File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605C" Part 4 TOPICS: YKYB... Etc and Tippi don't go!!! Deadly Harvest Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????) (2) If someone else wrote FK (3) One bad apple (2) Musing on perspective (Was: What happened after I went If someone else wrote FK script... If someone else wrote FK... (7) If someone else wrote the FK Script Apolgies--Again August Auction?? (2) If FK was written by other authors... (2) Blood & Donuts/many replies (3) Tentative Boston party; Tape urgently requested!! CD Thank you Lyrics Question IRC/This list beta reader wanted A List Thank You New Game: If FK was written by other authors... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 23:50:14 -0700 From: Bonnela <callalily@l.......> Subject: YKYB... Hello everyone! I had a YKYB recently and I just had to share. I have never before seen an ep of Highlander (saw the original movie only); well, I happen to have a spare mo during last sunday and turned on the TV -- HL was on. The ep was called "The Vampire," so I stuck around. Not long into it, this guy gets murdered by a vampire and Duncan MacCloud sees the murder and runs after him. Well, the murderer is this blond guy, so I start yelling at the TV, "Hurry, Nick! Fly!" Well, after the commercial break, the audience is introduced to the vampire -- yup, his name is Nicholas!!! I nearly fell off the bed laughing -- I wonder if this was intentional by the HL people. Oh, and something else quaint happened to me today. I was talking with the MIS guy at my work; he was doing a Web search and came across an FK reference which he pulled up -- he has never seen the show, but he *knew* what the page was about (including most of the factions mentioned) all because of me.<g> I still can't get him to borrow a tape though -- he's just too busy -- but I will keep trying. I really think he *would* like the show! Well, just thought I would share a happy happenstance. Bonnie <callalily@l.......> "What?" Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page --> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 03:08:14 -0400 From: A McLaughlin <Iremi@a.......> Subject: Etc and Tippi don't go!!! Some random notes I thought I'd post all at once rather than in snippets. First Tippi and Dotti don't you DARE leave this list. Tippi's wicked humor is one of the things I missed most from this list when I left and look forward to now. WAAAAHHH!!! And Dotti? How can I forget her and her daughters reaction to Ger in "Taming of the Shrew" and she gives great hugs. ( Dotti I was the short blonde who wanted to see " Love you to death" but went to bed instead because it was 4:30 am). How's the paper crane campaign doing? I was so glad I mentioned it, it being my only fruitful contribution to the SOS drive. Keep sending them I guess. Sony MUST have a response to it. Did anyone post a quote list for the Shrewthering? and is there a list for the Gerthering information? I believe it was Vanguard who suggested a Virtual season. Well gang how about it? I suppose once LK airs the spoilers list will be passe. can we discuss the eps on this list after the last show or what? Just asking. And remember boy and girls, TPTB may have done the show in but we know real art when we see it. And will buy merchandise connected with it!!! Bawhahahahaha!!!! chortle, snort. Alisa ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 03:36:32 -0500 Reply-To: ocaoin@e....... From: Bea Quindlen <ocaoin@e.......> Subject: Re: Deadly Harvest Deadly Harvest with GWD (then using 'Gary Davies') is also available from Video Online (Web site at The Deadly Harvest information is at: Price - $13.79 plus $3.90 s/h Quinn ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 07:13:57 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????) At 06:16 PM 5/14/96 -0300, you wrote: OK, I've been wondering for quite a while now... just *how* is Geraint >pronounced? Okay--it's a hard "G"- Ger and aint is pronounced like "pint". > >ObFK: What happened to the "old lady" from ILCK? You know, the one who was being kept young by the vampire blood injections? Last we saw of her was Nick walking her home. I suppose she just lived out her normal life. Oh, by the way (Hi all you wonderful people!!!!) > >- Leigh (Ghoti) **Immortal Beloved/Merc** > am496@c....... > > > Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 07:18:20 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: If someone else wrote FK If Allen Ginsberg wrote FK, Nick and Lacroix would become homosexually involved (Hmmm....), Nick would give up his job as a cop and read poetry while high off the acid tab he had just injested. If Sylvia Plath wrote FK, Nick would kill himself because, after all, he is guilty for the deaths of so many. He would do this by exposing himself to daylight and then falling off a bridge so that his body would never be found. If Kafka wrote FK, Nick would slowly evolve into a cow, and we would experience his thoughts as he changed; ultimately other vampires would recoil in terror at his metamorphosis IF Camus wrote FK, Lacroix would remain virtually the same, while Nick, alone in an alley one night, would kill a mortal, but not know why. He would conclude that death is irrelevant and that there is no right and wrong, and so would kill again. IF Salinger wrote FK, Nick would have sex with a prostitute he was arresting, and then feel awkward about it later. He would also continue to fantasize about Natalie, to no avail. Eventually, he would feel better about his life, since he would realize that he is saving people now, instead of destoying them. His angst would end. IF the author of the Bible (God) wrote FK, Nick would ask for forgiveness and then go about converting vampires to his new way of life. Tanya with a futile BA in English ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 06:48:52 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: One bad apple Well lookie there! Here I am again! I got so many letters of support after posting my last msg that I've decided it's stupid of me to let the opinions of one person keep me from doing anything. Since when has that ever stopped me before? Just ask Bob Dole. ;) Besides, why should I give them the satisfaction? I'm gonna haunt you, whoever you are! ;) However, I will be nomail until after Last Knight airs. I do NOT want to stumble upon someone's inadvertent spoiler. I just couldn't handle it. Thanks for the support, all. Love ya. Come visit my web page. More unfettered twittishness abounds!! :) Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction. Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix. Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site! Top Tens and other Wickedness! ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 04:43:41 -0700 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: Re: Musing on perspective (Was: What happened after I went nomail) At 05:20 PM 5/14/96 -0700, Laurie Cohen Fenster wrote: >* Just because one person or even a couple of people flamed you does >not mean you shouldn't continue to post. You should consider yourself lucky that people are even *responding* to your posting if that should ever happen - we all lead busy lives and computer subscriptions lists, no matter how fascinating, are just one part of them! What I have found wonderful about the lists is the number and disparity of all the different posters.....people write off of farms and from large cities; some are 16 and some are 60, the walks of life we come from is astounding, from students to molecular biologists, doctors, nurses, accountants, attorneys to....librarians (hi all!) :) We have people who inspect mines (G-d, Christine, I would *love* to meet you once) and others who climb mountains! We have all races, religions and both sexes (including some in-between! - NOT a flame...ducking) We even have people whose main goal seems to be making this list controversial! Hey, I enjoy them too! It is a treat to meet all of you through the power of words and computers--- isn't technology a wonderful thing? Now, on the list, we have the new interest of other authors scripting Forever Knight and how it would turn out - see, everyone, topics come and go, interests wane and wax, and no one, and I mean NO ONE, has to feel left out - we should all try to come up with threads others would enjoy participating in, or reading about! Oh yes, Forever Knight - won't it be wonderful when there are no episodes still left on spoiler and no one will have to worry about making *that* particular mistake? OK, I like to look on the bright side of everything - and no, I am not a Perkulator! Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:09:40 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: If someone else wrote FK script... And I forgot to mention, if Mike Mentzer wrote FK, Nick would spend hours philosphizing about the mind/body/spirit implications of vampirism, while breaking the all-time records in bench press, squat and deadlift. (I can see Dorian Yates now--"What kind of steroids are you on?!") ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:19:39 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK... At 01:51 AM 5/15/96 -0400, you wrote: >This is a sort of FKFIC-L and FORKNI-L listmembers' version of this game: > Allison--this is priceless!! It's a keeper!! Thanks!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:39:41 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK... If FK were written by JRR Tolkien Nick and Nat would be on a quest to destroy his vampirism at the mouth of a vulcano while fighting evil Orcs led by LaCroix. Tracy is a happy little hobbit, of course. Vachon and Urs are wood elves, out to assist at various and sundry times. Reese would be an Ent. Of course, Schanke would NOT be dead, like Gandolf, he would reappear in a new set of clothes. Janette would be a Rivendale dweller who, like Elrond, would give occassional arcane advise. Just an idle addition to the game. Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:52:39 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK At 07:18 AM 5/15/96 EDT, you wrote: > Hey--if no one else noticed, I certainly have. What a diverse group of people we have out there? Have you noted the kind of authors these you folks are putting out there? How cool--you guys are so intelligent...I'm impressed, I'm very, very impressed!! And proud to know you guys...whew...what a crew!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:54:51 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: One bad apple At 06:48 AM 5/15/96 -0500, you wrote: Tippi!! You beat me!! >Well lookie there! Here I am again! I got so many letters of support after posting my last msg that I've decided it's stupid of me to let the opinions of one person keep me from doing anything. Since when has that ever stopped >me before? I couldnt say it any better....except, the best revenge is NOT LEAVING!! Now I have to shut up coz I think I've posted my quota for the day!! BYe!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 09:00:54 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: If someone else wrote the FK Script Here's a new twist to an old idea: IF Nick wrote FK, he would immediately find a cure for his predicament, become human again, and settle down with Nat, who would fall madly in love with him. IF Lacroix wrote FK, Nick would succumb to his vampire nature, and realign himself with his master. They would go hunting together, etc. They would find that Fleur was not dead, that she had been brought across by Lacroix daughter. Lacroix and Fleur would hook up. Nick would take Nat, turning her also into a vampire, and they would all become one, big, happy, possibly bisexual family. If Tracy wrote FK (God help us all) Vachon would become a famous rock singer AND he would bring her over. If Nat wrote FK, she would not only find a cure for Nick's disease, but for Aids, Cancer, etc. She would become a world-famous doctor and she and Nick would get married. Do we have any volunteers to elucidate upon Vachon if he wrote the script? ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:32:56 -0500 From: Jacqueline Kiffe <jkiffe@c.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK... At 03:39 PM 5/15/96 PDT, Christine Hawkins wrote: >Would people like me to save all these entries and create a digest when this >game is over? Perhaps an interested person would like to archive it on >their web site. > >Christine Hawkins >c.hawkins@n....... > Yes, yes, yes! I think the results have been very clever, and it would be a shame to lose them. Count my vote as an "aye." JacK Jacqueline Kiffe Department of Statistics Texas A&M University 409-693-8171 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 10:15:11 +0000 From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK... Okay, I'll admit I'm lazy. This was part of a post of mine from War 5... If Robert James Waller wrote FK: (Excerpt.) He drove up to her house in the Cadillac he called "Harry." He was the last of his breed; the last of the medieval knights. Francesca gazed at him, her quick eyes taking in the shining helmet of blond hair, the almost boyish vitality. She would have taken him for 35; she would be surprised to learn he was nearly 800, this ageless man who stepped out of his car to ask directions. She wanted to become the token he carried into whatever battles life carried him into, wanted to smooth the still blond hair back from his brow..... Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 10:14:11 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Apolgies--Again My last post today, I promise...but I have to note to Allison came here...I'm sorry...that pesky reply key.....I'm really, really sorry!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 07:06:42 -0800 From: Preta <preta@e.......> Subject: August Auction?? Hi, There was talk earlier of an FK Auction in San Francisco sometime in August. Does anyone know if this is true and any details? I would greatly appreciate the info as summer unsub time is coming up. Preta ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 09:50:13 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK... If Dorothy Sayers wrote FK: Nick would still be a detective, but he'd be an amateur, openly rich, and spout classical tags oftener than LC does now. Nat would refuse to get involved with him because she thought she wasn't good enough for him (ducking bricks thrown by NatPackers), Janette would be one of his *many* ex-mistresses (now making a play for his nephew, see below), and LaCroix would be his Uncle Lucien, who taught him how to be a Man of the World when he was young. Vachon would be his scapegrace nephew, who's in line to inherit the title, and Tracy would be a student at Vachon's university, who was accused of murder, but who Nick & Nat cleared of the charges. <g> Oh, and Schanke would be the *real* police inspector, who does all the legwork and the boring stuff, so Nick can solve the case (no, wait, that's how it really was, right? ;> ) Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # # No, I'm not Maureen the Mad; I just play her on Real Life. # ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 11:05:24 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: If FK was written by other authors... If FK was written by-- Raymond Chandler-- Schanke would have been the private eye, Nick would have been the partner who mysterious vanished, and nobody would have questioned the fact that Janette had no last name and LaCroix had no first name for an entire season. Oh, and the series would have been filmed <noire>. Rogers & Hammerstein--Natalie would have been the engenue and have had the opening number ("Nothing could be better than a dead body in a sweater in the evening air--"), Nick would have been desperately in love with Natalie but done a really bitchin' dance number with Janette (I see something twenties-ish--red spangle flapper dress? For JANETTE, okay? This isn't OFF Broadway), LaCroix would have had a wonderful number extolling the assets of vampirism. Tracy and Vachon would have had a nice subplot and at least one duet. And the final number would have been a show-stopper in which Nick gets Nat, Janette leaves with LaCroix and . . . oh, shoot, sorry--that's Lerner & Lowe. Andrew Lloyd Webber--Ditto above, but with really expensive sets, a book that doesn't make any sense but sound real pretty if you sing it fast enough, and something on stage, probably LaCroix, goes on fire at least once before the end. He'd probably try to fit a helicopter in there, too. Re: people not answering questions--don't forget that many people are on digest and don't get to read messages until two days to a week after their posted! In addition, we're in the middle of finals, graduation, and fiscal year endings. People are busy. Two rules of thought on replying--"By the time I've seen it, that person's message has been answered a hundred times either via private e-mail or digest and they don't need me clogging their mail box" or "Gotta remember to answer that when I finish reading the digest" and then forget after another fifteen to twenty messages. Not everything will be answered or addressed. If you <want> something answered, don't get snarky. Simply ask again. Sometimes questions and/or comments get lost in the bulk of a digest. And consider breaking up questions. If you ask five questions in one post, you may only get an answer to one or two. Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. "This is the Hour of Lead; remembered, if outlived, like the freezing person recollects the cold-- first the chill, then stupor, and then the letting go." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 15:15:53 GMT From: Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@w.......> Subject: Re: Blood & Donuts/many replies >re: undernet servers - "Joplin"??? As in Janis Joplin or just >happenstance? I don't know of a town/city called Joplin, which makes >me curious... > > >Tammy The Mad Fax Spammer >Nightmist@g....... > I'm way out of line here because I haven't the vaguest idea what you're talking about.... but there is a Joplin, Mississippi. I think... Seilidhe@w....... Flagwaver for Smokin' Joe Dawson *as well* as Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird Backround Vocals for the SJD Kick Ass House Band Cousin/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight "...probability of 1 to 1... we have normality, I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem." -- Trillian, HGG ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 11:34:13 EDT From: Lynne Levine <llevine@m.......> Subject: Tentative Boston party; Tape urgently requested!! Hi everyone, I've gotten some interest in having a Boston area LK party, but in order to have the party on Saturday night, I'd need a copy of the episode. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to dub it for me? I'd need it ASAP, obviously, and would happily pay for overnight mail/Fedex, whatever. Please respond to me off list at llevine@m....... Thanks!!! Lynne Levine Ravenette and longtime list member ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 10:53:13 -0500 From: Jacqueline Kiffe <jkiffe@c.......> Subject: Re: Blood & Donuts/many replies At 03:15 PM 5/15/96 GMT, Beth Hawkes wrote: > I'm way out of line here because I haven't the vaguest idea what you're >talking about.... but there is a Joplin, Mississippi. I think... I think that's Joplin, Missouri. JacK Jacqueline Kiffe Department of Statistics Texas A&M University 409-693-8171 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:46:00 PT From: Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......> Subject: CD Thank you Got my FK CD and tape (one for office and one for car) in the mail last night. Wonderful. Take a bow Fred. Thank you so much. My husband is not an FK fan (no sports in it) but fell immediately in love with the CD and tried to take it. He now has a very large bruise on the back of his hand from my slapping it so hard. IT'S MINE. I'll dub him a copy. The inside pictures are gorgeous and I scanned a few in. Gee I love my color scanner and printer. I made a lovely 8x10 of the picture of Nick leaning against the wall. It now adorns my office wall here at work. <g> Tonight I shall scan some more. <g> Tami LaFrank : TCL58@a....... or TCL20@a....... Faithful Ravenette, IB, MBDtK : "Have another hit, I think it's helping" : Owner: Sacred Raven Health Spa Stupidity *should* be painful! : "Come in, relax. We're dying : to prolong your life" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 11:04:40 -0500 From: Jacqueline Kiffe <jkiffe@c.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK... At 10:15 AM 5/15/96 +0000, Karen Tobin wrote: And the obvious one... If Anne Rice wrote FK: Nic's real love interest would be LaCroix, while Vachon just hung around looking sultry in the background. There would be lots of extended, flowery descriptions of the glories of drinking blood, to the point that it begins to sound better than sex. Natalie would turn out to be from a line of witches (a witchdoctor? --forgive the pun), and have a ghost lover. Tracy would wind up with Janette as a sex slave at some S&M club. Then, when the movie was filmed, she would declare GWD "too macho" to properly play the vampire and publicly seek to distance herself from the movie. But just before it was released, she would declare him "absolutely devine"... JacK Jacqueline Kiffe Department of Statistics Texas A&M University 409-693-8171 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 10:52:00 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????) > OK, I've been wondering for quite a while now... just *how* is Geraint >>pronounced? >Okay--it's a hard "G"- Ger and aint is pronounced like "pint". It is a hard "G", which is a "G" like in Gary. Also, Ger rhymes with pear or hair, and the accent in Geraint is on the first syllable. So, I guess Geraint is the Welsh form of the name, Gary, or, Gary is the English or American form of Geraint. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 16:23:49 GMT From: Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@w.......> Subject: Re: Lyrics Question At 01:02 AM 5/14/96 +0000, you wrote: >its: >"take illusion and disguise.. >when you're only love's a stranger >you scorn the truth, you need the lies" > >fred (the lyric guy) mollin > Thanks Fred!!! That was driving me (and my son!) crazy!!!! I love the CD!!!! Seilidhe Seilidhe@w....... Flagwaver for Smokin' Joe Dawson *as well* as Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird Backround Vocals for the SJD Kick Ass House Band Cousin/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight "...probability of 1 to 1... we have normality, I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem." -- Trillian, HGG ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 12:33:40 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Re: August Auction?? Preta <preta@e.......> said: > > There was talk earlier of an FK Auction in San Francisco sometime > in August. Does anyone know if this is true and any details? > There are two events that Preta might be mixing up. In August, there will be a Forever Knight mini-con (called "The Search for Blood") as part of the Toronto Trek convention. (Hence, it's in Toronto. <g>) I think they're having a charity auction, but I don't think that's the main focus of the event. It's billed as having "guests, parties, panel topics that excite, guests, a Raven social club, guests, a Vampire laire... and guests." So I suppose that means they're having guests! This mini-con is being organized by the Forever Knight Canada fan club. In October, there will be an event in San Francisco billed as a charity auction and fan wrap party. It's called "Bridging the Knight" and it's organized by the Nigel Bennett Fan Club and I think the Boston-based Forever Knight fan club. (?) I got the impression that the auction is the main focus of this event, so it's probably what Preta was thinking about. More info on both of these events can be found at: If you're webless and want the info, you can e-mail me off-list and I can probably download a text version of the info from the web page and forward it to you. Hope that helps! -- Allison (percy91@w.......) Tormented Knightie and Chief Bunny of the McGregors -- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 12:40:20 -0400 From: Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......> Subject: If someone else wrote FK... If the wonderfully twisted Hunter S. Thompson wrote FK (3rd season) : Nick, LC, Vachon, Nat, and Urs would pile into the caddie for a psychedelic road trip to Vegas. "Sympathy For the Devil" would play over and over for 3,000 miles, but no one would notice because they would all be in a drug induced haze and rambling incessantly about huge purple bats, dive bombing the car. Vachon would sit perfectly still, blinking occasionally; Nat and Urs would be topless and hopping from the front to back seat chugging tequila and raw ether; Nick would have the pedal to the metal, swerving recklessly while trying to balance a six foot water bong on his knee; and LC....he would whammy the cop that pulls them over outside of Provo into believing they just a car load of Mormon missionaries and that the 50 bottles of blood in the drunk were indeed the blood of Christ. Gotta love Hunter S.! Cousin Michelle ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 12:39:03 -0500 From: Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......> Subject: IRC/This list We had a great time last night! At least I thought so! <G> The response in the channel seemed positive too! I hope that more of you will join us! The channel name is #foreverknight and it is on the Undernet The channel is manned by a "bot" called "X" and will be there all the time. Please don't mess with X, he gets testy and we'll have problems! Please visit often and Faction leaders..please get in touch so that you may get your times set for having faction meetings. This is NOT my belongs to all of you! I hope that someone will have a get-together there this weekend for those that aren't able to attend a "Last Knight" party...(Garrett wants to know WHY we call it a party?!) The program that I like to use to access IRC is called mIRC and can be downloaded for free off the Web. Its easy to install and has some fun features. If you aren't sure if you have IRC capabilities, check with your sysop. Its my understanding from speaking to the Tech support people at AOL, that IRC is capable of being run off of AOL, you would just have to check with them. As far as the list, I echo all the fine words of my fellow listers. I don't believe this list is dying at all,growing pains maybe, but not dying. My only 2 cent comment...for those that are upset that someone flamed them or dumped on them, just remember that for each of those people who may have had a bad day and flamed you or are just not nice people, there are hundreds of us here that do care and like having you here. Don't let the squeaky wheel get the best of you and don't let a few unhappy people force you away from those that care about you! TO LAURIE FENSTER: You have "brought across" another Dr Who fan! Garrett loved it! I think you background helped a great deal in his understanding of the story line and made it easier to enjoy! Annmarie FOREVER KNIGHT: Now showing on the SciFi Channel Mondays, 8pm, 12am EST FOREVER KNIGHT SOS/FK: *Cousin* *Vachon Ogler* *MPPB* *MPEB* *XPhile* *DMC* *PWFC* *MFW Cavalry* *AA* ***The Mother of Invention *had* to have been a single mother!*** ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 13:21:23 -0300 From: "l.d. steele" <aa300@f.......> Subject: beta reader wanted I'll keep this short. :) I'm looking for a couple of beta readers who have a bit of time (and patience, and editing skills... ) in the next couple of days. The story's fairly long (16 parts), and I'd like to post it to the fkfic-l list on Fri/Sat in order to get it in before Last Knight airs and I get too depressed. <g> It's yet another FK/HL crossover. :) Dawn l.d. steele h36a@u....... <- reply here. ps. Ummm... I'm <not> a Knightie. Keep that in mind. :) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 17:11:34 GMT From: Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@w.......> Subject: Re: Blood & Donuts/many replies > I'm way out of line here because I haven't the vaguest idea what you're >talking about.... but there is a Joplin, Mississippi. I think... > ^^^^^^^^^ Missouri! I meant Missouri!!! Dang it, that'll teach me to write anything before I really wake up in the morning..... P.S. Tippi and Dotti, I'm glad you decided to stick around. I like reading your ideas..... Seilidhe@w....... Flagwaver for Smokin' Joe Dawson *as well* as Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird Backround Vocals for the SJD Kick Ass House Band Cousin/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight "...probability of 1 to 1... we have normality, I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem." -- Trillian, HGG ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 11:29:43 -0600 From: Dirk Giles <dpgiles@n.......> Subject: If FK was written by other authors... If FK was written by Tom Clancy: Nick would work for the CIA instead of the Toronto PD and would be involved in helping the Russian vampire LaCroikov defect along with his submarine (the Black October, of course). Technical details giving insight into the workings of the Russian military would be given in Oncle's flashbacks, and Nick would have to brief the President about the status of the mission. When the President finds out about vampires, the Enforcers show up and kill him. Schanke (real name unknown) sets out on a personal mission of revenge to hunt down the killers using his skills as an ex-Green Beret and part-time deli owner. Each episode would consist of 20 different subplots, seemingly unconnected at first, until there is only 15 minutes left, when everything would fall into place! Socrates - Proud Member of the Gulf War Ravens Watcher of the Vampire Ferrets IRC Nick = So-Krates (Dirk Giles - dpgiles@n.......) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 13:19:54 -0500 From: MISS YOLANDA RIVERA <YHUX14C@p.......> Subject: A List Thank You I have lurked on list for over a year and I want to thank the people who run the list and the people who write to the list for being here. It's nice to have a place where one can read a different point of view or an interesting tidbit of info. I don't always have something to say but I love hearing what others do. The list is a great way to connect with FK and the people who really love the show. This list also proves that people really can pull together for something that they believe in. Even though FK might be cancelled, I know I can always come here to help keep it alive. I just wanted to send a cheerful thought to everyone now that the stress of the end is near. :) yolanda yhux14c@p....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 13:42:58 -0400 From: Sharon Bhandari <sbhanda@e.......> Subject: Re: New Game: If FK was written by other authors... Here's a take on Nat's idea about merging with another show: What if Forever Knight merged with Dr. Who: Nick would be jumping from time period to time period searching for a cure. Of course, Natalie would be the highly intelligent and beautiful lady helping him along the way. From time to time they would run into LaCroix, an evil time lord-vampire. And, we can not forget, Nick would offer all friends "gummy hemoglobins," which, by the way, help him stay off blood. Anyone else? Sharon Bhandari Natpacker and Valentine hopeful SKLer sbhanda@e....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 13:49:13 EDT From: Margie Gillis <MGILLIS@c.......> Subject: If someone else wrote FK If Spider Robinson wrote FK: Every scene would take place at the Raven. Everyone would call Miklos "Mike" (this would work--lord knows Miklos never mixed up the orders...), none of the mortals would ever get hangovers because the vamps would filter the alcohol out of their bloodstreams for them, the Nightcrawler's monologues would become Tall Tales, "Doc" Lambert would find herself labelled the world's best/worst punster, and Nick would realize that if he just talked about his angst enough, everything would be okay! <ducking and running from Fast Eddie's blackjack...> Margie mgillis@d....... =========================================================================
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