File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604A" Part 19 TOPICS: Ether message to all!!! SF got a screw loose? (2) Ger's Highlander ep? (2) For susan@v....... (2) Unsub from Kindred portion of FK list Faction Names (was Re: New List member info) (2) Forever Knight Connection! Syndies still showing FK (5) As Time Goes By FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Apr 1996 to 5 Apr 1996 - Special issue Nick's Search For A Cure. Prostrate prostate LISTEN UP!!! (4) They are brunch Hooked from Episode 1 Sci-Fi on West Coast YKYB... Blood Donation RSITHYKYB... (2) Info: Handling mail Lichen: The inside story :) (2) Blue Meanie Manifesto Listen UP URL for Good Times Virus Hoax FAQ Uh... off list, please? ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 06:29:57 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Ether message to all!!! Yes, yes, a few days early (hey, I'm a student. Days of the week mean NOTHING to me). But I just wanted to bring a happy little Ether message to you all, from our own special Forever Ether Bunnies!!!! (Tracy bounds happily onto stage in her big pink fluffy bunny costume, giggles. Screaming is heard offstage. Suddenly Vachon, bound and gagged is tossed after her. Tracy grins, gives him a big, squichy smooch. Natalie, still in her lab garb but with some ears thrown on is dragging a squirming Nick behind her. He looks like Peter Rabbit From H*LL, complete with large fake carrot and teeth. He tried to run off, but a Tracy hug paralyzes him momentarily. Janette saunters on stage looking phenomenal in a black Playboy Bunny costume, grins seductively. Reese follows in same outfit. Tracy giggles, Nick loses consciousness, Nat ignores Nick. Screed shows up dressed like the Easter Rodent. Schanke follows in a minute dressed like a chocolate egg and apparently cannibalizing rest of batch. Suddenly a yowl of fury and humiliation rips through theatre. Lurkers, wearing Vegemite amulets, drag a handcuffed LaCroix onstage. He is wearing purple ears, a lavender tail, buck teeth, and, of course, and edible purple thong. Pasties are optional. LaCroix is set in place, Lurkers run for tesseract. Director Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, soon to be quite DEAD Cousin "Susan" Phoenix starts the music. "New York, New York" blares through auditorium. Production ready to begin) HAPPY ETHERRRRRRR!!!!!!!! (entire stage, with two exceptions, scream. One exception is unconscious, other is picking cuffs with fang. Director uses Vegemite as threat. Exceptions mumble unenthusiastically. Vegemite bomb thrown on stage) HAPPY EEEETTTHHHHEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! (screams of "run" echo throughout. Bomb goes off, is filled with Ribena. Director runs away as fast as her little legs will carry her from rampaging Uncle) Thank you, thank you. Hope you enjoyed the show! I'm just gonna go complete my will now... Hoppy Ether! Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 08:53:40 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: SF got a screw loose? >this is good news for some people, who would not see them otherwise, >but I don't think it bodes well for drawing in new fans, which is what >we (listmembers) and they (TV execs) BOTH want, supposedly. Whatever >were they THINKING!?!?! I don't know about that. I've been known to watch the last episode of a show simply because it WAS the last, even if I've never watched the show before. Fans are kind of like that, aren't they? So if they do it that way -- and are we sure they are? (I didn't see the original post) -- there will probably be a lot of people who tune in for that very reason. They'll see the show, and hopefully those last four are as good as they're supposed to be. Then the "voyeurs" (sorry, too much thinking about Uncle) will realize it's a good show, and want to watch it. Especially with a "clip show" in there. I know they always make me want to go back and see the shows the clips came from to get the whole story. Am I the only one who does this? ---- TJ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 08:53:48 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Ger's Highlander ep? Does anybody have an estimation of when we might see the episode of Highlander that GWD guests in? (On the USA schedule, that is.) ---- TJ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 08:13:29 EST From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: For susan@v....... What does jadfe mean? Tanya ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 08:19:09 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Unsub from Kindred portion of FK list At 09:31 PM 4/4/96 -0800, Preta wrote: > >Please > >unsub me from "Kindred" section of Forever Knight list > Me too - sheesh!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 05:43:48 -0800 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: Re: Faction Names (was Re: New List member info) At 06:05 AM 4/5/96 -0600, Cousin Susan wrote: >Margie suggested: > >>>Nick& yet unnamed, I think >>how about just keeping it, The Unnamed Faction? > >Hmmm... how about a cue from H.P. Lovecraft (and Margie) and just call it >The Unnameable? I *still* like "Boys N Da Hood" ! Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 05:43:50 -0800 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: Forever Knight Connection! There was some interesting information on the newsgroup that I hadn't seen here regarding the Forever Knight-Other show connection- Janet Dornhoff (*the* famous one, yep, mentioned by Gillian in one of the shows - names escapes me) says: >Personally, I'm hoping they'll write Don Bassingthwaite's coronor into >the series. Don was one of the orginal members of FKFIC-L, the Forever >Knight Fan Fiction listserver, and is author of the hilarious short >story "Forever Schanke." He currently works for White Wolf writing novels >and short stories based on their games, including Vampire: The >Masquerade. His first V:tM short story had a vampire coronor as the main character. Now, I have to go to the archives and get that story! Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 09:05:33 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Syndies still showing FK Did we ever decided on what procedures were going to be used when they start airing 1st and 2nd season FK on SF? I know there are so many newbies out there that for them they will be brand new eps - are we gonna discuss them on the Spoilr list? That could be fun actually, getting a whole new crop of ideas on shows we've be discussing for a while. Whadday think? Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 09:06:52 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: SF got a screw loose? At 06:42 AM 4/5/96 +0000, you wrote: > > >I just read the SF Channel schedule that Dee posted. Arrgh. I can't >believe they're showing the last four FK episodes right away! That confuses me too. Does that mean they're showing them at the same time that the Syndies are showing them? Like USA was doing before? That doesn't make much sense either - except as you say those that couldn't see them other wise now can. However, perhaps those newbies out there should stay away from those last few episodes. I'm not even sure I'm gonna be able to take them!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 09:08:49 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: For susan@v....... At 08:13 AM 4/5/96 EST, you wrote: > > >What does jadfe mean? >Tanya JADFE is the list for really x-rated Forever Knight fanfiction. The letters stand for James And Darkangels Forever Erotica. Good stuff - but definitely steamy!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 09:29:08 -0500 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: As Time Goes By On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, AKR wrote: > > So where does the missing year fit? I haven't seen the second-season > premiere yet -- does it simply occur a year *after* "Love You to Death"? They don't say. The only clue is that Schanke is being a real (how do I say this politely - attempting to get on the good side of his captain) **** and he says something about 'new captain, new precinct'. Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 08:41:46 +0200 From: Katrinka <STUKENDALCA@m.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Apr 1996 to 5 Apr 1996 - Special issue newbie connie told me that we should start arming the hamsters! that way when there are too many messages, the hamsters can kill them. has this list taken over my life. no, homework has taken over my life. I have a professor who believes in three hours of homework for each hour of class, so all i do is homework. (I have her for four classes) and my five week break I found out yesterday will be spent teaching highschool special ed. if i refuse I don't graduate, she pretends that we don't have a life outside college. some of us have families. what's crazy is that she's a french canandian who worked hard at getting rid of her accent. this list is a nice diversion from my homework. I am hopeful that my professor will give me a note so that i can keep my conection during the five weeks in may. because I don't think i can stand going without this list when they show the least ep. i have asked her nicely, and she's thinking of it. i won't talk about that other show, but I have one little thing to say about it. Those vamps would last five minutes with uncle. I don't like the good guys, like the bad guys better, and hate the women. also, totally off topic, there is a pros on line libary. if anyone wants info, e-mail me privatly. I voted for gerant several times under different addresses, and was told that he didn't have a chance by the computer. which makes me wonder if the people poll is fixed. katrinka Knighie by inclenation, vanqua by choice ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 09:47:55 -0500 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: Nick's Search For A Cure. > Leslie wrote: > > FO>third season episodes I have seen, I can only remember two attempts he's > FO>made. One was with Hans and his electrical treatments and the other was wit > FO>some "doctor" who, I think, was trying to drain all the vampiric blood out o > FO>him. I don't have Leslie's original message, so I can't tell if she's only seen the third season, but there have been other attempts - in 'Cherry Blossom' Nick went to an acupuncturist around 1916 for help in 'controlling his urges'. Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 09:56:04 EST From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Prostrate prostate Yeah, I know. A slip of the finger and a word can have a completely different meaning. Sorry about the prblem. (-: ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 10:54:46 EST From: Ian Curtis <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: LISTEN UP!!! Folks, I don't know how many of you have heard, but someone on the net has a REALLY sick sense of humor. a couple of days ago, I recieved an E-mail from one of my friends informing me of a new virus under the name of "GOOD TIMES". Should any of you people see a message in you mailbox with the subject line reading "GOOD TIMES", my advice to you is, GET RID OF IT!!!! Do not under any circumstances open this E-mail letter. If you do, EVERYTHING currently on your hard drive will be wiped. Not oly that, but the virus sends the computer's CPU into a permanent feedback loop, which can very seriously damage the CPU. But that's not all! The virus also sends itself out to every one of the E-mail addresses currently in your In-box, or mail box! So if you get this letter, you can be sure the person the letter appears to be from is having a VERY bad day. So please, pass this letter on to everyone you can think of, and especially users of AOL. And remember, if it's called "GOOD TIMES", DELETE IT!!!!! -- Ian Curtis Malkavian, Monitor of Toronto "Children of the night...SHUT UP!" - Love At First Bite ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 10:07:37 -0600 From: We Two <gebbie@e.......> Subject: Re: LISTEN UP!!! Here we go again. Folks, this rumor has been circulating the net as long as I can remember. *There is no such thing as a "Good Times" virus!!* Even if there were, you cannot get a virus just by reading a piece of e-mail. A virus would have to be attached to an executable program, like a game, or Windows '95 or something like that. Reading e-mail is totally benign to your computer. Not to mention the fact that it would take a computer supergenious to even attach a virus to a piece of e-mail, and even then he'd be wasting his time because it couldn't work. OBFK: Uuumm, no matter how the standing change, GWD is always in the People "Most Beautiful" poll somewhere, though I hear the Highlander people are trying to beat us. (Hey, what about those of us who like both??) -Deb Martin gebbie@e....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 08:07:05 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Syndies still showing FK On April 5, Dotti R wrote: >Did we ever decided on what procedures were going to be used when they start >airing 1st and 2nd season FK on SF? I know there are so many newbies out >there that for them they will be brand new eps - are we gonna discuss them >on the Spoilr list? As a newbie I don't mind hearing about the earlier seasons at all. It just whets my appetite for more. Of course, it is somewhat tormenting to hear about all these episodes you may or may not ever see. Katherine, of the newly Knighted "The taste of you is on my tongue again, and I shall graze til morning." Shadowplay ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 11:18:30 CST From: Bruce Rawitch <brucer@i.......> Subject: Re: They are brunch Carrie and Susan wrote: >How about Kindred: The Brunch? Yes, yes. LaCroix: "They are annoying. They are brunch." <eg> Don't forget the end of the famous LC dogs/breakfast line... "and only in the worst of times" (Blind Faith was on *again* last night-that makes the 3 time in a month-sigh-still haven't seen "Game Vamps Play") Bruce ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 12:23:12 EST From: Lynne Levine <llevine@m.......> Subject: Hooked from Episode 1 Someone asked how many of us were *really* hooked from Dark Knight onward (sorry, I'm on digest, can never remember who said what...) Answer: me!! I was brought across in MediaWestcon, when a vampire fan I'd met there, Valerie Meachum, showed the first four episodes in her room (counting Dark Knight 1 & 2 as two of the four). At that time that's all that existed of Forever Knight. Needless to say, I was utterly hooked by the end of that viewing (with raging hormones, I might add <g>) and have been happily obsessed ever since! Lynne Levine llevine@m....... Ravenette and Immortal Beloved :-[ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 11:41:17 -0600 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Sci-Fi on West Coast >FK on Sci-Fi >will be playing OPPOSITE HL on USA on the west coast. That is unfair >competition! Anybody who watches TV at those times, who might like FK, is >probably already watching HL anyway. Not necessarily so. I am crazy about Forever Knight, but I don't like Highlander. (And I've met someone who likes HL, but not FK, how dare he!) It's pretty hard to predict what constellation of programs a particular person will like; everybody has their own. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 11:32:30 -0600 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Faction Names (was Re: New List member info) > I really like "Pinky and The Brain" Why was that discounted? I >*liked* it!!! I don't think it was really discounted. But I think it made perfect sense to some people while not seeming right to others. That's kind of why I suggested keeping it "The Unnamed Faction". There's an awful lot to that relationship (Nick's and LC's) and it seems like we see it in a number of different ways. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 12:59:07 -0500 From: Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......> Subject: YKYB... You Know You've Been reading "Forkni-l" too much when the lichen thread reminds you of Botany lab (where my TA was apt to say we were "lichen" her this semester) and you wish you could post a "YKYB participating in real life too much when you're reminded of Botany on the FK list". Such a vicious circle! :) Lisa Knust lmknus@m....... "For the Blood is the Life..." "C'est bien simple. Il faut tuer." ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 13:03:53 -0500 From: cyndi knecht <cknecht@s.......> Subject: Blood Donation You know the Save the Show campaign has been going on for a while when... it's time to give blood - again. And it took me three extra weeks to get my iron count up enough to give the first time! Plus, since December 22nd I've lost 22 pounds and started exercising. So all this has had a positive effect on my physical health, while being overwhelmingly negative to my mental health. (And I didn't even make any 3rd/4th season vows! - At least in print) I'm finally getting my laser printer fixed - it had a *fatal motor error* message after the first batch of letters. :) Oh, almost forgot - the woman taking my blood today is an FK fan, too! She'll send letters if I take them in for her to sign. Plus, I discovered a friend of mine that I "brought across" is bringing across friends himself, and another friend mentioned some friends of hers are writing letters. So the avalanche is beginning. And I'm determined to stay optimistic about the SciFi Channel bringing even more new fans to swell our ranks. P.S. - No one answered me about the story where the vampires and mortals were writing letters to TPTB in the Raven - guess nobody else remembers it?.... I was hoping to get Cousin Tippi (wave!) to see it.... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 11:39:06 -0800 From: April Ruskin <aruskin@e.......> Subject: Re: RSITHYKYB... Lady Sushi wrote: > Better known as, Really Sick In The Head You Know You've Been > Watching/Reading/Writing Too Much FK and Sailor Moon when you suddenly want > to do a crossover, and have Uncle take out that annoying little pink haired > girl and her Auntie Mame cat once and for all. Hmmmm... could he be the > true leader of the Negaverse? I gotta write... Yes! I can see it happen!! Didn't know you liked Sailor Moon. Cool! -- Cousin April -- the Ninja Babe with an attitude Born to make normal people's lives a living hell. aruskin@e....... "Geesh, you guys are worse than the kids I work with." Me, from "The Ninja Babe vs. Uncle" ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 12:02:59 -0600 From: Shane Winfield <thierry@w.......> Subject: Info: Handling mail I have been going through the stuff from this list slowly but surely. I'm only a couple months behind. :) Things in my neck of the woods have been quite hectic the past couple months and I'm in the process of trying to find a new job which means I will have even less time to read the various mailing lists to which I am subscribed. I have therefore had to devise a way to sift through the various posts and keep my poor mailbox from becoming so large I can't even open it when I get this far behind. I'm fortunate enough to have my own Unix box and a news server so I just pipe all my various mailing lists through news (via elm's filter command subset and a script) and set them to expire in a 2 months. This way they just go away on their own and if I don't get a chance to read for a couple months I just make the expire time longer. Now for those of you who don't have your own news server to pipe things through, you can do what I used to do. Use elm's filter command to send all your forkni-l stuff to a separate file where it can be read at leisure with either elm or nn. I presume this is also possible with other news and mail readers but I'm not familiar with them to give specific instructions. Anyway this is just a thought. If anyone has any questions on how to set this up, just send me an email privately and I'll be happy to answer you as best as I can. I find nn to be the easiest method as it sorts it all out for me and puts the threads together and tells how many messages are in the thread and various other useful things. Anyway, good luck. Cheers! Shane -- Shane Winfield thierry@w....... IRC: thierry **************************************************************************** * Nous vivons eternellement, non dans les ecoles de pointilleurs de * * syllabes, mais dans le cercle des sages, ou l'on ne discute pas * * sur la mere d'Andromaque ou les fils de Niobe, mais ou l'on * * s'entretient des origines profondes des choses divines et humaines * * -Anonyme * **************************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 13:48:44 -0500 From: Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......> Subject: Re: LISTEN UP!!! On Fri, 5 Apr 1996, Ian Curtis wrote: > Should any of you people see a message in you mailbox with the subject > line reading "GOOD TIMES", my advice to you is, GET RID OF IT!!!! I hate to say this -- especially since Ian probably thought he would be helping a few people and their computers out by posting this -- but it's a hoax. Trust me. I've been a computer consultant here at the University of New Hampshire for three years, and there is *no* *way* you can catch a computer virus just by reading your e-mail. It's impossible. If you download something and try to run it, that's another matter entirely. But this "Good Times" rumor resurfaces every few months without fail nevertheless. Just believe me on this one -- you *cannot* catch a virus by reading e-mail, no matter how hard you try. Again, I apologize to Ian, who was probably just trying to help out. Happy computing! -- Lost in the Shadows, Dr Funke (mff@h.......) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 10:52:50 -0800 From: Dee Davidson <dmd@a.......> Subject: Re: Syndies still showing FK >I know there are so many newbies out there that for them they will >be brand new eps - are we gonna discuss them on the Spoilr list? >That could be fun actually, getting a whole new crop of >ideas on shows we've be discussing for a while. I'm all for that, I haven't seen any of the first season and most of the people I talk to think its the best season. Forever!! Dee * Cousin * Valentine * dmd@a....... ****************************************** "If you think I tormented you in the past my little friends, wait until you see what I do with you now!" Q ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 14:54:38 EST From: Risha <jorgenrb@b.......> Subject: Re: RSITHYKYB... Ooo.... cool! I _need_ to read this! I can just picture Serena falling all over Nick, Darian or no Darian... Don't you think he looks something like Andrew? Sailor Mercury would like him too... Risha. temporarily at the old VAX address jorgenrb@b....... ______________________ Mercury Bubbles Flare! ______________________ >Better known as, Really Sick In The Head You Know You've Been >Watching/Reading/Writing Too Much FK and Sailor Moon when you suddenly want >to do a crossover, and have Uncle take out that annoying little pink haired >girl and her Auntie Mame cat once and for all. Hmmmm... could he be the >true leader of the Negaverse? I gotta write... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 14:54:59 EST From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Lichen: The inside story :) Here's what actually happened with the lichen bit. Gillian Horvath wanted to make sure, when Queen of Harps aired, that we all knew that line was JP's and not hers. Gillian's script had Nick in a situation that really happened, in the the 1220's, when a papal delegation was sent to Wales to intervene in a conflict between two rival claimants to the Welsh throne. Note: In the 1220's, Wales was still a sovereign principality. It had also been nominally Christian for several centuries. There probably were surviving Pagan customs, but both claimants to the crown were Christian and open, public profession of anything but Christianity in 13th c Wales would have resulted in arrest and prosecution for heresy. PLEASE, let's not have any flames. I'm only describing history, not making a personal religious statement. Unfortunately someone in JP's office decided to rewrite the political conflict as a religious one. That was when "you cling to your Paganism like lichen to a stone" appeared in the script. Ger and Nigel both quoted the line before we ever saw the episode as an example of the nonsense the cast sometimes had to be able to say with a straight face. I've always assumed that Nigel threw it into the other episode as an inside joke. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 12:22:36 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Ger's Highlander ep? On Fri,TJ wrote: > Does anybody have an estimation of when we might see the episode of > Highlander that GWD guests in? (On the USA schedule, that is.) Anyone who hasn't seen this one really ought to! It isn't the best of HL, but Tynan did it, and his are always worth watching. Ger, of course, is astounding. (That voice... the daylight...) It is called "Turnabout," and it is #25, the third episode of the second season of HL. Now, at midnight last night, just before the rerun of "Blind Faith," USA aired "Free Fall," HL #5 (hate that ep!). That means that we are exactly twenty weekdays from Ger's HL appearance! (Assuming USA runs them in order...) ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* "He willingly gave his life and shared the fate of evil men." Is 53:12 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 12:37:02 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Syndies still showing FK > >I know there are so many newbies out there that for them they will >be > brand new eps - are we gonna discuss them on the Spoilr list? I'm still not sure I see the point of this. We were all newbies at some point (some more recently than others <g>) and I'm sure that the vast majority of us joined the list *before* we saw all of the episodes that ran before we discovered FK. There are still many episodes I haven't seen, and the differences between the US and CAN versions means that there are scenes which haven't been seen even by those who have all the episodes... Is the idea to *focus* discussion on the eps as they air on Sci-Fi? Or is it to re-route newbies? Either way, hasn't Jaye already declared that fkspoiler will close as soon as the final ep comes out of spoiler protection? (To be reinstated when we win War 6, of course...) ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* "He willingly gave his life and shared the fate of evil men." Is 53:12 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 15:44:11 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: LISTEN UP!!! To Ian and anyone else out there who gets this "Good Times" notice: This has been here before. It is not a realy virus, it is a load of hooey. It seems every six months or so this "Good Times" virus comes thru and scares the pants out of everyone. The realities are that there is no virus that can travel thru e-mail like that and do that kind of damage. Don't feel bad, I was taken in the last time this one came around and that's the only reason why I know it's a fake. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 12:28:56 -0800 From: Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......> Subject: Re: Lichen: The inside story :) At 11:54 AM 4/05/96, Lisa McDavid wrote: >Gillian's script had Nick >in a situation that really happened, in the the 1220's, when a papal >delegation was sent to Wales to intervene in a conflict between two >rival claimants to the Welsh throne. [snip] >Unfortunately someone in JP's office decided to rewrite the political >conflict as a religious one. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear this. I study medieval Welsh history (check my sig <g>) and one of the reasons I couldn't stand QoH, as much as I liked the mystisim, was this part. Thank you for telling us this! (Or telling me, as I'm sure this went around when QoH first aired). Hmm, 1220's, that might have been Owain ap Llyelwyn and Daffydd ap Llyelwyn... :) Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild elewis@u.......***Lizbetann@a....... Ravenette of the New Order--Knightie/NatPacker/N&N Packer with Cousinly Sympathies and faint leanings towards Vanquea-ism "Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw"--Passion is the will to be Listowner, Middle Ages Life ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 12:03:30 -0900 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: Blue Meanie Manifesto As a Rhetorician I am trained to recognize the faint signs and symbols of the hidden persuaders--they are not hidden to me. So--Big Blue Meanie: bite me, bite me!!!!<;P=> LC ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 16:19:49 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Syndies still showing FK >Either way, hasn't Jaye already declared that fkspoiler will close as >soon as the final ep comes out of spoiler protection? (To be reinstated >when we win War 6, of course...) Oops - I must have missed that during my few days off line. Okay, then that answers my question. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 13:35:00 PT From: Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......> Subject: Re: Listen UP Can we drop this thread now please. I, for one, have seen this over 10 times in the last 2 years and am sick to death of it. This is not the appropriate venue for virus warnings unless they are somehow related to Forever Knight. No flame intended. I'm just tired of it. Thank you Tami LaFrank : TCL58@a....... or TCL20@a....... Forever Faithful Ravenette : Owner: Sacred Raven Health Spa : His hair glistened in the rain like "Come in, relax. We're dying : like nose hair after a sneeze. to prolong your life" : Stupidity *should* be painful! ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 14:32:54 -0800 From: Tara Housman <amprsand@s.......> Subject: URL for Good Times Virus Hoax FAQ Since several other listmembers have already debunked the Good Times Virus Hoax here, let me just add one more piece of info. If you would like to read the definitive info on the hoax, the Good Times Virus Hoax FAQ is at the following URL: The mini-FAQ, suitibly sized for requoting on BBSes, mailing lists, and such, may be found at: SAVE BOTH of these URLs, so that you'll have them handy the next time YOU need to debunk the Good Times Virus Hoax. No ObFK today. This info stands alone. -Tara Housman (amprsand@s.......) Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 17:37:01 U From: Celeste Hotaling-Lyons <celeste_hotaling-lyons@i.......> Subject: Uh... off list, please? Subject: Time:5:22 PM OFFICE MEMO Uh... off list, please? Date:4/5/96 >As a Rhetorician I am trained to recognize the faint signs and symbols of >the hidden persuaders--they are not hidden to me. So--Big Blue Meanie: >bite me, bite me!!!!<;P=> and etc., etc., ad nauseum.... Um, at the risk of getting m'self Blue Meanie'd... this A) isn't very FK related, or even at *all* FK related & B) doesn't need to be read by some 700 to 900 people. In other words, it has "I'm a personal message/thread, take me off-list *now*, please" written all over it! As they say on another list, "Thank you kindly..." Cousine Celeste Picturing herself in a train, at a station, with tangerine Uncles & looking-glass Nicks. Suddenly someone appears at the turnstyle. It's Nat, with kalidescope bricks! ...or something like that. =========================================================================
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