There are 44 messages totalling 1027 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. IRC Chat 2. Enforcers on FK 3. FICTION NEEDED 4. Moving in Daylight 5. Snow in Toronto (2) 6. Vachon and the Civil War 7. IRC 8. Fatal Mistake (5) 9. The Pod People from last night...apologizies (2) 10. Quiet, aint it? 11. Snow 12. People Poll 13. Topic? What topic? We have a topic? 14. Fiscal Support (3) 15. Good Grief! 16. Nick biting Marian 17. Yeeeeaaaahhhh! 18. Nick's chest (3) 19. Sat List/Tax Day! 20. USA/FK 21. Grump. 22. Nick? A Rapist?! (3) 23. Every 54 Years 24. ManohMAN what a missed opportunity! 25. Graduating? 26. FW: [VAMPYRES] P. N. Elrod, Nigel Bennett, and more 27. SciFi Channel's ads (3) 28. Nigel in Kung Fu 29. Second season request 30. Can we say "SWAMPED"?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:18:59 -0700 From: Dee Davidson <dmd@a.......> Subject: IRC Chat >could you PLEASE take it to an aol chat room or the IRC? I believe thats been tried. A couple of us have announced that there was an FK channel on IRC on the lists as well as the newsgroup but not that many people showed up and when they did it was during a time of some problems that were going on. Dee * Cousin * Valentine * dmd@a....... ****************************************** "If you think I tormented you in the past my little friends, wait until you see what I do with you now!" Q ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:17:07 -0400 From: Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......> Subject: Re: Enforcers on FK FK Question that's been bugging me for a week and a half. Are Enforcers indigenous only to/on Forever Knight? (Notice I'm not saying a word about last night? Notice I'm not even bringing up the LC in a Microwave comment, or the Q-tip slur....... Do you hear it? Fred M's version of the Theme from Jaws pounding softly in the distance? I'm back, Wicked Tippi's back......we're circling for now.... Just be careful you don't thrash around too much.) <WCG> Brutal Cousin Karies SoulDebris@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:14:00 EDT From: "L. M. Salopek" <LMS5@p.......> Subject: Re: FICTION NEEDED I guess I wasn't clear about one aspect in my previous post... These stories are for a zine to sold at the FK Con out in San Fransico in October. This is a ONE time thing only and ALL PROFITS WILL BE ADDED TO THE AUCTION RESULTS FOR CHARITY. Maybe calling it a zine was wrong... It is a collection of FK fan fic for charity. It will ONLY be offered at the convention in October. Laurie ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:04:35 -0700 From: AKR <r.......@w.......> Subject: Moving in Daylight Now that "Fever" has finally been rerun, Apache shared the following: > Gillian Horvath told us were snipped: Vachon crashing into Nick's loft > through a window, smoking, and saying shamefacedly, "I didn't realize the > sun was still up... I'll pay for the damage." <snip Nickless scene :) > I did rather wonder how Vachon got there when it should still have been daylight outside -- especially as he says he's been feeding Screed "all morning." This is a good scene to mentally edit in; thanks, Apache! And it also happens to tie into something a friend wondered about when I showed him SoB last night -- if Nick and LC were taken "while they were sleeping," that would have been during the day, yes? So how did the soldiers manhandle them all the way to that dungeon without our vamps imploding, or at least smoking very obviously? *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r.......@w....... *** ****** Set CD Track 7, "Nick's Piano Theme." Repeat. ****** ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:16:30 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Snow in Toronto Amy asked: > Are there any FK eps with full-fledged, snowy winter nights? Yep, try watching FWTD. It is snowing almost the whole ep. :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:56:50 -0400 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re: Vachon and the Civil War On Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:06:52 +0000 Karen Tobin qeorwe: > > > I think he would stay out of it -- it's a white man's war. (It's > > a mortals' war, of course, too, but that didn't stop him before.) > > Oh I don't know...he looks SO cute in uniform, and I'm sure he knows > it! I kinda liked him in that fringed buckskin jacket he wore to the treaty signing, myself... <g> Ap. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:16:36 -0400 From: colin paddock <Claudius@n.......> Subject: Re: IRC At 16:35 04/14/1996 -0500, you wrote: > Someone mentioned the IRC in regard to last night's activities (yes, I am >one of the people who was not pleased with all those posts this morning!) >Especially, when everytime I go on the IRC, I open up the Forever Knight >channel as I am chatting away in another channel. Last night I went on at I to think we should meet on IRC. We can talk about mircowaves, flying insects, bricks with fangs, and if we get to it maybe even FK!!! I could be really great!! Cp- We're not here to frolic Skywarp, get rid of him. --Starscream ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:16:39 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Fatal Mistake At 12:27 PM 4/14/96 -2055, you wrote: > NICK!!?? RAPED HER!!!?? Hardly, not anymore than if it would happen to me...The scene in which they're rolling around in the old bed - she didn't look like she was resisting at all. She was enjoying that big time. Now, if she means the fact that he took her blood without asking - well - that would have made things a little awkward..."Listen, instead of sex, how about if I just drain you of every drop of blood you have?" Like she would have believed him anyway!! Really, Not MY Nick.... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:17:28 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: The Pod People from last night...apologizies Jamie writes: >I, who ought to have known better, stripped off the heavy robes of >listownerly responsibility and frolicked in the moonlight with y'all. >(Even Goddesses get one day off every so often, right?) And gee, if a *Goddess* can give in to temptation, then how can we expect a vampire Nick not to do so sometimes too? :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:23:37 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? Kat writes: >Looked like the one they are showing of the sunbed scene in the SciFi >commercials. You mean, you can actually tell? You got a big screen tv? :) If you notice, the closeup of Nick in that scene doesn't show much of his chest. And I don't know about anyone else, but the long shot of him in the sunbed is not really that revealing of his chest (I don't think). It's not a straight on view and it doesn't last long either. Nope, I'm still not convinced that's Ger's chest in NiQ. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:33:17 -0700 From: Swordsister <catheboo@c.......> Subject: Re: Fatal Mistake On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, L. Katherine Queen wrote: > Dotti R. writes; > >Lemme see - could it be "Fatal Mistake"? Is that right? THe one where the > >blonde bimbo comes back to kill him as if it's his fault she's a vamp? > Was that the episode where the blonde bimbo claims Nick, yes our golden boy > Nickie, rapes her? Say it isn't so. Discuss. Ho, ho, time out, wait just a minute. Let's get some stuff straight here. A) Alexandra didn't come back to kill Nick because she blamed him for her being a vamp. Mostly because Nick was in no way responsible for her becoming a vamp. That was all Lacroix. She was pissed off at Nick because he fully intended to kill her and move on. Understandable, I would think, but also *just* a tad overly obsessive and indicative of a lack of perspective on her part, to decide to spend your eternity chasing after someone who did what you've been doing for about a hundred years. But that's just me. B) Alexandra never claimed that Nick raped her. (I *really* hope I would remember something like that.) Mostly because, again, it just didn't happen that way. As I recall, it looked pretty darn consensual to me. But then, Alexandra's got some really loose screws, so she could be telling Nick the moon was made of blue cheese, and I might totally forget about it. But I really didn't want anybody who hadn't watched the ep to think that that was what had happened. (Which, by the way, would be a good thing for you to consider before you phrase things like that.) Catherine --------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Boone catheboo@c....... "Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:20:57 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Snow >It does snow in Ontario, doesn't it? >Are there any FK eps with full-fledged, snowy winter nights? asks Amy, Lady of the Knight Well, being that you can't schedule SNOW, most episodes are shot around it. Snow was very important in NIQ. And in "The Code," the cold, an unhappy car engine, and a rear-end collusion by nun give Schanke the opportunity to scream, "I HATE WINTER!" to the world in general. Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. Visit THE essential webpage for Forever Knight info at: "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:40:00 EDT From: "L. M. Salopek" <LMS5@p.......> Subject: Re: People Poll Don't forget to vote for Deborah Duchene!!!!!!!! Laurie ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:44:25 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? Nope, I didn't see FK last night. I don't get it here in syndication until midnight tonight. And my apologies for contributing to last night's madness. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:42:53 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: The Pod People from last night...apologizies On Apr 14, 1996 16:17:28, 'Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......>' wrote: >And gee, if a *Goddess* can give in to temptation, then how can we >expect a vampire Nick not to do so sometimes too? :) Touche. :-) But that's what I keep saying. Nicky's a *good* boy. He makes mistakes -- stupid mistakes -- big obvious idiotic blunders; but he tries *so* hard... basically, he's a GOOD boy. :-) -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner, suitably contrite (but we did have fun, didn't we?) Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies I may do what I have done. And I may spend the next six weeks apologizing for it. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:53:46 -0600 From: Kimberley <$LOWKD@b.......> Subject: Re: Snow in Toronto Amy wrote: > It does snow in Ontario, doesn't it? > Are there any FK eps with full-fledged, snowy winter nights? Can you hear the surprised choking noises coming from Southern Manitoba? Trust me, it does snow in Ontario, and though I've never lived in Toronto (closest I've come is Barrie), I'd expect that there is a great deal of lake-effect weather coming off of Lake Ontario. Also, there was more snow in Ottawa at one point early in the year than there had been all the previous year so it probably hit Toronto too. I can't remember any eps with lots of snow, but it could be that it would be difficult to get all the equipment into a snowy scene without leaving evidence that there had been a great deal of movement. Also, since a lot of outdoor scenes take place on streets, both the street and the sidewalk could be plowed enough for the pavement to be bare. Kimberley *NatPacker* ($ "Canada needs ghosts, as a dietary supplement, a vitamin taken to stave off that most dreadful of modern ailments, the Rational Rickets." Robertson Davies ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 15:00:15 -0700 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: Fiscal Support At 02:04 PM 4/14/96 -0700, Amy and Apache wrote: >Now that "Fever" has finally been rerun, Apache shared the following: >> Gillian Horvath told us were snipped: Vachon crashing into Nick's loft >> through a window, smoking, and saying shamefacedly, "I didn't realize the >> sun was still up... I'll pay for the damage." <snip Nickless scene :) > Ok, we know Nick is wealthy from robbing the Dauhin's son; We know Lacroix is wealthy just from being Lacroix. How does Vachon get *his* money? Is he independently wealthy also or does he work for a living (uh,... death)? Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 19:01:04 -0400 From: Hilary Doda <Hilary_Doda@g.......> Subject: Good Grief! My god...I leave for a couple of days, and I return to discover that the body snatchers have been and gone...dare I ask what happened? And can someone let me know as soon as it starts again? :P' Answer me this: where else? :)= Dona Katya -=feel the call of the Knight...=- * Raven * X-Phile * FFFROGie * Mother of the WCP * -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TEdNet - Teacher Education Network TEL Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:07:46 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Nick biting Marian Apache writes: >At the end, he bit her to take the vampire back out of her. If >he didn't take it out with her blood, how'd he get it? I moved this to the regular list since Blackwing isn't under spoiler protection anymore. I didn't see any evidence that Nick bit Marian at any time in Blackwing. Marian was not a vampire (we saw her in the daytime at that office meeting). She had vampire seeming eyes sometimes, but I never saw any fangs. If she had really been a vampire, no amount of biting by Nick would have changed that. Since whatever she did to help Nick occurred at least partially on the spirit plane, so also might the passing of whatever she had taken from Nick have been on the spirit plane. Nick's willingness to accept it back rather than have it poison her spirit may have been enough to have enabled her to transfer "the killer" (or whatever) back to him by some spiritual means. She had "medicine man" capabilities but she had not been trained in them. I can't recall the guy's name, but he told Nick that she didn't know to transfer what she had taken from Nick into a rock, stream, or whatever. For *that* kind of disposal of what she had taken from Nick to be possible should be enough evidence that Nick would have needed to bite her for her to transfer it back to him (she wouldn't have been able to bite a *rock*, after all :) ). --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:49:54 -0700 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: Re: Yeeeeaaaahhhh! Carrie Krumtum wrote: > Okay, okay. Quick, which ep is it from? (And yes, I do know the answer.) I > started laughing so hard I had to take a break from writing. I think my brain > will turn to industrial strength mush before long. Well, at least it will be > FK mush. Ya take the good with the bad. I don't have a clue. On the other hand, FK mush that keeps turning out -stories- would not be such a bad place for your brain to end up. <gryn> The kids whined til I put the VCR back in the living room. I think tomorrow I'll be forced to buy a new vcr for the bedroom. I'd gotten awfully used to netting, with eps going at the same time. -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff Co-Administrator | reevesl@p....... Mercenary for Chocolate - Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:50:11 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Nick's chest Hi Guys, In response to Sandra Gray who writes; >Nope, I'm still not convinced that's Ger's chest in NiQ. I just wanted to comment that I thought much the same thing. Ger, for whatever reason, seems to be extremely sensitive about the display of his body parts. More than likely they did use a body double. Well I guess I can't blame him. Knowing us, I wouldn't like exposing myself either. I had the most amusing flash of Ger as the last truffle at a Chocaholics convention. He probably has nightmares about it.<vbg> Oh well, he can't stop us from dreaming can he? Sigh! Katherine lqueen@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 18:53:34 -0400 From: Beth Brown <BKBVA@a.......> Subject: Re: Sat List/Tax Day! In a message dated 96-04-14 16:32:58 EDT, Rebecca Howle wrote: >) > >BTW, for everyone who is cursing the whole tax system up one side of the >street and down the other be thankful that you aren't a vampire! Can you >imagine what Nicks tax returns look like? How about LC? ROTFL so hard I can't see straight. What do they put on the line for occupation? Dependents? Think about the deductions, etc. you can get for age. (I'm keeping this simple for folks who don't do taxes for a living) Of course, here were are thinking about the US tax system. Remember, they're in Canada (even if the writers tended to forget). Any of our Canadian friends want to take this one up? Beth bkbva@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:59:32 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Fatal Mistake Hi Guys, Just want to respond to cranky Knightie is defensive mode, i.e. Catherine Boone who wrote: >But I really didn't want anybody who hadn't watched the ep to think that >that was what had happened. (Which, by the way, would be a good thing >for you to consider before you phrase things like that.) I never for a minute thought that our beloved Nick would actually have raped anybody, but I could swear there was an episode in which a woman from his past shows up in the present and wants revenge, claiming that he raped her and then brought her over. Maybe it was not Fatal Mistake. Maybe it was Baby, Baby... Help, does anybody remember this? Katherine, of the newly Knighted lqueen@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 18:15:15 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: Fatal Mistake >I never for a minute thought that our beloved Nick would actually have >raped anybody, but I could swear there was an episode in which a woman from >his past shows up in the present and wants revenge, claiming that he raped >her and then brought her over. Maybe it was not Fatal Mistake. Your memory is correct, Alexandra *did* accuse Nick of raping her in that episode. However, we *saw* the scene where he bit her and it was very definitely *not* rape. She was laughing, running her hands through his hair, and wrestling with him (on the floor AND in the bed) without a care in the world. I haven't re-watched it in a while, but I believe we even got a brief shot of her sitting on the bed, loosening the strings of her 17th century corset/bodice while making come-hither eyes at Nick-- not exactly the actions of a woman who's being forced. Of course, she only expected a night of consensual lust with a nobleman, not an eternity of darkness--- but she was definitely cooperating the whole way. Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 19:30:29 -0500 From: Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......> Subject: USA/FK Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......> wrote: >Also, did anyone else get ticked off last Thursday about scheduling? Over >here USA didn't show FK at 1:00, like normal. <SNIP> >I found out the next morning, from my insomniac roommate, >that they showed it at 1:30. (!!!!!!!) *sigh* I forgot about this! Here in the NYC area, we were waiting for Highlander, which airs at 12, it finally came on at 12:30 and then at 1 AM, what flashes across the bottom of the screen but, "Stay Tuned for Forever Knight at 1:30" I was shocked and I thought it was a nice touch! I know it was difficult for people who weren't watching HL, but for thsoe of that that were, it was nice to see that they cared enough to put that there. Maybe they are catching on to the fact that there are a lot of "dual" fans too! Annmarie ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:49:00 PDT From: Christine Hawkins <chawkins@n.......> Subject: Grump. All right, grump mode <ON>. I came into work this morning, to be hit with 410 messages, most of them from Saturday night's insanity. I have just spent nearly an hour identifying the fluff and deleting it. I could have spent the time reading my regular email or doing the work I'm paid to do instead. My apologies and thanks to the people who were considerate enough NOT to indulge in this madness. Grump mode <OFF>. Christine Hawkins c.hawkins@n....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 19:07:56 CST From: Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Fiscal Support FO> Ok, we know Nick is wealthy from robbing the Dauhin's son; FO> We know Lacroix is wealthy just from being Lacroix. FO> How does Vachon get *his* money? Is he independently wealthy also FO>or does he work for a living (uh,... death)? Vachon doesn't seem too wealthy really. I mean, he lives in an abandonded church, right? Or did he buy the church? Maybe while he was in South America he found El Dorado and has been living off the gold ever since! ;) Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) Join the Thong Throng! It's cheap. It's easy. It's spandex! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 19:13:36 CST From: Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Nick? A Rapist?! FO>episode. However, we *saw* the scene where he bit her and it was very defini FO>*not* rape. She was laughing, running her hands through his hair, and wrestl FO>with him (on the floor AND in the bed) without a care in the world. I haven FO>re-watched it in a while, but I believe we even got a brief shot of her sitt Now, I haven't seen this episode, so I can't say whether or not I think Nick raped someone. But I have to ask: Was the above scene you just described a flashback? And from whose point of view was it? If Alexandra was having the flashback and remembered enjoying herself, then obviously she's lying. But if Nick has the flashback and remembers her enjoying it, well... I honestly can't imagine Nicky boy raping someone, but I also realize there are two sides to every story. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:18:57 -0500 From: Chanda Keith <CWKEITH@c.......> Subject: Re: Every 54 Years Well, since we've already figured out how long a vampire pregnancy might last, does anyone want to try to figure out how long the labor would be and how likely would it be that the poor suffering vampire would decide to walk into the sunlight before it was over? Chanda Keith Ravenette and Immortal Beloved ckeith@u....... or cwkeith@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:17:26 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: Fiscal Support On Apr 14, 1996 19:07:56, 'Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......>' wrote: >Vachon doesn't seem too wealthy really. I mean, he lives in an >abandonded church, right? Or did he buy the church? Maybe while he was >in South America he found El Dorado and has been living off the gold >ever since! ;) Honey, when you're a vampire, ain't no need to EVER worry about earning a living. Example: Panhandling -- "Spare some change?" <ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP> The Stock Market -- "Got any inside tips for me?" <ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP> The Music Industry -- "How did you like the audition?" <ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP> -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner -- Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 02:20:53 GMT From: Anne Toole <AMELY@a.......> Subject: ManohMAN what a missed opportunity! Dear All, My mother just informed me that last month she went to a dinner honouring the "president of USA". She was saying it was some blond guy that liked helping children, and my first response was "Geraint Wyn Davies??" but she continued to insist that he was president of USA and was being honoured for donating money to the Alliance for Children's Rights. This dinner, by the way, was a very posche (sp?) affair, 500 bucks a plate (my mom got in free) with all the lawyers etc who are involved in depending children's legal rights. Anyway, I said, but the president of USA is Kay Koplovitz. And then my mom said, oh yeah, she was there too, but this blond guy was being honoured. So I said, was it Rod(n?) Perth? And she said "Yes! You win! It WAS Ron Perth!" Let me just say how really sad it is that I know random executives for this rather pointless TV network. ANyway, they were there lauding Ron Perth and how he "changed the image" of USA (my response: from stupidity to sleeziness?) and that USA used to have these crime series made in Canada for $1.50 and now they have these wonderful showss... (they included in this Silk Stalkings.. which I thought was one of those 1.50 productions). Anyway, my mother, who I enlisted to mail a letter to Ms. Kay, actually remembered her letter, but didn't take the opporunity to go up and talk to her! WAIL! She would have made such an impression, Becase KK would have assumed she was this rich lawyer from some big firm. Oh man! I guess I can take consolation in the fact that it probably wouldn't have made much difference, but it would have really driven home to KK what a mistake it was! Okayy..sorry to add another long post to the mass of mail this weekend, but I just had to share. At least we know Ron Perth ain't all that bad... -Anne, the Green Merc ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 17:44:46 -0700 From: AKR <r.......@w.......> Subject: Graduating? I know I'm not the only one on this list who's picking up a degree of one sort or another this spring, and as I contemplated my obligatory stack of announcements, it occurred to me that once I've covered my friends and family, I ought to send the leftovers to Sony and Sci-Fi, with notes about how I never would have made it this far, this well, without FK... :) *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r.......@w....... *** ****** Set CD Track 7, "Nick's Piano Theme." Repeat. ****** ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:45:05 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Fatal Mistake At 02:33 PM 4/14/96 -0700, you wrote: First of all, that wasn't me who said that he raped her, I forget who that was but that entire quote isn't mine. I just used that to give my answer to. She was implying that Nick did indeed rape her, and I was saying that it wasn't true. > >A) Alexandra didn't come back to kill Nick because she blamed him >for her being a vamp. Mostly because Nick was in no way responsible for >her becoming a vamp. That was all Lacroix. That's actually true, she blamed him for leaving her for dead and allowing LaCroix the opportunity to bring her across. B) Alexandra never claimed that Nick raped her. She says it - she says to him "You took advantage of me. You raped me and you left me for dead." These are the exact words coz I'm watching it right now. >But I really didn't want anybody who hadn't watched the ep to think that >that was what had happened. (Which, by the way, would be a good thing >for you to consider before you phrase things like that.) > Yet again, that was not my quote, and if you read my answer to that I was totally defending my Nickie. However, the woman does say that to Nick, so that is where she got the idea. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:45:00 PDT From: Christine Hawkins <chawkins@n.......> Subject: FW: [VAMPYRES] P. N. Elrod, Nigel Bennett, and more The following was mailed to me on the VAMPYRES mailing list. It concerns Nigel Bennett as well as P.N. Elrod, so I'm forwarding it here. Christine Hawkins. c.hawkins@n....... From: owner-vampyres To: Vampyres Cc: ckberg Subject: [VAMPYRES] P. N. Elrod, Nigel Bennett, and more Date: Sunday, 14 April 1996 3:43PM > A few days ago I received P. N. Elrod Fan Club newsletter #10. For those of you who don't know, Elrod (she's a she and goes by Pat) has written six books about vampire Jack Fleming (The Vampire Files), set mostly in Depression-era Chicago; four books about vampire Jonathan Barrett, set around the time of the American Revolution; and _I, Strahd_, the autobiography of the preeminent vampire in TSR's Ravenloft universe. Elrod enthusiasts who have not yet joined the fan club may be interested in some items from this latest newsletter: P. N. Elrod and Nigel Bennett are collaborating on a series of vampire novels. Yes, that is *the* Nigel Bennett of _Forever Knight_ fame. The first title will be _Keeper of the King_ in which, in Elrod's words, they have "combined vampires with an assassination attempt on the Canadian prime minister, the search for the Holy Grail, Celtic deities, earth magic, and Native American beliefs." It's coming from Baen Books in October 1996. [Rest snipped as it is off topic] ============================================================== Respectfully posted by The Mad Bibliographer Cathy Krusberg Internet: ckberg@i.......< ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 19:58:46 EWT From: molly <MSREED@c.......> Subject: Re: SciFi Channel's ads Is there anyone out there that knows whether or not the 4 newest shows will be run in syndication also? Moly ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:57:26 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Nick's chest >Nope, nope. Not till I hear it from the vamp's mouth himself. I believe it was Ger, coz we have seen it before, and it wasn't shown for very long, or very much of it anyway so it would fall into his uncomfortable feeling of showing himself. Besides, according to his interview he said it was because he felt he needed time to build himself up a bit, not coz he had any yukkie feeling about showing himself. So, Gerthering folks, don't forget to ask. Inquiring minds want to know!! C'mon, you don't really think he'd hide himself coz he has a few "excitable" fans would you? I mean, are we THAT threatening? NAH..... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:03:34 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: Nick? A Rapist?! >FO>episode. However, we *saw* the scene where he bit her and it was very defini >FO>*not* rape. She was laughing, running her hands through his hair, and wrestl >Now, I haven't seen this episode, so I can't say whether or not I think >Nick raped someone. But I have to ask: Was the above scene you just >described a flashback? And from whose point of view was it? If Yes, since it happened in the 17th century (judging by the costuming) it was a flashback. Yes, it was from Nick's POV, but even our beloved Brick wouldn't remember things *that* distortedly. The woman was definitely willing/eager throughout. Absolutely *no* doubt about it. She practically threw herself at him. Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:26:46 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Nick? A Rapist?! At 07:13 PM 4/14/96 CST, Cousin Tippi wrote: > > >Now, I haven't seen this episode, so I can't say whether or not I think >Nick raped someone. But I have to ask: Was the above scene you just >described a flashback? And from whose point of view was it? > The flashback was Nick's, as usual, but Nick generally has never lied about anything and this girl is definitely a few bats short of a belfry. (Sp). She want's Nick's head on a stick by her bed so it will be easier for her to sleep days. Do you think this is a rational thought? I can see her being angry for ending up the way she is and even for blaming Nick to a point, but I believe she sees the "rape" as his taking advantage of the situation in order to feed off of her, more than what the rape really implies. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:30:31 -0400 From: Sharon Bhandari <sbhanda@e.......> Subject: Re: Nigel in Kung Fu On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Linda Simon wrote: > In last night's Kung Fu I did > not even recognize NB--dark glasses, indefinable American accent, SWAT > leader macho man! Started taping it late, unfortunately after his best > scene, but got the biggest kick out of the different character, nothing like > Uncle. I would have not noticed him, but that nose and mouth are destinctive. I couldn't stop laughing because I caught myself peering into the TV from only an inch away to confirm my suspicions. The accent was horrid; almost shocking. Where did those dulcet tones go? i guess that's the sign of a good actor. Sharon Bhandari ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:31:54 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: SciFi Channel's ads At 07:58 PM 4/14/96 EWT, you wrote: > > >Is there anyone out there that knows whether or not the 4 newest shows >will be run in syndication also? > Yes, they should be run in sydication beginning the week of April 22nd I think. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:50:26 -0400 From: Samantha Smiley <MaraJade00@a.......> Subject: Second season request Hi all! I was wondering if there was a kind soul out there that would be nice enough to lend me the second season tapes. I would pay for postage back to you. I would be willing to send my first season tapes to the same person if he/she needs it. I am not making an offer to tape them and send the tapes to you. But I am willing to send you my collection just as long as they are brought back in the same condition as they wrere before. I hope I don't sound like a worry-wart. Wait a minute this is the list what do I have to worry about. This meassage will self destruct in 30 seconds...<tick>...<tick>...<tick>... Jade Mercenary recruit/Cousin/And any twisted love triangle you can think of....... "Catalina is like a mini Caribbean."-ME ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 18:54:31 -0700 From: AKR <r.......@w.......> Subject: Re: Nick's chest > C'mon, you don't really think he'd hide himself coz he has a few "excitable" > fans would you? I mean, are we THAT threatening? NAH..... For Dotti, and any other "excitable" ones <g>, I thought I'd share a quote from a little FK fest last night. One friend had rented "First Knight," which, of course, we treated to an MST3K-style roasting. That was followed by my copies of NiQ, SoB, and PotM. Now, throughout that miserable movie, Heddy kept complaining about how awful Richard Gere's screen kisses look. So, of course, I was just waiting for you-know-which scene in NiQ to turn around and ask, "HE does it MUCH better, doesn't he?" :) (I'm not here; I'm writing a paper; You didn't see me...) *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r.......@w....... *** ****** Set CD Track 7, "Nick's Piano Theme." Repeat. ****** ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:59:58 EWT From: molly <MSREED@c.......> Subject: Re: SciFi Channel's ads YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have geen grumbling at my local cable tv store for not having the sci-fi channel for over two years. a little behind the times aren't they? molly ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 22:45:07 -0400 From: Melanie Hernandez <Gitanita@a.......> Subject: Can we say "SWAMPED"?! Hello everyone in FORKNI-L land!!! This is not a flame...just my little own little commentary on the HUGE influx of mail from Saturday night.... Picture an ocean...I am swimming in it...I see the shore and try to reach it, but a HUGE wave pushes me back out to further than I was before...This is how I see my list mail experience :-). To further illustrate (those of you who have AOL will understand) I watched my flash sessions (how I retreive mail) go from being 2 minutes and some odd minues to 12 minutes an higher!! Talk about cost! All the concern for "bandwith" and what have you went right out the window! Now I have a good sense of humor and I did enjoyt the posts, but I am sure some of us aren't laughing...You guys had me thinking I should go "NO MAIL" for a while just to catch up! But I am *such* and email junkie, there is no way I could bring myself to do it! :-) I knew what was gonna happen when I saw the 'sure is quiet' posts...I began pleading with my computer...please not more than 5 minutes...PLEASE!! I am a student, and as much as I'd like to check email all the time I cannot, and the lists sure weren't quiet for me! So I thought I'd share and throw in my .02 ... Remember this is not a flame, just a little commentary to be taken in a positive/humorous light.... After all after all of last night's posts, I wanted to be done with school already so I could partake in the delinquency!! Geez, even the assistane listowner was in on it!! :-) Also I appologize if a number of people have already said something like this...I just haven't been able to make it thru all my incoming email!!! :-( Okay, ObFK comment: I loved "Fever" especially Vachon in his first hunger....he should have taken Tracy...that would have been fun! In my opintion he doesn't vamp out as nicely as Nick....<VBG>...he looks kinda scared (Vachon) made me laugh at first, but I still think Vachon is hot...:-D~ ~Melanie~ *Dark Knightie*Ravenette*Immortal Beloved*FoSiL* Vaquera* *and recently recuited Seducer! ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Apr 1996 - Special issue ****************************************************
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