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Logfile LOG9604B Part 16

April 11-April 12, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604B" Part 16

	LaCroix Question...
	Blooper tape!!  (2)
	Lacroix Eyebrow Faction
	Nick & LaCroix faction name
	Blood Money
	Literacy?  (7)
	Web Pages
	Roses (was Re: who's that?)  (4)
	who's that?
	Old episode help and a comment on viruses (long)  (2)
	Eyebrows & Faction Hang-outs  (3)
	SyndiCon Party - The Fi nal Chapter !!!
	Best Immortal Beloved Moments
	LC's eyebrows
	Tapes: please read!
	<no subject>
	Various things
	Vudu & C-4
	Beyond Best IB moment/Pdx help
	Decapitation vs. squooshing (was: Re: Stuff)

Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 17:06:51 -0500
From:         Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject:      Re: LaCroix Question...

>one of the 3rd season eps, LaCroix says to Nick,

>"[?] is not a word I believe I've heard you use before....It is not a
>word that I *like*."
> Anybody remember what it was?

The ep is "Trophy Girl". The word is "Tragedy". Apparently LaCroix doesn't
really hate the word, as long as it's used in the right context.<g>

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 17:24:20 EWT
From:         molly <MSREED@c.......>
Subject:      Re: Blooper tape!!

Someone made a request for the Blooper Tape.  Can you email me privately.

Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:36:39 -0400
From:         Apache <lf@c.......>
Subject:      Lacroix Eyebrow Faction

 I think they should be called the Cold Fuzzies <g>

But I also think anyone who actually joins this faction
should seek professionally help... immediately!

Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:07:43 -0600
From:         Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......>
Subject:      Re: Nick & LaCroix faction name

Lisa P.says:

>I have a suggestion for the Nick & LaCroix fraction name:
>That Will Be Trouble.

I hear that lovely sound (NB/LC's voice) every time I make one tiny false
move on my computer.  I can hear it right now if I touch any key while
reading my mail.   Pretty neat, huh!  (Didja hear it?)


--------Sharon Joy -  A Forever Knightie -  SJoy@u.......
          There's a past and-----there's a past...
Go here:  http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:07:47 -0600
From:         Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......>
Subject:      Re: Blood Money

>The episode was Blood Money.  The fortune....

Ah, that contained a sublime Nick/Janette tag.  Do y'all rememebr that
classic line?

Janette:  Here's to your burden, then, and what I might do to ease it.


--Sharon J  *** There's a past and-----there's a past...
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 19:48:15 -0700
From:         Robin Carroll-Mann <harper@t.......>
Subject:      Re: Literacy?

L'Phantom wrote:

>Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but Nick holds several degrees, doesn't
>he? Things that he didn't necessarily *need* (like Archaeology), but
>which he voluntarily studied.  This implies to me a love of research and
>reading, as, in the case of archaeology, much of the time is spent in

No offense to those who have labored long and hard in dusty libraries to
attain such degrees, but... Nick is that rare individual who might have
gotten some of his degrees *without* study.  With his experience and
memory, he IS a history book.  He can experience it without reading about
it.  Medicine, though -- that he must have studied.  As for whether he
*likes* academia... that I'm not sure.

Harper, who not only values those library books, but gets to pick them

Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann
Nat Pack
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:52:00 -0700
From:         BECKY BURNS <becky.burns@w.......>
Subject:      Re: Blooper tape!!

 -=>On 04/11/96  16:45, Samantha Smiley said to Becky Burns

 SS> Would someone tell me how I can get a hold of the Forever Knight
 SS> blooper tape? Or better yet, if someone has it could they send it to
 SS> me? We may be able to work something out. Thank you!

        Blooper tape? (wink)  What Blooper tape? (wink wink)  we don't know
 anything about a blooper tape do we? (wink wink wink wink)

Cousin Becky

... "I am NOT Honey!"  Janette DuCharme
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 16:53:10 -0700
From:         "Lashoka BirthFire (Lax)" <lashoka@p.......>
Subject:      Web Pages

Hi!  A quick thanx to everyone who has my FK indexpage linked to their
web page...
My Index has had 115 hits since april 4th..for comparison, my home page
[the front page] has only had 325 since feb 5th..!
A reminder, anyone who is not on my list, I only have 42 or 43 pages
listed, please mail me the URL..
Jamie!  What is the URL for yoru new animated pages??  Thanx...In advance..
Also are there web pages for any of the Fan Clubs?  Thanx in advance....

                              Cousin Lashoka
         lashoka@p....... | Worner Box 2012  |(719)-389-7626
                lashoka@o....... | Colorado College
       lashoka@g....... | Colorado SPGS, Co 80946
 http://pandora.st.hmc.edu/~lashoka | a_bittenbin@r.......
Date:         Fri, 12 Apr 1996 09:58:53 +1000
From:         Shaun Owen Hately <075466@b.......>
Subject:      Re: Literacy?

Hallo, from one who is delurking.

It is documented that in 1215, at the signing of Magna Carta, King John
and most of his Barons were unable to read and write, and could only
affix their seals to the document.

Considering the date that Nick was brought across, it seems that he may
or may not have been able to read. The fact that he was a minor noble is
no indication that he could.

Yours Without Wax

On Thu, 11 Apr 1996, patrick kortner aiex wrote:

>         Gang:
>         Remember, people. Our Nicholas is minor nobility -- the de Brabants.
> As such, minor nobility typically knew how to read, if only a little bit. And
> since Nick seems to be rather well-educated in flashbacks to that period, it
> is my NSHO that he *did* know how to read.
>         Typically, only clergy and nobility knew how to read back then, with
> heavy emphasis on the clergy. If peasantry knew how to read, this contrvened
> an unwritten law that peasantry should *remain* illiterate!
>         Pat -- Lone Nanette, ah, you know what I am
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 20:22:57 -0500
From:         Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject:      Re: Roses (was Re: who's that?)

>     As the list's only declared Fleur-Booster (yes: I like BMV and I'm
>willing to say so in public) I feel compelled to be really pedantic about

I wasn't aware there was a general feeling against the episode.  Is there?
I loved it too, and I'm also willing to say so.

----  TJ
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 20:23:05 -0500
From:         Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject:      Re: who's that?

>Don't tell her!  Karen, next time Trophy Girl comes around, watch it.  It's
>too funny when you find out at the end who Rosebud is (OK, I've been told
>most *normal* people figured it out in about three seconds, but I was
>clueless until the end.  And I've never claimed to be normal!)

I didn't figure it out either, don't feel bad.

----  TJ
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 20:23:12 -0500
From:         Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject:      Re: Stuff

>hamburger to find each other and reassemble?  And what if the vampire
>crash-landed on a freeway?  I mean, all those little altered nucleotides
>squirming across the ashpalt, looking for other vampire cells, getting
>squooshed by semis and speeding motorists -- you think the vampire could

Wouldn't that count as being decapitated?

----  TJ
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 20:23:19 -0500
From:         Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject:      Re: Old episode help and a comment on viruses (long)

>remember part of it involving a large monetary investment Nick
>had made that suddenly disappeared or was stolen.  The details
>I remember are very sketchy ... a banker dies and Nick realizes
>it's an old friend with whom he entrusted a fortune.

The episode is Blood Money, and it was his money from a rather
unseemly incident centuries ago.  (Along with a VERY large amount of
compound interest ....)

The banker was adminstering the DeBrabant Foundation, which is what he
was using to hide his money. ($478,000,000, I believe.)

----  TJ
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 17:31:02 -0700
From:         AKR <r@w.......>
Subject:      Re: Literacy?

>Remember, people. Our Nicholas is minor nobility -- the de Brabants.

Yes, yes, and I'm sorry I ever implied that he might not have been
literate when he was brought across.  I know better!  But my concern was
with how he *feels* about reading, especially in the present.  Apparently
this is of so little interest to him that there is no canon on it, so it
leaves me feeling very disappointed in Nick.

But how about Janette?  She wouldn't have known how to read when she was
brought across, would she?  Anyone ever seen her reading?  Caught her
making a literary reference (STF doesn't count...)?  All this "Seducer"
talk started me thinking about LC and Janette's two centuries sans Nick,
and I just keep trying to picture him teaching her to read...

***** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r@w....... *****
Bright Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 19:33:08 -0500
From:         Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......>
Subject:      Re: Eyebrows & Faction Hang-outs

Allison writes:
>Mercs:  Merc Central, but we don't really know where that is, do we??

Well, my husband *did* know (whether their HQ will be in the same
place next war remains to be seen) since he had ninjas trash the
place for their involvement in kidnapping me. :)

--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie
Date:         Thu, 21 Mar 1996 18:00:59 -0800
From:         Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......>
Subject:      SyndiCon Party - The Fi nal Chapter !!!

Hi all, I'm forwarding the following for Tara who is having major Email
problems! She told me to make it catchy, but you'll have to settle for
mundane me I'm afraid  :)

The Forever Knight-Syndicon Party will begin at Sunset (sevenish!) at
the Cathedral Hill Hotel THIS Friday. To find out the room# use the
house phone and ask to be connected to my (Denise Underwood's) room. Or
call me at the Hotel before you arrive. Consumables are most welcome but
not required for admittance!! Chocolate, of course, will always be
accepted, but I promise to let you in without it (really!) ;)

Tara asks that anyone who has Emailed her since Wed afternoon please
remail her at this address:  amper.sand@s.......  You may also phone
her if you require additional information  000.000.0000

We both look forward to seeing you all there...come one, come all!!! It
will be a Knight to remember!

Denise, The Cousinly Ravenette
~The Keeper of the SyndiCon Party Room~
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:04:47 -0700
From:         AKR <r@w.......>
Subject:      Re: Best Immortal Beloved Moments

Well, I'm an idiosyncratic (Im)Mortal Beloved, rather than a classic
Immortal Beloved <g> but I'll add to Marcia's list...  *Setting aside*
"Partners of the Month" and "Crazy Love," which are just unfair
competition for the rest of the series... (don't you love it when he
sulks at the window and refuses to admit he really did think they'd be
together "forever"?)    A Top Ten:

10. AMPH: Janette welcomes him,"The end of the savings account and safe sex"

9. STF: Nick trusting Janette; Janette fulfilling the trust ("Don't you
*ever* do that to me again," and his voice going through her mind)

8. Dark Knight: Nick biting at Janette's hand in the Raven

7. I Will Repay: Janette asks if it is "a lover" Nick wants to bring over

6. Father Figure: Liplock when Nick returns, thinking that the boy is safe

5. C&C:  The very idea that, deep down, Nick feels he belongs to Janette;
also that he's turning to her for R&R at the beginning

4. DBTLOTM: seducing Nick, "Now you know the light will never satisfy you"

3. Close Call: I *love* the two of them waiting outside LC's door; I wish I
had a poster of that moment -- they just look so good  :)

2. Near Death: "Oh, I *want* him."  And when he puts his hand on her
shoulder as he leaves the Raven.  And the kiss, of course.

1. LYTD: At the piano in the loft, Janette says that the strings that bind
them together as the children of LC have been vibrating.  Nick asks if she's
sure she hasn't been strumming them herself.  She sighs, and says, "You know
what I'd give to have that power again."

Ok; now, there is an IB moment that I've only seen in That Which We Are
Not Supposed to Have.  Nick and Janette are sitting on a couch, in a room
I can't identify, discussing freedom... and their lack of it under LC.
Where is that from, please?

***** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r@w....... *****
Bright Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:25:28 -0700
From:         AKR <r@w.......>
Subject:      Re: Eyebrows & Faction Hang-outs

On Thu, Allison wrote:

> Light Cousins:  I think LaCroix himself will drain these guys dry within
>   24 hours of the start of the next war...   ;^)
I am feeling so very odd today that being murdered by LC hardly even
sounds half as repulsive as it ought...  So much for Nick's intrepid
defender... <g>  All this Fleur-Boosting must be getting to me... <g>

> Couples factions would switch off between the hang-outs... > Seducers
        You know, I bet the Seducers could just occupy the Raven while the
Cousins and Raven/ettes tussle... <g>

-- You forgot the Vaqueras, btw.  <insert cow-related comment here>

***** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r@w....... *****
Bright Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved
Date:         Wed, 7 Aug 1996 19:37:27 -0700
From:         Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......>
Subject:      Re: Old episode help and a comment on viruses (long)

>remember part of it involving a large monetary investment Nick
>had made that suddenly disappeared or was stolen.  The details
>I remember are very sketchy ... a banker dies and Nick realizes
>it's an old friend with whom he entrusted a fortune.
 Hopefully, this will "click".  Who did the invested money belong to.
>Was it all Nick's?

The episode was called "Blood Money", and yes, Nick did possess an
incredible fortune that he had his banker/money manager invest for him in
various charities.  The banker sensed that Nick was not comfortable with
the money, but didn't know why.  The banker was killed in a car explosion,
and his son was suspected as the killer.  The son was involved in some
shady dealings, and got into the investment company computer files,
transferring a very large sum of money (Nick's) to use to pay his own heavy
debts - I'll have to re-watch this episode, as it's been a while...!
Nick just happened to go and  see his friend Felix, a vampire who raised
plants and also advised him about financial matters, who tried to tap into
Nick's money via modem, and thats how Nick found out that his account had
been emptied.
Nick amassed this fortune at some point in an earlier century, by
kidnapping or murdering a duke (or some such royal person)  .  LaCroix and
Janette were both against Nick involving himself in this, and LaCroix
warned him that blood money would only bring unhappiness.

Felix had the simplest solution, advising Nick to take up botany:
      "Plants!  Plants are the answer!"

Hope this helps!
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 17:47:30 -0800
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      LC's eyebrows

How about the Crawfords?
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 21:45:41 -0400
From:         Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......>
Subject:      Re: Tapes: please read!

On Apr 11, 1996 17:24:20, 'molly <MSREED@c.......>' wrote:

>Would someone tell me how I can get a hold of the Forever Knight blooper
>tape? Or better yet, if someone has it could they send it to me? We may be

>able to work something out. Thank you!

I thought that, at this juncture and for the benefit of the newer
listmembers, it might be appropriate to post the following notice:

Copying and distributing videotapes of television programs is illegal.
It's called bootlegging.  We're not supposed to be doing it.

There's a slender 'grey area' in that when we copy tapes, we do not earn
money from it.  Making a profit from someone else's creativity without
their express consent is a BAD thing.  Making tapes to share the joy with
your friends... it's not exactly legal, but it's more or less tolerated by
TPTB in a sort of 'don't-ask-don't-tell' kind of way.

In other words: if someone's making tapes for you, OF ANY SORT, and they
ask you for more money than it costs to buy a blank videotape and mail it
to you... or to trade for a copy of another show that you have on tape...
then they are wrong, very very wrong, and must be soundly thwapped with the
Warm Fuzzy Spanking Paddle.  Which is a veritable picnic, compared to the
lawsuits that the copyright holders could press if they wanted to.

There are Tape Sharks out there in the ocean of fandom, and they will
happily charge you scads of money for that which your fellow listmembers
would furnish for the cost of tapes and postage.  Buying these overpriced
tapes will only encourage them to expand their business.  And if TPTB ever
decide to make an issue out of it, they could quite lawfully go after us:
not just the tape sharks, but the fanzine editors/writers, the people who
make t-shirts and buttons and badges; all of us.  Don't be fooled -- Just
say "NO" to the tape sharks!

Think of it like sex:  when someone's doing it out of love, they don't
charge for it.

This applies to ALL fk tape exchanges.  There should be no "premium" price
for the, um, less-well-known videotapes.

Especially since we all know that No One Actually Owns A Copy Of The
Blooper Reel.  It was never televised nor released for public distribution,
and there is really no legitimate way that anyone can have a copy.
Therefore, No One Does.  ;-)

Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner -- http://members.aol.com/immajer/
Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies

"I'm <sharing>." -- Gun-wielding madwoman, 'Feeding The Beast'
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:03:04 -0800
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Literacy?

I believe Nick could read in 1228.  My reasoning is based on the fact
that his sister, Fleur could read.  A woman who could read in the year
1228 was a rare being indeed.
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:23:49 -0700
From:         Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......>
Subject:      Re: Literacy?

At 2:17 PM 4/11/96, patrick kortner aiex wrote:
>        Typically, only clergy and nobility knew how to read back then, with
>heavy emphasis on the clergy. If peasantry knew how to read, this contrvened
>an unwritten law that peasantry should *remain* illiterate!

Ahem.  I really have to jump in here (historical necessity).  Patrick, what
you say is right.  Clergy and nobility (particulary by the twelth century)
were generally literate, and read Roman classics and theological works (so
it wasn't fluff by any means... doesn't someone have a cat named
Fluffy...).  In addition they wrote poetry (court d'amour and chanson de

However there was no "law", written or unwritten, that said the "peasants"
could not read.  In the American South, there was a law that slaves could
not be taught to read, but no such thing existed in the Middle Ages in
Europe (as far as I know... and I think had that been in existance, I think
I would have heard about it). There simply was no *necessity* for a peasant
to read.

And to swing this post creakily back onto FK territory, there has been some
discussion about what rank Nicholas had in his mortal life.  Now then, with
the caveat that last names as we think of them did not exist in the MA,
Nick was generally known as Nicholas de Brabant.  Generally only the ruling
family would have that designation (with the exception of some scholars
that were notible for their nationality, John of England was a scholar at
the Sorbonne, for example).  However, a younger son in the family would
likely be given a title and lands (the oldest son would be the duke of
Brabant, and his younger brother would be the Earl of Sandwich <g>)  Nick,
though, certainly did not have a title or lands, since he was out serving
another lord.  There is another theory that Nick (and Fleur presumably)
were illegitamate children, but as such they would not be called "de
Brabant" since they were not legally of the ruling family.

HOWEVER, I stumbled across an interesting referance that said there was an
odd law in the Duchy of Brabant that all lands held by the Duke must pass
to the children of his first marriage ONLY.  So if Nick and Fleur were the
children of his second wife, they could not inherit anything, which would
explain by Nick had to sell his sword.

Any questions?  ;)

Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild
Ravenette of the New Order--Knightie/NatPacker/N&N Packer with Cousinly
Sympathies and faint leanings towards Vanquea-ism
"Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw"--Passion is the will to be
Listowner, Middle Ages Life
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 22:12:58 -0400
From:         Judith Freudenthal <JudithF955@a.......>

of spoiler protection.

I rewatched Trophy Girl and really liked the Tracy scenes where she shoots
the drug dealer and where she cries in the locker room.  The locker room one
has to be one of her best scenes.  The show wasn't too bad except for the
part about Tracy going off on her own.  I liked how Tracy managed to get
herself somewhat out of trouble and save Nick's life.

Vachon/Nick in the Caddie was cute.  Also Vachon's expressions as Tracy's
telling him off outside of the Raven.  Liked the "evil twin sister" line.

Nick's comment about how Rosebud's identity wasn't someone important was

All this from a Tracy disliker.

Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 22:12:48 -0400
From:         Judith Freudenthal <JudithF955@a.......>
Subject:      Various things

My mom today said something that made me think of Nick.  She said that as you
get older you worry more.  Hmmm, could that be part of Nick's angst problem?
 800 years of it is bound to be a lot.  (Also add to it being LC's
"possession" for 800 years and you get what you see in front of you.)

Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> said:
<< I think Nick is the most complex character on the show (barring Lacroix'
occasional inconsistencies).>>
I think the reason for this is he is the main character so they have
developed him more than the other characters (and Ger's a  terrific actor).
 Nat, Schanke, Reese and Vachon could have had more complex characters if
more time had been devoted toward developing them.

Natpacker, Knightie and N&Npacker
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 19:25:07 -0500
From:         Janice Cox <jancox@v.......>
Subject:      Re: Vudu & C-4

Vudu stole 40 kilos of Semtex, according to BB2, and that's what was used on
the plane according to Capt. Reese. What a good excuse to watch BB again!
I've got to go with Don: I'd bet that what Vudu set off was the transmitter,
with the Semtex located in baggage or elsewhere.

As to Vachon surviving the explosion: Explosive force is apparently not
enough to destroy a vampire, as this is what happened to Nick just prior to
his "run-in" with Natalie. I'm assuming that he had started to heal (pull
himself together, heh) before Tracy saw him at the crash site, and that the
healing was complete by about the time of the (gasp!) shower scene.
Apparently vampires can survive one heck of a lot.

Now, if one was doused in the burning jet fuel, it might be another story...


Vaquera and proud!
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 22:42:54 -0400
From:         Beth Brown <BKBVA@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Literacy?

In a message dated 96-04-11 21:50:49 EDT, you write:

> As for whether he
>*likes* academia... that I'm not sure.

Ah, but he taught for a while, and regretted having to leave it.


...who is just now finishing watching first season, so this is all fresh in
my mind.
Date:         Wed, 7 Aug 1996 20:49:42 -0700
From:         Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......>
Subject:      Re: Roses (was Re: who's that?)

>>     As the list's only declared Fleur-Booster (yes: I like BMV and I'm
>>willing to say so in public) I feel compelled to be really pedantic about
>I wasn't aware there was a general feeling against the episode.  Is there?
>I loved it too, and I'm also willing to say so.
>----  TJ

I liked it very much!  I thought the scene between Nick and Natalie was
very sweet.  I also liked seeing Nick's family - although it made me a
little sad that he gave them up, and that he would not likely see them
again.  The actress who played Fleur was so-so, but I thought her part was
interesting and well written.  She seemed like a bit of a tomboy, and that
she was probably a fun sister for Nick as they were growing up.  All of
this in my humble opinion, of course.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 19:22:58 -0700
From:         Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......>
Subject:      Re: Eyebrows & Faction Hang-outs

At 2:46 PM 4/11/96, Allison Percy wrote:
>Hmmm, with all these new factions, we're going to have to think of
>appropriate places for everyone to stay in the next war.

[snip list of places]

And in addition to all these, I'm planning on establishing a safehouse for
all members of the Fang Gang (you know who you are, and I know at least
three of you reading this right now!) and those that the FG invite into
this safehouse (paid for by Angelique's platinum AmEx card!)  No fighting
in the safehouse.  Plotting, yes (like I could stop you!) but no fighting!
;)  I think I'll take over that beautiful house in "Strings", since it
should be empty by now...

We have to wait until SUMMER to have the war?!?!?!?

Completely irrelevant question:  What are we up to in reruns?  What's the
lastest episode out of spoiler protection?  I don't watch reruns, so...

Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild
Ravenette of the New Order--Knightie/NatPacker/N&N Packer with Cousinly
Sympathies and faint leanings towards Vanquea-ism
"Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw"--Passion is the will to be
Listowner, Middle Ages Life
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 19:54:26 -0700
From:         Friday Valentine <valentif@t.......>
Subject:      Beyond Best IB moment/Pdx help

On 4/11 somebody said...
>3) Lacroix and Nicholas, after living centuries in denial, finally come out
>of the closet and THEY...er...by the lake (could be very interesting.)
Great Minds think alike! I was watching AMPH the other day and said to myself,
in another world LC would reach on over and plant a big wet one on Nick.

Would anyone in the Portland/Oregon contingent be able to help me get DoN,
HF, & GVP? KPDX's idea of scheduling is, well, poor. at least we've got that
for the time being...

Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 21:55:03 -0500
From:         Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Literacy?

>the fact that Nick's family made sure their children were educated doesn't
>necessarily mean Nick *liked* reading.  They are two different
>things.  Nick's free time seems more given over to art and music to

Nick's been around for about 800 years, though. There might have been times
he read more and times he read less.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 23:00:51 -0400
From:         Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......>
Subject:      Decapitation vs. squooshing (was: Re: Stuff)

On Apr 11, 1996 20:23:12, 'Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine
<vanguard@p.......>' wrote:

>>squirming across the ashpalt, looking for other vampire cells, getting
>>squooshed by semis and speeding motorists -- you think the vampire could
>Wouldn't that count as being decapitated?

Nope.  It counts as being *squooshed*.

We know what happens during staking, gunshots, etc.  What we do not have is
series canon on what it means for a vampire to be *squooshed*.

Decapitation would be the separation of the head from the body.  Being
*squooshed* implies compression, but not necessarily severance.  Perhaps
the vampire in question was spread out into a thin, fine paste.  If the
component atoms are still attached to each other, does it count as
decapitation?  I think not.

Wait a minute.  Do we even have series canon on decapitation, or is that a
historical thing?  Because as we all know, 'traditional' vampire lore has
little to no bearing on the world of FK -- and then, inconsistently.

In any case, I maintain that if LaCroix could crawl out of Nick's vacuum
cleaner and come back to life in time for second season, then a
sufficiently old and powerful vampire could survive a collision with a jet
liner and the subsequent impact with the ground, colloquially known as
'being squooshed' -- assuming of course that the sun didn't rise before the
reassembly process.  Perhaps with a little assistance... there's that
master-fledgling link thingie; maybe if a member of the vampire's family
came along with a shovel and a bucket, or maybe a big ol' ziploc baggie...
if the vampire fell from a great enough height, they might need a sponge
mop... they could pour a bottle of the Raven's stock into the bucket, to
speed the process of healing... the only real question is how long before
the vampire started to resemble a humanoid again.  And what sort of sanity,
if any, might be present afterwards.  I mean, spending extended amounts of
time in a ziploc bag as a liquid, that would have to take its toll...

Sleep?  No, not for a while.  Why do you ask? <g>

Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner -- http://members.aol.com/immajer/
Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies
"I may do what I have done.  I may smash the hollow rock
without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside
all over a midnight street." -- L.F.
Date:         Thu, 11 Apr 1996 20:59:58 -0700
From:         April Ruskin <aruskin@e.......>
Subject:      YKYBWTMFKW...

here's two of them, happened not ten minutes apart...


you're driving through downtown at night, and notice that you've been
subconciously (sp?) looking for Nick's caddie to go by.



you look around at night, and think that if all nights were like this,
being a vampire wouldn't be bad. (It's a beautiful warm night at the

I think I need a hobby (other than vamp watching).

P.S. I've got an idea for a semi-serious FK/Sailor Moon x-over floating
around in my head. Be on the look out for it.

Cousin April -- the Ninja Babe with an attitude
Born to make normal people's lives a living hell.
Resident psychopath of Tullahoma, TN.

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