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Digest - 15 Apr 1996 - Special issue

Mon, 15 Apr 1996

There are 45 messages totalling 1001 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. Vampire Crickets
  2. Nick's sins (4)
  3. Another stupid newbie question
  4. Reconciliation
  5. help!
  6. fanfic (3)
  7. GWD's B-Day on the 20th (2)
  8. FK CD
  9. USA????Please!! (3)
 10. All I Really Need . . .
 11. Boys from Syracuse (2)
 12. Conventions/Actors (2)
 13. Nick's chest
 14. Picture this (2)
 15. Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets) (5)
 16. All I Ever Needed to Know....
 17. People Poll
 18. Where should vampies NOT go? (3)
 19. Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Cricket
 20. Snow; Ger Speaks!
 21. People poll
 22. SyndiCon Party Thanks
 23. <No subject given>
 24. FK IRC & Bridge the Knight
 25. How much does Nat know?
 26. New eps.
 27. The Lost Weekend
 28. Here's the CD info


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:11:01 -0600
From:    Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets

>>insects that in the summer gather in trees and make a loud vibrating
>>sound akin to a radio-controlled plane engine that skips and sputters

Cicadas.  Anybody know their life cycle?  It's very weird (like vampires).
They make their noise, then mate.  Then die.   The larva (or fertilized
female) slides down the side of the tree (or fence, or house)  and leaves
its shell for some little kid to pick off and put in your hair (or soup).
Then the larva stays deep inside the earth for about  11 years.  Really!
Might even be longer!  Then it comes out, to life.  It gets to sing its
loud song for a few days.  Then it mates and repeats the cycle.  Pretty
weird, huh!

Anyone wanna correct me on the years its underground?  I think it's 11, but
maybe 14.

Glad y'all had a time last night onlist.
Getting ready for cicada time here in Houston.  It's deafening.  Hasn't
started yet, but it will soon.


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:27:23 -0400
From:    Sharon Scott <Sss44@a.......>
Subject: Nick's sins

I've decided the solution to Nick's problems with forgiveness and repaying
his debts is easily solved: he could become a Baptist. Then all he'd have to
do is repent and ask God for forgiveness. Ask and ye shall receive.  No need
for good deeds to pay for his sins; no need for angsting ... but then we
wouldn't have much of a show, would we?

Oh, well.

Scottie (who *is* a Baptist, and is employed by a Baptist university, and no,
I'm not going to the first dance in its 150-year history)
scotts@b....... or sss44@a.......


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:41:06 -0500
From:    Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......>
Subject: Re: Another stupid newbie question

Re Only the Lonely, Sandra wrote:
>My view of Nat in this episode is that she was attracted to Nick
>from the first time she laid eyes on him (others think differently).

I agree with Sandra. When the assistant wheels the body in, he tells
Natalie that it's not in good shape and that there's not much left of the
face. When Natalie gets around to opening the body bag a few minutes later,
she looks at Nick's face (cut and bruised, but certainly in one piece). She
says out loud, "That's not so bad." Then she takes a better look, and her
expression changes to one of appreciation. In a somewhat sultrier voice,
she adds, "Not so bad at all." Now, this is probably a normal reaction for
just about any heterosexual female, given the specimen under examination.
But the attraction is there, unmistakably.

What speaks to me even more strongly of her attraction is the fact that she
doesn't run away when he gets up off the table. Instead, she approaches
him, touches his face, speaks gently to him. Me, I'd have vacated the
building in three seconds or less, good looks nonwithstanding. What I have
always wondered is, what happened to the person she was talking to on the
phone when Nick got up? She yelled, "What the hell?" and dropped the phone.
I'll bet her explanation to that person later was interesting.

Stephanie Babbitt
Vaquera with N&N tendencies


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 14:35:07 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: Re: Reconciliation

> >  Anybody feel like discussing "For I Have Sinned"?
> Sure - like what exactly?

Well, FIHS is the third episode of the series, yes?  The second, if you
count DK as one.  And in it, in the present, Nick is (surprisingly, to this
third-season newbie) flippant about, and stupefied by, real faith.  There
is a certain insight gained, an amount of progress made, by the end of
the episode -- first season was the season of progress for Nick, perhaps
because LC was gone -- but by SoB we have come to take for granted the
progress Nick made in FIHS.

It's been a while since I watched FIHS, but when I watched SoB this
weekend, I was struck by how much what was said in the exorcism scene
resembled what St. Joan tried to tell Nick all those centuries ago.
There *is* good in him, if he'll only realize it, and *choose* it.

I thought that someone who has seen FIHS more recently might like to
comment on how far/how little Nick has come since then, and perhaps
contrast/compare the shows regarding vamps and religious objects.

*** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r.......@w....... ***
****** Set CD Track 7, "Nick's Piano Theme."  Repeat. ******


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:41:30 -0400
From:    Antonia Mandry <MA97AD14@a.......>
Subject: help!

Hi, I'm in need of Courage in a Minor Key pts. 3&4, can anybody send them
to me ? (1&2 would be good to but Im sure i printed them out at one point and
if i clean up my room ill find them)...I'm set to nomail on this list
until i can get my addiction to lists under control so please send responses
to MA97AD14@a.......   .

toni m


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:46:21 -0400
From:    Carolyn Brown <Carolyn772@a.......>
Subject: fanfic

I have a craving to read some angsty fanfic.  Any recommendations?

(It would be hepful if it was available on the 'net.  I don't wanna wait six
weeks for delivery...)



Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:05:31 -0500
From:    Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's sins

Scottie, with tongue firmly in cheek, observed:
>I've decided the solution to Nick's problems with forgiveness and repaying
>his debts is easily solved: he could become a Baptist. Then all he'd have to
>do is repent and ask God for forgiveness.

Maybe. But boy would it make a mess when they immersed him in the baptismal
pool. (I have an image in my mind of a scene in a James Bond movie when one
of the thugs fell into a vat of acid.) The Presbyterian way is much
neater--just a dollup of the blessed water on the head. This way, Nick
would end up with only a Michael-Jackson-after-the-Pepsi-commercial burn on
the top of his head. Unlike Michael, he probably wouldn't even need skin
and hair grafts (what would Nick look like with a huge bald spot?).

Ducking and running from angry Protestants and Knighties,


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:58:40 -0500
From:    D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......>
Subject: Re: GWD's B-Day on the 20th

>Here's a topic. GWD's birthday is this Saturday, the 20th. I have an idea
>Natpack page, Ger is a natpacker. He's listed with all the factions
>declared April B days. How about Susan G. sending him a NatPack
>affiliation pin on behalf of all of us?

He has one.  Jennie Hayes gave him hers at the first Gerthering, when he
officially declared for the 'Pack. :)  She told me so at the time, with
considerable glee... <vbg>

Diane E
# D Echelbarger                        gryphon@e.......  #
#   WWW HomePage:    http://www.execpc.com/~echelbar/      #


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:49:22 -0400
From:    "M. Vrzoc" <vrzoc@s.......>
Subject: Re: FK CD

Just wanted to say that it was a GOOD mail day!!!!!

Highlander CCG cards and promos came in the mail as well as a large padded
mailer. Yes, Canada officially announces the arrival of the FK CD. I also
spent money on the Ladyhawke and Alien Nation CDs since I was going for
the 4for3 deal. Oh, the fourth CD (another FK CD for my best friend's
birthday on Bastille Day).

Or, should I give it to her at the Shrewthering (VBEG)???

M. Vrzoc (vrzoc@u.......)           | Just a little off the top!
                                       | -- A. Boleyn


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:18:20 -0500
From:    D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's sins

Scottie says, Stephanie replies:
>>I've decided the solution to Nick's problems with forgiveness and repaying
>>his debts is easily solved: he could become a Baptist. Then all he'd have to
>Maybe. But boy would it make a mess when they immersed him in the baptismal
>pool. (I have an image in my mind of a scene in a James Bond movie when one

Not necessarily, Steph. I mean, if he had enough *faith* the baptism would wash
the vampire away, and he'd emerge a new, human man, washed (literally) clean of
sin.  Sort of like an industrial-strength exfoliating scrub. <g>

Of course, if he *doubted*.... <burble, pop, sizzle....>

Hmmmm... considering those scenes in Near Death, this idea gives new meaning to
the phrase "duck 'em 'til they see God". <vbg>

Diane E
# D Echelbarger                        gryphon@e.......  #
#   WWW HomePage:    http://www.execpc.com/~echelbar/      #


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:16:35 -0400
From:    colin paddock <Claudius@n.......>
Subject: USA????Please!!

        I was looking though my TV guide, and what should i see in the
10:00, monday night time slot?? "Silk Stalkings" But what that's not all,
you know on FK they have really cool episode names, like "Foward Into The
Past", "For I Have Sinned", Be My Valentine", Blah, Blah. Well, tonight the
SS episode name is ,get this, "Whore Wars"!!!
        USA ruined FK. Look at TG, or HoD. All this Sex for ratings. And
,IMO, if USA gave FK the attention they should, FK would get popular, and
USA would put in more sex to get more ratings, untill finally Nick is
running along a beach in speedos, while Nat and Tracy are in a wet t-shirt
contest. This is just my mad rambling, so, well, you get the idea...

We're not here to frolic Skywarp, get rid of him. --Starscream


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:20:55 -0400
From:    Trisha Morris <PMorris231@a.......>
Subject: Re: All I Really Need . . .

Okay, here goes.  Some of the things I've learned from Forever Knight:

1.  An arcsecond can ruin your day.


3.  If you cling like lichen to a stone, you get run over.

4.  When your a homicide cop, trying to be Daddy's little girl, you end up
     an accountant.

5.  The best revenge is revenge.

6.  If you know your going to implode, ride in the trunk.

7.  If you've turned a couple thousand people into dinner, stay out of
haunted house.
     More than likely they want to return the favor.

8.  Pay attention your partner is not what he seems.

9.  Stay on good terms with Dad, eternity is a long time, for him to make
your life hell.

10.  There's a past and then there's a "past".

Just my .02.



Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 15:29:00 -0700
From:    Kathy L <kathryn@u.......>
Subject: Re: USA????Please!!

On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, colin paddock wrote:

>         USA ruined FK. Look at TG, or HoD. All this Sex for ratings. And
> ,IMO, if USA gave FK the attention they should, FK would get popular, and
> USA would put in more sex to get more ratings, untill finally Nick is
> running along a beach in speedos, while Nat and Tracy are in a wet t-shirt
> contest. This is just my mad rambling, so, well, you get the idea...
> Cp-

No kidding.  If you run the first few minutes of a few of the 3rd season
FK eps, you can't tell whether you're watching FK or SS!  While I'm glad
USA sponsored [at least part of] a 3rd season, I really hate to watch
that kind of trash.



Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 15:21:00 PT
From:    Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......>
Subject: Boys from Syracuse

* Allison Percy, a perky Knightie               percy91@w....... *
* Shrewthering info: http://assets.wharton.upenn.edu/~percy91/shrew.html  *
*    Happiness is slow-motion replays of Ger in "Boys from Syracuse"!     *

So, what slow-mo part is your favorite Allison. I like the Chicken dance
myself. It's especially fun to use to torture a certain cousin with. <vbeg>
(Hi Karin!)

Tami LaFrank                   : TCL58@a....... or TCL20@a.......
Forever Faithful Ravenette     :
Owner: Sacred Raven Health Spa : His hair glistened in the rain like
"Come in, relax. We're dying   : like nose hair after a sneeze.
   to prolong your life"       : Stupidity *should* be painful!


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 15:17:00 PT
From:    Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......>
Subject: Conventions/Actors

Afraid you'd be disappointed in Ger then. No angst. But definately not a
pompous ass. More like a little boy with lots of stories to share. Bouncing
and talking a blue streak. A very warm, friendly, happpy, energetic person.
or so I've been told by all who have met him. I believe that Valerie calls
him the blond blur and Susan Garret, I think, said he can talk the stripes
off of a zebra. Someone else said he was a perpetual motion machine with no
off switch. :) Very definately un-Nick like. Has a great sense of humor too.

Tami LaFrank                   : TCL58@a....... or TCL20@a.......
Forever Faithful Ravenette     :
Owner: Sacred Raven Health Spa : His hair glistened in the rain like
"Come in, relax. We're dying   : like nose hair after a sneeze.
   to prolong your life"       : Stupidity *should* be painful!


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:40:54 -0400
From:    Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject: Re: fanfic

At 05:46 PM 4/15/96 -0400, you wrote:
How angsty is angsty?? What are you looking for? Sad stuff, Happy stuff with
angsty in the middle? A lot of angsty with a happy ending? What, what???
Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:43:55 -0400
From:    Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's sins

At 06:05 PM 4/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Maybe. But boy would it make a mess when they immersed him in the baptismal
>pool. (I have an image in my mind of a scene in a James Bond movie when one
>of the thugs fell into a vat of acid.)

You are so bad.....my poor Nickie!!ROTFLMAO

(what would Nick look like with a huge bald spot?).
Oh, brother I can't even imagine. I guess it would depend on exactly where
the bald spot was. He might end up looking like a monk - Good Day Brother
Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 19:11:47 -0500
From:    Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's chest

>Except for those $#%! vests that had him in *way too much* in second
>season, Nick usually looks pretty tasty in whatever he wears (but
>particularly in jeans). :)

I like the vests, actually.

----  TJ


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 19:02:53 -0400
From:    Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject: Picture this

Snoopy doing his dance...

Oh Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

I got mine. My FK CD!!!!

I'm listening to it now as I type on my computer. It's WONDERFUL.

Thank you, Fred.

Carrie, Proud Knightie


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 19:34:33 -0400
From:    Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject: Re: Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets)

At 01:24 PM 4/15/96 -0700, Kathy wrote:
>Iseason 3 all we get is a
>whoosh and a blurred screen.  Were the special effects really that
>expensive and were they really on that tight of a budget in the 3rd season?

Yes, yes and yes again.  Particularl after USA pulled out, I'm surprised
they could afford whoosh. I think there was also some discussion that they
didn't like the way the flying sequences looked.
Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:51:52 -0700
From:    Laura MacMillan <soulseek@s.......>
Subject: Re: All I Ever Needed to Know....

Here my addition

To avoid nightmares don't read stories involving Lacroix and a purple thong
before going to bed.

Having an excellent memory isn't always a good thing.

Some people never go away no matter how much you want them to.

Who needs to learn how to drive when you can fly.

Wine and blood do mix.

Being a coroner does have its benefits.

Always spellcheck before posting.

That's all folks.

Nick&Nat Packer


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 20:11:26 -0500
From:    Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject: Re: Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets)

>other day and I noticed in the earilier season we the viewers actually
>got to see NK & LC flying around, whereas in season 3 all we get is a
>whoosh and a blurred screen.  Were the special effects really that
>expensive and were they really on that tight of a budget in the 3rd season?

Actally, I like it much better this way.  It's REALLY hard to do that kind
of thing right.  Much better to leave it to the imagination.

(I think the scenes where we actually see him fly are kind of cheesy,
actually ...)

----  TJ


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:56:30 -0400
From:    Lillian Feden <feden@m.......>
Subject: People Poll

I was wondering and I so I checked the information on the People poll.  The
people voted for in the electronic survey are only going to be featured on a
web page, not in the magazine.  So how do they pick the 50 most beautiful
people and how do we get our guys in the magazine?  Being named one of the
top 10 on the web is good, but the circulation and exposure in the actual
magazine would be better.

feden@m.......         http://www.mcs.com/~feden
"Imagination was given to man to compensate for what he is not;
 a sense of humor to console him for what he is."  Francis Bacon


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 19:14:22 CST
From:    Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......>
Subject: Re: Where should vampies NOT go?

Where should vampires NOT go?  Try Pasadena, Texas.  That's where I
live.  No night life unless you want to pull on cowboy boots and
linedance the night away.  Only vampire writers could possibly live
here, because since there is nothing to do at night, we might as well

Oh Gawd now I've got an image in my mind... LaCroix doing his best Garth
Brooks impersonation...  Line dancing at the burnt out remains of
Gilley's club...

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
(WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......)


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:26:25 -0700
From:    Kathy L <kathryn@u.......>
Subject: Re: Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets)

On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine wrote:

> >other day and I noticed in the earilier season we the viewers actually
> >got to see NK & LC flying around, whereas in season 3 all we get is a
> >whoosh and a blurred screen.  Were the special effects really that
> >expensive and were they really on that tight of a budget in the 3rd season?
> Actally, I like it much better this way.  It's REALLY hard to do that kind
> of thing right.  Much better to leave it to the imagination.
> (I think the scenes where we actually see him fly are kind of cheesy,
> actually ...)

I wholeheartedly agree!  There was one scene (sorry, don't remember the
ep) where they showed this little superman-type black-clad figure zipping
by some buildings.  The levitation scenes with LC weren't half-bad,
though, and you did get more of a sense of *speed* in the previous eps.



Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 19:19:46 CST
From:    Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......>
Subject: Re: Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Cricket

FO>other day and I noticed in the earilier season we the viewers actually
FO>got to see NK & LC flying around, whereas in season 3 all we get is a
FO>whoosh and a blurred screen.  Were the special effects really that
FO>expensive and were they really on that tight of a budget in the 3rd season?

I don't think it had so much to do with budget as just plain aesthetic
sense!  I saw Nick "fly" for the first time recently and man, I just
gotta say it's a good thing I started watching FK halfway through the
2nd season, 'cause I probably wouldn't have been much of a fan.  Now
that I love the show and the characters, I'm more forgiving.  If I'd
seen him whooshing around in 1992, I would've changed the channel.  Or
put up runway lights on my driveway. ;)

Wicked Cousin Tippi
(WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......)


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:55:53 -0700
From:    Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......>
Subject: Re: Snow; Ger Speaks!

I think after Undue Process, Nick probably gives money to the Center for
Missing and Exploited Children and the Polly Klass Foundation.

Raissa Devereux


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:25:39 -0700
From:    Elizabeth Ann Lewis <elewis@u.......>
Subject: Re: fanfic

At 2:46 PM 4/15/96, Carolyn Brown wrote:
>I have a craving to read some angsty fanfic.  Any recommendations?
>(It would be hepful if it was available on the 'net.  I don't wanna wait six
>weeks for delivery...)

Go to http://www.evil.org/fkfic/

Choose "Subject" for story listings

Choose "Depressing"


Oh, and don't miss one that isn't in there because it is a song challenge:
Who Wants to Live Forever? by Catherine Boone.  I cry every bloomin' time I
read it.

Lizbet~*~*~*~*~*~*~Proud Member of the Mercenary Guild
Ravenette of the New Order--Knightie/NatPacker/N&N Packer with Cousinly
Sympathies and faint leanings towards Vanquea-ism
"Arnyd yw Ewyll hyd yw"--Passion is the will to be
Listowner, Middle Ages Life


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:03:49 -0700
From:    Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......>
Subject: People poll

Hi Lilian,
I believe that the poll results will appear in the mag.

Raissa Devereux


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:50:34 -0700
From:    Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......>
Subject: SyndiCon Party Thanks

As you may know, Tara Houseman and I held a Forever Knight Party at
SyndiCon in San Francisco on Friday. I just wanted to thank all the
wonderful FORKNI-L folks who made the party such a success. It would not
have been possible without all of you! Special thanks go to Tara, she
not only conceived the idea, but  helped me overcome my shyness and
anxiety about hosting such a gathering. Then she did all the arranging,
the VCR, food, drink, flyers and, the highlight, Screed's ratline!
Thanks to Cynthia who provided the FK tapes to watch, without her we
would have had nothing to watch which would have made it not much of a
party. And thanks to all who came and brought such a variety of goodies.
Last, but certainly not least, a special thank you to Nigel Bennett. He
made a great many peoples day by attending, mine most definately
included! He was polite, gracious, funny and as nice a person as one
would ever want to meet. A true gentelman! His coming made the evening a
truly memorable one.

Tara is the keeper of the quote list, which she will post at some point.
However we did not do that great a job at it I'm afraid! Nigel appearing
rather distracted us from our appointed record keeping, so please
forgive us!

Again, thanks to all who made it possible. It was great meeting so many
of you and making so many new friends!

Denise, The Cousinly Ravenette
~I'm not stupid, I'm not expendable, and I'm not going!~ Kerr Avon


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 19:37:48 GMT
From:    Melody Lee <melody@s........>
Subject: Re: GWD's B-Day on the 20th

>Here's a topic. GWD's birthday is this Saturday, the 20th. I have an idea
>Natpack page, Ger is a natpacker. He's listed with all the factions
>declared April B days. How about Susan G. sending him a NatPack
>affiliation pin on behalf of all of us?

*grin* So, what affiliation, if any, does Nigel Bennet follow?
Inquiring minda wanna know. =)


Happy Bday, Ger! =)

                                                 _( o _ o )_-Meow?
=-=(Cousin Melody Lee: melody@s........)-=-=-=-=(_)=-=-=-=(_)=-=-=-=


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:02:21 -0400
From:    Loose Cannon <LoosCanN@a.......>
Subject: <No subject given>

 have a theory of what would happen if Nick prayed,
actually tried to say, with feeling, for example, the "Our Father" or the
"Hail, Mary" prayer?

Is there an episode which deals with this?  What happened?  I know he ignites
(or did) when he touched a cross, and it's clear that spoken prayers bother
him and LC in SoB.  I don't have enough background information to form a real
theory on this, other than I think it would make him uncomfortable somehow.
 This is for a piece of fanfic, and I'm taking it seriously and with all due
respect for the Christian world view.

Thanks for any ideas you can give me,


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:03:15 -0700
From:    Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......>
Subject: FK IRC & Bridge the Knight

If this has been covered forgive me, I am sorting thru about 400 pieces
of mail. Thats what happens when you leave for four days!

Yes, there are many of us FORKNI-L'ers who chat on IRC, regularly in
fact. OK, I admit, I am an IRC junkie! There are about 1/2 dozen hard
core regulars and another dozen frequent chatters. Almost all are list
members. Brian Mitchell, our nominal channel op, is no mail right now,
so I would be happy to answer any questions any of you might have on the
whens and wherefores. Email me privatley if you want info, we would
love to have you, we always can use new blood!

I signed up for Bridge the Knight this weekend, however silly me did not
get another brochure so that I could pass the pertinant details on to
other interested parties. If someone out there has the address (snail or
Email) would you please Email me off list? I'd appreciate it  ;)

Denise, The Cousinly Ravenette
~ No good deed goes unpunished ~ Me


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:11:19 -0700
From:    AKR <r.......@w.......>
Subject: How much does Nat know?

I'm composing a meditation on backsliding, <g> and it suddenly ocurred to
me, because of her inability to "fill in all of the blanks" in NiQ, to
wonder: how much does Nat know?

It's like in Ger's HL ep, when his character says, "Finally, a woman who
knows all about Duncan MacLeod."  Tessa, Duncan's True Love, responds,
"Well... there are still a few decades he keeps to himself."

We see all of Nick's flashbacks, but how many of them does he truly share
with Natalie?  "Father Figure" still surprises me with how much he tells
her, even though we're all missing the ending to that story.  Nick, all
too obviously, is thoroughly guilt-ridden.  I have a feeling that part of
his problem is that he does *not* bare his soul to Nat, or anyone else.

So how much do you think Nat knows about Nick's life?  Do we have any
evidence she knows about Fleur, for example?  Anyone else Nick really
cared about?  Do you suppose that part of the reason she's been unable to
cure him is that he's holding out on really revealing the depths and
desires of his condition?

*** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (AKR) r.......@w....... ***
****** Set CD Track 7, "Nick's Piano Theme."  Repeat. ******


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:22:50 -0400
From:    Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject: Re: Boys from Syracuse

At 03:21 PM 4/15/96 PT, you wrote:
>So, what slow-mo part is your favorite Allison. I like the Chicken dance
>myself. It's especially fun to use to torture a certain cousin with. <

Inquiring minds want to know - THE CHICKEN DANCE?? WHAT IN THE WIDE, WIDE

Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:39:57 -0400
From:    Trisha Morris <PMorris231@a.......>
Subject: Re: Picture this

I got mine today to!!  Shocked me like you wouldn't believe.  Just ordered it
on Thursday.  It's been playing since.

Thanks Fred.



Date:    Tue, 16 Apr 1996 01:43:17 GMT
From:    Tammy Williams <sackett@u.......>
Subject: Re: Conventions/Actors

On Apr 15, 1996 15:17:00, 'Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......>'
>Afraid you'd be disappointed in Ger then. No angst.  Bouncing
> A very warm, friendly, happpy, energetic person.
> the blond blur / Someone else said he was a perpetual motion machine with no
>off switch. :) Very definately un-Nick like. Has a great sense of humor too.

So in other words - Ger is a perky kinda guy, right!?

(Sorry had to say it - hope it's not a repeat for today)

Tammy Williams  - MFW / Cousin /
assistant FW for Joe, Connor, and Kalas
My life is the product of a diseased mind and I love it.


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:10:28 -0500
From:    Christy L Tucker <ctucker@m.......>
Subject: Re: Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets)

On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine wrote:
> (I think the scenes where we actually see him fly are kind of cheesy,
> actually ...)

Me too.  In fact, when I first started watching the show, I called it the
flying vampire show instead of Forever Knight.  I still have one or two
tapes labeled that way.  I just can't take Nick swooping through the sky
like Superman.  The suggestive flight with the woosh sound is easier to
believe than actually seeing them flying about Toronto.

Just my $.02.

Cousin Christy


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:23:58 -0600
From:    Fire And Life Incarnate <NSHEA4371@a.......>
Subject: New eps.

Date sent:  15-APR-1996 21:16:42
Hello, all!
I was just wondering:  Does anyone know when the new episodes are
supposed to start?  I know I saw something about it somewhere, but I
got a little trigger happy when I was cleaning out my mail directory.

And on another, kinda unrelated topic. . .
I tried to order the FK soundtrack through my local music store.  they
called me three days later and said that they could not order that
tape for me because they couldn't find it.  Anybody know what that is
about?   Could some kind soul please send me the company's address?
I'll just go straight to the source!  (Like I shoulda done in the
first place!)  :-P


Dark Phoenix - Cosmic Avatar For Hire
Member of the Mercenary Guild
Need blackmail information on that Special Someone?  I can help!
E-mail me at NSHEA4371@a....... for details.


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 22:31:26 -0400
From:    Roxanne Piccen <RoxanneP@a.......>
Subject: The Lost Weekend

Well, I opened up my e-mail at work this morning and found all my
digests had a theme.  Something along the lines of:

Is anybody out there?  Where is everyone?  What do you want to
talk about?  I don't know.  What do you want to talk about?  I don't
know.  Let's make something up.  Helloooo?

I know what happened.  Everyone was doing their taxes this weekend
and the digests are the result of overtaxed, over-caffeinated, and
sleep-deprived minds who haven't seen an original episode of FK in
awhile and are hearing colonies of crickets outside their windows.  And
of course, mercury is in retrograde, all the planets are out of alignment,
and the moon is full.

Or it could just be that after all the angsting and speculation over the
remaining episodes, everyone needed to get silly for awhile. :-)

Roxanne  ("Topics?  We don't need no stinking topics!")
RoxanneP@a.......    Save Forever Knight!  For more details, see
It's not too late for salvation - Save American Gothic!
Read The Trinity Guardian at http://www.best.com/~owls


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 22:04:13 -0500
From:    Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......>
Subject: Re: Where should vampies NOT go?

>Alaska in the summer time.  On our longest day we get 22 hours of sunlight.

Actually, sounds pretty good.  Think about it: if they're college age vamps
they'll LOVE it, cutting class for medical reasons, sleeping ALL the time,
getting food delivery (order a pizza, and keep the delivery boy).  On the
other hand...:)

Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed
Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again?
**Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.**
...And starring Patrick O'Brien as Satan.


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 23:39:52 -0500
From:    Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject: Re: Seeing Nick in Flight (was Re: Vampire Crickets)

>I wholeheartedly agree!  There was one scene (sorry, don't remember the
>ep) where they showed this little superman-type black-clad figure zipping
>by some buildings.  The levitation scenes with LC weren't half-bad,

Killer Instinct.  My VERY FIRST exposure to FK.  Fortunately, so I didn't
realize what it was supposed to be (because I didn't know FK vampires
could fly).  But that's exactly what I'm talking about.

----  TJ


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 23:51:08 -0500
From:    Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject: Here's the CD info

Here's the CD contact info:

GNP/Crescendo can be reached at:

1-800-654-7029 or


8400 Sunset Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90069

----  TJ


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 20:37:57 -0500
From:    Janice Cox <jancox@v.......>
Subject: Re: USA????Please!!

>,IMO, if USA gave FK the attention they should, FK would get popular, and
>USA would put in more sex to get more ratings, untill finally Nick is
>running along a beach in speedos...

You say it like that would be a *bad* thing! ;-) Of course, it would be dark
out, and pretty darned chilly...

  ~~Blue Moooon....



Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 1996 20:44:07 -0700
From:    Marg Rothschild <margr@a.......>
Subject: Re: Where should vampies NOT go?

Arizona - a definite place for vampyres NOT to go - too much sun/too hot
(during the summer, a vampyre could burn up in 1 sec. at 115degree minimum
temperature at 4 pm in the sun). Same here: too many crosses, churches
everywhere. Our time zone doesn't change; however, during the summer, our
days are a lot longer: sunrise 5 am, sunset about 8 pm.; AZ is too laid
back, no night life except one new bar called The Rage. Tucson may have a
little more though.

ObFK:  YKYBRTMFKL... You have a dream about your grandma and uncle (who
happen to be dead) and they appear in your dream as Warm Fuzzies.
(I dreamt this last night)

Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie: margr@i.......
AZ Crusaders of the Knight -
It's a private club, for VIPS and denizens of the night. - Nick Knight


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Apr 1996 - Special issue

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