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Logfile LOG9605C Part 5

May 15, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605C" Part 5

	Photo Album (Address Book?) again...
	If someone else wrote FK...  (3)
	<no subject>
	If FK was written by other authors...
	beta reader wanted  (2)
	BB question for you all :)
	Great site!
	FKFIC WANTED / FK/Knight Rider
	Party in Salt Lake Area (Provo)
	Affiliations FAQ (formerly Factions FAQ)
	Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????)
	SOS-FK Charity Drive
	FK Wishing Crane Update -- three cheers!
	If other authors wrote FK game....
	If others wrote FK
	If someone else wrote FK
	Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers)

Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 14:12:30 -0400
From:         Frederic Ferland <mrhappy@m.......>
Subject:      Photo Album (Address Book?) again...

Hi all!

Well, looks like making the photo optional for my album really worked!  Some
people *did* say that they would send a photo!  (So if you were waiting for
someone else to do it before you, you can do it now... :)

Now, I just want to clarify something.  I'm not asking you for your *snail
mail* address!  It's your *e-mail* address that I need...  Some people have
sent me their home address.  I won't be putting *that* on the Web! :)

Here's what I need:

 -  Name:
 -  E-mail address:
 -  Age:
 -  Where you live: (town, state/province and country only)
 -  What you do in life:
 -  Any other tidbit of information about you that you think could be
    interesting.  (Something funny that happened to you, maybe?)

Example:      - Frederic Ferland
              - mrhappy@m.......
              - 18
              - Lachute, Quebec, Canada
              - College (computer programming)
              - I was eating strawberries in someone's garden (hehehe!)
                with a few friends.  My friend's brother, who wasn't with
                us, went to the owner and asked him to go tell his brother,
                (specifying that he was eating strawberries in his backyard)
                to go home, 'cause dinner was served!  Needless to say that
                we left the guy's garden alone from that day on... :)

Anyway, thanks to those of you who have already sent in their entry.  Keep
'em coming, I'll work on that this weekend.  And if you have a suggestion
for the name of the page, drop me a note.

Frederic Ferland                   |
mrhappy@m.......                    | Always remember you're unique,
http://mtl.net/solidarite/mrhappy  |          just like everyone else...
NatPacker & Perkulator (!)         |
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 13:18:00 -0500
From:         "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK...

I loved the Listmommy's contrib!  Heinlein fan from WAY BACK!

If Mercedes Lackey wrote FK:

Nick and Nat would *definitely* be getting some, even if it wasn't too
explicit.  They'd be mentoring that other couple of "young lovers", Vachon
and Tracy, who might or might not have included Urs in their group.  Magic
would *work* and be a lot bigger part of things.  LaCroix's meanness would
be seen to be a senior-mentor gruffness covering real concern.

There would be a REAL BIG MAJOR PROBLEM which they would all have to band
together to fight.

Any maybe we'd get to see more of Diane Tregarde and Andre' LeBrel!

Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 14:24:21 EDT
From:         Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>

MichelleMark wrote about Hunter S. Thompson and the car ride from hell.
I thought that was Jack Kerouac's "On the Road".  (-:
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 14:40:55 -0400
From:         Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......>
Subject:      Re: If FK was written by other authors...

Oh, well, what the hay :)

If Poppy Britz wrote FK:
LaCroix would be a lonely angst-ridden bartender in New Orleans and
Nick would be a member of a rock-n-roll band called Lost Souls that
travels up and down the East Coast wreaking havoc wherever they go.

If James Redfield wrote FK:
Nick's quest for mortality would take him high into the Andes
mountains on an Indian Jones-type adventure where he will be forced
to understand and embrace 9 spiritual insights before LaCroix
appears and prevents him from getting the 10th.

If Don Bassingthwaite wrote FK :)
We'd have vampires and mages and changlings to play with.  Nick
would be an uptight Camarilla and LaCroix would be leader of the
Sabbat.  (A former FKFanFic writer, if I'm not mistaken ;),
Pomegranates Full and Fine is a very good one)

If Mercedes Lackey wrote FK:
Natalie would be a tough-as-nail witch who uses her powers for good
and Nick would be her vampire boyfriend/lover who sometimes helps
her out.

If Shakespeare wrote FK in one of his tragedy moods:
Nick would accuse Natalie of endangering his secret, of course.
Natalie, of course, would not be guilty of this.  She would suffer
through humiliation and a fake death in order for Nick to save
face.  Nick, catching a clue, will finally realize that he loves
Natalie and beg rather pathetically for her forgiveness.  Like a
total twit, Natalie would take him back and they would live happily
ever after.

(I realize I'm a Lit. person, but please, please, please, don't
make me read any more Shakespeare! I can already recite all the
monologues on command!  :))

Lisa -- Queen of Emoticons, The Forgotten L, 3rd over to the right
"The wine we really drink is our own blood.
Our bodies ferment in these barrels.
We give everything for a glass of this.
We give our minds for a sip."  --  Jelaluddin Rumi
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 11:44:42 PDT
From:         "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......>
Subject:      Re: beta reader wanted

I'd be happy to beta read.  I used to "technical" write (before they
kept laying off writers in the 1992 recession!...I found more
stable/essential work since) & I've edited lots of stuff!  Pls note
though that I may be on jury duty next week & away from the PC.
I won't know till Monday morning (5/20).  Don't know how that affects your
schedule.  But, if I can be of help... the length doesn't bother me.
 I'd be happy to be a beta reader!

p.s. I saw the 2st Highlander movie & have (casually) follow the series.


At 01:21 PM 5/15/96 -0300, you wrote:
>I'll keep this short. :)
>I'm looking for a couple of beta readers who have a bit of time (and
>patience, and editing skills... ) in the next couple of days.
>The story's fairly long (16 parts), and I'd like to post it to the
>fkfic-l list on Fri/Sat in order to get it in before Last Knight airs and
>I get too depressed. <g>
>It's yet another FK/HL crossover. :)
>l.d. steele
>h36a@u....... <- reply here.
>ps. Ummm... I'm <not> a Knightie. Keep that in mind. :)
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 14:42:13 -0400
From:         Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......>
Subject:      BB question for you all :)

Hey, Hey All :)

Here's a question for you all.  After rewatching Black Buddah 5 or
6 times, I realized that the little limerick at the end always made
me stop and pause.  How many people thought LaCroix was going to
say this instead of what he said:

Black magic, voodoo,
Bombers in the sky,
People kill people
And so do I.

It would have just worked so well ;)  Another one of those lost
chances :)

Lisa -- Queen of Emoticons, The Forgotten L, 3rd over to the right
"The wine we really drink is our own blood.
Our bodies ferment in these barrels.
We give everything for a glass of this.
We give our minds for a sip."  --  Jelaluddin Rumi
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 14:46:52 -0400
From:         Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......>
Subject:      Re: Great site!

     Just in case any of you were wondering about Forever Knight's status
on the TV Show Stuff webpage, I got this in my e-mailbox yesterday:

On Tue, 14 May 1996, ANNE W MARION wrote:

> HI! Thanks for the compliment on the site! We are working on getting
> Forever Knight merchandise as I speak. There have been a lot of
> requests for merchandise!!I will place your name on a mailing list
> and will email you once we receive confirmation.
> Please feel free to ask any questions
> Thanks
> Anne-TV ShowStuff
> http://www.hiero.com/hiero/showstuff/showstuf.html

     Pretty cool, huh?  I hope this means that some kind of message gets
through... :)

                             -- Lost in the Shadows,
                                Dr Funke (mff@h.......)
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 14:27:15 -0500
From:         "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......>
Subject:      Re: FKFIC WANTED / FK/Knight Rider

"Tammy Pond  [Digest]" <nightmist@g.......> was looking for the above x-over.
I sent this to her!

wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger)
Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned.
If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters"
are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats...
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 11:34:55 -0800
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK...

Wow! I could see FK as written by Hunter S.  Amazing.
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 13:44:20 -0600
From:         Kay the Red Enforcer <woolf@c.......>
Subject:      Party in Salt Lake Area (Provo)

Hello all,
        This post is to announce a FK party in Provo.  Now that it's
cancelled, we have to do something to get a FK fix.  Anyone interested or
who is in the area, please e-mail me at woolf@c........  We are shooting
for the second weekend in June, but that can change.

Just 'cause it's over doesn't mean WE have to stop!  long live the [K]night!

+--- Kay the Red Enforcer ---- woolf@c....... ----------+
| My tastes are simple. I'm always satisfied by the best. |
|  I have no free memory.  It's all dedicated to fiction. |
+--- http://students.cs.byu.edu/~woolf/woolf.html --------+
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 14:55:32 -0400
From:         "Meredith E. Pickering" <Plan2@a.......>
Subject:      Affiliations FAQ (formerly Factions FAQ)

Hello all!

I have attached the Affiliations FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) as a
document plain text format), because it is simply too long to send as a
message.  I know I've missed some of the newer Affiliations/Factions.  I took
over the FAQ in December, and this is the first opportunity I have had to
make revisions.

Please send any helpful ideas, complaints, etc. to me (Plan2@a.......)
directly, not to the list.  If you know anyone who is not on FORKNI-L, but
who would like a copy, please feel free to route the document to them.  Thank

Keeper of the Affiliations FAQ
Natpacker, N&NPacker, Dracpacker

Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 16:00:29 -0400
From:         Allison Percy <percy91@w.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK...

Just to show that I really do read some things besides FK fanfic...

If Salman Rushdie wrote FK, its plot would focus on many of the main
characters from the holy book of a major religion.  Toronto would turn
into a tropical jungle throughout the course of the show as Nick slowly
morphed into a goat.  The leader of a fringe religious group would put
yet another bounty on Rushdie's head.  This time Rushdie would have
Aristotle's help in hiding out from his enemies.  FK would be banned in
several countries.

(For the budding economists out there)  If Adam Smith wrote FK, he would
show that as each vampire pursues his own best interest, the Invisible
Fang of the free market would adjust blood prices and the supply of
victims so that the market for victims cleared and everyone would be
happy.  At least the vampires would; I'm not so sure about the victims.

If Beatrix Potter wrote FK, Lacroix would pursue Nick with a hoe and he
would barely escape back home, having left his jacket and shoes in the
garden.  Natalie would serve him some camomile tea and send him right to
bed.  Lacroix would then use Nick's jacket and shoes to make a scarecrow
(scareraven??) for the garden.

Allison (percy91@w.......)
Tormented Knightie and Chief Bunny of the McGregors
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 13:00:14 -0700
From:         "B. Janine Morison" <morison@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????)

> >Okay--it's a hard "G"- Ger and aint is pronounced like "pint".
> It is a hard "G", which is a "G" like in Gary.  Also, Ger rhymes with
> pear or hair, and the accent in Geraint is on the first syllable.  So,

 I had a conversation with the PR guy for FK last year and he said
 Ger's name is like saying parent but with a G.  Does that help?

 forever knightie and cousin
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 13:25:05 -0700
From:         Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......>
Subject:      SOS-FK Charity Drive

Hi Lisa,
What's the current SOS-FK Charity Drive total? Have we reached the $10,000
mark yet?

Raissa Devereux
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 13:15:31 -0700
From:         Bonnela <callalily@l.......>
Subject:      FK Wishing Crane Update -- three cheers!

Forever Knight Wishing Crane Update -- 5/15/96

I am very proud and pleased to announce that we have gathered, strung, and
shipped two, one-thousand origami crane mobiles.  Yay!!  Arrival has been
timed to coincide with the syndicated airing of "Last Knight."  I hope that
the execs at Sony will be as awed as I am.

We are still planning to send a third mobile to the folks at the SciFi
Channel.  We are only 400 cranes shy, so please keep folding and mailing!
And keep wishing for a fourth season of Forever Knight.

I want to thank everyone who has contributed their time and money to the
project so far.  Thanks to everyone who folded, strung, wrote, and

So... keep folding!  Remember to use 3x3 inch paper.

If you need more information about what this crane thing is all about, or if
you just need to know where to send your origami cranes, check out the
Forever Knight Wishing Crane Web Page at


or e-mail me off-list.

Oh, and can the person who sent the origami *stars* please contact me
privately.  Thanks.

Bonnie <callalily@l.......>
FK Wishing Crane Project

Bonnie  <callalily@l.......>       "What?"
Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page -->  http://users.lanminds.com/~callalily
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 13:21:00 PDT
From:         "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......>
Subject:      Re: beta reader wanted

Sorry for the public listing!  Now that I know not to Spoil replies
w/o changing subject, today's lesson was to check the TO: before
sending, even if it IS the 5th private email reply today!

Sorry for the unnecessary clutter on this already huge list...
(virtual chocolate bonbons for all!)

Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 16:20:19 -0400
From:         Loose Cannon <LoosCanN@a.......>
Subject:      If other authors wrote FK game....

If Umberto Eco wrote FK, we'd have these marvelous tomes we could wallow in
for days, weeks even, full of fascinating historical details.

If George MacDonald Frasier wrote FK, Nick would be a closet coward, at all
the pivotal points of history, unabashedly crawling into the bed of every
available and perhaps not-so-available woman.  LaCroix would show up at the
most inconvenient times as an agent for the side Nick was not working for,
threaten him with excruciating torture, but Nick would always manage to
squeak out of the situation by the skin of his teeth, though not by any
cleverness of his own.  The books would also be full of fascinating
historical details.

If Patrick O'Brian wrote FK, we'd be getting real "Litterachur", a detailed
look at Screed's life as a sailor, clever conversation, lovingly detailed
characterization as well as a story full of fascinating historical details.

If C.J. Cherryh wrote FK, Nick would constantly be in gut-twisting,
nail-biting danger, we'd get a good look at what it was like to be a vampire
surrounded by alien-minded mortals, and LaCroix would be completely
indecipherable.  There would, however, be no fascinating historical details.

A sucker (ar, ar) for fascinating historical details,
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 22:41:29 +0200
From:         Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......>
Subject:      If others wrote FK

If John Wyndham wrote FK, it would all be in the first person and from
Nick's perspective. A person would find out what it's like to be a quiet,
unassuming vampire, and we'd discover what causes vampirism. (It's a toss-up
whether it would be caused by strange plants, aliens or a nuclear war!)

If Peter David wrote FK, it would be very much like some of the best
episodes we've seen, except there would be a lot more humour, and zillions
of in-jokes that you'd only catch if you'd seen all the episodes. Oh, and of
course there'd be a Star Trek reference in the book somewhere.

- Marina. (tmar@f.......; Dark Knightie)
\\ Advice to Nick: "She hates the shirt, get rid of //
// the shirt, burn the bloody shirt!" - Lenny Henry.\\

... Sometimes in life you have to do more than just watch.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 12:37:56 -0700
From:         [Name removed by request]
Subject:      If someone else wrote FK

If Blake wrote FK:

  Nick would be Narootharoon, Spirit of angst, discontent, and hot sex;
Nat would be the Enlightened Female, his reason-driven but cold
emanation; LaCroix would be Cakcarizeln, Emperor of Columbia; Divia would
be Satan; Tracy, a crusty worm; Vachon, the arrow-groined robin... And
We'd have to be prepared to take a midterm on it by Monday.

If C. Bronte wrote FK:

   Nat, a head-strong, plain, orphaned young woman, displaced from family
or any kind of home, seeks employment with a crabby old vampire cop who
hires her to be the companion for his adorable French ward. As a
consequence of Nat falling in love with her boss and he becoming attached
to her, Tracy, his psycho wife, is conveniently bumped off, yada yada...

If Jean Rhys wrote FK:

   It's be "Tracy: The Revenge, Almost".

If Henry James wrote FK:

    Nat would be looking after Janette *and* Nick. And they'd both be
adorable to the point of extreme uneasiness, on the part of the reader. Or
Nat would be psycho, thinking that they were possessed. And we'd be
psycho debating it one way or the other.

If Austen wrote FK:

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that a young vampire of
considerable fortune of angst must be in want of a mortal woman to redeem
him. But happily for us, lace-slipping Janette Bennet pairs off with
that cad, Mr. Javier Wickham, the Rev. Schanke with Myra Lucas,
Tracy would skip off with Nick Bingley (he being wishy-washy and
unable to resist), and Natizabeth Bennet and Lucien Darcy set-up
housekeeping in Pemberley. Ah, how nice.

If  Joe Eszterhas wrote FK:

   *i'd* kill the show. Forget about the evil PTB.

If Thomas Harris wrote FK:

   Nick, sworn off dangerous cases for the FBI, is coaxed into helping
them track the latest serial killer who has been flaying circus
performers with volumous earlobes but in examining the crime scenes and
anticipating the killer's nest moves, he finds himself slipping too
deeply into the criminal mind, getting too close to the madness,
tripping out too far from 'normal' society. Pretty basically how he is now.

If Joyce wrote FK:

   Nick would wet his pants in the beginning, tremble with sexual
anticipation and then repent by pursuing priesthood in the middle,
and, by _Ulysses_, absolutely ejaculate words. He'd epiphany, then damn
himself, epiphany, damn himself, epiphany, damn himself...

If Wordsworth wrote FK:

   The Toronto landscape would be sublime and encoded with political,
social, and religious meaning.

Of Ruskin wrote FK:

   He'd chastize Wordsworth.

If Roald Dahl wrote FK:

   Nick's feeding frenzies would be scrumptious, Nat's autopsies
hilarious, Tracy would levitate her bully father out of the city, Screed
would catch rats by stuffing beenie weenies with sleeping powder and wait
for them to fall <thud - dead-weight!> out of their nests...

If  Einstein wrote FK:

   Nick would be the speed of light, Nat would be the letter M, Tracy,
the multiplication sign... (this also applies to "If the FK characters
went to Sesame Street")

If Francis Scott Key wrote FK:

   It'd be a bear to sing at the Giants Stadium but *everyone* would know
this show, dammit (actually, the heading should then be "If Fred Mollin
wrote FK"... kindof)

If Shakespeare wrote FK:

   Through a trick of fairy dust ("just a sprinkle"), skilled tailors, or
extreme inebrity, Nick would mistake Nat for Janette, Janette mistake LC
for Nick, Vachon mistake Cohen for Tracy, Schanke mistake Screed for Myra
in hip-waders... and they'd romp.

If Tarantino wrote FK:

   Nick would be Mr. Orange (or Mr. Pink), LC would be Mr. Blonde, Vachon
would be John Travolta, Screed would be the Gimp, Nat would be Mina
Wallace, Reese would be Marcellus (and have a hole in his head), and they
all be the snappiest dressers, and the grooviest, most violent cast of
characters... and the soundtrack would consist of even more 70s hits i've
never heard of and would be DJ'ed by Steven Wright as the Nightcrawler.

If Beckett wrote FK:

   Nothing would happen.

If Stoppard wrote FK:

   Nothing would happen (for a while) but it'd be damn funny.

If Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler wrote FK:

   Tracy, a boyishly slim girl, bright-eyed, good-natured, and forever
sitting behind a secretary's desk, tosses her boss, Nick Knight,
Gumshoe ("2 slugs - one in his pistol, the other in his bottle of
JackDaniel's" - interjection by Calvin, Det. Tracer Bullet) a hearty
"Good morning" and warns him that there's quite a looker waiting for him
in his office. A looker Miss Lambert is indeed; her body is firm, her
hair shining, her lips red. Killer red around sharp, glistening teeth.
Knight could tell that this one had no "more moral sense than a cat". But
the two Ben Franklins in her hand and their brothers in her purse
were enough to tempt any man.
   She said she had trouble. Heck, this doll *was* trouble. Maybe
more trouble than she was worth and trouble's the last thing he needs,
especially after his partner Schanke got plugged while shadowing some
clown called Vachon, a seedy-looking guy who wore apricot perfume. Now a
man like that has more than produce on his mind. And Knight was gonna find
out just how much the guy would dish out before he swallowed all he
could chew and would cough up the identity of L.
   Yeah, L. The mysterious Mr. Toothman. Knight had heard he was a
man who liked talking to a man who liked to talk to men who liked talking
to men who liked to talk on the radio. But would he fly the coop and
crow? Or maybe pour a drink and squawk? Knight swigged back a Red
Cross screwdriver, mulling it over, completely oblivious to Nat's attempts
to get his attention.
   "Hey! Nick? Remember me? Leggy brunette with money to burn and
a Burmese Raven to save from The Big Sleep? Hey, snap out of it!"
   Yeah, it was going to be a long case, Nick thought as he sneered out
the window at the wet, dusky streets of Toronto...

Thank you, Christine. We two really needed that.

[Name removed by request]

Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 16:20:43 -0400
From:         "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......>
Subject:      Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers)

*No spoilers, some spoiler-protected episodes mentioned in passing.  Please
keeps your arms inside the car at all times and no flash photography.

Thank you

I suppose this is a more substantial con report.  Or, rather, a report on
the FK events at the con.  There are some benefits to going to a con for the
second-string guests--namely a long lunch on Saturday afternoon and sleeping
in on Sunday morning because of a lack of things to do--as well as some
<very> disturbing consequences (a 9:00 AM, Saturday morning panel?  Dear
Lord, when we did that at CCC, at least we had coffee and beignets!).

Sharon and I arrived late on Friday evening and so missed the showing of
Francesca in the Winchester (or Windsor--one's a gun and one's a royal
family, you work it out) room.  We arrived about midway through the panel by
Gillian Horvath (writer) and Nigel Bennett (director) about the episode.  I
tried to take pictures, but my camera battery died a horrible and sudden
death--which means I didn't hear much of the panel.  Of the salient points I
managed to catch, someone asked Nigel how he directed Cath and Ger in the
morgue scene (that 'oh-so-very-intense- what-blood-tastes like-and-does'
scene).  Nigel said he simply said "Action," and let them take it from
there.  He also discussed a beautiful shot that he'd devised and which they
couldn't use . . . because they couldn't cut to it.

The end of the session involved questions about whether he reads the
fanfic--to which Nigel replied that he's not on FK-Fic (thank God for small
favors), but does read ForKni-L and the spoiler list.  He mentioned the thong.


After that was a bit of a blur, as I was descended upon by a whole bunch of
people who hadn't seen me sneak in or had seen me and wanted to say 'Hi.'
Amy Denton (Hi!) was very kind and said nice things about my fiction.

Sharon and I didn't stay for the FK party in Toni's suite--Toni you were a
goddess to have that suite open for chatting, resting, and so I could keep
the affiliation pins and zines and stuff there.  Thank you!  We went home,
proceeded to get lost in Baltimore, but found out where the college kids go
to drink on Friday night.

On Saturday, it was a 9:00 AM panel.

Yep.  9:00 AM.  We left Hanover, PA at 7:00 AM and stopped at a local
grocery story for some milk and donuts.  The lady at the register saw our FK
shirts and said "Oh, I like that show and watch it--when I can find it."  We
told her that we were going to a convention in Baltimore where one of the
actors was appearing.  She asked if it was the "really good-looking,
dark-haired guy."  We tried to explain that it was Nigel, but she just
couldn't place him on the series.  Well, at least she knew who Vachon was.
<Obviously> a third season viewer.  Probably hadn't seen ATA yet.

The first and second Saturday panels were similar--first questions about FK,
then discussion of Nigel's and Pat's book, "The Keeper of the King,"
including a reading.

My comments on the panels fall into no particular order.  They've melded
together in my mind, so it's very hard to differentiate them.  Just bear
with me.

Nigel is reading digests from the list fairly regularly--he brought up the
discussion of the pronunciation of ForKni-L.  FK's historical costumes were
mostly rented from Stratford or other theatre companies (so there goes my
hope of ever finding that black doublet from POTM).  However, the Cossack
outfits will be at the Bridging the Knight auction in October--one has a
hole in it, obviously.  Nigel also commented that the costumer on FK was
related to a first season crew member and could put together anything in a
short period of time.  Janette's clothing was often draped and pinned together

Re: Francesca and the morgue scene, Nigel said other than Catherine's
expression, check out Ger's voice during that scene and how effectively Ger
managed to use the dialogue.  He also spoke (though this is from Sunday)
about how he cast Francesca--usually 6-10 people were called per part and he
would see each one for about ten minutes, which makes for a lengthy casting
call about a day long.  Often FK directors receive their scripts only a few
days before filming begins (TIGHT schedule), but he received his copy of
the Francesca script two weeks in advance of filming.

He also spoke about how he was cast for FK, which involved a couple of call
backs.  He was pretty certain that he didn't have the part when his agent
called him on Saturday for one last call back (it seems they were thinking
about someone younger for the role).  When he arrived, he was surrounded by
a bunch of muscle bound blonde beach-god type of people.  But he got the
call back for the part the next day, when they began shooting.

Re: His eyebrows (yes, he's reading), Nigel said they were the same and have
been the same since first season.  He said he was a little disappointed when
they first started filming FK because he thought he'd get to wear longer
hair or hair extensions for the historical bits.  The white bleach job was a
lot of trouble and lasted for two weeks.  He said that immediately after
they did it the hair was all white, even to an inch beneath the roots, and
was very striking.  But the very next day, there was a dark bit right at the
bottom.  And by the end of two weeks it was time to go under again.

Nigel also said he'd completed a script about how LaCroix had come back--"By
the Pricking of My Thumbs."  He'd lifted an idea from one of the Christopher
Lee Dracula movies where Dracula is revivified from ashes by having blood
poured over him (thus he reconstitutes himself--freeze-dried vampire, just
add blood).  He said that his idea was that LaCroix wasn't quite gone from
this plane and influenced people through their dreams and their thoughts.
He takes over Natalie in an attempt to get her to sacrifice her blood to
bring him back.  The other vampires present think she's doing it of her own
free will, except for Nick, who manages to snap her out of it in time.  He
said it's probably Alyce's blood that brings LaCroix back.

After doing a reading from the novel, the questions on Saturday afternoon
veered back to FK.  When someone said that Nigel was the perfect choice for
the Nightcrawler bits, they asked if he could do any of the bits from
memory.  Nigel said no, but knew there were a few scripts there.  He chose
to do a reading from "Black Wing," the Raven legend.

Wow.  It is one thing to see it on television, but a stereo sound system
couldn't have done justice to that delivery.  It was a thing of beauty and a
joy forever.

It should also be mentioned that both Annemarie and Garrett, Annemarie's
son, did quite a bit of work for Syndicon.  As it was Garrett's birthday,
the con people arranged a small surprise party for him with Peter Wingfield
(Methos on Highlander) and Nigel.  I saw Garrett afterwards and the kid was
glowing--I think we could have powered Baltimore off him for the whole evening.

The charity auction followed the second talk on Saturday evening.  Nigel
auctioned off two of his 'black hat' production baseball caps, and copies of
"Undue Process" and "Faithful Followers" scripts.  He also auctioned off a
joke script by Bedard and LaLonde which is a spoof of "Last Knight."  I got
no more than a glimpse of it, but it seemed hysterical.  He had to bow out
of the auction early because he had an early tee time the next morning.

We didn't get lost going back to Hanover.  At least, not <very> lost.

Sunday morning we had a late call to finish the auction--nothing started
until one which gave us all a chance to feed and get rested (I could get
used to this second-string con thing).

Gillian Horvath auctioned scripts of "Father's Day" and "Francesca," but the
remainder of the auction was Highlander merchandise.

At the beginning of the Sunday talk, Nigel reported that his game that
morning had "Redefined the word 'Golf'."  There was some repetition from the
previous day.  In answering a question, Nigel said something to the effect
of something being nameless or unnamed.  The emphasis for a brief second was
on 'un-named' with regard to some recent posts about a certain proposed
affiliation --better watch yourselves, folks, cause he IS lurking.  At some
point during the weekend Nigel said there is no such thing as a 'Valentine'
(he doesn't see anything between LaCroix and Natalie).

After seeing Ashes to Ashes, some came out publicly as a cousin--Nigel said
"Yes!" and gave a clenched victory fist. (Actually got that one on film).

Nigel said that he wasn't very happy with the changes made at the beginning
of this season and wanted to leave after first three eps of this season were
filmed--told Jim as much.  He said they didn't know what to do with LaCroix.
If the series had gone on, he had a script idea for the close of this
season.  Nick becomes mortal and LaCroix faces off with him in the morning.
LaCroix tells Nick that he does love him and that the one thing he'd never
told him was that if one of his children becomes mortal, LaCroix has to die.
LaCroix then walks out into the light--pyrotechnics, sizzle and pop.  Nick
suddenly starts smoking and has to run for cover.  He hears LaCroix's voice
echo, "I'd have to die . . . to bring you back across."

He also said that he was disappointed that he couldn't take the eight
episodes offered to him on Avonlea this season (he plays a banker).  They
had a whole story arc ready for him where he got to marry Felicity.  But
they couldn't make it work with FK shooting and so he had to drop the role.

Also on Sunday morning, Allison brought a copy of Peter Rabbit.  Nigel read
the first few pages and then the end bit.  Absolutely charming.

Now, on to the book.

Nigel did readings from chapter 1 and 2 on Saturday and then a reading from
further into the book on Sunday (where the whole ball of wax starts
melting).  The first chapter was by Nigel, the second by Pat Elrod and the
last reading was a combination of the two.  Pat Elrod said she wrote the
violence and Nigel wrote the sex scenes, which he did very well.  Nigel said
he might have a new career in soft porn.

There will be three books, the first to come out in hardcover in January of
1997 (they were originally supposed to be out in October, but missed the
window of opportunity)

In discussing the characters of the novel, Nigel said he and Pat had 'cast'
the thing mentally, to give them a better hold on consistent description (my
words, not his).  Himself as the hero, his girlfriend as the female lead,
and he said there was one part they thought of as a red-headed Gena Davis,
and another as John Kapelos.

They talked about being interested in getting a movie deal off the book,
although Nigel said he'd like to direct it rather than star as the lead,
although there was a supporting character he might like to play.  There was
also a discussion of him doing the audio tapes for the book.  None are
currently scheduled, but if audience reaction was anything to go by, I think
sales would be a safe bet.

Then again, if audience reaction was anything to go by, we'd be looking
forward to a new season of FK.

I won't comment on the content of the readings since they could be
considered spoilers, but to say that the first chapter covers a medieval
tourney and the second a bloody, modern-day aftermath.  I can say that I was
very impressed with Nigel's readings, especially the second cold reading
that he did.  This is a voice that could melt steel.

There was an autograph session on Saturday morning right after the talk, but
that was it, other than a few people who caught Nigel on Saturday when he
left the auction or just before or after his chat on Sunday.  I wish there'd
been a bit more time for autographs, but planes wait for no man.  Not even
con guests.

A special mention should go to Allison Percy, who always had her 'food map'
of the Baltimore area on call.  It is because of Allison that we managed to
find places to eat.  She should get an honorary notice from the FoD's for
this, for sure.

And that's all you're going to get from me.

susang@v....... -- http://www.vitinc.com/~susang
Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to.
"This is the Hour of Lead; remembered, if outlived,
like the freezing person recollects the cold--
first the chill, then stupor, and then the letting go."

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