There are 22 messages totalling 1008 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Encouraging Words (2) 2. Lacroix, Now & Then (5) 3. What is SKL? (3) 4. Excuse me 5. <No subject given> 6. discussion of actors 7. Dust from a filecabinet... (2) 8. Alyce and tactile senses 9. factions are fun (2) 10. Consider DSS for Sci-Fi channel 11. DK and Aging and Latin, Oh My! 12. LC's first season hair 13. Detroit Area Folk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 01:20:23 -0700 From: Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......> Subject: Encouraging Words I was at a social tonite where I had a chance to talk to an old friend who I don't see often enough. She is retired now, but was a journalist and editor. I was telling her about FK and what's been happening with it. (turns out she watches the show!) Anyway, I mentioned reading on the list that someone (sorry I forget who) had spoken to a Sony exec at a party, and had been told that Sony was wondering if they had made the right decision. She was thrilled, she told me that an admission like that from a TV exec is something to be very hopeful about cause it sure does not happen very often. She says these people are like elephants, they are really hard and slow to turn around, but once you get them moving in that direction..... She seems to think we are making a difference,and to keep the pressure up, don't let them forget we are here, the elephant is starting to turn. On the subject of the list.. I to have only been here a few months, so I don't know what it was like in the good old days. However, IMHO, I think we have a great group of people here. I count alot of you as friends. I have trouble posting things where I need to express my opinion, but thats more my being shy than being afraid that I will get jumped on. I'm sure once I see some first season eps and get a little braver I will post more often (be very afraid!) This list is a great place, it would be a shame to see us Balkanize to much. I've seen to much of that in other fandoms, and I don't want to see it here. I'll go away now, and try to be brave enough to press the "send" button! Denise, The Cousinly Ravenette ithildin@m....... ~Control, control, you must learn control!~ Yoda ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 04:37:37 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Re: Encouraging Words This sorta touches on something I've been wanting to say too. I am an extreme newbie, both to FK and the net. I've only been on this list for a few days, in fact. I don't know what happened last Saturday, nor do I know that I *want* to. I've only skimmed some of the postings regarding it. However, I do wish to say that I've really enjoyed my few days here and am in fact having a great deal of fun. How often do you get to come up with a Latin translation for 'Q-Tip?' Tigon, Bouncing Tigger, Latin Translator, Insomniac ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 05:25:48 EDT From: MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR <VQRW76A@p.......> Subject: Lacroix, Now & Then Oooh, Dawn, start something flammable, why don't you. (And on the subject of lurking & Wars; you are the same Dawn who got kidnapped, brainwashed, tickled with feathers, and then attacked Nick and Lacroix during War 4, right?) :) *Long Post Alert! Character Dissection! Read at your own risk!* Lacroix. I came in, as I've mentioned before, during the first season, with LC buying it in the second half of Dark Knight, with no hint that he would ever return. He wasn't a likeable guy during that episode, but he wasn't the irredeemable nasty he was later painted to be. For a few episodes we established Nick's character (Last Act, For I Have Sinned) and then we got to see Lacroix again in, I think, Dance By the Light of the Moon. The implications in that episode were very disturbing, since Nick's seduction into darkness was brought about by Janette at Lacroix's instigation (at least, it seemed that way at the time). The underhandedness of this made Lacrox seem fairly evil, as well as the look of fear on Nick's face during the fadeout from that scene. You start hating Lacroix after CHERRY BLOSSOMS, where he again screws up Nick's attempts at a cure, and kills someone trying to help his son regain his mortality. Then there was DEAD AIR, not a terrific ep, and it gave us that *lovely* torture scene, too. Watching his "ghost" taunt Nick in FEEDING THE BEAST also built on my growing dislike. And then there was LOVE YOU TO DEATH. Mean, mean, mean. That's all that needs to be said. Cruel to Nicholas, cruel to Sylvaine, manipulative, arrogant, harsh, judgemental.. this is where I started to hate Lacroix's guts. :) Nigel Bennet is such a good actor. Never for one moment do you doubt that Lacroix is six chess moves ahead of Nick almost every day of their lives; except that the man's essential coldness doesn't allow him to predict what Nick will do when he's hurt. He's so removed from those kind of reactions that it's possible to believe that he just didn't see what anyone else could have told him: make Nick feel *this* guilty, and you'll never get another card on Father's Day. I missed Killer Instinct, and Father's Day, for a long time---the next ep I got to see was FATE WORSE THAN DEATH. The last scene, with Janette & Nick talking about living in captivity, simultaneously wrenches your heart and makes you hate Lacroix even more. Then he's being his usual demanding, superior, violent self in STRANGER THAN FICTION, killing someone and leaving Nick to clean up te mess. So when did I start cutting the character some slack? After BE MY VALENTINE and A MORE PERMANENT HELL. BMV first. The flashback romance is terrific. And the way it's tied into the person LC is now is really, really well-done. Okay, maybe you have to be a hopeless romantic like me to buy the premise, but it works. You can forgive someone a lot if it seems that they've loved and lost and are still suffering from that loss---no, it's not mentally healthy. No, it's not Nick's fault that Fleur is gone, not really. Lacroix made the choice to let her go. But while you're watching this episode, at least, it seems like things could be so very different if he hadn't. And as much as he makes Nick suffer, he's in a lot of pain too. As for AMPH, this convinced me that yes, Lacroix was a despicable person before he was a vampire. But it also showed how alien he's become, simply by being alive after 2000 years. He's the baddest guy in the room--- and that makes him *really* alone. The man has no contemporaries. His closest friends, his children, don't get along with him, and they're a thousand years younger than he is. At his age, the phrase "mortals die" isn't just self-evident, it's inescapable. He's still a creep. He's still cold, distant, violent, selfish, self-centered, and manipulative. But after watching this ep, you can almost feel sorry for him. Third season, we got a better look after NIGHT IN QUESTION at his, well... kind is stretching it, but maybe compassionate side is appropriate. This continued in SONS OF BELIAL. He cares about Nick. He hates being alone. He cares about the Vampire Community, in FEVER. But he's still cruel. He's still jealous, especially of Natalie. Maybe killing Cal was in character for him in FEVER, but showing Nat the body and trying to lay a guilt trip on her was out of line. Gloating about Cal's death, after it's obvious what the cure for the plague is, was heartless. Blowing off Nick's feelings after he accidentally killed Alyssa (DEAD OF NIGHT), killing Raleigh (BLIND FAITH) because he's close to Nick, and constantly trying to undermine Nick's attempts at mortality, all point to someone with an underlying obsession with control, as do his actions in FEVER. He's still a rotten psychopathic vampire. But now I know *why*. Now, if he would only *want* to change, I could almost buy it if he did. If he cut Nick some slack. If he let up on Natalie. If he maybe, possibly, admitted that humans have redeeming qualities other than music. But he won't. :) And I'm not sorry. It wouldn't be the same show without our representative from the Dark Side of the Force. Having someone around to verbalize the worst aspects of the soul makes it easier to admit they exist, but to keep trying to fight the darkness inside. For Nick _and_ the audience. End of too-in-depth dissection of what someone pointed out yesterday is *just* a TV show. :P Christina vqrw76a@p....... Diagonally parked in a parallel universe ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 12:50:42 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......> Subject: What is SKL? Okay, obviously I missed something somewhere, because people keep talking about SKL and I don't know what it is. And no, I'm not a newbie. I'm not even a third season newbie. So someone please take pity on me and explain. - Marina. \\ "And tell me if you want to catch that feeling of redemption; // // That feeling of redemption don't do much for me." - Tanita Tikaram \\ \\======Marina Bailey========tmar@f.......=======Dark Knightie======// ... Sometimes in life you have to do more than just watch. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 12:50:42 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix, Now & Then Christina gave a long, interesting post about LaCroix, all of it relevant. However, I'll try to stick to the 4-line rule and only quote parts. Vq> He's still a rotten psychopathic vampire. But now I know Vq> *why*. Now, if he would only *want* to change, I could almost buy it if Vq> he did. If he cut Nick some slack. If he let up on Natalie. Have to disagree with this. I don't think LaCroix is rotten or psychopathic at all. Now, this stems, I think, from the fact that "Father's Day" was the first episode I saw, and Uncle was actually *nice* in that for a lot of the time. I think that whatever LaCroix does is motivated by what he considers to be the best thing for Nick (or Janette, or whomever). I can quite understand his behaviour in "Love You to Death". We have to remember that LaCroix is a vampire who likes being one. Nothing wrong with that. And because he likes being one, he thinks Nick's attitude is downright silly. Since Nick refused to listen to gentle persuasion, LaCroix has had to enact extreme measures. Sure, really extreme to us, but maybe not all that extreme to a vampire. So, he made Nick kill the ballet dancer. Heck, she was mortal, she was going to die anyway. LaCroix is motivated by the bests interests of himself and his children, usually in that order. Oh, he can be extremely self-centred at times, but that still doesn't make him rotten or psychotic. Going back to his mortal life only proves this. When LaCroix let his army have its way with the women of Gaul, it seems kind of shocking, but later he points out to Divia the strategy he employed when he did that. Not that this makes it right, of course, but it does make it *understandable* in the context of the time. LaCroix always thinks strategy. We saw his strategy to get Nick to return to the fold in the first season, and in some of the second. It seems to me that when he realised that it wasn't working, he changed his tactics. Now he's trying a less controlling approach, to see if this has any effect on Nick. And *gasp* it seems to be working. Vq> It wouldn't be the same show without our representative from the Dark Vq> Side of the Force. Having someone around to verbalize the worst aspects Vq> of the soul makes it easier to admit they exist, but to keep trying to Vq> fight the darkness inside. For Nick _and_ the audience. >From Nick's point of view, maybe LaCroix belongs to the Dark Side of the Force. I personally think that LaCroix's worldview is *different* from Nick's. And just because it's different doesn't make it wrong, or make Uncle evil. I suppose this is why I'm a Dark Knightie - I *don't* think that being a vampire is evil, or that biting people necessarily makes a vampire a murderer (an argument for another time). Vampires are just different, that's all. And Uncle is a most spectacular vampire. - Marina, who also knows the difference between the actor and the character, who adores Nick, loves Ger, really likes Uncle and knows that Uncle refers to LaCroix, not Nigel. Oh, and who would adore Nigel, too, if she'd seen him in anything else! \\ "And tell me if you want to catch that feeling of redemption; // // That feeling of redemption don't do much for me." - Tanita Tikaram \\ \\======Marina Bailey========tmar@f.......=======Dark Knightie======// ... Gotta run, cat's caught in the printer ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 06:12:49 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: What is SKL? >Okay, obviously I missed something somewhere, because people keep talking >about SKL and I don't know what it is. And no, I'm not a newbie. I'm not >even a third season newbie. So someone please take pity on me and explain. >- Marina. It's the Saturday Knight Live list, created for general silliness, and discussions for which you'd be permanently removed from FORKNI-L (one that came up earlier this morning involves using GOdiva raspberry-filled starfish instead of the infamous thong, and NIck+MAgic Shell ice cream topping). It was created after the online party last weekend, and has apparently stolen most of FORKNI-L's traffic. Very fun, very goofy, primary realm of the Cold Shower Sisterhood. Dear, sweet, wonderful, really-deserves-something-nice-for-Listmommies'-Day-hint-hint-all Jamie set it up. Any more questions? Cousin "Susan" Phoenix * Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Charter Unnamed * Member of the Cold Shower Sisterhood * SKLed phoenix@i....... **Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!** "Hey, Marines! The Chicago Cubs suck!" ~~ The Chigs, S:AaB ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 04:18:19 -0700 From: Swordsister <catheboo@c.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix, Now & Then On Sun, 21 Apr 1996, MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR wrote: > Oooh, Dawn, start something flammable, why don't you. (And on the subject Tsk, tsk, Christina. And following up with such an in-depth response. I'm forced to respond, against my will! :) I think I'll just take this step by step, as I saw things. I guess I should say first that I came in at... darnit, now I can't remember the name. Anyway, the one before The Fix, and had nothing of LC in it. So basically I started with The Fix and BMV. In The Fix, here's a guy who seems to be genuinely (if sarcastically) worried about Nick, and doesn't want him to grow old, die, etc. He doesn't understand this need to become mortal, and sees it as self-destructive. So of course he's going to go to great lengths to make sure his friend doesn't kill himself. That, plus BMV showed a person who was normally a relentless and unforgiving soul, yet still knows the meaning of kindness and love. Which is worse, to never know such things at all, or to know them only a little while, never to return? Dunno 'bout you, but I *liked* Lacroix, for a long time. So when I got the opportunity to watch the first and second seasons, I'd already kind of had a picture in my mind, and therefore gave Lacroix oodles and oodles of slack, always. And 90% of the time, his cruel gestures are just him taking any and all measures he can to make sure Nick doesn't become mortal, and to try to convince him that it's a bad idea. Because above all else, LC wants Nick to live. He can grow out of this mortal phase, he can love LC or hate him as he chooses, but he'd better darn well be alive to do it! That's the bottom line to most of the things he does. And while I disagree with most of his methods, and think he could have done things better to get the same results, I can't fault his motive. And then, as you say :), there was Love You To Death, the Sylvaine ep. This remains my highest volume sock ep outside of DK. I absolutely despised LC's methods, even though I still understood his motives completely. He knew that Nick's fascination for Sylvaine was only going to make him suffer more when his little bubble shattered. But the way he handled it... bleah! Messy messy messy. The situation was mangled and bungled beyond repair, and it ended up blowing up in LC's face in the end, big time. Ugh, ugh, ugh. It still bugs me. If he'd just kept his yap shut just a little longer, he coulda had Nick eating out of his hand... Yes, I know, I'm a Knightie that talks like a Cousin. You get used to it. :) No, I really liked (and still like) Lacroix. But, like all the characters, he has one humongous flaw. Every once in a while, LC's frustration over all this mess gets the better of him, and he lashes out for no apparent reason at all. And *that*, imo, is when he gets cruel. The rest is just education, the old fashioned way. "Spare the rod, spoil the child," and all that. Yes, he's manipulative. He doesn't even try to hide it. Yes, he's a control freak. I think I would be too, if I had a child who liked to play in the middle of the street every time he was left alone. ;) Oh, and as far as BMV and romantic natures go...: One more hopeless, hapless, helpless romantic present and accounted for! :) > character for him in FEVER, but showing Nat the body and trying to lay a > guilt trip on her was out of line. Gloating about Cal's death, after it's Well, I think he blamed Nat, being the paragon of Modern Science, for the disease in the first place. Besides, to say that he was really pissed off at the world in general is like saying the Mona Lisa is a blotch on the wall. > obvious what the cure for the plague is, was heartless. Blowing off Nick's Well, he's definitely got a serious problem with seeing mortals as people. That's a given. But still, an understandable reaction to someone who has to kill them for a living, no matter what his original inclinations were on the matter. > feelings after he accidentally killed Alyssa (DEAD OF NIGHT), killing > Raleigh (BLIND FAITH) because he's close to Nick, and constantly trying to Having just watched that ep, I think I can lump these two together as being part of his little control freak attitude. He can't let anyone come into Nick's life that could possibly draw him away from LC. Janette is all right, because LC can manipulate her as well as he can Nick. But anyone else is received as an implicit threat to their happiness. Has he stuck around with Divia? No, he took off and made his own companions. But I think he had Nick in mind to be a permanent companion since Nick was brought across, and he realized that if Nick ever made any children, he would be more likely to leave himself and Janette, and live with his own children. This could be very likely the underlying reason why Nick and Janette have had such bad records creating children: Lacroix may be subtly making sure (however he can, I don't pretend to know if it's all mental or physical or what) that they aren't able to, or not very successfully. Don't you love it when a neato thought like that comes to you just at the right time to share? Anyway, it's a possibility. > undermine Nick's attempts at mortality, all point to someone with an > underlying obsession with control, as do his actions in FEVER. Underlying... screaming out and pounding you over the head with a large sledgehammer... same difference. :) > He's still a rotten psychopathic vampire. But now I know *why*. > Now, if he would only *want* to change, I could almost buy it if he did. Ah, but why would he want to change? I like rotten psychopaths. Most of my *friends* are rotten psychopaths. There's a place for them in this world. :) > But he won't. :) And I'm not sorry. It wouldn't be the same show > without our representative from the Dark Side of the Force. Having Ah, but that's the beauty of FK! As much as the characters want to believe it, there is no good, and there is no evil. (There is only Zool? No.) There are only people. (Ah. Much better.) > End of too-in-depth dissection of what someone pointed out yesterday is > *just* a TV show. :P Yeah, and we're just normal people, and this is just a mailing list, and I'm just sitting on my bum in front of the computer screen. All very true. And all very much beyond the point. Next? :) Catherine --------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Boone catheboo@c....... "Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 09:06:12 -0400 From: Jill Marie Spetoskey <jilkey@u.......> Subject: Re: Excuse me On Sat, 20 Apr 1996, TORREY L HARRIS wrote: > > I want silly....I need silly....I demand silly! A good debate would be > nice too <G>. > Okay, pretty much everyone knows about Q-Tips. But are they the fluffier Johnson & Johnson type or the thinner private label store brand? (And if so, can we still call them Q-Tips because it may be trademarked for the fluffier product? And how does Tracy's cat fit into this?) Jill Marie jilkey@u....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 06:16:55 -0700 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: <No subject given> Hubby found this for me The Pros and Cons of Dating a Vampire Author: Peter Shipley Pro Con Long relationships Spend your time in a hypnotic daze Allowed to stay out late Parents can be hell Easy weight loss You always feel tired (loss of blood) Centuries of experience Oral sex can be lethal Immune to all venereal diseases Always has cold feet (and blood) Always has amazing stamina Never able to spend the day in bed Loves neck nibbling Pet names that give you chills Rarely interested in arguing religion Strange friends Never comes home with garlic breath Giggles at funerals Don't have to worry about what color Hard to win an argument of clothes to wear. No romantic sunsets May forget own strength during orgasm NOW: let's see how we can apply this to Forever Knight: A 90 year relationship that ended on a sour note - More short-term relationships with an emphasis on *short* Centuries of flashbacks! Immune to everything except "Fever" Romantic Sunrises Brothers can be hell Always spending the *entire* day in bed! "A whole new meaning to the definition of 'old friends'" Lips crusted with dried blood Clothes crusted with dried blood - hell on the washing machine! Instant rejuvenation - wouldn't the cosmetic companies love to get their hands on it! Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 09:17:54 CST From: "OREL, SARA" <FA55@n.......> Subject: discussion of actors I have not responded to tenor of the list posts until now (late in the semester and I simply don't have the time, and a new episode is next week! I have my priorities straight!), but I did want to say that there have recently been several posts discussing the weight of the actors and whether they have put on a few pounds or are overweight. I joined the list two years ago and at the time some people were insisting on discussing the subject, over list-owner's warning and they were set no-mail (some permanently?). This discussion of people's weight seems to me rather uncomfortable and unnecessary. It has not become nasty or insulting yet (when it came up two years ago, that was clearly the point), but not all of us are as thin as we should be, let alone thinner than we should be, and I really would hope you think very carefully before talking about actors' weight. By the way, the impression I got was that the vests second season for Nick were not that the actor who played him had put on weight, but a decision from the wardrobe department. There was a lot of grumbling on the list that he looked awfully geeky and great rejoicing when they were gone after last year. I don't know where the initial information came from, but we certainly heard that "costume department decision" last year with great regularity. Besides, who says that anyone who didn't necessarily have a lot of clothes to choose from when he was alive will have developed a really fine fashion sense after 800 years? Janette probably had one when she was alive... Sara Orel FA55%nemomus@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 11:12:08 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Dust from a filecabinet... Now you guys are in for it. Actors and their bodytypes... IMHO, the far more appealing aspect of any person is their character. Don't get me wrong, the picture of GWD that has become my Windows Wallpaper is NOT hard on the eyes (and you wouldn't believe all the 'Who's the gorgeaous guy?' remarks when others see my screen for the first time:) ), and I am going to the Gerthering in June. Nick is appealing to me, most of us, I expect because we identify with him and find his moral fiber, while not always spotless, something we can agree with. We like his character. About GWD. I've never met the man. Can't say I'd like him, can't say I wouldn't. I'm in his debt for his portrayal of Nick and any other role that I may see and that impacts me. He is an actor. Going in June has two purposes for me. 1) To give GWD an 'at-a-boy', we all need these, often. 2) To meet and get a sense of his character, from what I hear from others, I will not be disappointed. NO, I do not hope he is the perfect person. NO, I do not want to be a part of his life. NO, I do not expect that he should even meet my expectations (to say that we don't have any is to be dishonest in the EXTREME). I'd just like to think that this man, who I hope will have a long and successful career, for purely selfish reasons, I might add, is a 'nice' guy. It makes my thought of him, well, easier. That's it. I'm not a stalker. I'm not God. Just another human being with a whole truck load of my own flaws and frailties. BTW, did I mention that looking at his picture was by no means hard on my eyes? Good... The TONE of the list... Well, I've had my say about my philosophy on this matter. Thought I might just reinterate a brief point: A Simple Manefesto-- If you've offended, apologize. If you've been offended, forgive. If there is a right, report it. If there is a wrong, try to help correct it. If in doubt, give the benefit of the doubt. When you are happy, laugh and share. When you are sad, cry and share. When you can, console. When you can't, pray. People are people. Basically diverse and often flawed. But, most often they are genuine, caring individuals. The members of this list give it it's character. And I, if I didn't like the character of the list, would no longer be here. It takes a one line post to unsub. That's it. I will and have made mistakes, if you haven't already noticed. I'll make more. But, hey, you're reading me, right now, and it's not so hard on you, is it? Good. I'm glad. I have no other intention but to connect with you. To communicate with you, for this all too brief moment. That's why any of us are here. Well, that and the picture of GWD that's not hard on my eyes to look at... About LaCroix... I don't think that LaCroix IS evil. Just from another planet. Jupiter maybe, or Saturn. Not Mars, definitely not Mars, I'm from there and I can tell you... About Thongs, Ribena, SKL, and the like... Situational humor is a good thing. Inside jokes make us all feel as if we belong. It's important to feel as if we belong. We found this list because of our similar interests. Period. The Thong Throng, the Bartender's Club, the SKL crew all are individuals who need, honestly, to have something in common with each other. It makes the day better when we laugh, and when those who laugh with us truly understand what we think is so funny. It makes the universe we live make sense. If you don't get the joke, or the humor is not to you're liking, don't be dismayed, tell us one of your favorites. Let us share your sense of humor with you. You just might find that we are a pretty good bunch...dispite ourselves. :)= Had enough yet?... Okay, almost done. Last note... (I hear the cheers from the back!) I'm here to stay folks, God willing and the creek don't rise. Get used to the idea. I hope that it's not an idea that is hard on you. Your presence here is NOT hard on me. It is why I come back, day after day. Because you are here. Did I mention that the picture of GWD I use for wallpaper is NOT hard on my eyes? :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 08:30:18 -0700 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: Re: Dust from a filecabinet... At 11:12 AM 4/21/96 -0400, Carrie wrote: >Now you guys are in for it. I will and have made mistakes, if you haven't already noticed. I'll make more. US????? Notice mistakes????? Naaaaah----no such thing as mistakes on *this* list! Now, if you were talking about the *spoiler* list....that, I could see! But here, nobody makes mistakes. Errors in judgement, if you will, or excesses of enthusiasm, or even faux pas! But, never, never, never, mistakes! That's it---I'm leaving ---it is too nice a day to stay indoors and listen to people, no matter how much I like 'em! :) :) :) Cheers! How many mortals does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I don't know; three so far! *slurp* Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 12:31:04 -0400 From: Lisa Anne Prince <Moonlight@g.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix, Now & Then Hey, Hey All :) Great discussion! I started watching with STF and will admit that I found LaCroix intriguing even then. So, here's my questions for all of those that have responded or feel like responding to this thread. I've always felt that LaCroix, at the heart of it all, is very lonely. His constant attempts to get Nick to accept him and stay with him are, to me, the actions of someone who is very much afraid of being left alone. For example, in Father's Day at the very end when Nick brings the pocket watch to him at the station, he gets this happy smile on his face. I think that it's the only time we've actually seen LaCroix with a happy smile rather than a wicked one. Anyway, when Nick says, "I'm not coming back to you. I just wanted to say thank you." It's like all of his happiness and his hope is taken away. And then in AMPH, LaCroix says that he wants what he's always wanted from Nick -- companionship. He even goes so far as to say that vampires are nothing without the existence of humans. >In The Fix, here's a guy who seems to be genuinely (if >sarcastically) worried about Nick, and doesn't want him to grow >old, die, etc. He doesn't understand this need to become mortal, >and sees it as self-destructive. Oh, most definitely. During the scene in Nick's apartment when he steps into the sunlight, I got the distinct impression that if Nick succeeded in becoming human, LaCroix would have followed him (either by becoming human himself or following him into the sunlight as a vampire). What did you guys think? >Yes, I know, I'm a Knightie that talks like a Cousin. You get >used to it. :) Yeah, and I'm a Cousin who's telling everyone that she thinks that LaCroix is a pathetic lonely old man ;) Okay, I'm not actually going that far, let's just say that I don't see LaCroix as a wicked evil character. >Yes, he's manipulative. He doesn't even try to hide it. Yes, >he's a control freak. I really think that this all goes back to the idea that he is grasping on to Nick in an attempt to stave off the lonliness that is at the heart of his existence. Before Janette and Nick, who did he have? If there was no one, that would mean that he was alone for 1,000 years. Personally, I'd be a bit of a leech if I'd been alone for that long too. >Oh, and as far as BMV and romantic natures go...: One more >hopeless, hapless, helpless romantic present and accounted for! :) Add me to that list. "That a cold, still heart could feel such pain." No words for a line like that <sigh> >> character for him in FEVER, but showing Nat the body and trying >>to lay a guilt trip on her was out of line. Actually, I always thought that he did that to draw a parallel to her search for a cure for Nick. The search for a cure for AIDS ends up causing Cal's death, might not the search for a cure for vampirism end up causing Nick's death? Back to you guys :) Mercenary Cousin Lisa I'm sorry, the Lisa you have requested is not available at this time, please hang up or dial one for a list of alternate Lisas. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 12:46:57 -0400 From: Jane Credland <janes@i.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix, Now & Then At 12:31 PM 4/21/96 -0400, Lisa Anne Prince wrote: I started watching with Dark Knight (okay, with Nick Knight, but given the actor they cast in that movie, it hardly counts in any discussion of LaCroix) >I've always felt that LaCroix, at the heart of it all, is very >lonely. His constant attempts to get Nick to accept him and stay >with him are, to me, the actions of someone who is very much afraid >of being left alone. I'm with Lisa on this one. For centuries, LaCroix had a nuclear family in Janette and Nick. With a few exceptions, they travelled together most of the time. In the last hundred years (which must not be a very long time when you're 2,000 or so), this has changed. Nick spends all his time trying to run away, and Janette pays lip service to LaCroix but then goes out and does what she wants. IMHO, LaCroix wants his family back. He wants Nick and Janette to return to the fold. All of his machinations are designed with this purpose. They are not designed to hurt and damage; although these are sometimes side effects of his actions. >steps into the sunlight, I got the distinct impression that if Nick >succeeded in becoming human, LaCroix would have followed him >(either by becoming human himself or following him into the >sunlight as a vampire). What did you guys think? I don't think LaCroix would become human or step into the sunlight. LaCroix does not strike me as the suicidal type. He might, however, travel to the Balkans or the Middle East and indulge in a murderous rampage. I'm sure his victims can be easily hidden or disguised in a war zone. >her search for a cure for Nick. The search for a cure for AIDS >ends up causing Cal's death, might not the search for a cure for >vampirism end up causing Nick's death? Seems to me that, one way or another, Nick's death is the inevitable result of the search for a cure for vampirism. If they succeed, then he will become mortal and die. If they do not, the law of averages says that one or another of the experiments is bound to have some vicious side effects. After all, they can't test out the drugs on anyone else but Nick. Unless he brings across a few lab rats -- which would put a whole new twist on the animal experimentation problem. Jane (janes@i.......) Raven ** Immortal Beloved Writing is easy -- just stare at the page until your forehead bleeds (G. Horvath) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 11:49:38 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: Alyce and tactile senses Dawn asked: >Alyce. >The one who became a vampire in DKII. >The one who was never seen again. >-Just what happened to her after DKII? My theory-- she went off with LaCroix. That's why we didn't see him for a full season-- he was off teaching his latest fledgling the ropes. As for where she is now... probably working at another museum, as night curator. And she's probably very happy. :) Of course, I never thought Alyce was stupid. Lacking in common sense, maybe, but she's got plenty of smarts. After all, she *was* asst. curator at a museum. Yes, she was stupid to run after a man she thought was a vampire, after dark, but I think that was a conflict between her *intellectual* knowledge that Nick *might* be a vampire, and her scientifically trained subconsious, which told her vampires are *fables*. That's why she was so calm, *until* she saw Nick vamp out in the slaughterhouse. It's like a classic, stereotypical redneck who *says* he thinks blacks are just as good as he is... until his daughter brings her African-American fiance home from college-- and he has to face a reality that was, until then, purely theoretical. Alyce (and my stereotypical redneck) was suffering from a sort of mental whiplash. <g> Just IMHO, of course. Amy asked: >All vampire senses are heightened, right? But FK vampires almost *never* feel >pain; <snip> And we operate on the assumption that vampires don't feel cold, >right? So does this mean that the vampire tactile sense is in fact *dulled* >instead of heightened? Not necessarily. (If I get this next part wrong, I'm sure the medical types out there will correct me. :) See, the nerve receptors for pain are different from the receptors for heat or cold. And all of those are different from the 'pressure' receptors, that tell us textures and such. So, it's possible a vampire's pain, cold and heat receptors are set on "low", but the textile (read-- texture & pressure) receptors are at normal. Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 13:00:47 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Re: What is SKL? Yes, one more does one subscribe to this list? For that matter, how does one subscribe to the spoiler list? Tigon the Bouncing Tigger ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 13:04:42 -0400 From: Lisa Wolters <MVRJasper@a.......> Subject: factions are fun Just a quick reponse to Allison's post about how factions/affiliations are mostly fun and we (Me!!) shouldn't be implying that all they do is divide us, etc., etc. Agreed, 100%! When taken as they *should* be taken, affiliations most definitely are fun. Heck, in the last War, I got to poke LaCroix in the butt with Leitovuterine-C while Dianne hypnotized him into thinking he was Luke, the Vampire DJ from Brooklyn. Now, *that* was fun! :) The trouble is that a lot of folks seem to think that your affiliation is an extension of you as a human being, and that just because you affiliate yourself with a particular faction for *fictional characters*, that that in some way affects your ability to understand how other *real people* who belong to other ficitional factions feel about emotions, issues, etc., in the *real world*. I *like* the affiliations when they're taken in the spirit they were intended. And we couldn't do away with 'em now even if we tried (and Susan would likely hunt us all down and stab us with the little pins stuck to those foam-core bottons if we did try... <g>). I guess it all just comes down to that fantasy vs. reality thing. Lisa W. * MVRJasper@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 10:22:21 -0600 From: Gay Eckes <raven> Subject: Consider DSS for Sci-Fi channel Howdy folks! Haven't heard from me lately? Here's why. I've been trying to get cable for months. Seems I'm on a large older piece of property that hasn't been wired yet. Even with lots of new development within a couple of blocks, still nothing close enough for a cheap hook-up charge. Then my brother bought a cable subscription for our parents (they live 5 miles away), and I was amazed to find out that it is costing him about $50.00 a month for an extended basic package plus 2 premium channels. The cable is TCI, and they don't carry the Sci-Fi channel in this part of the county (but will *real soon*). So I started looking at the small satellite dish systems--halfheartedly, as I thought they were too expensive. To my surprise, they *aren't* that expensive! Seems there is second-generation equipment out now, and the first generation stuff has dropped in price several hundred dollars. Also used equipment can be found, as people upgrade. Even some companies that lease the stuff to you for about the same cost as cable. Anyway, I maxed out the ol' credit card and got a Sony DSS. Installed it myself, and now have Sci-Fi and many other beautiful channels. Saw/heard FK in *stereo* on USA last week (run audio cables from the DSS receiver to stereo system, and turn down the TV volume). The cost of the (smallest) programming package that includes Sci-Fi is about $15 per month. My equipment costs plus programming, look to equal my brother's cable cost after about a year. And I get more channels, better reception and more flexible programming choices (and own the equipment). For those interested, more DSS info here: For a picture of one of the *worst* functioning DSS do-it-yourself installations (yes, mine is better than this!) look here: FK appears to be scheduled *twice* for tomorrow evening on Sci-Fi, 6 and 10pm. Can I tape for someone? Doin' an end-run around TCI . . . Gay Eckes raven@r....... gdeckes@i....... gdeckes@c....... >> Life's too short . . . << ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 13:01:55 EDT From: Lisa Filia Davidi <D020214@u.......> Subject: DK and Aging and Latin, Oh My! Ok, I'm sitting at my computer on Sunday afternoon, feeling silly. I once explained LaCroix's white hair in the first season as resulting from something he did after drinking from a sky-high hippy in the 1960's. Then there's also the possibility that he took to dying it to what Nigel once described (talking about his own hair color) as "its lovely natural mouse" after realizing that it's much easier to spot a vampire who's watching you if he has fluorescent white hair. <veg> I think I like the first two seasons' LaCroix about equally. The Lacroix of the first half of this season was something I hated. My theory was that he went on a prolonged drunk after Janette left. In some mythos's vampires have some control over how they look. Maybe Nick lost his ability to look really young as Nat's treatments began to work? As for LaCroix's looking even older, well, if Janette's departure drove him to drink, maybe Nick's behavior drove him to feeling even older than 2000? <Really eg> Roman women's names in Lucius's time took the nomen (which is the middle element, like Julius in Gaius Julius Caesar), plus a first name which might be the feminine of the father's, and might or might not include the feminine of the father's cognomen (last element or elements, the Caesar in Gaius Julius Caesar.) So, assuming "Qus" is an indeclinable noun, we get something like Lucia Qus Tipia, whom I visualize as a tough old lady with white hair and a battle axe. :) Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 13:13:55 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Re: factions are fun By the way, how does one join a particular faction? Tigon the Bouncing Tigger hopeless newbie at large ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 13:19:26 -0400 From: Deborah Menikoff <menikoff@p.......> Subject: LC's first season hair Lisa writes (in regadrs to LC's hair): >I once explained LaCroix's white hair in the first season as resulting >from something he did after drinking from a sky-high hippy in the 1960's. and a darned good explaination it was too. :-) >Then there's also the possibility that he took to dying it to what Nigel >once described (talking about his own hair color) as "its lovely natural >mouse" after realizing that it's much easier to spot a vampire who's watching >you if he has fluorescent white hair. <veg> I loved LC's first season hair. <g> It was darned near radioactive and on some of my mushy Canadian eps, it's sometimes the only thing I can see clearly. It bathes everyone in the scene with an unearthly sort of... glow >I think I like the first two seasons' LaCroix about equally. The Lacroix >of the first half of this season was something I hated. My theory was that >he went on a prolonged drunk after Janette left. Hmmm...Lisa, didn't you also explain some of Janette's behaviour with a "prolonged drunk". Not that it doesn't make *perfect* sense <g> but it seems that we should be starting an 12 step vampire program for these kids. >to work? As for LaCroix's looking even older, well, if Janette's departure >drove him to drink, maybe Nick's behavior drove him to feeling even older >than 2000? <Really eg> Oh absolutely. Just think. If you'd listened to someone moan and groan about the state of their existance for as long as Nick has been moaning and groan (and complaining and angsting and moing and..<g>.) you'd look older too. Also, perhaps Nick was not as "off" with that stake in DK as we thought. Near staking could take alot out of a vamp. Cousin Deborah (menikoff@p.......) Keeper of PorCroix, the Vampire Pig "Questions? Comments? Hitmen?" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 13:26:23 -0400 From: Jennifer Dukarski <DUKARSJA@u.......> Subject: Re: Detroit Area Folk ** Proprietary ** All right, I'm still a newbie, but you have to get your feet wet somehow, right? I see posts from folks looking for get-togethers in certain areas and was wondering... Any Detroit area people out there? Jenn Dukarski Dukarsja@u....... "If you lose Hope, then all is lost... and I haven't seen her all day." RJK ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 21 Apr 1996 - Special issue ****************************************************
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