File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605B" Part 14 TOPICS: Help from Canada Cancelled New England Party (3) FK -- possible Merchandise!!! Eyebrows Hair today, longer tomorrow? (3) The nasty Email monster Lyrics Question ashes to ashes (no spoiler) Nick's Hair FK Soundtrack question Condolences and Support (2) anyone out there Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????) A Vampire Encyclopedia (3) Roadblocks, "Real Life", and FK CD Bye for now ASHES- what happened?-NO SPOILRCN Tower-need info for Fanfic Nigel writing????? No war...ok Toronto Party?Where are you guys? Spoiler - Ashes to Ashes (2) Nigel on HBO? I've had it with you people. DEB DUCHENE NO MORE SPOILEERS (was:Spoiler - Ashes to Ashes) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:02:03 -0400 From: Allison Percy Subject: Help from Canada Hi all... I have received a plea from someone off-list for information about how to obtain a copy of GWD's movie "Ghost Mom," also known as "Bury me in Niagara." I have heard that this movie has been professionally released on video in Canada, but cannot be purchased in the U.S. yet. Is there anyone up in Canada who would be willing to buy one or more copies & send them down here if you received a money order ahead of time to cover the cost of the tape plus postage? Please let me know off-list if you'd be willing. (Anyone who sees this message and is tempted to post a message to the list asking to be included in the deal, please e-mail me off-list since we don't want to clutter the list with "me, too!" posts!) Thanks!!! ObFK: Since Nick's hair seems to be a hot topic of discussion lately, I liked Nick's hair best in the "Dead Issue" flashbacks. Although in the Canadian (and German) version there is one scene where it is extremely difficult to focus on the hair on his *head*. Allison, Tormented Knightie percy91@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:29:15 -0000 From: "anamchar@s......." Subject: Cancelled New England Party I live in [Xxxxxxxxxx] RI and have a big enough apartment to host a reasonable sized LK party in place of the one Priscilla had to cancel due to the death in her family. Dotti R. has offerred to help me organize details. If you are interested please email me off list by Wednesday. If I get enough requests I'll follow through with details and directions on Thursday. Priscilla-if there's anything we can help with let us know. Thanks. Lisa-Marie Maitland ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:44:01 -0500 From: TippiNB Subject: FK -- possible Merchandise!!! Hey fellow listers, Last week I found a web site for some company that sells TV-related merchandise. Star Trek, Babylon 5, that kind of thing. They *said* in their ad that they sold stuff for any TV show. Now, I *know* they don't sell FK stuff, or we woulda been ordering from them already! Anyway, I sent them an email telling them that there was an untapped market of a thousand+ FK fans right here on the internet. I got this response (more than 4 lines, oh well): >Return-Path: >From: TV_ShowStuff@p....... ( ANNE W MARION) >Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:46:06, -0500 >To: tippinb@i....... >Subject: Forever Knight.... > >HI!! can you tell me what you are looking for in regards to Forever >Knight? > >I will help you as best as I can. >Thanks in advance >Anne-TV ShowStuff > Check out the web site and let them know there IS a market out there for FK stuff! :) It's the ONLY response I've gotten in regards to ANY FK-related query I've EVER written, email or snail mail, so maybe these people are actually decent human beings? Dare I hope? Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction. Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix. Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site! Top Tens and other Wickedness! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:51:22 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" Subject: Re: Eyebrows I'll put in two ducats on the eyebrows: my opinion is Nigel is, of course, correct. Nothing's been done to them. However, his *makeup* has varied wildly, from almost Joker-white to nearly "natural". Heck, I could *see* the line in Fever, I was just too polite to mention it! Storm ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 17:05:13 -0700 From: Angie Subject: Re: Hair today, longer tomorrow? >Since everyone seems to be obessessed to silly proportions with Geraint's >hair, I thought I would create more absurd discussion involving Nigel's hair. >Part of the reason he kept it so short was for the role. Well now that FK is >over, I assume he will be engaged in " accellerated hair growth" I thought that he was keeping it short to avoid that *Oh look! Your going bald* reparte that so many like to conduct with men. I personally love his hair the way it is. Sort of a punk-goth thing he has going, and I fear that Nigel growing his hair out, will take away from that great look he has going. Nat's hair always looks great. GWD's hair, well he always looks like he has been such a bad boy with that hair! I love it! Javier's hair is *perfect*. I wouldn't change a thing about this guy at all ('cept maybe bring him back from the dead), and Tracy, well, she's Tracy, what can you say? Lasher ===================== @-->-'- --<-'-@ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:48:01 -0600 From: Ted Atkinson Subject: The nasty Email monster I just tried to get my email, after not being able to for several days, and my machine locked up forcing me to reboot. Then all my mail for the last few days went to that "big bit bucket in the sky." If anyone sent me anything since about Friday, please send it again cuz I didn't get it ! I'm getting really pissed of at Microsoft Exchange! Ted Atkinson Cousin llacroix@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 21:02:53 -0400 From: Fred Mollin Subject: Re: Lyrics Question its: "take illusion and disguise.. when you're only love's a stranger you scorn the truth, you need the lies" fred (the lyric guy) mollin ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:04:47 -0700 From: Jerimi Paul Subject: ashes to ashes (no spoiler) Is there someone out there willing to discuss this episode with me? Maybe set up a "talk session", even? I think I'll go bonkers, otherwise, and that wouldn't be a pretty sight. ;) YKYBWTMFKW. . . You suddenly belt out a rousing rendition of "100 bottles of blood in the fridge" on the (5 hour) drive home, and after a few bars, your roommate joins in. I think we made the other passenger completely buggy. Fun! -Jerimi--->paul@u....... Reluctant Vaquero Giving my new roommate vampire nightmares (waves to Kenna) My life DOES have a purpose! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 20:25:38 -0500 From: TippiNB Subject: Re: Hair today, longer tomorrow? I won't quote the original content of this message, as it contained a BIG Vachon spoiler for Ashes to Ashes. No flames here, but I will gently remind everyone that anything -- anything at all -- to do with episodes still under spoiler protection should go on the FKSPOILR list. Subscribe by sending a msg to LISTSERV@p....... with content SUBSCRIBE FKSPOILR . Apologies if someone has already mentioned this onlist. I've been nomail for a while. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction. Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix. Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site! Top Tens and other Wickedness! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:47:37 -0500 From: Robbi Egersdorf Subject: Re: Nick's Hair I rewatched Francesca then watched Ashes to Ashes and now I love Nick's hair . Does it take time to grow on you or what. The first time I saw it I didn't like it! Can you Imagine that. Robbi Knightie Long Live the Knight egersdor@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:30:20 -0700 From: Bonnela Subject: FK Soundtrack question I heard that someone is working on getting the lyrics to the songs Lori Yates sings on the FK soundtrack, but is there any word if the sheet music is going to be made available (for *sale*, that is)? Anyone? Fred? Thanks, Bonnie Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page --> "Do you have a life?" "Why is that such a popular question? Shut up." -- VVII ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 20:47:34 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" Subject: Condolences and Support Obviously, I wasn't going to make your party, since I'm on the other side of Heap Big Lakes. However, you have my sympathy and support for your loss. I will light a candle and send my prayers and hopes for you and your family. May they find peace and comfort. Storm wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 21:31:57 -0400 From: Melissa Puzio Subject: Re: Hair today, Longer tomorrow? Tanya wrote: >Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. >Sorry, I just pulled my mind out of the gutter. Hey, that's the best place for it!! :D= (Huge Cousinly Evil Grin) Cousin Mel *NatVampCamp*Valentine*Chiante Drinking Member of the Thong Throng* *High Priestess of Jagrism at Temple Nedved* miss68@p......., Penchk68@a......., or CousinMel@p....... If any of the Pens mailing list people are wondering what that other stuff is about, its a Forever Knight thang" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 11:49:58 +1000 From: MARY YOUNG Subject: anyone out there HELLO IS ANYONE OUT THERE I AM A LONLEY RAVENETTE IN AUSTRALIA AND I HAVE ONLY RECIEVED ONE REPLY PLEASE EMAIL ME I DONT BITE WELL ONLY A NIGHT AND I WILL REPLY AS SOON AS I GET IT IT IS 11:45am IN AUSTRALIA SO I AM STILL UP AND WILL BE FOR A LONG TIME SO YOU HAVE PLENTY OF TIME TO EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ESPECIALLY WANT TO HEAR FROM rAVENETTES AND IMMORTAL BELOVEDS ALSO JAMI M R, SUSAN GARRETT AND JANETTE92 SHE KNOWS WHO SHE IS SO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEAR FROM YA SOON LUV MARY (JANETTES FANGS) YOUNG RAVENETTE,IMMORTAL BELOVED AND CLOSET NATPACKER (ONY COS OF THE AUTOPSY'S) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:07:23 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild Subject: Re: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????) Greetings! On Sat, 11 May 1996, Tigon Diana Hooker wrote: > Where in heaven's name did you find it in the first place...I > can't find it anywhere. For that matter, does anybody know > *what* 'DOA' is listed in GWD's movie credits (sometimes)? > I've checked out the one with Dennis Quaid, but GWD isn't > listed in the credits, nor do I see him in the film. Deadly Harvest was filmed in the early 80's I believe I had to do a double take when I first started watching it and make sure it was really him. Yeah, lots of hair but the haircut doesn't suit him. I agree about the movie's plot and all - what a shame. IMHO, I think Ger did a great job considering what he had to deal with. Re: DOA - I looked in the credits and couldn't find Ger's name. I didn't watch the whole movie of DOA with Dennis Quaid - so I can't say if he was in or not. I believe Ger's character name was Jon. Good question. Marg Rothschild, Cousin/Dark Knightie/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 12:05:52 +1000 From: MARY YOUNG Subject: Re: A Vampire Encyclopedia i have found a book about vampire movies and it mentions forever knight but they dont spell any names wrong!!!! only thing is it is Australia and that where i am he he any way WILL SOMEBODY EMAIL ME OFF LIST FOR GOODNESS SAKE I WILL STAKE MY SELF IF YOU DONT FROM JANETTES FANGS VERY ANNOYED RAVENETTE AND IMMORTAL BELOVED VERY SOON TO BE NATPACKER OR PERCULATOR IF I DONT HERE FROM ANOTHER RAVENETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:57:00 PST From: June Russell Subject: Re: A Vampire Encyclopedia Raissa wrote: :I got the neatest birthday present-THE VAMPIRE BOOK:THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF :THE UNDEAD, edited by J. Gordon Melton. FK gets a 1 1/2 page blurb in it. :There are a couple of problems, however. Lacroix is spelled Lecroix and :Janette is spelled Jeannette. Keep looking, you'll find more FK boo boos. There's actuallymore than 1.5 pages, but it's scattered throughout the book. There's also mention of a Margaret L. Carter who got a page and a picture. Anyone we know? ;) Kat Kat ( June Russell )!grendal!kat kat@g....... Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 21:02:15 -0700 From: Lisa Marvin Subject: Re: Roadblocks, "Real Life", and FK CD MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR wrote: > ObRealLife: Paging Ted Atkinson, and anyone else in Denver who I've > missded who wants to work out the details for a Last Knight party! Contact To FK fans in Denver: I have a party planned at my house for Saturday night the 18th for FK fans in Denver and you are most welcome to join us . It's a BYOB and a snack, and we plan to send out for pizza, too. We'll gather between 8:00 and 9:00 and watch a couple of old eps, then be ready for the final one at midnight. E-mail me if you want further info, or directions. Lisa Marvin wyllow@n....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:26:01 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina Subject: Bye for now Hi all--- Just wanted to say a few parting words before I go nomail for awhile - and at the worst time, too! But between training a new staff member and transferring to a new position (building my company's internet page) - I can't seem to get thru all the mails that I want to. :< 1- I just wanted to tell everyone that you are the nicest bunch of people I have had the good fortune to converse with in a very long time - warm, open, helpful and erudite! 2- The episodes this season have been uneven, but I accept FK with all its foibles. I just love this show - and most other vampire related media, as well. 3- To dear are a _paragon_, my dear. You deserve all the accolades that we humble fans can heap upon you. I hope to meet you one day. Rest assured I am awaiting your novel with P. N. with great anticipation (she's one of my favorite authors!). I will miss your weekly presence on my TV screen. Thank God for the invention of the VCR. 4- To the rest of the cast and crew - and to TPTB - never give up! Fans saved many shows. We can save this one if we work hard enough and believe in the magic. And magic it was so often in the last 3 years. **************************************************** Well, sorry for rambling, but I've turned maudlin as I await the last episode with great sadness and trepidation. I'll miss you guys. Write to me privately if you want... Toni NYC Knightie (with definite Cousinly leanings and Unnamed tendencies) asginger@i....... _OR_ antonia_spadafina@s....... :=( ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:39:38 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild Subject: ASHES- what happened?-NO SPOILR There I sat, ready to enjoy watching my favorite show. Everything was going fine the first few minutes and then . . . . The captioning stopped!!!!!! Finally, after at least 5 minutes into the show (after the commercial and opening credits) I got blurts of captioning and then it finally cleared up. If any of you watch the show with the closed captioning on, did this happen to you too? I'm so glad that they'll be repeating it. Marg Rothschild, Cousin/Dark Knightie/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 21:41:09 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" Subject: Re: Condolences and Support So Sorry! Was sending that to Priscilla and forgot to change the address! Mea Saurus, Mea Saurus, Mea Maxima Saurus! Storm wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 22:43:19 -0400 From: digest Brenda Clarke Subject: Re: CN Tower-need info for Fanfic Hi Cindy, I saw your post, "Could some kind soul email me off list with any and all information on the CN tower? ie. how tall it is,is there anything inside besides the resturant, etc......." I am way behind in my mail, so you've probably already received ten answers, so I apologize in advance if this is a duplication. CN Tower has to the rotating restaurant, at the lower elevation. It turns so slowly that when we were there, a woman set her purse down on the ledge beside her. Only, the "ledge" is that outer edge stationary part of the restaurant, and stays put, while her chair and table were in the rotating part. We found the purse on the ledge, when we rolled past it. We took it to the waiters and she came looking for it later. Also, when you use the restrooms, they are in the central core, which also does not rotate. When you come back out, "there" isn't where it was when you walked in. The waiters are very sweet. They see that totally puzzled look on people's faces. They know you don't have a clue which way to go (it's a long walk all the way around). They don't laugh at you, they smile, and point the way. If you get the dinner deal, you pay $25.00 per person, and afterward, you can go up to the observation deck for free. If you don't have dinner, it costs $12.50 per person to go straight up to the deck. Also, the line for the elevator straight to the deck is soooooo long, but the line to the restaurant is fairly short (if you make a reservation in advance). So, it's always better to have a nice dinner and go straight up. It is sickeningly high (and yes, I've been on top of the empire state building, and the world trade center, and there's not comparison in my opinion, perhaps because the tower is so slim, maybe that makes it seem so much higher). Anyway, the observation deck is the next level up. There is a place in the floor with a thick plate of glass. You can, if you have nerves of steel, stand right on top of the glass and look, gulp, all the way down. I have a book with info on it. If no one else has already told you all that you want to know, drop me an email and I'll go hunt up the book for you. I also have an unnecessary numbers of photos of the darn thing. I take it again every trip up, and I've been up 9 times, if you want, I'll snail mail you one. Brenda makeever@p....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 22:43:23 -0400 From: digest Brenda Clarke Subject: Re: Nigel writing????? Hi Jaimie, Thank you for answering my question about Nigel. What, (do I dare ask), is an SKL remailer? Can someone tell me if this list we're in is the digest or not? I was told that the digest came in one big email, but I receive inidividual mail from ya'll. Is there something different I'm supposed to subscribe to? I thought I did it correctly. Also, since I've been in this group, I've seen two people say that Nigel has posted stuff, but I never got anything from him. Where does he post and how does one subscribe there? Thank you for bearing with my questions, Brenda makeever@p....... (all lower case) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 22:43:42 -0400 From: digest Brenda Clarke Subject: Re: No war...ok Iremi? Is that you? I used to talk to you a back in October when I was online as CBRENDAC. 'Member me? I am going to Toronto this weekend to try and connect with the final FK Gerthering. You are refering to that, not the play and I'm just reading an old email? I am looking for someone to share a room with. Do let me know. Thanks, Brenda makeever@p....... (all lower case) or BMaKeever@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 22:44:02 -0400 From: digest Brenda Clarke Subject: Toronto Party?Where are you guys? Hi Ian, I just got thurs and fri off from work and I want to come up to Toronto for a last FK night party. Where oh where are ya'll going to be? Someone please speak up! Brenda makeever@p....... (all lower case) or BMaKeever@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 22:46:07 -0400 From: Gehirn Karies Subject: Re: Cancelled New England Party Lisa-Marie, I was planning to drive down for the party, just to be with other people in case it hits me like Schanke's death. This is too typical, eh? Tragedy is close to FK. I was bringing the Lethal Chocolate Cake. Can bring the coffee beans too.... I don't know what to say. I'm coming from Boston, and had directions to Priscilla's. I would need directions. I don't have any first season tapes, but I have Soft Deceit with Nigel, and Nick Knight. Let me know wot up. Gehirn Karies SoulDebris@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:53:35 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina Subject: Spoiler - Ashes to Ashes Hi all-- Some Divia observations... Did anyone notice the subtle filming of how Divia pushed the large table aside in the loft scene with Nick? IMHO, that one slight movement underlined her sheer power as a vampire, and made her a foe to be reckoned with. (Jon Cassar has my vote for the director best able to evoke strong images out of subtle camera focus.) OTOH, if she was so powerful, why didn't she sense Nick's approach when she was throwing LC (LOL at this scene) around the Raven? Perhaps she was so absorbed with causing her father pain that she had no excess capacity. Or perhaps we can chalk it up to those itsy bitsy inconsistencies that we all put up with on FK (who said it this week: Continuity? We don't need no stinkin' continuity!). Oh, and something else - watch very closely if you can bear it: when LC uncovers the head in the box - as he removes the tissue paper, I actually thought the eyes moved! Maybe I was just spooked. But I rewound and watched it a couple of times. Made me ROTF. TTFN, Toni Knightie from NYC asginger@i....... _OR_ antonia_spadafina@s....... "What the dead had no speech for, when living,/They can tell you being dead: the communication/Of the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living." ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 23:07:54 -0400 From: Gehirn Karies Subject: Re: Cancelled New England Party OOooops I meant that to go private, sorry. Gk Just a little dumbfounded I guess. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 20:11:07 -0700 From: Jackie Subject: Nigel on HBO? Maybe I'm a little crazy but, I am watching Darkman III: Die Darkman Die, with Jeff Fahey, and in walks Nigel Bennet playing a character called "Nico"!! It is playing right now on HBO, channel 6, in the nYC area and will be repeated on Thursday, at midnight. Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 20:15:42 -0700 From: Bonnela Subject: Re: Spoiler - Ashes to Ashes >when LC uncovers the head in the box - as he removes the tissue paper, I >actually thoughtthe eyes moved! Maybe I was just spooked. But I rewound >and watched it a couple>of times. Made me ROTF. I saw that, too. But THE funniest bit has got to be when Divia pulls the sickle outta nowhere, ala any over done horror flick! But then, Divia could give Jason and Freddie a run for their money any day! I can just see it now 'Forever Knight, Part 13 -- LaCroix's New Nightmare" She's baaaack! Bonnie Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page --> "Do you have a life?" "Why is that such a popular question? Shut up." -- VVII ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 22:24:22 -0500 From: michael wayne jackson Subject: I've had it with you people. First I nomail myself off the spoiler list because of the revealing subject lines, then I nomail myself off the fiction list because of the rudness of some authors and their fiction talking about episodes currently under spoiler protection... ...and now it's even in here. I once said I'd stay. You people tell me why? michael wayne jackson -- mjay@n....... Going nomail as soon as I send this out. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 13:16:33 +1000 From: MARY YOUNG Subject: DEB DUCHENE FIRSTLY DOES ANY ONE KNOW HER HOME ADDRESS???? NAH YOU PROBABLY DONT BUT DOES ANYONE OUT THERE REALLY LIKE HER AND THINK SHE IS A LEGENDARY ACTRESS IF YA DO DROP ME A LINE OR ILL STAKE MY SELF THAT WORKED LAST TIME SO ILL TRY IT AGAIN FROM JANETTES FANGS MD.YOUNG@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 23:53:02 +0500 From: John Folden Subject: Re: A Vampire Encyclopedia >WILL SOMEBODY EMAIL ME OFF LIST FOR GOODNESS SAKE I WILL STAKE MY >SELF IF YOU DONT >FROM >JANETTES FANGS >VERY ANNOYED RAVENETTE AND IMMORTAL BELOVED >VERY SOON TO BE NATPACKER OR PERCULATOR IF I DONT HERE FROM ANOTHER >RAVENETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Howdy, from Springfield, Ohio USA! Sorry to disappoint but I'm a a Nick&NatPacker(Mortal Love). Although, I'd be lying if said there wasn't a little Ravenette in me somewhere... :) John ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 22:55:00 -0500 From: TippiNB Subject: NO MORE SPOILEERS (was:Spoiler - Ashes to Ashes) A gentle reminder from your local wickedness purveyor: Let's move this and ALL AtA discussion to FKSPOILR. Some people don't see the subject line before they read their message -- like mine, if you delete the msg you've just read, the next one pops up. This episode is one we definitely don't want to spoil for those who have not seen it. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction. Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix. Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site! Top Tens and other Wickedness!
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