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Digest - 22 Apr 1996 to 23 Apr 1996 - Special issue

Tue, 23 Apr 1996

There are 37 messages totalling 1021 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. Janette and LaCroix
  2. Thongs and a sense of humor (3)
  3. Response from SciFi Channel
  4. DK and Aging and Latin, Oh My!
  5. The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin (3)
  6. Love that LC (2)
  7. That Voice!
  8. Knight Confessions et gibberish...
  9. Occupations (2)
 10. LaCroix
 11. fk on scifi
 12. It's Dead of Night on Sci-Fi
 13. Whoo hoo! (2)
 14. Dust from a filecabinet...
 15. Dead of Night (2)
 16. Light Cousins (2)
 17. A New Vampire . . .
 18. DoN on SFC
 19. Knight Confessions (2)
 20. Nick's religion/spirituality
 21. Nick's wardrobe, 3rd season (2)
 22. FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Apr 1996
 23. A spoiler question and about LC
 24. YKYBW...
 25. FK page on Sci-f
 26. Sydicon East


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:17:09 -0400
From:    Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......>
Subject: Re: Janette and LaCroix

Cynthia wrote:

> The scenes
>with Janette and Lacroix show him having her get in touch with Nick to
>bring him to the Raven and then there's a scene with the three of them
>together during the day.

I didn't feel Janette was at all happy about her envolvement in that little
scene. (Bad Blood)  LaCroix was pretty menacing.  And when Nick left
the Raven Janette gave LaCroix's direction (Not really Him) a subtle
look of annoyance.

If Janette's going to play a game, I think she prefers it be of her own
choosing.  I think she's holding back more than just a little piece of her
mind in that instance.  Just my view.



Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:17:13 -0400
From:    Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......>
Subject: Re: Thongs and a sense of humor

June wrote:

>>can you imagine those sweet Anglo cheeks burning bright red at the fiction
>>on JADFE or even FKFIC ?
The Webstress responded with:
>June, there are some things that even the bravest of us do not dare to

If I thought he read the fiction on Jadfe, I, for one, would probably crawl
under a very big rock, and not come out for a very very long time..........
Hey! Stop cheering you guys...........
Although, I did very much benefit from my List Angst therapy at the Raven.
(On Jadfe)

Web Goddess, who gets custody of Hand while your'e gone?  Or are
you mobile?  Ahhhh.... and what was that called? Your'e turning hand
on yourself yesterday?  Something more for Jadfe, I assume...........

Running off now to floss.......


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 14:54:58 -0700
From:    Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......>
Subject: Response from SciFi Channel

Hi Everyone,

Just thought you'd like to see the response I received from the SciFi
Channel about which Episode was to air tonight.

BTW, It's great to be back.  I've been gone since March 28th and I missed
you guys.

Happy viewing tonight.  I know I will.

Cousin Cherri

>Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:39:06 -0400 (EDT)
>From: The Dominion Feedback <feedback@s.......>
>X-Sender: feedback@u.......
>To: Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......>
>Subject: Re: Forever Knight
>I have to believe that our ScheduleBot is right, as it was updated last
>on Friday.  TV Guide went to press long before that.  Basically, the
>pattern is that we show on Monday the same episode that aired in
>syndication the weekend prior.  So if Dead Of Night aired this weekend,
>that's what should be on tonight.  At least, I haven't heard any
>differently.  I guess we'll know for show in a couple of hours.
>Thanks for the feedback.
>On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Cousin Cherri wrote:
>> comments="Thank you for showing Forever Knight.  I look forward to
viewing all the episodes.
> > I am writing because I am confused.  The Schedule Bot indicates that
> Dead of Night will be shown tonight and Jane Doe is scheduled for next
> week; however, all the TV Guides indicate that Jane Doe will be shown
> tonight.
>> So I respectfully request to know which episode will be shown tonight.
>> Thank you,
>> Cherri L. Munoz
>> "
      Cousin Cherri                             <cdmunoz@e.......>
           Valentine, Sime/Gen, FKLFE, NATPE Strikeforce Survivor
      I don't WANT a new one. I LIKE that one.    <LaCroix-Father's Day>
                           Help save Forever Knight!


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:25:54 CST
From:    Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......>
Subject: Re: DK and Aging and Latin, Oh My!

Lady Sushi wrote:

FO>Or Tippi with her computer.  I mean, what else would she need in battle?
FO>All she has to do is write out the enemy! :)

So true!  Now if I could just figure out a way to write *in* a certain
vampire, I'd be set...

Wicked Cousin Tippi
(WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......)
Voyeur of the Menage Lacroix!


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:32:40 CST
From:    Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......>
Subject: Thongs and a sense of humor

That thought *has* crossed my mind, you know.  Although I keep NB and LC
quite separate in my brain and in my referrences (and in my thongs!), I
have this lurking fear that one day I will meet NB at a con and someone
will say, in a cheerful voice, "She started the Thong Throng, you know."

And I will die.

Simply... die.

To clarify: I claim the Thong Throng as my own, true enough.  But
someone else started the whole Thong in the first place, and if I go
down, I'm draggin' whoever you are down with me. ;)

Wicked Cousin Tippi
(WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......)
Voyeur of the Menage Lacroix!


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:45:36 CST
From:    Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......>
Subject: Re: The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin

A dog on a leash, perhaps? ;)

Wicked Cousin Tippi
(WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......)
Voyeur of the Menage Lacroix!


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:57:08 CST
From:    Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......>
Subject: Love that LC

All these examinations on LaCroix!  Goodness!  All the negatives, the
positives...  Reasons why people like him, why they hate him...  It's
been very interesting reading. ;)

I don't care what LaCroix does.  I don't care if he horsewhips Nick or
puts on a red wig and calls himself Lady Flamenco.  The guy digs what he
is and makes the most of it.

I like angsty LaCroix -- BMV, AMPH especially!  I like LaCroix Lite,
too.  But I looove the Wickedest LaCroix even more.  Call me sadistic,
but I just love that scene in Curioser and Curioser when he beats the
stuffing out of Nick.  Sure, he looks like a Rockette doing high kicks,
but he's having SO MUCH FUN!  Someone in this vast world oughtta be
having fun. ;)

Wicked Cousin Tippi
(WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......)
Voyeur of the Menage Lacroix!


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:20:58 -0400
From:    Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject: That Voice!


I've just been listening today to 'Forebodings'. Man oh man oh man oh man.
GWD does a great job on the American accent's in this one. Never thought I
hear anyone say this, but he sounds more American than most American's I
know. What a talent. I couldn't believe my ears. I laughed out loud with

If you haven't gotten these tapes yet, you just gotta! What a treat.

Carrie, Proud Knightie


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:28:55 -0400
From:    Siona <siona@n.......>
Subject: Re: Knight Confessions et gibberish...

At 09:57 AM 4/19/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Okay, being an idiot doesn't necessarily make me a bad author. It does,
>however make it hard on my readers. I have finally found out what I did

I'm curious what it is that sends stuff like that.  Could you tell me what
you did wrong?

>'clean' copy of part 33 of KC, please e-mail my off list. It's yours if you
>accept my apology.

Please send me a copy of part 33.


Dark Knightie!
Help save Forever Knight!  see http://www.netaxs.com/~siona/


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:30:16 E
From:    Debra Ann Fiorini <fiorini@m.......>
Subject: Re: Occupations

Amy asks:
>ObFK: We know what they do now, and we know what they did when they were
>mortal, but what occupations and hobbies have LC and (especially!) Janette
>had in the years between? Eternity is a long time to carry on without a
>compelling purpose, or at least some truly entralling distractions...

The idea of LC and hobbies made me chuckle. It's hard to picture
LC having a hobby. If I had to guess, I would say:
LC's hobbies -
1. Torturing Nick
2. Torturing Janette
3. Torturing mortals
4. Torturing other vampires
5. Keeping track of military history (old generals die hard -
   or in LC's case - not at all)
6. Reading and memorizing what he reads (after all, those cool
   quotes come in handy)
But I would like to think he also has at least one secret
hobby that no one knows about lest it shed some light on
the tender side of LC like:
7. Knitting or playing department store Santa every Christmas
   (I can just picture it: LC hanging up his Santa suit and
    hiding his knitting needles just before an argument with
    Nick during which he says "Nicolas, there are many things
    about me you will never know.") Hey, stop laughing, it
    could happen ;-)

Debra Ann
Knightie...really I am



Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:34:29 -0500
From:    Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......>
Subject: LaCroix

I think that I am probably going to be in disagreement with the popular view
here, but I do feel that FK' s vamps are bound by the same morals as humans,
if only by their own allowance of it.
There were humans and they carry the same baggage that the rest of us do and
they are a product of their upbringing.

Did LC possibly bring Janette across because he was atoning for the
*possible* numerous times that he enjoyed a brothel? By making her what she
is, he gave her the ultimate power to seek her own revenge. Possibly he was
angry for the destruction of Pompei, maybe he felt that you have to take
matters into your own hands, as many people have when they feel abandoned by
their God or "god" whichever the case might be..uh, goddess even <G>

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" has LC not adapted himself ultimately to
his lifestyle?
Much as say people (mortals) do every day? How many go to a Catholic Church
on Sunday for Mass, yet use birth control? We (mortals) always seem to make
exceptions to the rules. And I don't think that we are seeing anything
different here. They are just humans who are no longer mortal.

As far as LC's "control" over Nick. I think that just like a human father,
he sees Nick as the continuation of his blood line. He wants Nick to be the
very best vampire that he can be. I think though that in SoB, that he was
given a rude awakening, when it was apparent that love was truly the driving
force in the universe. It was Nat's unconditional love that brought Nick
back around. And I still feel that he didn't believe a word of what Nick
said in BMV, he, LC, did not have any desire to destroy this love. He could
have done away with Nat at anytime, yet he didn't, he knew that he would
lose Nick then and it was best to lose him to Nat, yet retain his love than
to bring about his hatred.

 I think of Nick as a rebellious teenager and I feel that LC does too. Nick
hasn't found his way yet. And granted, LaCroix is an overbearing parent.
But, Nick was handpicked. He did not appear to be a shy wallflower, but a
rambunctious, full blooded male, who thought nothing of going off to another
room with Janette in anticipation of her pleasures. And just as a child is
(generally) obedient and in admiration of their parents, Nick was just this,
the perfect son.

Enough ranting from me, I just decided to stop an enjoy this wonderful list
today instead of just scanning it for "stuff" for the loop. Thanks!


Save FOREVER KNIGHT! E-mail me or visit the homepage
FOREVER KNIGHT will be on shown on the SciFi Channel starting in April!
Cousin, Vachon Ogler, MPPB,MFW-Cavalry: "We're tougher than we look!"
***The Mother of Invention *had* to have been a single mother!***


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:08:41 -0700
From:    Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......>
Subject: fk on scifi

DoN is on the Scifi channel, now and again later tonight.

Thought you all might like to know.



Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:24:52 -0600
From:    Gay Eckes <raven@r.......>
Subject: It's Dead of Night on Sci-Fi

Watching it now . . .
Gay Eckes   raven@r.......    gdeckes@i.......    gdeckes@c.......
>> Life's too short . . . <<


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 20:37:29 -0400
From:    Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......>
Subject: Whoo hoo!

A great big old whoo hoo at last!!!  I finally got my FK soundtrack!  Yippy.
 Anyway, I'm just writing to inform you all that one of the best ways to
listen to it the first time through, once you get it, is during a
thunderstorm!  It's like those drums just don't stop after the end of a
track.  They just keep on going, shaking your house.  Or so it will seem when
you listen to it while a storm is approaching.  And if you want a sound *and*
light show, simply turn off the lights (or wait till the power goes out, and
only applicable to those who are listening on walkmans) and you can thrill to
the lightening flashing in time with the music!  It's great.  I think I've
figured out what mood it best fits.  Fear.  Very effective when you're
worrying if that next bolt of lightening is going to hit your house or not.
 Try it while listening to some of those Forward into the Past selections.
 You'll see what I mean.  Oh, it helps if your tv picks a good point during
your listening pleasure to spookily click on and off without your touching
anything (power surge probably.)

Thanks to Fred, again, for making this soundtrack a very fan friendly affair!

--Cousin Diane
Eternal Seducer


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:42:47 -0800
From:    Ida K Egenberger <egenberi@w.......>
Subject: Re: Dust from a filecabinet...

On Sun, 21 Apr 1996, Lady Sushi wrote:

> Actually, I think he'd from the Ida colony in the Primary Asteroid Belt
> (Carrrie!  Close neighbor o' yours! :)  )  I'm not sure where the colony's
> from.  I was too young to remember.  I think they're from Beta Centauri...
Okay, if you say so! I'm happy to have him-- always thought I was alone
in my own little world!

Ida Egenberger
from the Ida colony- where mandatory male attire includes a purple thong


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:44:48 -0800
From:    Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject: Re: Dead of Night

This may be late, but SciFi is showing "Dead of Night."  I am watching it
as I type.  Why, oh why not.


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 20:47:49 EDT
From:    MS IDALIA KAKESAKO <NPYF15B@p.......>
Subject: Re: Light Cousins

On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Paula Hurley wrote:
>Anyways, what I mean by this monstosity is I most definitely
>don't want to redeem LC, but I like his redeeming qualities. I don't
>worship him either, <SNIP>

Most seem to agree that LaCroix is more than just a villain now.
He has done horrible things to Nick and others, yes, but he is very
compelling nevertheless.  Still, even though LC has "redeeming
qualities", I can't approve of everything he's done--that's why I
wouldn't feel comfortable calling myself a "True" Cousin.  Luckily
for me, Amy stepped in with her faction for people who like the
idea of LaCroix embracing his humanity, and here I am.  Paula sees
Light Cousinhood as something slightly different than Amy envisions--
which is interesting to me.  There are so few of us, yet we evidently
have quite diverse POVs.  I guess it's just a reflection of the
quality of the listmembers....

I also agree with what Amy noted earlier:  LC is nowhere near to
admitting his humanity--he'd perceive it as a weakness.  And we all
know General "I serve no one" Lucius admits no weaknesses.  :)

Idalia Kakesako      <NPYF15B@p.......>
digest-ed Light Cousin, with NatPack sympathies

"What if the cure is worse than the disease?"
 --Joan Osborne, "Dracula Moon


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 20:53:27 EDT
From:    MS IDALIA KAKESAKO <NPYF15B@p.......>
Subject: Re: A New Vampire . . .

On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......>
>Hi Everyone!


>1) First of all, where's everyone from?

Well, Knightie Carrie's from Mars.  And I think Cousin Susan
Phoenix (Lady Sushi of the Thong Throng) is from Alpha
Centauri.  Allegedly, of course.  :)  Seriously, there are people
here from all over the US, Canada, Europe, Australia and New

>3) What's this "thong" thing?

It's purple.  It's edible.  It's the THONG!  Ask Tippi or
the other Thong Throngers if you <really> want to know more.

>7) What's this digest thing?

It's a horrible invention of torture!  Beware, beware!  :)
Actually, it's a way for people with small mailboxes and/or
a lack of time to get all of the listposts in one convenient
package, instead of individually.  So you receive, for
example, 3 FORKNI-L digests instead of 120 individual posts.

>NAT!!!  A Spinner of Tales

Better be careful shouting that name 'round here.  People
might think you're a NatPacker or something....  :)

Idalia Kakesako      <NPYF15B@p.......>
digest-ed Light Cousin with NatPack sympathies
           (two posts from me in one day ... amazing)


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:02:57 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: Whoo hoo!

At 08:37 PM 4/22/96 -0400, you wrote:
>A great big old whoo hoo at last!!!  I finally got my FK soundtrack!
>--Cousin Diane
>Eternal Seducer

what?! there's a soundtrack available for that? where?

-mad hatter
*       *       *
"life is like the gene
pool; discombobulation
is inevitable, some chaos
is necessary." -mad hat
*       *       *


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 21:00:59 -0400
From:    Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject: DoN on SFC

Okay, just recorded the ep off of the SFC. Got to admit, I'm pleased. They
didn't clip anything. No folding, spindling or mutilating noted. Had my
doubts about that.

Hope this is a good omen. The way they will present all the eps they show.
Sooooo, here's to next week <raises virtual glass of ribena> and the first of
the last unseen eps...


Carrie, Proud Knightie


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:17:13 -0700
From:    Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......>
Subject: Re: Dead of Night

It might be too late in the evening for anyone to care, but Dead Of
Night aired on the FOX channel at midnight on Saturday/Sunday.  The
pattern has been to show an episode on FOX on the weekend, then to air
that same episode on the USA channel on the following Monday evening.
It should be DoN tonight if they are still following the same pattern.

Lisa M.
"Whatever you are, be a good one."


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 20:16:31 -0500
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin

At 05:45 PM 4/22/96 CST, Wicked One wrote:
>A dog on a leash, perhaps? ;)
>Wicked Cousin Tippi

Tippi, behave!

It has to be something that shows at least _some_ respect for both of them.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
The Unnamed Faction


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 22:08:11 -0400
From:    Pat Witham <catspaw@m.......>
Subject: Knight Confessions

Could somebody send me a copy of Knight Confessions, part 8, since I let
it get eaten somehow.  Thanks Pat Witham (catspaw@c.......)


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 22:17:40 -0400
From:    Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject: Re: Knight Confessions

>Could somebody send me a copy of Knight Confessions, part 8, since I let
>it get eaten somehow.  Thanks Pat Witham (catspaw@c.......)

I sent this.

Carrie, Proud Knightie


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 22:44:17 -0400
From:    Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......>
Subject: Nick's religion/spirituality

Excuse the lateness of this response - the old digests-piling-up syndrome!

From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> on Wed. Apr. 17:

>>But what I was arguing is what makes one Catholic?  Attending the Catholic
church?  That's like saying a Baptist is a person who attends the Baptist

I consider myself Catholic by baptism, faith and belief in a set of dogmas,
though I do not, by choice, attend mass any longer because of my difficulties
with the institution.  Therefore I believe attendance does not determine
association with a particular belief system.  "Catholicism" to me means far,
far more than membership in a particular church.  I believe that Nick still
adheres to the basic theological tenets of the church of his mortal life, and
is therefore essentially a Catholic.

>>The issue is much deeper than that.  It involves identification with
theology, morality, etc established by a denomination.<<

I highly agree - see above.  In "Sons of Belial", Vanderwahl states that Nick
has faith, and in "For I Have Sinned" it is obvious that Nick has a basic set
of beliefs that follow some of Catholic theology.  It's not a modern
perspective of Catholicism by any means, or he wouldn't be caught up in his
belief that he must win redemption by atoning for his sins, kinda like
racking up points.  Someone else stated (thanks, whomever this is) that all
Nick really needs to do to "win" redemption is repent for his sins.  He's
already done this.  But he just doesn't think this way because of his
medieval perspective. A medieval Catholic perspective.

But I think Nick's basic mind set is that of a Catholic.  My basic mind set
is of a Catholic - I was a "cradle Catholic" (baptised as an infant) as he
was.  I believe things about God and stuff in a Catholic way that has nothing
to do with whether I ever step inside a church again.

Dame Marcia Tucker  -  ScFiMarci@a.......
Dark Knightie / Immortal Beloved
Currently writing "Transitions" for the DKs, IBs, and Valentines!
"<Vampires -  can t live with them - can t live with them.> Natalie, thinking
to herself, "Transitions"


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 22:44:19 -0400
From:    Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......>
Subject: Nick's wardrobe, 3rd season

From:    Props Guy <PropsGuy@a.......>

>>I think the 3rd season designer doesn't have a clue (or working eyes). She's
let him go before camera looking so terrible- that peach shirt (peach is a
happy color!) in Black Budda and those jeans!<<

Are we watching the same third season??  (Just teasing) Far more than either
of the other seasons Nick is wearing dark, dark, dark clothes, except maybe
for what you referred to in "Black Buddha".  But no more white shirts, and
hardly any vests (have there been vests?).  Black or very dark shirts and
sweaters and the ever-present black jacket and slacks.  Just the light blue
jeans on rare occasion have been the only break from the wardrobe darkness
this season.

Which I think is totally suitable to a vampire (Uncle must approve, I would
think) but not necessarily to Nick.  Trying for mortality this season?
 WHERE???  He dresses like a vampire, he uses his vampire powers freely (of
course, he's always done that - ever notice how Nick is really good at being
a vampire?), he's even been drinking human blood this season.  My message to
Nick:  "Just get over it, Nicky baby, and live!  You repent, you'll be
redeemed, you obviously don't want to give up being a vampire - CHILL AND

Marcia, the Original Dark Knightie
Writing Feverishly for the Immortal Beloveds


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 17:31:58 -0700
From:    Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......>
Subject: Re: Thongs and a sense of humor

At 4:32 PM 4/22/96, Wicked One wrote:
>To clarify: I claim the Thong Throng as my own, true enough.  But
>someone else started the whole Thong in the first place, and if I go
>down, I'm draggin' whoever you are down with me. ;)

Quietly chanting:  "I know who started it, I know who started it."  And I
can hypnotise her with high-pitched barking noises.

(Yes, this is weird.  Sorry.)

ObFK:  With the discussion about LaCroix's character a lot of people have
discussed the epi Father's Day.  Now, I remember Father Figure fairly well,
but I only vaguely remember Father's Day (about the mob grandson).  Can
someone remind me of the more important aspects of the episode (like, what
was the flashback)?

Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild ~~ elewis@u.......
~~ Lizbetann@a....... ~~ Ravenette of the New Order ~
Knightie/NatPacker/N&NPacker with Cousinly tendencies and the faintest of
leanings toward Vanquera-ism ~~ Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw ~~ Listowner, Middle
Ages Life ~~ http://members.aol.com/Lizbetann/mypage.html


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 23:55:09 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin

In a message dated 96-04-22 18:58:19 EDT, you write:

>A dog on a leash, perhaps? ;)
>Wicked Cousin Tippi

No no no no no....remember how LaCroix feels about dogs and
what happened to poor Raleigh?

How about one of those repulsive-cutesy necklaces that have
two parts to it...one for each friend?

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger
Knightie at Large
"What time is it? What day is it? What century is it?"
"Will somebody shoot me...please?"


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 23:55:30 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: Love that LC

In a message dated 96-04-22 19:28:25 EDT, you write:

>I don't care what LaCroix does.  I don't care if he horsewhips Nick or
>puts on a red wig and calls himself Lady Flamenco.  The guy digs what he
>is and makes the most of it.

Ya know, I just declared myself a Knightie the other day, but I think I'm
beginning to have Cousinly tendencies...not because I like LaCroix, per
se, but because you guys sure have a way with words!

Then again, I haven't slept in a very long time...everything is becoming
very funny. I made the drastic mistake of rewatching Curiouser and
Curiouser in this state...unfortunately, it inspired what will be my first
post to FKFIC, if I can get my mind focused enough to figure out how
to format the puppy.

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger (would you believe I don't eat sugar or
caffeine? Can you imagine what would happen if I did?)
"Somebody shoot me...please."


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 23:55:36 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: Occupations

In a message dated 96-04-22 19:37:02 EDT, you write:

>Amy asks:
>>ObFK: We know what they do now, and we know what they did when they were
>>mortal, but what occupations and hobbies have LC and (especially!) Janette
>>had in the years between? Eternity is a long time to carry on without a
>>compelling purpose, or at least some truly entralling distractions

I'd have to say that LaCroix's hobbies would be (in no particular order)

1. teaching military strategy to psychopaths (remember, he's said things
   about teaching Ghengis Khan and Nero). Actually, the thing that really
   surprised me about 'Father Figure' was that he was with the allies, as
   opposed to whispering suggestions in Hitler's ears.
2. Trying to decide if blondes really do have more fun. Hey, it would ex-
    plain the flashback problems from the first season!
3. Reading childrens literature...Lewis Carroll, Beatrix Potter, Dr. Seuss...
4. Collecting military uniforms. Think of all the different uniforms we've
    seen him in.
5. Playing lots and lots of chess...he just uses the world for his chessboard,
    and its inhabitants for his pieces.

Actually, I think LaCroix's main hobby is that of experimentation. Everyone
we've seen him bring across, was generally brought across to see how
they and the world around them would deal. He brought Janette across
to see how a woman who lusted for revenge and escape would handle it,
Nick was his disallusioned crusader. There was the 'mad monk Rasputin,'
because he wanted to bring over a holy man; Alexandra, because he
wanted to see how Nick would deal with it: Daniel, because of his youth;
Jack the Ripper, because he was fascinated by his evil, etc. etc.

'Nuff already.

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger
Insomniac Knightie
"Am I asleep yet?"


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 23:56:53 -0400
From:    Donna Albrecht <WriterDGA@a.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Apr 1996

I hope I'm responding in the right way, if not, please let me know.

I have one question for any of you who know about Canadian law.  In the Dark
of Night, at the end, Nat says she'd have to "take the fifth" if anyone asked
her if she'd had an experience with ghosts.  I know in the US, people can
"take the fifth" in court to protect themselves against self-incrimination.
 Do Canadians have the same option under their law?



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 04:07:05 GMT
From:    Karen Parker <horcgal@u.......>
Subject: A spoiler question and about LC

First a general Question to the person (sorry, i forgot who) that said they
were looking through the library computer and came up with "lacroix" and
"the crusades"
Just wondering.....did you read the book or at least scan it for any other
lacroix listings in it?????

Now a spoiler question.....













 Just finished watching Dead of Night and just couldnt for the life of me,
understand something...................

Natalie (who I wont ask why is also called Natasha) just totally refuses to
beleive in Ghosts.....and she tells this to a "vampire"
Is it me or does that seem weird????



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 00:13:34 -0400
From:    Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's wardrobe, 3rd season

>Far more than either
>of the other seasons Nick is wearing dark, dark, dark clothes, except maybe
>for what you referred to in "Black Buddha".

Let us not forget the turtleneck and jeans in the tag of GVP.

And the Staypuffed Marshmellow suit. And the caftan in the flashbacks in FI.
And the knee breaches in DoN. And..well you get the idea.


Carrie, Proud Knightie


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 02:07:07 -0230
From:    Paula Hurley <phurley@b.......>
Subject: Re: Light Cousins

Idalia wrote:
> Most seem to agree that LaCroix is more than just a villain now.

Actually I believed he was always more than a villian. In first season we
just weren't given the opportunity to see that other side of him. I mean
we only saw him in *Nick's* flashbacks, so they were kinda bias.

> He has done horrible things to Nick and others, yes, but he is very
> compelling nevertheless.

Absolutely, no disagreement here.

> Still, even though LC has "redeeming qualities", I can't approve of
> everything he's done--that's why I wouldn't feel comfortable calling
> myself a "True" Cousin.

My point exactly, he has done some rotten things in the past, but
looking beyond those events, you see a very well-hidden side, and it
is that side, his "human" side, so rarely shown, that makes LC so compelling
and intriguing. This is where Light Cousinhood, I think, emerged from.

> Luckily for me, Amy stepped in with her faction for people who like the
> idea of LaCroix embracing his humanity, and here I am.

Lucky for all of us, indeed!! :-)

> Paula sees Light Cousinhood as something slightly different than Amy
> envisions-- which is interesting to me. There are so few of us, yet we
> evidently have quite diverse POVs.  I guess it's just a reflection of the
> quality of the listmembers....

I think if we all agreed, this list would become pretty boring after a
while, but since we all have varied opinions this list has no chance of
ever becoming boring!!

> I also agree with what Amy noted earlier:  LC is nowhere near to
> admitting his humanity--he'd perceive it as a weakness.  And we all
> know General "I serve no one" Lucius admits no weaknesses.  :)

Exactly, but even though he will never admit it, we all know it's there,
and in fanfiction we can delve into those weaknesses all we want.

Dark Knightie * Light Cousin * Valentine * Nick&NatPacker *
"It's ALWAYS about YOU!" - LaCroix(CRCH)
"Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink!" - LaCroix(CRCH)


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 00:43:01 -0400
From:    Monique de Solis <CMSolis@a.......>
Subject: YKYBW...


You are driving down the highway and see a semi truck reading
"Knight Transportation" and suddenly wonder Where is Nick going?
And why does he need such a large truck?

Then you do a little dance because you hope he's moving to Houston!

Arrrgh!  Sorry, just had to share! :)=


Goodnight everybody!--Yakko Warner


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 07:08:15 +0200
From:    Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......>
Subject: Re: FK page on Sci-f

I keep reading posts about the wavs on the Sci-Fi Site (??) but haven't seen
anyone post the URL for it. Help! I also wanna hear them!!!

- Marina.
\\   "And tell me if you want to catch that feeling of redemption;    //
// That feeling of redemption don't do much for me." - Tanita Tikaram \\
\\======Marina Bailey========tmar@f.......=======Dark Knightie======//

... Oh, and get that fish out of the Ready Room.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 01:23:14 -0400
From:    Ronni Katz <Questinc@a.......>
Subject: Sydicon East

Hello all!

I would like to know if anyone on the List who is going to Syndicon East has
room in their room for one non-smoking non-snoring fan.  I can't swing the
$125 per night room charge alone but am more than willing to split it with a
couple of others!   Only problem is that I wouldn't be getting to the
Conuntil really late Friday night (I am only buying the one day for Saturday
and would be off early Sunday morning due to personal commitments on that
day.)  Still anyone who is going that would like to share, please Email me
off-list okay?

I will be off-list from Firday - Sunday (the weekend of the Shrewthering)
because the laptop will *not* be joining me in Canada.  I intend to travel
light for once <vbg>.

Hope to seem lots of FORKNI-Lers and Fang Gang members at the weekend!

C - YA!!

Ron the Enforcer
CERK Publicist


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Apr 1996 to 23 Apr 1996 - Special issue

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