There are 44 messages totalling 1012 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. press releases list 2. Sony Charity Cards - good news (6) 3. To those in Ottawa 4. Syndicate day 5. <No subject given> (2) 6. Phila. fans: Syndie Day? 7. EM Ad UPDATE; $$ PLEDGES FOR BAG AND AD 8. GWD sighting! 9. 1st and 2nd season tapes 10. Appreciation days 11. Ian Spelling 12. Possible Screed Sighting (2) 13. Appreciation days/ Clarification needed 14. IL lurkers/Appreciation days 15. Needing Address!! 16. sos and yky.. 17. New note from JP on AOL (3) 18. Where to send receipts--My $0.02 worth 19. Note in AOL folder from JP 20. AOL Cross-Post from JP (re: rumors) 21. a couple yky's... 22. "Strings" No SPOILERS 23. New Eps on KLGT 23 after all 24. SOS FAQ Request 25. TODAY IS SONY/TRISTAR APPRECIATION DAY (2) 26. Fiction Error 27. FK in Wash.DC 1/20 (2) 28. Fwd: Ger speaks out re Cancellation 29. Screed on Due South? (2) 30. Sony postcards 31. Jumanji/Tri-Star appreciation 32. flyers going fast! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 17:14:32 -0500 From: cpl <cpl@b.......> Subject: press releases list Hello everyone: I volunteered a while to make a contact at the Boston Globe. Cynthia sent me the PR's and said go for it, but then someone else contacted me that she was already working on it. I think that we need some sort of list of where the PR's have been sent so we don't duplicate and perhaps annoy people who are trying to help us as well and so people will know if their local paper has been hit, and if not will take it upon themselves to do so. SO . . . Please e-mail me (clin@p....... OR cpl@b.......) with the following info if you have sent a press release out to someone: Name of Paper: Location of Paper: Date Sent: Contact Name (if any): Contact Ph: Contact Fx: Contact e-mail: Your Name: Your e-mail: Notes (if any): i.e. yes, they're gonna print it etc. If someone more official than I has already been compiling this list, please let me know, because I don't know about you. If I do this, then I'll post a list of the names of the papers every couple of days or so, so everyone can get a good look. If we have any future press releases, we'll have this list to which to refer if we need it. Thanks, and please feel free to e-mail me with any sort of comment. ping cpl@b....... clin@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 15:24:40 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <marg.r@a.......> Subject: Sony Charity Cards - good news Hey, I don't know if this was mentioned yet. . .I had received a card from props boy (Thank you!) and while I was picking it up, I saw that Sony donated $10,000 to 16 charities. GWD/PAF was #6 on the list! We done good!!!!!!!!!!! Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie ** Help Save/Revive Forever Knight** write me at: margr@i....... more info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 16:30:50 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: Re: Sony Charity Cards - good news You can still pick up postcards, but you can no longer send any. I'm going to email them now and see if we have a Sony total yet. Until next time, Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... I've got places to go, people to dissect. - Natalie Lambert ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 16:46:32 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: Re: Sony Charity Cards - good news Ignore my previous post. The postcard links have been taken off the FK page, but are still present on the Sony Entertainment Page. Go figure. I've sent a note to root@s....... asking what the deal is--ie percentages and deadline. I thought I read on this list at some point that it was the 12th. Until next time, Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... I've got places to go, people to dissect. - Natalie Lambert ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 17:38:19 -0600 From: Kimberley <$LOWKD@b.......> Subject: To those in Ottawa Just a thought, but there's a bookstore in Ottawa (the Glebe specifically) that's called The House of Speculative Fiction. It's a great store and the owner is really nice. Since it does cater to those people who enjoy fantasy, horror, and science fiction she might be willing to have a couple of the press releases on display. I know when they were trying to keep "Prisoners of Gravity" on the air she had a petition out. I can't remember the exact address but its on Fourth just to the east of Bank. Its in one of those converted houses and there is a sign on the building at the corner of Fourth and Bank that lists all the stores on the street. Hope this helps! Kimberley *NatPacker* ($lowkd@m.......) Game of gopher, anyone? "Shouldn't we be doing something - constructive?" "What did you have in mind?... A short, blunt human pyramid...?"(RAGAD) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 18:44:12 -0500 From: Props Guy <PropsGuy@a.......> Subject: Syndicate day Anyone with a credit card should consider sending flowers to your local syndicates on Tuesday. It would send them off to the NATPE in a romantic mood and certainly keep us in their hearts. Also, if everyone made one call to that TV Guide voice mail number, how much you wanna bet we'd use up their tape? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 15:19:35 -0900 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: Sony Charity Cards - good news 6th on the list? I am confused, a while ago we were kicking elbow. Who are the first 5? Inquiring minds what to know, Barbara ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 01:26:48 +0100 From: Katrin Dyballa <soz91edr@s.......> Subject: <No subject given> I read at one Home Page, that there is a mysterious third version of some episodes (first season), which was produced only for the european market. Who could say me, whether this episodes has been selled and aired? By the way, I found only the fax-number of the german co-producer "Telem=FCnchen": ++49-89-227875 telephon: ++49- 89- 290930 I try to get an email address on monday. Katrin ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 19:27:10 -0500 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Phila. fans: Syndie Day? If anyone in Philadelphia is interested in going in together to send flowers, a gift basket, or a cookie tin to the Programming Coordinator(s) of local syndicated stations for Syndicator Appreciation Day, let me know. If we pool money and creativity we should be able to come up with something memorable that will create a "warm fuzzy" feeling and send them off to NATPE with FK on their minds! Contact me off-list at percy91@w....... if you're interested. * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * __o Pedal for Forever Knight & the Pediatric AIDS Foundation! * * _`\<,_ Contact me at percy91@w....... to find out * * (*)/ (*) how to pledge your support and/or join the ride! * ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 19:34:04 -0500 From: Lillian Feden <feden@m.......> Subject: Re: Sony Charity Cards - good news At 03:19 PM 1/13/96 -0900, Muldy Sculler wrote: >6th on the list? I am confused, a while ago we were kicking elbow. Who >are the first 5? >Inquiring minds what to know, >Barbara > They're listed alphabetically. I guess they went by Davies instead of Wyn Davies. Lillian feden@m....... aka RotsaRuck@a....... Knightie; Optimist's Club Help Save Forever Knight! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 16:56:58 -0800 From: Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......> Subject: <No subject given> Hi all, I was checling my guide, and it says that FK will be on fox (kmvu,26,13). It's listed as "strings". A NEW episode. <bs> Heather penni@w....... Faithful Forever Knightie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 17:06:08 -0800 From: LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......> Subject: EM Ad UPDATE; $$ PLEDGES FOR BAG AND AD Wanted to let everyone know that the ad for Electronic Media has been received by their Chicago office. The sales rep has promised to try and get us a good placement within the magazine because he loves what we're doing. Also, he has pitched our activities to the bureau chief in New York, and the chief, someone called Wayne, also was interested and is now pitching his bosses in Chicago. So, if we're lucky, we may even get an article out of EM as well as an advertisement! (Fingers crossed.) The EM ad has now been paid for, in full, so I would ask those of you who have so generously offered to help foot the bill (which was $4,760) to send your checks, payable to Laurie Cohen Fenster, to the SOS post office box: SOS-FK, P.O. Box 00000, Alexandria, Virginia 00000-0000. Those of you who have pledged $$ for the NATPE bags to Diane E. have also been asked, by Diane, to send your checks, payable to Laurie Cohen Fenster, to the SOS address. Since we needed to put down deposit money on the NATPE bags, I volunteered to front the bag cost as well. Please mark your reimbursement contribution as either a NATPE bag contribution, an EM ad contribution, or a contribution to both. If both, you can choose an allocation, or I will automatically split it 50/50. I will periodically update the list on contributions received. Thanks to all of you for contributing! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 21:17:08 -0500 From: Props Guy <PropsGuy@a.......> Subject: GWD sighting! No, I didn't see him in the supermarket, But I did see him on a re-run of "My Secret Identity" on the Sci-Fi Channel. Younger and straight-haired, but still round faced and charming. Good things come to those who channel surf. Abe ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 21:19:56 EST From: Malya Rabi <malyar@t.......> Subject: 1st and 2nd season tapes Hi. I'm briefly delurking to ask for first and second season tapes. handling. For those who can help, email me offlist at malyar@t....... Thanks!! Malya ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 21:26:57 -0500 From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" <romana@p.......> Subject: Appreciation days OK, I rented "Far Away So Close" to watch tomorrow and will send out copies of the receipt. Do we have a central address? I think it would be better to send directly to TriStar. Also, I'm going to call 1-800-FLOWERS and try to get together sending small bouquets of flowers to both my syndicated stations (any NYC area people who want to pitch in drop me email as I'll probably call Monday or Tuesday). Also will let the syndies know that I'll try to keep their station on all day and to try and patronize their sponsors as much as I can afford to. Any other ideas? Sharon -- Sharon Himmanen * romana@p........ Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help save it, check out or send me email ASAP! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 19:50:43 -0700 From: Samurai Knight <satori@m.......> Subject: Re: Ian Spelling For those who needed Ian Spelling's e-address: IanSpellin@a....... I also have: 76702.2062@c....... (Miss) Falcon Storm Knightie/Cousin/Vaquera Optimists' Club satori@m....... LONG LIVE THE KNIGHT ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 23:08:05 -0500 From: Roxanne Piccen <RoxanneP@a.......> Subject: Possible Screed Sighting Hey, did anybody happen to catch that episode of Due South last night? I could've sworn that the tattoo artist with the long, scraggly hair and cockney accent was the King of the Ratpack himself. I didn't get a good look at his face, though. Was probably too shocked to see him with hair. :-) Anyone know if that was him? Roxanne RoxanneP@a....... ==================================================== Save Forever Knight! For more details: ==================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 20:27:56 -0800 From: Sherri <sherric@e.......> Subject: Re: Appreciation days/ Clarification needed On Sat, 13 Jan 1996, "Sharon A. Himmanen" <romana@p.......> wrote: >Do we have a central address? I think it would be better to send directly >to TriStar. Where are we sending the receipts to? I and some friends are going to see a movie tomorrow, and I'm going to mug them for their tickets afterwards. Are we sending the tickets to a central address who will collect them & ship them to Tristar? or are we just including them in the next round of letters written individually to Tristar?? Sherri sherric@e....... Founding Member, SFKS Help save Forever Knight! The "Save Forever Knight" Web Page -- For the web impaired try shortfrm at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 23:39:54 EST From: CINDY L BREWER <DHRC98C@p.......> Subject: IL lurkers/Appreciation days Hi, Would any lurkers who live in the Northern IL/Southern wisconsin area e-mail me off list? Hopefully we can arrange something for station appreciation day. OBFK: Possible stupid question....but was JP behind the orginal Nick Knight movie with Rick Springfield? Or did he just come in for the series. Cindy Brewer DHRC98C@p....... Knightie,Nick&Natpacker,Optimist's club Vaquera "You're the only supernatural friend I have."Tracy to Vachon ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 01:38:44 -0330 From: Dark Knight <phurley@b.......> Subject: Needing Address!! Sorry to be posting this to the list guys, but I have no choice, my mailbox just wents nuts on me again, and a person who wrote me from the list, her name is Mary-jane Stafford, her letter and address went to computer heaven, so if your out there, or anybody knows her address, could you write me and tell me what it is, because I would like to get in contact with her. Thanks. Paula Knightie/ Nick&NatPacker/ And likes LaCroix(but I'm not a cousin) ********************************************************************* *LaCroix: "A father provides love, discipline, guidance, protection,* * and support---That's not bad." * *Nick: "He left out freedom." * *LaCroix: "So would I." * ********************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 21:18:21 -0800 From: Abby <albrecht@s.......> Subject: sos and yky.. ok, i have a friend that is an intern for the Hollywood Reporter... she is really interested in all y'all are doing so she's going to spread the word around the paper and will even try to mention it to the reporters covering NATPE... did i do ok? ykybwtmfk... when you watch ABBA on tv just to have happy Schanke memories... abby -- Mercenary of the Knight albrecht@c....... Down the hall lThe first Merc Knightie eponymous2@a....... Turn right! lDDEB3, Duchovniks, NLEB, and more ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 00:29:36 EST From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Re: Sony Charity Cards - good news On 13 Jan 96 at 15:24, Marg Rothschild wrote: > Hey, I don't know if this was mentioned yet. . .I had received a > card from props boy (Thank you!) and while I was picking it up, I > saw that Sony donated $10,000 to 16 charities. GWD/PAF was #6 on the > list! We done good!!!!!!!!!!! The list was alphabetical...we still don't know how well we did! Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker/FFFROG ktobin@t......., KarenT1228@a.......) Reference Librarian of the Save Forever Knight Campaign Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 00:53:52 EST From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: New note from JP on AOL Thsi was posted onm AOL tonight. Haven't seen it here yet, so I thought I'd send it along! Subj: FK Future Date: 96-01-13 23:05:31 EST From: Escribador Posting here because the other list is too full. Folks... please. Whoever is circulating the rumor that Tri-Star is trying to sell the show for a fourth season is wrong. Unless thay have super-inside info... which would shock me tremendously... Tri-Star has no interest in producing more episodes. Moreover, it really upsets me that people are starting these rumors using my name as a source. Please... cease and desist. However... I'd sure like to thank all of you for your support... and particularly for what you're doing for thw Pediatric Aids Foundation. A million thanks. Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker/FFFROG ktobin@t......., KarenT1228@a.......) Reference Librarian of the Save Forever Knight Campaign Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 22:23:40 -0800 From: Patty Winter <winter@b.......> Subject: Where to send receipts--My $0.02 worth I vote for sending them all to one central address and having one representative send them to Sony. That will maximize the impact. If we send them separately, they may not all wind up in the same place at Sony, thus diluting their impact. Lana, should we send them to the SOS-FK address? Or has someone else offered to collect them?? Patty ========================== winter@b....... ========================= "Due South" is back! Watch it Fridays on CBS! ======= Apple contractor ======== N6BIS ======== Sunnyvale, Calif. ======= ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 01:33:39 -0500 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: Note in AOL folder from JP This was posted to one of the FK folders in the AOL TV Viewers area: Subj: FK Future Date: 96-01-13 23:05:31 EST Posting here because the other list is too full. Folks... please. Whoever is circulating the rumor that Tri-Star is trying to sell the show for a fourth season is wrong. Unless thay have super-inside info... which would shock me tremendously... Tri-Star has no interest in producing more episodes. Moreover, it really upsets me that people are starting these rumors using my name as a source. Please... cease and desist. However... I'd sure like to thank all of you for your support... and particularly for what you're doing for thw Pediatric Aids Foundation. A million thanks. --JP -------------------------------- (That's James Parriott, y'all.) Marcia ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 02:12:42 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: AOL Cross-Post from JP (re: rumors) Cross-Post from AOL. So... if anyone tries to tell you that TriStar has relented as regards the fourth season, they're wrong. We are still very much tilting at windmills. KEEP CALLING the syndicated stations. KEEP WRITING to TriStar. NATPE is what, a week away? We can't afford to let up now. And hey... at least we know that they know we care. :-) ================================================================================ ======== Subj: FK Future Date: 96-01-13 23:05:31 EST From: Escribador Posting here because the other list is too full. Folks... please. Whoever is circulating the rumor that Tri-Star is trying to sell the show for a fourth season is wrong. Unless thay have super-inside info... which would shock me tremendously... Tri-Star has no interest in producing more episodes. Moreover, it really upsets me that people are starting these rumors using my name as a source. Please... cease and desist. However... I'd sure like to thank all of you for your support... and particularly for what you're doing for thw Pediatric Aids Foundation. A million thanks. --JP ================================================================================ === -- KEEP THE FAITH! Jamie M.R. --The Illustrated Cousin -- Mercenary -- SFK WebGoddess Save Forever Knight! -- "I hope you'll pardon us if we continue to crusade." -- Jaye the Red ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 01:17:22 CST From: L'Phantom <jrarmstr@p.......> Subject: a couple yky's... ykybwtmfkw... see a book called Raven and you quickly grab it and read the back cover. The story follows a group of people trapped in a restaurant. The group included among others, a lady bartender, an all-night radio show host, an ex-cop, and a pair of "star-crossed lovers," and it's all you can do to keep from laughing maniacally in the middle of the store. ...still examining the same book, you look inside the front cover at the reviews and scanning down the page see the word "Nightcrawler" and nearly buy the book then and there until you see that "Nightcrawlers" was the title of another book by the same author. (Maybe I should have bought them anyway, no?) see a magazine with the word "Vampires" on the cover and immediately snatch it up specifically to see if they have a reference to FK. (Which, AAMOF this one did.) Pleasant Knightmares, boys and girls. Inside your mind, as always, L'Phantom --Cousin-in-training Help Save Forever Knight! Ask me how! jrarmstr@b....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 02:45:35 -0500 From: Kayla Clark <katygale@g.......> Subject: "Strings" No SPOILERS Just FYI - haven't seen it mentioned - the new episode aired tonight on my local syndicated station! I do not have the money to send them flowers - would anyone out there care to help me show them my appreciation? I'll write them a big Thank You note. WVLA doesn't advertise the show, but it comes on immediately after SNL and gets a "2" in ratings - which is the best any show has gotten in that slot for them. Cousin Kayla "Sheriff Buck, that's Buck . . . with a 'B'" is *back* (due to fan response - just like FK will be) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 02:20:42 -0500 From: Seah Levy <cheshire@b.......> Subject: New Eps on KLGT 23 after all Well, I turned on the tv tonight (this morning really), and it appears that KLGT-23 in Minneapolis is in fact airing new episodes, although at later times, after all! I was very pleased to discover this, but I am worried that I may have misled people into thinking that these episodes were going to be reruns. My deepest apologies if this is the case, I truly was only repeating the information that the station relayed to me over the phone. Probably not the smartest thing to trust a bunch of people who weren't originally aware FK ever progressed past the first season. *sigh*. Again, my apologies if this caused problems for anyone. Seah cheshire@b....... "Be careful. We don't know what the cockroaches are capable of." - X-Files. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 02:30:11 CST From: L'Phantom <jrarmstr@p.......> Subject: SOS FAQ Request My copy of the SOS FAQ was deleted from my mailbox when I made a really *dumb* mistake. Could the keeper of the FAQ (or someone else) please forward me a copy? Thanx! Inside your mind, as always, L'Phantom --Cousin in training ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 06:51:37 -0800 From: LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......> Subject: TODAY IS SONY/TRISTAR APPRECIATION DAY Just wanted to remind everyone to do their bit! :-) Buy or rent a SONY/TriStar videotape. Attend a SONY/TriStar film. Save your stub/receipt/whatever and send it to Jon Feltheimer, TriStar/Columbia Pictures TV, 10202 Washington Boulevard, Culver City, California 90230, with your note expressing appreciation to SONY/TriStar for producing and distributing Forever Knight. Or send it to the SOS FK Post Office Box, Box 00000, Alexandria, Virginia 00000-0000. Thanks for participating! Make sure to pass the word to anyone else who might be interested! Laurie ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 10:05:22 -0500 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Fiction Error I forgot *hanging head in shame* about the fiction on the FTP site for the WWW-Challenged: The address is: Directories are: PUB/PEOPLE/LMS5 and it's an anonymous logon. This site contains a large percentage of the fiction posted to FKFIC-L over the past three years. (Thanks to Ruth for noting the error!) Regards When we get a fourth season, the hair GOES. susang@v....... -- Get all your info for Saving Forever Knight from: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 10:26:14 EST From: MS SHIRLEY A CLINE <VUYX56A@p.......> Subject: FK in Wash.DC 1/20 Greetings, According to the Washington Post's tv guide, WB 50 has moved FK to 9 pm, next Saturday (Jan.20). YES!! :) An earlier timeslot, and no annoying lottery numbers! :> Cousin Shirl <vuyx56a@p.......> ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 14:04:45 -0500 From: Bea Quindlen <OCaoin@a.......> Subject: Fwd: Ger speaks out re Cancellation --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Ger speaks out re Cancellation Date: 96-01-14 12:58:15 EST From: Rosorge To: LindaRoth CC: susang@v.......,OCaoin Please post this on the Internet/Web or anywhere else you feel appropriate. Also an extra entry to let people know that dues for this club are $16.00 now. Apparently someone on Internet still has dues as $15.00. Thanks!! I would appreciate if the news was forwarded just as written, with no changes. Thanks again!! FOREVER KNIGHT NEWS!!! As president of the Geraint Wyn Davies Fan Club, I have tried to remain lowprofile and remove myself somewhat from the FK cancellation controversy until knowing exactly what Ger wished his fans to know. Spoke with Ger today, (Jan 14) and here's the gist: His concern with the on-going effort to save FK is that if Tri-Star/the power-that-be are "forced" to renew FK, the funding would be minimal, causing the quality of the show to suffer and he feels that this would be very frustrating for the actors and production crew involved. He is thrilled that they are being allowed to finish the third season but has reservation about FK continuing. The other aspect here is that as long as this movement continues in this vein, the actors are being held to their contracts until June which means that come February when filming ends, none of the actors will be able to commit to anything before their contracts are released. He did, however, think that fighting for the premise was wonderful. I suggested that possibly they could do FK films like those that are being done for "Alien Nation" and Ger thought that would be a terrific idea. He said that this would allow them to maintain the quality and standards that the actors would be proud of. Also, a tow hour movie format would give them more storylines to play with. Regarding the move: His move to Santa Barbare was planned last year, but we said nothing because we always held that Ger's private life is HIS business not anyone else's. We do want to clarify that the move in no way caused or was a result of the recent decision of the powers-that-be and there were/are not any ulterior motives involved --- It was simply a family move. Ger asked me to tell everyone that he appreciates all the support and loyalty of the fans and is overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity for the charity. Rosemary Shad ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 14:24:24 EST From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Screed on Due South? I am relieved to see that someone else thought the tatto artist on Due South was the actor who plays Screed, because so did I. To be precise, I thought I recognized the voice. I never did get a good, clear look at his face because of the camera angle and the shadows. And of course the credits ran too fast to check. Does anyone have last Friday's Due South on tape? If so, you could do us a favor by seeing if Greg Kramer (Screed) is listed in the end credits. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 14:58:14 -0500 From: AC Chapin <sdragon@g.......> Subject: Re: Screed on Due South? > And of course the credits ran too fast to check. Does anyone have > last Friday's Due South on tape? If so, you could do us a favor by seeing > if Greg Kramer (Screed) is listed in the end credits. Greg Kramer was not listed in the credits, but the part of the tatoo artist was small enough that he may have gone uncredited. I think that it was not him, from what I could see of the face under the hair, I think the tatoo artist was a younger man, with much darker brows than Kramer. AC Chapin sdragon@g....... FOREVER KNIGHT has been CANCELLED. If you want to help save it, please write *polite*, *supportive* letters to your local syndicator and Tristar/Columbia Pictures TV, 00000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx. Culver City, CA, 90230 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 15:20:18 -0500 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re: New note from JP on AOL Dear Karen, Thanks. I would never have found that. I bounced James Iaccino's rumor to Jim anonymously and to Fred with Iaccino's name attached, and got denials both ways, but as always was told in <*!@#$!> confidence. This is excellent! Laura ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 13:49:51 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: Sony postcards Hi, Has anyone heard from Sony regarding the postcard totals? I'm on pins and needles. I hope we netted at least half the money. Until next time, Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... I've got places to go, people to dissect. - Natalie Lambert ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 15:46:28 -0500 From: Lynn McAlpine <Chatelyne@a.......> Subject: Jumanji/Tri-Star appreciation I didn't have very high expectations for Jumanji but since it was the only Tri-Star flick at the theatres other than Lawnmower Man 2, I gathered the kids together and off we went. I'm happy to give it a good review (okay, not the BEST I've ever seen, but entertaining). So for those of you who prefer your movies at night, there is still time to show your appreciation to Tri-Star by hitting the evening performances of Jumanji. I've saved my ticket stubs and plan to let Feltheimer know that I would not have seen this movie except for Forever Knight! Lynn McAlpine Chatelyne@a....... (drums beating in background . . . ) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 15:47:20 -0500 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re: FK in Wash.DC 1/20 On Sun, 14 Jan 1996, MS SHIRLEY A CLINE wrote: > Greetings, > According to the Washington Post's tv guide, WB 50 has moved FK to > 9 pm, next Saturday (Jan.20). YES!! :) An earlier timeslot, and no > annoying lottery numbers! :> > > Cousin Shirl <vuyx56a@p.......> > WA-HOOOOOO!! Guess all those nice phonecalls the programming director's been getting are paying off!! When I first called in, back in December, the receptionist told me her MOTHER was a big FK fan. So maybe we even had some inside help! Apache ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 16:00:25 -0500 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re: New note from JP on AOL Oh s**t -- I've joined the posted a private message to the list club. Humble and deeply chagrined apologies. Laura ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 16:04:51 -0500 From: "Nancy M. Duemling" <wduemlin@p.......> Subject: Re: Possible Screed Sighting Roxanne noted: > Hey, did anybody happen to catch that episode of Due South last night? > I could've sworn that the tattoo artist with the long, scraggly hair and > cockney accent was the King of the Ratpack himself. After reviewing the tapes of last week's DS and Screed's appearance in Blind Faith, I would vote no. Screed is portrayed by Greg Kramer, nobody by that name appears in the DS credits for The Promise. Also, the tatoo artist has a much sharper, larger nose than Screed and is narrower of face. I'll admit that my first thought on viewing DS was also, "Is that Screed?" Then I didn't think so, but Roxanne's note prompted a double check. Nancy Duemling, Knightie and DueSer (NancyD@p.......) "Yon knight doth sit too melancholy"-W. Shakespeare "That was a tree"-OFC to OFM ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 16:08:43 -0500 From: Lisa Wolters <MVRJasper@a.......> Subject: flyers going fast! Is the list being held again? I haven't received anything since Friday night. Had to share a flyer "success" story. On Friday, I left about 50 flyers at a large, always-crowded local book store; the clerk hadn't heard of FK, but was happy to let me leave them on the front counter by their White Wolf, Magic, Masquerade, etc., stuff. I went back this morning (Sunday), and the flyers were all gone. I asked same Mr. Friendly Clerk if I could get more from my car and leave them again, and he said, "Sure, they were gone like *that.* Leave as many as you want." :-) Not too shabby, eh? It pays to risk embarrassment (and, if you're like me, remain beet red the entire time) and ask about leaving flyers! (It also doesn't hurt to flirt with Mr. Friendly Clerk, I discovered...<g>) I also left a bunch outside atop a rack of freebie local papers. Lisa with a W. MVRJasper@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 13:11:11 -0800 From: Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@m.......> Subject: Re: TODAY IS SONY/TRISTAR APPRECIATION DAY FWIW-- O.K. I hit the Sony Web Site and here are the movies they list as currently in theatres (although more than half of them are already-gone,-but-not-yet-on-video here in LA :/ ) (The ones with "*"s are the only ones I could determine were TriStar (as opposed to other Sony divisions...if we care :-) "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" *"Jumanji" "Othello" "Sense and Sensibility" "Money Train" "The American President" *"Never Talk to Strangers" "To Die For" "Devil in a Blue Dress" "Run of the Country" "Desperado" "Across the Sea of Time" "Beyond Rangoon" "The Babysitter's Club" "The Net" "First Knight" "Johnny Mnemonic" "Foreget Paris" Sorry, they didn't say anything about videos... Dianne The Mad Digester :-) -*- NATPE Carpool Coordinator Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <moonlight@c.......> "I hope you'll pardon us if we continue to crusade. :)" -- Jaye *Web info: *Daily digest/list-summary email loop: moonlight@c....... ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 13 Jan 1996 to 14 Jan 1996 - Special issue *******************************************************************
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