File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605D" Part 1 TOPICS: Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers) (4) Denver FK Fans - Fox T.V. (4) New Addition To The List Last Knight-no spoilers Back from the Dead--FK FK Fan Fiction FAQ FAQ questions needed (3) Moody FK Song Reflection ATTN: Janet Dornhoff Unnamed Faction Pin <was Re: Syndicon East Detailed report> Unnamed Faction Pin <was Re: Syndicon East Detailed repo Who I Am & Why the Surveys Unnamed Faction Pin NO spoilers!! Information (2) Unnamed Faction etc. (2) Gilliane, Lisa Luksus, Last Knight, Plea for Fanfic Recommendation The Unnamed Faction Blooper Script for Last Knight (no spoilers) unnamed faction pins--SERIOUS! TCI and Sci-fi channel set to conceal? Factions Thanks Mr. Mollin ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 00:04:37 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers) >In answering a question, Nigel said something to the effect >of something being nameless or unnamed. The emphasis for a brief second was >on 'un-named' with regard to some recent posts about a certain proposed >affiliation --better watch yourselves, folks, cause he IS lurking. The Unnamed Faction isn't something that is proposed. It's something that _is_. There are five of us now (declared, that is). I don't think we've agreed on an affiliation pin yet, though. I thought it should be something that shows the strength of the bond between LaCroix and Nick. How about just two interlocking rings? Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 22:51:53 -0700 From: Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......> Subject: Denver FK Fans - Fox T.V. Just a quick note: The T.V. guide from the Denver Post has Forever Knight listed for next Saturday night (May 25) at 12:00. It says "repeat" and "part 1 of 2". Dare we hope that they are going to start with the pilot and show the earlier episodes? X <Crossing my fingers>. Lisa wyllow@n....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 23:50:46 MDT From: Joseph Dornbierer <jdornbie@a.......> Subject: New Addition To The List Hello fellow Nightcrawlers! I just joined the list today. What a time to join! I attended a Forever Knight 'Farewell' party in Denver Saturday night. It was fun, but also quite sad. I still can't believe they actually cancelled such an excellent show! The only other place on the 'net I've been for Fk is the newsgroup. Discussions of the various episodes, however, seem to have been replaced mainly by comparisons of FK and Kindred, or occasional details on conventions which the stars are attending. That is fine, but I miss the "old days" of discussions of the episodes. At the party, I got to see the pilot and a few first season episodes, none of which I'd ever seen! It was great, finally getting to see how the various characters met, and how different they were at first! Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing from you all. I'm even working on some FK fan fiction; perhaps when it is done, I will post it on the appropriate list. Anyway, take care! Forever Knight Fan Forever, Joe ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 23:27:15 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers) At 12:04 AM 5/19/96 -0500, you wrote: >The Unnamed Faction isn't something that is proposed. It's something that >_is_. There are five of us now (declared, that is). I don't think we've >agreed on an affiliation pin yet, though. I thought it should be something >that shows the strength of the bond between LaCroix and Nick. How about >just two interlocking rings? I would like to be a member of that faction. I think the two interlocking rings is good, but how about two hands clasping the forearms? That would symbolize the strength and the bond between LC & NK, especially in this third season, seems like they have been quite there for each other's= support. Lasher ===================== @-->-'- --<-'-@ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 20:46:13 -1000 From: Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......> Subject: Re: Denver FK Fans - Fox T.V. At 10:51 PM 5/20/96 -0700, you wrote: >Just a quick note: > >The T.V. guide from the Denver Post has Forever Knight listed for next >Saturday night (May 25) at 12:00. It says "repeat" and "part 1 of 2". >Dare we hope that they are going to start with the pilot and show the >earlier episodes? X <Crossing my fingers>. > >Lisa >wyllow@n....... > I don't want to burst your bubble especially since I'm nowhere near Denver but they probably mean Black Buddha. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 23:13:05 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Last Knight-no spoilers Hi gang, I would like to make a general comment about the ending of the season. To those of you who have seen Last Knight and also for those of you who have not. Has any one thought that in all this, perhaps the largest test of faith is being asked of us...the fans of Forever Knight. The one thing that we all seem to love about FK is the fact that it inspires our imaginations and causes us to think...and it is still doing just that. Comments? Thoughts? Katherine lqueen@p....... "There are things that are worse that death, you must believe me." Does anyone recognize this quote? I can't for the life of me remember where I heard it. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 06:55:47 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers) >I would like to be a member of that faction. I think the two interlocking >rings is good, but how about two hands clasping the forearms? That would >symbolize the strength and the bond between LC & NK, especially in this >third season, seems like they have been quite there for each other's= > support. Ooh wait wait! I know! How about the closeup of the hands from the Sistine Chapel. You know, the one between God and man. You know what I'm talking about! As a charter member of the Unnamed Faction, I think this is a hunky dory idea! Bwahaha! Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." Firmly believing that LK was the 1st ep of the 4th season. Why not? ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 07:58:27 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Back from the Dead--FK I believe we can Resurrect FK. After all, this isn't the first time the show has been cancelled. However, we must put pressure on those responsible for murdering it. Nat: "I can't believe they did that to me." Nick: "Did what?" Nat: "They killed me off! Just like that! And you're responsible." Nick: "I think it was rather lame too. After all, I've shown that I have infinite amounts of self-control. Then they have me lose all of it in one episode. But what's worse, Nat, is that I have Lacroix kill me over you. I mean, they make me out to be this weak-minded vampire. I haven't lived 800 years killing myself over women. Granted, I loved you Nat. But you aren't worth dying for." Nat: "Thanks, I think." Lacroix: "Yes, well, this is all rather amusing, but I believe I've been betrayed the most." Nat: "How's that?" Lacroix: "Like I would slay you, Nicholas, at your request. The concept is simply ludicrous. I love myself too much. You will be with me, despite yourself. I will keep you alive, if only for my entertainment. Although Divia certainly required me to kill her, you do not. I believe there is room for psychotheraputic treatment for you, Nicholas. After all, its highly perverse that you should end your life because of another." Nick: "I agree with you." Lacroix: "What a rare occurance." Nat:"What should we do?" Nick: "I was considering marching in front of Sony Productions or maybe Tri-Star. We need to rattle Kathryn awake--let her know we aren't going to go out like this." Lacroix: "I think we should bring them all over--convert them to our way. Nicholas, we could use individuals in such positions of power for our benefit." Nick: Too high profile, Lacroix. The government would find out and put an end to us all." Lacroix: "Nicholas, Nicholas. The government already knows.Haven't they spent great amounts of energy shrouding the truth from the American public?" NIck: "Lacroix, you've been watching too much X-Files recently. I've warned you about fandom and what it does to your head. Lets march, or flood their mailbox with letters." ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 08:51:39 -0400 From: Melanie Moser <moser@c.......> Subject: FK Fan Fiction FAQ Everyone, As a part of my fan fiction Web site, I have started putting together a FK Fan Fiction FAQ (of sorts). I've tried to cover some of the major questions, like what is FKFIC-L, how to submit stories, what is a beta-reader, etc. Basically, I'm trying to cover some of the basics for all those current & future fan fiction writers. So, could some of you do me a big favor and take a moment to check out what I've done thus far? The FAQ is at: A text version of this faq will be made available and/or can be sent to you if do not have access to the Web (email me, I'll send it to you). I'd really appreciate some feedback and suggestions, especially from some of the veteran list members who may have some better descriptions and/or answers to some of the questions. I'm especially looking for any ideas or additional topics you'd like to see included or covered in this FAQ. (I have no idea why I'm asking for more email at a time like this, but I think we've all been a bit crazy lately. Thank goodness for large emailboxes!) Thanks ahead of time. Mel Moser N&NPacker, moser@c....... Check out my FK Fan Fiction page at: ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 09:17:00 -0400 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: FAQ questions needed At 06:29 PM 5/20/96 -0700, Marg Rothschild wrote: >2) From SoB - after battling the devil, Nick looks at the cross. Why > isn't he still repulsed by it? I know that Nick dealt with the problem > in FIHS, but he still had a problem with it in the episode about Jack the > Ripper (can't remember the name of the episode). There are many cross inconsistencies. In BMV, Nick is *wearing* the Crusader's cross on his tunic! In the Joan of Arc episodes, he's spending time inside a church. Katja ======================================================================= Katja Stokley It is a good day cstokley@c....... for putting slinkies on escalators ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 11:31:32 -0400 From: Nancy Fralic <fralic@m.......> Subject: Re: Denver FK Fans - Fox T.V. Our TV listings from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette's Sunday edition listed the name of the episode as "Black Buddha, part 1 of 2". On Mon, 20 May 1996, Lisa Marvin wrote: > Just a quick note: > > The T.V. guide from the Denver Post has Forever Knight listed for next > Saturday night (May 25) at 12:00. It says "repeat" and "part 1 of 2". > Dare we hope that they are going to start with the pilot and show the > earlier episodes? X <Crossing my fingers>. > > Lisa > wyllow@n....... > Nancy fralic@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 11:44:03 -0400 From: Nancy Fralic <fralic@m.......> Subject: Re: FAQ questions needed On Mon, 20 May 1996, Marg Rothschild wrote: > 2) From SoB - after battling the devil, Nick looks at the cross. Why > isn't he still repulsed by it? I know that Nick dealt with the problem Remember that LaCroix, while holding Nick down on the table, said "There is good in you; there is God in you." I took Nick's gaze at the cross at the end as an acknowledgement of what it took to help him overcome the demon. Nancy fralic@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 08:57:50 -0700 From: Roxanne Piccen <CHIRMP@a.......> Subject: Moody FK Song Reflection I just heard the song "We Belong" by Pat Benatar and thought a couple of the lines reflect our feelings toward FK as well as Nick and Nat's feelings towards each other: "Don't want to leave you really / I've invested too much time To give you up that easy / Through the doubts that complicate your mind / We belong to the light / We belong to the darkness" I'm starting to see FK in all sorts of depressing songs. Help! Where's that support group again? :-p Roxanne (Cleopatra - "Nobody Ever Dies") RoxanneP@a....... (Home) // CHIRMP@a....... (Work) Save Forever Knight! // Save American Gothic! Check out: for The Trinity Guardian ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 12:38:29 -0400 From: MaryAnn McKinnon <MaryAnnMc@a.......> Subject: ATTN: Janet Dornhoff Would you contact me, please? MaryAnn McKinnon, editor Good Guys Wear Fangs ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 12:48:16 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Re: Denver FK Fans - Fox T.V. I'm going to pick up a T.V. guide right now. (-; Tanya Maybe there is hope for reruns on FOX. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 11:43:43 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Unnamed Faction Pin <was Re: Syndicon East Detailed report> At 11:27 PM 5/20/96 -0700, Angie wrote: >how about two hands clasping the forearms? Wicked Cousin Tippi wrote: >How about the closeup of the hands from the Sistine Chapel. You know, >the one between God and man. <sigh> I would tell Cousin Tippi to get serious, but then she might do it, and I would be very, very sorry. I think the two hands clasping the forearms is a really good idea. I think using the closeup from the Sistine Chapel is a bit much. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) N&NPacker The Unnamed Faction (7 members! Pretty soon, I'm gonna lose count!) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 13:10:51 EDT From: Margie Gillis <MGILLIS@c.......> Subject: Re: Unnamed Faction Pin <was Re: Syndicon East Detailed repo Make that 8 members. I vote for the hands clasping the forearms, too (although I got a giggle out of the Sistine Chapel idea:)) Margie (no, I'm the other one...) mgillis@d....... DK/IB/Unnamed ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Margie (not me, her) wrote: <snip>I think the two hands clasping the forearms is a really good idea. I think using the closeup from the Sistine Chapel is a bit much. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) N&NPacker The Unnamed Faction (7 members! Pretty soon, I'm gonna lose count!) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 11:10:09 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: Who I Am & Why the Surveys Some have been wondering from whence my two FK surveys (FK Viewer Survey & FK Merchandise Survey) came from & why I sent them. I had the opportunity to chat off-list w/Susan Garrett, from the SOS-FK campaign, yesterday. She very nicely explained to me why though a 4th season is not possible at present, a TV movie & merchandising are. Thanks again, Susan, for the information & your good spirit! WHO SENT THESE SURVEYS? WHY? ----------------------------- Below is an excerpt from one of my messages to her, of which Susan suggested I relay the contents to the list membership. I wrote to Susan on 5/19/96... >Please relay to your SOS partners that... I believe in you all so >much! You don't know how your being there (on the Net) meant to me, >in the dead of Winter! >I "came across" end of last season on broadcast independent stations >only, w/very poor reception. FK wasn't in the TV guide for me to >remember on which channel, on which night, so I stayed up each night to >check. (I didn't have cable; I'm just finishing 4 years of paying off >big debts from the '92 recession & a failed business, so cable was not >a necessity.) Then, channel 50 (DC) kept running ads for FK/USA >Network, Monday's at 10pm (ironic, that) & I HAD to get it. I bit the >bullet & got cable at the end of November, and then it was cancelled!!! >My office has Internet access on my PC. I was a surfing newbie & came >across B5's Lurker's web page & fell in love. I stumbled across an FK >webpage & was reborn. I read the SOS page (in Feb) and was renewed >w/hope & interest in the show. So, y'all are why I am here. It worked! WHY DO THE SURVEYS? (AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN THINK OF...) ------------------------------------------------------------ Because it can STILL help us all get the results we want! It's not too late to get a movie! But the clock is ticking, for us to keep gathering data & helping SOS-FK who are on the front lines. The SOS-FK campaign is alive & kicking! If nothing else this past week (from the spoilers, inquiries, LK parties, etc.), we've learned that TV is a much weirder & unpredictable beast than even a vampire! There are TV/Network truisms out there which defy logic or compassion. THEY are the inhuman factor. The nice folks at SOS-FK have a good grasp of this TV beast & know the subtle ways of playing them at their own game. For obvious reasons, much of what our SOS-FK champions are/& have been doing is "behind the scenes". But they're still in the trenches, doing what needs to be done for FK fandom. And, we can support them in many ways! I hadn't realized just how close SOS-FK had come to getting a 4th season, a while ago. Closer than any fan group before, this late in the game. For purposes beyond their control (& my fathoming) it was thwarted. But, the good, hard work is not wasted. We still have a chance to get TV movie(s) out of it! Perhaps w/same actors?? Perhaps w/continuity & quality we demand & deserve (eventhough it flies in the face of "TV-network/dist" logic!)? So, I'm not giving up! This is something we CAN do about it! So, please send your responses to me, as indicated on the surveys, if you'd like. I support the SOS-FK campaign & am happy to coordinate responses through them for maximum effectiveness. When the LK "dust" settles, we'll all be in better shape to include the results from these surveys (AND ANYTHING OTHERS WISH TO DO for the cause, mine is not the only effort!) to the prior SOS-FK surveys (adding fuel to the fire)! The time is good for you to complete the surveys & send them in. I volunteered to be the repository of the feedback from nearly 1000 list members. It is something for which I have the time, energy, & desire to do. (To do something for FK, to give back for all I've gotten, & to help achieve the FK we all want). Nice letters to all the stations which have been running FK & to SciFi are of great help. Go ahead & write, if you want. The timing is perfect! "A dream is never conceived without the ability to achieve it! You may, however, have to work for it!" (Time to go to "work"...) Leslie ***FOREVER MEANS...FOREVER!!!*** N&NPacker... Wildly Romantic & Fiercely Optimistic An FK TV Movie(s) sort of gal ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 13:12:40 -0500 From: April Ruskin <aruskin@e.......> Subject: Re: Unnamed Faction Pin > Make that 8 members. I vote for the hands clasping the forearms, too > (although I got a giggle out of the Sistine Chapel idea:)) I'll be #9! I like both ideas for the pin actually... Hmmm.. got to say something ObFK so I don't get into trouble for a 'Me too!' post... Just a sec, will find something... Oh! Got one! I got my FK CD (YES!!!!!) and while listening, I couldn't figure out some of the lyrics for 'The Hunger'. If anyone can help? 'The fever breaks, Cool rain is falling out *****.' Thank you... -- Cousin April -- The Ninja Babe with an Attitude aruskin@e....... SKLer*CSS*Member Unnamed Faction*Cousin Mommy to the Cousin Kids* Follower of the X*Empress of the Ellipses*Guardian of the Sacred Temple of the Thong*Woman who can find story ideas in almost ANYTHING! "Cow's blood tastes like manure in a bottle!" - Cousin Kid Blake ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 14:40:28 -0400 From: "Julie A. Stafford" <KnightGal@a.......> Subject: Re: Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers) I second Tippi's idea! Julie Cousin till the end... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 12:23:22 -0700 From: Wendy Marie Christensen <wendy@i.......> Subject: NO spoilers!! I just came back from a very long nomail period and have been staying away from all spoilers for LK (haven't seen it yet) and I was upset to see that little dialoge from someone ( I can not remember who I was so upset to even see it that I just deleted it ) that spoiled the ep for me I *had* no clue what happened and now I do. Please be careful about what you post. Thanks. I know the Sci fi Channel is doing Black Buddah but what about the the network or independent channels that are still showing FK??? Love, \|/ Wendy Marie |o o| (allmost completly -------ooO~(_)~Ooo------ happy to be back) wendy@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 12:58:36 -0700 From: Wendy Marie Christensen <wendy@i.......> Subject: Information Who is the person in charge of the fiction list?? And who is in charge if the spoiler list? In other words who do I write to about questions about the lists. Thanks for your help. Love, \|/ Wendy Marie |o o| -------ooO~(_)~Ooo------ wendy@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 16:02:31 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Unnamed Faction etc. About the Unnamed Faction, TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> said: > Ooh wait wait! I know! How about the closeup of the hands from the Sistine > Chapel. You know, the one between God and man. You know what I'm talking > about! Only a Cousin, and a Wicked one at that, could come up with a logo for the Unnamed Faction which would involve LaCroix playing God. ;^) ;^) About Spoilers on the Lists: General reminder: *no spoilers* on FORKNI-L! I've seen a couple here lately and I just wanted to remind people to be careful to put spoilers on the proper list when posting *and* when replying to list mail. Double-check those headers before hitting the send key! Thanks! --- Allison Percy (percy91@w....... -or- AlliePercy@a.......) --- ------- List Babysitter (FORKNI-L, FKSPOILR, FKFIC-L) for a week --------- -- *Free* copy of list rules! --- --------------------------- Rule #1: BE NICE! --------------------------- ------------ "Does your mommy know you're reading this stuff?" ----------- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 15:27:01 -0500 From: Kayla Clark <katygale@i.......> Subject: Gilliane, Lisa Luksus, Last Knight, Plea for Fanfic Recommendation Hiya! I've been nomail for the longest time (just can't keep up), but have been on the Info Loop. I read about Gilliane's pix site and DL'd practically all of those marvelous pictures! Thank you Gilliane!! Also, in updating my e-mail program, I lost Lisa Luksus' address. Please contact me, Lisa. No spoilers, but I think "Last Knight" well . . . bites. As I'm also nomail from the fic list, would some kind soul recommend fanfic that has a different ending or a continuation of the story different from what "LK" leads us to believe happened? Also, I'm running a very small e-mail loop for the discussion of all SF/F [Titled, oddly enough, No Off-topic Science-fiction/Fantasy E-mail Rountable And Thinktank Unplugged, or NOSFERATU - it just happened to fit :-)]. We're seeking members with opinions on all kinds of SF/F. Please privately e-mail me at the address in my sig about any of the above or anything else you feel like <g> -- Kayla, Cousin, LO for NOSFERATU, All-Around SF/F Fan, katygale@i....... DFWI: Head Flag Waver for DDG's BB "You'd better pray that I can." - Julian to Caitlin, *Kindred:TE* "You didn't trust me." - Tracy to Nick, "Last Knight" :-( ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 17:20:11 -0400 From: Illinois Jules <ILCzJules@a.......> Subject: Re: The Unnamed Faction <I'll be #9! I like both ideas for the pin actually...> At least 10 , declared. A delightful idea ! My what a tag I'm acquiring. Mr. Bennett is suspected of lurking. From what I've read this seems quite feasible. Enough of that. Hello all, I'm new to the lists. I sure you'll hear from me again. As ever, Illinois Jules IL CzJules@a....... A Cousin with N&Npack tendencies of The Unnamed Faction ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 15:27:45 -0600 From: Dirk Giles <dpgiles@n.......> Subject: Blooper Script for Last Knight (no spoilers) There have been a few posts about a script that was read during one of the LK parties. Could someone send me some information about getting a copy of that? I sure would like to see it! Thanks. Socrates - Faithful Raven Still Flossing (Dirk Giles - dpgiles@n.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 16:01:59 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: FAQ questions needed >> 2) From SoB - after battling the devil, Nick looks at the cross. Why >> isn't he still repulsed by it? >I took Nick's gaze at the cross at the end as an acknowledgement of what >it took to help him overcome the demon. To me, it seemed like for the moment, Nick was at peace, and was able to gaze at it. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) N&NPacker The Unnamed Faction ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 16:54:34 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: unnamed faction pins--SERIOUS! Julie wrote: >I second Tippi's idea! You know, guys, I was *serious* about that Michelangelo thing! Guess it's my fault posting all these top tens, stories about hamsters in Nick's pants, etc etc, that now no one thinks I have a serious bone in my body! I *do* have a serious bone! It's one of my finger bones! I swear! I don't think it's too much. I think it symbolizes LC (who sees himself as at least as powerful as the gods--AMPH) and Nick, who wants to be MORTAL (mortal man, get it?). Creator and created. My being UNserious would be suggesting a slab of Velveeta and handcuffs for the pin. ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." Firmly believing that LK was the 1st ep of the 4th season. Why not? ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 17:01:09 -0500 From: Mary Gilbert <mcg3390@g.......> Subject: TCI and Sci-fi channel Just received notice that TCI (cable company here in Houston) will be carrying the Sci-fi channel starting the 24th of June. Maybe all the calls and letters are working. I just can't wait. Cousin Mary G. (mcg3390@g.......) Cousin to the core!, Owner of the PWP, Member of the Thong Throng, Rebecca ambrov Tien, First Companion. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 17:16:39 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: set to conceal? Was it just me or was everyone set to Conceal on the fic list? Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." "I'm not in denial. I'm in a state of creative readjustment!" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 15:09:20 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Factions Hi all - Factions, just getting the hang of it. Although I have read all the faqs, I need clarification on one thing. Is there a Nicholas *and* LaCroix faction? One that holds that they are indeed *tied* together for eternity, yet they will experience the constraints and misunderstandings that most *best-friends/family/loved ones* feel? It is clear that these two are life long friends and companions, and I have spoken with another such as myself who can see the story from both LC & NK's point of view. Any views on this matter as pertaining to the factions would greatly be appreciated! Thanks! Angie ===================== @-->-'- --<-'-@ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:19:10 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Re: Information Wendy Marie Christensen <wendy@i.......> said: > > Who is the person in charge of the fiction list?? And who is in charge if > the spoiler list? In other words who do I write to about questions about > the lists. Thanks for your help. I'm the List Babysitter for all three lists -- FORKNI-L, FKSPOILR, and FKFIC-L -- while Assistant Listowner Jamie MR is out of town for a week. I can't answer every question, but I can contact the people (and the hamsters) responsible for the mysterious workings of the lists. So you can send questions & problems to me via private e-mail at <percy91@w.......>, and I'll either handle them or forward them to the appropriate person(s). Or hamster(s). Gently chastizing those who have broken the list rules (and violations are usually inadvertent) is the Babysitter's job. Thwapping with a wet noodle anyone who consistently violates list rules is a task that is delegated to one of the people or hamsters who run the list. Wet noodles are not in my arsenal. :^) Confused about the rules? See the List Rules URL in my .sig. And just be glad I don't inflict the List Rules URL *poem* on you. ;^) Now back to your regularly scheduled fun. --- Allison Percy (percy91@w....... -or- AlliePercy@a.......) --- ------- List Babysitter (FORKNI-L, FKSPOILR, FKFIC-L) for a week --------- -- *Free* copy of list rules! --- --------------------------- Rule #1: BE NICE! --------------------------- ------------ "Does your mommy know you're reading this stuff?" ----------- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 22:20:05 GMT From: Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@w.......> Subject: Thanks Mr. Mollin Dear Mr. Mollin, I can't remember if I said this already, so I'm doing it now. Thank you so much for the help with the lyrics for "Black Rose". I really appreciate your taking the time to do so! The CD is great. I've had people at work asking me what I'm listening to and I'm always more than willing to extol the virtues of your music (and the show)! Thanks again! Seilidhe@w....... Flagwaver for Smokin' Joe Dawson *as well* as Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird Backround Vocals for the SJD Kick Ass House Band Cousin/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight "...probability of 1 to 1... we have normality, I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem." -- Trillian, HGG ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 17:39:28 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Unnamed Faction etc. I wrote: >> Ooh wait wait! I know! How about the closeup of the hands from the Sistine >> Chapel. You know, the one between God and man. You know what I'm talking >> about! Then Allison Percy wrote: >Only a Cousin, and a Wicked one at that, could come up with a logo for >the Unnamed Faction which would involve LaCroix playing God. ;^) ;^) No, no, really, I was being serious! Honest! I'm the first person to admit that LC has a god complex (I think he was that mystery fifth Beatle who said they were bigger than Jesus!), and Nick wants to become *human* again! I just think it's perfect! Perfect! I'm also full of myself, but that's beside the point! ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." "I'm not in denial. I'm in a state of creative readjustment!" =========================================================================
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