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Digest - 22 Apr 1996

Mon, 22 Apr 1996

There are 19 messages totalling 455 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. FK in Cincinnati, Ohio
  2. Nick's head (2)
  3. YKBW... (2)
  4. Thongs and a sense of humor
  5. The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin
  6. LaCroix Now And Then (3)
  7. Dead of Night
  8. Sorry
  9. innocent question
 10. LYTD, Nick & Nat
 11. Lacroix, Now & Then
 12. Vampire pain
 13. Occupations
 14. Lacroix Made Simple
 15. FK page on Sci-fi


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 10:06:54 -0500
From:    "J. Finley" <JFINLEY@i.......>
Subject: FK in Cincinnati, Ohio

Could anyone tell me what day and time FK airs in syndication in Cincinnati,
Ohio (and also what station)?



Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 10:22:41 EDT
From:    Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject: Nick's head

 Margie Hammet commented:

 >In NiQ, he reported feeling a "searing pain",
 >after being shot in the head.  In Outside the Lines, he crumpled after
 >being conked over the head with a bottle of wine.  It's conceivable that he
 >was faking it, except that when he got up, he was all vamped out

I wonder if Nick's mortal-type susceptibility to being conked over the
head or shot is partly the result of Nat's treatment?

Having hated Outside the Lines too much to rewatch it, I don't remember
the wine bottle. Was this in the present, or during a flashback?

What a pity there's no way to conduct a scientific comparison experiment
by clobbering LaCroix and Vachon ... next war, perhaps? <vbeg>

Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 11:15:08 -0400
From:    Loose Cannon <LoosCanN@a.......>
Subject: YKBW...


...your four year old decides to *wash* the TV, and when it shorts out
(permanently), you have to forcibly restrain yourself from screaming at the
poor child, "But the new FK episodes are on this week!!!!!"

Gotta get a grip.

*Really* gotta get a new TV.  Quick.



Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 11:32:07 -0400
From:    Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject: Re: YKBW...

>...your four year old decides to *wash* the TV, and when it shorts out
>(permanently), you have to forcibly restrain yourself from screaming at the
>poor child, "But the new FK episodes are on this week!!!!!"

Oh man, Leslie <giggle> this is horrible <snicker>. I feel so bad for you
<LOL>. I can just see this happening. <ROTFL>

It really is a bad thing and I know I shouldn't be amused, but, can we say
America's Funniest Home Vidoe's? I hope it will not cost too much to replace
the set in question. And I do offer to tape FK for you if you are unable to
replace your set in time. The SciFi channel reruns the eps so I can tape it
twice (once for my tape bush, hi guy's and a second time for you).

I'll be thinking about you. Let me know if I can help.

Carrie, Proud Knightie


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 11:54:37 -0400
From:    Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Thongs and a sense of humor

On Apr 21, 1996 22:16:09, 'June Williams <cousin@w.......>' wrote:

>If he thought that was a bit outre,
>can you imagine those sweet Anglo cheeks burning bright red at the fiction
>on JADFE or even FKFIC ?

June, there are some things that even the bravest of us do not dare to

        - Jamie M.R. <immajer@p.......> -
          - Assistant Listowner, FORKNI-L -
      - NatPack, ConvCos, Ace-ist in RoadMode -
 - Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies -
List Rules - http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/FK/FKRules.html


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 10:34:43 -0500
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's head

 Lisa McDavid wrote:
>I wonder if Nick's mortal-type susceptibility to being conked over the
>head or shot is partly the result of Nat's treatment?
>Outside the Lines ... I don't remember
>the wine bottle. Was this in the present, or during a flashback?

Since I loved Outside the Lines so much, I taped the midnight USA showing
so I could see it a second time.  The wine bottle was during a flashback,
so it can't be the result of Nat's treatment.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
The Unnamed Faction


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 10:48:05 -0500
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin

It seems to me the affiliation pin should somehow indicate there's a bond
between LC and Nick, but also indicate that _both_ of them participate in
keeping that bond alive.  It's not really just coercion.  I mean, Nick
doesn't have to listen to that radio show, does he?

Maybe something like crossed swords, except that instead of two swords,
there's one sword, and the other part is the letters, CERK.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
The Unnamed Faction


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 12:49:49 -0400
From:    Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......>
Subject: LaCroix Now And Then

I guess I'm one of the few twisted people who actually liked LC right from
the beginning.  I never saw the RS movie and  DK was the first FK ep I ever
saw.  Most people hated the first season LC, because lets face it, he was a
real S**tweasel! But for some reason I saw him as more than just a villian.
 Maybe it was just the way NB portrayed him that was so fascinating to me.  I
was intrigued by his power, arrogance, and even his cruelty to Nick. (Ok-and
maybe his raw, sexual magnetism too...I admit it!)  When he got staked at the
end, I was actually sad to see him go!  (not knowing he would be back)
If he were truly a creep with absolutely no redeeming qualities lurking under
the surface, I would have enjoyed his demise!  Don't we all like to see the
bad guy lose??  So I guess he didn't seem that evil to me.
I think LC has undergone a lot of character development over the last 3
seasons. (Aside from the hair and eyebrows!)  While I like Nick, he is not
very interesting to me, because all his cards are on the table.  We know his
story, where he came from, what he wants, how he feels.  He's an open book.
 LC is still somewhat of a mystery.  Occasionally we get a glimpse of his
inner psyche but the rest is all specualtion.  I would love to see a spin off
 or a series of books which chronicle LC's life over the past almost 2,000
years.  I'm sure there are some great stories to tell.
Ok, I'll quit rambling now!

Cousin Michelle^v^
-going tagless -


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 13:16:57 E
From:    Debra Ann Fiorini <fiorini@m.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix Now And Then

Okay, I'm going to throw my $.02 into this discussion too.

Michelle said:
>I guess I'm one of the few twisted people who actually liked LC
>right from the beginning.
>But for some reason I saw him as more than just a villain.

Me too. I came into FK in the third season and later I was loaned
tapes of seasons 1 and 2 from a very saintly friend.
I didn't like LC the very first time I saw him in BF, but from
the second time on, I started to become mesmirized by the
In my (possibly twisted <g>) mind, I feel LC is misunderstood.
Sure he is far from the world's nicest guy, but I think a lot
is just an act. To me, LC is a very lonely person who is
capable of giving great amounts of love and is so hurt
when that love is not returned that he acts cold, heartless, etc.
He loves Nick, but at times goes about it the wrong way
mistaking control for love so that to Nick he seems much
worse than he really is.
Often parents exert all types of control over their children
in order to try to protect them but in the end it only
alienates the child from the parent.  I think that is part
of what came between Nick and LC.

LC is a stern person who seems to be afraid to open himself
up too much because he only winds up getting hurt.
I was very moved by the scene is BMV where LC is leaning
against the lamp post outside Nat's apartment watching Nick
and Nat and talking to himself about the pain in his cold
heart. (Excuse me that I can't remember it verbatim.)
I think there are a lot of feelings inside of him that he
just won't let anybody see.
Okay, I've rambled a lot. But the point is: there are
many intricate layers to LC's personality but he uses
the stern facade most of the time to keep from getting hurt.

I hope that made a little bit of sense. :)

Debra Ann
Knightie...really I am. :)


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 11:16:40 -0700
From:    Uriona <suriona@w.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix Now And Then

Debra Ann wrote:
> Okay, I've rambled a lot. But the point is: there are
> many intricate layers to LC's personality but he uses
> the stern facade most of the time to keep from getting hurt.

This analysis/argument sounds similar to the way that Nat hides her
feeling in sarcasm.  Usually this method works fairly well for Nat and
IMHO especially where Nick is concerned. <shy grin>  Perhaps as you say,
LC does the same thing except that he uses coldness and a detached
demeanor instead of Nat's sarcasm.  It also appears, to me at least, that
Nat and LC both indirectly focus their efforts of detachment at Nick
though also as protection from hurt by the whole world.  LC, of course,
has had much more time to practice and is far better than Nat.

I hope this isn't too far off of the track that is being persued.

We either change and grow, or we wither and die -- inside.
And wouldn't that be eternal Hell?
--Lecroix;  FK, PotM


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 14:29:42 EDT
From:    Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject: Dead of Night

There seem to be two schools of thought as to which episode of FK is
airing on SciFi tonight. The online schedule has Dead of Knight, which
is a repeat. It's the one with the haunted house and a *real* surprise
about Nick's past.

The one listed in print sources is Jane Doe, which is new.

Since the syndication agreement had the syndicated stations having the
right to air FK in the week before it showed up on USA (which owns Sci
Fi and has given it the rights to first run on these last four shows),
I shall be very suprised if it turns out to be Jane Doe.

         |||| +               CECILY               + ||||
         ||||   D020214@u.......                     ||||
         |||| +       *NE* REQUIESCAT IN PACE       +||||


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 14:57:08 EDT
From:    Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject: Sorry

I was thinking Forever Knight when I sent that explanation about Dead
of Night and Jane Doe to Forkni-l. It was intended for Vampyres.


Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:40:32 -0400
From:    Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject: Re: innocent question

At 06:13 PM 4/19/96 -0400, you wrote:

> we call ourselves the See-Through Knighties. (I know Dotti and Lauren will
join up!)
Join up?? Hell, we're writing the Charter!!!

Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 13:00:15 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: LYTD, Nick & Nat

This has been running around the edges of a topic -- here, but especially
on fkspoilr, for no spoiler reason I can discern.  Laurie really
crystallized the issue in her LC discussion, when she analyzed Nick's
complete culpability in the murder of that ballet dancer in LYTD.

Then, Nick thought, "I am bad.  Therefore, if you are attracted to me, you
must be bad."  Pathetic logic, of course, and her death, at least, cured
him of it in that specific manifestation.  But look where it has
lingered: in his relationship with Nat.

Two sentences that are often paired in fanfic are, Nick to Nat, "I love
you.  I want you."  Some authors seem to recognize that, in Nick's head,
the thoughts are utterly incompatible.  Many don't.  But ponder the way
Nick's mind works, because of the danger of his vampirism: "I love you,
therefore I cannot have you," or, conversely, "I want you, therefore I
must not really love you."

Now, to put a Knightie spin on this, Nick's logic is still quite flawed,
but his manifestation of it has become quite gallant... if you look at it
from inside *his* head.  Things look different from inside Nat's... :)

****** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r.......@w....... ******
"Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?" -- W.S. Sonnet 151


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:06:24 -0400
From:    "Gary M. Miller" <pbreilly@p.......>
Subject: Re: Lacroix, Now & Then

MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR <VQRW76A@p.......> writes:

>        I would *love* to see well-written fanfic about other children of
>Lacroix. Whether they got along.  Whether they're alive or not. Before or
>after Nick and Janette. Anything. Just to see how it would go. Why, oh why
>doesn't he try to get more children? (And don't give me the "I like THAT
>one" line  again. I don't see why this should stop LC from forming any
>other attachments---except if he's too damn stubborn to try. Control freak
>properties rear their ugly heads again!)

Gosh, this is the first time I've written to this list in awhile--been so
busy with fanfic ("Forever Cursed"--anybody have opinions?) and schoolwork.
Anyway, Christina, what I mean to say here is that if you are on the FKFIC-L
list (you very obviously are, but..), I am in the process of cooking a
little something up regarding someone who LaCroix did indeed bring across,
lo those many years ago--before both Nick and Janette (gotta be careful I
don't give anything away).  I've been waiting for people to do characters
brought over by LC and I got sick of waiting.  LaCroix is a great
character--though his "children" may not turn out so great, believe you me.

Anybody else planning something like this?

Gary M. Miller
Knightie with Cousinly tendencies


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:05:30 -0600
From:    Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire pain

>Nick has been hit by gunshot a number of times, and reacts like he feels
>more pain than a paper cut.

I seem to recall lots of times when Nick received gunshots and the bullets
went right through him.  He stood there as if he felt nothing.  His clothes
had few holes, though.

There was, however, the time in Father Figure (I think) when Nat came over
and removed a bullet from his shoulder.  They agreed that it might have
stayed there since he *was* being a good boy and drinking his protein
shakes.  When he called Nat to come over, he said *I caught one,* which
implied that she knew exactly what he meant.

Hi to all,

--------Sharon Joy -  A Forever Knightie -  SJoy@u.......
          There's a past and-----there's a past...
Go here:  http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 13:26:17 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: Occupations

When in the course of Real Life events it becomes necessary...  Awww,
heck.  I just set myself digest here, and I'm forcing myself into serious
lurk mode everywhere.  Last night, I was rather pointedly reminded that FK
is an insightful commentary on Real Life, not the other way around.  :)
I'll still be available on private mail, and I'll *miss* the list.  Be
like Dianne's sig while I'm gone, ok?  Powerful, beautiful, and without
regret.  And be kind to hamsters. :)

ObFK: We know what they do now, and we know what they did when they were
mortal, but what occupations and hobbies have LC and (especially!) Janette
had in the years between?  Eternity is a long time to carry on without a
compelling purpose, or at least some truly enthralling distractions...

****** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r.......@w....... ******
"Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?" -- W.S. Sonnet 151
Knightie     Light Cousin     Fleur-Booster     (Im)Mortal Beloved


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:28:04 -0400
From:    Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......>
Subject: Lacroix Made Simple

        You guys have been busy with deep thoughts lately!  Talk about
some heavy digests there.
        My favorite way of looking at Lacroix is one which was so
eloquently expressed by my dear mother- He can be such a cruel pain in
the ass at times, but sometimes, you just gotta love 'em!  :)

Lisa Knust
(knee-deep in studying for finals and glad to see deep thought not related to
my French Lit. paper)
"For the Blood is the Life..."


Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:52:51 -0400
From:    Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject: Re: FK page on Sci-fi

At 03:21 PM 4/19/96 -0700, you wrote:
Yep, I was there too - the wavs are good - and one of them sounds like it's
an outtake or something - kind of funny!
Sounds like Ger having a good time..

Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Apr 1996

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