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Digest - 30 Apr 1996 to 1 May 1996 - Special issue

Wed, 1 May 1996

There are 34 messages totalling 1018 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. teenagers and fk
  2. FK FanQ Nominees
  3. People Poll--final results (6)
  4. Sci-Fi Channel web page
  5. Affiliation flyer
  6. new on the list (2)
  7. GWD Alert!
  8. Starlog
  9. Why french fries and not tea (2)
 10. Fiction Sites (2)
 11. People Poll Picture Pox
 12. Apologies
 13. SOS-FK in "Internet Underground"
 14. Ger's pic on the poll results
 15. Nick and pasta
 16. NetRatings for Forever Knight
 17. Why half the cast left
 18. Jane Doe Tapes (No Spoiler)
 19. ATV & FK
 20. Quotelist - "Taming of the Shrew" (short version)
 21. If not at Syndicon W, Ignore (Long)
 22. Ger's Upcoming Roles
 23. Fan Q awards
 24. If not at Syndicon W- In Sympathy
 25. ykybfhb...
 26. <No subject given>


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 16:14:22 +0200
From:    Katrinka <STUKENDALCA@m.......>
Subject: teenagers and fk

i am writing a fan story using a nineteen year old, and i was wondering,
does anyone know the age of prosecuting someone for an adult crime in canada?
yes, this is fk, I'm on no mail so can you e-mail me personally?
also, I've mailed messages to this list and the spoiler list three times
each, and none have apeared on the list, does lacroix got something out
for me?


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:47:58 EDT
From:    Mary Anne Espenshade <mae@a.......>
Subject: FK FanQ Nominees

I got my FanQ Awards ballot in the mail yesterday.  The awards will be given
at MediaWest*Con at the end of May.
Here are the FK nominations:

Prelude to Eternity - Denyse Bridger
Justice, Being Blind - Susan Garrett
The Taste of Angels - T. Beaty
Everafter - Susan Garrett

Forever Net 4 - Valery King
Daydreams & Knightmares - Susan Garrett

Stand Alone Zine
The Bargain - Christine Hunt
A Little Knight Music - Judith Wilson
Lizards in the Grass - Karen Miller
Kind Soul - Susan Garrett

Bea Lawlor
Ann Larimer

Mary Anne Espenshade
mae@a.......          http://www.inwap.com/u/mae/
"I worked late on my birthday and nobody brought ME a cute vampire!"


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 18:18:58 +0000
From:    Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......>
Subject: Re: People Poll--final results

On 30 Apr 96 at 10:23, Margie Hammet wrote:

> Should we write to People Magazine and tell them how disappointed we are?
> After all, I voted for Ger 'cause I think he's a good-looking guy.  Of course,
I'm gonna feel awfully silly if I
> write to them, and they tell me Ger's own publicist sent them that picture.

I did send an email to them (the link is under "mail" on the People
page). And yes, I also thought about "what if Ger's people sent them
that photo?"  but I decided it was worth taking the risk.

Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., http://www.tiac.net/users/ktobin)
Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess
Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me
and/or visit: http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:44:05 -0500
From:    Kim Bjarkman <flowper@o.......>
Subject: Re: Sci-Fi Channel web page

I wrote several weeks ago to the Sci-Fi Channel's web page (the address
given is no longer accurate, so I have been being rerouted), to commend them
but also suggest correcting name spellings on the Gallery Site page.

The page's creator said she took the spellings from a fan page on the
web she'd found, and said she guesses she chose the wrong page.
Apparently, she didn't do *all* that much browsing.  But, I am not
intending to criticize here; I appreciate the Sci-Fi pages.

Here's their response (attached below).

Kim B.
Caffeinated Cousin/Dark Knightie, growing darker nightly/Tamed & Shrewd

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 14:43:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: The Dominion Feedback <feedback@s.......>
To: Kim Bjarkman <flowper@o.......>
Subject: Re: Forever Knight Gallery Site

Thanks for the corrected information.  We feel very, very silly when we
have such incorrect info up about our shows.  The corrections will be
implemented by the end of the week.

Thanks for the feedback.


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 19:08:31 -0400
From:    "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......>
Subject: Affiliation flyer

I made up a flyer which I distributed to a number of the play people.  It
contains a brief synopsis of the wars and pictures of all of the affiliation

Just drop me an SASE with a note asking for the affiliation flyer and I'll
be happy to pass it along.

Susan M. Garrett
00X Xxxxxxx Xx.
Xxxx Xxxxx, XX 00000

susang@v.......  -- http://www.vitinc.com/~susang
Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to.
Visit THE essential webpage for Forever Knight info at:
"Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies."


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 18:54:41 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: new on the list

In a message dated 96-04-30 15:04:14 EDT, Mad Hatter wrote::

>>As for Janette...the french name would be Jeannette,by the way, I`m french
>>so if you need any info...go ahead and ask!
>ah HA!
>how about~
>the phonetic reduction of Ger's entire name?

First of all, Sylvie said she was French...not Welsh. But on to business.

'Ger' rhymes w/ hair or pear and has a hard 'g' sound, 'aint' rhymes w/
'pint,' and the stress is on the first syllable. 'Wyn' rhymes w/ win.
sounds like, um...Davy's.

I've read the part about his first name from GWD himself (except for the
part about the hard 'g'). The rest I looked up in a Welsh grammer book.
Somewhere, I'm told, somebody has on their web page an actual sound
clip of GWD saying his name.

Tigon the Bouncing Tigon
Woofpack w/ strong Knightie, N&N, and FoSiL tendencies
Occasional translator of strange Latin sayings (Q-tip? Fuzzy eyebrows?)
"Did you know there's no Latin word for swab?"


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 18:17:13 -0500
From:    Robbi Egersdorf <egersdor@m.......>
Subject: GWD Alert!

According to my TV Guide, GWD's HL episode "Turnabout" is scheduled to air
on USA  Thursday May 2 at 1am and 6pm MST (times will vary according to time
zone and cable company)

Knightie With Dark Tendencies
Loving the FK CD


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 18:12:32 -0700
From:    Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......>
Subject: Re: People Poll--final results

Margie Hammet wrote:
> Anyone know the address
> for writing to People?  Of course, I'm gonna feel awfully silly if I
> write to them, and they tell me Ger's own publicist sent them that picture.

I just sent them an Email asking how the pictures were chosen (did they choose
 or were they supplied?), and
that I had voted for him as a "beautiful person" and that the picture chosen was
 rather awful. I also, to be
polite :), mentioned how nice the other photos were and thanked them for the
 opportunity to vote! (ya, I layed
it on thick! hehehe) I'll let you know if I get an answer.

The Email is 74774.1513@c.......  You have to include your name and
 snailmail address.

BTW, is that picture even from FK? I was wondering if it was from that other
 Vampire show Ger did.....

Denise, The Cousinly Ravenette, TEDT & IRC #Foreverknight recruiter
~ Ask me about FK chat every evening on IRC! ~


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 18:28:11 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: Starlog

Delurking once again...
        Regarding Nick's ability to use a fork in The Fix, I believe that, in
the past 800 years, Nick has been in many situations where, out of
politeness, he pretended to eat, and then spit out the food -- or threw it up
-- as discretely as he could.  This happens all the time in fanfic, and it
seems entirely reasonable to me. :)

To my point, however:
        Does anyone have the numbers (and, possibly, dates) of all the issues
of Starlog with articles on FK?  I will soon be in the vicinity of a library
with the taste to carry Starlog, and I want to do for FK what I once did for
HL, that is, spend a ridiculous handful of change making color enlargements
at the local Pony Express and employing my long-neglected artistic abilities
in creating a truly stunning collage poster. :)

A subsidiary thought on continuity:
        It has been hypothesized that in DoN, Nick comes to Alyssa on the
rebound from Janette in PotM.  DoN occurs in Austria, and PotM may well have
occurred in Italy, considering the allusions to diVinci.  Now, in the missing
sword scene, we learn that LC has been away while Nick has conducted this
"whirlwind romance."  I submit that he was visiting Janette; Deb left the
show, but we can't afford to mitigate Janette's importance in the lives of
the other characters.  I rather like the thought that, when they were apart,
LC shuttled back and forth between them.  Nick, of course, being younger and
dumber, needed more supervision for a long time, but I still like the idea.
        Consider how that trend evolved by the time of DK.  Janette and Nick
had not seen each other for some time, though of course they'd each been
aware of the other's presence in Toronto.  In fact, from the way Janette
excused her smoking, "Filthy habit.  At least I know it won't kill me," I
picked up the impression that she'd begun smoking *since* the last time she
saw Nick....

Ten days till I lose email access; knock on wood that I'll be back soon!
*** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r.......@w....... ***
"Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
 So do our minutes hasten to their end"  -- W. S. Sonnet 60


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 20:33:04 -0500
From:    We Two <gebbie@e.......>
Subject: Re: People Poll--final results

On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Karen Tobin wrote:

> page). And yes, I also thought about "what if Ger's people sent them
> that photo?"  but I decided it was worth taking the risk.

I understand everyone's concern, but *hopefully* Ger's people would have
given them a better picture than that. If they did, he seriously needs to
get new publicists. My suspicions are that since People has never done
anything on Ger, they pulled the first picture they found, since they
probably had all the others on file (on computer).
  Again, this is just MHO based on THEIR comment about "see if you were
as surprised as we were" by the results. They may have had to scramble to
get one for Ger.  Which ,of course, doesn't excuse what People did at
all.The pic they used is terrible for a "beautiful person" gallery.

-Deb Martin
 gebbie@e.......        http://www.eden.com/~gebbie/merch.html

Under Construction: The George Sand web page


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 19:42:57 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: new on the list

At 06:54 PM 4/30/96 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 96-04-30 15:04:14 EDT, Mad Hatter wrote::
>>>As for Janette...the french name would be Jeannette,by the way, I`m french
>>>so if you need any info...go ahead and ask!
>>ah HA!
>>how about~
>>the phonetic reduction of Ger's entire name?
>First of all, Sylvie said she was French...not Welsh. But on to business.

oh well. live n' learn~

*       *       *
"life is like the gene pool; discombobulation is inevitable,
some chaos is necessary." -<cli7@s.......>
*       *       *


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 18:41:58 -0700
From:    Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@g.......>
Subject: Re: People Poll--final results

Karen (re: Ger's *awful* People Poll photo):
> I did send an email to them (the link is under "mail" on the People
> page). And yes, I also thought about "what if Ger's people sent them
> that photo?"  but I decided it was worth taking the risk.

If they did they should be ashamed of themselves and maybe the comments
will get back to them.  So there.

Dianne :-)
Dianne la Mercenaire...   -*-   <cat.goddess@p.......>
-*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*-


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 22:01:06 -0400
From:    Angie Lotto <alasher@e.......>
Subject: Re: Why french fries and not tea

At 01:13 PM 4/30/96 -0500, you wrote:
>renewed quickie:
>a vampire ingests fresh human blood via canine/fangs~
>so does the blood go right to the stomach or does it
>immediately circulate and refresh the vampire?
>if blood via fangs does NOT go directly to the stomach

The only reason for the fangs is they are sharp enough to tear the skin so
that the vampire can suck the blood down. The stomache then acts as a pump
to send the blood to the heart, which for a little while, beats as normal.



Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 22:03:04 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: People Poll--final results

In a message dated 96-04-30 21:12:40 EDT, Denise wrote re the
People poll:

>BTW, is that picture even from FK? I was wondering if it was from that other
> Vampire show Ger did.....

It sure looks like Nick's fireplace mantel in the background. I think I've
seen other publicity pics that must have been taken at the same time

By the way, I know GWD had a recurring role in Dracula-the Series
and, of course, there's FK...but I've heard he's done three vampire
roles. What's the third one?

Tigon the Bouncing Tigon
Woofpack w/ Knightie, N&N, and FoSiL tendencies


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 19:08:50 -0700
From:    "Cynthia J. Hoffman" <choff@v.......>
Subject: Fiction Sites

Laurie Fenster wrote regarding the soon to be gone (if not already gone)
web page maintained by Steff:

>However, this has nothing to do with fkfic-l, which will continue until
>Listmom Jaye and/or Laurie Salopek or psu decide otherwise.  And FK
>fiction continues to be archived at the ftp site
>(ftp.cac.psu.edu/pub/people/lms5), though the last time I was there, it
>was not as inclusive as the web site.

Sorry for the five lines ... that ftp site address messes with things ...
anyway, I maintain and update the ftp fiction site, and while there are
gaps and it's not as sexy as the web page because it's not "linked" using
html, it's MORE current than the web page ... stories that are complete
are loaded there almost the day the last post drops.

Really.  I'm serious.  I just have to finish updating the gap from last
fall when I switched servers which means I have to convert stuff.  But if
authors want to help me out by sending me the stories that aren't there
yet, please do and I'll load them immediately.

Oh yeah.  Apparently some of the stories are badly formatted (as in NOT
formatted?).  When you run across one of those, just let me know and I'll
do my best to take care of it quickly.

Cynthia, who really ought to get out more ...

Cynthia Hoffman/choff@v.......
Raven ** IB ** MBDtK
We cater to the occasional fetishist


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 21:14:28 -0500
From:    "J.S. Levin/Stormsinger" <wabbit@e.......>
Subject: Re: People Poll Picture Pox

Okay, folks, let's see if we can get 21,000 LOCs (letters of comment) to
them about it!!!  Or at least, a few thousand email posts!!

Go for it!  I will. <VBEG>

wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger)
FOREVER KNIGHT:SciFi Channel Mon, 7 & 11 pmCT  Let 'em know we're watching!
If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters"
are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats...


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 21:11:46 -0600
From:    Ted Atkinson <llacroix@i.......>
Subject: Apologies

Apparently, my last post (RE: TCI Wars) had some gibberish in it that
looked like an attached file.  A couple of people "thanked me" for that.

All I can do is assure everyone that I didn't send a file to the list, I
do know better than that.  Whatever gibberish was in that post is the
result of a software bug and beyond my control.

I apologize and ask forgiveness.  I will do my best to not let it happen

Ted Atkinson   Cousin


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 22:55:06 EDT
From:    MS IDALIA KAKESAKO <NPYF15B@p.......>
Subject: SOS-FK in "Internet Underground"

Greetings, all!

Does anyone remember when our one and only Webgoddess
was interviewed by "Internet Underground"?  Well, they finally
printed the article.  It's in the May 1996 issue of the mag
(which happens to be only their 6th issue, BTW).  It costs
US$4.99/Can$6.50, and since I found it in a Marsh grocery
store in Indianapolis, I assume it's widely available.

Anyway, the article is sort of flattering/sort of insulting.  There
are, of course, inaccuracies.  (Justin Ware, the writer, states
that both Nick & NATALIE are vampires, for instance.)  But our
Jamie at least gets the last word.    :)

If anyone is interested in writing to the magazine, they can be
reached at:

e-mail:        mailguy@m.......

Tiny, the IU Mail Guy
1920 Highland Ave., Ste. 222
Lombard, IL  60148

fax:     708-916-7227

Oh, yeah--the article was called "The Immaculate Reception."

Hoping someone finds this post useful,

Idalia Kakesako      <NPYF15B@p.......>
digest-ed Light Cousin with NatPack sympathies


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 20:28:08 -0700
From:    Dee Davidson <dmd@a.......>
Subject: Ger's pic on the poll results

Ok, I've been discussing Ger's pic with some friends on IRC and I went back
to take another look at, well, I got to thinking that it looked more like
Greg Evigan than Ger(man, did they get grossed out:)) I could be wrong, but
I can't help but think it just doesn't look like him at all.

Just my $.02 worth:)

Dee * Cousin * Valentine * TEDT *
dmd@a....... http://www.aracnet.com/~dmd/

"If you think I tormented you in the past my little friends, wait
until you see what I do with you now!"  Q


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 23:41:58 +0000
From:    Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......>
Subject: Re: People Poll--final results

On 30 Apr 96 at 20:33, We Two wrote:

> I understand everyone's concern, but *hopefully* Ger's people would have
> given them a better picture than that. If they did, he seriously needs to
> get new publicists.

Well, I WAS thinking in terms of Ger and Co. not taking the whole
thing particularly seriously...intentionally making a joke of it...

Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., http://www.tiac.net/users/ktobin)
Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess
Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me
and/or visit: http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 23:48:00 -0700
From:    Robin Carroll-Mann <harper@t.......>
Subject: Nick and pasta

Nancy Fralic said:
>Potatoes and tomatoes were not brought to Europe for more than 2
>centuries after he was brought across and Marco Polo had not arrived
>with pasta either.  Their flavors and textures would be completely
>foreign to him.

Just one correction, as medieval cooking is kinda a hobby of mine.  Marco
Polo did not introduce pasta to Europe, though I believe he did bring
back some type of pasta made from unusual ingredients.  According to one
culinary historian, pasta was known in Sicily by the 11th century, and
was commercially sold in several forms by the 14th.  Recipes containing
pasta are in a Bagdad cookbook written in 1226.  (Messer Marco returned
to Venice in 1295.  So, since Nick was a crusader, he may well have
enjoyed pasta before coming across.  (Not with tomato sauce, of course.)

Pendantically yours, <g>

Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann
harper@t....... OR rcmann@delphi.com
"Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 21:58:28 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: Why french fries and not tea

At 10:01 PM 4/30/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>a vampire ingests fresh human blood via canine/fangs~
>>so does the blood go right to the stomach or does it
>>immediately circulate and refresh the vampire?
>>if blood via fangs does NOT go directly to the stomach
>The only reason for the fangs is they are sharp enough to tear the skin so
>that the vampire can suck the blood down. The stomache then acts as a pump
>to send the blood to the heart, which for a little while, beats as normal.

but how's that, if the stomach has no direct connection to the heart?
[yes, i've taken too much human anatomy; it's gone to my head!]
it would make more sense if the fangs were hollow......

~mad hatter <cli7@s.......>
*       *       *
We dance around in a ring & suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle & knows. --robert frost
*       *       *


Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 00:01:27 -0400
From:    Hugo Trepanier <pio@m.......>
Subject: Re: NetRatings for Forever Knight

Damn!  I lost Jeff's e-mail address so I can't "vote" for the fk episode
rating. Thanks to Nancy, I now have the tapes for the episodes that I
missed... but now I want to rate them!  Help please.

BTW, just so that you can all live a happier life, let it be know that I am
now on digest...  I haven't read anything since a couple of days...  This
feels really weird.  So reply to me personnally... thanks.

Hugo Trepanier, pio@m.......
"Don't ask what you you can do for your country
 Ask what your country can do for you!"
            - Take No Prisoners, Megadeth


Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 00:10:14 -0400
From:    Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......>
Subject: Re: Why half the cast left

It's . . . it's so sad to find all this stuff out.  It seems to me like the
producers sort of shot themselves in the foot.

NAT!!!  (One Sad Raven)


Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 00:10:20 -0400
From:    Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......>
Subject: Re: Jane Doe Tapes (No Spoiler)

>I'd be glad to copy them for you, but I have to borrow another VCR to do it.

I do have a fairly portable VCR that might work.  I also have access to my
parents' VCR. Let me think about this one for a while.

By the way, what's "Nth" generation (like gazillionth generation?)?


NAT!!!  (Generational Raven)


Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 01:44:27 -0400
From:    "Carolyn P. McLelan" <cmclelan@f.......>
Subject: ATV & FK

Just for one bright note, I talked to "Tracey" in Programming at ATV, she
said Forever Knight would be on, any time that it wasn't pre-empted by a
sports event.  Apparently they got too much flak when they showed part

However, they have bought into all three years (they just finished showing
year 1 and are starting year 2), and that it has very good ratings and
they are expecting very good things from it.

Please show our appreciation to Tracey, (who doesn't have direct e-mail
access) through mail addressed through the ATV web site to:  c/o Tracey
at Programming at http://www.atcon.com/media/atv/

It may only be a smaller station in relation to some of the bigger
American stations, but, a station serving the 4 Atlantic Canadian
provinces should throw a little weight around.

Let's make sure they know we are there!!

Carolyn P. McLelan

Check out the campaign to save Forever Knight at:
The Mother of Invention *had* to be a Single Mother!


Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 00:37:38 -0400
From:    Jennie Hayes <Finabair@a.......>
Subject: Quotelist - "Taming of the Shrew" (short version)

OK, only 100 lines of quote!  I'm not sure how I did it, I started out
with something like 300 lines.  If you'd like *all* of the quotes,
e-me at jmhaye@s....... and I'll send 'em along when I have
time!  (last I heard, quotelists were supposed to be no more than 100
lines long.  I've kinda been out of it for awhile, tho, so if that's
changed, mea culpa!)  Without further ado:

~ "Taming of the Shrew" Quotelist ~ unattributed, of course!

I'm not here to have fun.  I'm here to see Ger.
It's not how big it is, it's how clean you get your teeth.
What are you writing?  A book?  --No, a quotelist.
Oh, Vicky's got a great seat! --Oh, Vicky's got an
  interesting seat! --Oh, Vicky's in the play!
Oh, I could eat a Vachon.  Ewww.  I'm not hungry anymore.
Oh, someone's getting flowers.  I wonder what he did wrong.
I'll share your concern and raise you a worry. --I'll see your
  worry and raise you an angst.  --Why are we angsting?
They've gotta get up at the crack of dawn...and whip themselves
  with beads.  --Jamie was doing that this morning.
It was like a live blooper reel.
She seems to think that wrinkles can be taken off and eaten.
I mean, you guys are attracted to tin foil.
I'm in a macaque sandwich.
People who decompose help the environment.
Ooh, look!  Elephant butts.  --Don't change the subject.
That's a herd reaction. They must've seen someone as a threat.
   --Wonder who?
Quick, catch up to Susan - there might be quotes happening!
Natpackers play and help the environment at the same time.
We need Ger here.  He could talk the stripes off them and we'd have
  naked zebras!
Dust in the wind - Where's Adrian Paul?
Yes, by all means, let's sing to the lemurs.  What kind of song do you
  serenade them with?   --Lemuricks...
It says 'bock'.  It's either a deer or a beer...
Vanishing animals.  That's why we can't find them.
The view from the top - is this like having a mirrored ceiling?
Oh, and an aroma differential as well.
Mandrills discover fire.  They're starting to evolve before our eyes.
Look, an exotic African mop.  And, an exotic African bucket.
Backed into a corner by a screaming hug!
I started grabbing your feet at 8:00 then I engaged you in a conversation.
Natpack Navigation:  Let's go this way - we've never been there before.
I had a beer, The Guy got down on his knees, and I had chicken.
It's not the size, it's what you do with it. --We wrote 'Natpack' on it.
Sudden onset of raindrops...or bugs. --Waterbugs.
Jamie, why are you wearing turtlenecks? Afraid of vampires?
  -- No, just my faction.
Aargh!...It's okay, I'm fine. --Must be Natpack.
It's not British Columbia, it's a Volkswagon. --Silly me.
Let us in or you get the Natpack for the ride home.  Boy, will you be
We've got rubbing, handholding, and now we've got moaning. --Sounds
  like JADFE. --Now she's whimpering. --Definitely JADFE.
His hair is as unruly as his personality.
I think the ambience police just cracked down on someone in back.
Though we're all here, we're not all there. That's like the anthem
  for this weekend.
It's clean Canadian trash, you don't need gloves.
Cowabungee!  --Mooo. Whee! Mooo. Whee!
Can't you just see Janette driving and Natalie navigating?
I can't handle all this conversation.  I just saw Skinner in bed!
We're getting harmonizing moans over there?
Scream on.  Scream off.
Skinner's Lips of Death.
It's not the huddle of pain, this is the chorus line of pain.
None of this is even slightly affected by the fact that we've all had
Dignity left with sweetness and light. --They went out for beer.
  --We've just had major sinus cleaning.
The Natpack leading the Natpack.  It'll cost millions of dollars &
 thousands of lives, but they'll have a good quotelist when they get
I'll blow dry my hair again.  I'll stand in a wind tunnel.
Bad brows!  Go home!  No cookie.
Ooooh, Nick vision.  It's been awhile.
Somebody just shoot the makeup people, please?
I'll just hide here in the blue light...
I had a line tonight.  They're gonna have to start paying me!
Yes!  I knew we had a bigger something.
Betsy, I'm watching angel-action here.   Thank you.
See, if it had been Sharon your flesh would have been forcefully
  ripped from your body by the beams from her eyes.
She wants to make her mark on Toronto.  SPLAT!
We need a dead body to get inside.
Tag team Tranio.
I'm not a good girl, I'm wearing a wonder bra.
Don't say, "I can get him to sign this" and then open your coat!
Where else do you get to lift a skirt over a girl's head and get paid?
Oh, Vachons!  Oh my, they're big!
You know there's gonna be angel shit when there's glowing light.
Oh good, our graffiti is still here.  Except that it's a little gone.
I see nodding heads, OK.  --Oh, come on, it's the Natpack.  That could
  mean anything.  --It could just be a group bounce.
We're like Landru.  We just absorb.  --I thought that was Pepto Bismol.
You're supposed to follow from behind, not from the side.
Come back so you can tell them where to go.  God knows they're ready
  to tell me where to go.
A Vachon is like a big ding-dong.
I like it here in Toronto 'cuz all the young men smile atthe old women.
It's a religion with an open-bar policy.
Any bat within a 40-mile radius was hittin' glass like crazy.
I commit quote, I commit fiction, I should just be committed.
I'm a cheap drunk, it's just that I don't show it.  It never affects
  the brain.   --No, it's just that you can't tell the difference.
That's the Natpack.  Always clinging to dumb animals.
Wow, you can make this elevator eat your friends! --As opposed to
  just watching...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oO0Oo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jennie Hayes -  finabair@a.......  -  jmhaye@s.......
**** Natpack ****  MCotCoS  ****  Game of Gopher, anyone?  ****
***Which way did they go?  I must find them, for I am their leader.***


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 23:53:07 -0500
From:    Jewels <jbaldwin@f.......>
Subject: If not at Syndicon W, Ignore (Long)

Please allow me to preface with this: I painfully regret sending a
message out to more than one list. However, as I was not at Syndicon
West, I do not know to whom I should directly address this, or to which
list(s) they might subscribe. I willingly accept whatever consequences
are appropriate. Rest assured, I will not do it again.

This message is for all listmembers who were present at the con and met
my baby twin, Christian. Feel free to hit delete at any time, I will
probably be a bit emotional.

Hello gorgeous.
I wanted to apologize as necessary for my sister's coarse behavior and
to thank you for your kindness. She told me that she was a complete
a**hole to almost everyone, almost all of the time. She said that if the
family were present, we would never live down the shame.  Immediately, I
knew what she meant, and hoped to offer an explanation.

She probably seemed aloof. In truth, she was painfully shy. She said
that while in the presence of Mr. B., she could hardly stand to look at
him. That his presence devoured the room more fully than any
Valiere or Moore (Baton Rouge old society).  Which astonished me,
actually, as she was not unused to the company of local performing
artists. In any case, she said that she dragged a con photographer from
the party to escape unscathed.

Everyone, save the President of Mr. B's fan club, was in her perception,
an angel. She quickly chimed in with Mama's old saying, "only the
fragile among us are cruel. It takes great strength to be beautiful to
everyone." (Mama equates beauty with warmth and generosity of spirit,
not the physical.) I asked her if perhaps "cruel" was too strong a word
to describe the woman she encountered. She said, "yes, distracted

She said that she was unable to spend much time getting to know any of
you, as the hotel only allowed her to smoke outdoors, in the bar, and in
her room.

She was afraid that she was perceived as an alcoholic, because she was
the only woman at the party drinking.  I asked her how much she had.   I
was stiffly informed that she had a beer, and some champagne from the
bottle at the party. I laughed and told her that unless she was tripping
over feet, not to worry. (In the Coonass tradition, we were sipping J.D.
and cokes before the training wheels were off.)

She also admitted that she was accused of being an Australian, as her
accent ebbed and flowed. I said, "Darling, (pron. Darlin'), unless they
were from this part of the world, they probably don't hear many
Louisiana-altered-by-many-years-in-Metro Houston accents."

She said that when Tara asked, before the party, for suggestions on what
to write on Mr. B's card, she replied, "I'd like to thank your mother
for a butt like that. Love, Tara." I reminded her that she had never
seen Mr. B or his butt in her entire. Nevertheless, at the time she felt
it was appropriate.

I am sorry that this thank you note is late in coming, but, you see, on
the night of her return, my baby twin took her own life. The
conversation I've recounted was our last.  In light of this, and her
just-completed time with you, I wanted you to understand her.  I never
want her to be remembered, not even vaguely, as less than she was.  She
was my twin, and I loved her.  She is the third sister that I have lost
since November. (There were six of us.)  She was the gentlest, the
softest of us. She mourned the loss of the South of her birth to the
present one. She loved peonies and the sea. She was an afficionado,
no, an artist of snail mail. She liked you all very much.



Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 00:53:40 -0400
From:    Eileen Salmas <ESalmas@a.......>
Subject: Ger's Upcoming Roles

Could some kind soul please post me the names of the Showtime and (I think it
was) USA movies/episodes that Ger will be appearing in? I may be able to get
screener tapes on them if I can remember the titles. Thanks?

Eileen Salmas


Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 01:18:38 EDT
From:    "Nigel M. Bennett" <102371.674@c.......>
Subject: Fan Q awards

        It is extremely flattering to hear that I have been nominated for an
award. However, I don't for the life of me know what for. I have never
collaborated with Denyse Bridger on any project in the past, and do not intend
to in the future.
        Just to make sure that everyone knows the real situation.


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 23:30:04 -0700
From:    Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......>
Subject: Re: If not at Syndicon W- In Sympathy

> Jewel wrote
> This message is for all listmembers who were present at the con and
> met my baby twin, Christian.
> the night of her return, my baby twin took her own life.  She
> was my twin, and I loved her.  She is the third sister that I have lost
> since November. (There were six of us.)  She was the gentlest

I truly don't know what to say at this moment, I'm still stunned by the
news. I will try to share some of my memories of Christian...

I met Christian at the FK party Tara and I held at SyndiCon, I found her
charming and funny. I admired her spirit in attending a convention for
the first time at the behest of her sister, not knowing what to expect.
She was the perfect guest, I liked her a great deal in the short time I
had with her. She was not drunk nor was she aloof, and she certainly was
not the only one who felt too shy to interact with Mr. Bennett. The only
thing that kept me from running for the closet was Tara prodding me
along thru the night, if only I had known how she felt I would have
tried to be moral support for her. I remember looking for Christian over
the weekend but never seeing her. I truly regret that I never had, and
now never will get the chance to know her a little better. I only wish I
had known how troubled she was, I would have tried to help. That night,
for me, was a highlight in my life, I shall now never be able to look
back on it without sadness. I am so sorry for your loss Jewel, I wish I
was able to express my sorrow more eloquently, but I am unable. I will
leave that for others, only know that my prayers are with you and your



Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 05:11:59 -0500
From:    "[Heather Poinsett]" <HEP2708@a.......>
Subject: ykybfhb...

you know your boyfriend has been watching too much fk when you tell him about
your green drink (it's something my alternative medicine friend told me about
you take about 2 quarts of water and a handful of parsley leaves.   You blend
it together and you have a chlorophyll water drink.  My friend Elaine called
it plant blood--because it's supposed to build up your own blood.  It's pretty
tasty stuff too).

Anyway Chris and I were watching Dead of Night and I was trying to get him to
try the green drink.  He accused me of being a plant vampire and trying to
bring him across ... :)

Also one of the waitpersons at outback steakhouse called me that and the green
drink girl after seeing me with it there.  Three bartenders kept stopping by
to ask what it was....

Sorry I'll stop rambling now... :0

Heather *Misty-Eyed Adventuress*  and the Green-Drink Girl


Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 06:59:35 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: <No subject given>

Date: 1 May 1996, 06:57:21 EDT
To:   forkni at psuvm.psu.edu
Subject: People Poll
I just picked up People Magazine.  None of our people are listed
in the 50 most beautiful people section.
Today, we mourn.


Date:    Wed, 1 May 1996 06:52:21 -0400
From:    Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Fiction Sites

On Apr 30, 1996 19:08:50, '"Cynthia J. Hoffman"
<choff@v.......>' wrote:

>(ftp.cac.psu.edu/pub/people/lms5), though the last time I was there, it
>>was not as inclusive as the web site.

>I maintain and update the ftp fiction site, and while there are
>gaps and it's not as sexy as the web page because it's not "linked"
>using html, it's MORE current than the web page ...

Some people are easily intimidated and/or don't know what to do with an
address that doesn't begin with "http://"...

Using Netscape, at least, you can browse your way into ftp.  Try:


Put this URL into your browser as if it were a "regular" http:// address.

You'll find yourself with a screen listing all sorts of subdirectories,
each with the name of an author or challenge.  Click on the folder to get
in, or click on "Back to Higher Directory" to go back to whence you came.

(These directions presume you're using a mouse, naturally)

Hope this helps.

        - Jamie M.R. <immajer@p.......> -
          - Assistant Listowner, FORKNI-L -
      - NatPack, ConvCos, Ace-ist in RoadMode -
 - Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies -
List Rules - http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/FK/FKRules.html


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Apr 1996 to 1 May 1996 - Special issue

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