File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605A" Part 2 TOPICS: FK & SCI-FI channel (2) JK in WiseGuy TV Guide poll More John Kapelos alerts (3) Pronouncing Geraint Feeding (2) Jane Doe --the new off topic (2) Fiction Sites teenagers and fk LOST FICTION (2) People Poll Kindred NCTA Why french fries and not tea Contribs to NATPE bags Ger on Highlander (3) Last Knight Party/Wake Real Life Blood Money FTP Site Fiction Sinful Knights Fictional mention of Nick? Help! I deleted my Digests! Vampire Killing and J.Doe--evil (3) Uploading to FTP missed parts of fanfic Kindred vs FK Help! How to query listserv? (2) My Pitiful Query ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 12:32:00 -0800 From: Linda Edwards <Linda.Edwards@r.......> Subject: FK & SCI-FI channel Hello everyone, I've been off the list for a while and needless to say, I'm floundering around. Could SKS please update me on FK & the SCI-FI channel's schedule. Thankfully, we do get this channel. I know that it is shown at 8pET/5p PT and then repeated at 12a ET/9p PT on Monday's, but does anyone know how they are running the ep's? I tried calling the programming dept. in hopes they might be able to at least give me a month's long schedule, BUT they only accept requests for information in writing. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you for your time. Back into the darkness I shall go! Linda {a Forever Knightie} {Linda.Edwards@r.......} ... It's a private club, for VIPs and denizens of the night.- Nick Knight ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] --- HyperMail! v1.22 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 18:54:42 -0400 From: Helen Schreiner <HelenCS@a.......> Subject: JK in WiseGuy Regarding Roxannes's question, John Kapelos is appearing in the WISEGUY movie. It's on Thursday May 2nd on ABC at 9pm EDT. Helen (HelenCS@a.......) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 16:02:40 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <margr@a.......> Subject: Re: TV Guide poll Greetings all! On Wed, 1 May 1996, Lynne Levine wrote: > I just got my TV guide for next week and noticed a readers' poll. > It's all multiple choice questions, mostly about stupid shows I'd > never watch. But one question is: "which departing show will you > miss the most?" Of course Forever Knight isn't listed as one of > the choices. So, I suggest we write it in!!!! It can't hurt our > cause and maybe someone at TV Guide will sit up and notice. Yes, we should definitely let them know. Maybe they are assuming that FK won't be missed that much since it's on SciFi. <Wrong!> Re: Massachusetts tv survey Last night we got a phone call from a lady in Massachusetts. She said a survey team will be in AZ next week and they will hopefully be coming to our home to survey us. I hope they come so I can let them know all about FK, what happened, etc. Marg Rothschild, Cousin/Dark Knightie/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 19:34:58 -0400 From: Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......> Subject: Re: More John Kapelos alerts Somebody with a TV guide already answered the Wiseguy issue, meanwhile I did the TV guide online search and besides being in the Wiseguy movie John is on: Quantum Leap Tues May 7th SciFi 7:00 ET (cable guide says 8:00) Home Improvement Tues May 14th ABC 9:00 ET ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 19:38:59 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Pronouncing Geraint This issue comes up every once in a while, and since it has come up once again... If you have web access and a sound card, you can hear a sound file of Geraint Wyn Davies pronouncing his own name by going to: If you can't access this page, the best approximation I can make to what it sounds like is GAIR-aint. First syllable rhymes with hair (hard g, accent on the first syllable), second syllable rhymes with pint. Some Welsh expert will probably tell you that the R is more of a tongue flap thingee than a standard American or Canadian R would be, but I'm no linguist. But he did quiz a room full of 100-150 fans in Toronto on how to pronounce his name. Imagine that many people shouting out various versions of "Geraint" or "Mr. Wyn Davies" at the same time. Yikes! And if you want to know how to pronouce "Lacroix," just watch the show long enough and you'll hear someone say it. :^) Several people are working on reports of "Taming of the Shrew." For those who are wondering what this is all about, Ger played Petruchio in "Taming of the Shrew" in Toronto last weekend with a terrific cast of Canadian actors. BTW, 7 of those actors appeared in Forever Knight at some point. (Maybe this qualifies as my ObFK?) More info on this event can be found on the Shrewthering page (URL in my .sig). * Allison Percy, Petruchian (new affiliation!) percy91@w....... * * Shrewthering info: * * The Shrewthering page now has copies of press coverage of "Taming"! * ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 17:10:24 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <margr@a.......> Subject: Re: More John Kapelos alerts On Wed, 1 May 1996, Gehirn Karies wrote: > Home Improvement Tues May 14th ABC 9:00 ET John Kapelos will be on Home Improvement? You joking right? If not, boy, will that be a great one! Can you imagine how much fun they must of had taping that one? Marg Rothschild, Cousin/Dark Knightie/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 20:50:31 -0400 From: June Williams <cousin@w.......> Subject: Re: Feeding > >If you want to play with semantics, how in the world to vampires completely >drain their victims in 2 seconds or less? Thoughts anyone? >They are not neccesarily "drained" in 2 seconds or less, but are quite effectively immobilized. Perhaps with an extraodinary venom that works faster than that of your garden variety viper. I suppose that if you prefered a less docile meal, one might cut back the amount injected at first bite. More sporting. You don't suppose Uncle needs to use much of either that or mesmeric control to satisfy his desires, but if he gets REALLY annoyed, well a quick finis is rather nice now and again. Ad Astra-June-cousin@w....... >Katherine >lqueen@p....... > ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 21:17:48 -0400 From: Loose Cannon <LoosCanN@a.......> Subject: Re: Jane Doe --the new off topic Hey, Rachel, welcome aboard. You comment, quite politely: >I agree about the challenge Nick is for LaCroix, but I don't think it is a >sexual thing. I think it is more of a father/son conflict. I believe it is a combination of things. I just read a neat interview with Nigel Bennett and he says, "[I]t's very muddy waters there." Father/son, fraternal, lovers, and more than all these things. He seems to play it that way, which gives his performance a ... refreshing charge, one of the things that raises it above ordinary television. Vampires are beyond human gender constraints, IMNSHO. But this is all a matter of what our own individual points of view bring us. You are not wrong, but you and I are not necessarily watching the same show, eh? And that gives this list a fascinating energy all its own. Blessings dark and bright, Leslie GrantSmith (LoosCanN@a.......) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 18:55:09 -0700 From: Cynthia Hoffman <choff@v.......> Subject: Re: Fiction Sites On Wed, 1 May 1996, Elizabeth Ann Lewis wrote: > >You'll find yourself with a screen listing all sorts of subdirectories, > >each with the name of an author or challenge. > Yes, except not all authors are listed there. (At least they weren't all > on Sunday when I checked...) Very true. I haven't created a directory for every author. That doesn't, however, mean that the thing you're looking for isn't there. Check the "miscellaneous" directory before you panic. If an author hasn't posted that much, I don't give them their own directory until there are at least five or six stories by them available. Cynthia Cynthia Hoffman/choff@v....... Raven ** IB ** MBDtK We cater to the occasional fetishist ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 21:09:06 -0500 From: "J.S. Levin/Stormsinger" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: Feeding >>If you want to play with semantics, how in the world to vampires completely >>drain their victims in 2 seconds or less? Thoughts anyone? Actually, I think that 2 secs is a bit much -- "literary license" as it were. However, to take it at fact, I suppose that if one hits the carotids, which feed *into* the brain, rather than the jugular, which feeds *out*, fatal seizures could be induced by a complete drainage of the crainium. Certainly would be the fastest way to render the victim unconscious! <G> On the other hand, why 2 secs? Unless one is really *that* rushed (in which case, I'd just break the neck and worry about dinner *later*), to quote an old line, "Slowly, slowly! It's too *nice* a job to rush!" Storm wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) FOREVER KNIGHT:SciFi Channel Mon, 7 & 11 pmCT Let 'em know we're watching! If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 22:48:27 -0400 From: Lesley DeHaan <ldehaan@j.......> Subject: Re: teenagers and fk >i am writing a fan story using a nineteen year old, and i was wondering, >does anyone know the age of prosecuting someone for an adult crime in canada? 18, but it can be younger if the crime of a young offender is worthy of adult court and their age is close. Lesley =-=-=-= "You're not anybody...unless you're on TV."--Susanne "To Die For" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 22:49:42 -0400 From: Trisha Morris <PMorris231@a.......> Subject: LOST FICTION Help me please!! My email messed up at some point between yesterday and today, and I'm missing a couple of parts to current stories on the fiction site. I would really appreciate it if some kind person could send me the following, by private e-mail. Broken Promises part 4 The Hunted part7 XOVER Companionship FK/HL crossover part 8 My email address is PMorris231@a....... Thanks, Trisha Morris (Sorry about the last post, someone decided to be funny.) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 23:07:43 -0400 From: Lesley DeHaan <ldehaan@j.......> Subject: Re: People Poll BODYBLDR at RALVM29 >I just picked up People Magazine. None of our people are listed >in the 50 most beautiful people section. >Today, we mourn. Ger was the only reason I picked it up 'cause he was part of the Poeple Weekly poll. Ahh, well Antonio kind of cut down the pain. (-; Lesley =-=-=-= "You're not anybody...unless you're on TV."--Susanne "To Die For" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 23:20:02 -0400 From: Lesley DeHaan <ldehaan@j.......> Subject: Kindred Hi. Newbie Lesley here. I have a question which could concievably have been discussed before, so please no flames for my ignorance. (-: Does anybody watch that show, "Kindered"? I do, (yes, sometimes) and I find it quite a coincidence that FK died just before it started up. Especially since FK had a chance of being picked up and continued, but a party (I forget which one now) wouldn't sell. Do you think that TV politics had FK die so that we would be so starved for vampires and turn to Kindered. Just 11ish musings of someone who should be in bed. (-: Lesley =-=-=-= "You're not anybody...unless you're on TV."--Susanne "To Die For" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 23:49:08 -0400 From: Eileen Salmas <ESalmas@a.......> Subject: NCTA I just came back from a day at the National Cable Television Association's convention in Los Angeles where I stopped by the USA Networks booth. The SciFi Channel section of the booth had a very prominently displayed poster-sized picture of Nick and LaCroix vamping out at each other. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for them) none of the PR people I wanted to talk with were there. Nor were the programming folks. I didn't see them at the press reception Sunday night either. On the good news side -- at least they are promoting the show on SciFi and to the cable community. On another note, I was supposed to meet this evening with the top PR people from Columbia TriStar Home Video this evening, but they had to cancel at the last minute. We will reschedule for the end of the month. I will be asking them about the chance of FK coming to video and what we need to do to alert TPTB. Will keep you all posted. Eileen esalmas@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 23:51:24 -0400 From: Angie Lotto <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: Why french fries and not tea At 09:58 PM 4/30/96 -0500, you wrote: >to send the blood to the heart, which for a little while, beats as normal. >>Lasher >but how's that, if the stomach has no direct connection to the heart? >[yes, i've taken too much human anatomy; it's gone to my head!] >it would make more sense if the fangs were hollow...... Somehow it works. Maybe it gets ingested thru the stomache lining, but there is no connection from the mouth to the heart either. I can only assume that although the heart is no longer *beating* the stomache is still *churning* Lasher ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 23:52:18 EDT From: Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......> Subject: Re; LOST FICTION >> I would really appreciate it if some kind person could send me the >> following, by private e-mail. >>Broken Promises part 4 >>The Hunted part7 >>XOVER Companionship FK/HL crossover part 8 I sent her these. ------------- Brandy 102226,1213@c....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 00:16:56 -0400 From: Angie Lotto <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: Contribs to NATPE bags At 05:38 PM 5/1/96 -0500, you wrote: >On Wed, 1 May 1996, Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> wrote: >>SOS-FK >>Friends of Forever Knight make the check out to Laurie C. Fenster. >>P.O. Box 30596 >>Alexandria, VA 22310-8596 > >Yes, this is where you mail a check to help pay off the debt for the NATPE ad >and the NATPE bags. Please be sure to make the check out to LAURIE! >Diane E Hey! How much are they, and are we just trying to cover the cost, or are there more bags to be had? Lasher ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 00:32:32 -0500 From: Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......> Subject: Ger on Highlander This may have been posted already...I'm on Digest. But the Ger episode is on the midnight showing now, so it should be tomorrow's 5 pm EST showing. Annmarie ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 00:36:55 -0400 From: Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......> Subject: Re: More John Kapelos alerts I know that this is probably old hat by now for all you loyal fans, but one of the funniest places I saw John Kapelos was in "The Breakfast Club." I say it's funny, not just because the movie is a riot, but because I saw it so many years ago -- before I knew anything about JK. Then, it was on TBS recently, and there he was playing the janitor, Carl. I nearly hit my head on the coffee table (forget that -- I nearly hit the ceiling!!!). "Can I have 50 bucks?" If you haven't seen it in a long time, check it out. It's wild. Also, JK has a brief appearance at the beginning of the "Shadow." And for all of you who were already aware of all this, go back to sleep!!! Sorry to have awakened you!!! NAT!!! (Anyone Ever Seen Deb Duchene in anything else???) NatRobin@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 21:52:59 -0700 From: LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......> Subject: Last Knight Party/Wake For those who may have missed it the first time around... I am hosting a Last Knight Party/Wake for those in the NY/NJ area on May 18. I should have the satellite feed of the episode (fingers nervously crossed), so we can watch at our leisure Saturday night. The party will start Saturday afternoon and run until whenever, and crash space is available if necessary (though most of it will be on the floor). An interesting group of people have already indicated their intentions to attend, and I'm sure it'll be fun. :-) Videos, munchies, good conversation, and Scattergories will abound. If you are interested, let me know by PRIVATE e-mail. I will be sending out directions by car shortly. My place is also reachable by public transit from Manhattan, but there *may* be a few people driving out from the NYC area, so let me know (a) if you are one of them or (b) if you would like such transportation, should it be feasible. Laurie Fenster ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 01:23:21 -0700 From: Debbie Litchman <Debbie8@e.......> Subject: Re: FK & SCI-FI channel Linda Edwards wrote: > Could SKS please update me on FK & the SCI-FI channel's schedule... This is the info per the Sci-Fi Channel web page: 5/6/96 Francesca 5/13/96 Ashes to Ashes 5/20/96 Forever Knight (last new episode) Hope this helps. Debbie8@e....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 02:52:12 -0700 From: Debbie Litchman <Debbie8@e.......> Subject: Re: Real Life Blood Money Valerie Meachum wrote: > > Just ran across a slightly disturbing blurb in this week's _Chronicl of > Philanthropy_ > ballet): Oxford University has agreed to return a substantial gift to a German donor because they found out the donor's grandfather made his > fortune in Nazi-related activities.... On a somewhat related note, I read that the San Diego Museum of Art is canceling a sponsership (sp) of a viewing underwritten by Phillip Morris (cigarette manufacturer) during the Republican National Convention because they don't condone smoking. Debbie8@e....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 09:30:00 EDT From: "L. M. Salopek" <LMS5@p.......> Subject: FTP Site Fiction Apparently there is a problem with the fiction on the ftp site. Please give me a few days to look into it. Thank You, Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 10:29:50 -0400 From: Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......> Subject: Re: Jane Doe --the new off topic Leslie wrote: > I just read a neat interview with >Nigel Bennett and he says, "[I]t's very muddy waters there." What interview? Where? Share will ya? ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 11:35:36 -0400 From: Nancy Fralic <fralic@m.......> Subject: Re: Ger on Highlander I honestly don't want to start up that whole discussion about actors and their weights - really - but watching GWD in this episode last night showed me so dramatically how terribly thin he was for what must have been the first season of FK. Especially when he and the actress who plays Tessa were walking by the water. It brought back what my husband looked like years ago - he is the approximate height and build of GWD - and was at one time a professional model. He looked great in photos, but at about 145 lbs. you could have done an anatomy lesson on rib cages since each rib was clearly defined. Thank heavens for FK's actors' more realistic body shapes - and it's probably better for their health! Incidently, if you haven't seen this episode, it really shows GWD's vocal range as FK never could. On Thu, 2 May 1996, Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald wrote: > This may have been posted already...I'm on Digest. But the Ger episode is on > the midnight showing now, so it should be tomorrow's 5 pm EST showing. > > Annmarie > Nancy Fralic fralic@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 08:39:01 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Sinful Knights First, a small slice of real life. Impending graduation, impending final exams, and the impending loss of my email account all compel me to unsub from the lists. I'll hang on over at fkspoilr as long as I possibly can: that being until 5 pm, Friday, May 10, which is exactly how long I'll be available on private mail. It has been a wonderful ride, and I will come back if I can. My hearty affection and deep admiration to you all! ObFK: In the library last week, I accidentally miscopied a call number from the computer, and stumbled across a slim volume by Andrea Hopkins titled, _Sinful Knights: A Study of Middle English Penitential Romance_. Resemble anyone we know? :) Here are a few sentences from the Preface: "...romances which concern themselves with the sin, repentance, and atonement of their heroes.... the kind of penance experienced by the heroes and its treatment by the authors reflects archaic traditions and views at variance with the contemporary teaching and practice of the Church.... consciously exploited the literary conventions of a certain kind of 'romance' in order to teach their moral lessons.... The statement that other idealisms other than those of love and war were proper subjects for romance has important implications...." Sounds like FK to me...! :) **** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... **** "For how do I hold thee but by thy granting?" --W.S. Sonnet 87 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 12:21:32 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Ger on Highlander >Incidently, if you haven't seen this episode, it really shows GWD's vocal >range as FK never could. I also thought this episode (it's the first time I have ever seen it) demonstrated his acting ability. Those eyes! Man, when he changes from one character to the next...scary. I have to say that I was really impressed. I managed to record it as well. Ya! Carrie, Slovenly Knightie CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 12:29:48 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Fictional mention of Nick? There are two lovely vampire books written by Kim Newman called "Anno Dracula" and "The Bloody Red Baron." The fun of them is picking out the references to fictional and real characters living in the time periods covered. I finally got round to reading "The Bloody Red Baron" and discovered an interesting reference to an idealistic pilot (who also happens to be a vampire), named Knight. He enters the war with a group of Americans and Canadians. It's also mentioned that he's no 'youngster' in vampiric terms. Being that Newman loves these kind of references and that the "Vampire Encyclopedia" (which mentions FK) is listed in the bibliography . . . I think our boy has made the big time. And if not, it's a wonderful coincidence and homage. Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. Discover the power of Forever Knight at ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 13:31:31 -0400 From: Dalton Spence <dalton.spence@f.......> Subject: Help! I deleted my Digests! If anyone has copies of the the FK list digests that were sent out between midnight and 1 pm EDT today, could they please *ARRANGE* to forward them to me? (PLEASE NOTE: *ARRANGE* means send me a message privately FIRST! I don't need 200 copies in my mailbox!) An e-mail collection script blew up, and I accidently deleted them. Thanks in advance for the help! Dalton S. Spence, B.Sc. <ag775@f.......> Home Page: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 14:43:56 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Vampire Killing and J.Doe--evil First, vampires kill humans, it is idiotic to suggest otherwise. After all, they were originally created for that purpose. Any deviation from the standard has been pure projection of an author's person moral ethic onto the character (Nicholas? Oh, Nicholas?) Second, evil is subjective. You all can debate if Lacroix is evil, if Hitler is evil, etc. The quintessence of the argument is that it is all opinion, and opinions cannot be proven (else they'd be facts). Flame away ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 14:56:19 -0500 From: Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Killing and J.Doe--evil At 02:43 PM 5/2/96 EDT, you wrote: >First, vampires kill humans, it is idiotic to suggest otherwise. After all, >they were originally created for that purpose. maybe they weren't created just to kill humans, but rather they were created--sometimes by their own consent--just to exist as immortals, *which* in itself can include the purpose of doing things pleasurable (which may or may not include killing in general), and, in that wayward direction, it is also possible that while the purpose is to enjoy immortality, killing humans is a side-effect of feeding it and hence is not the direct purpose... [wow, that was a long sentence! grammatically correct?] >Second, evil is subjective. You all can debate if Lacroix is evil, if >Hitler is evil, etc. The quintessence of the argument is that it is >all opinion, and opinions cannot be proven (else they'd be facts). yeai! "evil" and "good" are sometimes too convenient for their own good. look at the Inquisition! the labels are simply *used,* that's all--whether as convenient subjective opinions or as actual tools to ensure a person's own views. like in certain religions, 'coitus' is downright evil, while in others, it's the ultimate gift of a deity to be used freely. so i can't say Hitler was really "evil"--if his intentions were or not. who knows if he would have been a happy artist drawing away had that art school in who-knows-where hadn't turned him down? (whereupon Hitler, quite vexed, wandered into a bookstore that happened to have a book on the absolute goodness of Aryans, scapegoating other groups for European problems, and henceforth and so on......) as for LC, the man is just....neurotic with slight sadistic tendencies? who knows what goes through his head for so many centuries...must be boring, must be lonely, i know it'd drive me nuts! still, i'm sure most people will agree that there ARE categorial cultural functions that fall under either the good or bad sides. oh! but "morality" IS a function of a specified culture! and grey is my favorite color.... >:) -mad hatta ~mad hatter <cli7@s.......> * * * "show me a nation whose national beverage is beer, and i'll show you advanced toilet technology." -paul hawkins * * * ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 16:55:56 -0400 From: "(Ruth Dempsey)" <Anglofans@a.......> Subject: Uploading to FTP Can anyone offer advice/ give directions to a total idiot on how to upload a story to the ftp site? Thanks Ruth Dempsey Anglofans@a....... "PBS -- our last, best hope for freedom" ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 16:00:26 -0800 From: John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Killing and J.Doe--evil >First, vampires kill humans, it is idiotic to suggest otherwise. After all, >they were originally created for that purpose. Any deviation from the >standard has been pure projection of an author's person moral ethic >onto the character (Nicholas? Oh, Nicholas?) Vampires CAN kill humans, vampires have killed humans, but do all vampires kill humans? What context are we speaking of when you say "originally created"? Vlad the Impaler? Anne Rice's books? Dracula? Chinese mythos of blood feeders that take human form? There is no "standard" when it comes to vampires because the idea itself has an author, so your first point is meaningless. Vampires exist in almost all cultures. >Second, evil is subjective. You all can debate if Lacroix is evil, if >Hitler is evil, etc. The quintessence of the argument is that it is >all opinion, and opinions cannot be proven (else they'd be facts). >Flame away Evil is not always subjective. Evil is everything that good is not, evil is that which is not respectable/corrupt. You can make an arguement of how some acts or rituals may be seen as evil on a relative scale, but I would argue that there are certain acts that are considered by all societies. Cold blooded murders would be a good example. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 18:34:04 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: missed parts of fanfic Forwarding this for a newbie on FKFIC-L Could somebody who keeps their fiction around a while oblige the lady? :) I've already explained to her that any such future requests should go to this list, so be nice to her, OK? :) Diane E Who just updated her web page with some cool new stuff.... <---- Begin Forwarded Message ----> Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 22:37:00 +0100 From: Anja Bornschein <Anja.Bornschein@t.......> Subject: missed parts of fanfic Hi to everybody, I'm new on the list and so I've missed several pieces of fan-fiction. I know I`m expecting a lot but please, will somebody be so kind and send me these parts ? I missed : Part 1-4 of "Broken Promises" Part I-VII of "The Hunted" Part 1-10 of "Season 4" and Part 1-7+9 of "Companionship" OK, I know that`s a lot but I simply love reading your stories. I'm looking forward to hear from you. Thanks very much (and sorry for possible mistakes) Anja (Anja.Bornschein@t....... or 05118250469-0001@t.......) <---- End Forwarded Message ----> # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # # "Look, I know you're a figment of my imagination, # # but you have to stop sneaking up on me!" N. Lambert # ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 21:06:07 -0400 From: "Lisa P." <LadysAVamp@a.......> Subject: Kindred vs FK Lesley DeHaan <ldehaan@j.......> wrote about the coincidence of FK leaving and the Kindred arriving. Too bad I don't believe in coincidences. Here's another one for you. In Kindred, there is a nightclub owned by a female vampire called...The Haven. Sound almost familiar??!!! I've watched the show since it began. I wanted to like it because I find the subject of vampires interesting, but Kindred is doing everything possible to dissuade that interest. I find the characters one dimensional and I'm tired (already) of their explaining everything, like the viewer needs to know everything about vampires within the first few episodes. There is no mystery. I guess I am truly spoiled by the characters (the actors) on Forever Knight. This show cannot be duplicated. TV Guide had a piece on the Kindred in The Couch Critic (I think that's what it's called). I sent them a very tiny piece of my mind - less than 50 words or so. I'm hoping they will print it next week. I mentioned Forever Knight. Can't hurt to plug the show whenever possible. Embrace The Knight, Lisa P. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 21:09:02 -0400 From: Lisa Wolters <MVRJasper@a.......> Subject: Help! How to query listserv? Would some kind person please e me with the URL for the list's web page or instructions for getting the past couple days' digests from the listserv? Especially the fiction? I'm having withdrawal pains... I've been having Adventures in Switching Internet Providers... the upshot of which is that most of my mail from the past two days is floating somewhere unclaimed in cyberspace. I had a heck of a time setting up my account with Provider X, had sent them email from AOL telling them how frustrated I was... then I got it figured out over the weekend (my Mac won't support Eudora... once I trashed that application, everything worked smoothly) and diverted all my FK digests to the new addy. In the meantime, Tech Guy X tried to be helpful and *deactivated* my new account without my knowledge so I wouldn't be charged for something I couldn't use. All of which involved the best of intentions... but if he's just e'ed me or called me before he did that, I coulda told him NOT to do it 'cause it was finally working. :( And, given the way this has been going :) of course now their server has been down since yesterday morning and tech support is going wacko and I can't reach anyone to tell them my pitiful tale and enlist their help in getting my missing mail back and reinstating my account. Y'know the saddest part? Among that missing mail is a fanfic I wrote at work, then mailed to myself at home just before I *deleted the document from my computer at work* so Big Brother the Network Manager wouldn't see it. :( :( :( Fanfic go bye-bye. Bad Lisa; no cookie. Not to mention all the honest-to-gosh *work* related stuff that's Out There Somewhere... Do I sound pitiful enough??? <VBG> ObFK: I passed a black Porsche with the license plate "NICKK K" while driving to work this a.m., and the driver had blonde hair. :) Lisa W. MVRJasper@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 18:22:46 -0700 From: Kathy L <kathryn@u.......> Subject: Re: Help! How to query listserv? Lisa Don't want to clog your mailbox unnecessarily, but if you like I can forward to you a copy of the FORKNI/FKFIC FAQs which has complete instructions on how to query the listserv. Just let me know. :) Kathy kathryn@u....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 21:36:49 -0400 From: Lisa Wolters <MVRJasper@a.......> Subject: Re: My Pitiful Query Wow! You guys are fast. Thanks for the info. on how to query the listserv to get my missing digests. Off to find my fix... Lisa W. MVRJasper@a....... =========================================================================
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