File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604A" Part 14 TOPICS: Newbie Questions The Other Show (2) The Other Show -- dialogue :p Trilogy of Terror2? People Poll (6) FK Sony Page Apology (2) LIST RULES: The Poem! (2) *Please* take the Toronto Tour stuff Public FK: Dangerous to Aaron Spelling? "People" Poll Cousinly tendencies Kindred: The Disgraced People Poll. (falling) His Name is Greg Kramer (Screed) YKYBWTMFKW... Kindred MY Opinons! (spoilers) Malenky droogies and Kindred:the Plagiarized Officially losing it... What's the big idea?! Cousins unite! Spelling of beautiful names? (2) Poll standings YKTYHB..and Trilogy/Prt2 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 23:58:43 -0800 From: Swordsister <catheboo@c.......> Subject: Re: Newbie Questions On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, L. Katherine Queen wrote: > First of all I would like to apologize for any seemingly inane questions > for all you veteran FK viewers. My only defense is that I have only Don't apologize, Katherine! I'm finding nowadays the only time I post is to answer questions. Without y'all, I think I might fade into lurkdom for ages. :) > Now on with the questions. Have there been any flashbacks as to why > LaCroix decided to bring Nick over in the first place? How were they > aquainted? I gather from the flashback in The Human Factor that Janette, In the first season episode Dance By The Light Of The Moon, the flashback deals mainly with the circumstances around Nick's conversion. Since I saw another post asking more detailed questions about the same scenes, I'll give the long extended version, all of which may or may not have come just from DBTLOTM. Nick was a knight in one of the crusades, the number escapes me. He was on his way back home when, one night, quite possibly after a fair bit of drinking, he saw Janette across the room. She seduced him in about two seconds flat, and they left whatever public place they were in (I would call it a tavern or inn, but I might be wrong) to find a bit more privacy. It's debatable whether or not they had sex, and it's been bandied about the list one way or the other, with no firm solution. But Janette definitely didn't kill him. She rose away from the bed, and Lacroix stepped out of the shadows. Then (off-scene, but heavily implied) he brings him across right there. He had never even seen Lacroix before that point. Ummm, I'm trying to remember all the questions the other post raised... he was definitely an only son, but he might have had an older brother at some point. Does anyone else remember that line that Fleur said in BMV? She told LC about losing another family member to the crusades, but I can't remember what the relation was... anyhoo. I think that was all the questions about his being brought across. > society. When does the whole show start? Do any of the episodes show the > first meeting between Natalie and Nick? And finally, is there anybody out The show starts two (I *think*, shoot, and I just helped on the Knightie timeline, I should know this stuff) years after Natalie started helping Nick. I'm not sure what you mean by "when." The show starts in the present when it was aired, four years ago. The flashback from another first season episode, called Only The Lonely, showed Nick and Nat meeting. A great episode that I beg people to put in the VCR, and still have yet to be able to watch without hiding my face at some parts. I'm not sure if that qualifies me for a pin. Catherine --------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Boone catheboo@c....... "Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 03:22:48 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: The Other Show I know we're not supposed to do "me, too" posts, but I have to say that Candy has a point. I've read the commentary that's been posted about Kindred: the Embraced and I realize that personal opinions are people's own, but I have to wonder a bit that if FK had been renewed for a fourth season if people would have looked at Kindred just a bit differently. Kindred is not FK; I don't think it's meant to be. They're perhaps more V:tM game oriented than they need to be and that may cause them problems with getting a big audience. The acting could definitely be better too, but as I said in my review, I think Been (oops, *Ben*) Bass and Lisa Ryder needed some time to get into their characters on FK. A similar thing happened, I think, with Ben Cross playing Barnabas Collins in the remake series of Dark Shadows. I don't think he truly got into Barnabas until the 1795 flashback. I'm an original Star Trek fan. I watched ST:TNG when it came out and for most of its run. Maybe a dozen episodes reached the kind of compelling storytelling level in ST:TOS. But that didn't mean that I couldn't enjoy ST:TNG--I just didn't enjoy it as much as TOS. TOS inspired me; TNG didn't usually. I've also watched DS:9 off and on and haven't been as interested in it. I've watched Voyager (even through some *really bad* episodes, but they've improved). Kindred may improve also and get an audience. I'm willing to watch a few episodes to see. I watched it earlier tonight, in fact. Some of you have posted to the list that you saw an episode or two of FK without becoming fans right off, that you later saw an episode that made a bigger impact on you and made you fans of the show. Kindred may just have gotten off to a very rocky start. It probably won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I at least intent to give it a fair shot in interesting me. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... In a world where all is water, who can tell when goldfish weep? ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 03:40:03 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: The Other Show -- dialogue :p Lisa Marvin wrote: >"Those are beautiful earrings." ( unsuspecting mortal) > "Would you like to see them up close?" ( vampire) Actually, you've got the speakers reversed. It was the vampire who complimented the mortal on her earrings. Although, I agree, the dialogue on Kindred is certainly not as rich as what we get on FK. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 03:45:04 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Trilogy of Terror2? Carrie writes: >I spoke with Ger today (April 2, 1996) during a break he took from >filming "Trilogy of Terror 2", Did anyone on Debsplay keep this letter from Rosemary Shad which is being quoted above by Carrie? If so, could you forward me a copy? Thanks. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 00:01:45 -0900 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: People Poll No % on NB--just goes to show that the cousins are wussies--nyah, nyah<;p> Barbara Yes, them there are fighting words--so put up or shut up. Deadmen tell no tales . . . unless you're into forensics ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 04:02:56 -0500 From: Rebecca Howle <jhhowle@e.......> Subject: FK Sony Page I went and saw the sony FK page. Am I crazy or does it just p*** you off when you see the "Farewell Forever Knight" on there? Rebecca Hotel Goddess for the Shrewthering, Dark Knightie-all the fun of liking Nick without all the guilt and angst. Co-owner of Blue Meanies ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 03:41:56 -0800 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: Re: People Poll Cyrille V. Neuman wrote: > Just got done casting my People Poll ballot ("Gee, this vote seems to > have a definite FK bias...":)) and things seem to be looking up! Ger's > gotten about 10% of the web vote! That's pretty impressive! Let's get He's up to 15%, here at 3something in the morning. Bad thing about list clogs; checking your e-mail all day and getting no messages. Good thing about list clogs; you get 139 messages at 3am, instead of 5. ;-) -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff | Mercenary for Chocolate Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 03:47:33 -0800 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: Re: Apology Dotti Rhodes wrote: > Yes, we have all felt a litte morose lately, but we usually use each other > to feel better. You are an artist, and you must project your feelings > through your talent. Don't apologize for what you had to do. However, if > you do it again, I'll chase you with a pitchfork. <laugh> I'll throw in one trashcan lid shield for Carrie. I liked it. Depressing as all get out, but I liked it. -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff | Mercenary for Chocolate Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 04:01:15 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: LIST RULES: The Poem! On Apr 03, 1996 20:28:16, 'Allison Percy <percy91@w.......>' wrote: >Just one question, Jamie -- why couldn't you come up with a rhyme for ><> ? >I can think of several rhymes for "html", including things like "Blue >Meanies from Hell"! Okay, Allison. Go ahead. I'm waiting... And will expect twelve rhymes for on my desk by morning. In perfect meter. Considering that the way I pronounce it, the puppy is thirty-four syllables long... I am really seriously anticipating your response! (For those who are just now catching this: THAT is the URL of the list rules. The list rules can be found at THAT url. MEMORIZE that URL. It's a *good* URL.) -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc. Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 00:05:29 -0900 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: *Please* take the Toronto Tour stuff Public Sorry Lisa, Like Mr. Data moving around the table while the humans bicker, this Toronto story is rather interesting--not uplifting, but okay soap opera. Barbara ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 04:36:54 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: People Poll Monique writes: >I think I may have cousinly tendencies. Are there any support groups >for this? Knighties in cousinly denial? Please help me!!! You just have to hang firm to Knightieness. Think of *Nick* in a purple thong! :) Or black silk bikinis...leopard print bikinis... red silk boxers...long, white see-through "nightie" like in Near leather ala Dying for Fame...jeans! jeans! necked a *nothing!* Think of Nick in whatever your little heart desires him in and hopefully all thoughts of Uncle will be driven from your head. Think of all the cruel things Uncle has done to Nick. How much Nick has suffered at LC's hands. How much Nick suffers whenever he gives into his "dark" side (afterwards). Immerse yourself in Nick. Take two swoons and call me in the morning. :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 04:53:22 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: FK: Dangerous to Aaron Spelling? On Apr 03, 1996 22:51:12, 'Felicia Bollin <AriCon@a.......>' wrote: >If there's a conspiracy theory >to be abounding, I would suspect it would be more likely to involve another >syndicated show. Unfortunately, there are shows and corporations that believe it is not only their duty but their right to eliminate anything that might be even remotely seen as "competition". By whatever means necessary. Considering that the word "conspiracy" might have been specifically coined to describe the entertainment industry, I don't find it at all improbable that some other production company might have engaged in under-the-table negotiations designed to bring about the USA cancellation of Forever Knight, in a misguided attempt to promote their own product. Withdrawal of USA funding being, of course, the major factor behind TriStar's discontinuance of production. Of course, we have no official means of finding out for certain; but time will tell. -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc. Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 03:56:27 PST From: Kim Ivey <kivey@c.......> Subject: "People" Poll I just cast my votes for Ger, et. al. and currently he is 3rd and Ben Bass is tied for 6th. Have to wonder though. This isn't strictly a e-mail poll, so we may indeed have a fight on our hands. Kim Ivey <kivey@c.......> ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 05:16:17 -0500 From: Rebecca Howle <jhhowle@e.......> Subject: Re: LIST RULES: The Poem! Allison Percy wrote: Jamie -- why couldn't you come up with a rhyme for <> ? I can think of several rhymes for "html", including things like "Blue Meanies from Hell"! Ok, now the fact is can anyone come up with any kind of rhymes for the URL and Blue Meanies from Hell? How about: Blue Meanies are Blue Blue Meanies are Great Blue Meanies like to Netsurf at url: Http:// I couldn't help myself. The Blue Meanies took the keyboard away from me! Rebecca Hotel Goddess for the Shrewthering, Dark Knightie-all the fun of liking Nick without the guilt and angst. Co-owner of some Blue Meanies ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 01:27:07 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Cousinly tendencies Sandra Gray writes: >Think of Nick in >whatever your little heart desires him in and hopefully all thoughts >of Uncle will be driven from your head. I want to publicly admit that prior to this show I have had a long-standing and much remarked upon aversion to blonde men. I hereby make a singular exception to the no-blonde men rule in the form of a proviso, applying only to our beloved GWD. I would like to remark to all of you cousins out there that LaCroix is a magnificently complex evil character worthy of a great deal of praise. Katherine, of the newly Knighted "How thoughtful of you Nicholas, to bring your *own* coaster. I wish all of my customers were so environmentally conscious." LaCroix (my current favorite)HOD ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 02:39:41 -0800 From: Debbie Litchman <Debbie8@e.......> Subject: Re: Kindred: The Disgraced I tried to watch the Pilot and after about 20 minutes I just couldn't take anymore. In fact, I went to my PC and read all of my incoming newsgroup and mail postings just to get those images out :) What I found really funny :) was the fact that my sister (we're roommates) turned to the first regular episode tonight during the final 1/2 hour and said the following: "I know I'm not as big a fan of FK as you are, BUT I want vampires afraid of garlic; I want vampires who can't be seen in sunlight; I want vampires that ACT like vampires" :) After watching this, I can see why FK is your favorite show. I think we should get the names for all the charators(sp) and then get someone who is good at writing to have LaCroix show up in San Francisco and show them who REALLY has the power!!!" This is from a person who, before watching this show, merely tolerated watching FK :) :) :) Debbie8@e....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 06:02:47 -0500 From: Rebecca Howle <jhhowle@e.......> Subject: People Poll. (falling) Ok, guys I just literally got off the people poll and here are the standings with all of our fav FK people. Ger is now at number 6 and 9. Ben Bass is at number 9 also. I didn't see Deborah anywhere on the list. So come on people Cast that vote! Let's make this a landslide! Wouldn't it just make your day to have everyone from FK voted one of the most beautiful people and have Sony think more and more about how they have completely messed up FK! Rebecca Hotel Goddess for the Shrewthering, Dark Knightie-all the fun of liking Nick without the guilt and angst. Co-owner of Some Blue Meanies. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 06:56:15 -0500 From: Jane Snyder <janes@i.......> Subject: His Name is Greg Kramer (Screed) At 05:55 PM 4/3/96 CST, Wicked One wrote: >Is the guy's name Gary or Greg? I've been calling him Greg Kramer! >Yoiks! His name is Greg Kramer. I've even got his first book to prove it. Jane (janes@i.......) Raven ** Immortal Beloved Writing is easy -- just stare at the page until your forehead bleeds (G. Horvath) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 06:17:14 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFKW... Yet ANOTHER one. Two, actually. You know you've been hittin' the ol' FK too hard when in Pathogenic Microbiology your teacher mentions a rather Vachon-looking (or at least it sounded like that) lab tech she knows , calling him a "forever bacheolr'. The two things which ran simultaneously through my fungus-scanning brain were "Only if Nat doesn't figure it out," and "But Nick was married before." The other comes from a Poppy Z. Brite story I was reading between lab and lecture. There was a character names Lucian. He died. First of all I kept thinking the spelling was off by a letter (a), then wondering how he could OD... Yes, it's a strange class. I like it tho. Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng A Real Maan. phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 06:30:31 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Kindred MY Opinons! (spoilers) Let's just forget that it is even around, and let's >talk about FK. How true, brother! How true! Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng A Real Maan. phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 04:31:58 -0800 From: Tara Housman <amprsand@s.......> Subject: Malenky droogies and Kindred:the Plagiarized A big thank you to Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......> for checking the English/Nadsat glossary in A Clockwork Orange to let us know just what a malenky droog is. She's correct that it's quite a good book. There's an interesting twist, though. I went to the library last night to find a copy of A Clockwork Orange w/the glossary. I stumbled onto a copy with an updated forward from the author, Anthony Burgess. It seems that there were 21 chapters in the British edition of the book, but, at the publisher's insistance, there were only twenty in the American version. The movie is based on the American version. I sat down and read the last chapter, missing from the edition of my youth. O my brothers, it put a totally different and much more hopeful meaning onto the entire story. If Screed has piqued your interest, and you'd like to read A Clockwork Orange, be sure to read the 21 chapter edition. I have mixed feelings about Kindred:the Embraced. On the one hand, it's inspiring to see the rich production values that result from actually having a decent working budget. If ONLY Forever Knight could have afforded the varied camera angles, the relatively lavish sets, and the really gripping vampire eye effects, to say nothing of being able to hire a full and varied supporting cast. As a San Franciscan, I was eager to see the city I cherish depicted. Unfortunately, only four scenes ring true as being genuinely San Francisco: The opening chase scene on the roof of The Cannery, Alexandra being chased by the other vamps (I recall seeing this being filmed in the parking lot of Thomas Bros. mapmakers, in what is the former Barbary Coast area of the city), a shot with Ghirardelli clock tower in the background, and the view from the bench in front of Julian Luna's mansion. Julian musta put the whammy on the rangers and the park police BIG time, since his manse is in the Marin headlands...smack in the middle of Golden Gate National Recreation Area. I'll give them credit for using helicopter footage showing an not oft seen angle of water approach to Fisherman's Wharf. They earn style points for giving Julian such a spectacular view of SF, and for, admittedly, making a more than token attempt at mocking-up the architectural styles fairly accurately. What do I NOT like about K:tE? Plenty, but what has me livid, as a Forever Knight fan, is the absolutely shameless scavenging of beloved details of Forever Knight. A sexy, dark-haired, female vampire owns a hip nightclub. What an original concept!! What does she name this vamp-and-human hangout? Why, The Haven! Unique! Unheard of! And, though my recall is a bit spotty, it seemed like a similar font style on the club's sign.I sure hope she's paying Janette a franchise fee! One area in which the Spelling thirst for lust and glamour backfired: the bedroom scene between Julian and the Haven's owner. The female vamp was in a clingy peach slip. This is the first time I've seen a prime-time tv character who really was TOO thin. My mother starved herself to death two years ago, and this woman's sternum, collarbone, and breasts looked amazingly similar to the way my mom's looked toward the end. Spelling did this woman no favors by revealing her emaciated physique. It was not, in my opinion, sexy, and only served as an example that, occasionally, it really IS possible to be too thin or too rich. As though that weren't enough, she, in my opinion, simply lacks the allure of our favorite female vamp. I just wasn't rooting, shamefacedly, for her to seduce our protagonist. I ALWAYS root for Janette whenever Nick visits The Raven, even though I ADORE Natalie, and I wish that Nick and Nat find ultimate happiness together. Perhaps Spelling will send this pulseless publican to Charme school. ;-> Another too-close-for-comfort parallel: part of the action centers around a pair of police detectives. One partner is a vampire, and one a human. The mortal partner is romantically attracted to a vampire, but, at the same time, is unaware of the vampire co-worker's true identity/dinner preferences. The vampire detective feels obligated to protect the mortal partner from any other, potentially predatory, vampires. Gee, sound familiar? What a unique and original concept, Mr. Spelling!! Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 07:34:53 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Officially losing it... Okay, now I know I have officially lost my mind. I dreamt of FK last night. Not just any FK. Animated FK ala Disney. Let me tell you, I think there's a real career for GWD's voice in animation. I awoke wondering if maybe I shouldn't send a copy of Forebodings to Michael Eisener... And Uncle in mouse ears!! <Ducking> "The Nightgrawler will be with you again tomorrow. Why? Because I like you..." <Ducking and running> I guess you had to be there... Bye for now. Carrie, Proud Knightie ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 06:38:26 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: What's the big idea?! Cousins unite! I just toodled on over to that People webpage for beautiful people and when I typed in my Cousinly choice -- Nigel Bennett -- I was informed that 0% of the webpage agreed with me. Didn't this happen to someone else yesterday? How can 2 people (I know there's gotta be more than that anyway) equal 0%?! We will not be silenced! We will not be invisible! C'mon, Cousins! Get yourselves down to that webpage! If you need the address, write to me at my aol account: TippiNB@a........ While I'm happy to see GWD at #7, I'd like to see NB at #1! Get your web fingers ready, Cousins! Incitingly, Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) Join the Thong Throng! ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 07:45:40 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: The Other Show At 05:18 PM 4/3/96 -0500, Candy wrote: > > >Please do not think that this is a flame, because it isn't. But I really >would like to know what in the heck does "Embraced:The Kindred" have to do >with FK (or FK being canceled)? If we are going to use specifics, you are right Candy one show does not have anything to do with the other. However, in reality we feel it does and are angry over the treatment this obviously inferior show got over the show we love which is a better show. 1. Last year when USA took over the show, it has become generally known that press could not be found to push FK. No one was interested in a "vampire" show. Blah. So why does this vampire show get so much push? Simply because it's Aaron Spelling. Nothing to do with quality of the show, or in our case, the fact that there was such a loyal following didn't matter. No one was interested. 2. The possibility that Fox or another major network could pick up FK didn't exist BECAUSE Fox was doing Kindred, so yet again, FK didn't even get the possibility of a pick up and possibly it could be attributed to this show. 3. If it were a well done show about vampires, it could possiblly generate interest in FK on the SF channel and perhaps bring about enough interest to help push for a tv movie of some sort. But no, it has to be another lousy Aaron Spelling, bed 'em and bite 'em, and it will probably put a damper on interest in FK. 4. It just isn't fair that something has mediocre as Kindred can get that kind of push, when a show that works so very hard to be good gets kicked around (and us as well by TPTB). Ofcourse, this isn't the first or last time something like this will happen to quality televions (Briscoe County being given up for that yecchie show about the guy in a wheelchair by day, superhero by night comes to mind) but it doesn't mean we have to like it. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 06:51:04 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Spelling of beautiful names? umm, could it be that we're all spelling NB's name differently? Is that why only 0% of the web page agrees with me? Am I spelling it wrong? Nigel Bennett, right? Two n's, two t's? Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) Join the Thong Throng! It's cheap, it's easy, it tastes like grapes! ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 06:58:26 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Re: People Poll FO>in comes up 0%. If you enter them twice, it comes up 1%. Enter them about 5 FO>more imes, it goes up to 12%. I made it so that NB was 5th place, but then FO>they reset the polls. I don't think this will count for much. Reset them?? Why'd they reset them?? I wonder if aardvarks leave fingerprints.... ObFK... Umm... love that thong! Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 08:09:31 -0500 From: Kim Bjarkman <flowper@o.......> Subject: Re: Spelling of beautiful names? Wicked Cousin Tippi wrote: > umm, could it be that we're all spelling NB's name differently? Is that > why only 0% of the web page agrees with me? Am I spelling it wrong? Well, *if* we're being serious about trying to get the votes up, when I checked in there were more votes for "LaCroix" than "Nigel Bennett", so -- like GWD -- all the votes aren't being counted together due to variations. Kim B. flowper@o....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 07:15:46 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: People Poll Well, I attacked the poll finally, and entered Nigel all five times. Apparently a few other Cousins have been there, 'cause 10% showed up for the general agreement #. Just putting in my 2 1/2 pence... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng A Real Maan. phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 08:14:15 EST From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Poll standings I just voted and checked the standings in the People Poll. It told me 12% agreed about Ger, who was my top pick. It didn't say about the rest. But the top ten list from the voting has Deb at #2, between Alicia Silverstone at #1 and Gillian Anderson at #3. Ger is number 8, between a tie for Jean Liao and Damon Albarn at #7 and a tie between Tasho Wong and Gary Cole at #9. I'd suggest going over there and keeping up the good work, especially for Ger. Please note that the correct spelling is Geraint Wyn Davies. It's a good idea to be careful because it's possible Ger's standing is lagging from his name's being misspelled. Note to anyone from USA who may be reading it, yes, Deborah Duchene. The one your network said wasn't sexy enough to continue on Forever Knight. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 07:53:24 -0600 From: tim jones <tl@i.......> Subject: YKTYHB..and Trilogy/Prt2 Hi all! You know that you have been *getting* to people by talking about FK to much when...Your brother who isn't a fan, calls you at 1:00 in the morning,LONG DISTANCE, to tell you "that dude that plays Lacroix is on Lonesome Dove:The Outlaw Years" I, of course, propped open the eyeballs and watched it!! Also wasn't there a movie made back in the 70's called Trilogy of Terror starring Karen Black? I am assuming that GWD movie is a sequel to this? Kelly, newly proclaimed Cousin,aspiring member of the Thong Throng! ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 08:46:46 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: People Poll At 04:36 AM 4/4/96 -0500, Sandra wrote: > > >You just have to hang firm to Knightieness. Think of *Nick* in a >purple thong! :) Or black silk bikinis...leopard print bikinis... >red silk boxers...long, white see-through "nightie" like in Near > leather ala Dying for Fame...jeans! jeans!....etc.. Sandra, I read this at 8:40 a.m. and had to run into the Shower again....stop it!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 08:53:31 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Apology In a message dated 96-04-04 01:46:39 EST, you write: >Yes, we have all felt a litte morose lately, but we usually use each other >to feel better. You are an artist, and you must project your feelings >through your talent. Don't apologize for what you had to do. However, if >you do it again, I'll chase you with a pitchfork. > > >Dotti R It's alright now Dotti, I feel much better. That pitchfork is going to give me knightmares, I just know it... :)= Carrie =========================================================================
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