FORKNI-L Digest - 9 May 2003 to 10 May 2003 (#2003-136)
Sat, 10 May 2003
There are 8 messages totalling 196 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. GWD in DNGG was Re: FK Moment
2. FK coming to DVD (7)
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 06:49:54 -0700
From: Maura Tremayne <admin@s.......>
Subject: Re: GWD in DNGG was Re: FK Moment
I knew there was a good reason for hunting down this list before now... I knew I
couldn't be the only fan in the area. Too bad I didn't. We went to the show and
could have given you a ride!
--- FKMel <sgt_buck_frobisher@y......> wrote:
>I'm probably having the biggest temper tantrum up
>here....I can't be more than maybe an hour from the
>place with being in NW Indiana and I *still* couldn't
>make it...mostly because I don't drive and didn't have
>enough money or a way to get to the train station.
Shop Smart ----> Visit the ONLY online Store that caters to the NightWorld,
Sacrosanctum Shops. New & Used, books, music, movies, clothing, jewelry, &
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Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 11:30:57 -0400
From: Bonnie Rutledge <llamababe@c.......>
Subject: Re: FK coming to DVD
Curious: Since dailies for several favorite FK episodes have been put
up for auction and now belong in private collections, does this
eliminate the possibility of footage/bloopers from those eps being
included as extras on a DVD? Were the dailies auctioned just copies?
Some llama klew me in, please!
Bonnie Rutledge<------------Omnifemale Llama!
Lily's Cool Aunt!... llamababe@c.......
"At least Connor didn't wake up 2 years later in Hong Kong."
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 16:01:06 +0000
From: Amy Hull <amilynh@A.......>
Subject: Re: FK coming to DVD
Bonnie asked:
> eliminate the possibility of footage/bloopers from those eps being
> included as extras on a DVD? Were the dailies auctioned just copies?
I know that there was not just one copy of dailies and that various individuals
had their own copies (actors, writers, etc., in various situations). I'm sure
there are dailies extant that are not in private collections.
That said, this is Columbia House. I seriously doubt that there will be *any*
extras. These will not be like the DVDs being put out with the hopes of a
large audience for shows like Stargate SG-1 or X-Files or Buffy the Vampire
Slayer. Those are put out by the production folks who then may do some of the
commentaries/extras themselves. They also have the advantage of putting the
DVDs out when the casts are/were still available/assembled, when sets were
still standing, etc. The time issues aside, Columbia House is a third party,
does smaller runs of their products, expects a smaller audience, doesn't market
their products to retailers but does all their business through the mail (to
the best of my knowledge--and certainly the overwhelming majority), and, bottom
line, doesn't care. I think we'll be lucky just to have uncut copies with
captions--if the latter at all.
Just my (very unencouraging) 2 cents. Here's hoping I'm wrong.
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 10:45:46 -0600
From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: FK coming to DVD
> That said, this is Columbia House.
Ooops! In all the excitement, I missed that part of the announcement. I
have to join Columbia House then, which I promised to do if they brought
it out. I bet there are a few other folks in the same boat!
Your very humble & most obedient servant,
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 12:27:29 -0500
From: Kristin <kris1228@e.......>
Subject: Re: FK coming to DVD
Columbia House is NOT releasing "Forever Knight" on DVD. Columbia TriStar is
the one that will be doing so. Please do not get them confused. They're 2
separate sellers.
It is true that Columbia TriStar seems to forget about extras (or have very
few) on most of their DVDs though. That is why I sent a e-mail recently
about leaving them feedback requesting that "Forever Knight" have lots of
extras when it comes to DVD, such as deleted scenes, bloopers, etc...
Here's the link again if you need it (the more fans who give them feedback
the better):
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
> > That said, this is Columbia House.
> Ooops! In all the excitement, I missed that part of the announcement. I
> have to join Columbia House then,
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 11:38:36 -0600
From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: FK coming to DVD
> Columbia House is NOT releasing "Forever Knight" on DVD. Columbia TriStar is
> the one that will be doing so.
Aha! Thanks for setting me straight, Kristin. And I'll definitely have
to do that feedback thing.
Your very humble & most obedient servant,
Angela Gottfred
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 18:16:31 +0000
From: Amy Hull <amilynh@A.......>
Subject: Re: FK coming to DVD
> Columbia House is NOT releasing "Forever Knight" on DVD. Columbia TriStar is
> the one that will be doing so. Please do not get them confused. They're 2
> separate sellers.
Oh, thank you! I had this mixed up. I've been trying to look up the data (see
if they've said if it's a boxed-set type of setup or multiple single disks) and
can't find the information at the site linked from your page (I think the FK
section may have expired). Does anyone have a current location for the
information so I can get it all straight in my head?
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 14:31:54 -0500
From: Kristin <kris1228@e.......>
Subject: Re: FK coming to DVD
There's no details yet, just that it's being released later this year. The
source of this information is the back page of an advertising insert that
was included with the new release, "The Greatest '70s
Cop Shows." I'm sure we'll find out more info very soon.
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
> Oh, thank you! I had this mixed up. I've been trying to look up the data
> if they've said if it's a boxed-set type of setup or multiple single
disks) and
> can't find the information at the site linked from your page
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 9 May 2003 to 10 May 2003 (#2003-136)
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