File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604A" Part 4 TOPICS: YKYB... That Other Show... (3) Nick giving up drinking blood (2) Help with changing Windows Logo to FK Yahoo Review FK Continuity, etc. (2) Searching for Christine Hunt Characters and Computers watching other vampires (2) SFK Web Page Update That Other Show The Gerthering Guys on the List BMV and whammy That Other SHow Is Aaron Spelling THAT smart? (2) FK on SciFi Lots of things FK in Philly? My new addy and Shirts The Nanette FAQ Names for LC/Janette faction vote Wishing Crane Project Update Nick's Quest N&N insights: Major SoB spoilers! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:01:15 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: YKYB... You Know You've Been Wholly Consumed By The Forkni-L Lifestyle When: 1) You receive a package in the mail, tear it open, and discover that it contains a bottle of Ribena. 2) You consider this to be an utterly delightful surprise, but otherwise a normal occurrence. 3) You don't even realize that the whole situation is a YKYB until you find yourself explaining to someone else a) what Ribena is, b) what it has to do with FK, c) why someone would send it to you, d) when your answer to item 'c' is, "Because I'm the Webgoddess and she's my Merc Mommy!" and e) when it actually takes you a while to understand why the person you're explaining this to is looking at you verrrrrrry strangely. Thanks, Dianne! Now I can walk around the house swigging straight from the bottle and snarling at things, just like a *real* FK vampire! <g> I promise: when the next War comes around, I'll bring you more kitties. -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc. Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:01:41 EST From: Ian Curtis <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show... they kick off forever knight for...melrose place with fangs....yeeegh the apocalypse is here... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:06:25 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Nick giving up drinking blood Connie writes: >if he does become human his body would begin to age rapidaly until >it reached his true age. This is not intended as a flame, but I think FK vampirism has to be looked at in the context of its own universe. The show may draw from several different sources for inspiration and some of the things that happen on the show may be similar to things we've read in another source. But because the show probably doesn't draw from just one source of mythos, then I don't think that blanket statments like the above necessarily can be said to apply. We haven't seen what would be the result should Nick *truly* regain his mortality; therefore, the above result is only a *possibility*. In second season's The Fix, Nat injected Nick with a bovine growth hormone that Nick thought had cured him (it hadn't, but he *was* able to go in the sun, eat, etc.). Nick didn't appear to age any when he had this "temporary fix" so it's possible that Nick would just pick up with normal agining if he was truly made human. And as for the comments you made about needing live blood, I hold an opinion that Nick is probably a weaker vampire in his universe than one that feeds on live humans. But Nick proves with his diet that he *can* survive on other than human blood. As far as vampires drinking from children, LC brought over a boy in the first season episode Father Figure (I would think he drank some of Daniel's blood before bringing him over). LC's master was his own early teenage daughter Divia (A More Permanent Hell). Children were being fed on by LC and companions in Vietnam in Can't Run, Can't Hide. The show shows them attacking more adults than children as a general rule though (my opinion on that is that it's the hormonal changes in an adult that makes adult blood more desirable). FK ignores some standard *movie* conventions such as vampires having no reflection (for the most part anyway) and changing into bats, wolves, or mist. It also ignores Bram Stoker's literary Dracula assertion that vampires can go out in the daytime (FK's vampires can't tolerate the sun for long). Old original European mythology had claims that male vampires could father children by mortals. Some old legends describe vampires as more like walking corpses that are drawn to kill those they cared for in life first. Didn't mean to run on. :) But my point is that we have to look at FK as its own universe and consider whether things that we have embraced as standard vampire ideas really are part of the show. Expressing a statement such as the one I quoted is fine if it's expressed as an opinion. But, if it hasn't been shown to us on the show, I don't think it can be expressed as a fact. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:09:33 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show... On Apr 01, 1996 19:26:21, 'Jason Ryan <ibe0018@i.......>' wrote: JMR>> I'm not. An' you can't make me. > It is a shame if you can't open your mind to new things, I know, >loosing our show will hurt but the world does not stop and like it or not >we/you must move on, saying goodbye is such a hard thing to do. You've got a point. 'Tis true. But the thing is, I don't watch that much television. PBS, The Discovery Channel, kiddie cartoons -- educational stuff, and things that make me laugh. I don't bother with network television, by and large; there's not that much there to interest me. That Other Show does not interest me. Even if I didn't resent the very fact of its existence, I see nothing in its promos or premise that intrigues or excites me. And I'm not going to watch it simply out of curiosity, just because it's there -- I didn't watch the OJ trials either, for the same reason. (Which makes me that rarest of oddities out here in Nielsen-land...) In any case, I see no reason to "move on", because the story of Forever Knight is not over. Period. Whether or not we see a fourth season, or TV movies, the fact is that the STORY continues; there are enough people daydreaming and writing to keep Forever Knight alive indefinitely, if only in our hearts and minds and e-mail. Move on? As in, go away? Other people can, if that's what they want to do. But I'm not going anywhere. :-) -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc. Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:19:16 CST From: L'Phantom <jrarmstr@p.......> Subject: Help with changing Windows Logo to FK Could the person who originally posted directions on how to change the Windows Startup Logo to Forever Knight please privately email me with those directions? I've lost the original post I had saved until I had the capabilities to actually do it, and now that I do have those capabilites, I can't find the post. Straying from your mind into your left shoulder, just coz I can, The "New and Improved" L'Phantom Now a Cousin in full standing! Help Save Forever Knight! Ask me how! jrarmstr@b....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 15:18:01 -0800 From: LG Soward <lgs@i.......> Subject: Yahoo Review Yahoo - REVIEW/TV: Spelling Debuts ``Kindred'' Vampire TV Series Kindred: The Embraced (Tues. (2), 8-9:30 p.m., Fox) By Todd Everett HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - San Francisco is overrun by vampires, operating so secretly that police detective Frank Kohanek (C. Thomas Howell) doesn't even realize he's sleeping with one and closely associated with another. Thus begins ``Kindred: the Embraced,'' Spelling Television's newest series of the season and Fox's latest foray into the fantasy genre. The series resembles a cross between the oldie soap ``Dark Shadows'' and the syndicated show ``Nick Knight'' in its balance of action and romance. ************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:30:06 EST From: Ian Curtis <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: Re: FK Continuity, etc. > Anyone else have a different idea? Well, for those of you who have played "The Masquerade" my almost imediate reaction to a carouche was something like the Nosferatu clan of the camarilla. the similarity is that they are both looked down upon by the rest of the kindred, but also tend to be excelent informants/spies. not to mention they both seem to like dark and reasonably unpleasant places like sewers. Or maybe its just Screed, he does kinda look like a Nosferatu, though not quite as ugly. Any way, there's my $0.02... -Ian Curtis ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:41:06 EST From: Ian Curtis <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: Re: Nick giving up drinking blood > A vampire has to drink live blood from a victim. This depends on who you listen to.if we are going to follow the stuff in "The Masquerade" then Nick and ESPECIALLY LaCroix should not be even the slightest bit fazed by a cross unless it is held by one with true faith. in fact, the ability for a vampire to eat food is quite sought after. its an excellent way to fool a vampire hunter. I think that FK has its own rules regarding Vampires, and if Nick wanted to give up drinking blood, they'd probably find a way for him to do so. after all, it IS a TV show... - Ian Curtis ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 15:49:42 -0800 From: Dianne Therese DeSha <desha@b.......> Subject: Re: Searching for Christine Hunt Lynn asked: > I was wondering if anybody's heard from Christine Hunt recently. I'm > asking this because sometime early summer last year she began a story > called "Immortal Past" up to part 4, but wasn't continued. I spoke to her on the phone about a week ago... at which point Baby Hunt was already four days overdue. :-) She does plan to finish IP, but has been forbidden to sit up (i.e. at the computer) for the last few months, and is due to be *very* busy soon! ;-))) So hang in there; I'm sure she'll be back as soon as she can! Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <Goddess@m.......> -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:50:14 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Re: FK Continuity, etc. Dr Funke wrote: FO> My personal take (and $0.02) is that a carouche is a vampire who has FO>lost his sentience and has just become a raving beast. How does this Screed's not lacking in sentience! He's not a raving beast! He might not be awarded the Nobel prize anytime soon, and his table manners might not be Emily Post's ideal, but he's fairly intelligent, has feelings, and seems to care about his friends' and his own fate. I think the basic defintion of sentience is self-awareness, is it not? No one can watch Fever and say he is not self-aware. I *love* Screed! If he just looked better in a Mandarin-collar wool crepe suit, I'd be a Rat-packer! My own feelings on carouches were explained in an earlier post. I won't bore everyone by stating them again. ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) Join the Thong Throng! It's fun, it's easy, and it's spandex! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 15:20:32 -0800 From: Dianne Therese DeSha <desha@b.......> Subject: Re: Characters and Computers Amy wrote: > Now, there was a lovely piece called "Vice Versa," written, I think, by > Dianne DeShea LaMerc (I just know I have the wrong "diane"), which had No, actually, you've got her/me right! ;-) > the characters posting to a list about a show called "Real Life," which > starred *us*. She had marvelous addresses and sigs and such (I think > Janette was "", and Vachon was a clueless newbie) and I indeed she was <looks wistful>... and Vachon kept sending his unsub messages to the list <g> > think that the story is something Tippi should see (I know she hasn't) > Unfortunately, my file disaster the other day has deprived me of my copy, > as well as the author's name. Could she, whoever she is, contact Tippi? I'll send copies to you, Tippi, and April (who I see has asked) It's also on the fic site under "Vice Versa" or "Dianne DeSha" > (And maybe take a public bow for that neat piece?) Why thank you! :-) Dianne (Is now the time to mention that the WebGoddess Jamie [among others] has finally beaten me into starting work on VV2??? <sigh>... I *used* to have a life... _really_ I did! ;-) Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <Goddess@m.......> -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:02:44 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: watching other vampires Why watch other vampire shows or movies? Well, I don't know about other people's reasons, but mine are business-oriented. I will watch The Kindred a few times. I watched Interview With The Vampire. I will watch or read any vampire incarnation? Why? Because it's my business. I write and sell vampire fiction. It's how I pay my bills. Therefore, I have to know what the competition is doing. I have to know I'm not inadvertently ripping someone off. The first ep of FK I saw was Stranger Than Fiction, which I watched because I wanted to make sure I wasn't out there doing the same thing. Lo and behold, I got hooked. But even if people don't make a living from vampires, I still think it's valuable to watch, read, or listen to new and/or old vampire incarnations. It gives us intellectual ammunition. When we talk to TPTB about trying to revive FK because not only is it coincidentally a great show, but vampires are also really popular, we'd better have the research to back it up! Besides, you never know when Vampires will be a category on Jeopardy. ;) Just because we watch it does not mean we are somehow betraying FK. I say watch it once or twice -- hell, I'm not a Nielson family, they won't be able to count me anyway -- so that we can tell Mr. Spelling, in an informed and intelligent way, that he can put his vampires where THE SUN DON'T SHINE! :) Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) Keeper of the grape-flavored thong. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:21:21 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: SFK Web Page Update The Webgoddess Speaketh: I just put up a new update of the SFK page: the only new info there is the SciFi information, but I've done some reformatting that should hopefully work out just fine for both Netscape 2.0 and other types of browsers. Hopefully. I would muchly appreciate it if people could surf over to the site -- especially if you're running the AOL WebBrowser, or the Compuserve Mosaic browser, or the Microsoft Explorer, or a text-only browser -- and tell me if they find anything that looks funky or doesn't work. Those of you running Netscape 2.0 oughta have fun with it. And there's some neat new html coding for people to 'borrow'. So go check it out. ...What? You mean you DON'T have the URL etched upon your brain? -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc. Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 19:14:02 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show > >Dotti, could you give us the address for this TV guide? I'm sure a few >of us could write a "few" letters to them to "enlighten" them to thier >error. > Sure, John. It's called "TV Week, c/o of the Newport Daily News, 101 Malbone Road, Newport, RI 02840. I've got a couple going out today myself!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 19:14:25 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: The Gerthering At 10:04 AM 4/1/96 -0800, John wrote: >Please post details, I too must have missed this post. I would be interested >in attending particularly if it is in Southern CA... San Diego on up to >Los Angeles. > > Unfortunately, John it is presented by the GWD Fan Club and because they put it on only members can attend. And, as a matter of fact, those that went to the last one can't go to this one, and only 100 people can attend so Ger isn't so overwhelmed and can't spend the personal time he likes to. Unfortunately, since I'm going to Canada to see him in Taming of the Shrew I can't afford to go to California too. Drat, drat, drat!! Dotti R Knightie 4 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 19:19:20 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Guys on the List Hey, you know, reading these posts lately, that there seem to be a good amount of guys on this list now. Hey guys...Nice to see ya!! I just didn't want ya to think we didn't notice! You just have to ignore the occasional drools and pants that go on around here...ya know women... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever Ofcourse, you're free to drool and pant on your own as well.... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 19:18:59 -0500 From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" <romana@p.......> Subject: BMV and whammy AKR writes: >I don't know what CD's opinions are, and, yes, I am also disturbed by the >fact that Nat was behaving oddly *before* she drank the champagne, What I absolutely *love* about the scene is that there's no question that LaCroix gets her under his spell at first. I don't think there's any way to dispute this. However, I suspect from subsequent events that his hold on her was not all that strong which is why she slipped out of that when he opened the bottle. After that, he never really gets her again, and it's obvious to me that he's ticked about it. It's also obvious to me that she *learned*. She walked into a situation where the deck was totally stacked against her, and she relied too much on the idea that Nick couldn't whammy her in OtL. She got out of it largely by luck I think. *After* that, however, her guard is up until the drug takes effect and though he tries he never quite manages to catch her again, and all the while she's gathering information. He is too, of course. Lovely scene--that little bit of psychological warfare that goes on between them is easily the best thing the series has ever done. Too bad it has to be in one of the episode I loathe the most. I think the way both Nigel and Catherine played the scene (and I think CD's comments about playing it drugged refer to the way she's reacting *after* he initially catches her and she gets out of it) extremely well. I also tend to think that the fact that he had a "plan B," that he *didn't* rely totally on his own abilities makes LaCroix all the more interesting and dangerous. I think the whole "well he's old and powerful and can whammy *anyone* without any effort at all" makes him boring and predictable and uninteresting, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even LaCroix. Sharon -- Sharon Himmanen * romana@p....... NatPack * BotCoS * Keeper of the GopherGame Natalie's B&B SOS-FK ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 20:11:30 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: That Other Show... At 07:26 PM 4/1/96 -0330, Jason wrote: > > > It is a shame if you can't open your mind to new things, I know, >loosing our show will hurt but the world does not stop and like it or not >we/you must move on, saying goodbye is such a hard thing to do. > No, it's not that we can't open our minds to new things. Under any other circumstances I probably would try this show -but I can't help but think that somehow the demise of a really good show is partly due to this show coming on the air and the fact that we lost our show is because our show didn't have the money or the clout that Aaron Spelling has. Don't make it sound as if we're lost little children who can't get over a disappointment in life. It's not that simple. It's the fact that we feel we've been lied, to used and totally abused - in favor of a bunch of crap like this. Now, we're not going to go on a witch hunt and throw people off the list because they watch and may like Kindred. We obviously got into FK because we have a love for vampires and I would expect that people would at least give the show a try. However, simply because the show is about vampires is not enough. If it's a lousy show, it's a lousy show and Aaron Spelling is not known for his deep, meaningful plots. Simply because it's about vampires doesn't mean we're all going to jump up and down and go "Yippee another vampire show!" We all know we love FK because it was deeper than just a vampire show. I don't feel this one will reach any depth beyond biting, sucking and sex but that's just what Ive seen from the ads, and it just offends me that a show like that gets major push and FK doesn't. If I'm coming on too strong I'm sorry, but I sort of took that little paragraph as a very condescending remark to those of us who are not interested in this show. Now, I'm done being grown up and offended... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 20:21:28 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: That Other SHow Now that I've made such a stink on my other message, I wanted to say that Susan Garrett has a point in that if the show gets a decent following, perhaps this could be the next wave that everyone jumps on and every network will want their own vampire show and perhaps we could get FK back that way (you know, ER and Chicago Hope kind of thing). It could also backfire in that they'll say, okay they've got their vampire show we don't need another one. It's just one of those situations. I do know one thing, this stupid show is not worth getting everyone aggravated or divided on this list. Some folks will watch and enjoy it, some will not. It really should not have any bearing on this list whatsoever. The next time you're in an elevator - as people get on, slap yourself in the head and say "Shut up, shut up--they just won't leave me alone!!" and then run out - then try to be on the next floor the elevator is supposed to stop on - and walk back on smiling. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 21:15:28 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Is Aaron Spelling THAT smart? In a message dated 96-04-01 18:38:37 EST, >Brutal Cousin Karies writes: >I detest fluff, I loathe fluff. I don't want a new one, I like *That* one! >I repell all ancestral fluff, Begone Demons! > Amen! Carrie, Proud Knightie Carrie400@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 18:33:37 PST From: June Russell <Kat@g.......> Subject: Re: FK on SciFi :Monday thereafter same time. The first show is Dead of Night followed by :Jane Doe. That's all they have listed. Looks like it will be awhile :before they get to any new episodes. Maybe if we watch and write enought :they'll bring it back. But Jane Doe *is* a new one! Kat Kat ( June Russell )!grendal!kat kat@g....... Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:06:26 -0500 From: colin paddock <Claudius@n.......> Subject: Lots of things Well, First of all, who is the leader of the Ratpack?? I want to join it. Whoever it is, can you e-mail me privetly? Now, about that other show, I'm not going to watch it. Not because it's a rip off of FK (which it is!)but because it looks cheaply made and not that good. And if I watch it, I won't be able to watch it without comparing it to FK. Also, I saw Friday the 13th Part 8, sacared the crap outta me, but cool music! Cp- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:09:51 EST From: LAURA B WASKEY <KHHK71A@p.......> Subject: FK in Philly? Could someone please post or Email me when FK is shown in Philadelphia? I have to go there in a couple of weeks for a job and don't want to miss the new episodes. I'll need the time, day, and channel. Thanks in advance. Cousin Laura I KHHK71A@p....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 19:01:32 0800 From: Dann Lunsford <dann@g.......> Subject: Re: watching other vampires In <199604020138.RAA02127@n.......>, on 04/01/96 at 06:02 PM, Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> said: >Just because we watch it does not mean we are somehow betraying FK. I >say watch it once or twice -- hell, I'm not a Nielson family, they won't >be able to count me anyway -- so that we can tell Mr. Spelling, in an >informed and intelligent way, that he can put his vampires where THE SUN >DON'T SHINE! :) >Wicked Cousin Tippi >(WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) >Keeper of the grape-flavored thong. Actually, I'd much prefer that he put them where the sun *DOES* shine. I'll watch the first episode, but I am not expecting much. Spelling (sp?) has never impressed me, except as being another contributor to the vast wasteland. Forever Knight has everything normally missing in a Spelling special: intelligence, drama, a sense of genuine love, and a quest with some meaning behind it. I will be *very* surprised if there is anything in KtE to match it. What I *AM* expecting is 90210 with Fangs. Yuck. -- *********************************************************************** * Dann Lunsford * The only thing necessary for the triunph of evil * * dann@g....... * is that men of good will do nothing. -- Cicero * *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:18:10 -0500 From: "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......> Subject: My new addy and Shirts Kira (who is suffering at the hands of AOL at the moment) wanted me to post two things: 1) She has just added Sweathshirts to the regular list of merchandise. XL (unless otherwise requested) for $15. With the same color schemes as the t-shirts. If you missed the original post or want more info, ask and ye shall recieve. 2) We've recieved one order for a child's size shirt. Unfortuneately the stencil to make the shirt is *a lot* of work, and since we would like to be able to fill that order, Kira wants to know if anyone *else* would also be interested in a child's size. If you are please let me/us know ASAP. And.... Just want everyone to know, NYU moved me to a new and improved host. So my new address is: acc0924@i....... They will be forwarding my mail for a while, but I'm not sure how long. So the people who usually write me, or those people who are interested in shirts/jackets/sweatshirts please take note. Re: Orders for merchandise.... You might also want to cc order info to my sister at: AloraKira@a....... But *definately* still send it to me too. I'm on e-mail much more that she is and AOL keeps giving her grief. Ok that's it. Back to your regularlly scheduled list... Alora <acc0924@i.......> Natpacker: who is *both* a Nick&NatPacker & Valentine ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:49:33 -0500 From: patrick kortner aiex <paiex@i.......> Subject: The Nanette FAQ Gang: The Nanette FAQ has been written. Any persons who want it may e-mail me at my private address. I will compile a list, and send it to all at the same time. Thanks. Pat -- Lone Nanette, B-Negative FoD, Web Page Designer-In-Training ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:59:48 -0500 From: Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......> Subject: Names for LC/Janette faction vote Sandra Gray wrote in response to my plea; >>Name suggestions for a Janette/LaCroix faction: Seducers Flames<< Seducers, hmm? How simple, and true. I *like* it! What can ya say? It just kind of fits. If Janette and LC weren't so well suited to the art of seduction, we'd never have Nick. I suppose I can vote on it. Everyone in favor of *Seducers* for the LC/Janette faction that is currently composed of me, myself, and I, raise your hand. <raises hand>. All opposed <not a movement in the whole room>. I hereby declare Seducers the new faction name, UNLESS anyone else has any bright ideas. I'll probably regret this, as you'll see it pop up in my sig everytime I post something, but here goes. --Cousin Diane *Valentine* and Chief Supporter of the Janette/LC faction, aka *Seducers*! KerrRaven@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:08:45 -0600 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Wishing Crane Project Update I know, I'm not doing this often enough. :) The Wishing Crane Project, for all you new folk (My, there *are* a lot of you! :> ), is an invocation of an old Japanese tradition-- that folding 1000 origami cranes, wishing the same wish as you fold each one, will cause your wish to be granted. We have been folding cranes and wishing for a fourth season of Forever Knight since February 18. Thanks to all you wonderful people who mailed in cranes, we have *two* mobiles of 1000 cranes each ready to ship out to Sony USA. <G> They will be mailed Monday, April 8. Bonnie, our Western Coordinator, will be mailing one to Ms. H. Onoyama, Vice President of Sony USA, and Viper, our Eastern Coordinator, will be mailing the other to Norio Ogha, Chairman, Sony Pictures Entertainment & Music. We'll be including a letter, explaining who we are and why we're doing this, and all the notes you clever-fingered people included with your cranes, in each box. Now, if you're reading this and muttering, "Darn! I never got my cranes mailed", don't despair! You don't *have* to go through life angsting about not participating. (Of course, if you *want* to.... ;>) You see, we're putting together a THIRD mobile, to be mailed to Barry Schulman, Vice President of Programming at the SciFi Channel. So check out the Wishing Crane Project Website ( It has links to two websites with folding instructions, an e-mail address to send off for text instructions, and all the details you need on how, who, and why. And when you've folded your cranes (or if you've already got cranes folded, but not mailed), send them to: FK Wishing Crane Project 0000 Xxxxxxx Xx. Alameda, CA 00000 and we'll incorporate them into Mr. Schulman's little surprise. :) If enough of you fold, we *may* even mail one to our good friend, Mr. Feltheimer.... just so he doesn't forget us, of course! ;) Happy folding and Long Live the Knight! Diane E General Coordinator, FK Wishing Crane Project # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 23:10:28 -0500 From: Eileen Salmas <ESalmas@a.......> Subject: Re: Nick's Quest In a message dated 96-03-31 23:40:42 EST, you write: Katja writes >He killed the guy who kidnapped his own wife and daughter. What wife and daughter? Someone please enlighten (no pun) me. Eileen ESalmas@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 23:14:09 -0500 From: Pam Maine <mstangel@u.......> Subject: Re: N&N insights: Major SoB spoilers! Stephanie B. pondered: >When I rewatched SoB, I had an interesting thought. N&Npackers, what do you >think of this? Is it possible that Nick's love for Natalie (and her love >for him) is what saved him from the demon, perhaps even more than the >exorcism? Is this where I admit I called up my aunt (an anti-Nat Ravenette) and said "What saved Nick from the demon? Not the exorcism...not poor old Lu..._Nat_!!" 0:P More seriously, I think NIck usually gets over his "backsliding" by clinging to Nat (like lichen...). Sometimes I fear it's only the _idea_ of Nat, a mortal who sees the good/humanity in him and tries to "save" him without thinking of what she'll get out of it (well, OK, there's _one_ thing she's looking to get out of it, but she's only human) that he holds onto, but then I just watch a few Disney movies and get back into "happily ever after" mode. <vbg> ***Angel 0:)***mstangel@a.......***Pam in the "real world"*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halt the spread of hatred and vote NO to Email <music-vote@s.......> with only "I vote NO on" in the body of your message. Vote *once*, but spread the word. ========================================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 23:13:01 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Is Aaron Spelling THAT smart? Cousin Karies writes: >And HOW DARE THEY advertise during FK? Well, I can remember seeing advertisements for the movie Interview With the Vampire shown during FK. I didn't mind. After all, where better to advertise a new vampire product than on a show about vampires? --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... =========================================================================
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