File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605D" Part 2 TOPICS: If someone else wrote FK . . . Denver FK Fans - Fox T.V. Knight Confessions et gibberish... set to conceal? (7) Factions (2) FORKNI-L Digest - 20 May 1996 to 21 May 1996 Mailer problems Blood Tears Last Knight-no spoilers NO spoilers!! FAQ questions needed *IMPORTANT* READ THIS Who I Am & Why the Surveys FAQ questions needed Unnamed Faction Last Knight Blood/Blood Lite "formulas" (I know, I know...) AtA, LK, Janette spoiler stuff Sci-Fi FK Schedule, Spoiler protection Ger's chocolate pizza report FK Merchandise, etc. - another reply (2) Mag story about SOS FK Off-topic: Video Capturing. IMPORTANT--Read this more unnamed faction members ;) The Unamed Faction Unnamed Factioners: contact me! WARS? I have returned! Concealing means? ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:45:31 -0400 From: Ray Heuer <RayHeuer@a.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK . . . NOTE: There is an insignificant little AtA Spoiler hee, but if you haven't seen the ep, you won't get it, so don't worry! Expanding on Michael Wayne Jackson's theory of FK by Robert E. Howard: Nick would be a muscular hero and wear nothing but a loincloth and carry a broadsword (I'm paraphrasing, but I think I got that right). He would struggle mightily against the Egyptian Sun God Re'-Atun and his forces, led by His/Its High Priest LaCroix. He would occassionally encounter the beautiful Princess Janette, whom he saved from LaCroix many seasons ago, had a brief but torrid affair with (all "off-screen", unfortunately), and wants nothing more to do with, but beds down with her (at *her* insistance, of course) for old times' sake from time to time. He would encounter the buxom and beautiful Natalie, who despite Toronto's frozen winters (and chilly summers, come to that) wears a chain-mail bikini most of the time. [There will be a short pause while I go take a cold shower after picturing a buxom Nat in a chain-mail bikini.] Natalie would also carry a broadsword, but not as big as Nick's, and be able to best any two mortal men in a fair fight. Nick would refuse to wed Natalie without bestin her in a swordfight, but be afraid to fight her, for fear he would kill her (some things never change). Toronto would be a feudal kingdom ruled over by the young but dissolute King Vachon. Urs would be Vachon's chief dancing girl and concubine. Screed would be court jester. Security would be a problem in the kingdom, since Reese, head of the King's bodyguard would be the third to hold that post in as many years. Tracy would Vizier (chief advisor) to the King, having been promoted from concubine after the death of the previous Vizier, Schanke. She would have refused the King's bed since her promotion and have set her cap for the virile Nick. Well ... that was longer than I planned. I hope you all liked it! -- Ray Nat Vamp Camp Rage! Rage! Against the dying fo the Knight! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 15:18:23 PST From: "P. L. Montgomery" <plcm@j.......> Subject: Re: Denver FK Fans - Fox T.V. > From: Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......> > The T.V. guide from the Denver Post has Forever Knight listed for > next Saturday night (May 25) at 12:00. It says "repeat" and > "part 1 of 2". Dare we hope that they are going to start with the > pilot and show the earlier episodes? X <Crossing my fingers>. My local TV Guide mistakenly listed that for _this_ Monday's SciFi Channel episode: it said it was "Black Buddha, Part One". Isn't that the first episode of season three? Where Schanke dies? SciFi Channel has announced it will start showing the first episodes [first season] in 1997. I don't know whether they will include the TV-movie [starring Rick Springfield as Nick Knight] that was the original pilot. P.L. Montgomery "Forever Knight... Forever!" plcm@j....... (for messages, etc.) plcm@t....... (for encoded files, etc.) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 10:44:58 -0700 From: Rebecca Clinton <clinton@r.......> Subject: Re: Knight Confessions et gibberish... At 09:57 AM 4/19/96 -0400, you wrote: >Okay, being an idiot doesn't necessarily make me a bad author. It does, >however make it hard on my readers. I have finally found out what I did >wrong. Long story. Why I did it right for so long and then began making a >dumb mistake only proves that I'm an idiot. Any way, if anyone wnats a >'clean' copy of part 33 of KC, please e-mail my off list. It's yours if you >accept my apology. > > >Carrie, Proud Knightie >CKrumtum@g....... > It has taken me a while, as you can see, but I would like a clean copy of part 33. I have also discovered that I am missing several parts of this story, which are numbers #8 and #21. If you could send those to me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Ariel aka- Rebecca Marie Clinton clinton@r....... Ariel10575@a....... FDCMuck Sassy EM Sassy and Pocahontas ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:51:02 -0500 From: Mary Gilbert <mcg3390@g.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? >Was it just me or was everyone set to Conceal on the fic list? > Tippi I think every one was set . I was also. Cousin Mary G. (mcg3390@g.......) Cousin to the core!, Owner of the PWP, Member of the Thong Throng, Rebecca ambrov Tien First Companion. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:40:23 -0500 From: Brian Hartsfield <bh@s.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? On Tue, 21 May 1996, TippiNB wrote: > Was it just me or was everyone set to Conceal on the fic list? I was set to conceal also. Brian ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 16:49:59 -0700 From: Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? On Tue, 21 May 1996, TippiNB wrote: > Was it just me or was everyone set to Conceal on the fic list? There was a message on FKFIC-L that everyone was put on Conceal. Heather aka Vachon's guitar penni@w....... Knightie, Nick/Nat Packer, Vaquera, SKLer, CSS SKL: Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:55:34 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Factions Angie wrote: >Factions, just getting the hang of it. Although I have read all the faqs, I >need clarification on one thing. Is there a Nicholas *and* LaCroix faction? Yes indeed there is! It's called The Unnamed Faction. :) See my sig. There are close to a dozen declared members now! Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." "I'm not in denial. I'm in a state of creative readjustment!" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 21:44:16 -0400 From: jwagner <jwagner@t.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 20 May 1996 to 21 May 1996 Regarding the :Unnamed Faction...I would also like to be a member, as I've been a big fan of the Nick LC relationship(in whatever form)for a long time. Does this make seven members, now? I would also like to hear from anyone else that's a member, too. On a different subject...anyone going to MediaWest? E-mail me off list, maybe we'll see each other. I'll be wearing a sword pin... Jackie W Cousin and new member of the Unnamed Faction. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 19:50:31 -0000 From: "anamchar@s......." <anamchar@s.......> Subject: Mailer problems I apologize for taking up band space, but several persons have inquired as to Dotti Rhodes whereabouts since her mail has been bouncing. She spoke to me and asked to me to post that her mailer is down and she hopes it will be fixed by the end of the week. She also said that she should have the tapes completed for persons who sent them to her. If anyone needs to get a message to her they can e-mail me off-list. Thank you again for your patience. Lisa-Marie ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 11:57:00 PDT From: Christine Hawkins <chawkins@n.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? Wicked Cousin Tippi wrote: >Was it just me or was everyone set to Conceal on the fic list? Not just you - I got a message this morning informing me I'd been set to conceal as well. I still can't figure out why! Christine Hawkins c.hawkins@n....... FoD, Woofpacker, Librarian. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:28:22 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Blood Tears Hi gang, Have any of the FK vamps ever cried blood tears in any episodes and if so which one(s)? Katherine lqueen@p....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 21:18:52 -0400 From: Tim Grew <WMEBSW@a.......> Subject: Re: Last Knight-no spoilers Hello. I found out about this list (and FKFIC-L) just AFTER Last Knight (I'm on the Highlander lists). Are there any kind, generous souls out there who archive posts from this list (and, hopefully, the FKFIC list &/or the SPOILR-L, too) who'd be willing to negotiate via PRIVATE e-mail re: my obtaining the posts for the past few days (since LK aired)? I'd really like to see other people's reactions to this episode. And especially any epilogs/alternative endings. Sorry to take up bandwidth. Tim Grew WMEBSW@a....... (it's my office's address) Thanks, either way! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 19:56:33 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: Re: NO spoilers!! >I know the Sci fi Channel is doing Black Buddah but what about the the >network or independent channels that are still showing FK??? --My two local independents (in DC & Baltimore) are also showing third season from the beginning (i.e. Black Budda, part one) next. Leslie ***FOREVER MEANS...FOREVER!!!*** N&NPacker...Wildly Romantic & Fiercely Optimistic An FK Movie(s) sort of gal ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:06:54 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: FAQ questions needed Katya writes at 9:17 AM 5/21/96: >There are many cross inconsistencies. In BMV, Nick is *wearing* the >Crusader's cross on his tunic! In the Joan of Arc episodes, he's spending >time inside a church. >>If I'm not mistaken, in the flashback in BMV, it is a fleur de lis on his >>tunic not a cross. Something entirely different and not at all repulsive >>to a vamp. Just my 2 cents. :)= Katherine lqueen@p....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 20:31:03 -0700 From: Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......> Subject: Re: *IMPORTANT* READ THIS This was posted (and I'm not debating it, just confused and vaguely irritated): There is now a ban on posting any fictional stories that contain characters based on REAL LIVING BREATHING PEOPLE. <Snip> Anyone caught posting a story of this nature will be removed from the list. *** I'm sorry for being a moron, but who is this person? I thought it might be the list owner, but I checked the addresses and they don't match. Maybe it's the same person anyway. I don't know. What does this do to any possible "Wars" now? How did it come about? What the Hell HAPPENED?!? -Jerimi--->paul9454@r....... Reluctant Vaquero (in furious denial) Disgusted (not disgusting) Dark Knightie Cheering Cousin Annoyingly perky morning person (you have been warned) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 20:06:35 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: Who I Am & Why the Surveys I'm going to try to clear up a misunderstanding I think Leslie has fallen into. No unkindness implied or intended, OK? :) (and Susan, no intention to step on *your* toes, either, my friend!) See, Leslie kept saying stuff like.... >Susan Garrett, from the SOS-FK campaign >helping SOS-FK who are on the front lines. >The nice folks at SOS-FK This is the part I need to clarify for you, Leslie, and any other new folk out there. See, you keep talking as if there is a "we"-- the Lists-- and a "them"-- this mysterious SOS-FK group. But the simple truth is, there *is* no SOS-FK campaign separate from the Lists. We *are* the SOS-FK campaign! Susan is one of *us*, in the most immediate possible way! :) I should know, because (not blowing my own horn, just stating facts) I organized the NAPTE 7 *and* the Wishing Crane project. Without the members of this list, and the friends we *all* recruited, there would have been no letter-writing campaign, no NATPE effort, no PAF fund-raising drive, no crane mobiles being mailed to Sony, *no* SOS-FK! SOS-FK is *not* a separate entity, run by "them" out "there". It is *us*, the fans of FK, joining together to save a show we love! To paraphrase Pogo: We have met the SOS-FK, and they are US! :) Hoping you take this in the friendly spirit it was intended. :) Any questions on this subject, I'll try to answer them via private e-mail. Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # # "Death cannot stop True Love" Wesley, _Princess Bride_ # ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 19:44:30 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: FAQ questions needed On Tue, 21 May 1996, Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> wrote: >There are many cross inconsistencies. In BMV, Nick is *wearing* the >Crusader's cross on his tunic! In the Joan of Arc episodes, he's spending >time inside a church. Actually, that isn't the Crusader's Cross. The tabard the Crusaders wore was a huge, red cross on a white ground, stretching the entire length of the body. I *think* it was a "cross moline"-- an equal-armed cross with the ends split and rolled slightly back-- but I could be wrong. Have to go watch it again and see. I suspect Nick's tunic was a "heraldic garment"-- a piece of clothing embroidered with his knightly coat-of-arms. Originally, knights wore these over their armor for identification on the field of battle, but it also became fashionable to have one's arms embroidered on one's clothing fairly early on. So, to Nick, the crosses were "heraldry", not crosses. Thus, no reaction. :) Besides, he was probably wearing a fine linen tunic *under* the one we saw so the backs of the crosses weren't *technically* touching his skin! Diane E Done showing off for the day! ;> # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # # "Death cannot stop True Love" Wesley, _Princess Bride_ # ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 19:44:52 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Unnamed Faction >Ooh wait wait! I know! How about the closeup of the hands from the Sistine >Chapel. You know, the one between God and man. You know what I'm talking >about! As a charter member of the Unnamed Faction, I think this is a hunky >dory idea! Bwahaha! Excellent Idea! I'm In! Lasher The Unnamed Faction How do I get to be a charter member? ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 20:08:26 -0500 From: Jacqueline Kiffe <jkiffe@c.......> Subject: Last Knight No spoilers here; don't worry. *But*, did anyone else think that the ending was open to multiple interpretations? What was said and unsaid, shown and unshown? Or am I reading too much into it? Careful--no spoilers in any replies. Cousine Jacqueline loyal follower of Uncle till the end ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 00:08:38 -0500 From: Brian Gerstel <sibling@n.......> Subject: Blood/Blood Lite "formulas" (I know, I know...) I should've saved them sometime before now, but I didn't...and now my girlfriend and I are having a small "Last Knight" viewing get-together (I taped it @ 2AM Sunday, and only watched long enough to make sure I was taping the right thing). Could someone please please please email me the ingredients for Blood and Blood Lite? (Even a URL would be good enough; but I searched the various FK Web sites and couldn't find it.) Brian Gerstel |"And every now and then sibling@n....... | A bird would not fly by | And someone would look up | And say 'Huh? What wasn't that?'" | Jane Siberry - "At the Beginning of Time" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 21:30:41 -0700 From: LG Soward <lgs@i.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? At 11:57 AM 5/22/96 PDT, you wrote: >Not just you - I got a message this morning informing me I'd been set to >conceal as well. > >I still can't figure out why! I point you in the direction of the message from L M (Laurie Salopek) entitled "Sticking my neck out" on FKFIC-L. It's a CLB (Cover the List's Bum). Caio. LGSoward lgs@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 04:32:09 GMT From: Karen Parker <horcgal@u.......> Subject: AtA, LK, Janette spoiler stuff There's gonna be spoiler stuff so those who dont like spoiler stuff STOP READING NOW!!! Ok, if you are still reading I assume you dont mind spoilers and wont be filling my mailbox with flames as I dont have much time left between horse shows to read Forkni AND flames....I prefer only Forkni... Anyhow!! Janette...there have been posts about her NOT being dead and about her being BACK across....I only recently came into this show 3rd season and saw a show about the ex-vampire and her husband who I THOUGHT was the end she dies in a fire..Nick asked her about beilng brought across.."I can save you" but she refuses it and says she WANTED to die. Did I miss something, did Nick go against her wishes and bring her back across???? Is it a Canadian version that has him bringing her back? I like the idea of it all being a dream from Divia's bad blood. It would make sense. Especially since Vachon was freaking out from the bite and Nick gets into a tiff with Divia and in five minutes hes at the Raven saving LaCroix.....not even so much as a headache or broken nail from his encounter in the loft. I'd be willing to sit thru a really pathetically lame episode of "gee, it was all a dream etc." if they brought the show back for another season. I personally think LaCroix is leaving because he had his butt whipped by a girl and the whole vampire community knows it. Here he is for X amount of years ruling the Toronto vampire community with all the bells and whistles, everyones respect....then comes Divia who tosses his butt around his own bar like a rag doll busting up his turntables and windows.....he knew even though she was dead, that no one was going to give him the respect he had before. Since he had that "I'm god" attitude (prob. from being a General) he couldnt handle waiting around to hear the snickering/giggling that wouldve been starting. well, thats about it I guess. I gotta go...have to get ready for another show......Usually got enought free time to watch one show on tv, which was Forever Knight. But since its been cancelled Ive been getting xtra sleep since Im not staying up so late!!! So, maybe thats a "good" thing??? Hey! I think I invented a new game! Everyone try to come up with a "good" thing about FK only being in syndication...for the moment anyway! for example: mine is not having to stay up really late to watch it. (in my area it came on at 2:00 am...on sci-fi reruns will be on a 8pm) ok, maybe its stupid....but if you can come up with at least one good aspect for every bad thing that happens you can usually feel a little less sad. just try it Ceirdwyn ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 21:48:13 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? >Wicked Cousin Tippi wrote: >>Was it just me or was everyone set to Conceal on the fic list? >Not just you - I got a message this morning informing me I'd been set to >conceal as well. I was set to conceal as well, but I have no clue what this means. Can someone enighten me? Thanks Lasher does this mean I have to resubscribe or something? ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 23:52:05 -0500 From: Laura Ruggiero <larug@s.......> Subject: Sci-Fi FK Schedule, Spoiler protection There has been some questions concerning the schedule for FK, so I visited the Sci-Fi web site and looked it up: May 27 Black Budda part 1 June 3 Black Budda part 2 June 10 Outside the Lines June 17 Blackwing June 24 Blind Faith They haven't posted July's schedule yet, but they seem to be showing the eps in order. (If they keep doing this its going to take a very, very long time to get all the eps off of spoiler protection :-( ) Syndie stations should be showing a given ep at sometime the week PRIOR to the above given dates (Or for me at midnight the same day as the sci-fi channel) I am not a list owner, nor do I have any enforment powers but with all the demands to keep spoilers off FORKNI-L, I thought I would list the protected eps. ALL POSTS DEALING WITH THESE EPS GO TO FKSPOILR Episodes which have NOT been repeated on syndie stations: Games Vampires Play Human Factor Avenging Angel Fallen Idol Jane Doe Francesca Ashes to Ashes Last Knight Laura Die-Hard, Methos FW ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 17:27:34 -0700 From: Peggy Wiltz <pwiltz@i.......> Subject: Re: Ger's chocolate pizza report Someone mentioned, when they posted the recipe for the chocolate pizza, that they would be interested to know how it was. Well, some of us made it (or tried to) for a "Last Knight" party here in Denver Saturday night. Only I messed up and bought the wrong chocolate. I thought the mascarpone cheese would be the problem, but no, I bought unsweetened chocolate instead of bittersweet. I tried to sweeten it with powdered sugar, but it only sort of worked. Some of the people there thought it was good anyway, but I thought it was too bitter. However, you could still tell that it *would* have been delicious, if I hadn't messed up. We also thought that a variation with raspberries or something instead of bananas would have been good. Someone also suggested filo dough instead of pizza dough. Be careful if you make it - the chocolate runs all out the side unless you pinch it shut all around. By the way, the party was a great success, and I think everyone had a great time. Even though it was agony to see FK end, experiencing it with fellow fans softened the blow a lot. Thanks again, Lisa!! Peggy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 22:45:49 -0700 From: Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? On Tue, 21 May 1996, Angie wrote: > I was set to conceal as well, but I have no clue what this means. Can > someone enighten me? Thanks It just means your name and address aren't accessable to everyone. Everyone on FKFIC-l was set to conceal. Apperently the was some sort of problem and the list owner wanted to protect us, and the list. Hope that helps. Heather aka Vachon's guitar ___ penni@w....... =| |= Knightie, Nick/Nat Packer, | | Vaquera, SKLer, CSS | | SKL: Faciemus ut Dewus ( ) Mountainus e Tuo Nasone ( O ) Exeat! ===== ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:56:57 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <margr@a.......> Subject: FK Merchandise, etc. - another reply Greetings all! I wanted to let you all know that I sent a message to TV Show Stuff as well. I got the same reply back as others. However, I wrote back and thanked her for replying. Well, below is the response I got back. I then wrote back and informed her that I'm on the FORKNI-L list and that although she may be getting mail from us, I'm very sure she is getting alot of mail from those who aren't on the list as well. I told her that I saw the name of her webpage on the list but I found her via NetScape. I also asked her if she noticed how many homepages/links there are for Forever Knight and told her it's amazing. (Hopefully she'll check them out :) ) I also told her about being involved with the Save Our Show for Forever Knight Campaign. I told her she can contact me if she has any questions about our list or the campaign. I think it's great that she has contacts with the executives so we can add her name under important contacts. ******** Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 21:52:06, -0500 From: ANNE W MARION <TV_ShowStuff@p.......> To: margr@a....... Subject: Forever Knight Hi Marg! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. We are in contact with network execs and it should be any time now, but with the big boys one NEVER knows. Is there some kind of newsgroup out there where you heard of us? We've been getting hundreds of emails and we're wondering where it all came from?! Any help would be great... Talk to you soon Marg. Anne-TV ShowStuff ********** Great message, eh? Marg Rothschild, Cousin/Dark Knightie/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 01:43:45 -0700 From: Ann-Lu Blewett <ann-lu@i.......> Subject: Re: Mag story about SOS FK This is my first time posting so excuse mistakes if any. The magazine "Internet Underground" May 1996-issue #6 has an story on page 47, that tells how fans use the internet to try and save their favorite shows. There are also two stories in the "Starlog Yearbook" Vol.#14. One is about GWD and the other is on CD. Cousin Ann-Lu ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 04:52:53 -0400 From: The Phoenix <jap8@c.......> Subject: Off-topic: Video Capturing. Anyone here have video capturing hardware? I.e. you can take a stilled VCR shot and transfer it to gif or jpeg. If so, email me. I have a small beg for you. :) Red. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- The Tastiest Crayon, Her Royal Redness, Jaye the First, the Phoenix. jap8@c....... // MIAWOL. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 07:17:06 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: IMPORTANT--Read this I guess my rather *subtle* (NOT) jabs at certain corporations and executives in my fiction has rallied the politically squeamish against me. I will refrain, in the future, from making statements about my opinion of corporate America. Can I still mention Satan though? <bg> Tanya ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 07:00:09 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: more unnamed faction members ;) Jackie wrote: >Regarding the :Unnamed Faction...I would also like to be a member, as >I've been a big fan of the Nick LC relationship(in whatever form)for a >long time. Does this make seven members, now? I would also like to hear >from anyone else that's a member, too. Actually I think it's closer to a dozen. Quite a few of the UF members are lurkers (you know who you are!), but they *are* in the UF. And there are probably even more than a dozen -- I ain't the only one writing NK/LC slash, ya know! ;) >On a different subject...anyone going to MediaWest? E-mail me off list, >maybe we'll see each other. I'll be wearing a sword pin... Ooh ooh! Where'd you get your pin? The closest thing I've been able to find is a miniature butter knife... And somehow, that doesn't *quite* do the trick. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." "I'm not in denial. I'm in a state of creative readjustment!" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 07:57:53 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: The Unamed Faction I have been a member of this faction even before it was given a name. So, count me in. Of course, I qualify as one of those strange individuals who would like to see Nick and Lacroix "consumate" their love for one another. <eg> I'm becoming more cousinly every day. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 07:59:58 EDT From: Michael J Park <73773.3032@c.......> Subject: Factions Hi all! Just wanted to publically announce that I am a member of the Unnamed Faction and a Dark Knightie. Debbie Park/73773.3032@c....... The Unnamed Faction/Dark Knightie ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 07:29:00 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: FK Merchandise, etc. - another reply TV Show stuff said, via Marg: >Is there some kind of newsgroup out there where you heard of us? >We've been getting hundreds of emails and we're wondering where it >all came from?! Any help would be great... Welll.... <bashfully raising my hand> I found TV Show Stuff on the web a few weeks ago and wrote to her. She said she'd never heard from anyone looking for FK stuff. I told her "I'll fix that!" and I posted her reply to the main list. Anyway, then I forwarded Jamie's post about the merchandizing guy at Sony to her. Big thanks goes out to everyone who's been writing asking about FK stuff. We WILL make it happen!! Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." "I'm not in denial. I'm in a state of creative readjustment!" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 07:39:40 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Unnamed Factioners: contact me! Hey all, Would everyone in the Unnamed Faction contact me? Or if you're interested in more info, etc. I'm trying to take a tally of how many of us there are. People have been writing and asking me, and I'd like to be able to tell them. Also let me know if you'd be interested in having a mini-loop dedicated to Unnamed things! ;) tippinb@i....... Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." "I'm not in denial. I'm in a state of creative readjustment!" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 08:50:54 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: WARS? I've been on this list for awhile (a few months anyway) and I have yet to discern what on earth a war is. Obviously, it is a battle between factions and the battleground is virtual, but where in cyberspace is it held? Someone care to fill me in? The Unamed Faction (and hence no signature) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 08:56:00 EDT From: L M <LMS5@p.......> Subject: I have returned! I never realized there were so many NEW members out there!! Anyway, I'll make this short.. Jamie's on vacation and I have returned as list God.. for now :-) I've never really left, just been very busy and lurking Laurie lms5@p....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 09:36:41 -0400 From: Carla Pickering <carlap@e.......> Subject: Concealing means? I'm not trying to start a big discussion on this, it isn't very interesting!!! :(((( But I tried posting Laurie directly and it bounced back so, here goes. General interest question: does concealing mean that we won't have eachother's individual addresses available to post back and forth to??? I'm perfectly okay with all that the List Gods and Goddesses do for our benefit, I'm just computer and internet impaired and want to understand. Thanks. (This is FK related, it relates to the FK lists!! :))))) Saille (carla p.) at Crowhawwk in Exeter, RI with Joanna Darkwind, Wolfish Wonderpup Vaquera, Light Cousin & Dark N & Ner =========================================================================
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