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Digest - 23 Apr 1996

Tue, 23 Apr 1996

There are 29 messages totalling 739 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. A spoiler question and about LC (2)
  2. Did GWD kill it?? (3)
  3. The CD.
  4. Whoo hoo!
  5. A New Vampire . . .
  6. That Voice!
  7. SFC FK web page; Baby Huey (2)
  8. Tapes (4)
  9. Murder One Tapes?\Nick's snacks
 10. Assorted threads and Questions (2)
 11. YKYBW... (2)
 12. Lacroix, Chapel Hill, ME
 13. Did SciFi cut anything off Dead of Night?
 14. Dead of Night and the Taking theFifth
 15. Why Janette?
 16. GWD--Kill it?Nigel Question.
 17. A Little Corner of his Mind (1/1)
 18. Out for the summerd
 19. GWD--Kill It?
 20. Sponsors!!


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 01:29:34 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: A spoiler question and about LC

In a message dated 96-04-23 00:25:37 EDT, you write:

>Now a spoiler question.....
> Just finished watching Dead of Night and just couldnt for the life of me,
>understand something...................
>Natalie (who I wont ask why is also called Natasha) just totally refuses to
>beleive in Ghosts.....and she tells this to a "vampire"
>Is it me or does that seem weird????

Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny too. I think that the 'Natasha' thing
was a pet name for Nat from her Grandmother, who seemed to be

Tigon the (still) Bouncing Tigger
Knightie and rambling loony at large


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 01:43:38 -0400
From:    "Tammy Pond  [Digest]" <nightmist@g.......>
Subject: Did GWD kill it??

Got a small spousal disagreement here...

Hubby says GWD didn't want to continue, that he can tell by the way
he's said things in interviews in the past.

Can anyone verify/disprove this for me? It'll settle this two-week
vicious arguement...



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 01:51:11 EDT
From:    TORREY L HARRIS <Dona_Torrey@p.......>
Subject: The CD.

Does anyone know what store are carrying the FK CD? I am still CDless
and thought I would remedy the situation this weekend. So can you all
drop me a line with the store name and the full name of the CD. Thanks



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 02:00:28 -0400
From:    Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......>
Subject: Re: Whoo hoo!

Er, how can I get the soundtrack?  The music is one of the things that makes
FK such a unique show, I think.




Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 02:00:28 -0400
From:    Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......>
Subject: Re: A New Vampire . . .

Hi, and thanks for the info -- (you're not from around here, are you?  :-o
heh heh)

>>>NAT!!!  A Spinner of Tales
>>Better be careful shouting that name 'round here.  People might think
you're a NatPacker or something....  :)
>Can't help it -- it's my name!!!  Maybe I'll have to think of another . . .

Thanks again . . . NAT!!!  (not NatPacker, just NAT!!!)


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 02:00:28 -0400
From:    Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......>
Subject: Re: That Voice!

Eh?  What are these tapes?




Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 02:22:28 -0400
From:    Allison Percy <percy91@w.......>
Subject: SFC FK web page; Baby Huey

Marina Bailey asked for this, but I thought others might want to take a
peek as well.  The Sci-Fi Channel's FK web page is at:


The last sound bite in "Nick Knight's Confidential Folder" is a blooper
from a promo tape GWD made for USA, according to the web page's designer,
Amelia Wilson.

Re: the Nick/LC Faction affiliation pin...  How about two stick figures
and a rope doing a tug-of-war??

Actually, the image in my head right now is one of that cartoon character
Baby Huey (altered appropriately to look like Lacroix) squeezing the life
out of... whatever cartoon character it was that Baby Huey was always
squeezing the life out of.  I forget.  Anyway, I think it was a cat who
was always desperately trying to get away from the suffocating embrace of
Baby Huey.

Does this give anyone an even better idea for the faction's name?  I keep
thinking that the Unnamed Faction is going to be confused with every new
faction we come up with that hasn't been named yet!  But of course I bow
to the vote of the majority... I don't think I even get a vote since I
haven't declared myself a member of the Nick/LC faction yet!

ObSilliness:  Lucius Purpura Lorum!

Time to skulk off to bed... more packing for Toronto tomorrow!  (Should I

* Allison Percy, perky Knightie                percy91@w.......          *
* Shrewthering info: http://assets.wharton.upenn.edu/~percy91/shrew.html *
* "Last night, I was rather pointedly reminded that FK is an insightful  *
*  commentary on Real Life, not the other way around."  Amy, LotKnight   *


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 02:28:09 -0400
From:    Lisa Payne <LMPayne@a.......>
Subject: Tapes

Dotti R, Knightie 4-Ever, writes:

>Does everyone have Showtime so you can watch the "Trilogy of Terror" or will
>someone need copies??

Well, I don't have cable of any description anymore, but I'd really like to
get a copy of this when it comes out.  I'd also be eternally grateful to
anyone who could send me a copy of that HBO "Late Shift" program that John
Kapelos was on a couple of months ago.  I have tapes of all the U.S. versions
of all three seasons to trade, although the quality isn't too good, or I'd be
more than happy to pay for blank tapes and shipping.

As long as I'm begging in public, is there anybody out there from whom I
could get copies of the Canadian first season?

Last of the Scorpions


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 16:30:00 PDT
From:    Christine Hawkins <chawkins@n.......>
Subject: Re: SFC FK web page; Baby Huey

Alison, Perky Knightie, wrote:

>Marina Bailey asked for this, but I thought others might want to take a
>peek as well.  The Sci-Fi Channel's FK web page is at:
>  http://www.scifi.com/fknight

Nice page!  Unlike the Sony Forever Knight web page, it includes information
and gifs on *all three seasons*.  Check it out, everyone!

Christine Hawkins
A-Negative FoD


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 04:52:19 -0400
From:    Janette Z <Janette92@a.......>
Subject: Murder One Tapes?\Nick's snacks

  I'm trying to find a copy of a few Murder One tapes for my roommate, and I
asked over in the Murder One Folder on AOL, but no one's responded so I
thought I'd try some nicer people (you guys!)  If anyone can help please
e-mail me privately... my roommate thanks you!!!  :-)  BTW:  On a completely
different topic:  How many people have we seen Nick bite in flashbacks?
 (Just curious.....)

Ravenette, Immortal Beloved,
Seducer, CO-CFW for Evil
MacLeod, Richie Reservist,


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 03:56:55 -0500
From:    Laura <larug@s.......>
Subject: Assorted threads and Questions

1.  The CD
I received my CD last thursday, a mere 6 days after I had ordered it. (I am
now finding that I have "the Hunted" going thru my head at odd moments.  I
do not know why this particular track, and not others, should have stuck
itself into the "Screen{mind?}saver" part of my mind [i.e, the part that
becomes active when it is not other wise being used], but I do not mind...)
I LOVE IT, and have listened to it several times over the last 5 days
while fighting my computer, and I'm listening to it (again and again) now.
I would have piped in earlier with my thoughts on how wonderful this cd is,
but my compter (a Power Mac) choose Thurday to develop several problems and
finaly to no longer recognize its own internal hard drive. I had to
reformat the HD and reinstall everything.  Luckily I managed to back up
everything before it completely crashed.   I am now caught up again.

(WARNING:  Mac system 7.5.3 / 7.5 update 2.0 is COMPLETELY incompatable
with Norton DiskDoubler Pro v. 1.1's AutoDoubler {and possibly RanDoubler
1.6.1, and it has problems with Microsoft Word 6.0.1, etc... and this
update was supposed to FIX problems} (Sometimes I almost want my old, but
very reliable MacSE back.)

On a related note:  How many of you would buy a CD of GWD's piano playing?
I would love to have a good recording of him playing the Moonlight Sonata.
(Not to mention one of Nick playing that lovely composition for Nat from
Carrie Krumtum's "Fifteen Minutes". I wish it really existed  , I know what
it <feels> like, now I want to hear what it <sounds> like.)

2.  TCI and the SCI-FI channel
A couple of years ago, before it had any web connections, AOL had a whole
series of  folders devoted to the Sci-Fi channel.  One of these was a
folder for requests to bring the Sci-Fi channel to your local Cable Co.  It
was mostly filled with people who had TCI owned cable companies requesting
it.  At the time the official responce was that TCI wanted to be able to
charge some obscene amount to customers for the channel, while USA/the
SCI-FI channel wanted it to be a basic or at least a very low cost channel.
Since they could not agree, no  local TCI owned cable co. could add the
station.  :-(

-- I do not have cable currently because I refuse to deal with the jerks
(they really are) at the local Sci-Fi-less TCI Cable co (Carbondale, IL),
but my parents live in an area that does have it (Woodbury, MN) and my Mom
has agreed to tape the show for me. :-) (But all my attempts to get them to
watch and like the show have failed :-(,  in fact, my Dad (upon seeing
apart of MBiaV while I was home over winter break) could not understand how
I could watch "such garbage".  <sigh>

3. Episodes still in Spoiler protection-- post ONLY to FKSPOILR, not this list:
As Jane Doe marks the beginning of new eps, and since no more will be
coming out of spoiler protection for several weeks,  I thought I would
provide this service now, before people start to ask again.

Shown once in syndication, NOT yet repeated:
Games Vampires Play
Human Factor
Avenging Angel
Fallen Idol

Not yet seen, MUST have spoiler space on FKSPOILR:
Jane Doe  (Showing this week in syndication) (I am not going to get to see
it until next Sunday/Monday (Midnight)  :-( )
Ashes to Ashes
Last Knight

All other 1st, 2nd, and 3rd season eps may be freely discussed, dissected,
analyzed,  scrutinized, and otherwise written about on FORKNI-L.  :-)

4.  The Wav files on the Sci-Fi web page, a problem
I have the SoundApp, which is supposed to be able to deal with wav files,
but the wavs on the SCIfi page are coming thru VERY sped up.  Is any one
else with a Mac having these problems?  or is this just one more
application that can not coexist with system 7.5.3?  Or am I/Netscape doing
something wrong?  I know I have downloaded wav files before with out a

oh well, it's 4 am, time for bed,
Laura Ruggiero  (larug@s.......)  Die-Hard and Methos FlagWaver
Veteran of FKFIC WAR 5 and HLFIC WAR 1
"It may be that your only purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others"


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 11:00:43 GMT
From:    Anne Toole <AMELY@a.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBW...

You Know You've Been Reading too much fk-lists when...

        You're reading an article by fellow list-member Sara Orel (Hi Sara!)
        on excavations at Karnak in Egypt, and she begins discussing an FK
        Annex.  My first reaction is... wait.. is she talking about her house?
        Or did ancient Egyptians like FK too and had a whole wing added in
        Honour of it?

        You're writing a paper on the use of honey in ancient Egyptian
        medical inscriptions, and you save it as honey.wri (do not laugh at
        my choice of word-processing programs..it's universally compatible
        and useful when hunting for printers..) and you can't help but think
        everytime you open it, "I am *not* honey!"  Oops.. that's supposed to
        be medical perscriptions, not inscriptions.  oh well
-Anne, Green Merc in the Black land near the red desert...


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 04:32:19 +0000
From:    Toby Bolinger <gunner@n.......>
Subject: Re: Tapes

Lisa Payne wrote:
> Dotti R, Knightie 4-Ever, writes:
> >Does everyone have Showtime so you can watch the "Trilogy of Terror" or will
> >someone need copies??
> Well, I don't have cable of any description anymore, but I'd really like to
> get a copy of this when it comes out.  I'd also be eternally grateful to
> anyone who could send me a copy of that HBO "Late Shift" program that John
> Kapelos was on a couple of months ago.  I have tapes of all the U.S. versions
> of all three seasons to trade, although the quality isn't too good, or I'd be
> more than happy to pay for blank tapes and shipping.
> As long as I'm begging in public, is there anybody out there from whom I
> could get copies of the Canadian first season?
> LMPayne@a.......
> Last of the Scorpions

Dottie: I dont have Showtime but would love to see it if you would send
me a copy!!!
My address is:
Toby Bolinger
0000 X. Xxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 00000

Thank you and just let me know what you would like in kind.


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 07:27:19 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: Lacroix, Chapel Hill, ME

Firstly, I love Lacroix because he is so cognitive (we are both deep
thinkers).  In fact, if I didn't have faith like Nick, I'd be Lacroix'
soulmate.  So, in many ways, he manifests aspects of my personality.

The girl who wrote me concerning Chapel Hill--please write back, I hit
the delete button a bit to quick.  I will write you (PS we were writing
concerning FK tapes)

I've been gone four days--sick son.  Yall give me a chance to catch up.


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 08:24:08 -0400
From:    Polly Lynn <plynn@p.......>
Subject: Did SciFi cut anything off Dead of Night?

Okay, I couldn't tell.  Did SciFi cut any of Dead of Night?  Or did they
show it in its entirety?

I think they did a pretty good job.  Loved the opening sequence.



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 08:39:14 +0000
From:    Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......>
Subject: Re: Dead of Night and the Taking theFifth

On 22 Apr 96 at 23:56, Donna Albrecht wrote:

>  In the Dark  of Night, at the end, Nat says she'd have to "take the
> fifth"if anyone asked her if she'd had an experience with ghosts. I know
> in the US, people can "take the fifth" in court to protect themselves against
> self-incrimination.  Do Canadians have the same option under their law?

(Whew..four lines if my mailer doesn't re-format)

When this episosde was first broadcast, several people asked this
question. Jon Cassar, the director, posted over on AOL that, although
there is no Canadian fifth amendment protecting one from
self-incrimination, the idiom has appartently crossed the border.
The phrase "taking the fifth" is quite commonly used by Canadians
for that purpose, especially in the larger cities.

Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., http://www.tiac.net/users/ktobin)
Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess
Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me
and/or visit: http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 08:56:28 -0400
From:    Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject: Re: Tapes

>Thank you and just let me know what you would like in kind.
Your first born male child!!....Nah, nothing. It's my good karma points
piling up!!!

I'll hold on to your address, coz I don't know exactly when it's gonna be on.

Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 05:59:34 -0700
From:    Jackie <ejdjd@i.......>
Subject: Re: A spoiler question and about LC

At 04:07 AM 4/23/96 GMT, Karen wrote:

Just finished watching Dead of Night and just couldnt for the life of me,
>understand something. Natalie (who I wont ask why is also called Natasha)
just totally refuses to beleive in Ghosts.....and she tells this to a "vampire"

        I believe Dead of Night is now *off* spoiler - having been shown as
a repeat!

My question is - she refuses to believe in ghosts and calls it a "religious
experience".  She is in a room with not one, not two, but 3 vampires and
walks out as if nothing could ever happen to her!  She doesn't even think
about "becoming toast" as Screed says.  What does she call this one?  A
professional consultation?


Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School!


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 05:59:38 -0700
From:    Jackie <ejdjd@i.......>
Subject: Re: Did GWD kill it??

At 01:43 AM 4/23/96 -0400,Tammy Pond wrote:

>Hubby says GWD didn't want to continue, that he can tell by the way
>he's said things in interviews in the past. Can anyone verify/disprove this
for me? It'll settle this two-week vicious arguement...

        I don't know about settling marital arguements, but, for what its
worth, MY hubyy doesn't think GWD wants to continue either - says he is
probably disgusted with all the machinations and wants to find something
that pays better and is more secure (yeah, right...acting +security?  This
is a *new* one on me!)

                   How many mortals does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
                        I don't know; three so far! *slurp*



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 09:46:33 EDT
From:    Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject: Why Janette?

Nigel talked about A Fate Worse than Death at Toronto Trek in 1994. He
said the way he meant to play it, LaCroix was in love with Janette and
that's why he brought her over. Later, at Dead of Winter in 1995, I heard
him say in a conversation outside of the public sessions that he thought
LaCroix and Janette had had a "torrid" (his word) relationship for the
first couple of centuries or so. Deborah Duchene was sitting right there,
and she didn't gainsay him.

Anyway, I've always assumed that he was in love with her, even before
we knew about Seline. In fact, the reason I've always assumed Nick
was wrong in believing that LaCroix was in love with Fleur's purity
and innocence was that he'd been in love with prostitutes
twice. It didn't seem reasonable that LaCroix had any particular
interest in innocence. Imho, that was big brother Nick's attitude,
not LaCroix's.

Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 09:29:14 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: GWD--Kill it?Nigel Question.

Any actor wants to go forward, not backward, as GWD said.  However, with
the proper amount of money, an actor can be bought to do anything (lets
face it, actors are bought and sold, like merchandise).
All we need is a company willing to spend money (not a lot of those around)

BTW--anybody met Bennett in person, talked to him?  What's he like?


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 09:18:15 -0500
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: Did GWD kill it??

>At 01:43 AM 4/23/96 -0400,Tammy Pond wrote:

>>Hubby says GWD didn't want to continue, that he can tell by the way
>>he's said things in interviews in the past. Can anyone verify/disprove this
>for me? It'll settle this two-week vicious arguement...

I don't know about proof, but at the Gemini awards, he said, "We stopped
while we were still growing."

That doesn't sound to me like someone who wanted to quit.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 10:32:48 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: A Little Corner of his Mind (1/1)

Girl, you had me laughing so hard people were staring at me from
across their desks.


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 10:45:59 -0400
From:    "Candice M. Renn" <cmrenn@p.......>
Subject: Out for the summerd

I'm going to cancel my subscription until my next fall semester which will
be on August the 26th.  I have enjoyed being in this and hope to be in it
next semester.  Thank you.

Candice <cmrenn@p.......>
If anybody wants to send me any kind of mail here is my address:

Candice Renn
000 Xxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx, Xx  00000


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 08:06:12 -0700
From:    Valery King <kingv@u.......>
Subject: Re: Assorted threads and Questions

On Tue, 23 Apr 1996, Laura wrote:

> 3. Episodes still in Spoiler protection-- post ONLY to FKSPOILR, not this
> Not yet seen, MUST have spoiler space on FKSPOILR:
> Jane Doe  (Showing this week in syndication) (I am not going to get to see
> it until next Sunday/Monday (Midnight)  :-( )

Not quite right. The rules are that as soon as a new show has gone out ON
THE SATELLITE FEED we can discuss it without spoiler space. Since Jane
Doe came off the sat Monday morning it can now be discussed like any
other of the earlier spoiler episodes (on the spoiler list, of course). And
before you ask, I did indeed inquire of the listowner some months back
about this and this is official.

But the last three (Francesca, Ashes to Ashes and Last Knight) nobody has
actually seen yet, so discussion is largely speculation and rumor; so
yes, use need to use spoiler space when posting about them.



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 08:55:58 -0700
From:    April Ruskin <aruskin@e.......>
Subject: Tapes

I'm gonna have to ask this again, do any of you guys have any FK tapes
I could borrow or that you can copy for me? Please? I will gladly pay
for postage and the blank tapes. The only tape I have that could be
held for ransom is (dare I say it? Ah, why not) a tape of Sailor Moon
episodes (sorry, only thing I tape consistantly)... I live in TN by the

Cousin April -- the Ninja Babe with an attitude
Born to make normal people's lives a living hell.
"Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!"


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 11:16:21 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: GWD--Kill It?

     Of course, not all actors are "theatrical prostitutes" just like all
writers aren't "literary prostitutes", but I must say more are than aren't.
Point well taken.


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 11:41:23 -0400
From:    Allison Percy <percy91@w.......>
Subject: Sponsors!!

I hope this doesn't duplicate anyone else's post, but such are the risks
of being on digest mode...

Lucky me, I get the Sci-Fi Channel and could enjoy a ghost-free version
of "Dead of Night" last night.  Actually, there *were* ghosts, but only
the ones that were supposed to be in the story, not the ones I get
due to bad reception on my local syndie station. <g>

If we're to have any chance of getting future 2-hour FK movies, it's
probably crucial to keep up the SOS-FK campaign.  This means letters to
the Sci-Fi Channel (and for those outside the U.S., to local television
stations), to Sony, to local cable companies (asking for the SFC), and of
course, to SPONSORS!!

So here's a list of the sponsors of the 8pm EDT showing of FK on the
Sci-Fi channel.  The sponsors run the gamut from junk food to cars.  I'm
cc'ing Karen Tobin so that hopefully addresses for these sponsors will
eventually make their way onto the sponsor address list (linked to the
Save Forever Knight page).  In the meantime, if you buy something from
any of these sponsors, save your receipts so you can enclose them with
sponsor letters.

Sponsors of FK on the SFC, 4/22/96 8pm EDT:
Burger King, Cheetos, Long John Silver's, Pizza Hut, Diet Coke, Benadryl
Allergy, Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion, Dimetapp Elixir, Advil, Brut
Clear Gel antiperspirants and deoderants (Faberge), Toilet Duck, K-Mart,
American Express (and the ad says you can use the American Express Card to
buy CDs, so if you haven't bought the soundtrack album yet....), Subaru
Outback, Century 21 real estate and Century 21 Home Improvements vinyl
siding, Gramercy Pictures "Mystery Science Theater 3000:  The Movie,"
Pro-Form Spacesaver Treadmill, ITT Technical Institute.  There was also a
public service announcement for Partnership for a Drug-Free America and a
number of ads for shows on the Sci-Fi Channel itself.

Here's the address for the Sci-Fi Channel, BTW:

Mr. Barry Schulman, Vice President of Programming
USA Networks
Sci-Fi Channel
1230 Avenue of The Americas Fl. 18
New York, NY  10020-1513

If you get the Sci-Fi Channel and can watch FK there, send this man a
thank-you note!  Send this man goodies!  (He's probably munching down on
those Hershey's Nuggets I sent him a couple of weeks ago...)  Ask for
2-hour movies!  Ask for more publicity for FK!


* Allison Percy, perky Knightie                percy91@w.......          *
* Shrewthering info: http://assets.wharton.upenn.edu/~percy91/shrew.html *
*      "Mmmmm, slaughterhouse.  His mouth watered at the thought."       *
*                  --Nick, according to Lady Sushi                       *


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 13:28:52 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBW...

In a message dated 96-04-23 05:00:39 EDT, you write:

>You Know You've Been Reading too much fk-lists when...
>        You're reading an article by fellow list-member Sara Orel (Hi Sara!)
>        on excavations at Karnak in Egypt, and she begins discussing an FK
>        Annex.  My first reaction is... wait.. is she talking about her house?
>        Or did ancient Egyptians like FK too and had a whole wing added in
>        Honour of it?

Okay, I'll bite.

Please forgive my ignorance, but what is an FK Annex?

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 23 Apr 1996

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Knight graphics and parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at http://historymedren.about.com/