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Digest - 21 Apr 1996 - Special issue

Sun, 21 Apr 1996

There are 36 messages totalling 1000 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. "Jane Doe" on Sci-Fi? (2)
  2. The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin (3)
  3. Thanks/Alyce/factions
  4. The V-loop (3)
  5. More Encouragaing Words
  6. List discord, etc
  7. OOPS!!!
  8. Roman Brothels
  9. Dust from a filecabinet...
 10. DK and Aging and Latin, Oh My!
 11. Vampire pain (2)
 12. Aging, and forever knight (2)
 13. Random Thoughts on Syndicon West (LONG) (2)
 14. East coast people HELP!!
 15. Urs and LC (was Re: Urs) (2)
 16. NOOOO!  *blush*
 17. The name Urs
 18. Tactile Sense (2)
 19. Thongs and a sense of humor (2)
 20. LaCroix, Now and Then
 21. loops
 22. SKL
 23. LaCroix's mental health
 24. Another Off-Topic Post, Please Forgive *Save Space: Above and Beyond!*
 25. Sphinx Faction / transcribed waves


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 15:14:30 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: "Jane Doe" on Sci-Fi?

I'm not caught up on my listmail yet -- really enjoying the LC thread, guys,
and the Light Cousin and Fleur-Booster will chime in soon :) -- so forgive me
if this has been asked...  My TV guide came with my paper this morning, and
when I flipped to Monday to confirm the Sci-Fi Channel's showing of FK, it
said that tomorrow's episode *IS* "Jane Doe"!  That can't be right, can it?
Not that I wouldn't be grateful...

****** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r.......@w....... ******
"Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?" -- W.S. Sonnet 151


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:45:39 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin

How 'bout a manacle, since that is apparently what LaCroix
wishes to chain Nick and himself together with?

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:47:55 -0400
From:    Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......>
Subject: Thanks/Alyce/factions

A thank you to Dawn for creating a bunch of new topics to talk about, which
has caused everyone to respond and create more mail, which is too good for me
to delete, (you guys are killing my harddrive space!)
I like Alyce by the way.

>>The one who I'm going to write a fanfic about in approx. 2.5 weeks. <g>
-Any thoughts?
-Just what happened to her after DKII?<<

I agree that she must be pretty intelligent to be an assistance curator, and,
much like LC, I agreed with her arguments for being brought over.  Someone so
interested in history, (she implied she stayed late at the museum often I
think?) should be one of the few who could profit from being made a vampire.
 Write that fanfic, and then let me know when it's done, as I never can keep
up with all the stories on FKFIC!

I would respond to the is LC good or bad question, but most of the Knighties
have already stood up for him <eg> so I think everything's been covered!

A special thank you to Valery King, keeper of the AMPH script, who asks;
>>Have I shed any light at all? Or only further confused things?

Quite a lot of light shed!  I thank you!

And to Allius Persius (oh my!) who explains how factions are fun;
>>I think we need to keep in mind that affiliations are for *fun*.  I can
honestly say that joining the Knighties last fall made me feel like I
belonged and that I was a participant rather than an observer.<<

Here, here!  I felt that same way about calling myself a Cousin.  It's a
little weird how simple it is to express your beliefs in one word.  Well
maybe it isn't that simple.  But that's why we have Light Cousins and Dark
Knighties as well as their opposites.  Factions for everyone!  Perhaps there
are too many factions to keep track of completely.  But that doesn't mean I'm
not going to promote the Seducers at every chance I get.  If you don't like
or can't appreciate a certain faction then ignore it.  I like them all, and
enjoy knowing where people stand just by reading their sigs.

--Cousin Diane
Co-Founder of Seducers and member of other assorted factions


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 15:48:45 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: Re: The V-loop

> At 01:49 PM 4/21/96 -0400, Laura (Apache) wrote:
> ... and I've heard there's a Knightie loop or list.

I've heard that, too, but I haven't known who to ask about it... Perri?
Allison?  But it also occurred to me that private loops are, by nature,
private, and their virtue is thier focus and their selectivity, so people
may be happy with the composition they've got.  As it's come up, though,
would those who operate private FK loops, who *want* more members, post?
****** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r.......@w....... ******
"Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?" -- W.S. Sonnet 151


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:54:01 -0400
From:    Vickie Sykes <Fk661@a.......>
Subject: More Encouragaing Words

Hi my name is Vickie and I to am new at this.(Hi NancyT) I was brought across
by NancyT who is my very best friend,  I have never posted like this before
so this is a first, probabely my last if I even send this.  But I have really
enjoyed this list, the people are so nice and friendly, smart intelligent and
careing people.  I hope that we never give up hope on FK and that the list
will stay on and on, I can't imagine what life would be like without the
list. You bring laughter and alot of sillyness to alot of people, I for one
look forward to it, where else but here would one learn how to do the
"Chicken Dance" :>)
Always A Knightie Undercover,


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 15:46:10 -0700
From:    Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......>
Subject: Re: List discord, etc

At 4:16 PM 4/20/96, Michelle Mark wrote:
>Contribution to On-Topic Silliness: In regard to this "Name That Roman
>General" thread... How do you say "Purple Thong" in Latin???

purpura lorum.  :)

Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild ~~ elewis@u.......
~~ Lizbetann@a....... ~~ Ravenette of the New Order ~
Knightie/NatPacker/N&NPacker with Cousinly tendencies and the faintest of
leanings toward Vanquera-ism ~~ Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw ~~ Listowner, Middle
Ages Life ~~ http://members.aol.com/Lizbetann/mypage.html


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 19:00:25 -0400
From:    Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......>
Subject: Re: The V-loop

On Apr 21, 1996 15:48:45, 'AKR <r.......@w.......>' wrote:

>But it also occurred to me that private loops are, by nature,
>private, and their virtue is thier focus and their selectivity, so people
>may be happy with the composition they've got.  As it's come up, though,
>would those who operate private FK loops, who *want* more members, post?

The Saturday Knight Live loop isn't private; everyone from FORKNI is

However, it isn't exactly a loop; it's an e-mail forwarding device.  The
only person who can add or delete people is me.  And I'm not going to be
home for a week.  Which means, if new people are added now, then find that
the volume of e-mail is too much for them, they will not be able to STOP
receiving mail until I get back...

I'm urging people to e-mail me on April 30th or so, if they want to be
added to the list, so as to avoid that problem.  However, if anyone wants
to be added before I go, and is willing to deal with the amount of mail
they might get, e-mail me NOW and I'll add you. :-)

------- Jamie M.R. <immajer@p.......> -------
--------- Assistant Listowner, FORKNI-L ---------
-Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies-
------ Ask me about 'Saturday Knight Live'! -----
'We will make Mountain Dew come out of your nose'


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 19:26:41 -0400
From:    Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject: OOPS!!!


The continuing chronicles of Carrie related screw-ups.

The first post of KC Part 39 is actually part 38. If you haave two posts
entitles Part 39 you should have parts 38 and 39 now.

I know clear as mud. Anyway. Sorry.

Carrie, Proud Knightie


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 19:57:41 -0400
From:    Jean Graham <JeanB7@a.......>
Subject: Roman Brothels

BTW, for what it's worth, my name dictionary cites Selena, Selene, Salene
and Lena as Greek names meaning "the moon."   Salena, however,
is Greek for "salty."  (!)

On Sat. 20 Apr. Valery King wrote:

>I suspect a red-hot romance in the past, myself, which ended because of
>his ambition. After all, if a well-born Roman took to wife a prostitute,
>even the owner of her own house, it would effectively end any kind of
>military or political career.

Possibly, but not for the reasons most people would think.  We tend to
look at ancient Rome through 2000 years of Christianized culture.  (None
of the following, btw, should be construed as indicative of approval on my
part: I've been Christianized myself for a while now!)  But not only were
brothels common in ancient Roman civilizations, they were also openly
accepted and carried absolutely no social stigma.  Patrons had a choice
of "wares" that included men, women -- and children.  The concept of
perversion was alien here, and the term child abuse was many _more_
centuries away.  Claudius' wife Messalina worked openly in a brothel
(c. 49-51 AD), reportedly just because she enjoyed it, and no aspersions
were cast on her or her emperor husband as a result.  (OK, so Messalina
messed up big time later on, but that's another story -- see "I CLAVDIVS.")

>Openly acknowledging her daughter as his
>would have a similar effect, I would assume. Thus there could be a lot of
>resentment from both Seline and her daughter.

There would probably have been no particular stigma attached to marrying
a prostitute/madame/brothel keeper, no matter your status, nor any shame
attached to acknowledging an illegitimate child.  Many wealthier Romans
acknowledged and formally adopted their 'bastard' children.  Occasionally,
they even adopted slaves as surrogate children (cf BEN HUR).  The problem
in Lucius' case may have been more political than social.  A general with
ambitions toward "emperor-hood" would almost certainly have to marry into
a rich and powerful family with all the proper connections to accomplish
his goals (and then he'd need a crash course in playing -- and surviving --
Roman court politics).  A low-born bride would be no cause for shame: she
just wouldn't get him anywhere politically.  Of course, once he _had_
married well, keeping her as a mistress on the side would have carried
no stigma either. (!)

--Jean Graham (JeanB7@a.......)

   "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being
           governed by those who are dumber."  --Plato


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:57:05 -0500
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin

Tigon Diana Hooker wrote:
>How 'bout a manacle, since that is apparently what LaCroix
>wishes to chain Nick and himself together with?

Hmm, something that indicates a very close bond seems good, but manacle seems
a bit too harsh.  This is on the right track though.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
The Unnamed Faction


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 17:16:52 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: Re: The Unnamed Faction - Affiliation Pin

Well, though I *still* think Prodigals would be the best name... <g>
Someone said she wanted "mysterious," and sometime back someone suggested
"Oedipals," so if you want the Unnamed to convey those things, how about
the Sphinx?  You know, who asked Oedipus the riddle?  This is a guy who
put out his own eyes in guilt, and whose mind is constantly played with
through prophecy...  Just a thought.
Not that I EVER want Nick and LC together, or anything... :)

****** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r.......@w....... ******
"Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?" -- W.S. Sonnet 151


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 19:27:35 -0500
From:    Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......>
Subject: Re: Dust from a filecabinet...

Carrie mentioned:

>About LaCroix...

>I don't think that LaCroix IS evil. Just from another planet. Jupiter maybe,
>or Saturn. Not Mars, definitely not Mars, I'm from there and I can tell

Actually, I think he'd from the Ida colony in the Primary Asteroid Belt
(Carrrie!  Close neighbor o' yours! :)  )  I'm not sure where the colony's
from.  I was too young to remember.  I think they're from Beta Centauri...

Cousin "Susan" Phoenix * Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng
Charter Unnamed * Member of the Cold Shower Sisterhood * SKLed
**Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!**
"Hey, Marines!  The Chicago Cubs suck!" ~~ The Chigs, S:AaB


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 19:53:30 -0500
From:    Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......>
Subject: Re: DK and Aging and Latin, Oh My!

Cousin Lisa pointed out:

we get something like Lucia Qus Tipia, whom I visualize as a tough
>old lady with white hair and a battle axe. :)

Or Tippi with her computer.  I mean, what else would she need in battle?
All she has to do is write out the enemy! :)

Yes, I'm sleepy...

Cousin "Susan" Phoenix * Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng
Charter Unnamed * Member of the Cold Shower Sisterhood * SKLed
**Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!**
"Hey, Marines!  The Chicago Cubs suck!" ~~ The Chigs, S:AaB


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 21:02:43 EDT
From:    Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject: Vampire pain

Well, in Dark Knight 2, when Nick hits LaCroix in the face with the
firebrand, LaCroix tells him indignantly, "that hurt!"

Ger said at Toronto Trek that it was an ad lib on Nigel's part, but TPTB
left it in, so now it's canon that FK vampires do feel some pain. Maybe
the only feel fire? (Ok, ok, anything for a save.)

Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:23:14 -0700
From:    Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......>
Subject: Re: "Jane Doe" on Sci-Fi?

On Sun, 21 Apr 1996, AKR wrote:

>   My TV guide came with my paper this morning, and
> when I flipped to Monday to confirm the Sci-Fi Channel's showing of FK, it
> said that tomorrow's episode *IS* "Jane Doe"!  That can't be right, can it?
> Not that I wouldn't be grateful...
Well, the dominion (SFC on web) says that it's DoN.  Hope this helps.



Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:17:25 -0700
From:    Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@g.......>
Subject: Re: Aging, and forever knight

Dawn (sure I remember you! :-) writes (re: LC's changing hair):
> a) It's always been brown. We already determined that Nick's memories
> <could> be not 100% accurate. Maybe he was having a bad first season. <g>

Oh no... the Q-Tip years were all in Nick's head? ;-)

> b) It changed in the fire/staking (DKII). Afterwards he found himself
> with brown hair. He immediately convinced Nick&Janette through his bond
> with them that he has <always> had brown hair. :)

Well, most people whose hair changes color as the result of a really
traumatic experience _go_ white.  Leave it to LC to have to be different! <g>

On a more serious note:
> > -Which do you prefer: the psycotic but compelling LaCroix from first
> > season, or the more 'mature' and 3d 'evil' of LC in the 2nd and 3rd.

Can't say I actually have a preference. My favorite rational (gotta have
one! :-) for the change [and I cam in mid-second season... since that
seems to affect things] is a combination of 'maturing' in LC and selective
memory in Nicky-boy.

After all, Nick has 800 years of LC flashbacks to pick from and we've seen
him recap how many?  You can't say there's not a selective memory thing
going there... there has to be. And first season, while dealing with just
having _killed_ him (love, hate or something in-between, that's still has
to be a _major_ psychological deal for Nick), what would be more natural
than to remember all the worst things he's ever done to you... as a
psychological self-defense and justification of what Nick just did back?

That said, I think LC's learned a lot from his centuries of chasing
Nick. He's more subtle and patient about it now.

(yeah, I know... I didn't answer the question... so sue me! :-)
Dianne la Mercenaire...   -*-   <cat.goddess@p.......>
-*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*-


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 21:19:14 -0400
From:    Susan Honig <Susankenn@a.......>
Subject: Re: Random Thoughts on Syndicon West (LONG)

What is Bridge the Kight if I might ask???



Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 1996 01:19:37 GMT
From:    Karen Parker <horcgal@u.......>
Subject: East coast people HELP!!

Hi anyone from east coast, or at least the eastern time zone. As i am too
poor to afford a "real" tv guide, and too dumb to be able to figure out the
new VCR, can someone PLEASE tell me what ep. of FK is on USA tonite at
Since I cant get that "thing" to record, I have to stay up and watch the
show. I want to know if its a repeat and if its a repeat that I havent seen
yet, or that I really like. I know, sounds stupid, but when you gotta get
up at 5 am, you kinda hate to wait up just to find out its the same show
they had on last week.

Thanks, and better e-mail privately so no one gets hollered at!



Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:25:40 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: Urs and LC (was Re: Urs)

On Sat, 20 Apr 1996, Tigon Diana Hooker wrote:
> In Urs' case, you have a woman with a crappola life, who
> didn't *want* to live. She probably had seen far too much in
> her short life already...but does that mean she was suicidal?

We went through this a bit around a month ago, and I shared my personal
opinion that the visions in ND were real, and therefore, no one can
actually be brought across against their will: one can always choose the
light.  Therefore, as *much* as Urs wanted to die, she had to ask Vachon
for it, and could not finally choose it, and therefore was not suicidal...
(Knightie-sentiment warning) leaving aside the issue of whether life as a
vampire is "life," and asserting that choosing to die as a mortal is
morally superior to choosing to live as a vampire, and therefore does not
count as "suicide"... :)

Beginning from that premise, I've given some new thought to Urs since I
began playing Fleur-Booster.  Despite the fact that Bonnie, "the ardent
Vaquera," is my dearest list-friend, Vachon's lack of maturity has always
made me look down on him (no fair asking why Nick's failings in that area
don't bother me <g>).  Urs, on the other hand, got into my good graces the
moment she said, "I don't take death as lightly as you do, Javier,"  in
HoD.  Urs has spent a century in the dark on personal issues that the most
amateur psychologist could have pointed out five minutes into her life
story, but the very facts that Urs instinctively recognized someone with
the same problem, reached for her insight, and rejected her false
solution, speaks very well for our vampiric waif.

Whatever else we think of HoD, Urs reached a character-defining insight
there.  And the character it defined is, in a sense, one up on Nick; Urs
doesn't blame herself for things that aren't her fault.   The fact that
she probably still has a major death-wish means that she is still far
from emotionally healthy, but she has potential.

*Potential.* She's not stupid.  She's not cold.  She's not crass. She is
young (physically and as a vampire).  She is blond, and pretty. Now... if
he caught a glimpse of this potential, who do you think Urs might recall
for the master of the Raven?  Uh-huh.  She's got the mindset of his
wayward son, the build of the daughter he didn't allow himself to take,
and the malleability of an untutored (my opinion of Vachon's fatherhood)

I think LC might find Urs a fascinating diversion, a way to experiment, in
miniature, as it were, in his contest with Nick.  And if Urs has the
potential I think the end of HoD indicates, then she might finally prove
more than a diversion, after all.

Any fanfic on this?
And what kind of name is "Urs," anyway?
And no, I don't think Nick and Urs would be good for each other.
They'd both walk into the sun by the end of their first date...! :)

****** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r.......@w....... ******
"Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?" -- W.S. Sonnet 151


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:31:27 -0700
From:    Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......>
Subject: NOOOO!  *blush*

Sorry.  I think I just sent a command to the list.  Please, please, please
forgive me!  I'll go watch the surgery channel as penance.

I make Mulder look like a skeptic.


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 21:30:04 -0400
From:    colin paddock <Claudius@n.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire pain

Cousin Lisa said
>Ger said at Toronto Trek that it was an ad lib on Nigel's part, but TPTB
>left it in, so now it's canon that FK vampires do feel some pain. Maybe
>the only feel fire? (Ok, ok, anything for a save.)
Someone said that maybe Vamps only feel what can kill them...What if a
gunshot, since it does not kill them, was only like a paper cut is to us?
That, because it was not deadly, it really does not bother them. I don't
know, it is just a cool sounding idea!
        And on the topic of Private E-mail loops, I think they are not that
bad, even a bit important. I really don't mind there being private loops, as
long as i'm on all of them!! <G>


********The Transformers, My Bloody Valentine, Windows95, Andy Warhol,
Jawbreaker, Colin's Sanity, and Just About Everything In This Message is
Going as Far From The Intended excape Route as Fast as


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 21:35:29 EDT
From:    Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject: The name Urs

It seems to be a short or pet form of Ursula.

Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:35:57 -0700
From:    Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......>
Subject: Re: Tactile Sense

>From my old high school bio class, I remember that in human skin there are
four kinds of receptors that register hot, cold, pain and pressure.  How
about in vampires the first three get turned "off," as it were, and the
last is enhanced?

Anyone want to speculate about what it would be like to have "enhanced"
pressure sensors?  ;)

Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild ~~ elewis@u.......
~~ Lizbetann@a....... ~~ Ravenette of the New Order ~
Knightie/NatPacker/N&NPacker with Cousinly tendencies and the faintest of
leanings toward Vanquera-ism ~~ Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw ~~ Listowner, Middle
Ages Life ~~ http://members.aol.com/Lizbetann/mypage.html


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 21:49:07 -0400
From:    Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......>
Subject: Thongs and a sense of humor

Among other things Cynthia wrote about the Syndicon;

>>Nigel knew about the thong thread, and the purple thong thread, and he
nodded when I mentioned that at one point that the thong had apparently
become edible.  It was impossible to figure out what he thought about it<<

I thank god that Nigel apparently has a healthy sense of humor, and can deal
with these things!  I know that if I were playing a character who had
inspired Tippi and her Thong Throng, I would be more than a little worried!

--Cousin Diane
Last post of the day!


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 21:49:29 -0400
From:    Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......>
Subject: LaCroix, Now and Then

Whew!  Cousin Laurie sure wrote a digestful of great arguements that make
this Cousin stand up and salute!  Not jump up and down, we've established
that we don't do that, but just a dignified salute.

And since I can't say it any better, or any more throughly without echoing it
exactly, I won't bother. :)  Instead, I'll take the one thing in your whole
post that I don't quite agree with, and talk about that.

About LC's actions toward Nat in Fever;
>>And Christine is complaining because he was mean to Nat?  Cut the man a
little slack!  Sure, Nat wasn't personally responsible, but it was people
like her, with the same attitude toward science, who were.<<

I agree with Christine.  Nat was trying to help Nick.  She has compromised
her principles time and again to protect both Nick and his race from being
found out, at a considerable risk to her professional reputation if anyone
were to find out, (In Killer Instinct, I think it was, she could have gotten
into real trouble for switching those DNA samples.)  LaCroix had no reason to
take it out on her (I'm part Valentine too!) and flaunt the death of her
friend in front of her.  But, as you said, it was a pretty blatant plot
device to get the body there.  It really doesn't make any sense if you want
to get picky about it.  So maybe we should not "assign logical meaning to it"
and so not argue about it <g>.

It's hard to argue about things that are irrational already isn't it? :)  And
that can be said about many things in FK, which is another reason why
factions such as Light Cousins and True Cousins can and do exist at the same
time.  Different seasons make different viewpoints.  I'm another one of those
whose first glimpse of LC was in Father's Day.  I was flipping through the
channels one night and stopped to watch it for a bit, not understanding any
of it.  After it was over I thought "How odd, that radio guy is a vampire,
who is not the real father of that other vampire guy but acts like he is.  I
suppose that means that he can make his life hell but care about him at the
same time."  I was obviously confused on most of it, and I didn't watch it
again for a long time (stupid me) but the impression I got of LC was of
dangerous benevolence.  When I finally did start watching it for good around
Christmas '95 that was still my basis for the character.  And, it has
continued ever since.  Of course, sometimes I believe there are a few
episodes that do not reflect this belief completely, I still stubbornly stick
to it! :)  With one ep I became a second season Cousin, although I'm a third
season newbie!

Ah, and the other thing that I must disagree with;
>>the next ep I got to see was FATE WORSE THAN DEATH. The last scene, with
Janette & Nick talking about living in captivity, simultaneously wrenches
your heart and makes you hate Lacroix even more.<<

And so Laurie replies;
>>Why?  He saved Janette from a horrible existence.  She's never found her
*captivity* so onerous.  I didn't have any such reaction to it.<<

And I reply;
So true!  My Seducer heart is made happy that others agree.  As I've said
before, Nick was complaining about *his* feelings of being dominated.
 Janette never agreed with him, or said that she felt she was being stiffled
by LaCroix's control.  Of course, at first glance, that scene can make you
think that, but look closer and just maybe you'll see what I mean.
OK, I've done my Seducer rationalizing for the day.

--Cousin Enaid (whoops sorry, this cold medicine is getting to me!)
--Cousin Diane
Co-Founder of Seducers


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:54:11 -0700
From:    Laura MacMillan <soulseek@s.......>
Subject: Re: loops

Hello everyone,

        Anyone who is interested in a Nick&Nat loop can send private e-mail to:



Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 22:04:07 -0400
From:    Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......>
Subject: SKL

Ok...so how do I get on this SKL list??  Inquiring warped, twisted, deviant,
wicked, dirty minds want to know!!!

^v^Cousin Michelle


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 22:05:50 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: Random Thoughts on Syndicon West (LONG)

Bridge the Knight is a charity auction/con hosted by NB.
It will be in S.F., Oct 18-20 and they will be auctioning
off stuff from the show. Pre-reg info can be obtained by
SASEing Bridge the Knight, P.O. Box 55572, Hayward,
CA 94545-0572.

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger
Knightie, insomniac, dead and obscure language translator
"Am I asleep yet?"


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 22:06:05 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: Urs and LC (was Re: Urs)

I always thought 'Urs' was short for 'Ursula.'

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 19:10:37 -0700
From:    Swordsister <catheboo@c.......>
Subject: Re: The V-loop

On Sun, 21 Apr 1996, AKR wrote:

> > At 01:49 PM 4/21/96 -0400, Laura (Apache) wrote:
> > ... and I've heard there's a Knightie loop or list.
> I've heard that, too, but I haven't known who to ask about it... Perri?

The Knightie loop isn't anything like the Vachon loop or Natpack loop.
Really the only ones who have the addresses for the whole loop are Perri
and I, that I know of (and I just made mine up recently for future use).
It's just something we set up during the last war to keep everyone in
touch, all the factions have the same kind of thing during a war.  Perri
and I just decided to continue it after the war was over.  Mostly it's
been used to advertise merchandise for Knighties specifically, no real
discussion has gone on since the war ended.

If you want to join, no problemo, just email Perri and I and we can set
you up.  If you want to post something to it, email it to Perri or I and
we can forward it to the rest (you see why it hasn't been used too much).

> Allison?  But it also occurred to me that private loops are, by nature,
> private, and their virtue is thier focus and their selectivity, so people
> may be happy with the composition they've got.  As it's come up, though,

This is by no means a private email loop, anyone can join.  Although we
may boot all but the Knighties when another war starts.  You understand.

Catherine Boone                 catheboo@c.......
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with
 themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 22:15:46 -0400
From:    Lane Lombardia <longpath@d.......>
Subject: LaCroix's mental health

A short-form definition might be useful here:

Psychoses: Thinking one is Napolean

Neuroses: Wishing one is Napolean

Healthy: Knowing who s/he is

I'm not going to opine which LaCroix is. No, I'm going to give this out
to all of you and let *you* fight it out.

Lane Lombardia


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 22:16:09 -0400
From:    June Williams <cousin@w.......>
Subject: Re: Thongs and a sense of humor

At 09:49 PM 4/21/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Among other things Cynthia wrote about the Syndicon;
>>>Nigel knew about the thong thread, and the purple thong thread, and he
>nodded when I mentioned that at one point that the thong had apparently
>become edible.  It was impossible to figure out what he thought about it<<
>Well I just downloaded the CyberVanguard interview, and he seemed to get a
slightly embaressed/delighted giggle or two out of it.  In fact in an
attempt at covering that bemused reaction to the thread, he said that he
would perhaps have a look at FORKN-L.  If he thought that was a bit outre,
can you imagine those sweet Anglo cheeks burning bright red at the fiction
on JADFE or even FKFIC ?
Ad Astra - June - cousin@w.......
still willing and ready to fight for the Knight !!


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 21:17:49 -0500
From:    Kayla Clark <katygale@i.......>
Subject: Another Off-Topic Post, Please Forgive *Save Space: Above and Beyond!*

Hi all!

I apologize for the off-topic post and I know that many of us are involved
in trying to save other shows.  However, the word needs to be spread that
the recent spate of SF is going bye-bye if we don't do something soon.
Thanks for your time and attention.  I'm nomail from HL-L and FK-L, so if
you have questions, e-me at katygale@i.......

>From: owner-sf-news@s.......
>Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 21:55:11 GMT
>Subject: SFNEWS- Save Space: Above and Beyond!
>(thanks to our SAAB correspondent, Bruce Guthrie)

>>Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 15:48:43 -0400 (EDT)
>>From: Speedbump <ward11@m.......>
>>Subject: S:AABer Rattler update #1
>>                          SPACE: ABOVE AND BEYOND
>>              To the 59th Ready Reserve: S:AABertooth Tigers
>>This posting has information regarding the Save Space: Above and Beyond
>>Campaign, including addresses, current broadcast status, and URLs for Save
>>S:AAB websites.  This is a regular posting by the members of the 96th Recon
>>Battalion, the S:AABer Rattlers--a save S:AAB 'net group. Email addresses for
>>those interested in joining are at the bottom of the message.
>>   "S:AABers - members of the 59th Ready Reserve - you are on a mission!
>>    You are to establish communications with the leaders of the Fox
>>    Broadcasting Company, with critics, and with sponsors, and deliver
>>    a message! You are to use written and electronic media to deliver
>>    the message, and successfully complete your assignment. Observe all
>>    protocols in communications, as this could effect the outcome of your
>>    mission. This activity is to continue until further notice, with
>>    special attention to the month of April for surveillance.  These
>>    communications must remain constant until all resistance has been
>>    negated.
>>We, the 96th Reconnaissance Battalion (S:AABer Rattlers) have contacted the
>>JMDG-L, SPACE-L, and XFiles mailing lists; posted on the Fox SpaceBoards, and
>>sent campaign information to viewers in Germany, Canada, the Netherlands,
>>Ireland, Australia, and Britain!  Fans of "Space: Above and Beyond" [or
>>2063"] in seven countries are all working to save S:AAB!
>>Write to:
>>        John Matoian
>>        President, Fox Entertainment Group
>>        PO Box 900
>>        Beverly Hills, CA 90213  USA
>>        Rupert Murdoch
>>        Owner, Fox Broadcasting Company
>>        PO Box 900
>>        Beverly Hills, CA 90213  USA
>>Addresses for sponsors can be found on Speebump's Help Keep S:AAB Alive!!
>>         http://webpages.marshall.edu/~ward11/savesaab.html
>>Addresses for critics and current broadcast status are on Muse's S:AABers
>>         http://www.armory.com/~zylyn/SAABers.html


>>Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 16:44:19 -0700
>>Subject: Renewal notice
>>     Hi gang.
>>     I just got off the phone with the Production Office at Fox.  I was
>>     told that the suits in Programming will base their renewal decision
>>     almost entirely on how the show does this coming weekend.  The final
>>     word won't be handed down until the end of May, after all of their
>>     other shows have been raked through the coals during sweeps.
>>     The people in Production are sweating bullets just like we are and
>>     they appreciate all the support. They still might shoot those final
>>     two episodes and show them midsummer to keep interest up, but only if
>>     they get renewed.  Fox has been known to break the rules as far as
>>     when you're supposed to show new shows and when you're supposed to
>>     show reruns.  They reminded me that this is the most expensive show on
>>     TV and it needs better ratings.  Their exact words:  "Write the
>>     network!!!"
>>     We have a mission folks.  Do we accept it?
>>     Barry_Caldwell@w.......
Kayla    E-me at katygale@i.......   Cousin, LO for NOSFERATU

"It's like I've always said, 'You can get more with a kind word and
two-by-four, than with just a kind word.'" - Marcus Cole, Ranger, "B5"  **

"Do you have any idea what liver and onions go for on Reticulum?" - Mulder, "XF"

"Your morality doesn't apply to us!  *I* am the law among my kind . . . the
judge, the jury, and the executioner!" - Julian to Frank, "The Kindred"

DFWI: Head Flag Waver for Duncan's Bonny Backside (DDG's BB)
Save Our Shows: Forever Knight, American Gothic, Nowhere Man, Strange Luck,
Earth2 and ** BABYLON 5 **


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 22:14:30 -0400
From:    Cal <calm@a.......>
Subject: Re: Tactile Sense

On Sun, 21 Apr 1996, Elizabeth Ann Lewis wrote:

> Anyone want to speculate about what it would be like to have "enhanced"
> pressure sensors?  ;)

For one thing, very uncomfortable.  (Trust me, I've got 'em.)  Things
just touching you can be unpleasant to the point that there's no use
distinguishing it from pain.  (OTOH, overly sensitive vision or hearing
will do that to you as well.)  Which can lead to a number of things like

-- not reacting visibly to pain, since it's not too different than normal
(or reacting inconsistently -- to some things but not to others)

-- covering your entire body (long sleeves, long pants, no matter what
the temperature -- and, depending upon tactile sensitivities, to
buttoning everything up all the way or to refusing to wear anything as
restrictive as a sweatshirt crew neck) to prevent things like breezes
from causing you any more pain

-- avoiding physical contact with other people when at all possible;  or
engaging in it only when you think there's a social purpose (handshaking)
but not for pleasure

There's a lot more to it than that, but that's some of it.  Parts of it are
consistent with what goes on on FK, but parts are definitely not (ditto
for heightened visual and aural perception).  Which means that the FK
phenomenon has got to be at least a little different from all the RL
instantiations I'm familiar with.



Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 20:55:26 -0500
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: Aging, and forever knight

>And first season, while dealing with just
>having _killed_ him, ...  what would be more natural
>than to remember all the worst things he's ever done to you... as a
>psychological self-defense

Absolutely. I agree. Which brings up Curiouser and Curiouser.

When I saw Curiouser and Curiouser, I thought the guilt it was dealing with
was guilt about Nick's victims.  There was also the business about Nick
being the one who had killed LaCroix, the "Come kill Papa" stuff and the
Jabberwocky poem (which someone a few years ago told me is really about the
son killing the father).  Curiouser and Curiouser didn't make a whole lot
of sense to me when I saw it.

When I found out that Nick had already tried to kill LaCroix, Curiouser and
Curiouser made even less sense to me.  It seemed like they were doing
something twice.  What was the big deal with a dream about killing LaCroix, if
Nick had already done it (or tried to do it) anyway?  Why say to Janette in
amazement and dismay, "Our master is dead!" if it's already happened before?

Then I saw Dark Knight, and a few days later, it suddenly occurred to me;
the guilt that Curiouser and Curiouser is dealing with is Nick's guilt for
tried to kill LaCroix; the guilt Nick feels over his victims is secondary in
this ep.  All of a sudden the episode just fell into place and made sense.

Now I'm sure my marvelous revelation has been realized for a long time by
longer-term FK fans, and probably this has already been talked about.  But
I would still appreciate any thoughts on this.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
The Unnamed Faction


Date:    Sun, 21 Apr 1996 22:29:11 +0000
From:    Laura W Petix <lpetix@d.......>
Subject: Sphinx Faction / transcribed waves

> Someone said she wanted "mysterious," and sometime back someone suggested
> "Oedipals," so if you want the Unnamed to convey those things, how about
> the Sphinx?  You know, who asked Oedipus the riddle?

Ooooo, I *like* this!!!  And it has the longed-for Oscar Wilde
connection, too.  "The Sphinx" is one of Wilde's best poems.  I'd
like to officially declare myself a Sphinx!

BTW, I added a new page to my sounds site, which has transcribed
links to my old FK waves that are available on the FTP site.  So if
you're looking for any of those, this will make it much easier to
choose the ones you want.  Lots of Sphinx quotes there. ;-)

Laura WP, Sphinx (the LC/Nick faction)
EMail:  lpetix@d.......
Ephemeral Noises:  http://www.dpcc.com/dpcc/assoc/lpetix/waves/


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 21 Apr 1996 - Special issue

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Knight graphics and parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at http://historymedren.about.com/