There are 39 messages totalling 1001 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Fight Saturday Night Boredom..lots of topics! (2) 2. Vachon and the Civil War 3. The Pod People from last night...apologizies (5) 4. All I Ever Needed to Know.... 5. the late shift 6. Quiet, aint it? (4) 7. Excuse me (4) 8. Topic? What topic? We have a topic? (3) 9. Last night's insanity (2) 10. Wicked Cuz returns and Thanks (4) 11. Clear Lake Quote List (long) 12. Good Morning!! 13. Topic? What topic? We have a topic? 14. LIST: We were BAD. We were so BAD. 15. This Morning's Silliness 16. How to stay of Topic???and Hi! 17. Addicts (2) 18. Yeeeeaaaahhhh! (2) 19. Vampire Crickets 20. Forgot to be on Topic...sorry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:06:53 +0000 From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Re: Fight Saturday Night Boredom..lots of topics! On 14 Apr 96 at 1:43, Jamie Melody Randell wrote: > On Apr 14, 1996 00:39:53, 'Crystal Guffey wrote: >> >You may say, I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one...because we are > >all up talking on the list!!! and On 14 Apr 96 at 1:43, Jamie Melody Randell wrote: > Don't'cha feel sorry, though, for all the poor people who're gonna wake up > to these really bizarre digests in the morning? Or on Monday, when they > get to work? > Well I woke up to all these bizarre messages, but I felt only regret that I wasn't there!! Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:06:52 +0000 From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Re: Vachon and the Civil War On 14 Apr 96 at 1:46, Apache wrote: > I think he would stay out of it -- it's a white man's war. (It's > a mortals' war, of course, too, but that didn't stop him before.) Oh I don't know...he looks SO cute in uniform, and I'm sure he knows it! Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:35:51 -0400 From: "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......> Subject: The Pod People from last night...apologizies After logging on this morning and reading our collective wierdness from last night, one of my favorite authors Ms. Carrie Krumtum asked: > Okay, Dotti, Sandra, Micheal, Cal, Jamie, Alora, Apache, Lisa, Crystal, (did > I miss anyone)--all of you, did any of you actually watch the ep last noc? Actually Carrie (and everyone else who is now being forced to sift through last night's....well, whatever you want to call it) I did, and since Jamie disappeared from the meyhem around 2:30am too, I suspect she did also. Nah, *I* could never miss an ep (no matter *how many* times I've seen it) in which Nat and LC come face-to-face...and then there's always that *really* cute (oh dear, I'm about to sound like a Knightie) look on Nick's face when he tells Vachon to "give me your arm"...and I love, love, love, *love* Vachon's "see you in Hell, Sailor" at the end. And I *really* love the fact that 'Fever' is now off spoiler protection so I can *finally* change my sig... ObFK (yes, see the Pod People are gone and I *do* have a FK-related question!)...So now that 'Fever' has *finally* been rerun in syndication, does that mean that DoN, GVP, AA & FI are going to be next? Or are they going to continue to re-rerun the middle part of the season? Fianlly.... So to all, my humblest apologies for my part in our collective mental melt-down last night, what can I say? I guess I'll tell my dad not to send me anymore wine from home....but ya'll sure did miss an interesting evening. :-) Alora Natpacker acc0924@i....... "Don't give me that crap."--Natalie, 'Fever' ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:45:49 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: The Pod People from last night...apologizies > one of my favorite authors Ms. Carrie Krumtum MS. Carrie, I like that. Respect. A little respect goes a long way... ObFK: Ger in tights! What about Nick in tights ala SOB, didn't anyone else notice? Boy I sure did. :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:50:35 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: The Pod People from last night...apologizies On Apr 14, 1996 10:35:51, '"Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......>' wrote: >Actually Carrie (and everyone else who is now being forced to sift >through last night's....well, whatever you want to call it) I did, and >since Jamie disappeared from the meyhem around 2:30am too, I suspect she >did also. Ah, you ALSO get Channel 55 Riverhead! :-) An' we get it again tonight, on Fox... I am still trying to figure out what happened. One little inquiry, of, "gee, where is everyone?" and the list just exploded with silliness. And I, who ought to have known better, stripped off the heavy robes of listownerly responsibility and frolicked in the moonlight with y'all. (Even Goddesses get one day off every so often, right?) I guess we've discovered a corollary to 'nature abhors a vacuum': An Empty List Inviteth Mischief... It occurs to me that the NEXT time we do this, we oughta take it to IRC or something. How many of last night's crowd gets IRC? No, don't post it to the list; private e-mail me. We have done enough damage to the psuvm hamsters for one night. <g> An' now, we will get the cascade of followup posts: "What in the world HAPPENED last night, anyway?" Man oh man, do I feel sorry for the hamsters. -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner, back on duty Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 18:27:37 PST From: June Russell <Kat@g.......> Subject: Re: All I Ever Needed to Know.... :> The 1967 (?) Cadillac has more trunk space than any car built in the last 30 :> years. :In FK, it's a 1962 Cadillac. In Nick Night, it's a 1961. Either one will :do just fine :) Although, according to my Cadillac books, neither has that great of trunk space compared to some of the other cars of the time. However, it is bigger than most of the modern trunk space. Kat Kat ( June Russell )!grendal!kat kat@g....... Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 07:39:12 PST From: June Russell <Kat@g.......> Subject: Re: the late shift Karen wrote: :Anyone know what shift Nick works? My guess would have to be no earlier :than 8pm. I've heard them say a couple of times that the shift starts at 9pm (Black Buddha for one.) Assuming it's an 8 hour shift, that makes 5am the time to get off. Of course, in midsummer, there aren't 8 hours without the sun. Maybe he goes on vacation then? Or has Nat drive the caddy home for him, with him in the trunk. Kat Kat ( June Russell )!grendal!kat kat@g....... Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 07:55:16 PST From: June Russell <Kat@g.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? Sandra wrote: :And I still wonder if it was a stunt chest in Night in Question. Looked like the one they are showing of the sunbed scene in the SciFi commercials. Kat Kat ( June Russell )!grendal!kat kat@g....... Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 09:49:47 -0400 From: Lillian Feden <feden@m.......> Subject: Excuse me Has anyone ever considered finding an IRC to chat on or a room on AOL? I can't believe I got spammed by both the regular list and the spoiler list. No, I'm am not humor impaired, and I'm not the only one complaining. I just may be the first one to complain onlist. Lillian feden@m....... "Imagination was given to man to compensate for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is." Francis Bacon ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:17:29 -0400 From: Siona <siona@n.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Carrie Krumtum wrote: > Okay, Dotti, Sandra, Micheal, Cal, Jamie, Alora, Apache, Lisa, Crystal, (did > I miss anyone)--all of you, did any of you actually watch the ep last noc? I > have an industrial size bottle of tramquilizers. Just lean into your computer > monitors.... Well, I lasted until about 2AM. I don't think I posted to much to the list though. And I wasn't even waiting to watch FK :( Siona@n....... Dark Knightie! Help save Forever Knight! see ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 08:22:27 -0700 From: LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......> Subject: Last night's insanity Guys, guys ... Not wanting to put a damper on a good time and all that, but ... next time, could you PLEASE take it to an aol chat room or the IRC? My overworked mailer thanks you. Laurie, in a bad mood after the cat escaped last night and took ten years off my life ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:26:20 CST From: Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Wicked Cuz returns and Thanks Wicked Cousin Tippi returns! That's right. I've been gone for a bit over a week now. I'm going into withdrawal. Some of the personal probs that prompted me to leave have been cleared up, but even if they hadn't, I'd still miss the list! Ahh, it's good to be back! Just a quick note of thanks to people who let me use their Eternal Champion stories in SWEET REVENGE. I am so thankful and pleased with the way the zine's turning out. Thanks to Susan Garrett, Susan Schaefer, Lisa Clevenger, Kelly Jones, Carla Pickering, Ruth Dempsey, and others. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng. Voyeur of the Menage Lacroix. Charter member of the Unnamed Faction. (TippiNB@a.......) Ask me about SWEET REVENGE! It's good, and it's cheap! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:34:34 CST From: Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Clear Lake Quote List (long) Got back a few hours ago from the FK party we had in Clear Lake in honor of Cousin Cherri's visit. Along the way, I got carded for buying Ribena (Me: "It's not alcoholic." Clerk: "It looks like it." Me: "I'm 23. But thank you."). Pizza was consumed, socks were thrown (muahaha), lewd and lascivious comments were made. You can probably figure out which ones were mine... In attendance were: Wicked Cousin Tippi, Cousin Sukhmet, Cousin Shannon, Sharon (are you a Cousin, Sharon?), Cousin Blondie, Cousin Mary, her son Shawn, Cousin Cherri, Monique (a Knightie), and a big pink fuzzy body part which shall go unnamed... Without further ado... Clear Lake (Texas) Quote List - "What's with the cape? He looks like Forever *Dracula*." - "It's his smoking jacket. See how it's smoking?" - "Imagine being trapped in the trunk with your own burnt vampire smell." - "Schanke, you're getting too friendly with the car." - "She's one of the Golden Girls, isn't she?" - (In a loud monotone) "STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR!" "Yeah, instead of the Viper car alarm, it's the *Vampire* car alarm!" - "She doesn't just have a screw loose. She's got a whole Snap-On Tools set loose!" - "The cry of the Thong Throng: (in a low mournful wail reminiscent of a dying moose) Thooooooooong!" - Cherri (running into the room at our urging): "Thong?! What thong?!" Us (throwing socks at her): "THIS thong!" - "Uh oh, Cherri's making a list and checking it twice!" - The following transpired after a convo about a typo in a fkfic that *should* have read "*DISK* in the CD player". "He put his <jadfe word> in the CD player?!" "How??!" "It's a Snap-On!" "I wonder what it sounds like?" "It's got a good beat, but I can't dance to it." - "Do it, Nick! Do it! You wuss." - "Who gets to go first in the cold shower?" - "Being frisky will get a man in trouble every time, whether he's a vampire or not." - "Now that's what I call FLAMING!" - "Evaporation? You mean eVAMPiration!" - "He was having a flashback." - (Discussing Nick, Lacroix, and Mel Gibson in kilts...) "I'm going to Scotland and I'm bringing a leafblower." - "Is that the guy from the Kindred?" - (referring back to the jadfe comment) "It'll grow back... Vachon's *hand* did." "He's just got to hold it in place long enough." - (Watching NB's ep of Matrix) "You can't do that to Lacroix! He'll bite you!" - "He's having a Kindred moment." - "Maybe Uncle will blow in your ear and give you a refill." - "Ask Nick what bricks to do chainsaws." - "Now THAT was a Lacroix moment!" - "Instead of Uncle -- Punkle!" - "Knight, knight baby." - "Poked him in the butt with a sharp stick, did they?" - "Detachable <jadfe word> -- now in handy purse size!" - "Count Skankula!" - "Hey, the cow's mooing." Watching Fever: - "I hate when that happens." - "Screeeeeeed!" - "Go, you little lab rat, you!" - "Screed stopped off in 1850 and got his accent." "'e was a chimney sweep, 'e was!" - (Singing) "You gave me fever!" - "But look, there's death over your shoulder!" - "Lick me." - "That's one hell of a hickey." - "Tracy in a suit. She's the son Daddy always wanted." "I cross-dressed for Forever Knight!" - "Deliverance? We all know what happens in Deliverance!" (The room bursts into a rendition of Dueling Banjos) - "Tracy doesn't smell like fruit. She smells like fruit LOOPS." "Or Cap'n Crunch." - Nick: "I'm hungry and I'm hot." Us: "Take off your jacket!" - "Vampire flambe!" - "If you were flammable, would you really keep that many lit candles around?" AMPH: - "Right before Pompeii became the lava lamp of the Roman Empire." - "What kind of name is Spark for a vampire?" "That's something you'd name a dog." - "Nice dress, Janette. Maybe she left it at the Raven and now Lacroix's wearing it." - "I don't like what's on the menu, but I do like the waiter." - "So, Daddy, how was your day at work?" - "Daddy's little girl." - "Spock? Where? Oh, you said Spark." "Lacroix has Vulcan eyebrows." "Yeah, they went on The Search For Spock, but all they could find were his eyebrows." - "My fangs are bigger than your fangs!" - "They're waltzing!" - "Gee, Nat, will your insurance cover vampire damage?!" - "Thoooooooooooooong!" Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! Voyeur of the Menage Lacroix! Charter member of the Unnamed Faction. Ask me about Sweet Revenge! TippiNB@a........ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:45:36 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? At 02:23 AM 4/14/96 -0500, Sandra wrote: > > Maybe one was a chest double. ;) > Alright ladies, those of you going to the Gerthering - I want that question answered. Did Ger use a stunt chest?? Actually, looking at it, and looking at the quick shot we get in FI and the bits we see in the Canadian version (Oh, shoot the one where he's posing with the girl) and in ND, it looks about the same. I would wonder if suddenly there were Fabio like pecs - but no, it looks about the same. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:51:44 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Good Morning!! Ah, good morning troops! At least I think it's morning - Lauren decided to have a bout of food poisoning right after I signed off this morning - I think I had at least an hour of sleep. Kept dreaming of rehearsing TTOS with Ger - man, I'm definitely thinking about this too much. I also had this vision of being in the middle of a circle of people throwing bricks at me - I can't imagine why I'd have that kind of thought in my head, can you??!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:54:50 -0400 From: Lisa Anne Prince <Moonlight@g.......> Subject: Re: Excuse me Hi All Lillian wrote: >Has anyone ever considered finding an IRC to chat on or a room on >AOL? I can't believe I got spammed by both the regular list and >the spoiler list. I second Lillian here. While it may have been fun for the participants, those of us who actually had to sift through and delete the aftermath while paying ungodly rates for list mail are not amused. Why didn't someone think of creating a miniature mail loop and taking it off list? Lillian continued: >No, I'm not humor impaired, and I'm not the only one complaining. >I just may be the first one to complain onlist. Well, again, I'm not humor impaired either, as the people I correspond with off-list can attest, but after the 50th post about the color of crickets, the size of Nick's feet, and various other *stuff* (being very polite here) and still having another 120 or so left, I was way past feeling humorous. This is, of course, not meant as a flame towards any of the participants, simply a reminder that there are several hundred other people out here and some of them pay by the line. I'm sure that they are going to be *very happy* when they get their mail today. Lisa And yes, I am annoyed after having had to spend more than 2 hours separating out actual list mail. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:00:53 -0500 From: We Two <gebbie@e.......> Subject: Re: Excuse me On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Lillian Feden wrote: > Has anyone ever considered finding an IRC to chat on or a room on AOL? I > can't believe I got spammed by both the regular list and the spoiler list. > No, I'm am not humor impaired, and I'm not the only one complaining. I just > may be the first one to complain onlist. I'll back you up, Lil. After waking up to over 120 messages, *most* of which were off topic, I say the same thing. The list being quiet is a *good* thing for some people, it gives them a chance to catch up on tons of mail they had from before. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:01:50 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? At 03:37 AM 4/14/96 -0500, Lady Sushi wrote: > >When you roast vampies like that, do they burst into flames like a >marshmallow, or just kinda melt? > OH, man I just burst out laughing again. The thought, oh the thought.... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:01:55 -0400 From: Jane Credland <janes@i.......> Subject: Re: Excuse me At 09:49 AM 4/14/96 -0400, Lillian Feden wrote: >Has anyone ever considered finding an IRC to chat on or a room on AOL? I >can't believe I got spammed by both the regular list and the spoiler list. <clap> <clap> <clap> <clap> Y'all may have been having fun, but those list members who pay by the line or who pay by the minute for on-line time won't be particularly amused by the deluge of chitter chatter. Isn't that what private e-mail is for? Oh, and by the way, I have a great sense of humour too. I just am not particularly in the mood to wade through 200-odd posts this morning after my ISP was down for the last while. Jane (janes@i.......) Raven ** Immortal Beloved Writing is easy -- just stare at the page until your forehead bleeds (G. Horvath) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:11:09 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? At 08:59 AM 4/14/96 -0400, youCarrie wrote to Sandra: >I would really like to meat you. Are you hungry, darling? Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:13:16 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? At 09:00 AM 4/14/96 -0400, Carrie wrote: > >Okay, Dotti, Sandra, Micheal, Cal, Jamie, Alora, Apache, Lisa, Crystal, (did >I miss anyone)--all of you, did any of you actually watch the ep last noc? I >have an industrial size bottle of tramquilizers. Just lean into your computer >monitors.... > Actually, Fever was on as I was on the computer - the tv is right behind me so yes, I watched it as I (and my Nickie) were being abused!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:24:32 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: The Pod People from last night...apologizies At 10:35 AM 4/14/96 -0400, you wrote: > >ObFK (yes, see the Pod People are gone and I *do* have a FK-related >question!)...So now that 'Fever' has *finally* been rerun in >syndication, does that mean that DoN, GVP, AA & FI are going to be next? >Or are they going to continue to re-rerun the middle part of the season? > Yea, according to the list I have DoN is next, but then the four new eps come in and after Last Knight airs GVP airs again followed by HF, AA and FI. So we got a while to wait, but by that time we'll be into those last eps so I don't think we'll notice. Hey - I'm not apologizing - I was the one being abused this morning!! (GRIN) Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:26:39 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: The Pod People from last night...apologizies At 10:45 AM 4/14/96 -0400, Carrie wrote: > > >ObFK: Ger in tights! What about Nick in tights ala SOB, didn't anyone else >notice? Boy I sure did. > Oh yea, I noticed. Like I noticed that see thru number in ND. However, there is a difference in seeing it on tv and seeing him up close and personal...and I have close seats!!! (man, oh man dissolving in a pool even at the thought of it) Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:31:47 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Last night's insanity At 08:22 AM 4/14/96 -0700, you wrote: > > >Not wanting to put a damper on a good time and all that, but ... >next time, could you PLEASE take it to an aol chat room or the IRC? >My overworked mailer thanks you. > Actually, by the time we realized what was going on, I don't think we realized how many messages were going out - but I do apologize. It wasn't planned, it just sort of happened. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:35:01 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: LIST: We were BAD. We were so BAD. Yes, we were bad. All of us who were up and posting last night. (Two HUNDRED??? No wonder my mailbox doesn't work.) And no, this shouldn't happen. Posting, yeah, sure, but not off-topic, for the same reasons of not-wasting-bandwidth and people-paying-for-e-mail that I always state, every time I remind people of list rules... The fact that I myself was a willing participant in the madness doesn't change the fact that it was a BAD thing. And no, it should NOT happen again. Not on-list, anyhow. So: to those of you who are now dealing with the aftermath of the spam-a-thon last night, I apologize; and I ask that we NOT continue the madness into today, which will only move the problem into the NEXT set of digests, and make things really really obnoxious for people who won't be checking their mail until Monday. S'okay? Thanks. -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner -- Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:38:41 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Wicked Cuz returns and Thanks Tippi!! Your back!! Way cool! Thanks for the Quote list, it was hilarious. My sides hurt from laughing so hard. Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:43:00 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: This Morning's Silliness All of you who are complaing have an extremely valid point in all that you are saying. We all know better than that, we work very hard at not doing that kind of thing. I can't really say what happened this morning, other than the ball started rolling and it got out of hand. Also, when you're constantly sending and receiving you don't notice how many messages are actually going on. It certainly didn't seem like the huge numbers you're saying it is. And, I guess we thought it was fun and that everyone might get a giggle out of something a little humorous - that even though didn't have every single line about FK - there was that thread - and the Nick bashing - well - it was Nick after all. However, having left AOL because of the exhorbitant prices I know of what you speak when you have to pay per line, and we should have thought about that, but it was just one of those things that just sort of got out of hand. Next time we feel that urge coming on, we'll shift it to a private loop and not annoy you all. Again, my abject apologies... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:40:34 -0230 From: Jason Ryan <ibe0018@i.......> Subject: Re: How to stay of Topic???and Hi! On Sat, 13 Apr 1996, Crystal Guffey wrote: > Karen? I am in Tennessee...a place where I can't even imagine a vampire > would come to...well, not a modern day one anyway. Try the wonderful land of Newfoundland, a vamp must have to be in deep slep to stay here, not a very exciting place. *************************************** "La vie pour toujours, ma chere petite" -Jason Ryan ibe0018@i....... *************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:23:42 CST From: Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Re: Wicked Cuz returns and Thanks Good to be back! :) I've been enjoying your story, by the way, but just too busy to write. Life's still hectic! Best Tippi ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:26:44 CST From: Tippi Blevins <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Re: Wicked Cuz returns and Thanks Doh! YKYB away from the list too long when you send private replies to the list! Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! Voyeur of the Menage Lacroix, charter member of the Unnamed Faction. Sweet Revenge is coming! Ask me about it! (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:41:15 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Addicts (a) List addicts: After reading the FORKNI-L digests that recently fell into my mailbox, I'd just like to suggest that *no one*, *ever* post another message with the subject line: "Quiet, ain't it?" or anything to that effect. If the list is quiet, think of it as a mini-vacation. Saying that the list is quiet is like putting a glass of whiskey in front of an alcoholic or some heroin in front of a junkie. ;^) (Well, it *was* a lot of fun reading this stuff about vampire crickets, microwaves, and marriage proposals, but it was definitely a *guilty* pleasure....) <g> (b) Blood addicts: Speaking of addictions, someone said something about Nick having an eating disorder. I've noticed that he doesn't feed when he's *hungry*, he feeds when he's *upset* -- such as after a disturbing dream, after a guilt trip, after getting a bit too close to chomping on a mortal's neck.... Isn't eating for emotional reasons rather than because you're physically hungry one of the signs of an eating disorder?? BTW, on an unrelated topic (I think someday I might become famous for my unrelated BTW comments stuck at the end of my messages), I've noticed a disturbing trend lately that whenever people quote me, they feel obliged to attribute the quote to "Allison Percy, a perky Knightie" rather than simply to "Allison." Am I being picked on here? (Clewless, aren't I??) And in case you were wondering, my last name is *not* pronounced with a hard "c". <g> * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * Shrewthering info: * * "Topic? What topic? We have a topic?" -- somebody's subject line * ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 14:56:11 -0400 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re: Topic? What topic? We have a topic? > > ------------------------------ On Sun, 14 Apr 1996 09:00:38 -0400 Carrie Krumtum wrote: > > Okay, Dotti, Sandra, Micheal, Cal, Jamie, Alora, Apache, Lisa, Crystal, (did > I miss anyone)--all of you, did any of you actually watch the ep last noc? I > have an industrial size bottle of tramquilizers. Just lean into your computer > monitors.... Are you nuts? It was "Fever?" Not only did I watch, I availed myself of the opportunity to make a first-gen copy. Not only did I watch, I imagined as hard as I could that I actually got to see the scene Gillian Horvath told us were snipped: Vachon crashing into Nick's loft through a window, smoking, and saying shamefacedly, "I didn't realize the sun was still up... I'll pay for the damage;" and Vachon telling Tracy, "they used to put seeds on our graves, you know.. they thought the vampire would come back and start counting the seeds and forget dawn was coming... 'one million VUN, one million TWO.. pffffft!" In short, yes. ;-) Apache ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 15:09:48 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Addicts At 02:41 PM 4/14/96 -0400, Allison (the not so perky Knighty) wrote: > I've noticed that he doesn't feed when he's *hungry*, he feeds when he's *upset* -- such as after a disturbing dream, after a guilt trip, after getting a bit too close to chomping on a mortal's neck.Isn't eating for emotional reasons rather than because you're physically hungry one of the signs of an eating disorder?? > Absolutely - it's a way to make yourself feel better immediately - which then only makes you feel twice as guilty because you did the one thing you're trying to stop doing. Believe, me I know about that eating circle, which is probably one of the reasons I sympathize with Nick so much and get a little annoyed when Nat says things like "Just stop drinking the blood" or whatever. He can't do that anymore than I could "just stop eating" at the time I was having the most problems. It's something that has to be worked on - and unfortunately the only time it really worked was FTB and he hasn't gone back to that since it went so badly for him. Also, for him, it's still part of what's keeping him alive, food isn't enough (remember his doubling over in NiQ) it's not really a total choice for him. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 15:13:27 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Yeeeeaaaahhhh! Okay, so I'm a little nutty this afternoon. I'm sitting at my computer, innocently typing away at some fanfic, and I hear Schanke in my brain... Yeeeaaahhh! Why don't we rustle us up some brews and go down to the city yard and coral us one of those city buses. Yeeeaaahhh! What do they do? Zero to 60 in a millenia? Okay, okay. Quick, which ep is it from? (And yes, I do know the answer.) I started laughing so hard I had to take a break from writing. I think my brain will turn to industrial strength mush before long. Well, at least it will be FK mush. Ya take the good with the bad. Sigh, back to the grind... Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:24:17 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Vampire Crickets Hi gang! What in the hell is a cricket? <vbg> I'm from Alaska, we don't have crickets, at least I don't think we do. We could have vampires however, particular in the winter when the shortest day includes only 4 hours of sunlight. AAAARGH!! And yes I do have spring fever, what about it. ObFK---You know you have been watching too much FK when your best friend takes all of your FK tapes away so you will study for your comprehensive exams. Heavy Sigh!! Katherine lqueen@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 15:24:34 -0400 From: "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......> Subject: Re: Yeeeeaaaahhhh! On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Carrie Krumtum wrote: > Yeeeaaahhh! Why don't we rustle us up some brews and go down to the city yard > and coral us one of those city buses. Yeeeaaahhh! What do they do? Zero to 60 > in a millenia? > Okay, okay. Quick, which ep is it from? (And yes, I do know the answer.) Oh I know that one! I just watched that one last night for the first time! <running to check the tape in the VCR> Right: Fatal Mistake. Alora...relishing in seeing some first season these days (Thanks Maria!) Natpacker acc0924@i....... "Don't give me that crap."--Nat, 'Fever' ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:32:13 -0700 From: Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......> Subject: Re: Quiet, aint it? On Sat, 13 Apr 1996, Sandra Gray wrote: > Yep, this list is kind of *dead*. :) Maybe folks are at a convention > or something? Or maybe...vampires have gotten everyone. 8[ How did you find out? Someone must have squealed (and it wasn't one of Screed's rats). Well, just tell me where you live, and we'll come and collect you. <eg> We must have missed you somehow. -Jerimi--->paul9454@u....... Visions of LaCroix being at the door when next I answer it. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:36:57 -0700 From: Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......> Subject: Re: Forgot to be on Topic...sorry Vachon claims to always fight for the underdog, so wouldn't that include fighting to help the slaves? Maybe. My problem is with how he could know who the underdog was at the time. Just my $0.000002 ;) -Jerimi--->paul@u....... ~~~All I ask is that you treat me no differently than you would the Supreme and All Powerful Ruler of the Known and Unknown Universe.~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 15:36:35 -0400 From: Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......> Subject: Re: Fight Saturday Night Boredom..lots of topics! > Jamie wrote: > >Don't'cha feel sorry, though, for all the poor people who're gonna wake up > >to these really bizarre digests in the morning? I for one am sorry for myself that I don't have my own computer. Just the thought that I could've been in on this (as I am always up till all hours on Saturday nights) made me wish harder and harder for the summer and my OWN computer to come. :) Boy am I glad that I decided to get my butt to a lab to check this today. This would have been WAY too strange for a Monday morning! > Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner, semi-awake and back on duty > (Unnecessary off-topic posting? Moi? Merely a figment of your > digests' imagination...) <thu-thump...thu-thump> "You never read those digests" <thu-thump> "This never happened..." <thu-thump> And just to add something slightly on-topic... ObFK-I saw that scene in the morgue in "Fever" again last night, and without any spoilers, let me just say-you wouldn't have to have even put me in a microwave at that point...I spontaneously melted right there in the Lounge! :) Lisa Knust (who at least gets exercise walking to check e-mail) lmknus@m....... "For the Blood is the Life..." ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Apr 1996 - Special issue ****************************************************
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