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Digest - 30 Apr 1996

Tue, 30 Apr 1996

There are 15 messages totalling 428 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Party?
  3. new on the list (2)
  4. That poll
  5. Why french fries and not tea (2)
  6. FK in Boston
  7. Why half the cast left
  8. People Poll--final results
  9. Jane Doe Tapes (No Spoiler)
 10. 2 ways to kill time and learn more about yourself....
 11. Geraint on Sci-Fi in something OTHER than FK...
 12. Fan Q Ballot for FK are out!
 13. Shrew: a bit on costumes


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 11:44:15 EDT
From:    SHIRL CLINE <VUYX56A@p.......>
Subject: Party?

     I'm sorry to bug the whole list with this, but I don't know any
other way to find out.
     Okay, is there going to be a party in the Maryland area the
weekend of Syndi-con East? I heard a bit of talk that there was, but
nothing definite. I'm not going to the con, for various reasons,
including fiscal and logistical, but I'd love to try and get to a
party. Particularly since I couldn't make it to the Virginia one. As I
said on SKL:

I'll bake cookies to bring! Chocolate chip and Oatmeal Raisin! I'd even
try and make some other kind if there are special requests! Am I
tempting anybody? <hopeful
look> 'Course then I'd still need to work out the whole ride
thing...<bats eyelashes in an attempt to look cute and needy> :)

     So take pity on this poor Cousin and let me know. :) My e-mail
address is below.

Cousin Shirl <vuyx56a@p.......> A-Negative FoFoD, SKLer
//"Heard a lot of talk about my spirit, heard a lot of talk about my
soul, But I decided that anxiety and pain were better friends, so I let
it go..."--Operation Spirit by Live//


Date:    Sat, 6 Jan 1996 11:11:36 -0500
From:    Chana Rossman <bonney@i.......>

You Know You've Been Watching to Much FK When...
You see a news story about a new FDA approved hunger suppressant wonder-drug
the FDA has just approved and you wonder if Nat has tested yet on Nick.

BTW, on a non-FK related topic...
Did anyone else recently receive unsolicied e-mail called "Good Advice" trying
 to sell
some sort of business services?  I'm just curious where the individual managed
 to pull
my name.  If you got the same message, please let me know.  (Private e-mail,
 off-list --
so we don't get in trouble!)



Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:15:27 -0400
From:    sylvie <quinn@m.......>
Subject: new on the list

> I have joined the list about a week ago, so thought I would wait and find
>out what is going on before writting.
>I have been a fan of the show ever since it premiered on cbs late night.My
>favorite is Nick...big surprise, tho I find that there are quite a few
>Lacroix fans out there! But this year I have enjoy the new guy also, I love
>Vachon, but we did not get to see a whole lot of him...maybe with the last 4
>I do not understand why USA picked up FK just to kill it a few months later,
>guess there is no chance that sci-fi would bring it back...new episodes I
>Here in Quebec, we do not have USA, so I got to watch it on Fox, none of the
>Canadian stations that I get bought it.
>As for Janette...the french name would be Jeannette,by the way, I`m french
>so if you need any info...go ahead and ask!
>Well, that is it for the first time, nice talking with you all.
>ps is there a blooper tape ? and where can I get it ??Thanks for helping....


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:26:40 -0400
From:    Linda Simon <lsimon@h.......>
Subject: That poll

On my PC with Netscape, it came up with a slightly different address:

Good luck.
Linda Simon
NatPacker and chocolatiere
"I know you're just a figment of my imagination, but stop sneaking up on
me." Nat, DoN


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:34:39 -0400
From:    Nancy Fralic <fralic@m.......>
Subject: Re: Why french fries and not tea

On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Christine Hawkins wrote:
> As for french fries - they're finger food.  Even if they aren't familiar to
> Nick, the method of eating them is - which probably explains why he keeps
> choosing them when he forays into mortal cuisine.   :-)

That's a really good point, since when he ate mortal food he would have
used a spoon, dagger, or fingers.

My questioning of his choices had to do more with his difficulty in
eating anything.  When he does try to eat, you would think he would try
something familiar ... or bloody! ;)  Example: I've certainly watched a
lot of people eating sushi - but have never been able to swallow any myself.
Nick may have seen a wide variety of foods eaten across continents and
through centuries, but if most food gags him...?  Maybe the answer is
that the _thought_ of what's familiar gags him and he tries the
unfamiliar as a way to get past that!?

Also, on someone else's comment, if uncooked blood is not appetizing to
us, why would the smell of cooked food be appetizing to a vampire?  I
would not think that Nick would be tempted under normal circumstances to
taste mortal food based on smell.

Nancy Fralic


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:45:52 -0400
From:    Amy Volpert <avolpert@a.......>
Subject: FK in Boston

Could anyone who knows what happened to FK Sunday night on Channel 25
please privately e-mail me?  I had my vcr set and all I got was a Hunter
episode sandwiched between two talk shows.



ObFK - My favorite line from the CD: "Start the masquerade without me."


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 12:58:12 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: Why half the cast left

At 11:28 AM 4/30/96 EDT, you wrote:
>John Kapelos's contract was up and he wanted to move on. I've also heard
>that he wanted more of a raise than they were willing to give him. It's
>not true that USA wanted him out.
>Deb was justifiably insulted when they tried to reduce her contract from
>regular to recurring. They had broken her contract by doing so, and she
>refused to come back under their terms.

oh! so sad! i loved those characters, too!

>I've heard that USA wanted Natsuko Ohama out and that she was frustrated
>with the one-note role she was given. Anyway, it's my understanding
>that she wasn't asked back and didn't really want to come back.
>Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
>Lisa McDavid

now *that* bites. an asian as a police capn., something for me to
remotely identify with~
>sigh<  it's highly annoying when any series replaces half its characters--
OR in movie sequences...
44 high today; why do i like the midwest?
*       *       *
"life is like the gene pool; discombobulation is inevitable,
some chaos is necessary." -mad hat <cli7@s.......>
*       *       *


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:01:36 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: new on the list

At 01:15 PM 4/30/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Here in Quebec, we do not have USA, so I got to watch it on Fox, none of the
>Canadian stations that I get bought it.
>As for Janette...the french name would be Jeannette,by the way, I`m french
>so if you need any info...go ahead and ask!


ah HA!
how about~
the phonetic reduction of Ger's entire name?

-mad hat

~mad hatter <cli7@s.......>
*       *       *
We dance around in a ring & suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle & knows. --robert frost
*       *       *


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 12:27:18 -0700
From:    Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......>
Subject: Re: People Poll--final results

Hi Karen,
I went to people online and didn't see his name or his picture. Where is
it, please?

Raissa Devereux


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:13:52 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: Why french fries and not tea

renewed quickie:

a vampire ingests fresh human blood via canine/fangs~
so does the blood go right to the stomach or does it
immediately circulate and refresh the vampire?
if blood via fangs does NOT go directly to the stomach
[i really can't imagine how it would anyway], then what
is with Nick drinking steer's blood out of a wine glass?
that is~
it either doesn't matter [most logical course] or it's
the same thing, whatever--
because if Nick "digests" the steer's blood by drinking it
[assuming he still has enzymes/HCl in his gut] wouldn't
it be a completely different way of ingesting blood than
normal--via fang [assuming that *doesn't* go to his gut]?
just a very disjointed thought~


nor the twitching burn of day
that may cere this life away
could undo this rainy night
eternal death wrought from life
*       *       *
"life is like the gene pool; discombobulation is inevitable,
some chaos is necessary." -mad hat <cli7@s.......>
*       *       *


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:01:04 -0500
From:    Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......>
Subject: Re: Jane Doe Tapes (No Spoiler)

Hello again, Nat.

>Can anyone tape them for me?  How much would it cost to pay for tapes and
>postage?  Maybe I can do an installment plan <g>?

I have Nth generation copies of season one and pretty good ones of season
two that Sarah Chodrow (our Last Knight hostess) made for me. I'd be glad
to copy them for you, but I have to borrow another VCR to do it. I suggest
you talk to Sarah at the party. I just bought the blank tapes and gave them
to her, and she made copies for me.



Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:46:17 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: 2 ways to kill time and learn more about yourself....

albeit perhaps a bit inaccurate, but that's okay
if you want to kill time, right?
also for people who love filling out surveys about

[your learning style]

[your personality type]

in some cases the questions are too general and
ambiguous, as are some possible answers [radio-button
type], but oh well....


~mad hatter <cli7@s.......>
*       *       *
We dance around in a ring & suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle & knows. --robert frost
*       *       *


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:56:15 -0500
From:    Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......>
Subject: Geraint on Sci-Fi in something OTHER than FK...

>X-POP3-Rcpt: mickey@r.......
>Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:51:46 -0400 (EDT)
>From: The Dominion Feedback <feedback@s.......>
>X-Sender: feedback@u.......
>To: mickey@c.......
>Subject: Geraint on Sci-Fi in something OTHER than FK...
>I was plowing through the Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode guide and I
>noticed that Geraint Wyn Davies stars in the episode entitled "Reunion."
>While we haven't scheduled June and July yet, I would anticipate that
>this episode will next air on Sci-Fi in the first week in July.  If you
>check in on our website in early June, we should have the July schedule
>up by then.
>Just thought I'd let you know.
>- Sean


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 16:08:15 -0400
From:    "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......>
Subject: Fan Q Ballot for FK are out!

Ballots are available for the 1995 Fan Quality Awards, but you can still
vote even if you didn't get to nominate your favorite Forever Knight fiction
published in a fanzine during 1995.

Deadline for Ballots is May 22, 1996!

You will automatically receive a ballot if you sent in a nomination for this
year's awards.  If you did not nominate for this year's awards, to receive a
ballot send --

* 2 - legal size(long) self, addressed, stamped envelopes
* 1 - 3 X 5 card with your name, address, phone # and signature
* $1.00 (if you are not a member of MediaWest*Con and you haven't submitted
your $1.00 with a previous nomination)

To: Susan L. Cooper, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, XX 00000

Fan Q Nominations


Prelude to Eternity - Nigel Bennett & Denyse Bridger; published in
             Knight's Past - Editor Denyse Bridger, Publisher Bill Hupe
Justice, Being Blind - Susan M. Garrett, Published in Forever Net 4 -
             Editor/Publisher Valery King
The Taste of Angels - T. Beaty; published in Remote Control 5 -
             Editor/Publisher Kathryn Agel
EverAfter - Susan M. Garrett, published in Daydreams & Knightmares -
             Editor/Publisher Susan M. Garrett

Forever Net 4 - Editor/Publisher Valery King
Daydreams & Knightmares - Editor/Publisher Susan M. Garrett

Stand Alone Zine-Gen

The Bargain - Christine Hunt; Editor/Publisher Christine Hunt
A Little Knight Music - Judith Wilson; Editor/Publisher Susan M. Garrett
Lizards in the Grass - Karen Miller; Editor Mary G T Webber -
             Publisher Susan M. Garrett
Kind Soul - Susan M. Garrett; Editor/Publisher Susan M. Garrett


Bea Lawlor
Ann Larimer

If you'd like a copy of the Forever Knight section of the ballot, the note I
recived with the ballot says that the ballot form CAN be photocopied.  If
you'd like a photocopy of the ballot and intend to vote, please drop e-mail
to my address and I'll get it out to you ASAP.

By the way, the ballot is smaller than usual this year, but we still managed
to get FK on (Highlander, for example, isn't represented except in the
honorable mentions!).  So y'all did a great job supporting Forver Knight in
the Fan Q's this year.  Great job!

susang@v....... -- http://www.vitinc.com/~susang
Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to.
Discover the power of Forever Knight at


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:09:11 PST
From:    June Russell <Kat@g.......>
Subject: Re: Shrew: a bit on costumes

Allison wrote:
:We thought we'd see Ger in tights.  We got something better than tights!

So what part/parts did he play?

What did his hair look like (long, flyaway, short, sideburns, etc.)? (After
all, we've been wondering why he's had the awful sideburns and need-a-comb
hair for a while.)


Kat ( June Russell )
pacifier.com!grendal!kat    kat@g.......
Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat!


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Apr 1996

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