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Logfile LOG9605C Part 1

May 13-May 14, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605C" Part 1

	ashes to ashes (no spoiler)  (2)
	Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????)  (2)
	my favourite quote
	Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nige
	No Subject
	any aussies  (3)
	any one out there now
	its me again  (2)
	New Kindred email list - FK vs Kindred discussions welcome
	LIST RULES: 5/13/96 -- Yo! Listen up...  (2)
	Rude spoiler disregard
	Ashes no spoiler just... thoughts about FK and Nick and LC
	Marys request
	Toronto and area LK party
	im going in half an hour
	to CBS
	GWD chocolate pizza
	apology GWD chocolate pizza
	im going
	im nearly gone  (2)
	nearly gone again
	Forever Knight merchandise  (2)
	Dead of Night Question.
	What happened after I went nomail
	New England LK party
	Dear PTB...
	OOPS! (re: New England party)
	IRC...YES! We're registered!!!

Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 00:01:24 -0400
From:         Staci  Hirsch <BShabbat@a.......>
Subject:      Re: ashes to ashes (no spoiler)

I am new to this and I am finding the "chat" to be a bit strange and
obsessive.  I watch t.v. shows, I don't live them.  So I don't know the names
of the episodes.  If you are referring to the show aired last Saturday where
Vachon was "killed".  I would love to talk personally about this.

Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 00:24:44 -0400
From:         Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject:      Re: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????)

At 07:07 PM 5/13/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Well,don't forget at that time he was under the name Gary Davies...maybe
you should look and see if you see that name...

Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 14:24:28 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      my favourite quote

Hi i just thought that i would share one of my favourite quoltes with all
you people out there
"Relax your midlife crisis is at least a millenium away"
another nice thought courtisy of Janette!!!!
see ya
Janettes Fangs
Date:         Mon, 13 May 1996 21:42:00 PT
From:         Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nige

The D.O.A. that Ger was in is also called the Sid & Nancy story. It is
about Sid Vicious. It is not the remake of the classic movie DOA that
Dennis Quaid mangled. I have yet to actually find it on video but have
a very good movie guide book that lists it.
Tami LaFrank                   : TCL58@a....... or TCL20@a.......
Faithful Ravenette, IB, MBDtK  : "Have another hit, I think it's helping"
                               : Owner: Sacred Raven Health Spa
Stupidity *should* be painful! : "Come in, relax. We're dying
                               :     to prolong your life"
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 01:17:29 -0400
From:         Staci  Hirsch <BShabbat@a.......>
Subject:      Re: No Subject

I am sorry but I have not enjoyed it.  Not at all and I am taking my name off
the list.
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 15:36:37 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      any aussies

am i the only australian on this list
i was just wondering cos every one is going to bed
wont someone please stay up late to talk to me cos its only 3.30pm on
tues 14 may and i am bored
so all you people who commplained about me writing in capitals will find
i will be doing it again
please answer
Janettes Fangs
Ravenette Immortal Beloved
cranky AUSSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i wont do that again :)
Date:         Mon, 13 May 1996 22:51:38 -0700
From:         Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......>
Subject:      Re: any aussies

On Tue, 14 May 1996, MARY YOUNG wrote:

> am i the only australian on this list
> i was just wondering cos every one is going to bed
> wont someone please stay up late to talk to me cos its only 3.30pm on
> tues 14 may and i am bored

So what are your favorite eps?

 Heather aka Vachon's guitar      ___
 penni@w.......                  =| |=
 Knightie, Nick/Nat Packer,       | |
 Vaquera, SKLer, CSS              | |
 SKL: Faciemus ut Dewus          (   )
      Mountainus e Tuo Nasone   (  O  )
      Exeat!                     =====
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 15:54:17 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      any one out there now

hi its me again
i need someone to talk to NOW PLEASE
ok i'll stop yelling
its just it is the only way to get a reply round here
Janettes Fangs
I'll stake myself again if you dont
Ravenette Immortal Beloved and closet Natpacker
Date:         Mon, 13 May 1996 20:04:13 -1000
From:         Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......>
Subject:      Re: any aussies

At 03:36 PM 5/14/96 +1000, you wrote:
>am i the only australian on this list
>i was just wondering cos every one is going to bed
>wont someone please stay up late to talk to me cos its only 3.30pm on
>tues 14 may and i am bored
>so all you people who commplained about me writing in capitals will find
>i will be doing it again
>please answer
>Janettes Fangs
>Ravenette Immortal Beloved
>cranky AUSSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>sorry i wont do that again :)
Well I'm not Australian, but I do live further west than most.  I assume your a
 fan of my favorite female vampire?
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 15:59:44 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      its me again

if you dont want to keep getting these messages on your pooter screen
i'll just go and watch the first series of forever knight cos thats all
we've had down here in australia
one series and i have to wait until the end of this year to see all that
you guy n gals have seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so again i plead to you
from the bottom of my heart
please email me
cos i will reply as soon as i have read it
it will send you chocolate flowers piccys of Ger and Deb and Cath and
anyone else you like
Janettes Fangs
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 02:22:48 -0400
From:         MaryAnn McKinnon <MaryAnnMcK@a.......>
Subject:      New Kindred email list - FK vs Kindred discussions welcome

In a message dated 96-05-04 17:04:34 EDT, you write:

>"Kindred, the Embraced" list.  Our own dear Web Goddess has complained about
>this, and as I recall, gave an ultimatum that conversations regarding "Kindling"
>er, "Kindred" were to take place somewhere else!
  And if you must disscuss Kindred, do it *Privately* Please!  Thank you.

If anyone wants to discuss Kindred, there *is* a legitimate place to do it,
and comparison discussions between FK and Kindred welcome.  Email me for info
on how to join the new Kindred email list.

MaryAnnMc@a......., listowner of Kindred-l
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 06:36:57 GMT
From:         Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@n.......>
Subject:      LIST RULES: 5/13/96 -- Yo! Listen up...

<Crash!>  <Thud!>

Hark!  What's that noise?

It's the sound of list rules being shattered and smashed and stomped upon.
It's a rather loud noise, and it's disturbing the hamsters.  Not to
mention, the assistant listowner...

For your enlightenment and edification, here's the latest version of the
List Rules.  Read 'em.  Save 'em.  Tattoo 'em on your arms.  Whatever needs
to be done.

You are all expected to be aware of these rules, and to follow them.
Violators WILL be prosecuted.  Seriously.  I am becoming ANNOYED.  (Despite
the chocolate.)

Elaboration on the FORKNI-L list rules can be found at

Warm Fuzzies available at http://members.aol.com/immajer/warm/fuzzies.html

And have a nice day.

General: forkni-l@p.......
FanFiction: fkfic-l@p.......
NewEpisodeSpoilers: fkspoilr@p.......

These rules are *NOT* to be considered complete, just the barest

1:  BE NICE.  PLAY FAIR.  NO FLAMING.  We don't do that here.

2:  QUOTING PREVIOUS POSTS: Copy four lines at a time ONLY.  Do NOT quote
another person's entire post in your reply.

3:  NO PERSONAL REPLIES TO THE LISTS: Except for emergencies.  You have a
message to one particular person, send it via private e-mail.  When
replying to mail, check your e-mail CAREFULLY to make sure you're not
cc'ing your post to the list.

4:  NO SOLICITATION: No advertisements for any sort of profit-making

5:  SIG LENGTHS: Five lines TOPS, including all text, symbols and blank

FORKNI-L Specific Rules

6:  NO FICTION: Discussion of fiction is okay. Posting of actual fiction is

7:  NO SPOILERS: No Ashes-to-Ashes, no Last Knight, NADA ZIP ZERO.  If in
doubt, post to FKSPOILR.

FKFIC-L Specific Rules

8: NO DISCUSSION: All posts that are NOT FICTION must go to FORKNI-L or

9:  ADULT STORIES MUST HAVE THE ADULT TOPIC:  your subject line MUST begin
with "ADULT:" in exactly that format (omitting quotes).

subject line, and in the beginning of the story, with the name<s> of the
eps you're spoiling.

11:  FORMATTING FOR FICTION POSTED TO FKFIC-L:  Line lengths set to margins
that are no more than 60 characters wide, posts no longer than 250 lines.
Label your stories in the format (01/16) or something similar for easier

FKSPOILR Specific Rules

12:  BE NICE:  Repeated here again for EXTRA EMPHASIS.

13:  LABEL SPOILERS: as to which episode you're spoiling.

14:  SPOILERS ONLY ON THE SPOILER LIST: non-spoiler discussion goes to
forkni-l, fiction to fkfic-l.

15:  POSTING FREQUENCY:  While there is no pre-set limit to how many times
you may post in one day, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you limit yourself
to three posts per day on the spoiler list at this time.

These rules are subject to change at any time, and for any reason, as
decreed by Jaye The Listowner <jap8@c.......>, and are enforced by
either Jaye or assistant listowner Jamie M. Randell
<immajer@n.......> as required.  Questions about the lists can be
directed to <forkni-l-request@p.......> and will be forwarded to a
listowner for disposition.

Don Fasig <phase3@g.......> is the officially-designated ListWizard; he
handles technical problems such as bounced mail that would otherwise
detract from the efficiency of the list.  If you're having technical
trouble with your subscription, you can contact him directly or through the
forkni-l-request@p.......> address.

Any questions?  Ask away.

- Jamie M.R. <immajer@n.......> -
- Asst. Listowner, FORKNI-L -
- The Smoking Natpacker, Convert of the CoS -
- Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies -
List Rules - http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/FK/FKRules.html
Date:         Mon, 13 May 1996 22:48:40 -0800
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      Rude spoiler disregard

Come on folks,
Some people have not seen the episode(s) mentioned, AtA specificly.  Yes,
I have seen this episode, but to be blunt--I have enough regard for the
feelings of others on the list not to discuss issues here.  BTW, you, and
you know who you are, do not have to wonder--you are being taken to
task.  Your behaviour demands that you be treated as thoughtless
children.  Please do not feel sorry for yourselves--your behaviour
requires strong response.
Tired of having my good will tested,
Date:         Mon, 13 May 1996 23:54:57 -0700
From:         "B. Janine Morison" <morison@a.......>
Subject:      Ashes no spoiler just... thoughts about FK and Nick and LC

 Hello fellow knighties, cousins and to the other factions:

 Sigh, I just watched my tape of Ashes to Ashes.  No spoilers here, just
 sadness and thoughts...

 FK had always been my private love.  Yes my husband shares the joy of the
 FK realm, but few others I know do.  Vampires they say in more of a
 qustioning tone.  Ewww they shrug, they almost look at me in fear as if
 they fear I am a vampire just because I love to watch and read about them,
 especially FK.  It is strange, non FK people ask me if I think there are
 vampires but really if they don't believe in them, why do they act so fearful?
 Are they worried that I will tell them they do exist?  Just some stream-
 of-conscious thinking about FK conversations...

 After watching the show, the nagging feeling that there is only one more
 episode made me sad... very sad.  I don't know if it was me or the show,
 but I kept thinking about all the lifetimes we have shared with Nick and
 LC and the one life with Nat and Tracy.  I was never a Tracy fan, but I will
 miss her too.  I felt a depth to Nick and LC and Vaschon tonight.  They have
 all touched me in a way that will be apart of me.

 It may have just been a TV show, but for some reason it was more to me than
 other shows I watched in the past.  Why, for so many reasons all of you
 share that everyone understands and that no words are needed, sigh.

 I know you understand.

 In my heart I want to believe that the last episode will show all our
 vampire friends (even Janette I wish she were there) moving on to another
 life and not just a regular episode.  This next episode I am guessing was
 written before the actual drop of the series so things will not have

 It would be nice if they could come back and make a FK movie.  Hey, if want
 to dream about vampires, I can have wishes too.

 I will miss them, thank god a CD finally came out.  Thank you FRED MOLLIN.

 sniff sniff

 I will miss the show....

 knightie and cousin

Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 16:55:07 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      Marys request

would every one stop telling me not to yell i like yelling but for your
benifit i will stop
dont you know that Australians are loud!!!!!!!
any way if anyone is still out there email me cos ill be here for another
half hour at the most
bye for now
Janettes Fangs
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 03:02:32 -0500
From:         MS LYNNE R ACKERMAN <GNBV32C@p.......>
Subject:      Toronto and area LK party

The plans have now been finalized for a Toronto and area Last Knight party.

The party will take place in Orangeville, at Shannah Davison's house,
from about 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 18.  Everyone in Toronto and the
surrounding areas is invited to attend.  Transportation will be
provided for those who need it (but additional cars and drivers will
be appreciated).

Contact me at the address below, or at (416) 861-1164 - or Will
Steeves at goid@i....... - for full information.

We hope to see lots of Toronto and area fans there.  Don't sit home
alone crying over the demise of the show - join your fellow fans and
watch the show in a spirit of friendship and solidarity (crane folding
optional <g>).

A message from Lynne Ackerman in Toronto (or, as we like to call it,
"Hollywood North"!)    Via Internet:  gnbv32c@p....... (preferred
address) or be028@t.......
           *** Help save Forever Knight!  Ask me how. ***
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 17:10:06 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      im going in half an hour

im going in half an hour so email me quick
im going home to watch (for the millionth time ) my first series video of
forever knight cos thats the only series that has been to Australia
from Janettes Fangs
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 17:12:22 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      to CBS

can anyone out there contact CBS and ask them when they are sending
series two of Forever knight to Australia cos i need MORE!!!!!!!
Janettes Fangs
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 00:17:02 -0700
From:         "B. Janine Morison" <morison@a.......>
Subject:      Re: ashes to ashes (no spoiler)

re: message from BSHABBAT@a.......-

I refuse to even include one letter from the post and you know
why.... You are wrong to post anything about the show and then
have the gaul to write no spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LEARN the list rules before posting!

The whole message was a spoiler......  ARGH!  STOP! STOP! STOP!

knightie and cousin
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 17:17:31 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      its me again

yes its me
i will start yelling if your not careful!!!!!
nah im only joking but i will stake my self shove garlic sown my throat
and behead my self and throw my self in the sun even though it is setting
in Asutralia.
from Janettes Fangs
tired Ravenette and angry Immortal Beloved
Date:         Mon, 13 May 1996 23:21:41 -2055
From:         "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......>
Subject:      Re: GWD chocolate pizza

Hi Barbara,
have you gotten your copies yet?  Surely they have gotten there by now!

Date:         Mon, 13 May 1996 23:25:51 -2055
From:         "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......>
Subject:      apology GWD chocolate pizza

Well um...that last post was not supposed to go to the list.  Particulary
after listmommy just posted rules...  I could have sworn I changed that
address.  Sorry guys.  Slinking off to go to sleep now.

Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 17:31:46 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      im going

yep im going home now so keepsending messages cos ill answer then on
thursday which is your wednesday time factors a bummer heh
well see ya roung like an orange
from very happy Janettes Fangs
Ravenette Immortal Beloved and closet Natpacker
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 17:34:26 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      im nearly gone

if you can email me within the next ten minutes then i will answer your
Janettes Fangs
very tired Ravenette with a sore back
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 17:38:28 +1000
From:         MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......>
Subject:      nearly gone again

five minutes is all you have or else i will miss my bus
Janettes Fangs
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 01:36:56 -0700
From:         "B. Janine Morison" <morison@a.......>
Subject:      Re: LIST RULES: 5/13/96 -- Yo! Listen up...

 I posted my message before reading the latest list rules.

 I don't think I breached protocal... but I did say what I hoped for
 in a very vague and general way for the last episode and that I loved
 the characters after watching the most recent episode.

 I know what spoilers are but was surprised that we can not write about
 anything in shape or form currently.  So while I mentioned current
 episodes I gave nothing away... I promise.

 Jeez, how can I give anything away about the last episode, it's not like
 I have "the sight."  ummmmmmm (that's me chanting <g>)

 But, ahem, out of frustration I did get mad at a particular poster
 regarding their rude spoiler.  Maybe that was a tiny little flame, just
 a small spark... :( I'm sorry.... but I was so mad. (stomp...that's my

 I hate spoilers so I never post them.  So even though I used "ashes" in
 my subject it ment nothing. only that after watching it I felt like posting.

 OK, so it's off my chest.

 long live the knight... and I want a FK movie!


 p.s. Did they ever sell the caddie?
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 07:13:17 -0400
From:         The Phoenix <jap8@c.......>

#1:  BEHAVE!


#3:  BE NICE! (See Subject)

#4:  Send Jamie lots of chocolate or cigarettes (or both)!

#5:  Stuff your temper in the trash can! (See #3)

#6:  There is no number 6!

#7:  IT'S ONLY A TV SHOW!  (ow, ow, ow!)


This lesson in how to behave on my lists was brought to you by the letters
A and Z, and by the number 4.

  The Tastiest Crayon, Her Royal Redness, Jaye the First, the Phoenix.
             jap8@c....... // http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 04:40:20 -0700
From:         Jackie <ejdjd@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Forever Knight merchandise

I took Tippi's advice and wrote to Showstuff about Forever Knight
nerchandise - here's what *I* got back!!!!  YESSSSSSSS!!!!

>HI! We are working on getting FN merchandise as I speak. There's been
>a big request for it. I'll place your name on a mailing list so when
>we receive word, I will notify you. Hang in there. There's a lot of
>FN fans...WOW!!
>Anne-TV ShowStuff


Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School!
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 01:53:46 -1000
From:         Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......>
Subject:      Dead of Night Question.

I have a question about DoN and I don't know whether it is off spoiler or
not. So if someone who has seen all of the third season shows could please
email me. I'll ask off this list.

"Remember, You're the Brain, I'm the Brawn"   :Detective Bobbie Mann
   "Technically, I'm the Brain and the Brawn" :And Eve Edison
"So what does that make me?"                  :MANN & MACHINE
   "The one that can be killed."              :
Kevinm@p.......   A Nick&NatPacker with Cousinly tendencies :=)
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 07:17:48 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Re: im nearly gone

At 05:34 PM 5/14/96 +1000, you wrote:
>if you can email me within the next ten minutes then i will answer your

Me again. :)

While we all like to hear from new listmembers, I feel I should point out
that posts to the list should have something to do with FK.  Personal
messages or messages such as yours don't really stick to the rules.  There's
an unspoken rule that each person post only 3-5 messages per day on the
list.  There are over 1000 people on the list and it becomes difficult to
read all the mail if everyone posted that many messages.  People will
definitely write to you if you keep asking them to -- but they may not write
very nice letters.  Some people may be ruder than me and say bad things.
Again, don't take it personally.  We are all just upset because the last
episode of the series is about to come on and then we won't have any more FK
to watch.  Just consider this a gentle reminder not to post off-topic
messages to the list. :)

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction.  Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix.
Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site!  Top Tens and other Wickedness!
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 07:45:09 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      WCT is HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!

Hey guys,

I heard from that merchandise company again.  Please read her response
below.  It made me VERY happy.  Well, as happy as I can be at the moment,

>Return-Path: <TV_ShowStuff@p.......>
>From: TV_ShowStuff@p....... ( ANNE W MARION)
>Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 00:20:28, -0500
>To: Tippinb@i.......
>Subject: Re: Forever Knight....
>HI Tippi! If you could tell me who the official person is in charge
>that would be fantastic!! If not, I will try to find distributors,
>however I haven't had many ask for Forever Knight, but am very
>curious as to their line.
>I know NATPE can get CRAZY!!! I will be calling around to see whether
>or not what is available. Until I get something definate, people at
>the statios can be BRUTAL and take forever, I will wait to see if you
>can give me a name or two and we can go from there.
>Thanks for your help and WE WILL GET YOU SOME FN STUFF!!!
>talk to you soon
>Anne-TV ShowStuff

Anyway, so if someone could write to me and let me know who she should
contact, please let me know.  I know there aren't any distributors of FK
stuff (officially) as she is asking for, but I think we can make something
happen out of this!

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction.  Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix.
Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site!  Top Tens and other Wickedness!
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 07:54:10 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????)

Dotti wrote:

>At 07:07 PM 5/13/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>Well,don't forget at that time he was under the name Gary Davies...maybe
>you should look and see if you see that name...

Wha?  Huh?  Did I miss something?  Did Nigel write something?  Why does the
name Gary Davies make of think of Geraint Wyn Davies?

Enlighten me!  Please!

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction.  Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix.
Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site!  Top Tens and other Wickedness!
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 08:45:35 -0400
From:         Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject:      Re: What happened after I went nomail

At 07:11 AM 5/14/96 -0500, you wrote:

I received the following excerpt from Michael...

>Ranging from the more poisonous: "don't make the rest of us listen to this
>garbage" and  "If I ever meet Dotti, Tippi, or any of the other twit
>newbies who have taken over the list, I might have to kill them" ......

Well, isn't this the nice loving family? He becomes a little upset, rightly
so, and it's my and Tippi's fault? Listen, I don't post to this list unless
its necessary because of things like this and whoever wrote that knows who
they are and I hope they are very happy with themselves.  To set the record
straight, yet again, I am not a newbie, have been here for a couple of years
as a lurker.  The "love" I felt on this list gave me the courage to come out
and say hi and share my thoughts.  I have learned over the past few months
that I am not wanted very much anymore and so I don't post. If you knew how
much pain that just caused me......the one place where I always enjoyed
myself. I have embraced many of you in person and hoped to embrace more next
month. But now since I don't know who it is who seems to hate me so much, I
can't trust anyone I don't already know, so I guess I won't.

It is not mine or anyone elses that out of the 1000 people on this list
there appears to be only a few that post, everyone is welcome to. At least I
thought they were.....I guess the ones that don't have the right idea.

Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 08:11:45 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Forever Knight merchandise

Jackie wrote:

At 04:40 AM 5/14/96 -0700, you wrote:
>I took Tippi's advice and wrote to Showstuff about Forever Knight
>nerchandise - here's what *I* got back!!!!  YESSSSSSSS!!!!

Awesome!!!  Come on, guys, this might actually WORK! :)

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction.  Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix.
Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site!  Top Tens and other Wickedness!
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 09:30:09 -0400
From:         Carla Pickering <carlap@e.......>

I'm also on the Wildlife Rehab list, mostly collecting wonderful information
for Wildlife rehabbers I work with and help .  When I go into my mailbox in
the morning, the first thing I have to do is find and read work related
e-mail,  pull all the Wildlife stuff off and into its own mailbox, and then
deal with FK stuff as I can.

(1)This morning wildlife rehab had 3, count em, 3 separate  posts headed
"RAVENS TALKING". m   Arrrghhhhh!!!    :)))

(2) Last night I was reading over the prints from Spoiler List I took home
(I usually do that with at least part of the day's mail).  I highlight
several posts from my Eudora mailer and save them as word perfect files,
then I can reduce the font, expand the margins and save paper.  Well, when I
was scooping files yesterday, I accidentally got an intro that was posted to
the wildlife list right in the middle of a bunch of spoilers.  There I was,
reading along, a post from a Newbie who was SO glad to have found the list,
leaning toward Ravens and. . . it took me 3/4 of her post to figure out what
had happened!  Duhhhh:((((

Saille (carla p.) at Crowhawwk in Exeter Rhode Island
with Joanna Darkwind, the Wolfish Wonderpup
Vaquera and Light Cousin with  Dark N & N Leanings
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 09:34:45 EDT
From:         Lynne Levine <llevine@m.......>
Subject:      New England LK party

Is anyone from the Boston area planning to drive to the party in RI
and NOT spend the night?  I'm looking for a ride but don't want to do
the "floorspace" thing.

Thanks, and sorry to bother the whole list with this.

Lynne Levine
(awaiting LK with trepidation...)

p.s. please contact me off list!  llevine@m.......
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 09:34:25 -0400
From:         John Ewan <jwe@m.......>
Subject:      Dear PTB...

I think something we can look at with hope is that, in addition to Star
Trek, shows with fantastic themes and quality much like FK *do* return.
Alien Nation has had at least one of the novels made into a TV movie; Doctor
Who returns tonight <...and it's about time!><g> in a TV movie that had more
budget than some of the seasons in the past.  It took about seven years,
but, it looks to be worth it.

We switched from TCI to a new 'alternative cable service' that has the SciFi
channel just last week and it is glorious!  I let TCI know why they lost a
customer.  I'll be letting SciFi know that one of my favorite programs on
their channel is FK and suggest that some *new* episodes or a movie would be
appreciated. <g>

John Ewan, jwe@m.......; Multi-Player Games Network; URL http://www.mpgn.com
*Key West Vampire Club*  "It would be Paradise if it weren't for the Sun!"
<created by Christopher Beattie>
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 09:45:45 EDT
From:         Lynne Levine <llevine@m.......>
Subject:      OOPS! (re: New England party)

I just saw that the New England party has been cancelled.  My condolences
to Cousin Priscilla.

(Sorry bout my last message...that's what I get for posting before
checking my digest) :-(

I'll be emailing Lisa-Marie Maitland about her prospective party.

I'd be happy to host one too, by the way, but I'd need the episode,
since it doesn't air in Boston till Sunday night.

Lynne Levine
(exhausted today--I couldn't sleep after seeing "Ashes to Ashes"
 last night)
Date:         Tue, 14 May 1996 10:23:40 -0500
From:         Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......>
Subject:      IRC...YES! We're registered!!!

The official FK IRC channel on the Undernet has been registered! I will now
proceed to get things organized, but it will be up and running by tonight
and I'd like to have a "channel warming" party at 8pm EST.

If you need help, just E me and I'll try to get you on there today, I will
probably be on the ole 'puter most of the day trying to get things going.
There are others too who have offered to help newbies.

I would like to open the channel up to any faction leaders so that they can
schedule a time to meet with their fellow faction members at a disignated
time each week. Please contact me.

The IRC can be a very important tool in recruiting new viewers to FK, so I
hope that you will support it!

Brian Mitchell is still in the process of getting the FK channel registered
on EFnet. Over there you can also find a great bunch of people and between
the two channels, Brian and I are hoping to get the word out to others about
FK and the great people that it has as viewers.

In light of the recent and upcoming episodes, the IRC will give you a place
to get together and share you thoughts and you'll find a shoulder to cry on.
If you aren't familiar with IRC etiquette, its usually polite to ask if its
okay to discuss spoilers, that way if a person doesn't want to hear them,
they can go to another channel and you can just send them a msg when you're
done so that they can come back. But discussion of all episodes are allowed.

I'm off to figure all these instructions out and I'll look forward to seeing
you all tonight!

If you need a program to get to the IRC, search MIRC and you will get to
their homepage and its easy to download and access. Once there, you wll have
the capability to trade jpegs and wavs and can really be a lot of fun!


FOREVER KNIGHT: Now showing on the SciFi Channel Mondays, 8pm, 12am EST
FOREVER KNIGHT SOS/FK: http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html
*Cousin*  *Vachon Ogler*  *MPPB* *MPEB* *XPhile*  *DMC*  *PWFC* *MFW
Cavalry* *AA*
***The Mother of Invention *had* to have been a single mother!***

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