There are 31 messages totalling 781 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Uncle's 3rd Season Looks 2. Where should vampies NOT go? 3. Updated sponsors list and Ricolahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 4. Another Virus?? 5. the late shift (2) 6. People Poll -- IMPORTANT 7. recent repeat/GWD audiotape 8. A New War 9. Request, Top Ten and a Chance to be Creative 10. Cousin Michelle's Vet visit 11. Reconciliation (was Re: YKYB) (2) 12. FK article in May Cinefantastic 13. All I Really Need . . . 14. Conventions/Actors (2) 15. Perkiness 16. Tapes needed 17. Mr. Sandman.... 18. Nick's chest 19. Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets) (2) 20. YKY.... 21. Where's the FAQ? 22. Uncle's Third Season looks/Thong (2) 23. Fourth-Season Eps 24. Snow; Ger Speaks! 25. Saturday Night, SOS-FK, and My Big Mouth 26. Reconciliation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:28:01 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: Uncle's 3rd Season Looks I just watched fever on Sunday morning and I noticed that Uncle's eyebrows are completly normal. So I would assume it might be a part of the cure in Fever that they grew. Connie -- Seducer, And a Proud Cousin ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 08:40:15 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Where should vampies NOT go? Alaska in the summer time. On our longest day we get 22 hours of sunlight. Bummer. Katherine, newly knighted and loving it lqueen@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:37:36 +0000 From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Updated sponsors list and Ricolahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hi, I've (FINALLY!!) updated the list of sponsors who've advertised on FK. It is available on my webpage, or e-mail me for a copy. The following address is not listed there, because technically they've never advertised on FK, but several people have asked for it! The makers of Ricola throat drops: Ricola, Inc. 00 Xxxxxxxxx Xx., Xxx. 0X-0 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX 00000 Telephone: (000)000-0000 Richterich, Felix /Chairman of the Board Thomas, Dan /Pres Schneider, Eric /V Pres Pitegoff, Thomas /SEC Sopko, Sue /Controller Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:58:28 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: Another Virus?? The PKZIP300.ZIP IS NO JOKE VIRUS!!!!!!!!! I attend USAO College and they have signs up telling us not to download this Virus. It is REAL so be careful. Connie -- Cousin and Seducer by Choice, Carimallia by Default and Princess by bloodline ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:13:55 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: the late shift >get off. Of course, in midsummer, there aren't 8 hours without the sun. >Maybe he goes on vacation then? Or has Nat drive the caddy home for him, >with him in the trunk. Well, it's common knowledge that he's alergic to the sun. Maybe in summer he's allowed to go home early and modem in his reports? ----- TJ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:14:03 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: People Poll -- IMPORTANT I've been thinking about the discussions on the People Poll and two things come to mind: 1) We've been seeing weird percentages, and changing ones and 2) There's that random sequence of gibberish in the URLs. Now, I do web development for a living. High end stuff. And it occurred to me that that would be a great way to see if people were sitting there with their browsers and putting in multiple votes. They could be tracking the URL that is submitting the votes. A large number of votes from the same URL might mean that someone was spamming votes. Now, we all know that we wouldn't do that, right? But of course, if lots of votes for FK people were from the same URL ... it might look funny and give them an excuse to drop votes, even if they are legitimate, which we know they are, right? So ... (there is a point to this, really.) If you're going in to vote in the poll, go in through and if for some reason you need to enter multiple votes (like, um, if there's someone else there that wants to vote, right?) GO BACK OUT and RELOAD the People home page before going back in. As for the funky results, if I had implemented something like this, getting someone to write to me with a complaint -- as I was thinking of doing, that's how I realized this -- would be one way to track spammers. ---- TJ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:07:03 -0500 From: Carol LeBras <clebras@i.......> Subject: recent repeat/GWD audiotape Hello, I have been on no-mail for quite a long time and needed to resurface. I have a couple questions which may have come up recently - sorry if I am repeating what others have discussed! I am wondering what was the episode that repeated over the weekend early Sunday morning? I watch it on channel 59 (fox) in Blgtn, Indiana - so I am not talking about an episode shown on USA. I missed it entirely and hope it wasn't Games Vampires Play, which I have never seen. I am wondering if anyone has ordered the GWD audiotape by Tangled Web Audio, since the beginning of March? I ordered my tape over a month ago and haven't heard a peep from them. I know when it first came out a number of people on the list received it. The last thing I must say is how much I LOVE Fred Mollin's FK soundtrack. It is wonderful! Thank you, Fred! I have been listening to it everday. If anyone needs the details about ordering this CD or cassette, email me. Carol. die hard FK fan. ****************************************************************************** Carol LeBras, Fine Arts Reference/Technical Associate. Fine Arts Library, Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 clebras@i....... ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:30:49 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: A New War Help how do I get on to the FanFic Channel????????? Connie ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:34:53 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: Request, Top Ten and a Chance to be Creative 3. If you go to the Raven make sure that you DON'T try to grab Uncle's thong. Will that do?? Reactions anyone? On Sat, 13 Apr 1996, Val Wirth wrote: > Greetings Fellow Listmembers, > > First a request,Can anyone tell me who to email about getting stories > posted on the fiction website?I keep bouncing mail off the address they > have listed there. > > Next a Top Ten: > > I know we are all anxiously awaiting the new episodes of FK.(To watch, to > discuss, to write fanfic versions of)So what on earth, are we suppose to do > with our free time until then?Well, maybe this will help some of you. This > is my Top-Ten lists of things I am going to do to kill time until we get new > episodes. > > 10.Start a grass roots campaign to get the only person who can save this > country onto the Presidential ballot (Go Oprah.) > > 9.Number nine is a tie between: Searching for the true meaning of life > and cleaning out my refrigerator. > > 8.Continue my letter writing campaign to get that Love Boat Reunion movie > made (Go Capt. Stubing!) > > 7.Watch the animated series "Gargoyles" ( I know it's a cartoon, but they > can fly and only come out at night and they solve crimes. Okay, you > get the picture.) > > 6.Search for the real killers (Oh Sorry, that's what O.J. is going to do to > kill time until the new episodes) > > 5.Go to Star Trek Conventions, and cause endless debates and general chaos > by asking," Who's a better captain Kirk or Picard?" > > 4.Two words: Finger Paint > > 3.Write Forever Knight fan fiction until they pry my cold, dead fingers off > my word processor. > > 2.Read so much Forever Knight Fan fiction until I begin to lose the > capacity to differentiate between reality and fantasy. Hey, who > needs reality when you have Internet Access. > > And the #1 Way I'm Going to Kill Time Until We Get New Episodes:Watching > "Be My Valentine, and "Only the Lonely" until I become certifiably Coo Coo > for Cocoa Puffs. > > And now here's something you all can do to kill time - Help me with my next > list. > There was this book called, "All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in > Kindergarten".Then the Trekies ran with that and came up with these > T-shirts that say, "All I Really Needed to Know I Learned Watching Star > Trek."Well, I'm sure that together we can come up with our own, "All I > Really Needed to Know I Learned Watching Forever Knight." This is all I've > come up with so far, but I'm sure all you creative people out there can add > more. > > All I Really Needed To Know I Learned Watching Forever Knight > > 1.If you smell like formaldehyde, you won't get very many dates. > > 2.If you smell like formaldehyde, and you do get a date, it will probably > be with a serial killer. > > It's your turn now. > > Everyone's friend in the Knight > Val > valworth@a....... > ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:50:41 CDT From: Bruce Rawitch <brucer@i.......> Subject: Re: Cousin Michelle's Vet visit Cousin Michelle Wrote: Naturally I took the opportunity to fill him in on who he is, what he does, and why he should declare his loyalty to him. He was very receptive, and I got a free bottle of cat pee remover to boot!! ROTFL!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I haven't laughed that hard since I saw 'Trophy Girl'-the scence where Tracy shoots the perp right thru the chest (before identifying herself as a police officer) and then, after she shoots him, Identifys herself as a police office and tells him to freeze. Kinda a little too late, wouldn't you say? Thanks for the laugh-God knows I can use one on monday morning. Bruce ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:07:24 -0700 From: AKR <r.......@w.......> Subject: Reconciliation (was Re: YKYB) On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Sandra Gray wrote: > Mmmm, but reading this, isn't the sixth step something *someone else* > should have to do *for* Nick? Actually, I think Nick's big stumbling block is his inability to forgive himself and put his past behind him. He must know that God forgave him the moment he honestly repented, but he just can't seem to forgive *himself,* and until he does... Anybody feel like discussing "For I Have Sinned"? :) Compare St. Joan's statements to some of the dialogue in SoB... *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r.......@w....... *** ****** Set CD Track 7, "Nick's Piano Theme." Repeat. ****** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 14:21:01 EDT From: Mary Anne Espenshade <mae@a.......> Subject: FK article in May Cinefantastic Has anyone mentioned yet that there is an FK article in Cinefantastic magazine's May issue? I haven't read it yet, I just picked it up at lunch time, but it looks like it may be somewhat out of date, still referring to FK on USA. More tomorrow after I read the article. -- Mary Anne Espenshade mae@a....... "I worked late on my birthday and nobody brought ME a cute vampire!" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:48:14 -0700 From: Vickie Adams <emerald_@i.......> Subject: All I Really Need . . . I noticed someone was thinking up these and wanted to add a few of my own. All I Really Need to Know I Learned on Forever Knight . . . 1. When running through dark flowershops beware of the garden hose. 2. If the solution makes no sense go see a good play written by an old friend to find the answer. 3. A little cow blood once and a while is better than homocide. 4. Living forever is the best revenge. 5. If you kill someone, make sure they're really dead -- they may come back to torture you. 6. Scottsdale,AZ is *much* better than Pheonix,AZ. 7. Know the Code ! ! 8. Forever is a long time to run. 9. When suffering from amnesia, always check with your coroner before venturing into the daylight. 10. Always double check the math before predicting the end of the world. and a side note . . . YKYBWTMFK when you drive past a flowershop advertising "Perky Lillies" and you nearly head-on the on-comming traffic. To make matters worse, my passanger looked at me and said -- "I think it was a squirrel." and they don't even watch Forever Knight. <>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<> <> I don't want to achieve immortality <> Cousin Vickie Immortal Beloved <> <> through my work, I want to achieve <> newbie member of MFW-Cavalry <> <> it through not dying. - Woody Alan <> emerald_@i....... <> <>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~emeraldct@a.......~~~~~~~~~<> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:50:50 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: the late shift Wouldn't that be the GAVEYARD SHIFT that Nick works??? HE HE HE HE HE HE On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Karen Parker wrote: > Anyone know what shift Nick works? My guess would have to be no earlier > than 8pm. With daylight savings he would end up by having to go to work > while it was still mid-day almost. And he'd only be able to work til 4a.m. > give or take a few, because of the sunrise. Just wondering if there was > ever an ep. that mentioned "when" he started his shift.(probably a dumb > Q) > ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 14:40:58 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Conventions/Actors You know, I think I would really be disappointed if I met Ger or Nigel. Like, I would have a really hard time shaking Nigel's hand and saying "nice to meet you" when I really wanted him to stare into my eyes, talk some philosophical jargon, and then bite me on the neck. And Ger, suppose he doesn't have that guilt complex or humility Nick has? I would struggle if he were some pompous ass. Besides, I'd want him to talk romanticly to me and then bite me on the neck. (-: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 15:16:07 -0400 From: Renee Primack <rprimac@e.......> Subject: Re: Conventions/Actors I agree. I want to meet the characters in Forever Knight. The actors might be interesting to meet, but I watch the show for the characters. Granted that the actors create those characters and Uncle wouldn't be Uncle without Nigel, but Nigel isn't Uncle (and I am not Spock :-)) Renee On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Tanya Smith wrote: > You know, I think I would really be disappointed if I met Ger or Nigel. > Like, I would have a really hard time shaking Nigel's hand and saying > "nice to meet you" when I really wanted him to stare into my eyes, talk > some philosophical jargon, and then bite me on the neck. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 15:28:32 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Perkiness Idalia Kakesako <NPYF15B@p.......> said: > Since you use that "perky Knightie" phrase in your sig, > Allison, I thought it'd be okay to refer to you by that. Sorry, my comment about being "picked on" was tongue-in-cheek. I know it's all in fun! I wasn't *really* disturbed, just kind of amused that everyone thought my "perky Knightie-hood" was funny enough to quote! <g> > You are <proud> or being a follower of the good detective(s), aren't you? The few! The proud! The perky Knighties! Caffeine-addicted followers of the 3rd season detective duo! (Can you tell that I have too much caffeine in my system right now??) I will never, ever live down this resolution. And I don't care! <g> * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * Shrewthering info: * * Happiness is slow-motion replays of Ger in "Boys from Syracuse"! * ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 15:32:45 -0500 From: Chanda Keith <CWKEITH@c.......> Subject: Tapes needed I need tapes of episodes from the first and second seasons. Could someone please help me out? I would pay for the tape and shipping. Chanda Keith Ravenette and Immortal Beloved ckeith@u....... or cwkeith@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 14:08:00 +0200 From: Connie Gartrell <STUGARTRECD@m.......> Subject: Re: Mr. Sandman.... If we just gave the hamsters guns they could shoot the people that try to kill them and we wouldn't have to worry about it. However if Nick ever came on to the case it could get a little messy!!! Ducking all the tomatoes thrown at me Bye! On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Jamie Melody Randell wrote: > Knighty-night, Dotti. :-) > > On Apr 14, 1996 02:48:45, 'Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>' wrote: > > >This has been a most interesting evening-er-morning. We'll have to do this > > >again sometime!! > > But not TOO soon.Or else Jaye will kick my butt from here to State > College PA and back again for condoning it. :-)An' if we bust the list > and kill a hamster, we're in deep doo-doo... > > > -- > Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner, going back 2 work Sunday am! > ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 14:37:43 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Nick's chest Tammy writes: >Dressing modestly and covering up as much skin as possible isn't >exactly an open invitation to members of the opposite sex...Also... >BD didn't have as much chest hair as Nick (which you can get a >glimpses of as they wheel Nick away for x-rays after he revives.) Regarding the Playgirl comment, for all we know Ger may feel that his body is not in as good a tone as it might have been for that play. I'm gonna have to go rewatch NiQ for that wheeling Nick away for x-ray scene. If you saw more chest hair, then maybe I'm right that it was a stunt chest in the closeups. :) (More chest hair wouldn't bother me. ;) ) As far as Nick's character dressing modestly to discourage interest in him sexually, gosh, it sure hasn't worked. ;) I mean, look at the women who have fallen all over him (Emily Weiss got that deer-in headlights look the first time she laid eyes on him). And, besides that, some women get more intrigued by a guy who's modest (peaks their curiosity). But then Nick does have his problems with women. :) Except for those $#%! vests that had him in *way too much* in second season, Nick usually looks pretty tasty in whatever he wears (but particularly in jeans). :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:43:00 -0800 From: John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......> Subject: Re: Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets) In <199604142013.NAA03494@n.......>, on 04/14/96 at 01:14 PM, Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......> said: >It was alleged this day, April 14, 1996, the Year of the WebGoddess: >Nick flies at least once in each episode. >My question is, don't they ever get noticed? Well, my only explaination is most folks don't notice because it is at night. If they do notice, they probably figure it is some kind of bird or bat (okay large bird or bat). Nick is usually dressed up in dark colors anyway (as most vampires seem to do). Forever Factionless John ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 15:08:58 CDT From: Bruce Rawitch <brucer@i.......> Subject: YKY.... You know you are really twisted by this list when as you get up from your desk after reading the list, you hear one co-worker ask the other "so, how does it feel to have fangs now" You do a double take, and realize that the coworker was referring to her *haircut*, and it was really *bangs*..... Back to lurking Bruce ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:00:24 -0800 From: Steve Townsley <stownsley@a.......> Subject: Where's the FAQ? I'd like to know where I can find a FAQ for FK. If someone has it, can you let me know *if* you are willing to e-mail it to me (that way I won't get a zillion copies). Thanks for the help. =) Steve Knightie, Woofpacker and Light Cousin ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:24:23 -0700 From: Kathy L <kathryn@u.......> Subject: Re: Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets) On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, John Soo-Hoo wrote: > Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......> said: > >Nick flies at least once in each episode. > >My question is, don't they ever get noticed? > I have a related question. I was watching some season 1 & 2 eps the other day and I noticed in the earilier season we the viewers actually got to see NK & LC flying around, whereas in season 3 all we get is a whoosh and a blurred screen. Were the special effects really that expensive and were they really on that tight of a budget in the 3rd season? Kathy kathryn@u....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:14:28 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Uncle's Third Season looks/Thong Firstly, I think Uncle in Fever looks absolutely FABULOUS, especially when Nick and Nat walk into the laboratory and he is standing there in his black overcoat, looking down. I say "Voulez-vous a coucher avec moi, c'est soir?" Secondly, Uncle doesn't wear underwear, I know this for a fact. GRIN (-: Too much fantasy makes Tanya a bad girl! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:40:43 -0700 From: AKR <r.......@w.......> Subject: Fourth-Season Eps (Optimism in honor of Laurie, who typed the evocative words, "FK: The Movie") --- Top Ten Things to Have in Season Four --- 10. Nick flashes back to visiting Fleur -- occasionally, sneakily -- during her life after BMV. Discovers in the present that LC knew what he was doing all along. Nick realizes he plays "big brother" with Tracy. 9. The Nightcrawler has an encounter with his human listeners. 8. We discover that the carouches have a whole sub-society of their own, and Nick has to do some serious introspection over his predjudices. 7. Urs flashes back on her relationship with Vachon, while she has feelings for Nick in the present. Nick remains oblivious. 6. Nick and Vachon's (brotherly) relationship is expanded upon. 5. We discover through LC's flashbacks that he had a brother or dear friend, lost as a mortal, whom Nick resembles in many ways. 4. Nick views his problem in the light of an eating disorder, because of a girl involved in a case who has such a problem, with flashbacks to feast or famine 3. Nat has a relationship with a nice, normal, mortal man, which lasts over several episodes, so everyone has to deal with it. He could be the kind of foil Charlie used to be on HL. 2. Two-hour, mid-season special, revealing that Schanke is in the witness-protection-program (a la Jamie's story). 1. Janette comes back for good, and redecorates the Raven. *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r.......@w....... *** ****** Set CD Track 7, "Nick's Piano Theme." Repeat. ****** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:44:55 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Snow; Ger Speaks! Hi everyone! Still suffering from caffeine overload. Hopefully I can keep this semi-brief, though. (1) Snow in Toronto As someone already pointed out, Toronto is on the wrong side of Lake Ontario for lake-effect snows. That's probably one of the reasons why Toronto is popular as a filming location while Buffalo (which is on the correct side of Lake Erie for lake-effect shows, and which got something like 40 inches of snow in one 24-hour period in December this year) is not. But if you want to find someone who knows how to make a really good snowman, snow fort, snowball, or snow angel, talk to someone raised in Buffalo (or another snow-prone city)! <g> (2) Ger Speaks! With much technical assistance from friends, I've put together a page with some GWD sound files on it. The "Ger Speaks!" page has Ger pronouncing his own name (so no one has to argue about whether it's gur-AHNT or GAIR-aynt) and a bunch of sound clips from his role as Klaus in Dracula: The Series. (The giggles and hysterical laughter he did as Klaus are great!) The URL is: You need a sound board and speakers, of course, to listen to these files. They're .wav files so hopefully anyone with a sound board has the proper software to listen to them. Well, time to go to the post office to pay the tax man. I suppose Nick created the de Brabant Foundation (c.f. Blood Money) so that he could give away some of his enormous wealth without losing a lot of it to the tax man. I wonder which good causes the de Brabant Foundation supports? A center for research on better sunblock lotions? The National Anti-Garlic Society (NAGS)? A shelter for runaway vampires? A program for recovering addicts and those with eating disorders?? * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * Shrewthering info: * * Happiness is slow-motion replays of Ger in "Boys from Syracuse"! * ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:45:36 -0400 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Saturday Night, SOS-FK, and My Big Mouth As much as I love Forever Knight, I have come to love its fandom even more. So much so that I am going to shoot my mouth off in public about something that fortunately has yet to scorch me personally. A whole raft of my favorite people in this fandom -- people who each put in hundreds of hours and, in one case, thousands of dollars, working in tandem on SOS-FK just two short months ago are now at each other's throats, publicly and privately. And it's not for blood -- at least, not for the sensual, pleasurable virtual blood some of us would cheerfully offer up to our vamps -- and do, in fanfic, all the time. To the best of my knowledge, this has never happened in FK fandom before. The only factions, and the only Wars, this fandom has known (long before my own arrival in it, which is relatively recent) happened in a context where, in Susan Garrett's perfect words, (which may God and SG forgive me if I am now quoting inaccurately) "attack is a form of affection." Can I please repeat that word?: affection. Would everybody please lighten the <bleep> up? How the <bleep> important are these animosities anyway, by contrast with the value of the community this fandom has had? While we're so busy arguing shades of gray in the moral lives of fictional vampires, have we clocked out of noticing them in the typographic lives we have here on the lists? I mean, is this a big deal? A moderately big deal? A fair to middling, or minor to piddling, deal? Is it worth a whole friendship? Part of one? Love to all, Apache ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:46:58 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Reconciliation My entire FK FIC dealt with the issue of "for I have sinned", and ends with Nick learning a thing or two about grace. Cheers Tanya ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:49:42 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Uncle's Third Season looks/Thong At 04:14 PM 4/15/96 EDT, you wrote: > > >I say "Voulez-vous a coucher avec moi, c'est soir?" >Secondly, Uncle doesn't wear underwear, I know this for a fact. > Why you little piggy you. I may not speak French, but I remember that song!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:51:55 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Reconciliation (was Re: YKYB) At 11:07 AM 4/15/96 -0700, Amy wrote: > > Anybody feel like discussing "For >I Have Sinned"? :) Compare St. Joan's statements to some of the dialogue >in SoB... > Sure - like what exactly? Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Apr 1996 ************************************
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