File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604A" Part 18 TOPICS: CrossOver FK/Kindred ep I want to see (4) Loving FK from the start The Spelling Error / "Lichen" question comment on KINDRED YKYBWTMFKW List Rules URL: The Poem! LIST: okay, enough Kindred now. Vows, Mercs, Mental images Natalie and a mortal boyfriend (3) Cousins and Vaquera/ros rejoice! Melrose Place meets The Godfather with Fangs ykybrtmfkw, need address & tapes JZ thought DK was stupid Blue Meanie Manifesto (2) Yes, I watched "it" The Other Show You forgot the Feather! People poll (FK and Heaven) SF got a screw loose? Nick's Search For A Cure. RSITHYKYB... Faction Names (was Re: New List member info) (2) wicked ykyb's ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 00:44:27 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: CrossOver FK/Kindred ep I want to see In a message dated 96-04-04 23:38:52 EST, Susan wrote: >How about Kindred: The Brunch? Yes, yes. LaCroix: "They are annoying. They are brunch." <eg> No, I'm not a cousin, just having a family reunion with one. Carrie, Proud Knightie (Bwahahahah) Carrie400@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 00:45:40 -0500 From: Cynthia R Ratajczak <crr2@a.......> Subject: Re: Loving FK from the start Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that it's amazing that FK has developed an incredibly loyal following, despite being bounced around from network to syndie and back again. For that reason, we are justifiably angry that such a mediocre show as K:tE generates an enormous publicity push. As for myself, I was hooked from the "Dark Knight" pilot and was disappointed that it took so long to become a series. Eventually, FK appeared on CBS latenight, with cast changes that made an interesting premise for a show into a truly great weekly series with fascinating characters. I was delighted that FK had finally arrived. All of a sudden, FK disappeared to make room for David Letterman. Then, I finally found it on the Canadian station. Plus, the local syndie started carrying it, too. That meant that it was possible to see FK twice a week. After that, USA came into the picture and you know the rest. Would we have given it this amount of dedication if it had been merely an okay show with room for improvement? Cynthia Knightie/Natpacker/Vaquera crr2@a....... > On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, Don Durham wrote: > > I do have a question. How many of you out there, who started > > watching with DK, truly loved the show from the start? ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 21:04:50 -0800 From: Dianne Therese DeSha <desha@b.......> Subject: Re: The Spelling Error / "Lichen" question Carrie wrote: >The first one was in POTM, LaCroix says to Nick after Janette leaves him in Margie wrote: > Nick tells Gweneth "You cling to your paganism like lichen to a stone." Raissa Devereux wrote: > >I believe the "lichen" quote came from AMPH in response to people's Lynn wrote: > >Wasn't there also a Lichen quote during the Fleur flashback in BMV? O.K. Now the terrible truth can be told: You see, when JP was a small boy he got lost in the woods and spent hours wandering aimlessly, lost and alone, surrounded by ever-lengthening shadows of spooky-looking trees and patch after patch after patch... ... of *LICHEN*! From that terrible day forward, he has not been able to look mold in the face. There is, actually, a lichen scene in *every* episode of FK ever filmed. (Saner minds having prevailed, it was cut from everything but QoH and POTM.) The challenge then becomes: *Write the missing lichen scenes!!!* To start you off: Black Buddha: Vachon to Screed "You cling to your rats like lichen to a stone." HoD: LC "Let's all show our inner selves by clinging like lichen to a stone!" (Agree? Disagree? Discuss.) [This small moment of madness was brought to you by Dianne and Deb in LA ;-] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <cat.goddess@p.......> [To: "Set Options: NOLIFE"] -*- "Save a vamp; stake an aardvark!" -*- ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 23:27:48 -0700 From: Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......> Subject: Re: comment on KINDRED As I watched Kindred, I noticed several things that the writers have "borrowed" from other vampire shows/movies, including FK. There was one scene that took place in "The Haven", where it looked exactly like the interior of The Raven in FK, complete with that identical kind of music and smoky ambience, and even an upper walkway and staircase. I thought the outside of the place looked suspiciously like The Raven, too. Also, at the very beginning of the show, as the title credits are rolling, the camera travels over the water and bridge of what looks like San Francisco, which is virtually the same scenery shown at the beginning of the movie "Interview With the Vampire". As this scenery is rolling by, the music that accompanies it is very, very similar to that at the beginning of "Vampire", also. (I know this because I have seen "Vampire" at least 9 times, and I have that music memorized. It is very haunting.) I wonder if the creators of Kindred felt that they had to have some similarities to FK and "Vampire" in order to interest those of us who already follow one or both of those? Hmmmmm...... Just some observations. As I think I said in an earlier post, they don't have Nick or Natalie, so it still feels like traveling in an unknown land. I caught part of a post from someone who corrected me about the bathroom scene in K:tE, regarding the earrings. You are right, I re-watched that scene and saw my error. Sorry! I didn't see the rest of that post as I deleted it by accident - would you mind e-mailing me with the rest of your comments? I'm sorry to have missed what you said. Thanks! Regards, wyllow@n....... "Whatever you are, be a good one." ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 01:06:39 EST From: Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFKW Hi all. YKYBW.......Your out for your evening walk with mom and a car speeds by you know the driver (someone you went to school with and didn't like) and say "Yuck that was Nick" and mom goes "THAT was nick!?!?" She is not a FK fan but I've been trying and it looks like it's paying off. Okay I'll go back to my e-mail. ----------- Brandy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 00:19:47 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: List Rules URL: The Poem! >>> <> ? >Then Jamie MR responded: >> Okay, Allison. Go ahead. >> I'm waiting... <clapclapclapclap> Truly exquisite, filled with delicate imagery and rich description. Plus, I'd never've come up with it! ObFK: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm weird, but does anyone know where I can get some of the contacts used in FK? Just thinking they'd be cool to run around in if I can ever afford some. Realize this is coming from someone who thinks the height of cool teeth is sterling silver fangs. Hmmmm... what would happen if we did the Folgers switch with Nicky and Uncle's fangs and replaced them with silver ones? Off I go to redye my hair, Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 01:16:31 -0500 From: Melissa Puzio <miss68@p.......> Subject: Re: CrossOver FK/Kindred ep I want to see Either Uncle kills them all or Janette buys the Haven, kicks all the barbie dolls out and makes it the Raven-SanFrancisco. Yeah, that's the ticket! Cousin Mel *NatVampCamp*AmarigeScentedNatPacker*Founder of Valentines miss68@p....... or Pench68@a....... "You shouldn't play with equipment you don't understand," Alina, Urs' Big Idea Part 8. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 01:28:19 -0500 From: "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......> Subject: Re: CrossOver FK/Kindred ep I want to see On Fri, 5 Apr 1996, Melissa Puzio wrote: > Either Uncle kills them all or Janette buys the Haven, kicks all the barbie > dolls out and makes it the Raven-SanFrancisco. Oh, I vote for Janette setting up shop in SF! Alora <acc0924@i.......> Natpacker, Nick&NatPacker, Valentine & San Franciscan who *hates* that that *thing* is set in my city! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 01:18:14 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: LIST: okay, enough Kindred now. Okay, guys. We've talked about Kindred for awhile. It's time to stop now. Here's one of the reasons why: -------------------------------------- On Apr 04, 1996 23:31:29, '"L-Soft list server at PSUVM (1.8b)" <LISTSERV@p.......>' wrote: >Daily message threshold (150) exceeded for list FORKNI-L. The list has been >held and will stop processing messages until released. -------------------------------------- This is the result of a busy, busy list. Hey, it happens. No biggie. The lists get full, the lists get held; a listowner releases it, no problem. But when the lists swell to bursting with off-topic posts, the lists end up being held MUCH more frequently. And what happens if no one with listowner privileges is at home/awake/close to a computer to release the lists? No one gets list mail, that's what happens. This, as you can imagine, is an undesirable effect. When it happens a lot, the disk gets full; and when *that* happens, someone in Pennsylvania, usually Laurie Salopek (everyone wave to Laurie!) has to fix it. Which is an even more undesirable effect. And if we annoy the people over at psuvm.... oooooh, majorly massively undesirable. The "no off-topic posts" rule is, among other things, a way to minimize the amount of traffic on FORKNI-L and its sister lists, **without** imposing limits on how much a person may post per day. So aside from the mere fact that "these are the Forever Knight lists", there are technical reasons why off-topic posts are a Bad Thing. Especially when there are Very Large Amounts of off-topic posts. The last time I remember seeing the list exceed its limit was during the heart of the first Save FK push. That was fine. Before that, it was War #5. That was also expected. But the lists should not be exceeding their maximum limit due to Kindred posts. ------------------------------------------------------------ Besides... Some of you may not be aware that over at, there is a hamster in a treadmill, jogging its little brains out; this hamster is in fact responsible for powering the psu listserv. (The entire Internet is in fact hamster-powered. Really. I have proof.) The massive activity on the FORKNI-L lists are responsible for sending many a hamster to the local veterinary insane asylum. You really want to damage another hamster? ------------------------------------------------------------- So let's wind it down, eh? Save a hamster -- take your Kindred chats to private e-mail, okay? -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc. Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 22:34:19 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: CrossOver FK/Kindred ep I want to see Cousin Mel wrote: > Janette buys the Haven, kicks all the barbie dolls out and makes it the > Raven-SanFrancisco. All right! :-) First time I've been glad I didn't automatically delete a Kindling post! And we know LC has nothing against California from FD! Ok; so, we send in the Enforcers for a first-strike. They quietly eliminate the Kindling vamps as ours move into their places... Nat and Nick switch precincts (across borders) without explanation -- again -- while Tracy ponders defying Daddy... Strangely, in the real world, Mr. Spelling is nominated to a position in the Clinton administration and has to leave production of his new program to Mr. Parriot... You listening, Tippi? :) ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* " accordance with the legend of the frogs..." -- JMR ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 01:42:33 EST From: MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR <VQRW76A@p.......> Subject: Vows, Mercs, Mental images Hi to Jackie, who's keeping track of the Vows for "if we get the rest of the season"... I promised to give up chocolate until Easter. 49 hours and counting 'til I can stuff my face with pastel Peanut M&M's. :) I've been very, very good. Unfortunately, it was just about impossible to keep the Rollerblading on the lunch hour part of my promise. (Yes, I can hear you... Atone! Atone! Well, fine, just wait, I'll do it soon) Someone (several someones, the newbies are coming out of the woodwork like ... like... cockroaches! no, like moths to a flame.. hmmm, no good metaphors spring to mind) was asking about factions, and by extension, Mercenaries. Mercs will take chocolate for payment for dirty deeds. Or clean getaways. Or total acts of desperation. Some of us aren't as fond of chocolate (!) and they take other kinds of payment. Few of us take American Express. OH! And here's our mantra (thanks to Dianne la Mercenaire, one of the few, the proud, the *really* bribable): "Chocolate, freedom, mayhem for hire!" A Mercenary is a Die-Hard who doesn't want to post their own bail. A Knightie who cheats. A Ravenette who'd pass up a sale at Bloomie's for a sale at Guns'n'Ammo. A Natpacker who prefers sneaking to bouncing. A FoD who'd set a bomb while eating souvlaki. A Cousin who pins a tail on Uncle's thong. Speaking of which. I can't quite remember how that thread _did_ get started---I think it just sort of naturally evolved from a mental images discussion someone was having, and there was feather duster involved in there somewhere... Anyway, I can get over this image. The image I *can't* get over is the one of Lacroix on Rollerblades, vamped out, with a cape on, screaming down a hill at 100mph. <gggg> Oh, man... 17 days 'til new FK... it'll be harder to wait for than the chocolate. Christina vqrw76a@p....... Merc FoFoD Universal Donor Question Authority Before It Questions You "This is True Love. Do you think this happens every day?" - PRINCESS BRIDE :) :> :)= :-\ :PPPPP Emoticons are our friends... you WILL be assimilated ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 22:10:59 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Natalie and a mortal boyfriend Hi all, This may be verging on sacrilegious but has Natalie ever had a mortal boyfriend during the run of FK and if so how did Nickie-boy handle it? (Sorry Nat, he fell on my fangs...honest)<vbg> Katherine, of the newly Knighted lqueen@p....... "The taste of you is on my tongue again, and I shall graze til morning." Shadowplay ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 01:16:33 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Cousins and Vaquera/ros rejoice! At approximately 1:15 am today, Friday, April 5, I checked the poll. Nigel is finally on there!!!!! Tied with bunches (including David Duchovny) at number 8, but still there. And now.... for number one... at this time.... BEN BASS!!! We've got someone up there! Time to rejoice, and hope our luck holds... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 23:34:19 -0800 From: Heath James Crossland <streblow@c.......> Subject: Re: Melrose Place meets The Godfather with Fangs On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Margie Hammet wrote: > >I believe my subject line adequately covers my impressions, in a > >nutshell. Perhaps "Peyton Place meets The Godfather with Fangs" would > >be even more accurate. > > How about "Dallas Does Vampires"? > > Margie (treeleaf@i.......) > Come on, although I agree with your sumation, I have to admit I liked the show horrid acting by a few aside. Let,s just come to terms with the fact that the FK writers were out to lunch for this last season ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 23:48:26 -0800 From: Swordsister <catheboo@c.......> Subject: Re: Natalie and a mortal boyfriend On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, L. Katherine Queen wrote: > This may be verging on sacrilegious but has Natalie ever had a mortal > boyfriend during the run of FK and if so how did Nickie-boy handle it? Hey, Katherine! Natalie did get a mortal boyfriend for one episode, but TPTB weenied out and made him a serial killer. It was in the first season episode Only the Lonely. And as for how Nick handled it... you remember how I said there were some scenes of OtL that I still can't watch? Yeah. Those. Brrrr. I cringe to even *think* about it. Bad, *bad* Nickie. No biscuit. Catherine --------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Boone catheboo@c....... "Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 23:50:05 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Natalie and a mortal boyfriend On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, L. Katherine Queen wrote: > This may be verging on sacrilegious but has Natalie ever had a mortal > boyfriend during the run of FK and if so how did Nickie-boy handle it? "Only the Lonely," season one. Golly, I love that ep! Number five on the "Things Nick and Nat have in Common" list: They've both survived relationships with psychotic killers. (Oh, wait; Nick didn't survive, did he?) How did Nick handle it? By finally coming to his senses and realizing that he had *feelings* for her, and then deciding not to tell her so explicitly... He can be just infuriating at times. :) Believe it or not, my fellow newbies, but Nick and Nat weren't always an item... Some doubt they are, even now. That's why there are Valentines, Immortal Beloveds, an (Im)Mortal Beloved, Prodigals, theoretically Les Miserables... anybody come up with a Nat/Vachon faction yet? <ducking and running all the way home...> Good night, all! :) ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* Knightie, Light Cousin, Fuzzy N&Ner, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved " accordance with the legend of the frogs..." -- JMR ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 03:12:24 -0500 From: Hugo Trepanier <pio@m.......> Subject: ykybrtmfkw, need address & tapes You know you've been reading too much FK when... you are coming back from college and notice a license plate "WCT 149" and wonder where you saw those three letters before! Wicked Cousin Tippi of course! :) Ok, I'm mad! They stopped showing FK for over a month and I haven't complained yet!! (Yes, I'm ashamed of myself...) Could anyone send my CJOH TV's e-mail address as well as the snail mail one? BBS's address would do the trick too... Thanks! Ok, here's my real problem! I NEED FK TAPES!!! (Sorry for the shouting, but anyone who missed FK for five weeks surely understands the need to!) Here is a list of the episodes I missed: Dead of Night, Games Vampires Play, Human Factor, Avenging Angel and Fallen Idol. Of course, this will serve me and my best friend, Fred <mrhappy@m.......>. Don't let us live without FK! So, could some generous soul please e-mail one of us? We'll gladly reimburse shipping & tape costs, send virtual chocolates and warm fuzzies (if the Web Goddess permits us to :) and all that stuff... Thanks a lot! :) :) :) Hugo Trepanier, pio@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 23:16:09 -0900 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: JZ thought DK was stupid Hand, Hand leave the nest Hand. Find this person and inflict tickling on her. Sometimes one must be cruel to drive the lesson home. LC ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 23:20:03 -0900 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: Blue Meanie Manifesto Chief Blue Meanie: bite me<;p=>. LC ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 00:28:17 -0800 From: "Toni C. Holm" <tch@w.......> Subject: Yes, I watched "it" Yes, I watched *it*, you know, that show we're not discussing. Besides every other awful thing that has been posted about it (with which I completely agree), their are the actor's *voices*. Bad dialog, bad acting, nonexistent plots, even rips off I expected and could have handled, but both the actor who plays "Luna" and the cop have the tinniest, silliest most annoying voices... Luna sounds like he's from Brooklyn (no offense Brooklynites) and doesn't want to sound like it and took elocution lessons. The actor who plays the cop (who's last big screen credit was some awful offensive thing about med school I think) sound like he belongs on a cartoon series. Maybe I just have a hang up about this but (OBFK) all the actors on FK have these wonderful, expressive, sensuous voices. (Going back to put on FK tapes in the other room while I write to take the bad taste away). -Toni <tch@w.......> ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 03:33:29 -0500 From: Mary Hogan <c524997@m.......> Subject: The Other Show Ok, so in the interests of a) seeing what the competition has that FK doesn't, and b) general promotion of vampire-related stuff to give FK a boost if we ever need to go "but see, vampires are the IN thing right now!!", I actually made myself sit through Spelling's *ahem* program. I won't call it a quality program, however. This thing made Ricky boy's version of Nick Knight look positively Oscar-quality, and that is something I never thought I would say (this is coming from someone who drooled over Rick Springfield when they were a teenager mind you, so I'm not likely to just bash his acting for the fun of it - I have always been willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not blind). Can someone explain to me why I sat through an hour and a half of this supposedly vamps-r-us show and have no desire to see it again? At all? I saw only the last half of "Last Act" the first time I saw an FK ep and was hooked. Mind you, that was the FIRST time I ever came into a series mid-season and became hooked (and it hasn't happened since, either). Perhaps the reason I didn't like it was the crummy acting? Vampires that acted like bad stereotypes? Plot that made no sense? If nothing else, seeing what was for me the best character go toasty-marshmallow would have killed my liking for it right there if I had had any other reasons for liking it. After seeing this show, I am now convinced that TV is ruled by name recognition, not by any quality recognition. We've been working our rears off to keep FK going, and this bit o'fluff gets prime time just 'cause it has Mr. Spelling's name on it??? I have to say, even the worst FK ep ever made is better. If I could stomach it, I would keep watching it, just because of my two earlier reasons, but I must say, it is so bad that I can't. That wretched thing might just be what it takes to get me out of my "everything-must-be-vampires" kick, where I've read & watched everything that even hints at a vampire storyline. But I doubt it will turn me off completely from it - there's always FK, which IS a well-made show. Back to lurk mode, Mary the currently disgusted die-hard with classically ravenette tendencies ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 04:15:30 -0500 From: Cassie Carter <ccarter@b.......> Subject: Re: Blue Meanie Manifesto On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, Muldy Sculler wrote: > Chief Blue Meanie: bite me<;p=>. A DIRECT ATTACK! ALARM! ALARM! (You've got to picture the clowns with police siren heads spinning around and around flashing red and blue lights.) MULDY SCULLER HAS INVOKED THE GLOVE WITHOUT PERMISSION *AND* PUBLICLY INSULTED THE CHIEF BLUE MEANIE!!! ALARM! ALARM! The Chief Blue Meanie has deployed the Hidden Persuaders. You never know when they will attack; they are infiltrators, cleverly disguising themselves as your comrades, and they will slyly invade your very mind and innermost beliefs before you even know it! Cassie Carter |----------------------------------------| English Department | Visit THE JIM CARROLL HOME PAGE | Bowling Green State University || Bowling Green, OH 43403 |*Everything you want to know about JC!* | ccarter@b....... |----------------------------------------| ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 03:32:20 -0800 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: You forgot the Feather! If I remember right...... Wasn't it Uncle in a leather thong with a purple feather between his legs? From the original thread, he was to be on display at the Raven, dancing....gradually, the list members disrobed the venerable ancient until the final image sent most of us to the floor paralyzed with laughter! Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 03:34:57 -0800 From: [Name removed by request] Subject: Re: People poll (FK and Heaven) On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, Lady Sushi wrote: > Hey! We've got competition! On Heaven (the Gavin Friday/Virgin Prunes > list), they're complaning about how we're kicking their buns on the poll > (apparently poor Gavin, who is rather attractive and cool, isn't doing so > well). Yes, I'm on Heaven. i didn' complain that i was kicking my own butt. *i* forwarded the original message about the People Mag survey to Heaven because i think Gavin is so pretty and didn't think he'd be a threat to further spreading awareness on FK. Suse, you well know how nice publicity for *Gavin* would be, too :) i just thought i'd warn other Heaven members to expect Ger and/or Cath to top the list because we're "a determined bunch" :) Okay, now i'm worried. You guys remember us, right? [Name removed by request]? Aw, jeez, we just went away for spring break and then i got sick... i didn't think 2 weeks was THAT long in cyberspace. ObFK: Uh... Saw the Independence Day preview on ET or Extra or something (which everyone else saw, too, but i need an ObFK) and i didn't see Deb. That young woman who looked up t that space ship, her face lit blue, she looked a bit like Deb but that wasn't her. Yes, that was bad. Uh, how about, i'm happy to know that this whole thong thread isn't original! That i wasn't the only one whose mind swiftly and lucidly linked Uncle's groin to a thin sheath of apparel. [Name removed by request] How can you trust someone who bleeds for seven days and doesn't die? - BGW ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 06:42:30 +0000 From: Lynn McAlpine <chatelyn@n.......> Subject: SF got a screw loose? I just read the SF Channel schedule that Dee posted. Arrgh. I can't believe they're showing the last four FK episodes right away! I know this is good news for some people, who would not see them otherwise, but I don't think it bodes well for drawing in new fans, which is what we (listmembers) and they (TV execs) BOTH want, supposedly. Whatever were they THINKING!?!?! :::shaking head in dismay/amazement::: Lynn chatelyn@n....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 05:51:54 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Nick's Search For A Cure. Leslie wrote: FO>third season episodes I have seen, I can only remember two attempts he's FO>made. One was with Hans and his electrical treatments and the other was wit FO>some "doctor" who, I think, was trying to drain all the vampiric blood out o FO>him. Those were in flash backs, yes? He and Nat have also tried litovuterine, which was some kind of drug given to -- sit down for this -- cows! He went out in the sun, ate food, got a helluva sun burn. I think that was "The Fix". But there have also been "cures" that he's stumbled on that he's either given up on or dismissed. I think that's what people are talking about when they say he becomes easily discouraged (at least some people). In NiQ, Nat was excited and encouraged by the possibility that his amnesia would make him mortal again. But Nick ended up being discouraged once again. FO>sure he'd love an "instant cure". Who wouldn't? But particularly with Hans Well, if you have cancer or AIDS, of course you want, and deserve, an instant cure. But my problem with Nick wanting an instant cure is that becoming mortal doesn't automatically atone for his past. Getting "cured" only makes him not a vampire anymore. It doesn't instantly erase the fact that he's killed people AS a vampire. I'm one of those people who doesn't have a problem with vampires killing humans, but Nick does. He'll still feel guilty about what he's done if/when he's mortal again. FO>but expressing impatience doesn't mean he's going to quit. Well of course not. ;) That's a big theme of the show. They'd have to chuck Lacroix's cool monologue at the beginning, and somehow, it just wouldn't be the same.... "He was brought across in 1228 and preyed on mortals (humans?) for their blood... But now he's mortal again, so go watch The Brady Bunch or something instead." ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 06:03:06 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: RSITHYKYB... Better known as, Really Sick In The Head You Know You've Been Watching/Reading/Writing Too Much FK and Sailor Moon when you suddenly want to do a crossover, and have Uncle take out that annoying little pink haired girl and her Auntie Mame cat once and for all. Hmmmm... could he be the true leader of the Negaverse? I gotta write... Still wondering where this stuff comes from, and what Nick would look like with Big Sparkly Eyes, Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 06:05:32 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Faction Names (was Re: New List member info) Margie suggested: >>Nick& yet unnamed, I think >how about just keeping it, The Unnamed Faction? Hmmm... how about a cue from H.P. Lovecraft (and Margie) and just call it The Unnameable? Really, it's not such a bad movie, especially the second one... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 06:07:30 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Faction Names (was Re: New List member info) Colin asked: > I really like "Pinky and The Brain" Why was that discounted? I >*liked* it!!! Ditto. However, there was too much disagreement due to people not liking the show, or not wanting to think of P&B in, ahem, THAT WAY. "Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?" "I think so Brain, but this time YOU wear the tutu." I still want it for a subfraction. Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 06:14:48 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: wicked ykyb's Hugo wrote: FO>You know you've been reading too much FK when... FO>you are coming back from college and notice a license plate "WCT 149" and FO>wonder where you saw those three letters before! Wicked Cousin Tippi of FO>course! :) Bwahahaha! I'm everywhere! I'm coming soon to a vehicle near you! I now know FK is totally taking over my life. Everything -- and I mean EVERYTHING -- reminds me of some fic I've read, some post I've seen, or some episode I've watched. It's like a vampire, sucking away my life... and I like it! Muahaha! IKIBWTMFKW: I see my AOL screen name TippiNB and I think "NB? Nigel Bennett?" without even realizing those are MY initials, drat it! IKIBWTMFKW: I get a fortune cookie that says "For every dark night, there is a brighter day," and I say to my grandmother, who has never seen FK, "Only if you want to implode!" She just stared at me and told me to go pay the check before the guys in little white coats came and got me. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) Charter member of The Unnamed Faction =========================================================================
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