There are 41 messages totalling 1022 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Vampire Crickets (7) 2. YKYB... 3. German FK page has some interesting pics 4. Topic? What topic? We have a topic? (8) 5. Mr. Sandman.... (4) 6. Fight Saturday Night Boredom..lots of topics! (2) 7. Nick and control 8. Quiet, aint it? (6) 9. Topic? We have a topic? (3) 10. Vampires in CT 11. You folks are all mad! :) 12. YKYBWTMFKW... 13. All I Ever...& YKYBW... (2) 14. lessons learned 15. Saturday Night *LIVE* 16. Topic? What topic? We have a topic? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 01:11:09 -0500 From: Christy Tucker <ctucker@m.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets The Webgoddess wrote: >Ways In Which Vampires Are Like Cicadas: I wouldn't want one of those to crash into me during flight, either. This reminds me of a thought I've been having about vampires in flight for the last few days. It seems Nick and LaCroix (though we see Nick fly more often) both do a lot of flying. Nick flies at least once in each episode. My question is, don't they ever get noticed? I mean, city nights are pretty bright. The lights pretty much obscure the view of any but the brightest stars, so wouldn't they do well in at least semi-illuminating a flying humanoid shape? Okay, they seem to fly a good distance above the ground, but I can't imagine that they would never ever be noticed. I think that a dark, human shaped form, flying past your apartment building or over your back yard while you're star gazing (somewhat unsucessfully) through a telescope, would be noticed. Wouldn't there be an outbreak of unidentified flying objects in the metropolitan area, especially since there is a sizable vampire population in Toronto - assuming each vampire flew at least once a week? Any ideas? Cousin Christy ~~~~Christy Tucker, Always Right~~~~ What can you say about a society that says God is dead and Elvis is alive? - Irv Kupcinet ctucker@m....... The Road to Damascus: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:12:47 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets At 01:59 AM 4/14/96 -0400, Lisa wrote: > >That'll be a fourth season episode, where Nick goes on a guilt trip to >Disneyland and finds himself on the couch wearing mouse ears. >Or, for added variety, he could go on a guilt trip to Muppetland, and wake up >as an angsty green frog, singing "It's Not Easy Being Green" and "The Rainbow >Connection." > Oh, man, I just work up my husband laughing at just the THOUGHT of this!! What a scream!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 01:20:55 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: YKYB... LOL!!! Those were great, Leslie! --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 01:23:32 -0500 From: michael wayne jackson <mjay@n.......> Subject: German FK page has some interesting pics Allison Percy (thanks Allison!) originally mentioned this page, but I had never looked at it until tonight. Nice pics of Our Hero's: michael p.s. For all you Rave/ettes out there, Deb was in two commercials too. The above page mentions them. And I've been luckily enough to have seen them. One was in a store where they have the Wall of TV's and when I saw her face multiplied on 36 large screen monitors, I screamed out, "It's Janette!" I was not arrested, (but it was kind of a quasi-sexual/religious epiphany.) m ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:25:53 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? On Apr 14, 1996 01:00:30, 'michael wayne jackson <mjay@n.......>' wrote: >At an unbelievable hour of the morn, the witty Jamie Melody Randell spoke >with a tongue of gold and sayeth: Oh, dear. They're *genuflecting* again. >and further down she honored me with her dulcet tones concerning my idea of >the Best of FK-L: Ummm, this is FORKNI-L. On the other hand, Fk-l was something else entirely... >and still further she spaketh with a sound of small hammers on silver: >>How long, pray tell, is 'too long' for a vampire to be in a microwave? I spaketh? I can't even say the *word* spaketh... >and in order to not break the "4 line quote rule", but not go under it >either, I again quote her words of joy: Oh, heaven forbid that amidst the rampant off-topic and semi-off-topic posting, that we should break the quote rule. (I mean it. I'll thwap people for that. I'm not THAT off-duty. <g>) >Tears of joy flow across my face. My dog is staring at me strangely, and >the upstairs neighbors are pounding on the floor/ceiling trying to keep me >quite as peals of laughter ring out across the land. So happy to have entertained thee, my child... >JamieJamieJamieJamie, I adore thee. Thy image is graven into my mind as >are the faces of Rushmore. Thy can compare to no other. I am lost without >thee. Oh do not pour the wine, I am drunk with the beauty of you. Come >away with me and be my virtual wife and we shall live in splendor... What say you? Ummm, you do realize that I am the WEBgoddess, right? You DO know all about the virtual mating habits of web-spinning females, riiiiiiight? >michael with an elevated blood sugar that would probably kill three normal >people Jamie, who should be scolding people but instead is participating in the madness -- what is it with tonight, anyway? is it an eclipse or something? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 01:32:20 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? How long is 'too long' for a vampire to be in a microwave? Well, I guess that would depend on the age of the vampire. Let's put LC in and find out. ;) Mmmm, well he's a bit big. Mmmm, maybe just holding the door open... I know, there's this nice nuclear reactor... --Sandra Gray (not Grey), forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:31:30 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets At 01:11 AM 4/14/96 -0500, Cousin Christy wrote: > >>My question is, don't they ever get noticed? I've wondered that myself. Perhaps they can hug the shadows, fly above the lights? Perhaps the speed that they move at while flying makes them look like a shadow moving in the corner of your eye - by the time you turn to look at it, it's gone!!! > Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:37:34 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? At 02:25 AM 4/14/96 -0400, Jamie wrote: > > >Jamie, who should be scolding people but instead is participating in the >madness -- what is it with tonight, anyway? is it an eclipse or something? > I dunno - but it's fun. Ah, "Fever"'s closing credits are going on behind me. I turned quickly enough to see that lovely face peering down at Vachon (sigh). I'll defend him to the death!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:41:07 -0400 From: Sharon Bhandari <sbhanda@e.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Christy Tucker wrote: > It seems Nick and LaCroix (though we see Nick fly more > often) both do a lot of flying. Nick flies at least once in each episode. > My question is, don't they ever get noticed? I mean, city nights are pretty > bright. Can you imagine trying to tell anyone "He Ma, I just saw someone flying in the air?" Reminds me of that scene in Superman when some lady slapped her daughter for "lying." > Wouldn't there be an outbreak of unidentified > flying objects in the metropolitan area Perhaps they are flying so fast that the normal human eye can not see them. Nick does tend to rescue fair maidens in the nick of time. (couldn't resist the pun! It's late) I believe that people think that things like this are a hoax these days and tend not to take it too seriously. If there is an outbreak, assuming that our vamps were flying really slowly, maybe the police thinks it is some sort of bad joke. Other thoughts? Sharon Bhandari sbhanda@e....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 01:40:17 -0500 From: michael wayne jackson <mjay@n.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? >Oh, dear. They're *genuflecting* again. What?? Others?? But there can be only One, My Queen. >Ummm, you do realize that I am the WEBgoddess, right? You DO know all >about the virtual mating habits of web-spinning females, riiiiiiight? They have some type of oral fixation, I believe? :)) >is it an eclipse or something? You are the eclipse, Oh Webgoddess, for no other can be seen while you are here. You outshine the Sun, the Moon is but a dim flicker, the stars are vanished. You light my days, you fill my nights, you are Truth in a sea of uncertainty. I am not worthy to kiss the dust from your feet. michael ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:44:42 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? At 01:40 AM 4/14/96 -0500, Michael wrote: > >I am not worthy to kiss the dust from your feet. > Michael, it sounds like you've had some of that "dust" up your nose!! (No disrespect to our Webgoddess ofcourse!!) Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:48:45 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Mr. Sandman.... After the third time that I've hit the "enter" button looking for the "Ctrl" button, I think it's time this Knightie turns her armour in and crawls into bed, where visions of Nickolas dance in her head (despite the snoring man already in the bed). This has been a most interesting evening-er-morning. We'll have to do this again sometime!! Knightie night!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:56:42 -0400 From: "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......> Subject: Re: Mr. Sandman.... On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Dotti Rhodes wrote: > This has been a most interesting evening-er-morning. Quite so.... > We'll have to do this again sometime!! Ssshhhh! Those poor people on digest, or those that let all there messages rack up till Monday, might not agree. I would though. <g> Night all...Fever's on and then it's bedtime for me too.... Alora Natpacker acc0924@i....... "I love my car. I *miss* my car."--Sandra Bullock, 'Speed' ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 01:56:16 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets Jamie writes: >You mean you don't count the "ka-thump, ka-thump" Hypno-Effect <tm> >in that category? Nah, that's conscious and deliberate. Nick didn't use that on Emily Weiss, Alexandra (I don't think), Magda (in For I Have Sinned), Marian Blackwing (well, that could have been her grandfather ;) ), Alyce Hunter, etc. Maybe such a "charm" effect even was why Nat was affected by LC in BMV before she was hypnotized. Women *do* take more than just another look at Nick. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:01:03 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Fight Saturday Night Boredom..lots of topics! Jamie writes: >Don't'cha feel sorry, though,... Naaaah. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:53:25 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? There's an FK rerun on TV, and a strange man is worshipping me from afar. This is turning out to be a pretty good night. -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner on a 1-night vacation ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:57:54 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: Mr. Sandman.... Knighty-night, Dotti. :-) On Apr 14, 1996 02:48:45, 'Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>' wrote: >This has been a most interesting evening-er-morning. We'll have to do this >again sometime!! But not TOO soon. Or else Jaye will kick my butt from here to State College PA and back again for condoning it. :-) An' if we bust the list and kill a hamster, we're in deep doo-doo... -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner, going back 2 work Sunday am! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 03:10:03 -0400 From: Sharon Bhandari <sbhanda@e.......> Subject: Nick and control Since we are talking about Nick and his lapses, I thought I would share a theory of mine. In talking with people who have had eating disorders (don't laugh. Nick does have an eating disorder of sorts). I have found that a central issue in their life is control. Often, they feel that their life is somehow out of their control, and taking charge of their body gives them a sense of power. Now, I could wax and wane about issues of power and control in this society, but I will instead talk about Nick (how novel:)). From what I have read about society in the 13th century, and from what I have picked up on the list, Nick probably did not have much control over his life. That was a time in which you stayed in the position in which you were born, and there were set avenues for you to follow. Men, I would think, would have more options than women, but not many more. Nick, from what I can tell but you can correct me, was either a son of a minor noble, or a son of a knight. He was definatly trained in fighting, as was proper, and perhaps ruling or taking care of land if he ever got any. That depends on if his father had land and if he were the first son. Anyway, it was probably expected that he go fight in the Crusade like a good Christian boy. Not many choices. From what I know about his first death, he had a dream in which he was given a choice to cross into death or eternal damnation. Choosing death would be proper, but I have a theory that he wanted to take control of his own life and choose the "naughty" thing. Little did he know that making this decision would make him a slave to the whims of his father (in his eyes) and to the rules of the vampire. In terms of eating disorders, a way to take back control, he chose to focus on one the most defining aspects of the vampire: the feeding. Like so many women today (those who suffer from eating disorders being mostly women) food and eating has become a manner in which to express the self. It is difficult to figure out a struggle that encompasses both the body and the spirit. Perhaps that is why Nick wavers so often. I could go on and on since I amtrying to explore this issue in a piece of fanfiction, but the message is getting long. What are your ideas? If people who know more about eating disorders want to add something or tell me something different, I would love to hear it. The theory seems a bit simplistic since we know he has been trying to wrest control from LaCroix for the longest time, but I wanted to add that there could be a longer history. Please forgive me if this post is somewhat messy. It is a bit late. Sharon Bhandari Natpacker and Valentine Sbhanda@e....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:23:59 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? Dotti writes: >A stunt chest? What in the world....Why would you think that?? Because Ger is kept covered up so much. With the camera angles and the things obscuring Nick's head (bandages, that brace under his chin), you can't really tell if it's Ger or not (at least I can't). Also, I seem to recall in the credits there being listed two stunt doubles for Nick. Maybe one was a chest double. ;) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 03:36:58 EDT From: MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR <VQRW76A@p.......> Subject: Re: Topic? We have a topic? michael wayne jackson, that poet of the cyberspace, just made an interesting and incredibly PUBLIC proposition to Jamie, the WebGoddess and Natpacker/Merc. Specifically, virtual marriage. Something my sister has been participating in Real Life for over a year, so I feel qualified to comment. (I'd comment anyway, but at least this time I know wherof I chatter) As Jamie's Merc Mommy (well, one of them anyway) I think he ought to at least offer a dowry aside from his poetic and silver-tongued self. Also. Universal Church or no. How long do we expect this marriage to last? Do you have plans for virtual children? Where on the Web were you proposing to reside? In the imagination of God, or what? What do you do for a living, young man? In other words, what are your intentions, buster? Hmmm??? And they say that cyberspace destroys intimacy. Ha! Christina, who WAS just rewriting some fanfic, talking to some people in different time zones, the usual when she's home on Saturday, but now, now, I have to apologize to my neighbors for laughing so hard and so loud that I fell off my chair vqrw76a@p....... Merc Infinitus ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:41:17 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Vampires in CT (no, I don't think anyone here know for >sure just where CT is). Did I mention that there is intelligent life in OK? Au contraire, my dear Carrie. Give me a nice map of the US (or was that New Zealand? I forget;). ), and i'll have it found in seconds. 'Course, that still doesn't mean I can type! ObFK: YKYGTFOFKW... (yky gotten too fond of FK w...) In the hopes of not missing your syndie's ep, you tear down I-44 from Oklahoma City at around 90 mph all the way to Tulsa, and get annoyed when you miss the first 30 seconds. YKYBWTMFKW... at the Norman Medieval Faire, you see a Battle of Hastings chess set (IwantIwant, send $325 US to...), and the first thing you think is, "No, Nicky, you WEREN'T there..." What's intelligent life?... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** Need... more... black... DYE!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 02:56:55 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets >Crickets: Are green Black, actually, unless you accidentally smoosh them. Then they turn kinda yellow. Grasshoppers are green, except the drinks are brown, I think. I gotta start eating more. hallucinating or something... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** Need... more... black... DYE!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 04:06:13 -0400 From: Hugo Trepanier <pio@m.......> Subject: You folks are all mad! :) Wow! I got over 100 messages in a few hours! The Almighty Webgoddess pronounced: >Don't'cha feel sorry, though, for all the poor people who're gonna wake up >to these really bizarre digests in the morning? Or on Monday, when they >get to work? Duh! Talk about something weird! I'm probably one of the first to encounter those strange messages... it's nearly 4am, and this is late-late-late night for me, not early morning... Hey, the messages didn't even come in order! Everybody's having fun! ~8) (this is a crazy confused smiley) This provided a few good laughs! And Dotti dared to propose: >This has been a most interesting evening-er-morning. >We'll have to do this again sometime!! <gasp!> Hugo Trepanier, pio@m....... What do you mean, "I don't believe in God?" I talk to him everyday! - Peace Sells, Megadeth ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 03:04:14 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets >What are katydids? Are they something I would find in the city? I think I >remember someone trying to explain the concept of a katydid to me once. >Apparently, the lesson failed to 'take'. If i'm thinking correctly, they're odd-looking green grasshoppersih things. The females have huge, ugly, sharp-looking ovipositors sticking out of their butts. The ovipositors scare me for some reason, since I don't want to think if they can sting or not (those things are huge!). No, you wouldn't find 'em in the city. I usually seem 'em on my aunt and uncle's farm. >Ways In Which Vampires Are Like Cicadas: I wouldn't want one of those to >crash into me during flight, either. Depends on which vampyre, and their intentions after crashing into you during flight... I'll just go to JADFE on this now... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** Need... more... black... DYE!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 01:08:22 -0500 From: Janice Cox <jancox@v.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFKW... YKYBWTMFKW... You seriously think about leaving a party early so you can catch a *re-run* of Forever Knight. One that you've already got on tape... (Hey! It's one of my favorites! And, well, they mighta addd some stuff...) Didn't do it, and now I come home to see we've been having a party *on* the list. What a wild and crazy bunch o' folks! So, oh List Goddess, where do I send the virtual shower present????? ^v^janice^v^ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 03:15:33 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? >Are you *sure* he'll be in tights? Maybe he'll have...*bare legs* >(skin, I wanna see some skin!). ;) Well, y'know, they COULD always try to throw in a little "Midsummer's Night Dream" flavor. You know. LOTSA skin, ALL skin, natural costumes... Please don't kill me now... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** Need... more... black... DYE!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 03:16:33 -0500 From: michael wayne jackson <mjay@n.......> Subject: Re: Topic? We have a topic? >As Jamie's Merc Mommy Dear Mrs. Jamie(?) >I think he ought to at least offer a dowry... What is appropriate in such a situation as this? An unlimited account with FirstVirtual? More RAM for her computer? My left ear? >How long do we expect this marriage to last? Until Season Four? >Do you have plans for virtual children? Honestly, Mom, we haven't even had virtual sex yet. Golly. >Where on the Web were you proposing to reside? The server, perhaps. >In the imagination of God, or what? First sex, now religion, next politics? >What do you do for a living, young man? I excell at being michael. >In other words, what are your intentions, buster? Hmmm??? To live well, to laugh often, and to love much. >And they say that cyberspace destroys intimacy. Ha! Wait 'till the listmembers download the honeymoon photos. Talk about intimate, Whooo Boy! michael To find out more about me Mom, see: Although much has changed since 12/19/95, but the Truth is still Out There. ObFK: I made this choker for my dog, a black Cocker Spaniel, pinned her ears on top of her head and now she looks like First Season Janette....especially after 14 Ding-Dongs. This is all for this one. Sleep shall heal, and perhaps on the morrow the Sun shall shine down and brighten our day. And then again it might rain. m ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 03:23:32 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: All I Ever...& YKYBW... >I think the Caddy is supposed to be aqua, isn't it? Try Puke Green. At least that's what it looks like after dark. Luckily, I like Puke Green. Reminds me of guacamole (mmmmmmm!!!). Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** Need... more... black... DYE!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 03:41:36 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Mr. Sandman.... >Knightie night!!! Knight er, Night, Dotti! Sweet Nick and Vachon filled dreams! I've got dibs on Uncle, tho...;) Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** Need... more... black... DYE!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 03:37:58 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? >How long is 'too long' for a vampire to be in a microwave? Well, >I guess that would depend on the age of the vampire. Let's put LC >in and find out. ;) Mmmm, well he's a bit big. Mmmm, maybe just >holding the door open... I know, there's this nice nuclear reactor... When you roast vampies like that, do they burst into flames like a marshmallow, or just kinda melt? And, no, you're not putting Uncle in there. Hmmm, if I say Nick, Dotti (and the otehr Knighties)'ll kill me, Vachon the Vaqs, Urs the Ursines, Janette (no, I don't wanna put her in there. She's cool), Screed (nope. I like him too), so who? Any volunteers? We'll feed you well first... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng, Unnamed phoenix@i....... Tell me what that "sleep" thing is again? **Don't repeat yourself, and stop being redundant.** Need... more... black... DYE!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 05:03:04 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: All I Ever...& YKYBW... I like the Caddy's color too (whatever color it actually is). --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 01:47:50 -1000 From: vampir <vampir@p.......> Subject: lessons learned I've been mulling over the idea of creating a web page dedicated to "everything I need to know, I've learned from Forever Knight" for a few weeks now. Imagine my surprise when I checked the Forkni-L & found the thread! If you think of any other lessons you've learned from FK, please e-mail them to me (subject "FK Lessons"). I'll post the page address after I've got enough lessons to make it official. Thanks! IsleVampir ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No boom today, boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrrow... Sooner or later, Boom. BOOM! - Susan Ivonova, B5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ visit my website at: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 05:56:28 -0700 From: Jackie <ejdjd@i.......> Subject: Saturday Night *LIVE* Here it is, Sunday A.M., I have to get up, get dressed, get the kids dressed, get the hubby dressed, get the dogs dressed (naaaah) and go out for breakfast - I turn on my computer for some relief from the real world and start to download messages - WOW! 173 messages - this is great! I can close my door and Daddy will let the kids and the dogs know Mom is at the computer and......uh, guys,....guys.....****78***** of those messages were on lack of list mail, boredom, lack of list mail, vampire crickets, lack of list mail, Michael's virtual proposition to Jamie, lack of list mail, picking on Dotti for supporting the brick, lack of list mail, good Knight wishes, lack of list mail, lack of list mail, lack of list mail..... Must be either the new moon or everyone is doing their taxes! Jackie Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School! ejdjd@i....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 08:59:57 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? >:( I wish I could go. :( I'd like to go to the next Gerthering too, >but it's way too far away. :( Ah, well... > >--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie Sandra, I wish you could go too :(= I would really like to meat you. You always have insightful things to say. Well, there will come a day. We Knighties must stick together. Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 09:00:18 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? >Well, hey, Michael, we can discuss Nick's *feet*. :) They appear >pretty substantial on the show. I wonder if they're indicative of... >naw, this is a family list. ;) I noticed the size of his feet as well. Although, I have to say that the ramifications of that (anatomically) never occurred to me. And I call myself a Knightie.... I ashamed, truly ashamed. On the bright side, Ger in tight's! :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 09:00:29 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Fight Saturday Night Boredom..lots of topics! Jamie wrote: >Don't'cha feel sorry, though, for all the poor people who're gonna wake up >to these really bizarre digests in the morning? Hey, don't feel sorry for me. I can't remember when I've been more entertained on a Sunday morning! Dotti's crickets, Nick's legs, Vachon in the civil war. Katydids? Man oh man oh man oh man. What a way to start your day. Caffeine and the list. Breakfast of champions... :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 09:00:38 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? >In what started out as a SSLLLOOOWWW list night Okay, Dotti, Sandra, Micheal, Cal, Jamie, Alora, Apache, Lisa, Crystal, (did I miss anyone)--all of you, did any of you actually watch the ep last noc? I have an industrial size bottle of tramquilizers. Just lean into your computer monitors.... :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 09:05:20 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? >I wish you could go too :(= > >I would really like to meat you. MEAT. I kill myself. No Sandra, not as a menu item. MEET as in how ya doin' :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 08:29:10 -0700 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? Jamie Melody Randell wrote: > >And everyone complains that they think Natalie has a boring life..... > > Yeah, but SHE has a boring life with a vampire in it. I wouldn't half mind > one of those. Definately. But, if you can't have a vampire, the lists are a -good- thing. > How long, pray tell, is 'too long' for a vampire to be in a microwave? :-) > One second, ten seconds, ten minutes, an hour and a half? Or does it > depend on which vampire is in the microwave? And how do you propose to fit > a vampire in the microwave, anyhow? Well, a marshmallow peep has a life expectancy in the micro of approximately 15 seconds. Presuming A> a microwave large enough, and B> a correspondingly lower than 1-1 ratio, due to size of said microwave, a couple of minutes outta do it. -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff Co-Administrator | reevesl@p....... Mercenary for Chocolate - Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 09:33:20 -0700 From: Lisa Reeves <ad483@d.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? Carrie Krumtum wrote: > I noticed the size of his feet as well. Although, I have to say that the > ramifications of that (anatomically) never occurred to me. And I call myself > a Knightie.... > > I ashamed, truly ashamed. You should be. <gryn> Missing a perfectly good opportunity to ponder the idea of further investigation of folk myths. ;-) > On the bright side, Ger in tight's! > > :)= I will send virtual chocolate, real chocolate, and possible other negotiables to anyone who can provide me with photographic evidence that this occurs. ;-) -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff Co-Administrator | reevesl@p....... Mercenary for Chocolate - Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 09:45:32 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: Topic? We have a topic? Dear Michael W. J.: While I appreciate your offer of virtual marriage (and the concurrent wedding gift of more RAM for my computer) I find that having slept several hours has allowed me to prioritize... My sun is on your twelfth house cusp, and I only ever marry one person at a time. So it would never work. I'm sure you'll agree, once the sugar high from the 14 Ding-Dongs wears off. But it was a fun courtship while it lasted, eh? Yours sincerely, -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner, semi-awake and back on duty (Unnecessary off-topic posting? Moi? Merely a figment of your digests' imagination...) ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Apr 1996 - Special issue ****************************************************
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