File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604B" Part 9 TOPICS: Uncle`s 3rd Season L Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) (8) BB Questions it can now be revealed First FK CD and now......! Every 54 years (7) Strangulation in SOB What's on? FK copyrights? BB Questions YKYB... Lit. Edition FK CD-What CD? YKYB... <no subject> (2) Rosebud (2) Audiobooks-need information Janette and LaCroix umm Liking Third Season Vampiric Balance (2) FK CD info mysterious legends beyond Blood/Blood Light Recipes ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:13:03 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......> Subject: Re: Uncle`s 3rd Season L Idalia Kakesako wrote: >Uncle has been looking great this season also. Np> But Marina, aren't you forgetting his industrial strength, fuzzy Np> caterpillar eyebrows? <eg> I hadn't noticed. When exactly do they start popping up (if you'll excuse the pun)? I've seen up to "Avenging Angel". - Marina. \\ "And tell me if you want to catch that feeling of redemption; // // That feeling of redemption don't do much for me." - Tanita Tikaram \\ \\======Marina Bailey========tmar@f.......=======Dark Knightie======// ... Janeway doesn't need to straighten her uniform all the time. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 07:14:43 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) >While she didn't seem to mind the initial rather "spirited" :) attentions >of Nick or even being thrown down on the couch, she looked to me like >she *did not* like being strangled. > Yep, this time I'd have to agree with Susan, she did look to me like she ws getting a bit annoyed there.... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 07:38:47 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) In a message dated 96-04-09 06:46:12 EDT, Dotti writes: > Sometimes >I think it's just coz he's LaCroix's son that no one sneaks up on him and >stakes him anyway!! Okay, I just got to talk about this one. Have we all forgotten about Nick's quite adequate ability to intimidate? What about his take down of the Inca? He got the Inca to tell him the whole story. What about the way he managed to intimidate Vachon AND Screed (and he didn't even lay on hand on Screed). What about Danny the vamp in the video department in Unreality TV? Spark? His willingness to face off with LaCroix in Father's Day? What about Nick yelling at a whole bunker full of vamps "Wake up, all of you! Who did it!" in CRCH? It is my humble opinion that our boy has earned a measure of respect in 'the community' for just being Nick. A vamp who don't wanna be a vamp no more, but is perfectly capable of using his 800 yrs of experience (and the power that comes with it) when it is necessary. Let us not forget the Vietnam vamp in CRCH who tells Nick, "They warned me about you. Some said you might stay out of it." (He didn't of course) I could give more examples, but, I think I've made my point. Nick can be one nasty hombre to deal with when he needs to be. Besides, who's to say that his constancy in his attempts to be rid of his curse hasn't earned him some grudging respect? Surely he's not the only vamp who has had second thoughts about the whole vamp thing? Remember LaCroix? "And we are truly eternal?" Divia "Yes, father." LC "You were right Divia. And damn you for it." Carrie, Proud Knightie who simply refuses to duck OR run... Carrie400@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 08:12:26 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) At 07:38 AM 4/9/96 -0400, Carrie wrote: > Nick can be one nasty hombre to deal with when he needs to be. Besides, >who's to say that his constancy in his attempts to be rid of his curse >hasn't earned him some >grudging respect? Surely he's not the only vamp who has had second thoughts >about the whole vamp thing? Ah, dear Carrie - mea culpa, mea culpa. I had forgotten Nick can be pretty scary when he wants to be. Sorry--I really love it when he does that too. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 08:55:28 -0400 From: Tammy Stephanie Davis <tsd@u.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, Elizabeth Ann Lewis wrote: > At 8:52 PM 4/08/96, Cynthia Hoffman wrote: > >On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, ELIZABETH ANN LEWIS wrote: > >> Regarding the girl in the back room in SoB and why LC would have told her > >> to shut up: > >> I suppose this isn't the time to mention my theory that she was *mortal* > >I'll bite: if she was mortal why did she have fangs and gold eyes? > > Because Nick was hallucinating, like he was when bottles of blood flew all > over the loft and gook started coming up out of the sink (Liquid Plummer, > Nick?) > > Although I'll buy Sandra's explanation that she was a younger vampire and > could be injured by his greater strength. But I like mine better--why > would LaCroix be happy that he was sucking face with another female vamp? Naw, I don't buy the hallucinating angle for one specific reason - Nick was *strangling* that woman for a substantial period of time. If she were mortal, she would at the very least had passed out. But when Nick let her go, she wasn't hurt (annoyed, but uninjured.) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 09:03:20 -0400 From: Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......> Subject: Re: BB Questions > Should the explosion have killed Vachon? Not unless it incinerated him, and > there were a lot of bodies that weren't incinerated (they could identify > everybody). Plus, a mortal baby survived it too, with nary a scratch. Thanks. That's what I meant. True, an explosion DID occur, but that didn't mean that the whole plane had to become a huge fireball. -- Lost in the Shadows, Dr Funke (mff@h.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 08:10:30 +0200 From: Katrinka <STUKENDALCA@m.......> Subject: it can now be revealed yes it's true, Pat Elrod is writing a new book. Called "Keeper Of The King" it's about the last defender of Camelot must begin anew his quest for the holy Grail. Why am I writing about this on a fk list? Well, it's because of her co-writer. It's official, so I am allowed to tell. It's Nigel Bennett. Yep, *that* Nigel Bennett. Her latest newsletter has some very nice pics of her and him hard a work. He looks very ununcle like. Especally since one pic is taken in the sunlight. The book is coming out in October 1996. Theres a full report in pat's clubs latest newsletter. katrinka ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 09:13:08 -0400 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, Elizabeth Ann Lewis wrote: > Because Nick was hallucinating, like he was when bottles of blood flew all > over the loft and gook started coming up out of the sink (Liquid Plummer, > Nick?) No, no, no, no...that was *real* gook coming out of the sink and bottles of blood *really* flying around - it's the telekinetic demon! Just my humble opinion. Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 08:34:27 -0500 From: tim jones <tl@i.......> Subject: First FK CD and now......! Hi all! (waving at ya!) GAWD!!! First the FK CD is en route,(waiting impatiently,btw) And now hearing that NB has co-written a book.!!! Colour this Cousin, extremely happy!! Cousin Kelly, aspring member thong throng! Desperatly seeking my own Computer/E-mail address!!!! tl@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 09:36:02 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Every 54 years Someone extrapolated that, based on that once every ten minutes heart beat, female vampires would only menstruate every 54 years. Am I the only one who immediately had an horrific vision of Janette with PMS? Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 09:48:46 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Strangulation in SOB She wasn't mortal. BTW, strangulation is often used for the very kinky to intensify an orgasm. Suppose Nick could be heightening her orgasm? Just wondering *Blush* Dark Nightie and Enraptured cousin ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 07:18:56 -0700 From: Madwand <madwand@e.......> Subject: Re: Every 54 years McDavid" at Apr 9, 96 09:36:02 am > > Someone extrapolated that, based on that once every ten minutes heart > beat, female vampires would only menstruate every 54 years. > > Am I the only one who immediately had an horrific vision of Janette > with PMS? > And the scary part is, if only only happens every 54 years, just how long does it last? |------------------------------------------------------------| |Aaron Smith | Wizards Guild Parking... | |madwand@e....... | Violators will be toad! | |------------------------------------------------------------| | REALITY.SYS NOT FOUND....REBOOTING UNIVERSE. | |------------------------------------------------------------| ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 10:41:05 EDT From: Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......> Subject: What's on? HI all. I'm going to be gone for a few day (I better get my CD before I leave!!!), I just saw Fever and wanted to know what comes on this week. Need to know if I will have to set the VCR. Thanks -------------- Brandy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 11:16:55 -0400 From: "Gaylin J. Walli" <gjwalli@m.......> Subject: FK copyrights? Just out of curiosity, has anyone taken a good look at the closing credits for seasons 1, 2, and 3 and noted the copyright holders of the FK "stuff" for each of those seasons? Someone off list asked me about this and I couldn't honestly give them a straight answer other than "Uh, I think Sony/Tristar" which is most likely wrong. Any idea? I don't have a videotape in front of me... Jasmine, gjwalli@m......., Faithful Ravenette ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 08:05:00 PT From: Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......> Subject: Every 54 years No, had the same thought. And imagine, Nick managed to stay with her thru at least one of the cycles. If the average woman has PMS for about a week, then vampires must have it for about 6 weeks? <shudder> Good time to not be within a country of a female vampire.And what do they substitute for chocolate? It's what usually keeps me from killing my family during that particular time frame. :) Janette was PMS is even more frightening than being locked in a small room with a hungry LC. Tami LaFrank : TCL58@a....... or TCL20@a....... Forever Faithful Ravenette : Owner: Sacred Raven Health Spa : His hair glistened in the rain like "Come in, relax. We're dying : like nose hair after a sneeze. to prolong your life" : Stupidity *should* be painful! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 08:22:22 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) On Tue, 9 Apr 1996, Sandra Gray wrote: > When she looked back at Nick after LC stopped her, she looked angry... Fair enough. Goodness! A reason to go rewatch SoB... <g> However, it seems relevant to the "prince Nick" analysis to point out that she surely knew just who she was hitting on in that initial scene -- knew his reputation, and how LC feels about that reputation. Just a thought. :) ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* "The mighty mountains bare their fangs unto the moon" --Robert Service ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 11:26:55 -0400 From: Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......> Subject: Re: BB Questions > > 5) If you're in a plane, and it is crashing, what would happen if > > you jumped up as high as you can, right as the plane hit the ground? > > You'd hit the ceiling <g>, and fly backwards like a shot, as far as the > plane is concerned. Someone watching you from the ground outside would > see you standing still (well, more or less), as far as they were > concerned, if that's what you're fishing for. No! It's not as if they enter the air and are magically transported into a reference frame that is fixed with respect to the rest of planet Earth! They don't die because they stop moving as fast as the plane and suddenly slam into its rear. They die because they're not able to take away much of the speed of a screaming plane with their measly little leg muscles. You don't just suddenly stop moving. Stewardesses tell us not to unbuckle our safety belts because we stand a (slightly) better chance of survival if we are restrained by the belt and don't go flying towards the front of the plane when it suddenly stops moving, hitting random stuff and people along the way. -- Lost in the Shadows, Dr Funke (mff@h.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 08:32:15 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: YKYB... Lit. Edition I'm on my way to a 17th-Century Lit exam, and I've got these pernicious FK associations that refuse to leave me alone... Herrick's "Farewell to Sack"? Nick's "Farewell to Blood"!!! Marvell's "The Nymph Complaining for the Death of her Fawn"? Urs!!! Lovelace's "To Lucasta, Going to the Wars"? Nick to Nat!!! I don't suppose any of the essay questions will be, "What did LaCroix think of Cavalier poetry?"... darn it. :) ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* "The mighty mountains bare their fangs unto the moon" --Robert Service ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 11:04:53 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: FK CD-What CD? ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, L. Katherine Queen wrote: > Hi gang, > Will someone please give me info on this mystery CD.You know the basic > four W's.What, Where, Who and Why. Thanks > > Katherine, of the newly Knighted...ever-closer to Knightie-dom > lqueen@p....... > ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 12:15:43 -0400 From: "Nancy A. Taylor" <NancyT503@a.......> Subject: YKYB... YKYB Reading This List Too Long When you dream about reading the list, posting to the list, reading the list, e-mailing your list friends, reading the list....all night long. Sigh. Why couldn't I have some good Knightie dreams like Nick with his shirt unbuttoned... Nick with his shirt *off*... just out the shower... Hmmm, yeah, that's better. :) Dame Nancy (NancyT503@a.......) Proud Knight(ie) of the List ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 12:17:29 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject:CDCDCDCDCDCDCD... need info on CDCDCD forever knight thanks tanya lacroix' lover nicholas' nightmaid ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 09:36:22 -0500 From: Janice Cox <jancox@v.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) At 02:47 AM 4/9/96 -0500, Sandra Gray wrote: Vamp >sex might get a bit rough, but Nick seemed more intent on exercising >power over her when he was choking her rather than pleasure. Demon >influence, I expect. Of course you'd add the "demon influence" bit, Sandra! ;-) Heaven forbid ole Nickie enjoying his walk on the darker side just a little... Actually, I agree, but it's much more fun to take a poke at such a dedicated Knightie! Seriously, tho--could it be the the female vamp was afraid he'd just squeeze until he ripped her head right off? Stragulation is of course unpleasant, but it's not like she was going to suffocate or anything. While Uncle frequently taunts Nick for being weak because of the lack of blood drinking, I think he means it *relatively*. Nick's old enough that he can be pretty physically threatening to the younger folk--when he wants to! Even Vachon, who's getting up there himself, is a little careful around him... On a lighter note: On the bus to work every day I pass our live theater, who has been performing Sound of Music. Next up is, of course, Natalie Needs a Nightie... Too much tequila some Saturday night and I'm going to add that "K". Off I go-- Janice "Badges? We don't need no steeenking badges!" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 12:43:35 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Rosebud Does anyone know where I can reach Rosebud? I seemed to have lost his email address. (-: ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 11:53:24 CST-6CDT From: Leann Lapp <LAPPL@a.......> Subject: Re: Audiobooks-need information Hope this is going to list in general. Need more information on the audiobooks. I would like to order them through my local bookstore if possible but the need to know author or editor in an effort to located it so they can possible order for me. Any help appreciated. Thanks Leann Lapp lappl@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 12:33:40 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Janette and LaCroix All right, I'll dive into the discussion about the relationship between Janette and LaCroix-- I've always found it interesting that LaCroix, having been brought across circa 79 AD, waited as long as 900-1000 to bring across a companion he intended to keep with him. Perhaps he had failures previously (a comment on why Nick has so much trouble with successful converts; it's a skill mastered through trial and error and he hasn't quite learned how to judge potential converts or how to guide them through their vampire infancy?), which we've never seen. Hopefully, "Ashes to Ashes" might reveal something in an aside or comment. It is also interesting that Nick is 'chosen' not that long after--1228. Had LaCroix's success with Janette made him confident enough to try again? Or had his first thousand years made him more aware of the requirements he would wish for companions for the years that yet awaited him? I can certainly see him planning carefully, making mental lists of attributes that would satisfy his intellectual and physical requirements as well as those necessary for survival and success as a vampire who could last past several centuries. There are certain personality types who would make charming short-lived vampires, but would burn too hot and falter too quickly. As to Janette--she had a sense of self-preservation to rival his own (fighting off the soldiers because she knew her pimp would beat her if they had her for free), beauty, intelligence, spirit . . . his observation of her seems to have been as thorough as necessary. He offers her what she thinks is freedom through power, but which is in actuality just another form of enslavement. Did Janette fight, when she found her wings clipped? Probably not, as LaCroix has proven accurate in his assessments and knew enough not to confine her too much, reigning her in to remind her who her master was and for her own protection. In addition, he observed that she had grown resigned to her mortal fate, acquiescing and surviving rather than fighting to the death what she could not change. This characteristic would make her perfect for his plans. What we have seen of the two of them together seems to lend credence to this theory--Janette has a loyalty to LaCroix that he does not often show to her (she is second best in his eyes, as when he tells Nicholas to leave her behind when she falters). Perhaps that is her acknowledgment of the gift he has given her; Janette's loyalty is not fealty (in which a liegeman vows to remain loyal to his Lord so long as the Lord honors the contract between them), but absolute and generally unconditional with the possible exception of Nick's immediate well-being. In "Father's Day," the scene in which Janette tells LaCroix where Nicholas has gone was shot two ways. The one we saw showed Janette being stoic, LaCroix threatening with what seemed the slightest pressure of a hand on her neck and shoulder and a voice of whispered warning. The alternate scene was the same in dialogue if not in detail--Janette is crying and LaCroix's grip is obviously hurting her (they are positioned the same, with him standing behind her). He shouts his threats at her until she capitulates. The former was the correct choice and far more appropriate for these characters. These two have been together for so long that they know something of each other's minds and souls. Yes, the former scene makes Janette look cold in betraying Nicholas, but it brings home the eventuality that LaCroix WILL win no matter what she does and Janette knows this. This is a scene that has no doubt been repeated a number of times in their history. And, for all they know, will be repeated yet again. Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. Discover the power of Forever Knight at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 12:10:18 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: umm OK OK OK OK I admit it I WATCHED THE WHOLE THING!!!!!!!!!! FORGIVE ME! I have sinned I know but I accutally sat through all 60 minutes of it, and (GULP) I hate to admit it but I enjoyed some of it. Cousin Connie On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Muldy Sculler wrote: > I managed to watch 18 mins. yes, 18 mins. on the most boring stuff I > have ever seen--Kindred: The Useless.I did not waste anymore time. > Barbara > ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 10:40:28 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Rosebud On Tue, Tanya Smith wrote: > Does anyone know where I can reach Rosebud? I seemed to have lost his email > address. (-: < > Naturally. < G > ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* Bright Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 10:49:46 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Every 54 years You do all realize, don't you, that if that particular bodily function is compatible with immortality, so would be pregnancy? After all, healing factor and viability everything, her eggs predate her vampirism. Anybody want to calculate fertile times? I can't believe I'm contributing to this madness... <g> ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* "The mighty mountains bare their fangs unto the moon" --Robert Service ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:50:55 -0700 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: Re: Liking Third Season Bonnela Pardoe wrote: > >Mercs, how much chocolate to kidnap it for me? > > Tsk, tsk, tsk -- bringing in Mercs to handle an internal Vaquero 'issue'. > I'm disappointed in you, Apache. Don't you think we can work something out > without involving those... those... parasites? Besides, it would take a > heckva lot more than anything the Mercs might have at their disposal to get > that scene away from me. <veg> Ahem. Parasites???? Parasites??????????????????????? -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff Co-Administrator | Mercenary for Chocolate Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 11:02:06 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Vampiric Balance Tracy doesn't seem to have any objections to vampirism, does she? Ok, so she can't say the word out loud, but morally? I was just pondering the whole cast change thing... It used to be: LaCroix | Janette-----Nick-----Natalie | Schanke But I was unable to diagram the current relationships in any similar manner, and it occurred to me that it is because now, in a certain sense, Tracy, Vachon, Urs, Screed and LC are all standing on the same side of Nick -- approving of vampirism -- and that Nat isn't enough of a counterbalance all on her own. I think the weight of the other characters' attitudes has contributed to Nick's backsliding. Thoughts? ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* "The mighty mountains bare their fangs unto the moon" --Robert Service ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 14:13:42 -0400 From: Melanie Hernandez <Gitanita@a.......> Subject: FK CD info Greetings All! Well since there was *so* much acclaim for the FK CD, I finally broke down and ordered it today! And since there were a few questions about the CD and ordering info, I thought I'd post the info I got in the end of March... <<The CD is now available for direct mail-order. Stores like Sam Goody, Tower and others won't have it until sometime later. For VISA or Mastercard orders please call GNP at 1-800-654-7029 CDs are $12.98 ea. plus $3.00 postage and shipping. (Buy three, get one free) Cassettes are $8. 98 plus $3.00 postage and shipping. (Same deal applies) or send check or money orders for the above amounts to GNP/Crescendo Records 8400 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA Turnaround time for orders is usually a week to ten days.>> I can't wait to get mine! I was told 2 weeks wait at the most... Too excited, ~Melanie~ *Newly converted Dark Knightie*Ravenette*Immortal Beloved*FoSiL* *Newly strengthened Vaquera* ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 14:13:40 -0400 From: Siona <siona@n.......> Subject: Re: mysterious legends beyond At 01:49 AM 4/9/96 -0500, Heather wrote: >long. They also filmed part of the show in Toronto, about some rock singer >who drank blood and his girlfriend (wierd). I was wondering if this is some He drank his girlfriend? Sorry, couldn't resist :) Siona@n....... Dark Knightie! Help save Forever Knight! see "Murphy was an optimist!" Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:22:11 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) Janice Cox writes: >Heaven forbid ole Nickie enjoying his walk on the darker side just a >little... Well, I was only speaking about demon influence in reference to the choking. ;) And to whoever it was who mentioned choking could be an aid to better orgasm, that may be so, but it still seemed to me that she wasn't enjoying being choked so I don't think it was stimulating her sexual pleasure. Besides that, Nick isn't usually shown being anywhere *near* that kinky romancing other women. And I don't think that under normal circumstances he'd keep up with an activity that his partner was not finding pleasureable. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 11:19:26 -0800 From: John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......> >Subject:CDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCD... >need info on CDCDCD >forever knight >thanks >tanya >lacroix' lover >nicholas' nightmaid There number and address are GNP/Cresendo Records 8400 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, Ca. 90069 1-800-654-7029 cds 12.98+3.00 P&S Cassettes 8.98+3.00 P&S ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 10:32:39 -0800 From: John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......> Subject: Re: Every 54 years >Someone extrapolated that, based on that once every ten minutes heart >beat, female vampires would only menstruate every 54 years. >Am I the only one who immediately had an horrific vision of Janette >with PMS? Actually no, although I wouldn't say it would be horrific... I would say Janette is one who looks beautiful when she is angry. :) Of course I would observe this from a distance, surrounded by crosses, crates of garlic, and munching on a large plate of spagetti with a generous portions of meatsauce. John ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:36:42 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Every 54 years Amy writes: >her eggs predate her vampirism. Anybody want to calculate fertile times? I'd make a comment, but that episode is under spoiler protection. :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:44:43 CDT From: L'Phantom <jrarmstr@p.......> Subject: Re: Vampiric Balance Actually, I would have put Urs on the other side; she never wanted to be a vampire; her entire existance is abhorrent to her, which would almost put her diametrically opposite LC. However, as with Nat v. Tracy/Vachon/Screed , Urs v. LaCroix is hopelessly outmatched. But look again; it is just Nick that these people are influencing? Try this diagram on for size: "Good"| | Urs Nat | | /------------------------------X | | | / /--------/-Tracy |Vachon --------------Nick --/ | | /------------/ | | | / Janette |LaCroix -------------/ "Evil"|_____________________________________________ Vampire Mortal Now to interpret: On a scale from "good" to "evil" in human terms, LaCroix and Janette fall in the lower half, Tracy, Nat, and (IMO) Urs fall in the upper. Nick and Vachon are right in the middle I think, seeing that Vachon has no problem being a vampire, but does accept his responsibility for Tracy. Nick tries so hard to be a "good" person, but because of the vampire in him, he feels he cannot overcome that. On the other scale, from "Vampire" to "Mortal", Nick and Janette are in the middle because of Nick's quest and Janette's... well, spoilers lie a along *that* path. The lines of influence indicate the direction each character is trying to pull each other character along this chart. EX: LaCroix is pulling Nick down and left, to the zero-point of the graph. (How's *that* for complex character interaction? :) ) Straying from your mind into your left shoulder, just coz I can, The "New and Improved" L'Phantom Now a Cousin in full standing! Help Save Forever Knight! Ask me how! jrarmstr@b....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 14:45:56 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Every 54 years In a message dated 96-04-09 11:27:28 EDT, you write: >And what do they substitute for >chocolate? A merc after payday! Carrie, Proud Knightie Carrie400@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:53:46 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: Blood/Blood Light Recipes I also would like the recipies, my who family is in to the FK. =========================================================================
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