File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604B" Part 18 TOPICS: Decapitation vs. squooshing (was: Re: Stuff) (3) BMW (was Roses) (2) BRazil turns to cow blood to fight... Janette's past (was Literacy) Janette's nationality Decapitation vs. squooshing Carrying on the family Literacy? (2) FORKNI-L Digest - 11 Apr 1996 to 12 Apr 1996 - Special issue Another stupid newbie question (5) Bad Images ykybotltlw... Oops! Nick & LaCroix faction name Th' CD -- A Fiasco FORKNI-L Digest - 11 Apr 1996 - Special issue Nick's book collection Potential Faction Names/Harmonious (2) literacy (2) Kissing/BMV ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 07:40:40 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Decapitation vs. squooshing (was: Re: Stuff) At 01:39 AM 4/12/96 -0400, Jamie wrote: > In any case, I maintain that being squooshed is STILL not decapitation, and >need not -- necessarily -- cause death. > > Everytime I read "squoosed" I break out laughing. It just sounds so funny. I just picture Nick hitting the ground and spreading out about 10 feet in all directions, jumping up and saying "Look Ma, I'm roadkill". (Oh, the pain, the pain....) Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 13:51:10 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......> Subject: Re: BMW (was Roses) TJ first quoted someone else, then wrote: > As the list's only declared Fleur-Booster (yes: I like BMV and I'm >willing to say so in public) I feel compelled to be really pedantic about Va> I wasn't aware there was a general feeling against the episode. Is Va> there? I loved it too, and I'm also willing to say so. Me too! I think BMV is one of the best episodes. I liked seeing Uncle in a new light, and that episode certainly explained a few things about his behaviour over the years, non? I don't want to get into the 'was she whammied or drugged' debate (I didn't hear any heartbeat sounds like they use whenever a vamp whammies someone) but the scene where LaCroix tells Nick to bring Natalie over was a really hot scene IMNSHO, and I just about had to be hosed down after seeing it! It's a really well-written episode. Actually, when LNMTA aired, some people made comments about how Diane Cary wrote it, and of course, being the producers wife, she could get away with writing stuff like that. Well, she also wrote BMV, and I think the writing in BMV was excellent. - Marina. (Still having flashbacks to Diane Cary in "V".) (My brother came in while I was watching "Dead Air" and yelled, "Hey, that's Harmony!") (Funny how we remember people.) (This is not part of my sig.) (I picked up the parenthesis infection from the Highlander list.) (See?) \\ "And tell me if you want to catch that feeling of redemption; // // That feeling of redemption don't do much for me." - Tanita Tikaram \\ \\======Marina Bailey========tmar@f.......=======Dark Knightie======// ... Janeway never wore green tights & frolicked about in Sherwood Forest. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 07:58:05 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: BRazil turns to cow blood to fight... Don't get me started on proteins and amino acids and muscular development and the result of starvation on the body...I could tell you more than you'd care to know... Tanya ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:08:17 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Janette's past (was Literacy) Cynthia R Ratajczak wrote: > that Janette was "of noble blood" and that her husband sold her to the > brothel because she did not produce the son that he wanted. If her > family was of minor nobility, like the deBrabants (although she lived 200 > years earlier), then she may have learned to read. This is not precisely so. LaCroix said to her, "Daviaud tells me you are of noble blood." Janette replied, "I can be anything you want me to be." The second part comes from the present day scene in Nick's loft where she is trying to get Nick's help for Celeste. "Back then a woman belong to her father until she was married, then to her husband, to be passed along to a servant or sold to a brothel if she failed to produce an heir." Her friend in the flashback has a line about it's being ironic that her (the friend's husband) kicked her out because she couldn't conceive a child, and now Daviaud will do the same thing because she did. Janette also had a line about a woman's being in the way of another marriage. Neither situation was either normal or legal (although either could have happened). My guess is that in both cases the husband contrived the same situation and then had a clever canon lawyer use it as grounds for an anullment. But nobody said that Janette herself was sold by a husband, and imho LaCroix's phrasing doesn't imply that Janette herself is a noblewoman. In fact, the implication is that she wasn't -- because a legitimate noblewoman's father or brother or male relatives would have killed a husband who did anything of the kind. Having a relative in a brothel would have been a stain on *their* honor, you see. I've always thought she must have been the illegitimate daughter of a nobleman. Either her father's heir sold her into prostituition because they didn't want either the expense of maintaining her or the expense of dowering her admission to a convent. Another possibility is that her father was about to take a second wife who didn't want the child of a previous liaison in the household. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:23:24 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Janette's nationality > However, I have one question. That episode mentioned that if Janette > had been able to have a child, "she'd be living in England." Why would > she be living in England if she was French? If she married foreign No, that was Janette's friend in the flashback. She may have been an Englishwoman. All we know is that the time was the 11th c. If is was after 1066, the date of the Norman Conquest, there would have been nothing at all about a Frenchman and his wife's living in England. Even before the Conquest, Normans and their families weren't unusual in English towns. Since the friend appeared to speak French as a regular language, my guess would be that the time is the late 11th c. Janette herself is probably French. Her name is absolutely impossible for an Englishwoman born before 1066 and unlikely for the 42 years of the century afterwards. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:26:58 +0100 From: "Kennedy, Jean" <jkennedy@m.......> Subject: Re: Decapitation vs. squooshing I'm on digest, so if this has been answered dozens of times already, forgive me: >> Wait a minute. Do we even have series canon on decapitation, or is >> that a historical thing? Because as we all know, 'traditional' >> vampire lore has little to no bearing on the world of FK -- and then, >> inconsistently. In 'Dark Knight,' LaCroix tells Nick all the ways a vampire can be exterminated. He specifically mentions decaptitation, and even attempts a demonstration on Nick. Cousin Jean <jkennedy@t.......> "Would that she were a less annoying woman." - LaCroix ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:31:15 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Carrying on the family Someone asked what the rank of Fleur's children would be if she were in fact the daughter of the Duke of Brabant by a second marriage. That answer is the same all over Europe. Children take the rank of their father. Remember how Princess Anne's children don't have titles because their father was never given one? It's the same principle. Princess Margaret's children have titles because their father was given an earldom. The situation would be the same with Fleur. Who her children were, would depend on who she married. Is anyone in a position to check on what would have happened in Brabant if the Duke's sons (I'm assuming no inheritance in the female line, which was usual on the Continent) by the first wife all died before him, leaving no sons of their own? There must be a story behind a law like that. I wish I knew what it was. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 09:11:20 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Literacy? Does the ep STF count. Didn't Nick say to Nat re Emily Weiss that he had read her BOOKS. When talking to Emily he stated that her books had power and passion. Not the remarks of someone unaquainted with books. Also, in STF we see Nick reading with The Denied in his lap and a goblet of blood at his elbow. As far as whether he was literate before being brought across, I'd have to say that if Fleur could read, so could he. I have a hard time believing his family would educate a daughter and not a son. BTW, in QoH, Lord Delabar admonishes Nick for asking too many question that reqired complicated answers. "A bad practice." Seems our boy was always a deep thinker. Perhaps his education included philosophy and rhetoric. Maybe he was just curious. Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:42:34 +0200 From: Katrinka <STUKENDALCA@m.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 11 Apr 1996 to 12 Apr 1996 - Special issue I've always wondered about Janette and her background. In that ep (sue me I've forgotten the name) where she is brought over, she says with some bitterness about foreign wives that are cast off by nobelmen and end up prostitues. I asked my francophile uncle about that line, and here's what he said. "It was common for all the nobel houses of france (even the lesser houses) to marry foreign wives and change their names. Marie Anotinette was really Maria Antonia in austria. Then if the political scene changed, or the husband's family didn't get all of the the dowery promised, they would sell the wife into prositution. Perhaps Janette was originally from one of the small states in eastern europe, they had revolutions all the time, and it would be quite possible that her dowery would have never been sent." I think that perhaps Janette was hungarian or romanian, just look at the way she calls Nick Nickolah. Defintly not french. Yes she spoke french without an accent, but at the time most courts in europe spoke french instead of the native language. king john of england who everyone has mentioned was not english, would have been insulted to be called english was the head of the anguvian empire, which england was considered one of the lesser members. Also, it wasn't uncomon for minor nobels at the time to learn how to read, most countries had discompsetions from crimes for those that could read. What was uncommon was a nobelman that could *write* on a completly different subject, the club that i belong to in okc will be having a minicon on the twentith. If you want info e-mail me. There is also a pros e-mail libary, e-mail me about that if anyone wants info. Also, Pat Elrod will be at the california con this weekend with nigel, they will be reading from their new book. katrinka ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 09:55:03 -0400 From: Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......> Subject: Re: Another stupid newbie question Hi! First of all, there is really no such thing as a stupid question, especially when you have tons of people willing and waiting to answer it. Also, all of us were newbies at some time or another (I probably still am), so we know what it's like! :) > but how did Nick and Natalie > meet, and how did he come to get a job as a cop? I'm assuming Natalie had > something to do with it, but I could be wrong In OtL (1st season?), Nat has a flashback to a previous birthday where she ended up working and guess what got plopped on her examining table as a present? You guessed it-Nick in a body bag. Apparently he was trying to help out in some way (memory fading a bit here) and someone tossed him a bomb or grenade or something "for his trouble." Nick vamped out at Nat, drank a bag of blood that was laying around, Nat became fascinated by him, offered to help him overcome vampirism, and presumably helped him (or at least aimed him in the right direction) to get a job on the force. We saw in "Amateur Night" that Nick had at least some experience with police work (and I'm implying the training & stuff after he decided to go to the academy after messing up). The rest is history...or is it future... I apologize if someone has already answered this (the Digest Syndrome). Lisa K. lmknus@m....... "For the Blood is the Life..." "Sa vie pour la mienne." ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 10:13:31 -0400 From: Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......> Subject: Bad Images On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> wrote: > I must admit, though, every time I read "Prodigals", all I can think of is > the They Might Be Giants song, "Hot Cha". We'll eat and drink the > prodigal son. Thanks loads Susan! Now I'm going to have images of Lacroix and Nick dancing to They Might Be Giants songs for the rest of the day (pictures of LC playing his rebec and Nick in a strange Turkish outfit dancing to "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" come to mind). And then there's that whip-crack in "Minimum Wage"... > Er, I think I'll take that to JADFE now. Good Idea! Bad Image #2-The whole cast dressed in bright, flourescent polyester costumes singing and dancing to bouncy Brady songs. This brought on by watching the Brady Bunch Movie all too recently and mention of said bunch in a post about a Utopian type fraction. "Here's a story of a angsty vampire who was trying to find humanity again...Here's the story of a ME named Natalie who was busy with corpses of her own..." AAAHHHHHHH!!! (me fleeing in terror) Lisa K. (who also has no idea what sleep is) lmknus@m....... "For the Blood is the Life..." "Sa vie pour la mienne."-LC ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 09:18:39 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Decapitation vs. squooshing (was: Re: Stuff) >Seems to be that in Dark Knight LaCroix comes after Nick wielding a meat >cleaver saying something about the ways a vampire can be killed, "fire, >stake thru the heart and decapitation" as he tries to cut off Nick's head. >So, I suppose that's canon - eh? Not necessarily. I just can't imagine that LaCroix really intended to kill Nick. Scare him, yes, but not kill him. So it's possible that he was lying to Nick about decapitation. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 11:40:01 -0400 From: "Sarah A. Houghton" <sahought@m.......> Subject: ykybotltlw... You know you've been on this list too long when... you're listening to the radio and pick out a lyric that goes "This old brick has new ears", and you actually wonder what sort of surgery Nick had done. <rwg> And then break down in hysterics picturing various..."reconstructions." The song in question was "Kill You" by Kicking Harold. Which produces a *whole* *new* round of images. <g> --Sarah Brujah, Vaquera, Dark Knightie ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:51:19 -0700 From: Dianne Therese DeSha <desha@b.......> Subject: Re: Literacy? Cynthia R Ratajczak: > that Janette was "of noble blood" and that her husband sold her to the > brothel because she did not produce the son that he wanted. If her > had been able to have a child, "she'd be living in England." Why would > she be living in England if she was French? If she married foreign No, no. Yes, LC talks about her being "of noble blood" (quite the snob, no? ;-) but it's her _friend_ who'd "be a wife in England and not a prostitute in France" (or something close to that) if she'd had that son. Janette's reason for ending up in a brothel, despite her nobility, is never laid out. She may have been in the same position as her friend (it was a common enough reason). Being "of noble blood" as opposed to "nobility" always made it sound to me like she was some noble's illegitimate kid... would that have left her with the "blood" but no $? Help us out, here, oh those who know a _lot_ more history than I do! <g> Dianne (mostly off-line for almost a week and 700+ msgs behind! <whew> ;-) Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <cat.goddess@p.......> [To: "Set Options: NOLIFE"] -*- "Save a vamp; stake an aardvark!" -*- ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 12:08:19 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: BMW (was Roses) At 01:51 PM 4/12/96 +0200, you wrote: >Me too! I think BMV is one of the best episodes. I liked seeing Uncle in a >new light, and that episode certainly explained a few things about his >behaviour over the years, non? Certainly did, I actually began to feel a little sorry for him, and think of him more as a 3 dimensional person instead of "just the bad guy". >I don't want to get into the 'was she whammied or drugged' debate (I didn't hear any heartbeat sounds like they use whenever a vamp whammies someone) True, and I just recently rewatched it and it just seems that as the time passes she slips more and more under LaCroix's spell. Why couldn't he just exude the power to make someone lower their defenses and feel the way she did? He holds up two fingers and can whammy, I think with all his power all he's got to do is look at someone to make them react. Not whammy so much, coz I didn't believe she was whammied, but totally relaxed, intrigued, totally turned on and tuned in to him. It's as if his voice alone was the Pied Piper and she was dancing to his tune. >but the scene where LaCroix tells Nick to bring Natalie over was a really hot scene IMNSHO, and I just about had to be hosed down after seeing it! Oh, mama is it ever. I love watching Nick kiss - it's as if he's trying to explore your entire being with his mouth -- oh, man...... Hey, - I just watched Near Death for the first time - how come no one warned me about that white outfit Nick had on? He's striding along in the sunlight and you can practically see right through that thing. Lauren was damn near going through the TV set (I was in the way). Whew....that was really unfair.... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 12:54:27 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: Decapitation vs. squooshing (was: Re: Stuff) Jamie said ... >Wait a minute. Do we even have series canon on decapitation, or is that a >historical thing? Because as we all know, 'traditional' vampire lore has >little to no bearing on the world of FK -- and then, inconsistently. Yes, we do. LaCroix mentions it in Dark Knight just before he tries to take Nick's head off. ---- TJ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 13:00:59 -0400 From: Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......> Subject: Oops! Just a quick note for any of you French speakers or picky quote people out there. I realized in Chem. that the quote from DK I used in my sig earlier should read "Sa vie pour la tienne" I think. Since it was Lacroix who said it to Nick, it would be kinda strange if he said "Her life for mine" which is what I mistakenly put. Not that any of you really care, but I'm kinda a perfectionist when it comes to things like that. Maybe I should just stick to English. Nah...that would be too easy! :) Lisa Knust lmknus@m....... "For the Blood is the Life..." "C'est bien simple. Il faut tuer." ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 12:12:51 -0500 From: Kim Bjarkman <flowper@o.......> Subject: Re: Nick & LaCroix faction name Re: Faction name suggestions: >>>>That Will Be Trouble. Margie wrote: > I just can't see faction members being called "The Troubled". <snip> > I'm still pushing for The Unnamed. It has a mysterious quality to it, > that I think fits the feel of the relationship. I agree with this completely. Or The Unnamable Ones. For the mystery/ambiguity involved in the varied interpretations of the relationship. And also b/c it *still* reminds me, I'll admit, of "The Faction That Dare Not Speak It's Name" from way back, but it's much less insinuating -- and more "mysterious, as Margie says. Plus it sounds a bit sinister, which appeals to the Cousin *&* Dark Knightie in me. I do like the That Will Be Trouble suggestion, though, if the faction members are called "Trouble" instead of "Troubled" <G>. Kim B. flowper@o....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 14:02:00 EDT From: Maria Montalvo <maria@m.......> Subject: Re: Another stupid newbie question Steve Townsley <stownsley@a.......> wrote: >I've only had the opportunity to see about half of the 'current' seasons >episodes, and have tried to read all the FAQs, but how did Nick and Natalie >meet, and how did he come to get a job as a cop? I'm assuming Natalie had >something to do with it, but I could be wrong (yea, it's happened once or The 1st season episode Only the Lonely shows how Nick and Nat met -- he'd been blown up by a pipe bomb, and Nat was getting ready to autopsy him. We see him healing on the table, blood flowing back into him. He wakes up, hungry, and finds a bag of blood to munch on, so that Nat finds out what he is. He evidently tried to whammy her into forgetting (though this isn't shown). Later, he passes her on the street. She turns and says to him, "You're testing me," and that she hadn't forgotten. Natalie may have influenced Nick's decision to become a cop in Toronto, (no canon here) but he'd been a cop before -- Amateur Night (2nd season) shows him as a rookie cop in Chicago (in the '60's?). Maria maria@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 13:57:01 -0500 From: patrick kortner aiex <paiex@i.......> Subject: Th' CD -- A Fiasco Gang: I had to reorder the CD because of an invalid credit card number, and I told 'em to ship it first class this time. I'm very anxious to get this; y'all have given the disc rave reviews, which is only heightening my desire. ObFK: I'm pretty sure it was Semtex that Vudu used. This comes from private e-mail correspondence, and I'm gonna watch "Black Buddha" later this weekend to confirm it. Pat -- Lone Nanette, etc. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 14:02:12 -0600 From: Kimberley <$LOWKD@b.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 11 Apr 1996 - Special issue >Hmmm, with all these new factions, we're going to have to think of >appropriate places for everyone to stay in the next war. >NatPackers: Nat's place, or at the morgue (creepy!). The morgue? Can we, can we, please? >FoSsiLs: Nat's apartment, curled up on top of one of her bookcases. Naw, Angus (one of the two FoSsiLs involved in the last war) will be on top of shelves and bookcases, knocking things off in continuation of his feline thesis on "The Theory of Gravity and the Way Things Bounce". Kimberley *NatPacker* ($lowkd@m.......) "Canada needs ghosts, as a dietary supplement, a vitamin taken to stave off that most dreadful of modern ailments, the Rational Rickets." Robertson Davies ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 15:06:38 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Nick's book collection June Russell <Kat@g.......> said: > As a LOL ("Lover of Loft") I have studied where he keeps his books. They are > in the hallway off the kitchen next to the refrigerator. Never got a close > enough look to see *what* is in it, but it looks pretty full. Real life: probably just filler books bought on the cheap at a used bookstore. But it's more interesting to imagine what books you think Nick would keep in that bookshelf. The only thing that pops into my mind right now is "I'm OK, You're Damned for Eternity." <g> I'm sure he has a copy of "Alice in Wonderland" in there somewhere; how else could he have dreamed up all that stuff in "Curiouser & Curiouser"? > He may have > more in the space we never see into that's above the bathroom. Nah, that's just a balcony up there. Furniture like the sunbed he owned briefly (c.f. Killer Instinct) is sometime kept up there, but no bookcases. I checked it out when I was staying in the loft in the last War. Oh, wait, I'm mixing up reality and fantasy again, aren't I?? Let's just say a little bird told me. If I were Nick, the entire rest of that warehouse he lives in would be book storage. (We've never seen any neighbors, have we? So maybe that whole building is his, and he uses the rest of it for storage?) > But otherwise, I haven't *seen* him reading. However, as voracious a reader > as I am, I'm rarely *seen* reading either (except maybe in airplanes. Can't > sit still that long otherwise.) Then you could be like me, and confuse *owning* books with *reading* books. Some books I just have to own even if I never read them all the way through! I may be a voracious reader, but I will never have time to read all the books I own. <g> * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * Shrewthering info: * * Still impatiently awaiting my FK soundtrack CD and cassette... :( :( :( * ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 15:18:35 -0400 From: Nancy McCaskey <mccaskn@p.......> Subject: Potential Faction Names/Harmonious Some ideas for a faction name for those who want all the relationships in FK to work out in the end: Eternal Optimists (goes well with the Optimists' Club) Afters (as in "happily ever...") Can be adapted to other neat names like Afterthoughts, Afterglows, Aftermaths, Afterlifes... Starry-Eyed Ideallists Scouts (Boy Scouts is too limiting) Pax (and its variants). Might make a nice pun on all the --PACKers we have around here...). Tranquilizers Purple Dinosaurs (ugh.) Peacemakers Getalong Gang Harmonics Any other ideas? ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 13:55:35 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Potential Faction Names/Harmonious On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Nancy McCaskey wrote: > Some ideas for a faction name for those who want all the relationships in > FK to work out in the end: Pax (and its variants). > Might make a nice pun on all the --PACKers we have around here...). Oh! Pax! I like that! My continuity obsession extends to a deep need for closure and a perfect adoration of happy endings. The steadying peace that spreads throughout, resolving loose ends and relieving tension, bringing understanding and contentment... Pax FK. I adopt it. :) ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved, Pax FK ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:03:31 EDT From: Sonja Launspach <T720026@u.......> Subject: literacy Hi, I normally lurk ,but am jumping in on this thread--I agree with those who think that since Fleur could read, Nick has to have known how to read before he was brought across--at least Latin and maybe French, although the vernacular was not considered very important. But being somewhat literal minded (I know it's a TV show) and having training in historical linguistics, I feel compelled to point out that literacy is Language-specific Learningto read 13th century French does not mean Nick would automatically be able to read 20th century French--languages change a lot over time and 800 years is a lot of time in the history of a language--so imagine having to learn to read over and over again as the language changed, it's easier if you already know how to read one language (unless you are dealing with a different alphabet system) but it still would take effort. also we've seen Janette read, wasn't she doing her taxes at the Raven one night, she must have learned sometime over the years. and YKYHBRTMFK-L when you read an author's university affliation on an article on Bilingual ed in The Netherlands; it says University of Brabant and you think-Nick has a university---it was late--I'm studying for comps - coherence is some other life Sonja t720026@u....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 14:50:39 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Another stupid newbie question On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Steve Townsley wrote: > But how did Nick and Natalie meet? My listmail is extraordinarily slow today, so forgive me if this has been said, but the answers to this keep leaving out my favorite bits! (BTW, Steve, I asked the very same question myself in February! There are no stupid questions, and, besides, there is no better way to get some kind soul to offer to share the episode... <g>) In first season's OtL, when Natalie flashes back to her birthday, exactly a year before, she remembers Nick reviving on her examining table. He tries to whammy her, of course, but Nat's a resister. If I am recalling correctly, the truly fascinating thing is that while Nat flashes back to the incident in the morgue, *Nick* flashes back to their encounter on the street -- and, subjectively speaking, Natalie looks better in Nick's flashback than she does in her own, and vice versa. Their encounter, when he is checking to see what she remembers, is chronologically the first example of their extremely divergent views of vampirism. From the first, Natalie is fascinated by this scientific puzzle, this freak of nature, this *physical* problem. Nick, however, asserts that "Evil is a metaphysical condition." ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved, Pax FK ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 14:59:22 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Another stupid newbie question On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Steve Townsley wrote: > But how did Nick and Natalie meet? Actually, it occurs to me that as you're a third-season newbie, like me, you will be working under the influence of the third-season take on their relationship. Interestingly, while third season has been dominantly a Nick&Nat season, second season leaned toward Nick&Janette, and first season, while clearly setting up Nat and Janette as the poles of Nick's identity, was really a Nick&The-Neck-Of-The-Week thing. :) It was in "Only the Lonely" that Natalie first realized that she wanted more from Nick than friendship. Nick realized the same, when provoked to it, but neither of them actually managed to choke out the words. That didn't happen until "Be My Valentine," which ended with LC renewing his threat to deprive Nick of any mortal he truly loves. The closest thing to an official declaration of a relationship is in "MBIAV," and the best N&N romantic moment is, imho, that lovely kissing scene in "NiQ." They were pals long before they thought of being more. ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved, Pax FK ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:15:28 -0600 From: Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......> Subject: Re: literacy >Learning to read 13th century French does not mean Nick would automatically >be able to read 20th century French--languages change a lot over time and >800 years is a lot of time in the history of a language--so imagine having >to learn to read over and over again as the language changed Just adding my $.02 - Of course, languages change, as do customs, clothing, nations, etc. 800 years is a long time to be alive - but all of these things (except, maybe, nations) change gradually. IMO, if you live through it, the gradual language changes might be a bit like the changing of slang from the 1920's (or 1960's!) to today. Depending on where Nick was in a given century, I think he would be able to keep up with the times. Of course, he's got a lot of languages to keep up with. We already know that he speaks many languages. Ah, here's another game. Find the Languages Nick speaks and the eps that he speaks them in. I've got to check a few things, then I'll start it later tonight... See ya. ---Sharon --------Sharon Joy - A Forever Knightie - SJoy@u....... There's a past and-----there's a past... Go here: ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 00:28:17 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......> Subject: Re: Kissing/BMV Dotti R wrote: Do> Oh, mama is it ever. I love watching Nick kiss - it's as if he's Do> trying to explore your entire being with his mouth -- oh, man...... This is so true. (Don't worry, I won't say anything that you can't read on a PG list!) In all my years of watching TV, I have never seen an actor who kisses like that. Any scene where he gets to kiss someone inevitably ends up getting worn out I watch it so much! But the kiss in the restaurant scene in BMV tops the lot. Followed closely by the scene in "Near Death" of Nick kissing Janette just after he gets brought over. - Marina. (Quick! Get the hose! I need to be hosed down again!) \\ "And tell me if you want to catch that feeling of redemption; // // That feeling of redemption don't do much for me." - Tanita Tikaram \\ \\======Marina Bailey========tmar@f.......=======Dark Knightie======// ... An apple a day keeps the coroner away! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:24:52 -0600 From: Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......> Subject: Re: Another stupid newbie question >On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Steve Townsley wrote: >> But how did Nick and Natalie meet? BTW, Janet Dornhoff posts the script of Only the Lonely, especially the N & N meeting scenes, to the newsgroup every so often. I was passing through the group yesterday and noticed that it was there again. So go to it, Steve, if you really want to know. 'Twas almost a year ago when I first got hooked up. My very first online experience was the fk newsgroup. The first thing I ever downloaded was Janet's transcription of OTL. This is BHC (before home computer) and I remember waiting at the window in the university computer center for my printout thinking, *if they read my printout, will I lose my computer privileges forever???* --Sharon J - Knightie SJoy@u....... =========================================================================
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