There are 46 messages totalling 1013 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Nick a rapist? 2. Fwd: Re: Snow in Toronto 3. Request for FAQ 4. FK on SciFi Channel 5. YKYB (5) 6. Snow in Toronto 7. YKY 8. Thanks and the FK drought (2) 9. Fiscal Support 10. People Poll Update 11. PARTY/Wake (3) 12. Allison / Nick's Disorder [was Re: Addic 13. Fiction (was Re: Thanks and the FK drought) 14. Snow in Toronto/Vaquero FAQ 15. Pronunciations (2) 16. Saturday Night: Too Live? 17. GWD's B-Day on the 20th (2) 18. You Know You've Been's.. 19. CD guest appearance 20. Fang Fiction 21. How do I explain? 22. Where should vampies NOT go? (2) 23. Sat.night/Fatal Mista 24. FW: [VAMPYRES] P. N. Elrod, Nigel Bennett, and mor 25. Nick and Alexandra (2) 26. Grump. (4) 27. Nick's chest (2) 28. <No subject given> 29. GRUMP 30. None 31. How many FK fans are in.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 18:53:49 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Nick a rapist? Hi gang, Just for the record *I, L. Katherine Queen being of sound mind(hah!) and body, was the one who started this original line of thought. I did not, however, say that Nick had raped the girl in question, I believe I clearly said that the girl *claimed* that he had raped her, which was true. I tried to indicate by the tone of my message that I didn't believe it, but apparently I was unsuccessful. All you rabid Knighties out there--Call off the hunt!<g> Katherine, newly Knighted with definate Nick and Natpacker leanings lqueen@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 22:54:49 EDT From: MARG YAMANAKA <ZEZQ01A@p.......> Subject: Fwd: Re: Snow in Toronto > From: Low \ Internet: ($lowkd@b.......) > Trust me, it does snow in Ontario, and though I've never lived in Toronto > (closest I've come is Barrie), I'd expect that there is a great deal of > lake-effect weather coming off of Lake Ontario. Also, there was more snow I live in Toronto and I have to comment on the matter of lake-effect snow. There's very little of it. No matter how much it snows outside of the city, Metropolitan Toronto itself does not get that much snow. Buffalo, just a few miles to the south of us gets three times as much snow as we Torontonians. Points 20 miles north of the city are having the snowiest winter in years. But a lot of Toronto drivers don't even bother with snow tires unless they go skiing on the weekends. Marg ZEZQ01A@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 22:08:59 -0700 From: Todd Larsen <tlarsen@a.......> Subject: Request for FAQ Hi. I'm new to this list and have only been watching "Forever Knight" since January, but I'm trying to do my homework (and avoid foolish newbie questions). I've heard there is an extensive, but possibly out of date FAQ. Would someone mind mailing it to me? Thanks! Annette ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:25:33 -0700 From: Mary Wilkerson <wilkersn@i.......> Subject: FK on SciFi Channel Okay, here's the ultimate in desperate. My TCI cable provider has been giving me the run-around for two years about why they couldn't provide me with the SciFi Channel. So...while visiting my mother in Laredo (they get the channel, would you believe!) my husband bought me a RCA digital satellite system (for which we will be paying for the rest of our lives). As of this moment I can get the SciFi channel (and others) so FK will not disappear totally out of my life (thank what ever gods you want)!!!! So, having said this, are they only showing third season? Their ad shows scenes from the first two seasons and no Tracy or Vachon shots. So what's the story? Let me know in private e-mail (I'm sure this has been discussed before). Mary W. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 03:30:41 GMT From: Tammy Williams <sackett@u.......> Subject: YKYB You know you been watching to much FK when: You're listening to a car commercial and they say something about the largest interior room space and you think "but what about the trunk space". -- Tammy Williams - MFW / Cousin / assistant FW for Joe, Connor, and Kalas sackett@u....... My life is the product of a diseased mind and I love it. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 23:32:28 -0400 From: Jill Marie Spetoskey <jilkey@u.......> Subject: Re: Snow in Toronto (For the meteorogically curious) Toronto's just in the wrong geographic place to get all that much lake effect. (Trust me. I grew up kind of close to the east coastline of Lake Michigan. I know lake effect) How much lake effect you get relies almost entirely on prevailing wind patterns. In the Great Lakes area, the wind, jet stream, etc. almost always goes from west to east. Hence, Grand Rapids/Muskegon gets 1 to 3 times as much snow as Milwaukee and Buffalo gets tons of snow while Toronto doesn't get as much. ObFK: if you shove a vampire in a trash compactor, is it possible for him to impale himself on his own femur as he compacts? ObFK (I mean it this time): Is there a Vaquera FAQ floating around out there? Jill Marie (unattached for now, but competing for the Nightside Aquatics club) jilkey@u....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 23:44:46 -0400 From: colin paddock <Claudius@n.......> Subject: YKY You know Blah Blah Blah... When your friend asks you to describe yourself and you say, "A 1962, puke green caddy, with the largest trunk space in 30 years!" and your friend says "I thought Nicks car was Blue?"" Cp- ________________________________________________________________ We're not here to frolic Skywarp, get rid of him. --Starscream ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 23:46:30 -0400 From: Jane Rossman <bonney@i.......> Subject: Thanks and the FK drought First, let me say a quick thanks to everyone who sent me a response to my query about the episode called Blood Money. It was great (albeit, a little funny) to get so *many* reponses. I appreciated everybody's help but didn't get a chance to e-mail everyone! So anyway, thanks ya'll! Second, we've got to face it -- we are in the middle of a FK drought. There is not an episode left (except for the four new ones which haven't aired yet) which we have not discussed, analyzed, dissected, over-analyzed, and re-dissected. So we are left writing filk songs, discussing FK cast current projects, offering virutal marriage propsals (well, it *was* funny), writing notes to each other wondering what we should be writing to each other about, and listening to our FK CDs. In short, we *all* need to see new episodes! <Heavy, heavy sigh>. I don't know about you all, but I'm just going to keep repeating to myself: two more weeks, two more weeks... I would love to keep on-topic, if I could just find one! Chana ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 23:53:13 -0400 From: colin paddock <Claudius@n.......> Subject: Re: Thanks and the FK drought Chana Wrote: >I would love to keep on-topic, if I could just find one! I think that's the problem, there really isn't any topics. What are we going to do?? ObFKCD....when is the CD coming out in stores?? When?? ObFK.......Does anyone have Emily Weiss's new book?? (OK, lame, but, what should i say??) Cp- ________________________________________________________________ We're not here to frolic Skywarp, get rid of him. --Starscream ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 23:02:42 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Fiscal Support Well, I can't imagine that replacing a window at Nick's would be that expensive. Unless the shutter was down, of course. I bet vampires could be good pickpockets. :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:37:07 -0700 From: Bonnela Pardoe <bonnie@o.......> Subject: People Poll Update Hey all! I just had a look at the People Magazine Most Beautiful People Poll web page and I was a bit surprised at the finding! Nigel Bennett, Deb Duchene, and John Kapelos are no where to be found (hello? Cousins, Ravens, FoDs? You guys out there?) Catherine Disher and Geraint Wyn Davies were listed as 5th place (good going NatPackers and Knighties)! And, low and behold, who should grace the number one spot? Well, who else but Ben Bass -- yes, it's true! The Vaqueros are an ardent lot! Comes from all that pent up, um, energy that they have, I would imagine. So, just a reminder, only a few days left to cast your vote -- I would hope that all of our FK favs show up somewhere in the final top ten listing! Great publicity for the show and for the actors! Bonnie (bonnie@o.......) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 00:22:30 -0400 From: Lisa Clevenger <Sukhmet@a.......> Subject: PARTY/Wake I am extending an invatation to all the Texas Fans for a Last Knight party to be held on 5/18 in Arlington Texas. A large cousin contingent form Houston is comming, but all factions are incouraged to attend( we gotta have someone to throw socks at<G>) Black will be required and if you need to stay overnight let me know in advance so I can make arrangments for you to have a place to put your heads. Don't mourn along at the (temporary) passing of out beloved FK, cry on the shoulders of fellow fans! for more info mail me off-list at Sukhmet@a....... Cousine Suk ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 00:26:31 EDT From: MS IDALIA KAKESAKO <NPYF15B@p.......> Subject: Allison / Nick's Disorder [was Re: Addic [This post has 2 topics. It is not about an Allison and Nick disorder, whatever <that> might be. . . .] On Sunday, April 14th, Allison wrote: >BTW, [snip] I've noticed a disturbing trend lately that >whenever people quote me, they [snip] attribute the quote >to "Allison Percy, a perky Knightie" rather than simply to >"Allison." Am I being picked on here? Since you use that "perky Knightie" phrase in your sig, Allison, I thought it'd be okay to refer to you by that. No picking was intended on my part. Can't speak for anyone else, of course. And please enlighten me--what exactly is so "disturbing" about this? You are <proud> or being a follower of the good detective(s), aren't you? Otherwise, why would you admit it on-list in your sig? :) * * * As far as Nick having an eating disorder--this idea of him trying to control his life by this behavior is an interesting one, but I wonder if people actually <had> anorexia/bulimia back when Nicky boy was brought across. My understanding is that these disorders are relatively recent phenomena, confined mostly to those in Western countries. Wait. Is it being said that Nick has exhibited his eating disorder only in recent times (last few centuries?), not since the beginning? What exactly <is> being said about this? I'm getting <so> confused. . . . Vampire crickets, stunt chests, WebGoddess worship/wedding proposals, the significance of the size of Nick's feet . . . What a lovely, strange Sunday it's been. (Must've been that "Fever" going around.) Idalia Kakesako <NPYF15B@p.......> digest-ed Light Cousin, with NatPack and Merc aspirations "My sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:44:53 -0700 From: AKR <r.......@w.......> Subject: Fiction (was Re: Thanks and the FK drought) On Mon (still Sun, my time) Chana wrote: > I would love to keep on-topic, if I could just find one! Well, you know, I think it is allowable to discuss things posted to fkfic-l here, and there have been some lovely things recently, like Jamie's pair of fast-food pieces, Susan's insightful poem, Bonnie giving Vachon a brain, that piece about the sub-society of the carouches, and Marina's last two stories... I'd start the ball rolling in more detail, but I'm not here; I'm writing a paper for Theory of Lit Crit... :) *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r.......@w....... *** ****** Set CD Track 7, "Nick's Piano Theme." Repeat. ****** ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 22:00:04 -0700 From: Sherri <sherric@e.......> Subject: Re: Snow in Toronto/Vaquero FAQ I sent this to her. On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Jill Marie Spetoskey <jilkey@u.......> wrote: > >ObFK (I mean it this time): Is there a Vaquera FAQ floating around out >there? Sherri sherric@e....... Founding Member, SFKS Help save Forever Knight! The "Save Forever Knight" Web Page -- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 00:58:58 -0400 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: Pronunciations From: Katrinka <STUKENDALCA@m.......> >>I think that perhaps Janette was hungarian or romanian, just look at the way she calls Nick Nickolah. << Janette is saying "Nicolas", pronounced in the French way with the final consonant silent. Nick's mother and Fleur also call him this. Dame Marcia Tucker ScFiMarci@a....... Dark Knightie / Immortal Beloved Currently writing "Transitions" for the DKs, IBs, and Valentines! "<Vampires - can t live with them - can t live with them.> Natalie, thinking to herself, "Transitions" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 01:22:58 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Saturday Night: Too Live? Once more, I'd like to apologize for my participation in last night's posting explosion. Somebody, I forget who, made the point that when you're reading mail as it comes in, it's easy to lose track of how much mail *is* coming in. Although most of the silliness was at least nominally on-topic silliness, the sheer volume got 'way out of hand. I think everyone involved realizes that our behavior was unwarranted, and inappropriate. While it was tremendous fun for the participants, it's caused inconvenience for a number of people; it was inconsiderate, and it should not happen again. But... it was fun. We enjoyed ourselves; and I know that there are many others who enjoyed reading the whole mess afterwards. And for those who feel that way... The participants in the Saturday Knight Live Party Group are organizing an e-mail remailer loop, to be devoted to pure FK and list-related off-topic silliness that would otherwise be confined to private e-mail. Anyone who wants to is free to join; e-mail me privately at <immajer@p.......> for details! Hopefully, the NEXT time people feel like getting manic, they'll have an alternate locale in which to do it! -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner -- Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 23:10:56 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: Re: YKYB I got a transcript of Farakahn's speech at the million man march off the web for a paper. In it, he talks about the steps necessary for a more perfect union: The first step is to hear someone say you've been wrong. The second is acceptance of that wrong. The third is confession of that wrong. The fourth is repentance. The fifth is atonement. The sixth step is forgiveness. The seventh step is reconciliation, and the eighth step is the perfect union itself. Of course, throughout this portion of the article, I kept thinking that our boy keeps getting stuck on number six. Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... NatVampCamp/FoSiL ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 02:06:49 -0400 From: Cousin Candice <winter@j.......> Subject: Re: YKYB On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Raissa Devereux wrote: > The sixth step is > forgiveness. The seventh step is reconciliation, and the eighth step is > article, I kept thinking that our boy keeps getting stuck on number six. Which boy is that, Nick? I always thought he had trouble with the acceptance part.. ..LaCroix on the other hand, needs a little help with the reconciliation part. ;) Yours, Candice -obsessed by memory, befriended by desire, Cousin by choice Toreador by default winter@j....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 23:25:57 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: GWD's B-Day on the 20th Hi guys, Here's a topic. GWD's birthday is this Saturday, the 20th. I have an idea please tell me if someone has already done this. According to Sharon's Natpack page, Ger is a natpacker. He's listed with all the factions declared April B days. How about Susan G. sending him a NatPack affiliation pin on behalf of all of us? Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... NatVampCamp/FoSiL ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 02:21:22 -0400 From: Cousin Candice <winter@j.......> Subject: You Know You've Been's.. Back again after another week-long hiatus of being a Dark Room Slave (hi, I missed you all too :) :: You Know You've Been Watching Too Much Forever Knight When: 1) You're at a reading of one act plays written by students on campus when you hear the line "I don't want a new one, I like THAT one," and your mind goes through the usual FK/Uncle semantics. 2) You're heckling your pals at a musical showcase and you say "So just how much angst *IS* in this next song?" and a fellow Forever Knight fan (also a listee) gives you a knowing look. 3) You're piecing together your last letterwork for your Design class and find the letters 'F' and 'K' have to appear on the same page in your guideline book and you wonder whose's been watching the show longer: You, or your professor... S'good to be back... Yours, Candice -obsessed by memory, befriended by desire, Cousin by choice Toreador by default winter@j....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 00:36:00 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: CD guest appearance Hi, I'm not certain, but I think I spotted CD's appearance on Night Heat. She plays a beat cop who gets shot. Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... NatVampCamp/FoSiL ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 00:19:17 -0500 From: Janice Cox <jancox@v.......> Subject: Re: Fang Fiction At 09:44 PM 4/14/96 -0700, Amy wrote: >Well, you know, I think it is allowable to discuss things posted to fkfic-l >here, and there have been some lovely things recently, like Jamie's pair of >fast-food pieces, Susan's insightful poem, Bonnie giving Vachon a brain... This was in regard to a lack of subject matter (at least for the next week). I think that would be a great idea. Some of the stuff on the fiction list is *very* worthy of discussion. Not that I mind reading about Ger's stunt chest, mind! Feedback would be very useful for most of us fang fic writers. For example: THF: Aftermath by Trudy A. Goold (Part 1) brought up something I wouldn't have thought of--Tracy's reaction to the events in HF (no spoilers to follow...) and Nick's apparent involvement. I think Trudy's doing a great job, with a good feel for the characters but without the near-obligatory this-is-me-as-a-vampire character. See how easy that was? :-) I guess we'd have to move some stories (like Trudy's) to the spolier list, but what the heck. C'mon, guys, let's give it a try! Janice The Bold Vaquera ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 03:16:45 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: YKYB Raissa writes: >The fifth is atonement. The sixth step is forgiveness...I kept >thinking that our boy keeps getting stuck on number six. Mmmm, but reading this, isn't the sixth step something *someone else* should have to do *for* Nick? The seventh step is reconciliation and since this is about "perfect union" shouldn't it be involved with more than one person? IOW, Nick is trying to atone, but someone also needs to forgive him for the wrongs done (in Nick's case, I expect it would be God). --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 03:51:30 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: How do I explain? >I have just gotten an email from a friend of mine who recently unsubbed from >this list. You know what she asked? "What's going on with FORKNI-L?" >How the heck do I explain last night? Suggestions? Anyone? Mass sugar high. Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** ...And starring Patrick O'Brien as Satan. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 03:51:26 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Where should vampies NOT go? > Try the wonderful land of Newfoundland, a vamp must have to be in >deep slep to stay here, not a very exciting place. Hmmm... this is gonna turn into a challenge pretty soon, methinks. Oklahoma, definitely, is NOT vampyre territory. First of all, you've got right-wing radical religious fanatics (Bible Belt). Crosses everywhere, plus holy water, True Faith, etc. Second, we're on daylight savings' time at le moment and get about 13 hours of daylight (it'll get up to around 16, don't worry). Third, well, there's just not much to do. A few cons, a Medieval Faire (I went in the sun and broke out), that's about it. ObFK: YKYBWTMFKW... you see an ad for Knight lights, and have to do a double take. You pout when you read it as night lights 'cause you wanted a glowing LaCroix head on your wall... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** ...And starring Patrick O'Brien as Satan. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:32:34 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......> Subject: Re: Sat.night/Fatal Mista >How the heck do I explain last night? Suggestions? Anyone? Well, the first thing I thought when I downloaded mail and found all those discussions was, "What, did the FK list get possessed by the Highlander list?" :) If that little discussion freaked so many people out, don't go on the Highlander list - it's like that all the time! To quote Patrick Stewart, it's like a slightly out of control party *all the time*. But, we like it that way! I'm actually always surprised at the difference in the vibe between the two lists - both are great lists, but the difference is enormous. To get back on-topic, I have to agree with Dotti, who pointed out that when Alexandra said to Nick that he raped her, she didn't mean sexually, she meant that he just drank her blood without asking, and in that way violated her. Makes sense to me. - Marina. \\ "And tell me if you want to catch that feeling of redemption; // // That feeling of redemption don't do much for me." - Tanita Tikaram \\ \\======Marina Bailey========tmar@f.......=======Dark Knightie======// ... First contact is not what it used to be. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 06:10:10 CST From: Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: FW: [VAMPYRES] P. N. Elrod, Nigel Bennett, and mor Nigel's turned into a writer? You realize that this means that one more thing from one of my stories has come true... Of course, I wrote that *LaCroix* was a *romance* writer, which is not the same thing as *NB* being a *vampire* writer, but... you get the idea. ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 06:17:50 CST From: Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Pronunciations FO>Janette is saying "Nicolas", pronounced in the French way with the final FO>consonant silent. Nick's mother and Fleur also call him this. Whew! Thank you for clearing this up for me! Long before I joined the list and ever saw any of these characters' names printed, I assumed that Janette was pronouncing "Nicholas" as Nee-co-la (like those Ricolla cough drops...). But then I joined the list and the fic list and I saw it spelled in every possible way. That's why I haven't written any Janette stories! I didn't know how to spell what she was saying! Clears it up for me! Thanks! Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) SWEET REVENGE is coming! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 07:23:38 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: YKYB Raissa wrote: The sixth step is >forgiveness. The seventh step is reconciliation, and the eighth step is >the perfect union itself. Of course, throughout this portion of the >article, I kept thinking that our boy keeps getting stuck on number six. > This is true--although his current life is working on the seventh, he just doesn't feel he's done it yet. I'm not sure what he expects to happen to prove that he has reconciled-perhaps that's what he expects from regaining mortality. If he can achieve that, then he has reconciled. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 07:26:19 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: GWD's B-Day on the 20th At 11:25 PM 4/14/96 -0700, Raissa wrote: > > He's listed with all the factions >declared April B days. How about Susan G. sending him a NatPack >affiliation pin on behalf of all of us? > > Please don't get me wrong, as much as I think it is a great idea, the last thing I think Ger wants is anything even remotely FK related. As he has already stated, This is not FK and I don't think he'd appreciate an FK gift. It could be reflected as our not being able to separate the man from the character and we certainly don't want that. Save that for ther Gerthering, he'd be expecting stuff like that there!! Thoughts??? Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 08:05:32 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Nick and Alexandra Yes, she does tell him, "you raped me." Futhermore, she accuses him of condeming her to eternal damnation (she actually uses the phrase) even though she knows it was LaCroix who brought her across. Hence, aside from her present day behavior, my references to Alexandra as "the Vampire Dingbat." Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:00:39 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Nick and Alexandra >Yes, she does tell him, "you raped me." Futhermore, she accuses him of >condeming her to eternal damnation (she actually uses the phrase) even >though she knows it was LaCroix who brought her across. Perhaps it was LaCroix who put this thought in her head. You know, it would be just like him. Torment Nick for a body poorly drained... Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 07:52:27 -0600 From: "Heather Rigby (Goldeneyes)" <Z_RIGBYHA@t.......> Subject: Re: Grump. What happened Friday night? I got on the computer yesterday afternoon to over two hundred messages and had to delete the vast majority of them unread. could someone please tell me what all the madness was about, what the Webgoddess did that was so horrible, and what in Knight's name happened?! Heather (Goldeneyes) Oh, and send the information by private email, thanx. z_rigbyha@t....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 08:14:53 -0600 From: "Heather Rigby (Goldeneyes)" <Z_RIGBYHA@t.......> Subject: Re: Grump. >What happened Friday night? ^^^^^^ Umm, I think that was Saturday night. Sorry for the mix-up. >Heather (Goldeneyes) Oh, and send the information by private email, thanx. >z_rigbyha@t....... Heather (Goldeneyes) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:15:47 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Grump. >What happened Friday night? I got on the computer yesterday afternoon >to over two hundred messages and had to delete the vast majority of them >unread. could someone please tell me what all the madness was about, what >the Webgoddess did that was so horrible, and what in Knight's name > happened?! > Ahh. The Monday morning wonderers. I knew they would arrive. It seems there was a bit of spontaneous combustion (of craziness) that is, on the list Saturday night. It all happened when someone quite innocently asked why it was so quiet... Man oh man oh man oh man. Needless to say. The party that ensued lasted over 150 posts! I, for one, enjoyed it. Others found it distressing (the sheer magnitude of the e-mail generated). The results have been the development of a remailing loop for continued craziness by our most venerable Webgoddess. And, in that vein (pun absolutely intended) the craziness continues.... Bwahahahahaha!! Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:16:09 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Grump. >What happened Friday night? I got on the computer yesterday afternoon >to over two hundred messages and had to delete the vast majority of them >unread. could someone please tell me what all the madness was about, what >the Webgoddess did that was so horrible, and what in Knight's name > happened?! > Ahh. The Monday morning wonderers. I knew they would arrive. It seems there was a bit of spontaneous combustion (of craziness) that is, on the list Saturday night. It all happened when someone quite innocently asked why it was so quiet... Man oh man oh man oh man. Needless to say. The party that ensued lasted over 150 posts! I, for one, enjoyed it. Others found it distressing (the sheer magnitude of the e-mail generated). The results have been the development of a remailing loop for continued craziness by our most venerable Webgoddess. And, in that vein (pun absolutely intended) the craziness continues.... Bwahahahahaha!! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:17:47 -0400 From: Tammy Stephanie Davis <tsd@u.......> Subject: Re: Nick's chest On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, L. Katherine Queen wrote: > Hi Guys, > In response to Sandra Gray who writes; > >Nope, I'm still not convinced that's Ger's chest in NiQ. > I just wanted to comment that I thought much the same thing. Ger, for > whatever reason, seems to be extremely sensitive about the display of his > body parts. More than likely they did use a body double. Well I guess I Well my take on this is that Nick being so "covered up" all the time was a reflection of the character's personality much more so than the actor's modesty. (Ger said in the Playgirl magazine that he once did a nude scene on stage some years back. He didn't express any "extremely sensitive" to this.) Nick is a pretty repressed individual who wages a constant battle to suppress his vampiric nature. Since that nature is intricately intertwined with his sexuality, it would behove him to do what he can to keep that aspect of his personality in check as well. Dressing modestly and covering up as much skin as possible isn't exactly an open invitation to members of the opposite sex, which is exactly the point. Of course theres little Nick can do about covering up his good looks, fortunately for us. ;) Also I believe a body double was used in NIQ a couple of times. The BD didn't have as much chest hair as Nick (which you can get a glimpse of as they wheel Nick away for x-rays after he revives.) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 08:24:39 -0600 From: "Heather Rigby (Goldeneyes)" <Z_RIGBYHA@t.......> Subject: Re: PARTY/Wake this would be lot's of fun. It really would. I'd be out of classes by then, I'd be on break from work,... the only problem is, how would I get there?! boo hoo, boo hoo. Maybe something is arrangeable. Maybe. Heather (Goldeneyes) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 08:26:44 -0600 From: "Heather Rigby (Goldeneyes)" <Z_RIGBYHA@t.......> Subject: Re: PARTY/Wake OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hit reply too quickly. I'm so sorry. *grovel, grovel* Forgive me! Heather (Goldeneyes) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:05:09 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: <No subject given> Subject:Nick and Alexandrea If this is my Nick and Alexandrea (which it sounds like, and if its not, somebody else has had my idea) then Alex tells Lacroix that he has damned her soul. If this is unclear, please tell me exactly what part confused you and I will go back and edit it so that there is no confusion. Writers often think ahead of their hand and hence are subject to confusing the heck out of people sometimes! That's why there are editors. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:45:37 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Nick's chest At 09:17 AM 4/15/96 -0400, you wrote: > >Also I believe a body double was used in NIQ a couple of times. The >BD didn't have as much chest hair as Nick (which you can get a >glimpse of as they wheel Nick away for x-rays after he revives.) Chest hair?? I never saw.....Lauren--where's the tape with NiQon it??? Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:58:25 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: GRUMP 150 posts, huh. I had 485 in my mailbox. I am suprised it even opened. Then I had to sort through a)list mail b)private e-mail c)work. I warn you, most of you got deleted if you posted to the list. Sheer Madness! Tanya ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:43:31 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: None At 09:05 AM 4/15/96 EDT, you wrote: > > >If this is my Nick and Alexandrea (which it sounds like, and if its not, >somebody else has had my idea) then Alex tells Lacroix that he has >damned her soul. No, actually this is an episode of the series called "Fatal Mistake". I don't think I've had the pleasureof reading your story. > Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:45:20 -0230 From: Jason Ryan <ibe0018@i.......> Subject: Re: Where should vampies NOT go? On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Lady Sushi wrote: > > Try the wonderful land of Newfoundland, a vamp must have to be in > >deep slep to stay here, not a very exciting place. > > Hmmm... this is gonna turn into a challenge pretty soon, methinks. > > Oklahoma, definitely, is NOT vampyre territory. First of all, you've got Okay, you win:) *************************************** "La vie pour toujours, ma chere petite" -Jason Ryan ibe0018@i....... *************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:49:44 -0230 From: Jason Ryan <ibe0018@i.......> Subject: How many FK fans are in.... How many FK fans are in Newfoundland? I don't see alot on the list, just wanted to get a good idea. *************************************** "La vie pour toujours, ma chere petite" -Jason Ryan ibe0018@i....... *************************************** ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Apr 1996 to 15 Apr 1996 - Special issue *******************************************************************
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