File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605D" Part 3 TOPICS: We have met SOS-FK & they are US! <No subject> The Unamed Faction CONCEAL option overview (Re: Concealing means?) Getting more FK Please, no spoilers Need SOS-FK url (2) Factions (3) nonsense characters (4) set to conceal? (2) Hey, you! LIST RULES Ger's chocolate pizza report Mortal Love tape help/request (2) Story wanted who's in charge?? Affiliation pins Daniela Kappes??? FORKNI-L Digest - 20 May 1996 to 21 May 1996 WARS? Sci-Fi FK Schedule, Spoiler protection ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 07:20:25 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: We have met SOS-FK & they are US! Diane E wrote: >But the simple truth is, there *is* no SOS-FK campaign separate >from the Lists. We *are* the SOS-FK campaign! Even better! This is the best news! My point (hopefully) was that WE are the powers that be, ALL of us on these lists. My praise & focus went to the SOS-FK aspect of us & it's continuing effectiveness. Thanks for the clarification. I think my distinction was those who have been at this longer than I (or many others). There were so many responses on the list filled with dejection & hopelessness after the last ep, (but we, as a group, are not helpless!). I am so glad to hear more about you & us! Thanks again. p.s. Susan did mention several well placed, hard working people who have contributed to SOS-FK already. It was to them I wished to give extra thanks for getting us this far & forever onward. Leslie ***FOREVER MEANS...FOREVER!!!*** N&NPacker...Wildly Romantic & Fiercely Optimisic An FK Movie(s) sort of gal ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:30:37 -0400 From: Eileen Dranetz <environ@x.......> I think that even the actors want the show to be over. Hence the "Closure" Geraint had talked about on AOL. I am sure he did not want to be harrassed for the next five years on if the show were ever coming back. I think though that it was cruel to the faithful viewer to subject he/she to such abrupt death of main characters. To think I thought Schanke was going to come back as a ghost one day. Jeff Dranetz ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:51:06 -0400 From: Eileen Dranetz <environ@x.......> Subject: Re: The Unamed Faction To tell you the truth, I was always hoping for some three way action between Nick, Nat, and Janette. Or perhaps Urs, Tracy and Vachon. As far as Nick and Lacroix, perhaps if Janette were involved. I admit there always seemed a sexual tension between the two men. And Lacroix alway struck me as gay, sort of like Q on ST:TNG. What about Lacroix and Divia. The thought of that I found perversely titilating. They did dress that young actress up to appear inappropriately provacatively. As Lacroix stated upon seeing her again, "If I didn't know better, I would have said you've grown." Of course she was supposed to be far older than the actresses true age. By 2000 years, but I feel a bit guiltly for the thoughts it put in my mind. Any one see Divia as the girl in the Goose Bumps video about a haunted mask? What is that girl's name? She seems quite talented. It's easy to for someone to act younger. But to act older with out the benefit of experience is quite impressive. By the way the other day I saw "The Bionic Showdown" . In it Lee Majors and Lyndsay Wagner are joined by a then unknown Sandra Bullock, who is also bionic. They foil an assasination plot headed by none other than Geraint, who is bionic also. A ridiculus fight scene ends the tv movie. Geraint at one point carves out cinderblocks with his bionic hands to throw at Sandra Bullock. He also tries to electrocute her. He falls to his death in the end. I kept saying to myself, "Fly, Nick, Fly!". And I had strange thoughts of Bionic vampires. Imagine a bionic Sandra Bullock brought across. She could have stopped that bus with out the help of Keanu Reeves. Jeff Dranetz ---------- From: Tanya Smith[SMTP:bodybldr@v.......] Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 1996 7:57 AM Subject: The Unamed Faction I have been a member of this faction even before it was given a name. So, count me in. Of course, I qualify as one of those strange individuals who would like to see Nick and Lacroix "consumate" their love for one another. <eg> I'm becoming more cousinly every day. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:58:03 -0400 From: Melanie Moser <moser@c.......> Subject: CONCEAL option overview (Re: Concealing means?) On Wed, 22 May 1996, Carla Pickering wrote: > back so, here goes. General interest question: does concealing mean that > we won't have eachother's individual addresses available to post back and > forth to??? I'm perfectly okay with all that the List Gods and Goddesses do > for our benefit, I'm just computer and internet impaired and want to > understand. Thanks. No. If the list owners/babysitters will permit/bear with me... A list member's (not-so) quick overview of the CONCEAL option: You can send a REVIEW command to the mailing list server (the service that receives and distributes all posts to the persons subscribed to that list) and retrieve a list of all the people/users subscribed to that list. Your list server's subscription information includes probably your email adddress, your full name, and other options, such as NOMAIL/MAIL, DIGEST, etc. These options are set by sending a command to the list server (that's how you subscribed in the first place). The options set on your subscription determine how the list server distributes mail to you as well as what information the list server makes publicly available about you. Anyone who subscribes to a list can use these commands, including REVIEW to get a list of the members. Let's say you would rather not have others know that you subscribe to a list. The CONCEAL setting (set by sending the appropriate command to the list server) will prevent your name from showing up on that list of subscribers when the REVIEW command is used/sent by a person to the listserver to collect that list. It does not mean that you do not receive mail from the server, nor that your name does not show up on the posts etc.. It does mean that people won't be able to tell that you are a member of the list unless you post something. A most likely example of this is probably Nigel Bennett, who is rumored to be on the FORKNI-L and FKSPOILR lists, but I would bet that if you query the list server with a REVIEW command, his name and email address would not show up among the list of subscribers because he most likely has the CONCEAL setting on . Else, all of us would know his email address and would be flooding him with email all the time (like the Cousins, perhaps?). Other people might use the CONCEAL flag for personal/private reasons. Whew! I hope this not-so-brief tutorial will answer many of your questions. For information on the mailing lists, check out the FK Mailing List home page at Mel Moser N&NPacker, moser@c....... Check out my Forever Knight Fan Fiction page at: ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 11:03:00 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Getting more FK Diane E said: >(and Susan, no intention to step on *your* toes, either, my friend!)> They were not trod upon in any way shape or form. >We *are* the SOS-FK campaign!> Absolutely. I think Leslie gave me a bit too much credit. I am Empress of FK-Fic and that only by title. SOS-FK is all of us, from those who wrote letters, to those who contributed to charity, to those who contributed to the boxes and bags and flyers, and those very brave and giving seven who dared the environs of NATPE and set the walls shaking. We are a movement, not a group. And just because there is no fourth season doesn't mean that we should give up or go away. We have a soundtrack. When it comes out in stoes in June, let's make certain we purchase it. And I do mean <purchase>. Don't buy a CD and make cassette copies for your friends. That does us no good and it hurts Fred. We don't want to hurt Fred. We like Fred. Fred has been very, very good to us. If the CD sells, maybe someone will consider selling us tapes. Uncut Canadian tapes, professionally done, like the Highlander tapes. Lots of neat, missing stuff. And we've got three books lined up--if they sell there could be more. Not to mention the fact that if we're out there spending cold hard cash on a series that no one supposedly watched, someone's bound to take notice. Greed is good, when applied in the right places and to the right people. If someone thinks they can make more money from FK, it WILL be back. I've written my letters to the SciFi channel, thanking them for showing these last few episodes of FK. I'll write more letters in future, thanking them for showing FK in a continuous, prime-time time slot (if they do so). If we want more FK, we not only have to be here, we have to let people know that we are here and that we plan on staying for as long as it takes. Before closing, let me remind people that we've raised almost $10,000.00 for Pediatric Aids on behalf of FK. Just people giving money to charity on behalf of something they loved and admired. I know Lisa Prince is keeping the post office box open. And I'm still asking the people who order a full set of affiliation pins from me send a contribution to the fund. In terms of self-interest, yes, it's an impressive way to get attention for FK, but it's also helping a whole bunch of people we will never know. No matter what the outcome, in at least one way we can claim a victory that no one can ever take away from us--we have done right by the cast and crew and characters in maintaining a spirit of hope and help and humanity that draws us to this series. Regards susang@v....... -- "This is the Hour of Lead, remembered, if outlived, as a freezing person recollects the cold, first the chill, then stupor, and then the letting go." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:39:28 -0500 From: Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......> Subject: Please, no spoilers I have tried to overlook the spoilers that have been sent to the list and many of them were just plain accidental. They weren't intended to come here, the person made a mistake and mistakes happen. Poor Jamie has been trying to keep order here and apparently some, just have no regard for their fellow listees, at least thats the way it appears when a person blatantly posts a spoiler, even states that its a spoiler and then asked not to be flamed. In other words, your allowed to send anything you want to the list, but no one is supposed to take you up on it? There are rules on this list, they are fairly simple and not all that strict. Spoilers belong on the spoiler list! If you just want to post to the list, but not incur the mail, then subscribe and go no mail, that way you can post there, but you won't get the mail. I imagine that there are tons of us who are bursting at the seams after having seen the final episodes, but please show some respect for your friends and take it elsewhere. You have a spoiler list, you have 2 IRC channels, you have your own personal E-mail friends, you probably own a phone, get your agressions out in the right place, but not here. For any newbies, no, I'm not anyone special, just a plain ole list member like the rest of you, so this isn't an officail request or anything, I'm just asking that we follow one of the list rules, which is to "play nice". Annmarie ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 13:04:33 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Need SOS-FK url Help! I'm in the process of telling some people from another list about the SOS-FK campaign and I can't get into the website. This means I don't have the URL because I've got it bookmarked. Will someone please send me the URL stat? Thanks. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 13:05:38 -0400 From: Bast Khemet <bast@c.......> Subject: Re: Factions On Tue, 21 May 1996, Angie wrote: > Factions, just getting the hang of it. Although I have read all the faqs, I Hi, all, I'm fairly new to the list myself. Well, ok, I just subbed yesterday...anyway, I noticed there was a faq. I don't suppose someone could e-mail it to me, that or send me the url? Thanks! --Bast ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:10:20 -0500 From: Jacqueline Kiffe <jkiffe@c.......> Subject: nonsense characters I keep getting long strings of nonsense characters, sometimes pages of them, following other messages. I also get equals signs scattered throughout the text. I have never gotten this with any other listserv. Is anyone else having this problem? Cousine Jacqueline loyal follower of our beloved Uncle till the end ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 06:00:00 MDT From: Mirror <HEWEPAME@l.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? Can anyone tell me what it means being set to conceal? ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 13:12:35 -0400 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: Re: Need SOS-FK url Lisa McDavid wrote: > Help! I'm in the process of telling some people from another list about > the SOS-FK campaign and I can't get into the website. This means I > don't have the URL because I've got it bookmarked. > > Will someone please send me the URL stat? I just checked it, and it's working for me.... -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff Co-Administrator | reevesl@p....... Mercenary for Chocolate - Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 13:32:46 -0500 From: "[M A Martin]" <mmartin@b.......> Subject: Re: nonsense characters On Wed, 22 May 1996, Jacqueline Kiffe wrote: > I keep getting long strings of nonsense characters, sometimes pages of them, > following other messages. I also get equals signs scattered throughout the > text. Yes, dear, it is my understanding that everyone gets these screwed-up messages. Without going into a lot of techie details, these problems (almost always) arise from the sender's side, not the receiver's side. People either don't know how their email software works (usually the case) or their connection is so badly designed/configured that they can't work around the problem (rarely the case). Do what I (and millions of others do), ignore the problems. If the equal signs bug you (like they do me), use that ole delete command. If someone posts pages and pages of encoded garbage, just wait. Eventually s/he will figure it out and will fix the problem. If you can't wait, email the offender <grin> directly; no need to bother the entire list about it. Meg (mmartin@b.......) "Failure is not an option. It is just a nagging possibility that helps me stay focused." Yeah, right... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:48:17 -0500 From: Joni Latham <jlatham@g.......> Subject: Re: set to conceal? >Can anyone tell me what it means being set to conceal? There is a command that can be input to pull up all the members of a list. Conceal is a command that can be enter to keep your name and ID from appearing on that list, so that everyone does not know that you are a member. JoniLatham jlatham@g....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 14:00:51 -0400 From: Dranetz <environ@x.......> Subject: Re: nonsense characters Sorry, I had RTF (rich text format) invoked in my mailer. Jeff Dranetz ---------- From: Jacqueline Kiffe[SMTP:jkiffe@c.......] Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 1996 1:10 PM Subject: nonsense characters I keep getting long strings of nonsense characters, sometimes pages of them, following other messages. I also get equals signs scattered throughout the text. I have never gotten this with any other listserv. Is anyone else having this problem? Cousine Jacqueline loyal follower of our beloved Uncle till the end ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 15:13:21 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Hey, you! LIST RULES Hey, you! Listmember! List Mommy Jamie MR sent me a copy of the rules before she went away and left you all in my dubious care. Below is a copy of these rules. Read them. Yes, I know you've read them before, but read them again. Newbies, old-timers, everyone. Mistakes are made by all types. I apologize to those of you who are on all three lists and will thus see these rules posted on each list; posting of the list rules is one of the few exceptions to the rule against cross-posting on more than one list. I just want to highlight some problems that are all too common lately that *everyone* should look out for before posting: * SPOILERS going to the wrong list! Double-check those message headers! * Discussion on the FKFIC-L list (except when it comes from an assistant listowner like Laurie Salopek, of course!). Only fiction goes to FKFIC-L. Questions to authors, etc., should go via private e-mail, to FORKNI-L, or to FKSPOILR if they contain spoilers. * Overquoting posts when replying on-list. 4 lines at a time, please. * Me-too posts (if all you have to say is ROTFLMAO, say it via private e-mail, please) * Signatures more than 5 lines long * Episode quotes in signatures that are spoilers for one of the last few episodes. Please take those quotes out unless you're posting to FKSPOILR. * Fiction on FKFIC-L that isn't labelled properly with warnings about violent content or spoiler warnings (and spoiler space if it contains spoilers for the last few eps). More about the rules, the history of the lists, etc. can be found on the FK mailing list web site: And even though Jamie MR is away, Warm Fuzzies are still available for those who need some cheering up for whatever reason: Finally, if you're confused by a post to any of the three FK lists, or you have a problem with something posted to the list, feel free to e-mail me at <percy91@w.......> with questions or to note potential rules violations. (If *everyone* on the list sent private e-mail to someone when they violated a rule, you can imagine what that poor person's in-box would look like....) Keep in mind that I probably saw those rules violations, too, and have probably already sent the person a gentle reminder. And now the rules. READ THEM! Save them! Print them out! Make them into a t-shirt and wear them to a Forever Knight convention! Translate them into classical Latin and chant them to yourself at night! :^) Your Friendly Neighborhood List Babysitter, Allison (percy91@w.......) =============================================================== FOREVER KNIGHT MAILING LIST RULES (Partial) - Revised 5/13/96 General: forkni-l@p....... FanFiction: fkfic-l@p....... NewEpisodeSpoilers: fkspoilr@p....... These rules are *NOT* to be considered complete, just the barest essentials: 1: BE NICE. PLAY FAIR. NO FLAMING. We don't do that here. 2: QUOTING PREVIOUS POSTS: Copy four lines at a time ONLY. Do NOT quote another person's entire post in your reply. 3: NO PERSONAL REPLIES TO THE LISTS: Except for emergencies. You have a message to one particular person, send it via private e-mail. When replying to mail, check your e-mail CAREFULLY to make sure you're not cc'ing your post to the list. 4: NO SOLICITATION: No advertisements for any sort of profit-making ventures. 5: SIG LENGTHS: Five lines TOPS, including all text, symbols and blank lines. [This means you! Yes, you folks with the cute ASCII pictures in your .sigs, too! And you folks with the really great quotes that you just can't omit! Why not rotate a few quotes rather than leaving all of them in every time.] FORKNI-L Specific Rules 6: NO FICTION: Discussion of fiction is okay. Posting of actual fiction is not. 7: NO SPOILERS: No Ashes-to-Ashes, no Last Knight, NADA ZIP ZERO. If in doubt, post to FKSPOILR. (All episodes from Games Vampires Play onward are still under spoiler protection.) FKFIC-L Specific Rules 8: NO DISCUSSION: All posts that are NOT FICTION must go to FORKNI-L or FKSPOILR. 9: ADULT STORIES MUST HAVE THE ADULT TOPIC: your subject line MUST begin with "ADULT:" in exactly that format (omitting quotes). If you use another format, it won't be filtered out by the listserver software. 10: STORIES CONTAINING SPOILERS MUST BE LABELED ACCORDINGLY: in the subject line, and in the beginning of the story, with the name<s> of the eps you're spoiling. [If there are spoilers for one of the last couple of episodes, please also include a few lines of spoiler space in fiction posts. Spoiler lines are not necessary on posts to FKSPOILR, though.] 11: FORMATTING FOR FICTION POSTED TO FKFIC-L: Line lengths set to margins that are no more than 60 characters wide, posts no longer than 250 lines. Label your stories in the format (01/16) or something similar for easier cataloguing. FKSPOILR Specific Rules The following episodes are still under spoiler protection (thanks to Laura Ruggiero <larug@s.......> for compiling this): Games Vampires Play Human Factor Avenging Angel Fallen Idol Jane Doe Francesca Ashes to Ashes Last Knight 12: BE NICE: Repeated here again for EXTRA EMPHASIS. 13: LABEL SPOILERS: as to which episode you're spoiling. [Please be sure your subject line doesn't include spoilers itself!] 14: SPOILERS ONLY ON THE SPOILER LIST: non-spoiler discussion goes to forkni-l, fiction to fkfic-l. 15: POSTING FREQUENCY: While there is no pre-set limit to how many times you may post in one day, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you limit yourself to three posts per day on the spoiler list at this time. [Note: blank spoiler lines are *no longer necessary* for any posts on FKSPOILR. Just be sure you've put SPOILER: <episode name> in the subject line.] These rules are subject to change at any time, and for any reason, as decreed by Jaye The Listowner <jap8@c.......>, and are enforced by either Jaye or assistant listowner Jamie M. Randell <immajer@n.......> as required. [List Babysitter from 5/21-5/28: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......>] Questions about the lists can be directed to <forkni-l-request@p.......> and will be forwarded to a listowner for disposition. Don Fasig <phase3@g.......> is the officially-designated ListWizard; he handles technical problems such as bounced mail that would otherwise detract from the efficiency of the list. If you're having technical trouble with your subscription, you can contact him directly or through the <forkni-l-request@p.......> address. -- Allison Percy (percy91@w....... -or- AlliePercy@a.......) -- ------ List Babysitter (FORKNI-L, FKSPOILR, FKFIC-L) for a week -------- - *Free* copy of list rules! -- -------------------------- Rule #1: BE NICE! -------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 15:32:06 -0500 From: Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: Re: Ger's chocolate pizza report Peggy wrote: >Someone mentioned, when they posted the recipe for the chocolate pizza, that >they would be interested to know how it was. I made one for the Atlanta Last Knight party. It is pretty good but seriously rich. I used semisweet chocolate chips ground up in a food processor instead of grated frozen chocolate (I'm way too lazy to grate, plus I always end up shredding my knuckles). >We also thought that a variation with >raspberries or something instead of bananas would have been good. That sounds like it would be excellent, and it would probably keep better. Bananas, even post-baking, tend to develop a strong flavor pretty quickly. ObFK: Would Nick eat GWD's chocolate pizza with ketchup? Stephanie ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:39:36 -0700 From: Laura MacMillan <soulseek@s.......> Subject: Mortal Love Mortal Love, the Nick&Nat Packers homepage, has been updated and moved. The new url is Please update your bookmarks. Thanks. Soulseeker Dedicated Nick&Nat Packer and Keeper of Mortal Love soulseek@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 15:49:03 -0400 From: "Gaylin J. Walli" <gjwalli@m.......> Subject: tape help/request A non-member of the list I've been corresponding with asked me if I could forward this to the list. Don't repsond with the reply button, respond to her e-mail address listed below. -- Jasmine, Faithful Ravenette, gjwalli@m....... ----- Begin Included Message ----- From KADAMSON@m....... Wed May 22 15:45:37 1996 Hello. My name is Kristin Adamson, and "Jasmine" helpfully suggested that I contact this list. I am trying to locate a copy of the "final" episode of Forever Knight. Due to inconvenient circumstances, including a power outage, I have sadly missed the episode. I would be happy to pay for the tape and all shipping expenses. I appreciate all of your help, and as I am not a regular member of this list, I would appreciate it if you would please contact me directly via private e-mail at the address of thank you. kristin ----- End Included Message ----- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 16:15:48 -0400 From: Sarah Chodrow <sal@m.......> Subject: Re: tape help/request > >From KADAMSON@m....... Wed May 22 15:45:37 1996 > I am trying to locate a copy of the "final" episode of Forever Knight. > kristin I've got her covered. (I don't have any more extra copies though.) - S (unlurked, unaffiliated, unhappy) -- -- Sarah E. Chodrow email: sal@m....... -- -- Dept. of Math & Computer Science URL : -- -- 1784 N. Decatur Rd, Ste. 100 phone: (404) 727-3638 -- -- Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322 fax : (404) 727-5611 -- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 14:33:17 -0500 From: Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......> Subject: Re: nonsense characters At 12:10 PM 5/22/96 -0500, you wrote: >I keep getting long strings of nonsense characters, sometimes pages of them, >following other messages. I also get equals signs scattered throughout the >text. I have never gotten this with any other listserv. Is anyone else >having this problem? > >Cousine Jacqueline >loyal follower of our beloved Uncle till the end oui; at first i thought those long blocks of letters after a message was one of those 3D stereograms [available as freeware, fun things, give big headaches]; you mean they're NOT? so *that* explains why i can't see anything! yes, and "="'s. but why? -madhat ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 17:08:19 -0400 From: Judith Freudenthal <JudithF955@a.......> Subject: Story wanted I'm looking for a story I wrote and posted around Christmas time. It is called "The Christmas Wish". If anyone has it please send me a copy, since mine has disappeared. Thanks. Judy JudithF955@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 17:50:56 -0400 From: Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......> Subject: who's in charge?? Leslie wrote:<<My point (hopefully) was that WE are the powers that be, ALL of us on these lists.>> We *should* be TPTB, but if that were the case, we would be getting a fourth season. So I guess that makes us TPT-wannabe (TPTWB). And what are "they"? Glad you asked...I have always thought of "them" as TWTB (The Weenies That Be) and JP is the top weenie. IMNSHCO, of course. Anyone want to join me in a weenie roast ;) ??? Cousin Michelle (just saw "Mission Impossible" and feeling fiesty...look out!) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 17:49:44 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Affiliation pins I always forget there are people out there who don't know about these things. Pin information is available at the following URL: There are currently 19 pins (eeep!). They are black, bevel cut, foam core board squares with labels identifying a particular affiliation. Oh, and they have a pin glued to the back. They are Free. You send me a small self-addressed, padded envelope with a note requesting a specific pin and I will send it to you. The information on where to send is on the web page. If you aren't web-capable, drop me e-mail. As for the Unnamed . . . *ahem* *tapping foot* I haven't been contacted as to what people want on their pin. I'd prefer y'all come up with a concensus, like the Vaqueros did. I'm off to MediaWest until May 28th. To all of our list-members, have a lovely holiday and/or a good con. And to those of us nominated for Fan Q's in whatever category, luck to you all! Regards susang@v....... -- "This is the Hour of Lead, remembered, if outlived, as a freezing person recollects the cold, first the chill, then stupor, and then the letting go." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 14:53:10 -0700 From: Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> Subject: Daniela Kappes??? Sorry for the use of band space but I need to talk to Daniela Kappes and her mail is bouncing. Daniela, if you see this, please write. Thanks, Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 17:53:53 -0400 From: June Williams <cousin@w.......> Subject: Re: Factions > Is there a Nicholas *and* LaCroix faction? One that holds that they are >indeed *tied* together for eternity, yet they will experience the >constraints and misunderstandings that most *best-friends/family/loved ones* >feel? It is clear that these two are life long friends and companions, Yes, it is called the Unnamed Faction. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 16:37:31 PST From: "P. L. Montgomery" <plcm@j.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 20 May 1996 to 21 May 1996 >Regarding the :Unnamed Faction... Pardon me. I don't remember what the Unnamed Faction is supposed to be in favor of or in support of. (Us old people are easily confused.) *GRIN* Please enlighten me. "Forever Knight... Forever!" P.L. Montgomery plcm@j....... (for messages, etc.) plcm@t....... (for encoded files, etc.) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 18:14:10 -0400 From: June Williams <cousin@w.......> Subject: Re: WARS? >I've been on this list for awhile (a few months anyway) and I have yet >to discern what on earth a war is. Obviously, it is a battle between >factions and the battleground is virtual, but where in cyberspace is it >held? I sent her the faction and war FAQ's Ad Astra-June-cousin@w.......> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 18:23:45 -0400 From: June Williams <cousin@w.......> Subject: Re: Factions >> Factions, just getting the hang of it. Although I have read all the faqs, I >Hi, all, I'm fairly new to the list myself. Well, ok, I just subbed >yesterday...anyway, I noticed there was a faq. I don't suppose someone >could e-mail it to me, that or send me the url? Thanks! Poof they are in the mail ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 18:26:17 -0400 From: Siona <siona@n.......> Subject: Re: Sci-Fi FK Schedule, Spoiler protection At 11:52 PM 5/21/96 -0500, you wrote: >There has been some questions concerning the schedule for FK, so I visited >the Sci-Fi web site and looked it up: >May 27 Black Budda part 1 I believe that they are showing FK next week on Tuesday the 28th instead of Mon. Siona@n....... Dark Knightie! Help save Forever Knight! see =========================================================================
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