There are 43 messages totalling 1016 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Uncle vs. Count Dracula (2) 2. Story needed 3. Uncle at Syndicon in Baltimore (3) 4. flashback question 5. TCI War Campaign 6. Fox 59 in INDPLS, IN 7. Another Last Knight Party/Wake 8. party, party 9. Want to annoy an evil cable co? 10. Curiouser and Curiouser (3) 11. innocent question 12. web page 13. FORKNI-L Digest - 16 Apr 1996 14. people poll (2) 15. Lonely... (6) 16. Yes, again it's the People Poll 17. Nigel Bennett Novel 18. Ger Chat Summary (2) 19. Ger chat on Prodigy 20. Ger's chat! 21. Nick's Quest 22. Reply to: Re: Police Captains 23. Tracy and Vachon (was Re: Reply to: FEVER) 24. LC's Roman name. (2) 25. Lonely 26. People Poll (3) 27. Prodigy newbies & the GWD chat 28. Synd-East: You're Invited! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 16:18:31 -0500 From: patrick kortner aiex <paiex@i.......> Subject: Uncle vs. Count Dracula Gang: IMHO, LaCroix wouldn't even have to lift a finger against the Count. LC has approximately a thousand years on him (assuming that Francis Ford Coppola's screen version is correct), and moreover, if it did come down to duking it out, LC's got more military training and experience. LC would just <look> at the Count with his patent-pending Night- crawler's gaze, and use the Dragon's Breath (tm) voice: "And you are going to do *what* to me, exactly?" A slow feral smile, fangs exposed. "To quote a nineties phrase, my dear Dracula: 'I don't *think* so." <Dracula either gets the snot beat out of him, or he runs>. Just my $0.05 (inflation, dont'cha know) . . . Pat -- Lone Nanette, B-Negative FoD, . . . heck, you know it by now, right? Sorta-ObFK: Still waiting on the soundtrack . . . (tapping foot im- patiently) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 17:25:42 -0400 From: Judith Freudenthal <JudithF955@a.......> Subject: Story needed I can't find a story I wrote around Christmas time. It is called "The Christmas Wish". Can anyone who has it send me a copy. Thanks! Judy JudithF955@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 14:45:33 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Uncle at Syndicon in Baltimore >Ducking, but not running - Knighties do not run!!! They retreat with honor!! You're terminology is incorrect Dotti, Knighties don't retreat they make strategic withdrawals from the field of honor. Katherine, definate Knightie with Nick & Nat tendencies and maybe a little Dark Knightie thrown in (He's so cute when he's bad) lqueen@p....... BTW I caught Terror Stalks the Class Reunion not too long ago. Ger plays such a convincing psychopath! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 19:24:24 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Uncle at Syndicon in Baltimore At 02:45 PM 4/18/96 -2055, Katherine wrote: > >You're terminology is incorrect Dotti, Knighties don't retreat they make >strategic withdrawals from the field of honor. > Oh That is much, much better! Thank you!!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 19:25:32 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Uncle at Syndicon in Baltimore At 01:55 PM 4/18/96 -0700, you wrote: > > >I think when you actually see Nigel in person, you will understand the >difference! No, no you misunderstand!! It's not that we can't tell the difference, we KNOW the difference, there is absolutely no similarity between the two, one is real and one is created. All I mean is that if someone says "Hey, LaCroix's gonna be at the convention" it's just more familiar to say LaCroix than Nigel. No one is going to go to a convention and expect to see LaCroix giving a panel (what a scream that would be!!!! I'd go!!) it's just a matter of semantics (You say tomato and I say toMAto), not a matter of confusing the two. I think all of us here are bit more intelligent than that!! Anyone who goes to a convention expecting to see the character has been wearing their t-shirts far too tight!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 17:30:55 -0700 From: Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......> Subject: Re: flashback question For several months, I have also gotten the episodes of Forever Knight on a late Saturday night (actually early Sunday a.m.) on the FOX channel, showing the same episode each week as the one shown on USA. Right now FOX has been showing reruns which I assume are the same ones being shown on USA, as that is what they have been doing for quite a while. A couple of days ago, I called my local FOX channel here in town. When the woman answered, I said that I was calling to ask about a T.V. show, and before I could say anything else she interrupted me and said "Which show is it?" When I said it was Forever Knight, she told me that a lot of people had been calling about the show, and that on her program roster it is scheduled to air through May 25. She did not have the titles of the episodes available, unfortunately. I am hoping that the last 4 eps are the ones she has scheduled, and that FOX will go along with the SciFi channel, showing the episodes the same way they have been doing with USA. I thought it was a good sign to hear that many people locally have been calling our FOX network to ask about FK! Lisa M. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 17:33:57 -0700 From: Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......> Subject: Re: TCI War Campaign Please publish addresses if you know them. I'll be more than happy to drop them a line! Thank you! Lisa M. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:35:32 EST From: molly <MSREED@u.......> Subject: Fox 59 in INDPLS, IN Good news for those of us in the Indianapolis, IN area. I called Fox yesterday and they are contracted to run Forever Knight until May 25. After that date, they weren't sure. At least we will be able to see all of the new shows. I told the girl on the phone that there were going to be a lot of happy campers out there. Molly ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 16:41:59 -0700 From: LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......> Subject: Another Last Knight Party/Wake For those in the New York/New Jersey area, I am tentatively planning a Forever Knight Party/Wake for Saturday, May 18. I should have a satellite feed of the episode by then, so we can watch at our leisure Saturday night. If you are interested e-mail me PRIVATELY for details. Cousin Laurie CF ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:41:13 EST From: molly <MSREED@u.......> Subject: party, party FOr those in the INDPLS, IN area, have you thought about having a FK party recently. I would like to sponsor one in Bloomington, IN if anyone would come. If this sounds like a good idea, drop a line. I have an enormous video collection concerning Fk, Nigel, Catherine, etc. Let me know. Molly MSREED@u....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 20:22:47 -0400 From: Pam Maine <mstangel@u.......> Subject: Want to annoy an evil cable co? Yes, my local cable company _thought_ they were evil...they thought they were omnipotent...they thought they could replace good channels with Court TV and _never_ get around to getting the Sci-Fi channel so we could see first and second season FK...they just made _one_ mistake...they got an e-mail address: malden@t........ This address _should_ cover everyone in eastern MA with Time-Warner Cable...if you live somewhere else and have the misfortune to be served by this _evil_ cable co, check your next bill to see if they have an e-mail addy. But anyone and everyone can feel free to e-mail _my_ local cable co and ask when they're going to get the Sci-Fi channel (outside of Medford and Salem, which already _have_ extended cable service <grr!!>). ObFK: Only 1 more rpt (Dead of Night) before the last 4 eps (I don't know if I should be happy or sad....) Angel 0:)**mstangel@u.......**Pam in the "real world" *"Mommy" to Daniel E:X3 & Sarah the vampire kitten EX:3= Go see MST3K: the Movie, premiering 4/19/96, hopefully at a theatre near you! E-mail malden@t....... and tell them we want the Sci-Fi Channel!! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 20:22:55 -0400 From: Loose Cannon <LoosCanN@a.......> Subject: Re: Curiouser and Curiouser How about the dodos on the mobile over the baby's cradle? Leslie ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 20:44:41 -0400 From: Lisa Wolters <MVRJasper@a.......> Subject: innocent question Simple question for you Canadians and/or folks who've been fortunate enough to go up Canada way: How far is it from Toronto to, oh, I dunno, Montreal? Like, how long would it take to drive there? How many miles is it? What's the speed limit in Canada--in the metric system and MPH so I'll know, being a metric-impaired American, how fast that is? Why am I asking? Oh, no real reason... <shrugging innocently> E-mail me off-list, please. Thanks! Lisa * MVRJasper@a....... (laughing maniacally, but very softly...) Yeah, I <have> had four cups of coffee today... why? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 19:47:24 -0400 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: web page Begging your pardon for a moment.... The web's about to get a bit more crowded. I have access to setup a page. I want to have a set of FK links. If you have an FK page, and will give me permission to link it, please e-mail the address. Private mail only, please!! -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff Co-Administrator | reevesl@p....... Mercenary for Chocolate - Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 17:51:51 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <margr@a.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 16 Apr 1996 Welcome back! Hope you had a spendid and relaxing vacation! You were missed! On Wed, 17 Apr 1996, Fred Mollin wrote: > Dear List Members. > I have been away for a vacation and I am back in Toronto now. > I saved all the requests for autographed photos, but AOL must erase old mail > that's held as new after a few weeks. Maybe I missed something or have forgotten? (See what comps will do?) What was the requesting for autograph photos all about? Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:10:57 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: people poll Hi all, Tonight (Thursday 4/18) is the last chance to vote in the people poll. GWD and NB are currently listed. NB is ahead. The url is Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... NatVampCamp/FoSiL ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 20:55:57 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Lonely... Am I the only one NOT at the Chat with GWD on Prodigy? It's kind of lonely out here all by myself. Oh well, guess I'll just have to go work on my fanfic somemore... <heavy sigh> Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:34:12 -0230 From: Jason Ryan <ibe0018@i.......> Subject: Re: Uncle vs. Count Dracula On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, patrick kortner aiex wrote: > IMHO, LaCroix wouldn't even have to lift a finger against the Count. > duking it out, LC's got more military training and experience Yes, but I think he(LaCroix) would be more tacticall, and the Count (1,2,3 ha ha ha 5,6,7 ha ha ha...sorry got carried away) would be more disgusting in the way he fights, and kills so I would like to see how the Roman way would beat the Counts way. > <Dracula either gets the snot beat out of him, or he runs>. I'd like to see him get flung around by LaCroix'z mentall powers(I don't think he has any in the show but I think he must be that powerful to prosses so cool powers other than his pretrenatural strength> *************************************** "La vie pour toujours, ma chere petite" -Jason Ryan ibe0018@i....... *************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 20:06:10 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: Curiouser and Curiouser >How about the dodos on the mobile over the baby's cradle? Those were flamingos. the Red Queen played croquet with flamingos for mallets... <g> PETA would *hate* that woman! ;) Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:15:09 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Yes, again it's the People Poll Since I was soooo lonely, I went and voted, again. There is only one day left to vote. Come on everyone. Let's give it a last minute push and get GWD on top. Would that be a hoot? What great publicity for our guy, heh? Vote. Vote. Vote. Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:19:29 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Curiouser and Curiouser At 08:22 PM 4/18/96 -0400, Leslie wrote: > > >How about the dodos on the mobile over the baby's cradle Excellent Leslie!! I thought we had covered everything!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:22:18 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <margr@a.......> Subject: Re: Lonely... On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Carrie Krumtum wrote: > Am I the only one NOT at the Chat with GWD on Prodigy? It's kind of lonely > out here all by myself. Oh well, guess I'll just have to go work on my fanfic > somemore... <heavy sigh> Nope. You're not alone. I can't access it from here. :( Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:30:04 -0700 From: Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......> Subject: Nigel Bennett Novel I was fortunate enough to hear NB read from his upcoming novel this last weekend at SyndiCon. I don't read a whole lot of Vampire fiction but this one is a definate must read! Of course I would read anything anyone from my favorite show wrote, but if I had no idea who NB was this story would catch me (I love Arthurian books) . The hero is Richard who is made a Vampire to protect King Arthur and the Grail (he is Lancelot) it is both in Arthurian times and modern day. The vamps in this world can't fly but they can whammy, and being immersed in fresh running water is bad for their health. They also have some tolerance for sunlight if well covered. We can only hope that if there is an audio book that NB is the one to do it. The reading was very impressive, the room was utterly silent as he read. Please forgive me if I have misremembered any details, cons can be rather overloading on the brain cells! On a me to: If you have a chance to see NB at a con, take it! You will not be dissapointed. I have been to a lot of cons, and this was a true highlight . He is a great guest, you will really enjoy yourself! Denise, The Cousinly Ravenette ithildin@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:31:50 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <margr@a.......> Subject: Re: people poll Evening all! On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Raissa Devereux wrote: > Tonight (Thursday 4/18) is the last chance to vote in the people poll. GWD > and NB are currently listed. NB is ahead. The url is > What is the rest of the URL please? Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:29:46 -0400 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: Re: Lonely... Carrie Krumtum wrote: > Am I the only one NOT at the Chat with GWD on Prodigy? It's kind of lonely > out here all by myself. Oh well, guess I'll just have to go work on my fanfic > somemore... <heavy sigh> No, you're not!!! But, if you'll write more fanfic, maybe I should talk to you. <gryn> Okay. I see another part of KC. <excited gryn> I'm so brain damaged at the moment, I can't think of a OBFK. -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff Co-Administrator | reevesl@p....... Mercenary for Chocolate - Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:35:41 -0700 From: AKR <r.......@w.......> Subject: Re: Lonely... On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Carrie Krumtum wrote: > Am I the only one NOT at the Chat with GWD on Prodigy? It's kind of lonely > out here all by myself. Ummm... didn't we all decide not to say dangerous, provocative things like that any more, after last weekend? :) But I thought that the real reason listmail was light today was because people were all getting ready to go to Toronto for Ger's play... I could be wrong, goodness knows. *I* don't get to go. And not to either Syndicon, for that matter... Just kidding with the self pity. :) I'm *really* happy for everyone who gets to go, and I know some people will be relieved to see the listmail lighten up a bit for a while. Because I know at least one person who will be spending this entire week in Toronto, I want to wish everyone a great time now. Have tremendous amounts of fun, and try to leave "Hollywood North" standing, if you can... :) > Oh well, guess I'll just have to go work on my fanfic somemore... You've figured it out, Carrie. The whole list has moved just so you'll finish "Knight Confessions"... <g> ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r.......@w....... ******* "By an equally suspicious freak of temporal relastatics, it is nearly always Saturday afternoon just before the beach bars close."--D.Adams ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:43:29 -0700 From: Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......> Subject: Re: Lonely... On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Carrie Krumtum wrote: > Am I the only one NOT at the Chat with GWD on Prodigy? It's kind of lonely > out here all by myself. Oh well, guess I'll just have to go work on my fanfic > somemore... <heavy sigh> No Carrie, you're not the only one. I wonder how it's going. obfk, You never know were your going to find a FK fan. I was at a party talking to a lady and The subject of vampyres comes up. So I ask if she like FK and, and was told that it's her favorite show. You never know. Heather penni@w....... Knightie, Nick/Nat Packer, Vaquera, SKL ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:38:05 -0400 From: Susan Honig <Susankenn@a.......> Subject: Ger Chat Summary Hi Just got off the chat with Ger on Prodigy. Allison Perry was correct - what a pain to log on. Anyway here is a quick synopsis. I did log most of the chat He is doing an Outerlimits which should air in June He did Triolgoy of Terror 2 which will air on the USA network 3. His Movie Conspiracy of Fear should be released this summer There are some spoilers for Last Knight which I will post on the spoiler list and the Human Factor. I got a bunch of my questions answered. I was ABABABABA on the chat if anyone is interested. I could get a Nickname to work. What a pain. On the question about FK movies he said A Remote possiblity. He thought the series was hurt by the double broadcast on USA and syndicated. _ both numbers cut into each other. The director from Hercules who used to work on Fk was on the chat and asked him to do an episode. SOMEONE DID TRY TO BUY the rights to the show. "but if fell apart because of previous ownership." Yes I would under the right conditions (he was asked if he would come back) I wouldn't want to take steps backward, I 'd wanted to have control over stories. I asked if he had any say on wardrobe and he said he had based on the choices offered to him. I told him that 100 + people from the list were going to see him at the Shrew - then I stuck a question in about the Shrew. It looked like he was doing his own typing this time. Only 21 people showed up. I asked a question where I began that 1000+ list members would have love to show Up but finding this place was very hard. Now off to the spoiler list to complete. sue susankenn@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:21:17 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Ger chat on Prodigy Thank you everyone (especially Allison) for posting the Prodigy directions AND for saying how long it would take. It took me 90 minutes to sign up and download all of the software (and I thought AOL was bad!!!). The chat was very--sterile. Not like AOL, where you have people around you and a sense of being in a crowd or a big room. You're stuck in a little cubicle. You know there are other people out there, but you don't know who they are or where, so you can't chat with them. Very Kafkaesque. I tried to log the chat but had some bad glitches at the beginning and middle. They said during the chat that a text log would be available, but didn't say where (if anyone has the info, please feel free to forward it to me in private e-mail). I think the maximum # of people in the auditorium was 21--unlike the AOL chats, where we had well over 280. Lots of posters mentioned the list, a few the play next week. They posted one question I know for certain would never have been passed along on AOL, which is half why I asked it. Ger seemed more attentive at this chat (then again, he <was> bowling through most of his last AOL chat) and was very open and honest with his answers. Also, Mike Levine stopped by and asked if Ger would like to go to New Zealand to do a Hercules (more a joke than anything else, I gather, but who knows?). And for those of you who are on Prodigy all the time, I give you credit for patience beyond understanding. You are earning karma in a big way. Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. Visit THE essential webpage for Forever Knight info at: "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:43:35 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <margr@a.......> Subject: Re: Lonely... On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Heather Thornburg wrote: > obfk, You never know were your going to find a FK fan. I was at a party > talking to a lady and The subject of vampyres comes up. So I ask if she > like FK and, and was told that it's her favorite show. You never know. I was in the computer lab one night and there was a lady named, Lee (I think that's right) sitting across from me. I looked up and she asked me why I had been grinning for the past hour? I explained about responding to mail from the FORKI-l list. Found out she's a fan and, in fact, she asked me how to subscribe. Hope she was successful. Yep, you never know. Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie: margr@i....... AZ Crusaders of the Knight - It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:49:16 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Ger's chat! Hi everyone! I just got back from Ger's chat on Prodigy. First, the bad news. Prodigy newbie that I am, I did *not* manage to get a complete log of the chat. I think I'm missing the entire first half or so. Anyone who was there and got a complete log, please e-mail me at <percy91@w.......> or let the list know, because I don't think I have enough patience to wait for the official transcript! The chat seemed to get off to a slow start, but it turned out that all the questions and answers were being stored up somewhere because they suddenly started flying out at a phenomenal rate. I couldn't even read fast enough to keep up. I can't even think of highlights until I look at the log I did get, and hopefully at someone's complete log. (Please? Someone??) OK, here's *one* highlight that I did manage to catch: > Pat0001 (Member Question) > If the rights to FK were purchased by another company, would you be > willing to come back? > > Geraint Wyn Davies (Speaker) > Someone tried to do that and i gather what happened is that it fell apart > because of previous ownership. Yes, I would under the right conditions. > I wouldn't want to take steps backward, I'd want to have control over > stories. I'd much prefer doing that kind of show than a show that isn't > out there. I'd make the flashback shows much darker, I liked the > flashback ones. I'd make it more whimsical, more witty. Anyone whose > been around for 800 years has a much better sense of irony. Let's see, he'd want it darker, but also more whimsical and witty. :^) Darkly whimsical? Witty flashbacks?? And don't ask me to interpret the rest -- I have no idea, and it's clear that some stuff in the chat was a bit garbled by the transcriber. Anyway, I hope someone did a better job than I did of logging the chat. I think eventually the official transcript will make its way to the following web site, accessible from outside Prodigy as well: See ya! Allison percy91@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:06:17 -0400 From: Ray Heuer <RayHeuer@a.......> Subject: Re: Nick's Quest Re: Whether Nick's quest for mortality/redemption is old or recent: I think we need go no further than Nigel's opening voiceover; "... now he wants to be mortal again ..." *Now*, indicating that this wish is of recent vintage. I'm not sure that we could say that Nick was perfectly happy for the first 650-700 years. That much angst doesn't build up overnight. I don't think we see a flashbaxk of Nick's search for *whatever* that dates back much before the 1800's (The ep with the very "Frankenstein" lab where the doctor asks Nick to bring his grilfriend over, I forget the name, but it's 3rd season). -- Ray Nat Vamp Camp Rage! Rage! Against the dying of the Knight! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:09:27 -0400 From: Tippi NB <TippiNB@w.......> Subject: Reply to: Re: Police Captains Idalia wrote: <<Tippi, you read my mind! I was going to post that Cohen is my favorite because she's Asian and female, and one rarely sees powerful, non-stereotypical Asian females on TV.>> Don't I know it! They got rid of the one Asian girl on Friends and we ALL remember what happened to Connie Chung, right? Anyway, just about anytime an Asian woman is portrayed on TV she's either a hooker (it's that Geisha thing, hard to live down, even though technically I don't think Geishas are hookers, but I do think thats how they're perceived) or someone's very quiet wife. I DIG COHEN! << She did not possess the wisdom of the ages.>> There's some kind of rule in show biz. If you're Asian or Native American you've got some kind of access to the World of Spiritual Knowledge. Not all of us are herbalists or Shamans. I remember when I first started watching FK, I was SO shocked and pleased that the police capt was an Asian woman. Here's a question: Natsuko Ohama is Japanese, but was her character Cohen of Japanese decent? << She was simply a police captain who happened to be female AND Asian. And I liked that. (Even though they wrote her rather one-note-ish.)>> I agree. There could have been more done with the character. But I think as written, she provided a nice contrast to Nat's sometime-hecticness, Nick's often-angstiness, and Schanke's occasional boisterous goofiness. I mean all the above in a good way, of course. ;) <<BTW, I'd always assumed Cohen must've married a white guy & taken his last name, but I don't think they ever showed her family, did they? >> Well on BMV, she was whispering "sweet nothings" to SOMEone on the phone. I don't remember who, though. ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix. Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction. (TippiNB@w.......) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:09:34 -0400 From: Tippi NB <TippiNB@w.......> Subject: Re: Tracy and Vachon (was Re: Reply to: FEVER) Amy wrote: >But, seriously, aren't Tracy and Vachon a complete and utter mismatch? I >mean, they're what, a Virgo and a Sagittarius? :) Hmm... Must be what went wrong between me and my ex-fiance! I'm a Virgo, he's a Saggitarius... Gawd, it was in the stars! But seriously. Yes, I do think Tracy and Vachon are an utter mismatch, but I think that's how it was supposed to be. I mean, imagine if Tracy were some kind of rough-and-tumble fly-by-the-seat-of-her-Liz-Claibornes. What if Tracy rode a bike and wore artfully scuffed leather? What if she didn't give a fig about what Daddy said? I don't think Vachon would have wasted his time with her. He seems to go in for that "innocence" thing a lot. Despite the fact that Urs was a saloon girl with dubious relationships, she is still quite naive and ingenuous. She needed protecting, or so Vachon thought (perhaps rightly so, I don't know). He also apparently thinks Trace needs protection too (witness: Trophy Girl whammying scene). This segues into an interesting analysis of Vachon's character. That despite the slacker appearance, he's got these really deep paternal feelings. I'd even say he saw himself as Screed's protector, too. And no, I ain't becoming a Vaquera! ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi Long Live the Thong! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:09:39 -0400 From: Tippi NB <TippiNB@w.......> Subject: Re: LC's Roman name. Leslie wrote: >Do we know what LaCroix's full Roman name was? The first I know was >Lucius, but have we ever heard the family names? A fanfic writer wants to >know. I think it was "Lucius, oh, Lucius!" But then I could be wrong. ;) Seriously, if someone finds out I'd like to know too. ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi Long live the Thong! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:14:11 EDT From: Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......> Subject: Re: Lonely Carrie Krumtum said: >>Am I the only one NOT at the Chat with GWD on Prodigy? It's kind of lonely out here all by myself. Oh well, guess I'll just have to go work on my fanfic somemore... <heavy sigh> Well I can't get to Prodigy eather. Someone had better post a copy of it one the list or at least make it available to the rest of us. And Carrie, You really should work on the fanfic. Because I'm just dying to the find out that happens next <G> ----------- Brandy ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:33:06 -0400 From: Trisha Morris <PMorris231@a.......> Subject: Re: People Poll Hey can someone explain this poll to me. If Ger is in a 4-way tie for 5th place how come he only has 1 percent of the vote??? Trisha PMorris231@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:29:23 -0500 From: Lisa Clevenger <lcl366@a.......> Subject: Re: People Poll I can't access tha site! Someone resend the address please. My search freezes up! ARGGGHHH! ------------- Cousine/Valentine Suk lcl366@a....... THOOOONNGGGG!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:45:52 -0400 From: Trisha Morris <PMorris231@a.......> Subject: Re: People Poll I've been using: Good luck typing Trisha PMorris231@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:45:09 -0400 From: Susan Honig <Susankenn@a.......> Subject: Re: Ger Chat Summary Sorry everyone - the log didn;t come out. I got the first couple of questions but then i noticed that my screen said log off. I turned it to log on but I that in fact turned off the log. Actually upon viewing the log it stopped when I went out of the auditoriam at the direction of the speaker who said that was the reason I saw no questions being answered. I guess when you jump out you need to reset the log. Allison - I only have the first couple of questions. I did print up a copy of most of the chat but I have no scanner to dump it in. Does anyone know how long before Prodigy puts the log up?? Does anyone else have the log??? sue susankenn@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 23:00:38 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Re: LC's Roman name. Tippi NB <TippiNB@w.......> said: > Leslie wrote: > >Do we know what LaCroix's full Roman name was? The first I know was Lucius, > >but have we ever heard the family names? A fanfic writer wants to know. > I think it was "Lucius, oh, Lucius!" (Look, Ma, four lines! <g>) I think Lacroix's full Roman name was: General Lucius And you didn't leave out the General part if you wanted to live. <g> Did Romans *use* family names? Any Roman history buffs out there?? * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * Shrewthering info: * * "To paraphrase the Hair Club for Men guy, 'I not only compose the music * * for the show, I'm also a fan...'" Fred Mollin * ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 23:10:16 -0400 From: Michelle Cox <TXMMC@a.......> Subject: Re: Prodigy newbies & the GWD chat Allie, Please oh please share the chat log! Forever, ~Michelle~ "What a wonderful thing humanity is, passionate, intelligent, inquisitive, generous, full of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all . . . delicious!" - Lucien LaCroix ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:44:17 -0400 From: "Melanie Moser (Red)" <moser@c.......> Subject: Synd-East: You're Invited! I may regret this later, but... a) it'll be great way to meet new cool friends b) what better friends to meet than fellow Knighties, Natpackers, and Cousins. c) I need a good excuse to clean my apartment So.... Since there seems to be a general interest in Syndicon-East: I have an apt 15-20 mins from downtown Baltimore. If there's enough interest among those planning/wanting to attend Syndicon-East in Baltimore May 10-12, you're invited to come & stay at my place and/or just stop on by for a FK fan get-together. Your luxury accomodations would include: - cable TV, VCR (bring your favorite FK episodes!), a great stereo (bring those FK Soundtrack CDs!!) - watching the new FK episode (Thurs&Sat at midnite) (also Babylon 5, Highlander, DSN, SFC, etc.) - kitchen, computer, Nintendo, free hot water, phone (don't forget to call Mom on Mother's Day!) - easy access to bus stop, restaurants, stores, Baltimore beltway - whatever social agenda you'd like to set (kidnapping Nigel, or Stan Kirsch, FK episode marathon, stupid vamp tricks, etc.) So if you're finding it hard to cough up the $$$ for a hotel room downtown, if you want to meet new/other cool FK fans, would like to get more FK out of the mostly Highlander con, don't mind sharing floorspace with a fellow Knightie, Natpacker, etc. (1st come, 1st serve), write me offline and if we get enough interest, we can have a mini FK convention of our own. Mel Moser, Natpacker moser@c....... -- Stay out of the sun, keep away from sharp sticks, you'll -- -- live forever, THAT is supposed to be the deal. NK, "Fever" -- ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 18 Apr 1996 - Special issue ****************************************************
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