File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604B" Part 8 TOPICS: Screed (jealousy? self-hate?) Uncle's 3rd Season Looks best things in early 3rd season eps (3) I GOT the FK CD!!!!!! Liking Third Season (2) People 50 most beautiful people poll FK CD (3) Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) (5) What's on the CD Atten: Janice Cox Tracy is Nick Jr. mysterious legends beyond I got my CD! I got my CD!!! GEmini Awards Tape YKYB.... I got my CD ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 00:06:24 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Screed (jealousy? self-hate?) In a message dated 96-04-08 21:37:23 EDT, you write: >Definitely! Screed's life is simple, completely uncomplicated, he doesn't >have to worry about always having to "repay humanity for his sins", he >doesn't have LaCroix hounding him through continents and centuries, etc, etc. > I mean, okay, the guy sucks on rats and lives in a sewer. And he runs off to Las Vegas whenever he has a wad of cash to spend. What a life. Not that I want to emulate it or anything... Carrie, Proud Knightie Carrie400@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 00:06:29 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Uncle's 3rd Season Looks In a message dated 96-04-08 22:50:12 EDT, you write: >But Marina, aren't you forgetting his industrial strength, fuzzy >caterpillar eyebrows? <eg> ROTFL!!! <can't speak, can't breath> Carrie, Proud Knightie, wiping her eyes and running her arm up to her elbow under her nose Carrie400@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 20:53:38 -0700 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: Re: best things in early 3rd season eps At 11:09 PM 4/8/96 EDT, Ian wrote: >these are my fave bits from 3rd season >*Trophy Girl*--"Pragmatist." > --"She has an evil twin?" (dumb Urs dumb Urs...) > >*HoD*-- "If she's an amateur, I'm a vegetarian." Hmmmm, Urs and Vachon quotes - methinks that great possibilities for deep, quotable, belly laughs, were missed by the writers for these two - yep, down, deeeeeep inside, I did like Urs and her wide-eyed take on the undead! She is the living (sic) incarnate of "can't that girl learn anything?" Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 00:31:01 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: I GOT the FK CD!!!!!! I didn't get it yet. I ran up and down the stairs all day long, hoping for mail... no such luck. Other people in NY have received theirs. I have not. I am Unhappy. But I think my credit card got charged for the purchase. Crescendo has apparently taken my money. That's a good sign, right? (Either that, or one of my online services billed me again. It's some kind of FK-related expense, that's for certain.) YKYB waiting too long for the cd's release when you find yourself HOPING to see your available credit drop... -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner -- Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 00:26:00 -0700 From: BECKY BURNS <becky.burns@w.......> Subject: Re: Liking Third Season -=>On 04/07/96 17:01, Akr said to All: Ak> I hereby issue a challenge to find something nice in every Ak> third-season episode. Here're mine: Delurking to try my hand at this: Ak> 1-2 "Black Buddha" -- Vachon's shower scene (for Bonnie <g>) UGH! Puhleez! Wait, for Bonnie, but just this once. I have two from this one: 1- Nick's reaction to Schanke's death 2- Nick holding Vachon in a one handed choke hold up against the sewer wall talking about responsibility. "Eternity is a long time to keep running." Ak> 3 "Outside the Lines" --(tough) --the "Phantom" banner outside the Ak> building This one I kinda agree with (seen Phantom and wanted to steal the banner) But I do have another favorite scene where Nick is standing outside the phone booth and the bad cop is telling him how good the collar would be and Nicky just stares at him for a few beats, smirks then walks away. Ak> 4 "Blackwing" -- (needs no defense) -- complex distribution of guilt Ok, so I agree with this one... Ak> 5 "Blind Faith" -- wonderful guest actress You mean the dog right? "Good boy." j/j Ak> 6 "MBIAV" -- Nat standing up for herself with Nick Huh? Did I miss something? Ak> 7 "HoD" -- Urs's origin Nothin' like seein' how Curly was brought across...Another vamp with angst-and I thought ole Nicky was the only one. Ak> 8 "Trophy Girl" -- flashback! "Intoxicating, wasn't she?" You forgot one of the best scenes: Vachon & Nick in the car discussing fins & trunkspace Ak> 9 "LNMTA" -- Nick likes the whole package just the way it is <g> No arguement there. Ak> 10 "Night in Question" -- (needs no defense!) -- dream sequence got one: Nat & Reese walk in with the Doctor and Nat's surprised to see Nick eating. Ak> 11 "Sons of Belial" -- (needs no defense!) -- scene in the Raven Ditto + 1: Uncle's recitation of Paradise Lost. Ak> 12 "Strings" -- flashback: "And you are under...?" Ok, this one was good. Ak> 13 "Fever" -- (needs no defense!) -- Nightcrawler's monologue, natch No mistake there. Also, Nick's scene in the Morgue with Nat "I'm hungry...and I'm hot." Amy, this was a great Idea of yours...Let's hear more about this from everyone! Tired Cousin Becky ... Do you smell Pina Coladas?-Nat "False Witness" ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 12:55:50 -0400 From: TVBoy <obrienc@u.......> Subject: People 50 most beautiful people poll Hey All- I'm normally a lurker, but I saw this in my x-files mail and couldn't resist sending it on: >I just cheked out the standingd for the most beautiful people and heres how >our favorite characters are standing: > >#1 - Mitch Pleggi >#2 - David Duchovny, tied with Cathrine Disher <who?> >#3 - Gillian Anderson > I guess this guy is only half with it! But it's nice to know somebody out there is recognising her! TVBoy | obrienc@u....... | obrienc@u....... "Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammie." -Special Agent Scully ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 21:29:20 PST From: June Russell <Kat@g.......> Subject: Re: FK CD :YNYBWTMFKW.... You are buying shoes at Macy's and at the Bandalino :display you do a double take upon seeing the sale sign "UNCLE, now only :$49.00" ! And you think, I didn't know he was for sale? Sold! About as fun as seeing that LaCroix has put out his new fall line of clothes, until you realize they mean *Christian* LaCroix, not *Lucien*. Kat Kat ( June Russell )!grendal!kat kat@g....... Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 21:40:53 -0700 From: Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) At 8:52 PM 4/08/96, Cynthia Hoffman wrote: >On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, ELIZABETH ANN LEWIS wrote: >> Regarding the girl in the back room in SoB and why LC would have told her >> to shut up: >> I suppose this isn't the time to mention my theory that she was *mortal* >I'll bite: if she was mortal why did she have fangs and gold eyes? Because Nick was hallucinating, like he was when bottles of blood flew all over the loft and gook started coming up out of the sink (Liquid Plummer, Nick?) Although I'll buy Sandra's explanation that she was a younger vampire and could be injured by his greater strength. But I like mine better--why would LaCroix be happy that he was sucking face with another female vamp? He'd been doing that with Janette for two years (three if you think that a year transpired between LYTD and KI). But if he were attacking a mortal woman... that would please Daddy very much. Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild elewis@u.......***Lizbetann@a....... Ravenette of the New Order--Knightie/NatPacker/N&N Packer with Cousinly Sympathies and faint leanings towards Vanquea-ism "Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw"--Passion is the will to be Listowner, Middle Ages Life ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 01:06:50 -0400 From: "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......> Subject: Re: best things in early 3rd season eps OK, I tried to resist, but now I've got to play too.... BB1&2, OtL--Haven't seen yet. Trophy Girl-- "Car's with fins....Pragmatist" "You really oughtta keep that hypno thing in your holster." Hearts of Darkness--- Look on Nat's face in tag when she says "Sex." Nick/Urs hug. Blind Faith-- "Mazda's don't fetch." "Sparky?...Exactly what I'd expect you to name a dog." Night in Question-- "I think you should the *door*." Look on Nick's face during LC/Nat confrontation Look on Nick's face when Nat's laughs while he's eating Kiss in front of firsplace Dream sequence.... "Is what I am the thing that makes you so sad?" Sons of Belial-- Nick *not* chomping on Nat at Vandewal's Tag Blackwing-- Nat's "Getting your soul dry cleaned" line Nat "You had 2 pints of donated plasma this morning *for breakfast*...You don't tan, ya boil." LNMTA-- Nick's "Who's got Natalie?" on the phone with Tracey Nick's voice when he rushes into ER to save Nat "Likes the whole package" The not-kiss Alora Natpacker acc0924@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 01:06:53 -0400 From: Helen Schreiner <HelenCS@a.......> Subject: FK CD My CD arrived on Saturday--so it has made it to NYC. It's great --well worth the long wait! Helen (HelenCS@a.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 01:21:29 -0400 From: Siona <siona@n.......> Subject: What's on the CD Okay, I volunteer to do the typing. 1. Forever Knight Theme 2. The Hunger - Vocal: Lori Yates 3. "What a wonderful thing Humanity is..." - Nigel Bennett 4. Dark Night - France 1228/ Cherry Blossoms - The Ambush 5. Suite from Queen of Harps 6. Suite from The Hunted 7. Nick's Piano Theme - performed by Geraint Wyn Davies/ Suite fomr Forward Inot The Past 8. Black Rose - Vocal: Lori Yates 9. Suite from Amateur Night 10. "If you love something..." - Nigel Bennett 11. Suite from Be My Valentine 12. Father Figure - Nick's Lullaby to Lisa 13. Suite from Dark Knight 14. "You would do well to avoid me..." - Nigel Bennett 15. Touch the Night - Vocal: Lori Yates 16. Avenging Angel - Time Stands Still 17. Curiouser and Curiouser - Nick and Janette 18. Suite from Undue Process 19. Suite from A More Permanent Hell 20. Baby, Baby - CN Tower Finale 21. "Only one thing is truly permanent..." - Nigel Bennett 22. Dark Side of the Glass - Vocal: Lori Yates Siona@n....... Dark Knightie! Help save Forever Knight! see "Murphy was an optimist!" Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 22:01:31 -0700 From: Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......> Subject: Atten: Janice Cox Sigh. I never thought I'd be doing this, but... Janice! I've bounced three messages off you in three days! Please send me parts 1 and 2 of your story, and are you going to make it to Ren Faire if we go in June? Thank you, and I'm sorry for taking up bandwidth. :::Mea cupla::: ;) Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild elewis@u.......***Lizbetann@a....... Ravenette of the New Order--Knightie/NatPacker/N&N Packer with Cousinly Sympathies and faint leanings towards Vanquea-ism "Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw"--Passion is the will to be Listowner, Middle Ages Life ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 23:00:27 -0500 From: Janice Cox <jancox@v.......> Subject: Re: Tracy is Nick Jr. I wrote (in part) >> What I was trying to say was that that *might* >>have been the direction they (TPTB) were going to head in with those two >>characters. As things stand now, they haven't apparently moved beyond >>friendship (flavored w/a little lust). > At 12:08 PM 4/8/96 -0800, John Soo-Hoo wrote: >Vachon seems closer to Urs than Tracy. Tracy appears to be Vachon's >responsibility rather than a love interest. IMHO, Tracy seems to reading >more into the relationship than Vachon. Vachon only shows up when Tracy >calls usually for "street info"... True, Vachon is close to Urs, but that is because of the years that they've been travelling together, and the fact that he is her master. In HoD Urs indicates that Vachon has been (like all the other men in her life) a substitute father figure. I'll agree that Tracy seems more interested, but after BB and fever you can't deny that Vachon feels *some* attraction to her... Man, I wish my own life was this interesting! Janice ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 23:12:05 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) Re: Female vamp in SoB was Mortal thread... > Because Nick was hallucinating, like he was when bottles of blood flew all > over the loft and gook started coming up out of the sink... Just putting in a pitch for the "it was a REAL demon with REAL telekinesis" school of thought... and that she was, indeed, a vamp. > Although I'll buy Sandra's explanation that she was a younger vampire and > could be injured by his greater strength. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there was never any concern about the *woman* being injured. LC threatened her, to keep her from telling the world that his son was out of control, and thus embarrassing him, but she didn't seem (to me) to mind being strangled... or anything else. ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* <No, I'm not here now either; I'm still studying for that exam...> ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 23:16:19 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: best things in early 3rd season eps On Tue, 9 Apr 1996, Alora C. Chistiakoff wrote: > Night in Question-- "Is what I am the thing that makes you so sad?" Oh! How could I have forgotten that? NiQ is the episode that brought me over, and that is *the* line...! Golly, but I like Nick when he's good... as if you didn't know. :) ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 01:36:48 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: FK CD >About as fun as seeing that LaCroix has put out his new fall line of >clothes, until you realize they mean *Christian* LaCroix, not *Lucien*. Damn!:) I LIKE Uncle's clothes. Hmmmm... I can see it: all black (to hide those nasty little red stains), conservatively cut (to hide those nasty little red stains), comes with free mini-sword (to create those nasty little red stains). I'd buy 'em! Anyway, they'd match all the rest of my stuff! Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? Black dye. Must have more... black... DYE!!!!... I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 01:49:23 -0500 From: "[Heather Poinsett]" <HEP2708@a.......> Subject: mysterious legends beyond I just finished watching a canadian show on the learning channel called mysterious legends beyond (I think??) Try to imagine remembering anything if you spent the last 6 hours memorizing different latin names for plants. (Heather begins pulling out her hair). Anyway the show was on the vampire legends..and guess what they had scenes from. They showed about 2 scenes of GWD. I couldn't recognize the episodes the scenes were only a few seconds long. They also filmed part of the show in Toronto, about some rock singer who drank blood and his girlfriend (wierd). I was wondering if this is some thing old? I mean I'm in College Station, TX, and I just came across this show during the middle of the night. Anyway, I hope someone has seen this show, and can tell me what episodes they used. Hope this was not too confusing..this is what happens when I drink way too much caffeine. Heather -*Misty-Eyed Adventuress* anyone know the bionomial name for Deadly Nightshade (semi-wicked cousinly smile) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 03:13:17 -0400 From: Janette Z <Janette92@a.......> Subject: Re: I got my CD! I got my CD!!! In a message dated 96-04-08 22:51:48 EDT, you write: >I GOT MY CD!!!! I GOT MY CD!!!!!!!!! > >Yes, there was a little package from Crescendo Records stuck by my front door >just now when I got home. Me too!!!! I'm listening to it as I type!!! Talk about a little taste of heaven :-) BTW: Yes, I know I said I was leaving for a few weeks, but I couldn't figure out how to go no mail so I just gave up! Ravenette, Immortal Beloved, Seducer, CO-CFW for Evil MacLeod, Richie Reservist, Janette92@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 03:17:01 -0400 From: Melanie Hernandez <Gitanita@a.......> Subject: Re: GEmini Awards Tape In a message dated 96-04-08 09:35:56 EDT, Dotti R wrote: >Speaking of the Gemini awards tape - where is it on the loop? I believe I >put myself on the loop originally--anyone know who's got it now and where I >am on the list? What loop?? (excuse my newbie-ness) And how do I get on it?? ~Melanie~ *Newly converted Dark Knightie*Ravenette*Immortal Beloved*FoSiL* *Newly strengthened Vaquera* ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 03:17:01 -0400 From: Melanie Hernandez <Gitanita@a.......> Subject: YKYB.... Greetings all! YKYB reading too much FORKNI-L mail when your sitting in your Cosmological Thought class and the professor brings up Johann H. Lambert, a 18th century German scientist and published a theory on nebulas called "The System of the World", and wonder if Natalie has any German roots and if she has her own cosmological theory... Still giggling, ~Melanie~ *Newly converted Dark Knightie*Ravenette*Immortal Beloved*FoSiL* *Newly strengthened Vaquera* ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 02:47:26 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) Amy writes: >she didn't seem (to me) to mind being strangled... or anything else. While she didn't seem to mind the initial rather "spirited" :) attentions of Nick or even being thrown down on the couch, she looked to me like she *did not* like being strangled. When he kept it up, I thought she looked afraid. And she still seemed afraid when Nick let her go and she bolted for the door. When she looked back at Nick after LC stopped her, she looked angry to me (at her treatment by Nick). Vamp sex might get a bit rough, but Nick seemed more intent on exercising power over her when he was choking her rather than pleasure. Demon influence, I expect. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 23:58:11 -0800 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) I do not buy that the female in the Raven was mortal. Yes, in the loft he was having a paranormal experience, however at the Raven, I believe, he was having a lust experience. The female was a vampire. Now as to why LC was rejoicing--seeing Nick releasing his lusts and passions rather than exercising control is what LC wants. Barbara ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 00:45:53 -0700 From: Warren Harris <wharris@c.......> Subject: I got my CD My, my, my...guess what came in the mail today... Shortly after the mail came, I remembered that I had a bit of running around town to do (my car stereo is MUCH better than my home system). This is one hell of a CD. It is well mixed, well mastered, has really NICE dynamic range, and, on top of all of that, it is ULTRA COOL! Very, very, pleasant. For those still waiting, it is well worth the wait... The TV just doesn't do Fred's work justice. And Lori Yates has a sweet voice... Yeah, this one is gonna be in the CD player for a long time. ________________________________________________________________________ Warren Harris | Ansoft Corporation | Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack. wharris@c....... | - Rule of Acquisition #109 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 02:20:02 -0700 From: Bonnela Pardoe <bonnie@o.......> Subject: Re: Liking Third Season >> Amy wrote: >> >> I hereby issue a challenge to >> find something nice in every third-season episode. >> 1 "Black Buddha" -- > >> Vachon's shower scene (for Bonnie <g>) Apache replied: > Bonnie gets that? Yep! Helps to know the right people in the right places. <g> >Mercs, how much chocolate to kidnap it for me? Tsk, tsk, tsk -- bringing in Mercs to handle an internal Vaquero 'issue'. I'm disappointed in you, Apache. Don't you think we can work something out without involving those... those... parasites? Besides, it would take a heckva lot more than anything the Mercs might have at their disposal to get that scene away from me. <veg> So, here are my contributions: >> 1&2 "Black Buddha" -- Vachon moments: The car scene between him and Tracy -- "An what a screaming fine ride it is, too. Did you pick this bucket out yourself?" Vachon explaining to Tracy what it was like to be brought across (and you thought the calla lily scene in 'Fever' was hot!). When Nick has Vachon pinned against the wall, two feet off the ground, reading him the riot act about endangering Tracy. When Vachon oh-so-politely wipes his mouth after snacking on Vudu (LC and NK could take a lesson in neat eating habits from JDV). Vachon in the flashback <heavy sigh> -- and Tracy didn't fall down at his feet and beg to be brought across? The final scene with Tracy and Vachon at the church. Fred's cool little riff which Vachon is supposed to be plucking when Tracy walks in (are you sure it isn't from an actual song, Fred? It's so catchy!). Non-Vachon moments: Nat getting pissed at Nick for planning to leave without telling her, and then getting so upset when she finds out he's still inside the station with the bomb. Nick jumping out of Reece's office window. Tracy asking Vachon, "Who the hell is this Inca anyway?" Nick and Tracy in the caddy discussing her relationship with her father (Nick is so cool). LC getting to say "I'll take 'Famous Javier's' for 400." >> 3 "Outside the Lines" -- Vachon moment: Waiting on Tracy's couch for her to get home from work so that they can watch 'Sailor Moon' re-runs together. Well, okay, in my dreams. Non-Vachon moments: When Tracy gets called 'Button' and then later when Nick teases her about it. When Nat demonstrates on Tracy how the victim's throat was slit. >> 4 "Blackwing" -- > Vachon moment: "Because I can." Yep! Good moment. Very good moment. Oh, and his, "you forget, I've been around." >> 5 "Blind Faith" -- (worst ep of all, imo) Aww, but it's got a Guide Dog in it! Brandon liked it! <woof> Vachon moment: Vachon waiting in Tracy's bed for her to get home from work so that they can... oh, never mind. Non-Vachon moment: All the scenes with dogs in them. In the flashback, the scene where Nick chucks that stake at LaCroix's head and misses. >> 6 "MBIAV" -- > > Vachon moment: "and no, he's not a [little munchie bite]" Oh, yeah! And when he says that he's *not* with Metro Police. And his flashback, when he does his little 'Santa Maria' speech. Non-Vachon moments: Tracy and her angsty 'babe cop' scene, the one with Vachon staring at her butt. Nick and LC in the Raven (yeah Vachon's there, too) talking about women. >> 7 "HoD" -- Urs' backstory. Vachon moments: His utter cluelessness about Urs -- lots of great blank looks through out. His line about Tracy seeing Vampires under every rock. Non-Vachon moments: Nick ducking behind a pillar to avoid Tracy. Urs and Nick hugging. Urs getting to sing. The actress who played Ellen, when she 'changed.' >> 8 "Trophy Girl" -- Lacroix choking a taste of the babe back out of Nick. Ah, better yet, when Nick is trying to save the wench and ends up chomping on her instead. But the important part is his heart was in the right place, even if his fangs weren't. <g> Vachon moments: "Cars are sexier with fins, don't you think? More pedatory. <g>" That whole car scene with Nick. His intense study of the cocktail umbrella at the Raven (Hmm, I wonder what he could possibly be thinking about. Eh, Amy?) Non-Vachon moments: LC on the internet. The jail cell scene where the psycho is telling Nick what makes a serial killer tick and you can see, by the expression on Nick's face, that his mind is going: 'well, I did that yesterday,' and 'but, it was for a good cause,' and 'damn, I thought only I did that.' >> 9 "LNMTA" > Vachon moment.... *I wish* Was he even still in the opening credits? Yes, he was. And what a fine credit it was to. So well placed. Such depth. Definately defined his role for this ep. Non-Vachon moment: When Tracy gets to nail that guy with the door. Nat's reaction to going under. Nick's funny, little, corner-market flower bouquet. Nick and Nat's banter in the morgue. Nat ducking out from under Nick. >> 10 "Night in Question" -- Vachon moment: Vachon waiting in Tracy's bathtub for her to get home from work, cause there is nothing like finding a vamp covered in Mr. Bubble bubble-bath bubbles to take your mind off your partner getting tagged. Non-Vachon moments: LC and Nat making eye contact at the hospital. Nat confronting LC at the loft, and Nick's bewildered look. Nick eating an apple and not getting that funny 'eww' look on his face. Nick getting pissed at Nat for not telling him about the sun thing. Nat telling Nick that she lied to him about the bullet wound. Nick getting memory overload at the crime scene. And, say, was it just me, or did those two cops interrogating Tracy remind you of the two enforcers from Season 1? >> 11 "Sons of Belial" -- Vachon moment: Vachon waiting for Urs to get home from the Raven so that he can tell her about this really cool book that Tracy lent him about 'Exorcisims'. Non-Vachon moment: hmmm, I'm thinking.... Nick almost attacking Nat. LC pleased with Nick's behavior at the Raven, though warning him about going to the other extreme. And LC's monologue at the end when he turns and looks straight into the camera and it feels like he's staring right into your soul. <*shiver*> >> 12 "Strings" Vachon moment: circling high above TO waiting for Tracy to get home from work so that they can finish reading the next Winnie-The-Pooh chapter in which Tigger gets his bounce back and Rabbit is sorry. Non-Vachon moment: Christie nailing her brother with a nice shot to the stomach and right in the middle of the police station! Oh, and Fred's music through out! -- always a high point. >> 13 "Fever" -- *sigh*. Vachon slithering all over Tracy's face and hair >as the First Hunger begins to set in. Nick's "I'm hungry... and I'm hot." >Everything. Ditto! And don't forget the 'See you in hell' scene or the Nick and Vachon scene, where Vachon gets that wide-eyed, hey-what-are-going-to-do-with-that, look on his face. And LC's scene in the morgue. > > >Thanks, Amy! And Apache! And, remember, Apache, all you have to do is ask. No need to waste your hard earned chocolate. <g> Bonnela, ardent Vaquera (bonnie@o.......) -- expendable, under the right circumstances ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 06:43:25 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Prince Nick (was Re: Is Nick a snob?) At 06:17 PM 4/8/96 PST, Kat wrote: > > >How widespread amongst the vampire community is it that Nick wants to be >mortal? I thought that the Enforcers wanted him to keep it quiet. > Apparently quite widespread, the community seems to be aware of everything that goes on within the community. Janette and LaCroix are always dragging them in "There are those among us...", "The community is not happy..." I mean, it's not everyday you run into a fellow vampire who doesn't like being a vampre, works as a cop and is actively trying to be human again. Sometimes I think it's just coz he's LaCroix's son that no one sneaks up on him and stakes him anyway!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... =========================================================================
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