKYBWFKTM... Nick/LaCroix (2) Lacroix and Love Scenes Those 3 Little Words (3) OK, it's ours -- The Virtual Season Questions for all you better informed people Lacroix and That "Evil" Thing Forever Knight Web Sites (3) Scifi and rights Beyond Reality - Fred's music Animal actors The List you asked for All FK WEB SITES Hopkins as LaCroix? Heck no! Producer's wife Okay confession time OOPS !#@%$#^$^ VCR!!! %^&^*(&( SFC!!! ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 18:49:30 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: Factions Fractioned >Could you put me on the loop, for now? I think the only way I can know >whether your faction expresses what I'm trying to express is to get involved >with it. No problem Margie. We only will need to discuss what we want to do if anything to show our affiliation. KnightGal suggested we dont have a pin, but pick something quite unique to ourselves. We do want to do all our postings on the FORKNI-L, that way, not only will people get to know what we are talking about, but that also gives them the option to join into the faction. This is strickly a non-sexual thing, although I believe that a vampire would indeed look for beauty first in thier companions (i.e. all the writing of Rice in which Lestat mentions how *beautiful* his children are), I can also see it the other way. However, no matter who they brought over, I think that after 800 years, there is not only a lot of affection, but also a lot of familiy discordance included! Lasher ~~Unnamed Faction ~~ ~~~~Cousin of the Knight(pending)~~~~ ~~~~Bunny~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOO Member~~~~ **** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 21:02:49 -0500 From: michael wayne jackson <mjay@n.......> Subject: Re: Forgive me! At 4:35 PM 5/26/1996, Muldy Sculler wrote: >I just sent a message to the entire line that was meant only for Joe's eyes. >Truely I am slime--whip me beat me--please! I feel I must point out that this kind of behavior is only allowed on the jadfe list, where you will have a bevy of beautiful vampires willing to satisfy you every need. :)) michael wayne jackson -- mjay@n....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:03:44 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <SusanG2522@a.......> Subject: MediaWest Con-Sunday Report It's 10 to 10 PM in Lansing, Michigan. Having a wonderful time, wish you all were here. The NatPack's Wake went beautifully. There was a live reading of the blooper script (which was video taped this morning), a viewing of the all-Nat channel, and lots of lovely conversation and fun. Affiliation pins were given out during the weeken with a preponderence of Cousins attending, but there WERE a number of Knighties as well and more than a few FODs showing their support. The Fan Q award winners were announced at 5 PM this evening. Due to the problems with the ballot, MediaWest declined to present a Fan Q for Forever Knight short fiction, which means there was no award to any of the nomines in that category. Best novel was presented to "Kind Soul," Best Fanzine was given to "Daydreams & Knightmares," and best FK artist was Ann Larimer. The art auction is still going on. There was a lovely Vachon by Fister-Liltz which went for $70.00 and a Nick by candlelight for $100.00 (which was a REAL steal!). I managed to get the Nick and Nat I wanted (entitled 'Nick at Nat') by Karen River for $150.00. That's all for now. Miss you all dreadfully and can't wait to get home to catch up. The Web-Goddess and Nat-Pack send their greetings. Regards susang@v....... No sig cause I'm on AOL. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:05:10 -0400 From: Stephanie Way <Biancaswan@a.......> Subject: BMV or get me rewrite! I noticed Nigel, as a con report stated, didn't like "the script written by the producers wife-it stunk" well you don't need to be a detective to figure out which episode he's referring to, seems the whole cast did not like Be My Valentine. (how would you have written it Mr. B?) . I nominate this as an episode for the virtual season writers. The dialogue was pretty bad and the restuarant scene and the tag look like the parts needing work. Just a thought SW Biancaswan@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:13:34 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Fiction, Rules, & Bad Poetry Robbi asked: > Someone has set up a new sight for the fkfic-l archive. I was wondering if > that was temporary or permanent. I have been there, but I lost the URL > address. Can someone help us out with that? You can find Mel Moser's new FK fan fiction page at: I don't know whether any long-term arrangements for an extensive fan fiction archive have been worked out yet. When the FTP site's fiction archive comes back online, I think it will contain the bulk of the backlog of fan fiction from past years. For now, Mel's page just has recently posted fiction. But given the surge in postings on FKFIC-L, everyone should have plenty to keep them busy. :^) BTW, I noticed the spate of apologies posted to the list or mailed to me after my recent Babysitter foot-stomping... I didn't mean to really scare anyone, and foot-stomping isn't usually in my nature, but the babysitter job has a way of converting a normally perky person into a stern and menacing presence... I hope you don't all think that I've been corrupted by the illusion of power. <g> But I am very glad that so many people have promised to be extra-careful when posting. Too many spoilers were making their way onto FORKNI-L. Today I'm in a much better mood after enjoying several Gerwolf, um, I mean Airwolf episodes that a friend brought over to share. Cheesy TV, but some wonderful Ger moments... :^) :^) And since I'm feeling particularly silly right now, rather than inflicting my boring old Babysitter .sig on you, I'm going to post a new, updated, but still incredibly bad List Rules URL Poem that will lead you to the FK mailing lists web page. :^) (No, I'm not sending this to FKFIC-L because calling it a "poem" is a very big stretch anyway!) List Rules URL: The Poem (revised version) A verse inspired by h-t-t-p and then colon slash slash At this web site all answers you'll find in a flash. Continue with c-a-c dot p-s-u The lists are for us, both for me and for you. And now one more dot, e-d-u, and a slash When I'm done with this job I will need a big bash. That squiggle's a tilde of course, and don't fear: At this web site the rules of the lists are made clear. Now j-a-p-eight and a slash will be found, Which reminds me of JADFE, where "slashes" abound, And that new Unnamed Faction for Nick and Lacroix Are they friends, are they lovers, or just Son and Pa? But back to my point, there's a bit more to say; Add a big F-K slash, and another F-K We end this sad verse with dot h-t-m-l I'm a really bad poet, I'm sure you can tell! ~~ Allison ~~ List Babysitter ~~ Perky Knightie ~~ Bunny ~~ Bad Poet ~~ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:21:07 -0400 From: Joy Davis <Rjoy@a.......> Subject: Re: Rewatching Hi all! I found my perception of LaCroix jas changed the most over this past season. He seams more understandable, more 'human' if you will. The Ashes To Ashes episode gave an insight into his character that I've yet to see matched. The vicious way he reacted to Nick's perceived rejection of him is seen in a whole new light after seeing what happened with Divia. I think he wanted to replace her with a 'good' child. That's why the paradox exists in their relationship. He chose someone was good, but then they would not embrace the evil that is in him. Anyone else out there with thoughts on this? ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 19:36:33 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina <asginger@i.......> Subject: List of FK eps Hi all-- On 26 May 1996, P.L.Montgomery asked for a list of episodes... In case there are any newbies out there, please see Gaylen's sites and hot links at the following URL for ep lists and critiques: Toni Knightie from NYC "It's tuck-in time at the pillow ranch." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 19:42:16 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina <asginger@i.......> Subject: YKYBWFKTM... Hi all- Okay, okay, I can't stand it any longer...Here's my 2 cents: YKYBWFKTM when you see an actor named Nic [sic] Knight playing a prince in a Disney adaption of _The Whipping Boy_, and you completely lose it. Draw your own inferences... I was LOL, boys and girls, actually LMAO. My family already thinks I'm possessed by a daemon. Toni Knightie from NYC "Mon cher, you've been spending too much time in the sun." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:43:31 -0400 From: Loose Cannon <LoosCanN@a.......> Subject: Re: Nick/LaCroix Apache mentions a GWD interview: <<Re: this erotic/non-erotic debate-- GWD himself answered in the affirmative <snip> He said they played the scene to put that little extra suggestive spin in the Nick/LC relationship>> Here's a snip out of an interview NB did for a fanzine called "In The Dark". When asked, "What do you think is the primary source for people's interest in LaCroix?" NB replies, "I think his relationship with Nick, and Janette before. Certainly his relationship with Nick. It's a very murky relationship. It's more than being father/son, more than being brothers and more than being lovers. It's all in there in a multitude of ways, it's very muddy waters there. There is a certain love between them on many different levels. That's one of the primary sources definitely." Apache continues: <<Given that, I think you could say that eroticism in that relationship may be subconscious, unconsummated, involuntary, whatever -- but you can't say it's not there.>> It would stand to reason that if the actors who play the roles have this in their minds as part of their characterization, for at least some of the scenes they're doing, that that element would be there for us to perceive. I don't think it's in *all* of the scenes they do together or even most of them. But it's there, and I include it as *part* of their relationship when I think about these two characters. Standing in uffish thought, Leslie GS ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:13:16 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes Peggy wrote: >whole 'nother discussion there) because I think some of these delusional >Cousins (duck) are convinced that Nick somehow remembers all his flashbacks >wrong. Well, claiming all the flashbacks are right would be just as delusional as claiming all of them are wrong. ;) We're talking about the difference between "fact" and "truth". You can't always prove the factuality of things in a flashback -- regardless of whose they are -- but you can still accept them as true. I've only had a handful of psychology classes, but one thing I did learn is that we tend to revise our memories according to our present frame of mind, outlook, and general opinions. This is evidenced in FK by the fact that the LC in Nick's first season flashbacks is a LOT more evil than the LC of the 2nd and 3rd seasons. Why? Because Nick's attitude toward his creator have gradually changed. I'm not saying Nick's flashbacks are wrong. Some may just have been "modified from the original version to fit your TV screen". ;) Personally, I *like* the wickeder version of LC. ;) It's so rare one finds a person so wicked, and yet so... stylish. I'm sure LC has killed Plenty Of Innocent People, men and women alike. No argument from me on that point. But the *flavor* of those killings may be suspect. As I said before, the LC of Janette's flashback is a savior -- a hero. The LC in many of Nick's flashbacks is not just amoral but *im*moral. LC in his own flashbacks is no cremepuff, either -- but it's somewhere between Janette's and Nick's POV. We don't often get to see LC for any length of time except in flashbacks or weird dream sequences. When we *do* see him in the present day, he's usually not nearly as loathesome as he is in the flashbacks. Usually. ;) IMO, the wickeder the better! Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "Ours is a very...special...relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:03:53 -0500 From: "Monica B. Vasquez" <mbv1219@s.......> Subject: Re: Those 3 Little Words At 03:15 PM 5/26/96 -0700, you wrote: >Now, this seems like a world record for my dear Brick. Not only did he >love the woman enough to marry her, he actually managed to choke out the >word "love" on two occasions. Now, I have, as yet, been unable to find >him using the word "love" in relation to himself anywhere else. Not >towards Nat, not towards Janette, not LC, not his mother, his sister, or >even his dog. There are still a few eps for me to check, and many that I >don't have, so I must ask: is this right? Has Nick never *said* he loved >anyone but Alyssa, Mrs. Nicholas deBrabont? > In Partners of the Month ( 2nd season ) in a flashback Nick tells LaCriox that he loves Janette. This is after she has left him. Monica Dark Knightie/Immortal Beloved ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 23:12:06 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Those 3 Little Words > Now, I have, as yet, been unable to find >him using the word "love" in relation to himself anywhere else. Not >towards Nat, not towards Janette, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nick says that he loved Janette after she left him in the flashback in POTM. Remember? Nick does tell Nat that he loves her, well, we assume he did because Nat tells LaCroix that he did while at Azure's in BMV. Not an out and out 'O love you, Nat.' like we'd all like, but as close as we are ever going to get. Using the argument that Nick said it before just doesn't fly with me. He is having difficulty in the present because of what he had done in the past. Telling Alyssa that he loved her, then accidentally kills her may be the very reason he is unable to say so to anyone now. Our brick takes a long time to learn things, God bless him, that's part of his charm I suppose. At least, that's what I tell myself when I'm aggravated with him. :)= Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 23:15:18 -0400 From: Pat Witham <catspaw@m.......> Subject: Re: OK, it's ours -- The Virtual Season >And I promise not to put any hamsters in Nick's pants, okay? ;) > >Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! >*Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* >"Ours is a very...special...relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ >Wickedness Site! >.- Why not? I'd like to hamsters in Nick's pants. Pat Witham (catspaw@cruzio) Still Loyal Knightie. Knightie, CSS and D.O.B. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 23:46:38 -0400 From: Mei Wa Kwong <kwongm@g.......> Subject: Questions for all you better informed people Okay, I think this is my first posting here on this list, but I had a few questions and the news group looked like it was getting way out of hand. 1) Now Nick is not suppose to have too much control when he is sipping from someone he loves, hence the hands off relationship with Nat. Now, due to the kindness of someone out there, I have been able to watch some Season 2 episodes and in Crazy Love, we see Nick in a flash back drinking from some girl (sorry, didn't catch her name) and he apparently has been for a while (Old teeth marks on her neck and the fact he mentions it too!). Now, he had control then to take only a little, but why doesn't he have it now? Did something happen along the way? 2) Also, do you ever notice that when Nat is in one of those unreal "flash backs", specifically in Curiouser and Curiouser and Stranger Than Fiction, they're rather humoruos ones. I mean, in Curiouser the little pinch she gives Nick when he comes into her apartment and then the little slap when he leaves and in Stranger the over the top melodramatic scene she had with Nick when she was thinking they were the characters from the novel. I don't know if this is due more to CD's sense of humor or what, but I thought it was rather interesting that her scenes are played with humor and not the romantic type situation. 3) And for all those people out there who said CD is heavy, well she looks normal to me. I thought she looked too thin in Season 1 and the added weight suited her features much better. Now if only they dressed the poor girl properly. Thanks for your patience. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:49:39 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix and That "Evil" Thing Lots of stuff going back and forth on this, often under the guise of "LC and Love". Another two drachmas worth, barkeep! First of all, on the "Love" thing, Moonlight hauled out a pretty convincing argument -- LaCroix truely loved Fleur, because he is capable of truely accepting himself and she was capable of truely accepting him. To quote *my* favorite character: "I'll buy that!" Now, on this "Evil" thang -- LC is not evil, folks. He simply operates under a non-human moral code. First of all, for the majority of his life, up to the present half of the present century, there was no sure way to extract *and* store blood. This means that the only way you got it was fresh from the container. Some of it might have been preserved with alcohol, but until the more scientific methods of this century, even wine-making was an often hit-or-miss situation. Something could get into your vats and spoil the whole pressing. To parallel the question of whether the bottle you're opening is ambrosia or vinegar, a vampire using alcohol to preserve blood would never know for sure if it worked -- and it's not a very good method, either. I suspect that alcohol (wine) is a flavor only -- as a "preservative" it seems to me it'd kill off all the elements of the blood a vampire most wants to preserve! Enough digression.<G> Back to EVIL: It is anthrocentric to attempt to hold another species to human standards of behavior. Likewise, the people of China don't have the same "moral code" as the French, and the people of the Bible didn't have the same moral code as Pat Robertson (whatever *he* thinks!). A Vampiric "Ten Commandments": 1) Thou shalt expand thy concept of "God" to include an acceptance of thy present situation, else thou shalt surely go mad. <C&C, LK> 2) Thou shalt understand that there will always be things beyond thy present seeing and knowing; be not afraid to change with the times. <LNMTA> 3) Thou shalt not mock the beliefs of mortals, for though they are weaker than thee, thou art not invulnerable. <Fever> 4) Though thou must keep to the darkness and not venture into the light of day, remember than the mortal world lives by the sun. Keep thy differences subtle and innocent in appearance. <FK as a whole, various flashbacks> 5) Your master *is* your master. Deal with it. <anything to do w/LC. AtA; BMV> 6) Thou shalt not kill wantonly, indiscreetly, or wastefully. <Fever;IWR, FI, AMPH> 7) Thou shalt not deliberately incite division among the Community. <??? a "logic" if you will> 8) Thou shalt not expose the Community to the eyes of the mortal world. <UTV> 9) Thou shalt not use thy powers flagrantly, or thus make thyself a ruler over mortals, for they will surely bring thee down and the Community with thee. <Fever> 10) Thou shalt not covet mortal possessions, for thy life may depend on thine ability to disappear. Moreover, such possession may become a guide for those who would hunt thee. <????, another "logical" one; Vachon's motto <G>> So okay, I'm more than ordinarily twisted. But this seems to be the sort of code LC actually operates under. Sure, he's broken a few of them -- I don't think even JC Himself kept all Ten Commandments every minute of every day; and we *know* Moses broke a few! What do you think? Suggestions? Alternations? Additions? Or am I outstanding in Left Field, again? <G> Storm (Vaquera, Scrapper, Gangrel) wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 21:47:23 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Forever Knight Web Sites I don't know if this is the right place for this post, but rest assured it is not anything I can get together on my own. I am looking for a listing of any FK sites that are on the internet. Home Pages, fan clubs, anything and everything that deals with FK. Thanks in advance for all your help! Lasher ~~Unnamed Faction ~~ ~~~~Cousin of the Knight(pending)~~~~ ~~~~Bunny~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOO Member~~~~ **** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:01:57 -0800 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Scifi and rights As long as the Scifi channel holds the rights to FK they can do whatever they want--short of destroying the originals--they can show it or not show it. This is their call. Barbara ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 23:07:10 -0700 From: Peggy Wiltz <pwiltz@i.......> Subject: Beyond Reality - Fred's music Thought I saw a real brief blurb about this show earlier on the list - something about Deb D being in an ep? Anyway, just caught the last couple seconds - literally - of it, didn't even know what it was until I checked the TV Guide after it ended. It was something about some demon trapping some people's souls inside a box or something. Anyway, as the credits started rolling, I thought, wow this music sounds familiar. Just then Jon Slan's name showed up as Exec. Producer, and sure enough, Fred Mollin was listed as composer and director of the music. It was on Denver's channel 20 (syndicated station). I'll have to start looking for this show from now on, just to hear the music! Anyone else seen it? Is it any good, aside from the music? Peggy Unnamed Knightie ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 16:33:27 +1000 From: MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......> Subject: Animal actors well i could not resist this one either Nick A sloth in the amazon jungle with a bad hair day Nat A shitsu dog ( the really fluffy ones) Janette Nothing other than a pure black arabian mare Lacroix A polar bear Schanke A penguin Tracy A camel Vachon A black bear Cohen A siamese cat Reese A big cuddly elephant there i have out done my self btw could anyone help me find the irc channel for FK i have downloaded irc but i cant find the channel thanks from Janettes Fangs Mary md.young@s....... Ravenette 4 eva, Immortal beloved, Dark knightie, and closet Natpacker ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 22:44:15 -0700 From: Shirley Davis <pitbull@d.......> Subject: Re: The List you asked for At 02:15 PM 5/26/96 PST, you wrote: >Is there a full list of titles for all episodes of Forever Knight? > >If so, could someone please post it? > Here is the list you asked for. Season 1 Season2 Nick Knight (1989) Killer Instinct Dark Knight (1992) A Fate Worse than Death Dark Knight: The second chapter Stranger than Fiction For I have Sinned Bad Blood Last Act Foward Into the Past Dance by the Light of the Moon Capital Offense Dying to Know You Hunted False Witness Faithful Followers Cherry Blossoms Undue Process I Will Repay Father's Day Dead Air Can't Run, Can't Hide Hunters Near Death Dead Issue Crazy Love Father Figure Baby, Baby Spin Doctor Partners of the Month Dying For Fame The Fire Inside Only the Lonely Amateur Night Unreality TV The Fix Feeding the Beast Curiouser and Curiouser To Die For/If Looks Could Kill Beyond the Law Fatal Mistake The Queen of Harps 1966 Close Call Love You to Death Be My Valentine The Code A More Permanent Hell Blood Money Season 3 The Black Budda The Black Budda Pt2 Outside the Lines Blackwing Blind Faith My Boyfriend is a Vampire Hearts of Darkness Trophy Girl Let No Man Tear Asunder Night in Question Sons of Belial Strings Fever Dead of Night Games Vampires Play Human Factor Avenging Angel Fallen Idol Jane Doe Ashes to Ashes Francesca Last Knight > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 00:36:54 -0700 From: Wendy Marie Christensen <wendy@i.......> Subject: All FK WEB SITES Hi everyone. I am looking to put together a complete list of all sites having to do with FK. So if you have a site with any FK info on it please email me with the URL and a short description. Thanks. -Wendy Marie- \|/ Unnamed Faction*Cousin |o o| "We *are* each other. You will always -------ooO~(_)~Ooo------ be mine, eternally." LC to Nick wendy@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 04:17:53 -0400 From: "Tammy Pond [Digest]" <nightmist@g.......> Subject: Hopkins as LaCroix? Heck no! No, no, no NO! No way! NO ***** WAY! I'm sorry, I can't think *how* Anthony Hopkins could do justice to LaCroix's role in anything... Yes, Hopkins IS a good actor, but LaCroix is an entirelly different style. LaCroix's not evil, he just....likes his fun. <grin> I've seen Hopkins in several roles, with different character styles, but nothing that could really come close to Nigel's style. To quote Nigel: "I don't want a new one. I like *THAT* one!" Tammy Nightmist@g....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 08:17:11 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Producer's wife Diane Carey, who is JP's wife, also wrote this season's Let No Man Tear Asunder as well as BMV in the second season. In the first season, she was the psychiatrist in Dead Air. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 06:17:13 -0700 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: Re: Those 3 Little Words >At 03:15 PM 5/26/96 -0700, Monica wrote: > >>Now, this seems like a world record for my dear Brick. Not only did he >>love the woman enough to marry her, he actually managed to choke out the >>word "love" on two occasions. AND >>In Partners of the Month ( 2nd season ) in a flashback Nick tells LaCriox >that he loves Janette. This is after she has left him. My question is - has there *ever* been a scene wherein Nick tells *anyone* that he loves the directly to their face, so that the person actually hears him, and can respond or react? I don't think there was, throughout all 3 seasons - Brick is good at being brickish; sort of being his own confessor and only telling himself. At least Lacroix is open about his feelings - to the point of wearing them on his sleeve! Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 09:47:54 -0400 From: June Williams <cousin@w.......> Subject: Re: Forever Knight Web Sites At 09:47 PM 5/26/96 -0700, you wrote: >I don't know if this is the right place for this post, but rest assured it >is not anything I can get together on my own. I am looking for a listing of >any FK sites that are on the internet. This is not the MOST comprehensive list but it should feed your hunger for the moment. htpp:// (terminal #1 not terminal with two ll ) (once again that's team #1 not team letter l) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 09:33:35 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Okay confession time Okay folks, it's confession time. When I first started watching FK, oh about halfway through the 2nd season, I was... I was... <gulp> a Dark Knightie AND a Nick&Natpacker!! AAAGH! But, silly me, I used to just casually watch the show. Now I'm cursed to look for hidden subtext, continuity, and bad hair days. So let's just say I used to think there was love -- real love, not that goofy puppy love stuff -- between Nick and Nat. But I really don't anymore. That's why by the end of the 2nd season I'd given up on trying to find the clews that would prove Nicky boy truly loved Nat and vice-versa. I felt like I was in a bad relationship with those two and I just couldn't take it anymore! I wanted out! I wanted to divorce the two of them and start collecting my alimony checks! If I wanted to get my head messed around with I woulda stayed with my ex-fiance. Hard to imagine myself as anything but a Cousin! We now return you to your regularly scheduled list. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 10:58:23 -0400 From: "J.A. Stafford" <KnightGal@a.......> Subject: Re: Nick/LaCroix I would agree that, as NB said, there is a love between Nick and LaCroix that exists on many different levels. I personally never said that *couldn't* be the case, it's simply that some of us choose not to focus on any sexual or erotic aspect to their relationship, whether it is implied or not. Whatever the case, we can see that the feelings/relationships between vampires is much more complex and less "cut and dried", so to speak, than those which exist between mortals. It is why so many of us are interested in exploring the bond between Nick and LaCroix. We merely differ in how we seek to explain it or discuss it. Certainly, there is room in the FK universe for all opinions and ideas, isn't there? Julie Cousin till the end... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 11:12:38 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: OOPS Sorry all, I DO know better than to send a listserv command to the list. Brain dead this morning. Forgive Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 20:38:24 PST From: "P. L. Montgomery" <plcm@j.......> Subject: Re: !#@%$#^$^ VCR!!! %^&^*(&( SFC!!! > Sci-Fi is showing Forever Knight on Tuesday. Everyone says one of > the best ways to kill a show is to move its time slot around. No good > reason that I can see; on Monday they're showing a bunch of old > movies, some "brilliant" decision about Memorial Day. On the contrary, they probably believe that more people will be home, it being a holiday, and it's their bizarre idea of holiday programming. I've noticed muddled thinking this before -- on the networks, too: "Oh, a holiday! Let's show a FRIENDS marathon!" ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 10:23:10 -0500 From: Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......> Subject: Re: Forever Knight Web Sites At 09:47 PM 5/26/96 -0700, you wrote: > I am looking for a listing of >any FK sites that are on the internet. Home Pages, fan clubs, anything and >everything that deals with FK. Thanks in advance for all your help! > Lasher if you have access to any search engine like Lycos, you'll get more than you can handle; i did, so i'm not sure if i could quote them here_esp if you're a pick-n'-choose in terms of bookmark links . -mdht =========================================================================
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