File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604A" Part 3 TOPICS: Looking for Jennifer Sangiovanni That Other Show Is Aaron Spelling THAT smart? (3) That Other Show... (4) Nick's Quest N&N insights: Major SoB spoilers (2) BE MY VALENTINE Nick/Lacroix/Fluer (3) Whammies (was Re: BMV) LaCroix's Awesome Power Just a note... DO YOU REMEMBER? (2) FK Shirts Made by Alora & Kira!!! Various Nick giving up drinking blood Rash promises and the end of 3rd season FK Popcorn, SoB, N&N (was Re: Various) Nick's First Hunger OTHER things LaCroix's Family (long) Changes (was Re: Sons of Belial) Pronunciation-Survey Results ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 10:04:13 -0800 From: John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......> Subject: Re: Looking for Jennifer Sangiovanni <199603301057.CAA13918@m.......> Kira writes: >In a message dated 96-03-29 01:00:41 EST, you write: >>By the way, who's sent in their money for the California Gerthering? Are >>you one of the chosen few (100)? >What CA gathering? I wanna go! I need info! Please post details, I too must have missed this post. I would be interested in attending particularly if it is in Southern CA... San Diego on up to Los Angeles. John Currently Factionless ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 10:16:52 -0800 From: John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show <199603312139.NAA07363@m.......> >Ohhh I'm so angry--I just read this article in the local tv guide-type book. >"they" were the cover story..the article glorifying this new world of >vampires that's never been delved into before, this female vampire who >misses her humanity...and intrigued by the human policeman...aaarggg!!! Dotti, could you give us the address for this TV guide? I'm sure a few of us could write a "few" letters to them to "enlighten" them to thier error. John Currently Factionless ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:54:29 -0500 From: Hilary Doda <Hilary_Doda@g.......> Subject: Re: Is Aaron Spelling THAT smart? Valery scribed: > the vampire nightclub in this >masterpiece of originality is called "The Haven." Janette should sue. Actually, that's a term used in Vampire: The Masquerade (where Kindred was taken from). It means, <opening the book>: "The home of a vampire or the place where it sleeps during the day" in the Common Parlance. They don't have that term in Old Form, and in the Vulgar Argot, someplace like the Raven/Haven would be The Rack, "The hunting ground represented by nightclubs, bars, and other places of entertainment where mortals seek to drink, dance, and pair off." So they're not technically copying. Technically. <sigh>...we'll find out tomorrow just how bad it really is, I suppose. ObFK:I thought that Vachon was in the US when he brought Urs was the kind of atmosphere that you get in old westerns. You know, the little town, the saloon, the cowboys :)=, "this town ain't big enough for the both of us" type of place. Dona Katya -=feel the call of the Knight...=- * Raven Classic * X-Phile * FFFROGie * Mother of the WCP * -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TEdNet - Teacher Education Network TEL Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 15:15:29 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show... At 12:12 PM 4/1/96 CST, Bruce wrote: > > I would ask our beloved listmistress to > put out some guidelines about commentary regarding "Kindred" (gasp! he said the name), > or perhaps >a time limit (you can talk about it for 48 hours, then finito...). > I don't think we need to bother the listmistress - this is not a Kindred list. I don't think any discussion of Kindred eps belong here. Perhaps those interested could create a Kindred loop - but other than what has already transpired, I don't think any detailed discussion on Kindred eps really belong here. Agree? Disagree? Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 15:23:34 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Nick's Quest I wrote: >I don't really see how you can blame Nick for killing the occasional >perp in the present day Katja writes: >Oh, I'm not *blaming* him, I'm just pointing out the discrepancy. Well, your first letter citing the examples of dead perps seemed to me to say that you considered them Nick *killing* people. As if it wasn't any different than Nick killing people for food. And I don't agree with that assessment. But if I misunderstood you, I'm sorry. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:26:50 -0600 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: N&N insights: Major SoB spoilers >Is it that he remembers that he loves her and senses her love for him, one >thing about which he is certain (i.e., not conflicted)? Or is it just because >he is able to refuse to kill her that the demon is rejected? This is my second attempt to reply to this, because I've been thinking some more about it. The conflict Vanderwahld was talking about was the conflict between choosing good or choosing evil, not between good and evil, per se, because everyone has both good and evil in them. So maybe things went something like this: First, it was necessary for Nick to believe that he had good in him. Having LaCroix, his father, tell him that he did, helped. Then, it was necessary to choose good over evil. When Nat came in, and he refused to kill her, he made that choice. He had the strength to refuse because of how much he loves her. And love is another manifestation of good in him. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 12:42:45 -0800 From: Swordsister <catheboo@c.......> Subject: Re: BE MY VALENTINE Nick/Lacroix/Fluer On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Katja Stokley wrote: > I think you're reaching :-). Nick's attitude on the whole seems to have > been that yes, I'm a vampire, but I'm going to inflict only minimal > damage on mankind to supply my needs. Nick has only occasionally shown > the delight in hunting, torturing and killing that LaCroix and Janette I totally and completely agree, that that was his view toward the end of his life (like, the last four hundred years, I guess, by Sandra's count). But where is it said that you have to enjoy torturing people to be relatively happy as a vampire? I personally can easily see him comforting himself with the thought that he's ridding humanity of its lowest denomination. Besides, I think he *did* really truly enjoy killing people for quite a while after he was brought across. I know there seems to be a lot of evidence to the contrary, and heck, I might well just be fooling myself, but the flashback with Joan and the one in Blood Money show a guy having waaay too much fun killing and being the classic vampire, for me to think that he was also trying, or thinking of trying, to become mortal at the same time. He had absolutely no remorse in those scenes. But, when it comes down to it, I think we've just seen so little of the time in his life before his decision to become mortal, that it's going to be mostly a matter of interpretation, with little basis on fact. But that doesn't keep us from endlessly speculating, now does it? :) Catherine --------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Boone catheboo@c....... "Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 12:48:14 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Whammies (was Re: BMV) (I am way behind on the list, so I don't know if this has been addressed.) > 3.) I don't see how Catherine Disher can maintain that Nat was drugged > and not hypnotized by LC. I don't know what CD's opinions are, and, yes, I am also disturbed by the fact that Nat was behaving oddly *before* she drank the champagne, but, as I posted just three weeks ago, we never heard the echo effect that almost always accompanies hypnotism! In addition, Nat is a resister; Nick couldn't hypnotize her (OtL) and she was faking with Spark (AMPH). I know how powerful LC is, but everyone seems to act as if being a resister is almost a genetic condition -- that's the only reason I can think of for not having Nick or LC whammy Tracy. LC has quite a... presence, shall we say? And he didn't need to hypnotize Schanke to convince him that Nick is not a vampire (CC). Further (and this hasn't been addressed since I've been around) Nick tossed off a comment in STF which may be telling. Schanke said something about how vampires could hypnotize women, and never be... uh, rejected. Nick said, "That would be cheating." It was probably just an off-hand comment, but considering how often Nick's comments around Schanke are in fact *true* of vampires (because he felt safe that Skank would never understand), and considering that I cannot recall, off-hand, anyone taken while whammied...? Well, LC *did* intend to bite Nat, and *I* wouldn't want to accuse LC of cheating... :-) ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** (I will post the results of my "forkni-l" punctuation survey as soon as I get through my accumulated list-mail: promise!) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 15:34:05 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show... On Apr 01, 1996 12:12:45, 'Bruce Rawitch <brucer@i.......>' wrote: >Since we all (whether we want to admit it or not) are going to watch "That >Other Show" I'm not. An' you can't make me. I refused to see Interview with the Vampire; and I refuse to watch the Kindred. Ain't no way they're getting MY numbers, uh-uh, no way. I have a limited memory capacity, and I am NOT using up my precious neurons on that. >I would ask our beloved listmistress to put out >some guidelines about commentary regarding "Kindred" As far as the assistant listowner is concerned (that's me, y'know) there is already a pre-existing list policy to cover this subject. This is the Forever Knight list. It exists so that we can discuss Forever Knight. The topic of this list is in fact Forever Knight. Therefore, it follows that all discussion on this list should be related to Forever Knight. Now, there are a LOT of things that are related to Forever Knight. Affiliations are related to Forever Knight. Ribena is related to Forever Knight. Discussions about history as it appeared on the show and quote lists from parties of listmembers and people who see a sign for Nick's Cement Products and can't stop laughing, all these things and so many many more are in fact related to Forever Knight. This is a wonderful thing. And there will be, I'm certain, many comparisons that people will want to make between That Other Show and Our Beloved FK. And to a degree, such discussions have a place here. But it should be remembered that this is in fact the Forever Knight list, and commentary here should relate directly to Forever Knight; and that if you want to get into a down'n'dirty blow-by-blow of That Other Show, there are other venues to do it in. I ask that if you feel you have something to say about That Other Show, please read your post before you send it and ask yourself, "Does this *really* have anything to do with Forever Knight?" And if it doesn't, consider that it probably shouldn't be on the list; and if it's a reply to someone else's post, it should probably go via private e-mail. And that there is only so much latitude you can really get away with by adding an ObFK (obligatory FK remark to justify an otherwise off-topic post). The same goes for discussions about vampires or books or anything else. If there's little to no actual mention of Forever Knight in your post, you really shouldn't be posting it. At least, that's been the list guideline for as long as I've been here. Hope this clears things up. -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc. Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 15:48:13 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: BE MY VALENTINE Nick/Lacroix/Fluer Regarding Carrie's thoughtful comments, I have a slightly different view of DBTLOTM. Yes, there was the theme of "What makes a good man go bad?" but I think Nick saw similarities in the *darkness* of Janette and Anne Foley, that they were sort of two sides of the same seductive personality. I personally thought that Nick was seduced by "evil" again at first when he started to get involved with Anne (I was glad to see him get back to doing his job). Nick seemed to me to be attracted to Anne because she seemed similar to Janette to him. And by "evil" above, I mean as it refers to Janette that her seduction of Nick in the flashback seemed more for reasons other than her own personal interest in him to me. Whether Nick and Janette later came to care about each other doesn't change the fact that their initial meeting was entirely different in nature. Actually, I think that the earliest episodes of FK present a Nick that you're not *sure* will remain a "good guy". --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 13:02:53 -0800 From: Dee Davidson <dmd@a.......> Subject: Re: LaCroix's Awesome Power >You know what other scene just screams LaCroix's power? In NiQ, when Nat >asks him to leave the loft after she arrives-by the door-and he just >strides out? For me, the one scene that best describes LC's power is(can't remember the ep) in a flashback when Nick was in Germany and LC showed up after Nick killed a soldier and he went after the woman, who he thought had betrayed them. Watching LC and the woman come around the corner, completely whammied, and he could control her with a single touch and/or gesture, gave me chills and I'm a cousin:) But then I also live for that stuff:) Great, now its gonna bug me until I find out the name of the ep. Anyone? Forever!! Dee Davidson dmd@a....... -A cousin and valentine who seems to be getting awefully talkative lately. ****************************************** "If you think I tormented you in the past my little friends, wait until you see what I do with you now!" Q ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 16:15:12 -0500 From: knust lisa m <lmknus@m.......> Subject: Just a note... Hello everybody! Do you know what it's like not to check your mail fora whole weekend? I am still wading through the ten or so digests I've gotten since Thursday. I don't know if I'll ever get caught up! Just had to let you know my frustration in finding out from my mother that she read an article in the local newspaper about "that other vampire show" where it mentioned FK as fading or something like that. Grrr... Back to the neverending digests... :) Lisa K. lmknus@m....... "For the Blood is the Life..." "C'est bien simple. Il faut tuer." LaCroix in "Dark Knight" ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 13:15:07 -0800 From: Dianne Therese DeSha <desha@b.......> Subject: Re: DO YOU REMEMBER? Jamie wrote: > >>Susan Garrett will wash the Caddie > Actually, this is a War-time promise. Susan will wash the Caddy in the > next War. (She has requested that this event take place in daylight, and > outdoors, so that certain would-be spectators will be unable to attend.) I hereby humbly suggest that (for an appropriate fee, of course) I could be persuaded to set up a live video and 2-way audio feed to the wine cellar of a client's choice... <vbg> Dianne (back after a *very* long weekend and 600+ messages behind... *Stop talking until I catch up D*mmit!* ;-) Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <Goddess@m.......> -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 16:45:18 -0500 From: Rebecca Howle <JHHowle@a.......> Subject: FK Shirts Made by Alora & Kira!!! Now I don't want people to think I am being paid for saying this because I'm not. Today I got my FK shirt from them and I was WAY, and I mean WAY Impressed! My sister sat there and said "They made that?" She thought at first it was a commercially made shirt instead of a homemade one. So, if anyone was putting off ordering one because of whatever reason, or they thought maybe they wouldn't look right don't worry they are NICE! I will be wearing mine when I arrive in Toronto for the Shrewthering! Rebecca Hotel Goddess for the Shrewthering, Dark Knightie-all the fun of liking Nick without all the guilt and angst! Co-Owner of some Blue Meanies. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:45:19 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <marg.r@a.......> Subject: Re: DO YOU REMEMBER? Hello all! On Sun, 31 Mar 1996, Jackie wrote: > You will remember these....the vows of sacrifice if only we got the > end of the 3rd season....wellllllll, > We DID get the end of the 3rd season, so: > Marg Rothschild will give up Pepsi and lose 20 pounds, not play > Nintendo for 6 months and join the Perkulators Please put under my name that I did this - infact I lost 45 lbs instead of just 20, I stopped drinking Pepsi and gave up the Nintendo for 6 months. I thought that I vowed to join the Perkulators if we got a 4th season? I could be wrong. I have a copy of the vows at home and will check on this. No biggie. Just in case, I now <hard swallow> join the Perkulators until further notice. Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie/Perkulator ** Help Save/Revive Forever Knight** write me at: margr@i....... more info: ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 16:54:28 -0500 From: Nancy Fralic <fralic@m.......> Subject: Re: Various > Kind of like he vamped out (at least the eyes) then went back to normal in > the tag of Sons of Belial He also showed his fangs to Nat over the car's hood as Nat and Shanke walked up towards him at the end of The Fix, but his eyes were normal and he was smiling - showing her he was "normal" again. Nancy fralic@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 16:55:09 -0500 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: Nick giving up drinking blood On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Connie Gartrell wrote: > blood has to be > warm and live with the essence of the victim. [snip] > Because emotions make the blood sweeter and create a taste that is > truly unique to the person. [snip] > if he > does become human his body would begin to age rapidaly until it reached > his true age. (Four lines - sort of). Is *any* of this canon to the FK universe? Or is this all drawn from other vampire fiction? Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 13:59:41 -0800 From: Dianne Therese DeSha <desha@b.......> Subject: Re: Is Aaron Spelling THAT smart? Valery writes: > > think Mr. Spelling was smart enough to buy out Sony's desire to produce > > the show? Was _he_ the reason that the Mysterious Buyer couldn't get > > Forever Knight? > > Boy, we're a paranoid lot, aren't we? I find this theory worth You want to try paranoid? Try considering he may have been the mysterious buyer himself ("Buy it and stake it good... that's our motto!") :-p > And today's "C'm ON, Give Me A Break!": the vampire nightclub in this > masterpiece of originality is called "The Haven." Janette should sue. Oh *puhleeze*!!! > --Valery (I'm going to the Gerthering, too! Yipee! Let's all do > Disneyland, ok?) Well I don't know as I'll be there or not at this point, but I'm only 20 mins from Disneyland, so count me in ;-) Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <Goddess@m.......> -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 16:51:25 -0500 From: Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......> Subject: Re: Is Aaron Spelling THAT smart? Candice & Ned think: >- So what we think is that because they (TPTB) knew about The Other >Show, Aaron Spelling didn't want any competition. DO you think Mr. > Spelling was smart enough to buy out Sony's desire to produce the >show? Was _he_ the reason that the Mysterious Buyer couldn't get >Forever Knight? I should think that with all the hooplah, created by all those dreadful Cops/Lawyers/Doctors/Models/Cops/Lawyers/Doctors Lots of suits shows crossing over into each other's *Drama's* (I use the term loosely) the smart money might have a 'the more the merrier' attitude. And Spelling spells money. If FK wasn't reduced to the status of Sony's red headed stepchild I would have embraced Kindred, at least until I saw the commercial last night during FK.(Yikes-tacky, very tacky) And HOW DARE THEY advertise during FK? They must think we're mindless yocks with some kind of vampire addiction, rather than the highly intelligent, (if slightly twisted) discerning fans of the best darn drama on television. I detest fluff, I loathe fluff. I don't want a new one, I like *That* one! I repell all ancestral fluff, Begone Demons! Brutal Cousin Karies SoulDebris@a....... "Pain looks great on other people, that's what they're for." Andrew Eldritch (Sisters of Mercy) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:07:42 -0400 From: "l.d. steele" <aa300@f.......> Subject: Rash promises and the end of 3rd season FK With all of these old promises coming to light... I gave up chocolate. For THREE WHOLE MONTHS!!! It's April Fools Day, and the first thing in my mouth this morning was a big bite of milk chocolate. :) There. I did it, but It'll never happen again. One of my roommates just handed me a <gift> of 1 lb of chocolate. Guess I'm going to have to start excercising again. :) My computer is fixed, I can eat chocolate, and I'm starting to catch up on life and homwork again (although I'm still behind on my digests). Life is good. Now if I could only make time to write up another section of the RRSTXOVER. :) Was that enough ObFK's? (Ohhh.... Jamie? Was it enough? <g>) Oh Well: ObFK: "Fatal Mistake" is showing this week on ATV (Atlantic Provinces, Canada). Guess I'll be watching Alexandra the vampire dingbat again. <EG> Dawn l.d. steele h36a@u....... or aa300@f....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:11:04 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Popcorn, SoB, N&N (was Re: Various) > OK, Amy, *you* work it out, and let me know when you do :-). Does anyone else recall how the popcorn thread popped up this time? *I* asked where it was from, because *I've* never seen it. :) But if I'm going to play continuity-vamp, I suppose I deserve what I get, hmmm? :) Because the popcorn-throwing scene, in which Ger apparently vamped out (minus the contacts) for no reason but to surprise Cath, was left in the final cut, it is therefore canonical that Nick *can* vamp out for no good reason, and calm down relatively easily thereafter. This is relevant in two places, that I can think of. One of them is still spoiler-protected (see my upcoming explanation of (Im)Mortal Belovedhood <g>). The other, as has been mentioned, is the tag of "SoB." Sandra has an interesting take on that tag, but it is rather an anti-N&Ner take. I think that Nat's arrival at the exorcism is what saved Nick. I think that had anyone else come through that door, Nick/the demon would have drained them. I think that if no one had come through the door, he would have gone for the ex-priest. I -- fuzzily clinging to N&Nerness -- think that Nick's love for Nat is the only thing thing that allowed him to grapple with the demon. She's "the only one who ever thought" he had any humanity, remember (OtL)? Natalie sees Nick as a man with a problem, not a vampire. He draws strength from her image of him. He doubts himself so much that he desperately needs someone (Nat) to *expect* him to behave properly, to be *disappointed* in him when he fails. Thus, my take on the tag (and, yes, we're getting back to the popcorn scene) encompasses the idea that Nick is more comfortable with Nat than anywhere else. Vampirism is his physical nature, which manifests under stress -- or in comfort. At the end of SoB, after all he'd been through, it was just too hard to suppress the vampire -- and, with Nat, Nick didn't *want* to *have* to. It is a part of him (a hated and despised part, but nevertheless...) and it came out then, in the dark counterpart of the way it came out in the popcorn scene, as he reached out to Natalie for acceptance... (Not that I've seen the popcorn scene yet, or anything...<g>) ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** "He has placed fire and water before you; reach out and take whichever you want. You have a choice between life and death; you will get whichever you choose." -- Sirach 15:16-17 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:16:52 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Nick's First Hunger On Sat, Sandra Gray wrote: > True. But *after* Nick was shown sucking blood from LC's wrist, he > was then shown putting a lip lock on Janette. I've assumed that LC dragged them apart, because Nick still seemed to be in "first hunger" when they offered him the unconscious girl in the flashbacks of "Dark Knight." Is there anything to contradict this? Except for the fact that "first hunger" probably can't be satisfied with vampire blood...? ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:25:46 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: N&N insights: Major SoB spoilers! At 12:48 PM 4/1/96 -0500, Stephanie wrote: > > > Is it that he remembers that he loves her and senses her love for him, one thing >about which he is certain (i.e., not conflicted)? Or is it just because he >is able to refuse to kill her that the demon is rejected? I'd love to hear >others' opinions. > First of all, Stephanie, I'm ignoring your joke??(grin). Secondly, I agree with what you wrote, but I agree with both. His love for her and her love for him is the one constant thing he can depend on, and BECAUSE of that, he was able to refuse to kill her and thus throw out the demon. I am not discounting the fact that LaCroix told him that there was God in him, that meant more to Nick, in my opinion, than Nick would like to admit. He is another constant in his life, albeit one he'd rather not have to deal with. But LaCroix is his "father", and to have him, who has so often made fun of his goodness, admit that he had it, that had to give him some strength. I believe both sides of his life make him whole and he needed them both to get him through that. Dotti R Knightie 4-ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:34:31 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: OTHER things Susan Garrett wrote: > I say, watch the Kindred. Oh, dear. If we boycott their vampire show, they will leap to the conclusion that there isn't a market for ours. I promise to watch their show the minute I become a Neilson point, ok? :) In the meantime, I'll stop making snide comments about it in public. For a brief second, when I saw that cast photo on the cover of my local TV times yesterday, I felt like throwing up. I suppose I'd better write a "what's the fuss about? FK did it first" letter, instead. :) ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:34:40 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show... Dotti writes: >I don't think any detailed discussion on Kindred eps really belong >here. Agree? Disagree? There is a policy that posts on this list have to be in some way related to FK and the people involved with the show, I believe. So I would think Kindred posts would be allowable *if* the show was being compared to FK. If the show proves popular, a list or a newsgroup or something will form for it for people who like it. FK may be my current favorite show on TV, but it's not the only thing I watch. If I like Kindred, I'll watch it too. I'd have to *really* like it *a lot* to join a mailing list for it though. OBFK: I have a suggestion to throw out. What do people think about discussing first season eps (and second season too) when they air on SFC? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:43:12 -0500 From: Nancy Fralic <fralic@m.......> Subject: Re: LaCroix's Family (long) On Sat, 30 Mar 1996, Sandra Gray wrote: >Or would that practice of > having intimate fun ;) be considered okay by medieval Catholic > priests? I don't know myself (being neither medieval or Catholic). > It was not that unusual for clergy to have a mistress, or at least a fling, and even children in the Middle Ages - as a matter of fact, later in Italy, Cesare Borgia was made a Cardinal because his father was the Pope. (yes I am a Catholic, and was fascinated when I was "old enough" to learn these things.) Nancy fralic@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:27:53 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Changes (was Re: Sons of Belial) On Sun, 31 Mar 1996, Katja Stokley wrote: >GWD seems to have a very wide vocal range... Has anyone else noticed that the "first season" voice is still on the answering machine message? But we almost never hear it otherwise? Continuity fanatic that I am :) I've also noticed how first-season Nick would stand closer to people, touch them more... Nick has really been very, very, very *good* in the contemporary cop-stories this season (only two exceptions; will defend on fkspoilr if necessary). He's committed to Nat, at least enough that he doesn't get involved with other mortal women, and he can't be held responsible for what he did while possessed in SoB. I think that Nick has grown in the time we've known him, and that the changes in the voice and stance Ger gives him may be interpreted as indications of this. ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** "He has placed fire and water before you; reach out and take whichever you want. You have a choice between life and death; you will get whichever you choose." -- Sirach 15:16-17 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:43:52 -0500 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: BE MY VALENTINE Nick/Lacroix/Fluer On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Swordsister wrote: > But where is it said that you have to enjoy torturing people to be > relatively happy as a vampire? It's not. So maybe we're looking at three instances along a continuum - the amoral/immoral vampire who takes delight in his nature (LaCroix has exhibited this behaviour); the more moderate vampire who, while taking only what he needs and not causing unnecessary suffering, nonetheless does not regret his nature; and the vampire who wishes to be mortal again. Nick has apparently been all these things, and I believe it's possible that he will be all these things in the future. > I might well just be fooling myself, > but the flashback with Joan and the one in Blood Money show a guy > having waaay too much fun killing and being the classic vampire, for me > to think that he was also trying, or thinking of trying, to become > mortal at the same time. He had absolutely no remorse in those scenes. I don't think you're fooling yourself - I agree. Eight hundred years is a long time to have a consistent philosophy, and I don't think Nick has had one. That would be pretty boring, anyway. Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:55:33 -0800 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Pronunciation-Survey Results As such list luminaries as Lisa McDavid and Susan Garrett, not to mention the revered Webgoddess herself, have said the the proper pronunciation of "forkni-l" is "for-nigh-el," I am pleased to announce that, of those who responded to my extremely unscientific poll, that pronunciation got more votes than any other. :-) There were thirteen different "ways we say forkni-l" submitted. I'm not a linguist, but I suspect that some of the differences were really ones of stress. I've regularized the spellings. for-nigh-el 11 fork-nigh 3 fork-nil 2 for-nee-el 1 fork-nigh-el 5 fork-nite 3 fork-nee 2 for-nik-el 1 "for Nigel" 4 fork-nee-el 3 for-nite-el 1 "The List" 3 for-nigh 1 That's forty votes! Thank you to everyone who participated! :-) ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ***** "You have a choice between life and death; you will get whichever you choose." -- Sirach 15:17 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 19:26:21 -0330 From: Jason Ryan <ibe0018@i.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show... On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Jamie Melody Randell wrote: > I'm not. An' you can't make me. I refused to see Interview with the > Vampire; and I refuse to watch the Kindred. Ain't no way they're getting > MY numbers, uh-uh, no way. I have a limited memory capacity, and I am NOT > using up my precious neurons on that. It is a shame if you can't open your mind to new things, I know, loosing our show will hurt but the world does not stop and like it or not we/you must move on, saying goodbye is such a hard thing to do. *************************************** "La vie pour toujours, ma chere petite" -Jason Ryan ibe0018@i....... *************************************** =========================================================================
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