There are 24 messages totalling 670 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. PostCrypt/FK fonts 2. Requests and stuff 3. <No subject given> (3) 4. Song Movies 5. Still going and going... 6. Test - Just Ignore 7. Found Another FK fan 8. NATPE campaign & bag fund totals, 1/13/95 AM 9. Finally got off my b*** 10. Post for Sherri 11. press release sent to Boston Globe 12. Ian Spelling column 13. GWD on now (noon) (2) 14. TriStar releases 15. FK voodoo 16. the meaning of subscribe 17. ACTIVISIM for SOS 18. calling WFXT.... 19. Vows and other such things... 20. Fan fiction Information 21. Jekyll & Hyde's? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 04:16:42 -0800 From: Hugo Trepanier <mcampeau@m.......> Subject: PostCrypt/FK fonts Hi everyone! Some people talked about FK fonts. To my knowledge, there is no such thing, as it is not a real font, much more like a drawing. I would also be interested in having one if it does exist though. As for the PostCrypt font, I personnaly have it, in True Type format. I don't know why people talked about it, because it doen't even look close to FK's design. It's more like a melting-blood-like type font. Anyway, if anyone wants it, I wouldn't mind sending it to you. (I don't remember where I got it, I hope it's not illegal to copy it. I think it's from TypeCase... Who care?! :) ) See y'all! Hugo Trepanier mcampeau@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 04:30:34 -0500 From: Shannon Thompson <celtic@j.......> Subject: Requests and stuff Hi Again! Could someone please e me that phone list again? Mine has gone on to that void that is my mailbox..... This way I can make my phone calls next week and get this story :) And, a Tri-Star release on video..."Legend of the Falls". Mr. Bennett is suppose to be in there somewhere too. Honest. It says so in the credits. Shannon ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 01:38:22 -0800 From: "Toni C. Holm" <tch@w.......> Subject: <No subject given> A McLaughlin said: >Has anyone thought to petition Speilberg and Co's new production "Dreamworks" >to buy FK. I'm sure they can afford any asking price from Tri-Star. <snipped> Hey why not -- Go for it - can you get an address? I'm so letter writing numb by now I can do them in my sleep.... Hey -- can I do a round of fuzzies here? (Here goes -- taking off Cousin hat & putting on newly aquired Perkalator cheering costume now...) Congrats Paula -- on the great article -- (Now how can we get a bunch of other papers to do them?? Call your local paper, write them , fax them a press release...) Ditto good job, Cyndi on the Orlando Sentinal calls & others! (Keep calling them folks - it works!) Big brave Kudos to Dianne, Sharon, Sherri, Crolyn, Lisa, Hugo, Perri, Jamie (Jamie?!? -- you did it !!!), and anyone else I missed who actually *called* their local station ! (Back at it on Tuesday folks - Call em up!!!) BTW I can't read Dianne's vow fic, because the *##@ P.D. of KIRO-TV won't be in till Tuesday afternoon -- it's gonna be a looong weekend with that tempting morsel of fiction in my "IN" box and I'm *not* good at resisting temptation. -- I'm beginning to sympathise with the Knighties already <g> Thanks for the new press release Cynthia -- it's great Finally, Lisa writes: > "Our current group charity donation total is" > $5,712.50 WOW!!! Is there anything bigger than fuzzies to hand out? - You are *all* great!!!!! Virtual chocolate for all (except those with vows...) -Toni <tch@w.......> (I could get used to this perky thing <gulp>) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 11:29:13 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@f.......> Subject: Re: Song Movies Katrin wrote: So> Someone questioned for Sony Pictures. "The Indian in the Cupboard" is So> now running in cinemas in Germany. And in South Africa. - Marina. \\"I need you in my blood, I ||====Marina Bailey===tmar@f.......======// //am forsaking all the rest."||====Knightie & Chief Flag Waver And====\\ \\ - Melissa Etheridge ||===========Defender of Richie==========// ... No parking. Twilight Zone. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 05:15:51 -0500 From: Bea Quindlen <OCaoin@a.......> Subject: Still going and going... If you have sent correspondence of any type to save FK e-mail me with a count so we can see how we're doing! Please specify who you sent to, that is, do not say TPTB. Using the list below as a guide would be a big help. Totals will be posted daily. Thank you. OCaoin@a....... ================================= Time: 5:00 am Sat. Jan 13, 1996 117 lottery tickets 2599 Letters so far to: 534 Kay Koplovitz USA 521 Jon Feltheimer TriStar/Columbia 260 Ron Perth USA 173 Bonnie Hammer USA 14 Telemuchen 47 Paragon 77 Sony 89 TriStar/Columbia 103 USA - NY 27 USA - LA 32 James Parriot 11 FOX 260 Local Syndicators 430 Sponsors 5 Cast/Crew 16 misc. 58 FAXES: 33 Kay Koplovitz USA 3 USA 6 Columbia/TriStar 16 misc. 248 E-MAILS: 53 USA 29 SONY 42 Columbia/TriStar 11 Fred Mollin 9 Nigel Bennett 7 James Parriot 97 misc 10 Telegrams 54 People have indicated they donated to charity as well. Misc= Marvin Kittman, Steve Case(AOL), Prodigy, USA Weekend, Ian Spelling, TV Guide, Sci-Fi Weekly, Entertainment Weekly, Ontario Development Corp., and the recently acquired fax numbers, etc. ============================================= ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 07:05:55 +0000 From: Jennifer Gosley <kpi@a.......> Subject: Test - Just Ignore I was unable to send messages to the list earlier and I am just checking to see that this go through. Jen kpi@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 07:17:57 EST From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Re: Found Another FK fan On 12 Jan 96 at 16:01, A Bit of Deb and Geoff wrote: > Whomever said no one was watching FK is insane. I run into a few > fans > almost everytime I wear one of my FK shirts. I\ve noticed this, too. And I've mentioned it in my letters to TPTB, to emphasize that this is not (just) an organized group, that these are people I've met in the most unexpected, casual way. I also usually mention that rather that a shirt, it's the lovely hat I won in Sony's Haolloween Trivia Contest...they gave it to me; they have to hear about it! (I expect someone to come to my door asking for it back any minute now!!) Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker/FFFROG ktobin@t......., KarenT1228@a.......) Reference Librarian of the Save Forever Knight Campaign Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 08:51:21 -0600 From: Diane Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: NATPE campaign & bag fund totals, 1/13/95 AM Sorry I didn't get this out last night, but I was up against deadline on flyer text. I've had a fair number of queries hit my box on this, so here's a quick recap. The total pledges to the NATPE bag fund, as of 8:30 am CST, are: $3120 If you haven't contributed yet, we're asking $10 (more, if you can manage it). Make out the check to Laurie Cohen Fenster, and mail it ASAP to: SOS-FK P.O. Box 00000 Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000-0000 *Then* *private* e-mail me with the amount of your donation *and* your FULL name. (Otherwise, how will we know which Lisa/Dian(n)e/Susan/Laurie/Lynn/ Sharon/Jill etc. to mark off the list when your check arrives? <g>) Remember, we have to pay $3300 for the bags when we take delivery on 1/18, *and* we have to pay second-day express shipping (they weigh 350 lb and will be in 10 boxes) to Las Vegas on them, too! We, your NATPE Strike Force, *need* these bags when we go to Las Vegas on 1/24 to hand out to the people we're trying to get to ASK for FK at the Tri-Star booth. And we need *you* to prime your local station to go to NATPE already *planning* on asking for FK. This is VITAL if our strategy is going to work! And don't forget to tell Karen Tobin (ktobin@t.......) when you've written/called your local syndie station *and include the city and call letters*. We need to know this, in case we have time to do a little 'Hello, I understand you know a friend of mine?' sort of contacting. PLEASE call/write (both is good!) your local syndie station! Send 'em presents on Syndie Appreciation Day! (I'm taking up a collection among my FK friends at work to send the program manager a bouquet of flowers.) And tell them to ASK FOR FOREVER KNIGHT AT NATPE! And we're going to be quoting PAF drive and Blood Drive totals, too, so don't forget to Give Blood! <g> OK, I'm finally done now. Anybody still reading? :) Diane E NATPE-FK Campaign Coordinator # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # # "Ask, and it shall be given to you." Matthew 7:7 # ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 10:37:21 -0500 From: Marianne Courtney <u1a00401@m.......> Subject: Finally got off my b*** Hi, guys Wednesday, I took the press releases to our local paper here in Morgantown, WV. On Thursday, I took the Appreciation Week information out to them. I also braved the snow/ice covered sidewalk to WVU's Daily Athenaeum and gave them to their city editor. He said he would see that the entertainment editor would get them. Yesterday, Friday, I called WBOY-TV. Unfortunately, there program director did not go in (snow you know). But their receptionist, Shelly, is an avid fan of the show and she said that they have been receiving a lot of calls. I mentioned to her about "finding" the press releases and Appreciation Week information on the Net, etc. SHE asked me to fax them to her. I am hoping she is working today or that the program director is in as Shelly mentioned that the person they get their Syndication Package from had told them she would have some information for them. Keep your fingers crossed for good news. Today, I am headed for our local mall. Their is an air brush store there. I talked to the owner yesterday about a sweatshirt. I am taking one of my shirts to him so he can see the font I want. I am going to "borrow" one of the sig lines that several people have been using. "Save Forever Knight Ask Me How" and am going to wear it everyday next week. I am also (hopefully) going to the Holiday Inn, in Martinsburg, WV, next weekend to a (get this) VFW conference. I am going to wear the sweatshirt there too. Got to go. Got to get to the mall. Marianne Courtney Westover, WV u1a00401@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 07:50:26 -0800 From: "Toni C. Holm" <tch@w.......> Subject: Post for Sherri I forwarding this for Sherri Lynn Godsey <us011164@p.......> who's in Seattle this weekend. She flew into Seattle this week and suggests: >Why not post some flyers at airports -- lounges, magazine racks, bathrooms, waiting areas. >She said DFW Airport has a lot of great spots. Make a huge stack & carry with them you. >Your local library -- leave them in waiting areas or post them. >Coffee Houses (Sherri's discovered Seattle's full of coffee shops!) Also her urgent pleas --Can anyone in DFW area tape tonight's ep for Sherri. She'll bring you a clean tape to trade! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 10:59:48 -0500 From: cpl <cpl@b.......> Subject: press release sent to Boston Globe I just wanted to know what kind of distribution the FK press release has received. If it's on a person to person basis, I would be happy to send to the Boston Globe, find a good contact etc. etc. (can I download it from the site?) ping cpl@b....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 10:35:01 -0600 From: Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......> Subject: Re: Ian Spelling column >According to his E mail he said it was for the column to begin running on the >15th. The FK story didn't show up in his column in the Houston Chronicle today. Sharon Come in 81 Kilo. We've got a show to save! Sharon Joy - A Forever Knightie SJoy@u....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 11:54:03 -0500 From: Bea Quindlen <ocaoin@u.......> Subject: GWD on now (noon) GWD is on My Secret Identity on the SciFi Channel NOW (noon Sat east coast) Bea ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 12:41:09 EST From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: TriStar releases I think I remember the TriStar logo on Dracula: Dead and Loving it. Anyway, it's hilarious and certainly a suitable choice to see as a thank-you for a vampire show. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 12:53:38 EST From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: FK voodoo Anybody in New Orleans want to try what I've done twice now on trips to New Orleans? Go into the Voodoo Museum in the French Quarter, which is an interesting place in its own right, and leave a small offering -- a quarter will do -- on the altar of that Brazilian spirit whose name I can't remember but who is supposed to be rather childlike and playful. He sounded as though he might enjoy interfering in favor of a tv show. All I know is, I've done it twice now when we needed a new season and we did get it. And I'm only half kidding now. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 11:02:07 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <marg.r@a.......> Subject: Re: the meaning of subscribe Hey, you all missed us 'Marg's too! Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie ** Help Save/Revive Forever Knight** write me at: margr@i....... more info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 10:57:47 -0800 From: Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@m.......> Subject: <No subject given> >From kkr@g....... Fri Jan 12 21:57 PST 1996 From: kkr@g....... Date: Sat, 13 Jan 96 05:32:00 UTC 0000 To: maeve@d....... Subject: Local Channel Contact! :-) Sender: maeve Hi all -- Just wanted you to hear some good news and some OK news -- I finally got in touch with Joanna Bellinger, program manager at WBRC Channel 6, our local station today. As I've said before, they signed up for FK at the very beginning, and have been consistant in giving it a great time slot and promoting it well. When I spoke to Joanna today, she already knew about the whole situation and is, if it's possible, even more hepped up than we are! She said that FK is the best syndicated show they have, and that it is her NUMBER ONE priority to get on the schedule for next season! ~~~~~~ ~~~ She's already been putting some pressure on her local Tri-Star rep -- out of Atlanta. As of last weekend, when she asked for the fourth season, he said that that decision "hadn't been made yet", but he DID indicate that it was NOT a firm "no" and they were still thinking about it .... She says she has already instructed her rep to Las Vegas (NAPTE) to "pursue this agressively" with the Tri-Star folks and to make sure that they know how well it is doing here and how much they want it! Way to go, WBRC! And let's hear it for Joanna!! (Now I'm REALLY glad I sent her those cookies!!) She said she would call me as soon as she had any news on this and let me know(!). And you know I'll let YOU guys know that same day .... Up the third -- on to the FOURTH!! k................ blinded to the FOREVER KNIGHT list ..... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 10:58:19 -0800 From: Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@m.......> Subject: <No subject given> >From kkr@g....... Fri Jan 12 21:58 PST 1996 From: kkr@g....... Date: Sat, 13 Jan 96 05:32:00 UTC 0000 To: maeve@d....... Subject: Flyers and stuff Sender: maeve I managed to get some stuff out today and tomorrow. (Please forward this to the appropriate person; I can't find that file!) I've made up 2 flyers with the logo, one with a sentence about the premise and a couple of paragraphs about the show's history, finishing with the current Tri-Star unwillingness for the 4th season, to write Tri-Star and to call WBRC, with addresses and phone #s. Second was for SF/FK fans specifically, with the logo and "SAVE FOREVER KNIGHT", of the "what's the problem, why should you care, what can you do" variety. Then had 3 fact sheets, one with SONY, Tri-Star addresses and execs and phone #s with suggestions for writing and the polite Japanese phrases, a second with all the websites and e-mail addresses I've pulled out of your posts, and the third with all the sponsor execs, addresses, and phone #s. One friend is copying them tonite and will distibute them at a big meeting of his SF club tomorrow, and get them all up and running, spreading them around bbs, stores, and friends (who will then copy them and spread -- you know how it goes). A second friend will do very much the same thing for another group tomorrow night. So -- the Birmingham scene should be pretty well covered within the next couple of days! Whew! And just look at all YOU guys are doing ....... Have hope -- we're already winners. Now we just need to see how much farther we can go! k, aka roibinn on AOL ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 14:59:00 EST From: Andrew Ness <103100.550@c.......> Subject: Re: ACTIVISIM for SOS For those of you who surf the web: Try searching something called THE ELECTRONIC ACTIVIST. It's mostly politicians but has a lot of media e-mails for newspapers and radios. Maybe if we send a few press releases their way? Some people are news hungry. Hey, I'm sick of hearing about the snow here in NYC!!! Barbara Camwell Ness c/o Andrew Ness 103100.550@c....... ******************************************************************* "It is in rugged crisis, in unweariable endurance, and in aims which put sympathy out of the question, that an Angel is shown." Ralph Waldo Emerson ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 23:28:00 EST From: Maria Montalvo <maria@m.......> Subject: calling WFXT.... Inanna Arthen <Vyrdolak@a.......> wrote: > I also called the Boston Fox affiliate that runs FK, WFXT. I was sent to >a voice mail system by the receptionist, I called them today too, and also got routed to voice mail, but not until after the receptionist, after being told I was calling about FK and the convention, said something like "I remember you, you called earlier" and I had to tell her that it hadn't been me.... I'm off to read Dianne's story now. Maria ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 16:17:20 -0500 From: "Nancy M. Duemling" <wduemlin@p.......> Subject: Re: GWD on now (noon) Bea noted: > GWD is on My Secret Identity on the SciFi Channel NOW (noon Sat east coast) Caught most of it on tape, thanks to my son screaming, "It's Ger!" I've trained him well... Nancy Duemling, Knightie and DueSer (NancyD@p.......) "Yon knight doth sit too melancholy"-W. Shakespeare "That was a tree"-OFC to OFM ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 14:20:08 -0700 From: Marg Rothschild <marg.r@a.......> Subject: Re: Vows and other such things... Just to let you all know - I am sticking with my vows. It's been over week right? Still no Pepsi and, believe or not, I lost 2 lbs. ! Just 18 more to go!!!!!!! The cravings' been there but I'm ignoring it! I will succeed and so will FK!!!! Marg Rothschild, knightie/cousin/FFFROGie ** Help Save/Revive Forever Knight** write me at: margr@i....... more info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 16:17:23 -0500 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Fan fiction Information My apologies. The flurry of recent notes has led me to understand that I've been negligent in my duties as Empress of FK-Fic. If you want to find Forever Knight fiction on-line, you have the following options-- * Subscribe to our sister list, FKFIC-L. * Subscribe to the JADFE list for ADULT fiction (if you're of an appropriate age) * Visit Darkangels' FK Fiction website where she has no less than 530 + Forever Knight stories at * Visit Jasmine's Home Page for an EXTENSIVE Bibliography of FK Fiction at * Visit for a list of FK Merchandise, including fanzines. * E-mail Valery King at kingv@c....... for information about FOREVER NET, a fanzine which collects the best of the internet fiction (and which contain some fiction no longer available on the Internet). * E-mail me at susang@v....... for an e-flyer of the fanzines I currently have available, which include items never posted to the net, as well as fanzine copies of longer works such as "False Heart" and "Kind Soul." * Visit my web site now and again (check the sig) to see what I've got posted. Right now it's an 'Avengers' story, but you never know what I'll place there . . . . Support your local fan-fic authors! Regards When we get a fourth season, the hair GOES. susang@v....... -- Get all your info for Saving Forever Knight from: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 16:55:12 -0500 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Jekyll & Hyde's? Attention NYC area fans -- has anyone been to a place called Jekyll and Hyde's? I'm thinking of putting it in a fanfic piece and would like to be semi-accurate. E-mail me off-list if you can tell me something about the place. * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * __o Pedal for Forever Knight & the Pediatric AIDS Foundation! * * _`\<,_ Contact me at percy91@w....... to find out * * (*)/ (*) how to pledge your support and/or join the ride! * ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 13 Jan 1996 ************************************
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